Top 10 countries in terms of living standards. Ranking of countries by living standards

Top 10 countries in terms of living standards. Ranking of countries by living standards

In the modern world it has long been no secret that in every state people live differently. This applies not only to traditions and cultural characteristics, but also to the standard of living in general. So, everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that life is better in some states. It is to these countries that most people want to move to a permanent place of residence. It is about where the population lives best that we will talk today, presenting the rating of the end of 2018.

Evaluation criteria when compiling a ranking of countries in the world in 2019

It should be said right away that there is no single and indisputable rating that would summarize how the inhabitants of certain countries lived in a particular year. First, the compilers of the ratings are inclined to trust to one degree or another certain indicators, taking into account which the places of states in the ratings are distributed. Someone pays more attention to the economic sphere, someone - to the cultural one, and someone tries to assess all possible indicators as objectively as possible. Secondly, it is impossible to speak unambiguously about life in a separate country as a whole. The fact is that absolutely every state has less developed regions and provinces, where the standard of living is significantly lower than in the major financial and cultural centers of the country. In addition, the situation in cities and villages can also differ significantly.

The best countries in terms of living standards in 2019 are, according to many, the nicest corners of the planet where you can live a carefree wonderful life.

We will consider the lists of countries taking into account a number of indicators that affect the country's position in the ranking. These include:

  • the level of security in the country. This includes not only statistics on the crime rate, but also a sense of the safety of the people themselves;
  • financial component: salary level, GDP per capita, unemployment rate, correlation of incomes of citizens of the country and local prices;
  • infrastructure development;
  • political stability;
  • social guarantees, provision by the state of residents with the necessary support;
  • environmental factor;
  • cultural life of the country;
  • science and educational level.

However, the most objective, perhaps, criterion is the satisfaction of permanent residents of the country with the situation in their state.

Ranking of countries by living standards

So, it cannot be said that in 2019 the overall picture of the world has changed significantly. The first positions in the rating belong to the same states as in previous years.


In the first place is Norway - a small state with a population of just over five million people. I must say that the name of this country rarely flashes in news reports, while the state itself is reluctant to interfere in the course of world politics, preferring to lead a more measured and calm life. Perhaps this is some secret of why the citizens of Norway are so happy with their country and their government. Meanwhile, according to the UN, in the ranking of the countries of the world in HDI (human development index), it was Norway that took the honorable first place.

HDI world map, data for 2019

The Human Development Index is a comprehensive comparative indicator of life expectancy, literacy, education and living standards in individual states. This data is often used in compiling world rankings.

The high standard of living in Norway is due to the following factors:

  • high level of medical care;
  • low cost of local housing, all kinds of support programs for young families;
  • good credit conditions for secondary and higher education, as well as a decent level of education itself in the country;
  • provision of social guarantees by the state;
  • low crime rate;
  • good benefits for unemployed citizens (although it is worth noting that not everyone is entitled to receive it);
  • high wages, which fully provide citizens with the opportunity to provide for themselves;
  • good ecological situation, developed tourism.

A mesmerizing view of Bergen at night

Everything is absolutely diverse - there are simply less capable and more capable. And so, the education system is so cleverly arranged that all children develop mentally very quickly and even a little early. If in the CIS countries a child will look at a book and see ... throughout his school life at a mathematics or chemistry lesson, then everything is very accessible and interesting for them - there, children do not "cram" anything because they "need to" - there they just understand it all! Even if you look at their textbooks and, in general, books for children and schoolchildren, this is super - everything works for the desire to learn and assimilate (most importantly) how smart everything is - both pictures and styles of writing texts. Everywhere, in all countries, children with different levels of academic achievement. But, again, in Norway all this in schools is controlled and "adjusted" if that


However, the standard of living in the country can be assessed not only with the help of statistical data. The locals support the Norwegian government's policies primarily because statesmen are concerned about the welfare of the new generation. So, oil funds play a big role in this, providing financial assistance to young people. By the way, Norway is the largest producer of oil and gas in Northern Europe, local resources are enough not only to meet the needs of the country's residents, but also for export.

Oslo, capital of Norway

Table: country data

Video about the life of the population

Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. The population is just over 24 million. This continental state ranks second in the world ranking of countries for the quality of life of its citizens. This position is due to the following factors:

  • low tax rates. Much lower than in most developed countries (taxation at the minimum wage is only about 8%);
  • high wages. Thus, the average hourly wage of a local resident is about seventeen euros - this is one of the highest rates in the world;
  • developed agricultural sector and light industry;
  • developed tourism industry;
  • most of the population is happy with their lives, as they live on the coast of Australia, where the climate is quite mild and comfortable. In addition, the country's ecology is at a fairly good level, since the government annually allocates large sums to fight environmental pollution.

The coasts of the country are very attractive for tourists

Table: indicators by state

By the way, today Australia is very attractive for immigrants, since the country is sorely lacking in labor. The state not only provides foreigners with jobs (many of which are simply not attractive to local residents), but also guarantees immigrants a number of social benefits. In addition, after four years, a foreigner, if desired, can obtain the citizenship of the country.

