The period of reproduction of cockroaches. How the cockroaches in the apartment breed

The period of reproduction of cockroaches. How the cockroaches in the apartment breed

Cockroaches are ancient creatures that met in the era of dinosaurs. Survive to them helps the high ability to adapt to the environment and the reproduction rate. Frequent neighbors of a person are homemade red ridges. Noticing one representative in his home, people begin to beat the alarm, turn everything upside down, and this is not in vain!

If the male is found - it is accepted for the scout. By destroying which one can prevent the appearance of others. The female is a greater danger. Since small cockroixes can develop in its womb and will very quickly appear.

The main differences 3.:

  1. Size - the female more male.
  2. The structure of the body - the male has brazers. This is genital processes at the body's tip. Sawka - Ooteka. Eggs are formed in it, and larvae develop.
  3. Wings. The males are more developed. Cockroaches can even fly for short distances. The female swings the wings to attract partners for mating.

How do cockroaches multiply, and what is the high fertility explain?

Favorable conditions are considered heat, darkness, food and water. At a minus temperature, insects die. High temperatures are transferred significantly better. Without food can be for a long time - about 50 days. Without water, removed within 5-7 days. If at least one condition is not respected, the cycle duration increases. Eggs are slower, the larvae do not develop. For breeding it does not matter what time of year. Cockroaches lay eggs constantly.

To reproduce the offspring, just one mating is enough. Seed fluid is preserved in a special department and enters the egg, if necessary. Females are breeding all his life thanks to the only mating.

Pregnancy lasts from 2 months to 6. The external conditions play an important role. Homemade strokes are getting warm in 3-4 months after the appearance of the light. At the same time, they lead an active lifestyle and are not inferior to adult individuals. By the time of the transformation into a full-fledged insect there are 6 lines. After each increase in size and remind an adult insect. Such individuals make up most of the family of cockroaches in the house.

Life cycle

Life expectancy of homemade cockroaches - 10-12 months. During this period of time, they quickly be fruit and pass several stages. The life cycle of cockroaches is divided into 3 phases:

  • Eggs;
  • Larvae;
  • Adult special.

After the fertilization process, OOTEK starts to develop, and with her eggs. The firm base of the female tested for itself to the full development of the larvae. It protects them from the harmful effects of poisons, water and provides full-fledged nutrition. In one such incubator can be from 15 to 60 kids. For the entire life of the females, about 500 eggs are laying, and they carry 4-20 ootek. When the term is suitable, it looks for a suitable dark secluded place, closer to meals. Ooteka is reset and after 2-3 days small cocks appear white color. In appearance, they differ in color, dimensions and lack of genitals. A few hours after birth, they darken and become light brown. Such cockroaches take an adult person under their custody and helps them first adapt to external conditions. ambient.

4 months need so that adult individuals become capable of fertilization. They develop genitals, wings and glands that highlight the smell to attract a partner.

Process of breeding

Before the act of copulation, long-term courtship is practiced. The males come into battle for the right of possessing and reproducing offspring. They take off, publish scaping sounds and arrange "fights." On readiness for fertilization testifies the smell, which is allocated by fragile glands. The reproduction of cockroaches occurs a few minutes. The male introduces the organ and leaves the seed fluid inside the female for life. After that, they go to the trapes, and the males find another partner.

Joint living with a person gives the most favorable development conditions. In the wild, the process can delay up to 2 years. And the death of newborns is more common than at home. Significantly slow down the process may absence of food and water.

How to prevent reproduction

  1. After insects were found in the house, it is necessary to spend thorough cleaning. Pay special attention to the kitchen, bathroom, storage room. The cockroaches are very important to the presence of water. Therefore, they will settle near the plumbing, the trash can.
  2. Wipe dry sinks and prevent the collection of water. Cranes will have to urgently fix. Ensure that no crumbs on the tables or the floor remain. Products are hiding into plastic bags and in the refrigerator.
  3. Such methods slow down the reproduction process, and can kill insects. Can contribute to this folk remedies from cockroaches and insecticides. Baits are produced in the form of a gel. Having dispersed such food, insect dies after 1-3 days. But if there were practically formed larvae in Ootek, they will appear. This should be considered and not relax within 1 month.
  4. Prevention - first of all! Cockroaches, mostly, move from the neighbors. First, the scouts are covered, follow them all the rest. If they do not find food and water in the house, the room for them will not be attractive and they will consight further. In addition, it is possible to cross the dryer, powder or spread the potion for prevention. The clean house is especially popular. And the herbs lay a wormwood, pyrhem, mint.
  5. If the pests appear in the house again and again, you will have to call specialists. They will determine the cause and will conduct appropriate measures.