Video: recall of immigrants after a year of living in Australia


Sweden is Norway's neighbor state. It ranks third in the world for the quality of life of its population. It is believed that the ancestors of modern Swedes were the Vikings - a warlike and purposeful people. And, if it is easy to argue with the militancy of modern Swedes (the country tries not to participate in international conflicts, even during the First and Second World Wars, Sweden observed neutrality), then there is no doubt about the determination and desire for independence of the descendants of the Vikings. So, even Swedish girls prefer to first realize themselves in terms of career or business, only after which they think about the family. According to statistics, women in this country, on average, acquire their first heir only by the age of thirty - this is the highest rate in Europe.

The capital and largest city of Sweden is Stockholm

  • developed manufacturing sector;
  • stable economic and political situation - the country's GDP is steadily increasing every year;
  • providing the government with a full package of social guarantees;
  • low unemployment rate;
  • availability of education for both citizens of the country and immigrants;
  • freedom of expression of the population;
  • low crime rate, almost complete absence of corruption.

Video: moving to Sweden

Sweden is one of the most “generous” countries in the world. Its annual donations to countries in need and states facing disasters and cataclysms is about 1% of the total GDP - this is an absolute world record.

Table: country indicators

Switzerland is a small European state that has a number of features that can surprise a foreigner. So, despite the small territory of the country, it has several state languages \u200b\u200bat once: German, French, Italian, Romansh (Swiss Romansh). There is no capital of the country as such (formally), in fact, the capital and cultural center of Switzerland is the city of Bern. The population density of the country is quite high - more than eight million people live on 41,000 square kilometers.

The Russian name of the country goes back to the name of the canton Schwyz, which was the nucleus of the first unification of cantons in 1291

On postage stamps and not only you can find such a name as Helvetia. This is another name for Switzerland. In Russian, it can also be used, but not as often as the name we are used to. In the Russian version, Helvetia will sound like Helvetia.

Factors affecting Switzerland's position in the world ranking:

  • low crime rate;
  • developed tourism sector. Even despite the fact that the country's territory is small and has no access to the sea, in Switzerland you can find many recreation centers and tourist places where both residents of the country and foreign tourists can go on vacation;
  • high wages and availability of employment (low unemployment rate);
  • high quality products;
  • high-quality medical care - people from all over the world come to Switzerland to improve their health;
  • good ecology - the best in Europe.

Table: country indicators

Video about prices and salaries in the state


The Netherlands is one of the founding states of the European Union. More than seventeen million people live on a relatively small territory of the country (just over 41 thousand square kilometers). It should be noted that the economy of the state is growing steadily every year, and the standard of living of the population continues to improve. This makes the Netherlands a desirable place to move in from the point of view of many immigrants. Among the factors contributing to the attraction of foreigners to the country is the pleasant warm climate of the state.

Amsterdam - the capital of Holland (Netherlands), a city of freedom, where there are no restrictions

Despite the fact that the state is officially called the Netherlands, the name "Holland" is widely entrenched among people. However, the latter should be understood only as a number of certain provinces; to use it in relation to the entire state would be an actual inaccuracy.

Rotterdam is a city in the Netherlands and the largest European port

The high quality of life of the population is due to the following factors:

  • developed local industry (the country produces world-class cars, chemical and textile products, as well as the industry of metal mining and processing);
  • high employment of the population;
  • creation of favorable conditions for running small and medium-sized businesses (conditions are sparing even for foreign businessmen);
  • developed agricultural channel - the country is fully self-sufficient in food products, and also exports a lot of dairy products, meat, vegetables, flowers, and so on;
  • low crime rate;
  • good ecology.

The last two factors, by the way, have a positive effect on the life expectancy of the population. Last year this figure reached 81 years old - this is one of the highest rates in the world.

Indicator table


Germany is one of the most influential countries in Europe and in the world... She conducts an active foreign policy and participates not only in resolving issues directly related to Germany itself, but also takes part in the settlement of external conflicts. This policy is not always supported by the residents of the country, therefore, it is impossible to talk about the complete confidence of the population in their government. Nevertheless, social guarantees are well provided in Germany, and the unemployment rate is actively declining.

Berlin - the capital and cultural center of the country

  • high salaries, which are enough for the average German to provide himself with everything he needs;
  • social guarantees;
  • high quality medical care;
  • great attention is paid to science;
  • providing citizens with a decent education;
  • good environmental situation (although in some regions of the country this could be argued with);
  • freedom of expression of citizens.

Video: Germany. Expectations and reality

Parameter table


The Kingdom of Denmark is a small country in Northern Europe, the main values \u200b\u200bof which the Danes themselves consider the original culture and fertile lands. Today, the kingdom ranks first in terms of foreign trade turnover per unit of people living in the country. The agricultural sector is very developed in the country, and the attitude to rural labor among local residents is significantly different from that of Europe or Russia. Thus, the Danes respect farmers' work much more than the work of office workers or artists. Many works of Danish authors are devoted to the work in the fields and in our time.