The reproduction of cockroaches depends on a number of factors: indoor air temperature, humidity level, availability of source of food and water. When changing living conditions, insects are fruitless, insects are not so intense or completely stopped multiply. For this reason, it is important not only to destroy pests with different means, but also to promote a slowdown in development, creating unacceptable conditions for living.

Home cockroaches refer to representatives of the insects group, which are characterized by an incomplete cycle of transformation. At the same time, pests develop, bypassing the stage of the pupa. The entire process of reproduction lasts a short time cut. The high speed of the development of offspring leads to a rapid population of the apartment.

Life cycle

The development of any cockroach occurs consistently and begins with an incubation period. At this stage, the eggs are in a impermeable leathery chamber (OOTEKA). So that the offspring has the opportunity to be born, the membrane protects eggs from penetration of poisons or water. In addition, the chamber is difficult to deform.

The duration of the formation of larvae inside the eggs is up to 5 weeks. In comfortable, home conditions, the offspring is developing faster. So, the duration of the incubation period is 2 weeks.

The life cycle of cockroaches consists of several stages:

  1. Larva
  2. Adult special.

The larva (nymph) appearance looks like a formed cockroach. You can not give birth to a young insect, since the genitals have not yet been formed. For your life, the cockroach is linked to 8 times. This happens at the stage of ripening larvae. The insect color at the initial stage of development is darker, in adult cockroaches, the Taurus is light brown. The source of food for the nymph and the uniform insect formed insect.

Subtleties of development process

If the cockroaches started at home, their reproduction occurs in a comfortable environment. In the cold, insects cease to multiply and grow (all the processes of the body slow down). Life expectancy also affect the conditions of habitat. Cockroaches live from 4 months to 4 years. In any case, the formation of the larvae to the stage of imago will take half of this period (2 months or 2 years).

Prusakov has the development time from the egg to Imago can take from 2 months to six months

Gift homemade cockroaches are delayed in a cold microclimate. Under such conditions, the process of formation of offspring is slowed in the egg. In the first time, insects are held next to the mother, until the chitinous cover becomes stronger. Then they run through housing.

Features of breeding

The female differs from the male larger size and underdeveloped wings, which does not allow them to fly. The distinguishing sign of the male - Griffs. These are the protrusions that can be found on the pointed side of the insect abdomen (the last segment). Another difference is the damaged mustache of males, which is due to competition for the right of possession of the female.

Studying the question, how homemade small cockroaches multiplies, you should know that the female may be fertilized 1 time in his entire life. Seed fluid is stored in the abdomen's special compartments. This allows you to regularly multiply, lay eggs without the need for pairing.

More about the concept of OOTEK

This is the name of the capsule, where the egg laying is contained during the incubation period. When forming, the offspring glues with each other, forming Ootek. The number of eggs can be different. If there are redhead or black cockroaches in the house, how do they multiply? In both cases, there is a sexual contact between the female and the male. However, as a result, representatives of each species lay down a different amount of eggs.

In the photo you can easily consider Ootek, located at the bottom of the female abdomen.

For example, for red pests, the formation of OOTKET out of 20-30 units is characteristic. For one cycle, lay down less - 18 pieces. There will be a number of masonry that insects are able to postpone throughout life: no more than 20 - in black cockroaches, only 12 are in red features.

Development of larvae

With normal environmental parameters (temperature, humidity level) and, subject to the presence of a source of food, water, insects are multiplied and developing quickly. Almost immediately after the appearance of homemade cockroaches change the color of the Taurus: from light to dark. In addition, their shell becomes stronger. Each time, dropping chitinos, the young part becomes white and after a while again darkens.

The newborn nymphs are white and have a soft shell, but the body quickly darkens and acquires hardness.


The average life expectancy formed individuals is 30 weeks. This is a significant time, since during this time the female will have time to bring a few hundred larvae. It all depends on how quickly the offspring is developing in the egg laying. This explains why housing is rapidly populated by pests.

The individual of the male floor is slightly less than the individuals of the female. Also, they are somewhat better developed wings.

How to prevent insect breeding?

Radically influence the number of cockroaches population, unfortunately, it is impossible. Funds on a chemical basis, which are positioned, as effective when sterilizing insect females. However, their effectiveness is insignificant, which makes such a method of impact unnecessary. Having understood how homemade cockroaches are multiplied, you can make the only correct conclusion: you need to re-process housing, after 2-5 weeks after the primary disinsection.