A lot of research is carried out in the world every year on the subject of which people consider themselves the happiest. In the course of many of them, it turns out that the inhabitants of Denmark fall into the top ten countries where the happiest people live. So, according to research conducted at the University of Leicester in England, it turned out that the happiest people in the world are Danes, and the residents of Norway are their closest neighbors in the ranking.

Fabulous streets of the capital city of Copenhagen

Interesting fact: Denmark is very tolerant of people who are somehow different from those around them. Denmark was the first European country to legalize same-sex marriage.

Table: country information

Video: facts about life in Denmark

Singapore is without exaggeration one of the most developed and promising Asian states... It is located on islands in Southeast Asia. The state has a very small territory - only 719 square kilometers, however, since 1960, a territory reclamation program has been in effect. This became a necessary measure for Singapore, as the country's population is increasing all the time, therefore, many regions of the state are heavily overpopulated. According to statistics, Singapore ranks second in the world in terms of population density - more than four and a half million people live in such a small area. The state consists of 63 islands, they are surrounded by water on all sides. Therefore, perhaps, one of the main sources of budget revenues is the tourism industry. I must say that the state is developing at an unusually rapid pace. So, after gaining independence (in 1965 from Malaysia), Singapore was a very poor state that lagged behind the technological progress of that time. Today, Singapore is one of the financial centers of Asia, and the architecture of local cities amazes with its beauty and grandeur even tourists from developed countries.

Singapore mesmerizes with its architecture

Singapore is not a country with affordable food or housing prices. Nevertheless, the local population receives enough to be able to afford to purchase everything they need and even more. Moreover, about 3% of the local population are dollar millionaires.

This small island state is distinguished by attractive conditions for foreign businessmen - a company can be opened here in just 10 minutes. As a rule, both foreigners and citizens of Singapore prefer to invest in the tourism industry, as the cultural identity and mild warm climate are extremely attractive for tourists.

Details table

Video: the richest city in the world - Singapore


Canada is the second largest country in the world. It has the longest coastline in the world. Despite the huge area of \u200b\u200bthe country, its population is just over 36 million people, which is 6 million less than in modern Ukraine. Since the population density, as we can see, is small, many Canadians have the opportunity to lead a quiet measured life, engaging in agriculture. It is the agricultural industry in the country that is one of the leading. Canada is a technologically and industrially developed country, it has close trade ties, primarily with the United States, but in recent years it has been actively presenting its products on the global market.

Ottawa is the capital of Canada and one of its main cultural centers

Canada is a multicultural country. Here they are quite tolerant of national, religious or cultural minorities. In addition, at the legislative level of the country, two languages \u200b\u200bare fixed as state ones at once - English and French.

Details table

Video: the difficulties of a Russian woman when moving to Canada

New Zealand

New Zealand is a small island state that has been isolated from foreign policy processes for a long time due to its remoteness from other countries. So, the closest neighbors of New Zealand Australia and New Caledonia are located at a distance of 1700 and 1400 kilometers, respectively. Since for a long time the state was under the rule of Great Britain, the locals adopted many of the everyday moments and elements of culture from the British. English is the first state language on the island. Maori and the unique New Zealand Sign Language are also recognized as state languages. New Zealand is a country of extraordinary landscapes, for the last couple of decades it has been actively working on the development of the tourism sector. Also, the state is famous for its excellent ecology, low crime rate and almost complete absence of corruption.

Details table

The situation with Russia and the CIS countries

Despite the fact that after the collapse of the USSR, all the states that received unexpected independence began their individual path of development, none of the former countries of the Soviet Union can boast of special achievements against the background of other developed states.

Thus, according to the UN rating, Russia ranks 49th in the world in terms of the quality of life of the population. I must say, this is one position higher than last year. It will be fair to say that UN specialists were primarily guided by three criteria when compiling the world ranking:

  • public health and the state of local ecology;
  • the availability of education, the general cultural situation in the country (freedom of expression, active cultural and social movements, the state's interest in supporting artists, and so on);
  • the standard of living of the population (primarily in terms of wealth).

Thus, according to the rating, Ukraine and Armenia took 84th place in the world, closing the number of countries with a high HDI. By the way, Ukraine has dropped significantly in the ranking compared to 2016 - then it was in 55th place. There is no need to talk about the reasons - the aggressive policy of the state, military conflicts and financial difficulties have significantly affected the quality of life of the common population.

Video: which country is the happiest

As you can see, the situation in the world is quite predictable. As a rule, the first positions in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of living standards go to those states that have a strong financial foundation. They usually boast natural resources and developed industries. The tourism sector, which significantly replenishes the budgets of countries attractive to tourists, often plays an important role. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to understand that the situation in the world can change as soon as possible, therefore, if you are interested in ratings, you should regularly take an interest in the situation in the world and find out new relevant information on this issue.