Such a feature is due to the fact that OOTEKA is well protecting the offspring from the impact of chemicals. For this reason, the egg, most likely, will remain unharmed in the adolescence of females and will appear in the last time. So in places where pests are often found, there are multi-way bait again, the poison is applied in the form of a gel, spray aerosols, depending on which means there is at home.

Repeated processing should be carried out quickly, it is impossible to delay, since the grown larvae will have time to postpone the new portion of the eggs. Additionally, the temperature of the air indoors is reduced, which slows down the processes of the insect organism.

Complaints often come from people that effective chemicals do not help get rid of cockroaches. The main reason is the fertility of pests. One female brings about 25-30 larvae.

If there are several individuals in the room, then after 2-3 weeks, the whole colony will be marched again. Therefore, the features of the reproduction of cockroaches are that information without which they will not be able to defeat them.

The ability to reproduce the domestic cockroaches comes after they pass the last step of growing up.

To find out how comfortable cockroaches are multiplied home, it is necessary to study their features, sexual differences. After all, the success of the destruction of breeding insects depends on human awareness.

The reproduction period includes such steps:

  1. Search suitable partner. The female, which has reached a half-armed age, distinguishes certain pheromones. For this, it will use the glands that focus from behind. To attract partner insects use and wings.
  2. Pairing. To this stage, insects are transferred after the marriage games, which are accompanied by foaming the wings. A genital plate is focused on the body of the male, with the help of which he fertilizes the female. As soon as the mating is over, the insects diverge. A male representative is sent to the search for a new partner, and the female is preparing for the laying of eggs.
  3. The formation of OOTEKI cockroacan. This leather bag is a female individual uses in order to store eggs with larvae. After all, during this period, the embryos requires protection and peace. The female wears a capsule with larvae to the complete formation of the embryos.
  4. Reset Ootkee. This stage comes, as soon as the embryos have increased in size and strengthened. After that, the youngs are provided by themselves.

Cockroaches are fruitful in the apartment much faster, because all the conditions for their development have been created here.

Sexual differences

In order to determine the floor of the cockroach, it is necessary to pay attention to such signs:

  • Dimensions. Men's individuals differ in small sizes.
  • The presence of wings. In females cockroaches wings are underdeveloped. Wings of men's individuals are fully formed. Therefore, some insects rise into the air to get to food or water.
  • Griffs. In men's individuals, the genital plate is located, with the help of which they fertilize the female. There is no such organ of the female.

These differences are inherent in homemade insects, which are found in apartments and homes. Exotic species have more differences. For example, Madagascar male individuals have a horns that they use to fight for the female. With regard to how exotic cockroaches are multiplied, this process does not differ from the process of breeding domestic cockroaches.

Faulting process

The moment when the female is ready for mating, the male determines the smell allocated by it. Special glands are responsible for the production of pheromones. Such glands have female representatives. Insects attract partners and with wings.

Pairing lasts 1-3 minutes. At this time, insects are in contact with the backs. For fertilization, men's individual uses a genital plate. As soon as the process ends, a male representative goes to search for food or a new female.

In the future, the help of the male individual female is not required. After all, the elements necessary for reproduction in its body are present. If one individual remains in the house, after 2-4 weeks of the premises, pests will flood. Therefore, information on how Usachi is fruitful should be considered.

The female person moves with a leathery bag (Ootekaya), in which the embryos are located, until the larvae of cockroaches are completely dissolved. The offspring is protected from poisonous substances and water.

Ootkee's posting process

Among the peculiarities of the reproduction of domestic cockroaches are allocated for Ootkee. To place a leathery bag insects choose places that are maximally protected from man and sun rays. Therefore, find the eggs of cockroaches is very difficult.

Caring for masonry with eggs Each type of arthropods is carried out in different ways. In natural conditions, black species get rid of Ootkee \u200b\u200balmost immediately, so not all embryos survive. It happens that all the laying dies. Ootka home insect is protected. After all, women's individuals postpone it only after the embryos fastened and formed.

The degree of ripening of the embryos can be established by how domestic cockroach larvae look.

In one Ootek may be 20-60 larvae. The duration of their maturation depends on habitat. By how the laying looks like, it is easy to determine how suitable conditions for the development of insects.

The process of appearance

Leave the toddles only after it becomes close inside. To do this, they use chitinic teeth and paws, with which the leather bag is broken. To leave Ootek and get out, the kids take 2-5 minutes.

Since the cockroaches are small have white color and transparent skin, it is difficult to notice them. Such disguise methods are used until the kids are growing. Throughout the period of mature, they pass several stages of molts, due to which their chitinous cover becomes darker.

The duration of the reproduction period varies from 2-3 months to 3-4 years. It all depends on how favorable conditions for development. For example, home cockroaches multiply quickly if free access is food and water.

What affects the reproduction rate

Undoubtedly, information on how homemade cockroaches quickly multipliate, meaningful for people who have encountered such a problem.

The speed of reproduction of domestic cockroaches affects their species affiliation. Redhead insects spread faster.

At what speed, the domestic cockroach is breeding, affect external factors. The process of development of the embryos stops if the room temperature decreases. Their development resumes, as soon as the Ootek begins to come warm.

Therefore, it is considered a popular way to get rid of breeding insects. In order to implement it, you need to open all the windows for a while. But this method is available only to the owners of country houses and people who can move to another room for a while.

Chemical preparations have an impact on how fast pests are multiplied. The larvae is located in a leather bag that protects them from poisonous vapors and harmful components. But Ooteka is withstanding 1-2 attacks. If the procedure is repeated 2-3 times within a month, then the development will completely stop.

The composition of some chemical preparations Parts include special regulatory components. Works the reproduction regulator of cockroaches is very simple. It affects the ability of insects to subsequent reproduction.

Sanitary and hygienic norms affect the reproduction rate. If insects do not find food or water, they will leave the residential building.

Preventive actions

From what is the situation in the house depends on the rapidness of insect breeding.

Therefore, periodically implement preventive measures:

  • Regular cleaning in the house. In the room, in which there are no organic remains, crumbs and cereals, there are no pests.
  • Check the state of communications and pipeline. No food insects live 7 or more days. If there is no water in the house, they will leave it quickly.

If the kitchen or in the bathroom detected chitinic cover or excrement, then it is necessary to carry out processing. For these purposes use:

  • Chemicals. Gels and pastes, aerosols and sprays come for sale. Among the represented range, you can choose a chalk or powder. The supplied drugs are distinguished by the composition and validity period.
  • Folk methods. Traps and bait are popular among housewives. Their preparation will not take much time. This will require boric acid or a bora. To lure insects, it is necessary to add vegetable oil to powder.

Sanitary conditions in the house affect how much cockroaches live.

Video about reproduction of domestic cockroaches

How cockroaches multipliate how many develops the process of development from egg to Imago depends on the type of insects, habitat conditions. The life cycle consists of several stages - egg, larva, nymph, imago. The duration of each development phase may vary from a few weeks to months. Insects are matered for fertilization, but in some cases young without the participation of the male are born.

Tarakanov reproduction - general information

A young female mates with the male, a new cycle of life begins. Seed fluid enters the sexual organ, is maintained there, used in the future for its intended purpose. For the next fertilization, the presence of male is not required, but often this process is repeated.

In the special department, located at the end of the body, - Ootek, begin to form, embryos develop. The female shears the larvae a certain time, and then leaves in a secluded place. After some time, from there appear, which immediately proceed to a typical lifestyle for cockroaches.


For dynamic reproduction of these pests, a power supply and water is needed. If they all arrange, the population will begin to grow rapidly.

Features of breeding Tarakanov

Having understood how cockroaches are fruitful, the owner of the residential premises can be nourished. It is explained by the fact that cockroaches do not have a clearly designated temporary segment for breeding. The emergence of new features is observed throughout all 12 months.

If you skip the moment and not start with them in time, then it will be very difficult to get rid of such "apartments".

How to breed

In how cockroaches multiplied, there is nothing special. Like most other living beings, they make it sexually. The reproduction process is preceded by marriage games of sexual partners, after which they make sexual intercourse.

One of the situation is enough so that in the future the female has already fertilized independently several times without the participation of the male individual.

Little cockracies are developing as follows:

  1. The female of the cockroach lays out to Ootek (cockroaches eggs are placed in a special leather bag). The red and black representatives of this family of insects wear eggs on themselves, and other individuals are postponed in hard-to-reach places.
  2. After 14-21 days after masonry from abdominal bags, new individuals appear in the form of larvae.
  3. Larvae or nymphs (miniature copies of adults) in the development process are linked several times and over time are transformed into adult semi-natural individuals.

The female individual of black cockroaches in one egg shelters up to 10-20 larvae, and the scabs of the stub - 20-30. Maximum at once, the cockroach female is capable of producing up to 40 new larvae. There is such a number of new young individuals enough to completely float the apartment as soon as possible.