Hello, dear readers of the Tyulyagin project! Today in a new article you will get acquainted with ranking of countries in the world by living standards... You will also learn what the standard of living is, how and on the basis of what parameters it is measured.

What is the level and quality of life?

The standard of living is the degree to which the key needs of the population and people living in a particular country of the world are met. When considering the standard of living, first of all, the material needs of people are considered, the satisfaction of which strongly depends on the level of well-being and consumption of a person. The concept of quality of life is something broader - including the state of health, life expectancy, the state of the environment, social environment, psychological comfort, satisfaction of cultural and religious needs.

The level and quality of life in the country is one of the most important qualitative characteristics of the social life of the population. The quality of life characterizes the structure of the needs of the population of the country and the possibilities of their satisfaction and implementation in a particular country of the world.

As I said above, the quality of life is not only a reflection of the material well-being of the population in the country, but also other indicators that reflect the spiritual and social needs of a person. Quality of life is the most objective and integrated indicator reflecting the social state of society in the country.

People with a low level and quality of life, have great life difficulties and disadvantages in countries. The low standard of living in general negatively affects their condition. Conversely, people in countries with a high quality and standard of living are satisfied and have great prospects for fulfilling their key needs.

Immigrants are often guided by the indicator of the level and quality of life when they choose one or another country for their potential place of residence. However, it is important to understand here that living conditions in countries, including the quality of life, may differ for the indigenous and permanent residents of the country and for visitors from other countries. Therefore, apart from the rating of the world's countries in terms of quality of life, there is also a rating of the best countries for emigration.

How is the standard of living measured?

The calculation of the standard of living is based on a number of indicators and parameters of the country's economic and social sphere. Among them, the key ones are:

  • Demography - fertility, mortality, life expectancy
  • Family life - divorce rate
  • Social and religious life
  • Welfare -, purchasing power
  • Employment rate, unemployment and working conditions in the country
  • Political stability in the country
  • The level of political freedom
  • Security and Crime Level
  • Climate and geographic location
  • State of the environment
  • Equality of rights for men and women in various fields

Ranking of countries by living standards 2020

Below is a table of the ranking of countries in the world in terms of living standards at the beginning of 2020. The list includes the most developed countries of the world and developing countries with a sufficient amount of data on the standard of living in various spheres of social, economic and political life. In addition, you can read separately.

The countryQuality of life indexPurchase
Healththe cost of livingHousing cost to incomeTransportSurroundings
1 Denmark196,47 110,69 75,28 79,22 83,88 7,52 29,60 20,79 82,29
2 Switzerland196,08 127,76 78,82 73,23 122,67 9,11 29,12 21,31 79,24
3 Finland195,06 108,78 77,25 75,27 72,18 7,88 30,62 11,57 62,79
4 Australia189,73 118,09 57,30 76,82 73,39 7,68 35,66 23,15 94,20
5 Iceland188,12 92,03 76,85 65,66 97,22 6,41 19,49 15,65 68,81
6 Austria187,82 89,88 76,77 79,46 72,15 10,64 25,41 21,78 80,36
7 Netherlands186,41 98,04 71,46 75,63 75,22 7,52 29,42 27,34 87,56
8 Germany184,30 111,99 65,40 73,58 66,57 9,42 30,39 28,42 82,80
9 New Zealand183,07 97,59 59,11 73,71 73,01 8,51 30,72 23,49 95,46
10 Sweden180,52 112,75 52,79 69,41 70,11 9,61 30,04 17,45 73,58
11 Norway179,78 98,00 66,49 74,36 104,49 8,61 27,24 20,29 71,37
12 Estonia178,27 76,75 77,83 68,49 50,99 9,07 25,49 19,88 64,28
13 United States176,77 119,10 53,27 69,23 70,95 3,54 32,66 35,74 76,75
14 Japan176,46 97,57 84,09 80,48 85,52 12,83 38,64 36,78 85,26
15 Spain173,56 79,81 68,93 78,42 54,74 9,48 29,30 39,16 94,55
16 Slovenia172,32 68,24 77,99 63,75 54,17 10,60 26,70 23,21 76,11
17 Canada169,42 105,01 60,52 71,27 68,16 7,88 33,63 27,66 55,79
18 United Kingdom166,73 100,46 56,36 74,88 65,33 9,82 34,75 40,63 87,71
19 Croatia164,69 57,23 75,77 65,60 50,05 12,69 29,88 29,06 89,05
20 Portugal164,41 53,61 69,89 71,64 50,77 13,04 29,20 30,65 97,55
21 Qatar164,29 119,33 88,00 73,17 62,22 5,85 31,14 61,62 36,03
22 Belgium160,81 93,17 57,50 78,30 73,13 6,92 34,61 50,48 85,99
23 Czech Republic160,37 71,19 74,01 74,47 45,70 14,44 29,74 40,09 77,13
24 Lithuania158,98 60,44 65,18 68,79 45,41 10,99 26,34 29,84 69,86
25 Ireland158,34 90,80 53,82 51,44 76,33 7,09 36,53 33,02 88,59
26 United Arab Emirates158,32 100,53 84,48 66,13 63,58 5,38 37,17 52,99 45,23
27 France156,10 87,70 53,55 78,34 74,62 13,67 34,55 42,91 89,76
28 Slovakia154,53 61,83 70,82 60,46 44,65 10,08 28,42 40,64 78,13
29 Latvia153,59 56,55 63,40 63,73 49,55 8,71 31,07 32,87 74,70
30 Cyprus152,72 67,28 70,38 52,06 58,39 8,01 21,06 54,17 90,87
31 Israel152,34 85,96 69,29 72,97 79,54 13,53 35,43 56,93 93,80
32 Saudi Arabia151,75 110,93 71,78 60,04 48,71 2,85 29,14 66,07 41,42
33 South Korea151,19 99,13 70,76 83,59 75,16 16,23 39,60 54,80 68,39
34 Taiwan146,59 74,16 83,78 86,89 58,77 23,16 32,03 64,20 84,38
35 Singapore146,09 88,84 72,30 71,07 80,23 23,13 41,30 32,06 57,45
36 Poland145,90 66,06 70,33 62,52 39,38 10,95 31,68 52,88 75,85
37 Italy143,81 73,43 55,65 66,56 69,02 9,45 34,87 54,97 91,26
38 Belarus137,86 42,92 75,20 58,87 33,02 14,29 30,29 43,75 64,37
39 South Africa135,75 81,30 22,98 63,27 43,74 3,78 39,88 56,20 95,97
40 Romania135,71 54,20 72,16 54,99 36,07 11,20 34,84 56,55 77,62
41 Greece135,61 48,46 60,71 55,48 56,72 9,96 33,36 52,48 92,93
42 Hungary133,06 53,78 64,59 47,62 41,70 12,49 35,83 47,57 79,48
43 Bulgaria130,25 51,00 60,69 55,07 37,37 8,98 28,99 63,57 81,22
44 Ecuador128,06 40,84 51,09 70,81 41,99 12,01 38,18 56,57 92,59
45 Uruguay127,01 39,82 47,67 66,15 54,91 15,84 40,37 45,56 98,04
46 Turkey126,46 44,44 60,14 69,90 35,66 8,89 44,45 68,63 93,26
47 Chile123,80 51,43 52,88 65,22 49,15 13,27 35,55 65,10 90,21
48 Bosnia and Herzegovina122,56 46,52 56,43 52,35 36,19 12,65 26,80 63,53 80,48
49 Mexico122,44 47,05 47,49 69,40 34,29 9,97 38,15 66,88 87,55
50 Argentina121,02 52,01 37,04 69,81 38,72 19,48 42,09 51,89 98,28
51 Malaysia120,39 70,35 39,34 67,80 39,46 9,67 36,55 62,92 57,92
52 Georgia118,42 30,23 79,82 51,73 27,78 13,59 36,55 71,55 84,20
53 Serbia117,70 37,94 62,37 52,01 36,30 19,41 30,20 58,60 83,23
54 India115,41 61,73 57,62 68,21 25,14 11,31 46,21 75,55 65,77
55 Jordan110,71 37,34 57,11 65,44 55,36 8,70 43,54 78,95 89,05
56 Macedonia110,42 40,16 60,78 57,33 32,27 13,27 28,98 80,12 76,30
57 Lebanon110,07 50,70 56,62 64,66 59,74 13,49 36,13 87,65 94,74
58 Panama110,04 38,96 54,53 59,86 52,98 12,75 37,33 63,97 67,84
59 Colombia109,94 34,55 47,46 67,63 30,25 19,51 45,28 62,57 96,69
60 Pakistan105,83 36,10 55,42 60,51 18,58 14,14 37,99 74,78 72,99
61 Thailand104,54 39,87 58,71 78,44 49,86 21,72 38,45 74,04 69,45
62 Russia104,05 43,69 58,30 57,64 38,59 11,09 45,25 63,49 42,82
63 Brazil103,87 36,31 30,52 55,59 42,64 16,76 42,31 56,10 94,25
64 Morocco103,67 39,40 50,47 39,35 34,59 14,45 36,83 68,14 86,09
65 Ukraine103,32 33,14 50,96 51,13 30,94 13,42 38,44 65,55 70,69
66 Indonesia101,90 31,01 53,74 61,90 36,86 15,05 43,46 64,39 63,76
67 China99,87 63,93 63,30 64,18 40,54 30,29 41,64 81,24 78,91
68 Hong Kong99,58 66,79 81,90 66,93 79,21 49,38 41,09 67,34 83,64
69 Sri Lanka89,48 25,59 59,85 72,98 32,95 29,60 55,54 58,38 59,11
70 Philippines88,23 27,21 58,91 66,45 36,97 23,63 43,87 74,55 60,81
71 Peru88,14 37,42 35,42 56,26 38,82 14,75 49,16 84,60 97,69
72 Kazakhstan85,88 38,65 35,77 50,20 30,06 11,69 31,64 75,42 39,78
73 Egypt85,42 23,27 51,47 44,76 29,09 13,60 48,28 86,31 91,98
74 Vietnam85,10 30,22 51,78 55,24 38,17 22,55 29,65 86,29 71,24
75 Iran75,22 25,95 50,97 51,86 41,39 24,88 48,02 78,03 70,99
76 Kenya73,14 29,34 37,62 54,98 39,26 31,34 56,11 74,01 99,79
77 Bangladesh69,30 37,21 35,02 42,55 32,62 12,87 57,08 88,81 71,29