From which the reproduction rate depends

If the female, who caresses Ooteku with the future offspring, is in favorable conditions (there is free access to food and drink), then the entire cycle of ripening of the larva occurs in 5-7 weeks.

But if the grocery reserves are weak or indoors there is too low temperatures, the pregnant individual does not give birth, but wears a capsule on itself for several months, since the development of larvae under such conditions is slowed down significantly.

The most active period of reproduction of cockroaches at night. In the absence of day or artificial lighting, they begin to lead an active lifestyle.

While the owner of the housing is calmly sleeping, in its kitchen there are marriage games insects, leading to a rapid increase in the number of colonies.

How is the fertilization of females

The reproduction of cockroaches is due to sexual contacts. After the individuals are mate, cockroach is able to fertilize 1-3 times. Moreover, with the subsequent fertilization, she does not need the assistance of the individual of the male.

This is due to the fact that a female person is capable of retaining the reproductive cells of the opposite sex for a long time.

After fertilization, the insect female lays eggs enclosed in a special protective shell. The lives of new individuals separately from the mother begins with the shape of the larvae, which throughout their life there are 3 molts and eventually turn into an adult female or male.

How often the cockroach is multiplied

The larvae develop quite quickly and become adult females and males in 4 weeks. Such a reproduction rate is considered quite fast, and the cockroaches population can be replenished very dynamically.

There are no certain seasons for reproduction.

The process of the emergence of new features is observed throughout all 12 months, which greatly complicates the fight against them.

If there are cockroaches in the apartment, then you need to understand what your own life cycle The females of black or red representatives of the family can postpone from 4 to 9 ootek, and this implies about 450 new features.


Appearance of cockroaches for light

How to distinguish male from female

What the cockroach looks like, many know, but how to distinguish the male from the female for some remains a mystery.

To help this can know such differences:

Female cockroaches also have wings, but they do not use them for their intended purpose. As a rule, women's individuals of the wings are luring their sexual partners to the Socia.

Behavior of females and male

After fertilization occurs, the female of the cockroach lays eggs into a special compartment, from which the larvae will be hatched and gradually transform into adult individuals.

But mating females and males does not occur automatically, and it is preceded by a long period of courtship.

Several males may compete for one female. They enter into a real fight, retavating their right to reproduction and reproduce offspring. Very by the way here are wings. They can make them daily waving them, as well as publish the accompanying sounds aimed at scaring a competitor.

The female is ready for the SOTI in certain pheromones, which are allocated by special glands. This smell becomes a signal for the male. Missing itself lasts only a few minutes. The further fate of the offspring largely depends on what conditions homemade cockroaches live.

If we evaluate the whole life of a cockroach, it becomes obvious that most of it falls for the period when the creature is in the stage of Imago. The nymphs are rapidly growing - they become half-armed individuals in 4 weeks. Cockroaches belong to insects having an incomplete development cycle.

The whole process leading to the emergence of hawk individuals is divided into several stages:

  1. Laying eggs. At this stage, the task of the female sexually spread is to postpone the eggs in Ootek (the bag located on the adolescent female), filled with special glue, bonding eggs with each other. Until the full ripening of eggs, Ootek is clearly visualized on the adolescence of females. Over time, up to 40 young cockroaches will be able to hatch out of it.
  2. The ripening period of the egg and the transition to the larch can be 2-4 weeks. In order for the ripening process to flow smoothly, the ambient temperature should be 30 ° C with a plus sign. If the ambient temperature decreases, this process slows down, and at 10 ° C it is completely suspended.
  3. When the eggs are fully ripen, the female prompts the abdominal bag and the larvae begins to hatch out from it, which are called nymphs. Such young cockroaches have no wings, as well as in color they are usually darker than mother. This allows you to distinguish the larva from an adult individual.

If for 8 weeks the nymph will eat well, as well as the surrounding conditions will be suitable, then it is transformed into an adult female or male. Throughout this period of time, the nymph changes the cover several times.

How many cockroaches can be born in 1 time

A stroke from one capsule may have a brood of 25-35 nymph. Other species boast more numerous offspring. In some, the number of larvae reaches 60. Cockroaches reproduction are carried out rapidly because the offspring is born quite quickly.

At first, the larvae are white, gradually they begin to darken and harden. Literally immediately after the birth of the nymphs can eat independently, which means that they have become equal members of the population.

How many insects live

The life expectancy of a cockroach may vary from 4 months to 4 years. Terms and time segments are largely dependent on habitat. Scientifically proven that the cracks can do without food up to 50 days, and black - up to 70.


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