A list of countries with the highest living standards is compiled annually. The quality of life index was calculated according to several criteria, while government reports were not taken into account. Most at the top of the 2016 World Living Standards list belongs to Western European countries, as well as countries of North America, the British Commonwealth.

The final version of the top ten countries in terms of living standards looks like this.

New Zealand is on the tenth line in the ranking. Its economy is highly developed. The country is industrial-agrarian, with a very developed agriculture. The country's annual GDP per capita is almost 48 thousand US dollars.

The ninth place in the ranking is occupied by the North American country of Canada. The country's economy is based on the mining, food, chemical, woodworking, oil and gas industries. The country's GDP is about 620 billion US dollars, despite the fact that the population is small, which allows the inhabitants of Canada to be at the top of the world countries in terms of living standards.

The eighth place in our ranking belongs to the highly developed Australia. The country has a developed agricultural sector of the economy, as well as a high potential in scientific and technical terms. Major industries: chemical, mining, food, steel, hydropower and others. The country recently recorded a record GDP growth of about 5% per year. The population is about 18 million.

In seventh place in the ranking is Austria. It is a Western European country with a highly developed economy, which is one of the most developed in Europe. Its economy is based on mechanical engineering, chemical, metallurgical, textile, paper and mining industries, as well as tourism.

The sixth in our ranking of the richest countries in terms of living standards is Northern European Denmark. Agriculture accounts for about 40 percent of the country's national income. The country is in first place in the world in terms of foreign trade turnover per capita. The country also has gas and oil, land is the main wealth.

The fifth line of the rating is occupied by Finland. The characteristic qualities of the country are a high level of education, prompt implementation of the latest samples of technological progress, and a good climate for doing business. The main industries are engineering, pulp and paper, woodworking.

Sweden is the third richest country in terms of living standards. The basis of its economy is made up of wood-processing, fishing, chemical industries, gas and oil production.

Germany took the second place, just short of the gold first place. It is the most developed economy in Europe. The basis of its economy is mechanical engineering. Everybody knows high-quality German cars "Mercedes", "BMW", "Audi", "Volkswagen". The pharmaceutical, metallurgical and mining industries are also highly developed.

The quality of life in the countries of the world is being studied by several organizations. Based on research, they publish a rating every year. The most authoritative is the opinion of UN scientists. Here is a list of the countries of this organization that took the top 5 places in terms of living standards.


This country has been holding a leading position for several years. This is facilitated by two main factors: abundant budget revenues from profits from gas and oil and reasonable spending of money on social support of the population. The average monthly salary in the country is 4,300 euros.

Success factors:

  • high quality insurance medicine;
  • low cost of housing;
  • soft loans from the state for secondary and higher education;
  • developed social guarantees;
  • low crime rate;
  • generous benefits for the unemployed (received only by taxpayers);
  • decent average salary;
  • beautiful nature and good ecological conditions.


This continental state has made great strides in recent years. Australia has quality medicine and education, low taxes and guaranteed social support. The average monthly salary on the continent is 3160 euros.

Success factors:

  • low taxes, with a minimum wage of 8%;
  • most of the citizens live on the coast of Australia, there is a warm and mild climate;
  • the country has the highest average hourly wage in the world - $ 17;
  • low unemployment rate - 5%;
  • australia does not have enough labor to attract migrants, the government launched a financial assistance program for them, and after 4 years they are given citizenship;
  • conditions for resort and active recreation have been created on the sea coast;
  • developed agriculture and industry;
  • the government is closely monitoring the environment.


Under developed capitalism, social support of the population is strong in this state. Life safety and good ecology complete the picture. Average monthly salary in Sweden is 3553 euros.

Success factors:

  • stable economy of the country, with a constantly growing GDP;
  • developed manufacturing sector;
  • low level of corruption and crime;
  • fully implemented social guarantees;
  • constant decline in the unemployment rate;
  • affordable secondary and higher education;
  • complete freedom of expression for citizens;
  • integration of migrants into society.


The state is constantly among the five countries with a high standard of living. After all, Switzerland is the financial center of the world. The average monthly salary is 5020 euros.

Success factors:

  • the country is calm and safe with low crime;
  • ample opportunities for recreation and tourism;
  • the highest quality products (Swiss cheese, chocolate, drinks, dairy products, etc.);
  • the average salary is one of the highest in the world;
  • developed manufacturing sector, many brands of Swiss products have become the standard of quality;
  • high quality medicine, many foreign citizens are treated in Swiss clinics;
  • gentle working conditions with a five-day work week;
  • the best ecological situation in Europe.


In terms of economic development, the state is one of the five leaders in Europe. The Netherlands has a strong, growing economy and a mild climate. The average monthly salary is 2,800 euros.

Success factors:

  • developed industry (aviation and mechanical engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and textile production);
  • high index of people's purchasing power - 120.12 points;
  • The Netherlands is fully self-sufficient in agricultural products and exports alcoholic beverages, flowers, vegetables, meat, dairy products;
  • crime in the Netherlands is so low that the government leases prisons to French prisoners;
  • the average life expectancy of the Dutch is 81 years;
  • high level of medicine;
  • the state has created ideal conditions for business;
  • high employment of the population - 75%.

Table with the five countries, the first in terms of living standards:

Living standards criteria

The standard of living in the countries of the world is made up of many factors. Based on their sum, the Human Development Index (HDI) is calculated. The country in which he is the highest and tops the world ranking.

When calculating the human development index, the following indicators are taken into account that affect people:

  • income of citizens, here we take information about the living wage, GDP or average wage;
  • what share of income do residents spend on food and essential goods;
  • the state of medicine, the cost of doctors' services, the level of quality of drugs, attitude towards the elderly, disabled citizens and the disabled;
  • health of citizens: life expectancy, percentage of people with chronic diseases, the spread of addictions to alcohol, smoking, drugs;
  • availability and quality of higher education, the proportion of citizens who received it;
  • availability and effectiveness of social support for people;
  • the cost of housing;
  • the percentage of unemployment;
  • cost, quality and availability of drinking water and food;
  • the presence of freedom of speech, democratic institution of elections, objectivity of the media;
  • climate indicators and the degree of environmental pollution;
  • non-discrimination and tolerance, free access to information, freedom of expression.

Important! The quality of life includes more than just the level of people's salaries. It reflects the degree of care of the state for its citizens, the attitude of people and the comfort of life in the country.

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The standard of living of the population is the amount of material, social, cultural and other goods and services per capita.

When compiling a rating of countries with the highest living standards, all indicators are reduced to the definition of the Human Development Index (HDI), which consists of three indicators: the volume of gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy and educational level.

In addition, in world practice, a number of indicators are used to determine the standard of living, such as:

    gross domestic product per capita;

    consumer price index;

    consumption structure;

    life expectancy at birth;

    infant death rate;

    mortality and fertility rates.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) defines the standard of living in 11 categories, including:

    average per capita income;

    housing conditions of the population;

    employment and education levels;

    ecology and life expectancy of the population.

List of Top 50 richest countries in the world by GDP per capita in 2019

The country

GDP per capita

1. Luxembourg

2. Switzerland

3. Norway

4. Iceland

5. Ireland


10. Australia

11. Sweden

12. Netherlands

13. Austria

14. Finland

15. San Marino

16. Canada


18. Belgium

19. New Zealand

20. Israel

21. France

22. United Kingdom

23. Japan

24. Bahamas


26. Puerto Rico

27.South Korea

28. Spain

29. Malta

31. Taiwan

32. Slovenia

33. Portugal

34.Saudi Arabia

36. Estonia

37. Greece

38. Slovakia

39. Barbados

42. Trinidad and Tobago

43. Latvia

44. Panama

46. \u200b\u200bArgentina

47. Hungary

48. Poland

49. Croatia

50. Costa Rica

As of the end of 2014, the beginning of 2015, the leaders of the ranking of countries with the highest standard of living:

1st place: Qatar - a state located in the southwestern part of Asia.

GDP per capita at the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015 was $ 92,369. The population living in Qatar is 1.80 million people. The birth rate is 16.6%, the mortality rate is 4.45%, the infant mortality rate is 15 people per 1000 newborns. Unemployment and inflation rates are the lowest among all countries in the world. The average life expectancy is 74 years. The main industries are oil and gas production. In addition, Qatar is a leader in pearl mining. The economy is the fastest growing in the world.

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2nd place in terms of living standards: Luxembourg is the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which is located in Western Europe between the countries of France and Germany.

The high standard of living in Luxembourg is due to the fact that many EU banking organizations are located here with favorable offshore conditions, which is about 70% of the Duchy's GDP. The rest of the income is generated by:

  • mining of iron ore and production of iron and pig iron - 20% of Luxembourg's GDP;
  • meat and dairy farming, horticulture and viticulture - 10% of Luxembourg's GDP.

With a population of 550 thousand people, GDP per capita is $ 89,560, and the total fertility and mortality rate in Luxembourg does not exceed 11.6%. meanwhile, the average life expectancy is the highest in the world and is 81 years. This is due to the highest level of health and ecology.

3rd place: United Arab Emirates - a federal state that consists of seven emirates and is located in the southwestern part of Asia.

The UAE is the state with the world's largest oil and gas deposits. Exports, production and trading of crude oil account for over 90% of GDP. In addition, the state produces aluminum and cement.

The UAE is a state with the tallest skyscrapers in the world, luxurious and unique artificial islands. As of the end of 2014, the UAE is home to 8.3 million people, with a per capita GDP of $ 57,800. Currently, the country's government is trying to develop other areas in the economy, for example, tourism, so that the country does not depend exclusively from the extraction and export of oil.

video about the UAE

4th place: Norway - a state in the western part of the Scandinavian Peninsula in the northern part of Europe.

Norway is the largest oil and gas producer in Northern Europe. These enterprises account for 70% of the state's GDP. The second in terms of profitability - 25% of GDP - are enterprises producing equipment for oil and gas production companies, as well as the oil refining industry in general. Norway is one of the main suppliers of "black gold" for export.

Fishing and fish processing enterprises make a significant contribution to the total GDP of the state. Norway is the world leader in the supply of herring, trout and sturgeon to the market. As of the beginning of 2015, GDP per capita was $ 56,900 with a population of 5.0 million. Fertility and mortality rates are 8% and 2%, respectively, and life expectancy is 70 years

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5th place: Singapore
Is a city-state on islands in Southeast Asia.

Singapore is one of the leading trading powers in the world due to the region's largest seaports. GDP per capita is $ 55,570. These incomes are formed at the expense of: services - 71%, industry - 28.98% and agriculture - 0.02%. The population is 5.5 million people, while the population growth is 10% annually, and the death rate is 2%. The average life expectancy is 74 years.

Singapore is a leading global financial center, which has allowed it to become one of the largest East Asian tigers in its region. In addition, it is attractive to investors due to its low tax rates (5 taxes) and the rapid economic growth.

6th place: United States of America (USA) - country in North America. The population is the third largest after China and India, in 2014. - early 2015 - 317 million people. It is a powerful nuclear power.

Despite the global financial and economic crisis, it has a strong position in the world market. The USA is a leader in the world markets due to natural resources, including energy. In addition, the country has a developed oil industry, automotive industry and steel production.

For 100 years, the United States has been a leading exporter of goods. Despite the fact that the United States has a huge external debt of 15 trillion. dollars, GDP per capita is $ 52,310.

Population growth in the United States is 11%, mortality is 3%. The average life expectancy is 70 years.

7th place: Switzerland - a state in Western Europe. The population of the country is 7.8 million people, while GDP per capita is $ 46,420.

Switzerland is a developed economy based on tourism and the chemical industry. In addition, Switzerland is attractive to investors due to the stability and security of financial institutions. The inflation rate in the country is 1%. Approximately 35% -40% of the savings of businesses and individuals around the world are held in Swiss banks.

Economic stability is also accompanied by political stability in the country as a whole. The unemployment rate is 1.5%. The average life expectancy is 82 years. In Switzerland, about 86% of the population has a university degree.

8th place: the Netherlands (Holland) - a small kingdom in Western Europe with a population of 16.67 million. GDP per capita in the Kingdom of the Netherlands is $ 42,445. At the same time, the country's economy is based on eight pillars, such as: metallurgical industry, agriculture (65% of the country is occupied by agricultural land), mechanical engineering, petrochemical industry, aircraft and ship construction enterprises, food industry (beer, wine) and light industry (textiles and clothes).

The growth of the Dutch population is about 10%, the mortality rate is 2%. Life expectancy is 80 years. Unemployment and inflation rates are the lowest among all Western European countries.

9th place: Ireland - a small state located on one of the islands of Britain in Northern Europe.

The 2008 financial crisis hit the Irish economy hard. The phenomenon of economic development in the period from 2001 to 2008, financial analysts gave the name "Celtic tiger". In their opinion, the country's economic recovery is due to Ireland's accession to the European Union and the euro trade zone. The strong investments of the EU countries in the IT industry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, financial services and telecommunications have spurred the development of the economy.

Thus, Ireland ranks 9th in the ranking of the richest countries in the world in terms of living standards with a population of 4.5 million people. GDP per capita - $ 40,000. The key sectors of the economy are metallurgy, textile and food industries.

65% of the country's population has a higher education. Unemployment and inflation rates are among the lowest of any country in Northern Europe.

10th place: Austria - a state located in the Central part of Western Europe. GDP per capita - $ 39,700 Population - 8.4 million people. and there is constant growth. The country's economy is based on:

    service sector - including banking and insurance, trade, transport and communications - 70% of GDP

    metallurgy, mechanical engineering, light and food industries - 30% of GDP.

Austria, due to its stability in the economy, is very attractive for investment in the countries of the European Union and North America, first of all - Germany, Switzerland, the USA and Canada. The inflation rate in the country does not exceed 1.5%.

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