The tool for the potency of quick action: how to choose the best? Tablets for prolonged riser - what to choose a man? Which drug is better for men.

The tool for the potency of quick action: how to choose the best? Tablets for prolonged riser - what to choose a man? Which drug is better for men.

Long and persistent erection allows a man to feel in bed by God, and her weakening becomes a terrible and painful tragedy. The problem is solved with the help of special preparations - tablets for rising are sold in pharmacies and on the Internet. Depending on the cause, you can stay on or resorted to pharmacy drugs.

What are the pills to have a long time?

Tablets for a powerful riser are divided into several types:

  • "Ambulance", providing prolonged and powerful erections after half an hour after admission;
  • Preparations for coursework, contributing to the impact on the causes of weakening.

Newest developments for men

Innovative biojugavits are fighting with powerlessness without providing negative impact on health. Tablets do not have side effects and differ in a short list of contraindications - a minor age and hypersensitivity to the current components.

Acquire natural tablets for a strong member riser recommended on the official websites of the manufacturer. The presence of such phytosters in a pharmacy unequivocally testifies to their counterfeit nature. Online dealers also sin the sale of fake products at low cost. Remember !!! The standard price of all for 1 package is 990 rubles. Error can be, but clearly not in a smaller side.

Libido Drive.

It affects the body as follows:

  • The active ingredient enters the blood;
  • Under its influence, arterial lumens expand and venous are narrowed;
  • Blood circulation is activated, it fills cavernous bodies;
  • After sexy stimulation comes iron riser.

This drug is intended only for activating the erection, it does not affect it. The effect occurs an hour after reception and will be saved up to 4 hours. The dosage is coordinated with a medical specialist based on the actual state of the patient.

The guaranteed effectiveness of Viagra is combined with a number of restrictions. Tablets are not combined with alcohol, and they can not be taken in some cases:

  • The patient simultaneously takes drugs, activating nitrogen oxide synthesis, nitrates, HIV inhibitors;
  • Blood coagulation disorders;
  • Pathology of the eye retina;
  • Severe hearty and vascular diseases;
  • Ulcer;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • The intolerance to the main or additional components.

To resort to such a potent medium is recommended for men with severe impotence organic genesis. Young people suffering from failures worth starting treatment with softer drugs or biodeadows. The value of Viagra varies from 500 to 5,000 rubles (the exact price tag depends on the number of tablets in the pack, the concentration of the active substance, pharmacy markup).

Also relates to selective inhibitors. These are tablets for a long stand, their action lasts up to 12 hours, and the first signs of the effect occur after half an hour after adoption.

The main operating component - which acts on the same principle as other substances from this group.

From the point of view of urologists and Andrologists, it is Sialis that is the most effective for dysfunction therapy in older men with strict compliance with recommendations and dosages prescribed by the doctor.

Tadalafil-based tablets can be combined with alcohol, however, they also have a list of restrictions for receiving, most of which are identical to Viagra. In addition, Cialis is contraindicated in severe renal pathologies. Tablets belong to an expensive price segment, a radius price tag - 1000-7000 rubles.


According to the opinion of the physicians, the drug is sufficiently soft effect among all phosphodiesterase inhibitors of type 5. Acting component - Vardenafil.

The main advantage of the tablets is a quick start of action, 5-15 minutes after use. The effect on the body is saved about 8 hours.

The mechanism of action is the same as in previous funds. To achieve the result, mechanical stimulation of the penis is required. The daily rate is determined by the attending physician.

Levitra cannot be drunk with the same states that Viagra from Cialis. Special restrictions are the deformation of the penis and a violation of amino acid exchange. Price range - 800-3400 rubles.

Sildenafil "Northern Star"

Cheap tablets manufactured by domestic manufacturers. The title of the drug contains information about the active component. A complete analogue of Viagra is also intended to achieve erection. In order to have a long time, it is necessary to drink a tablet in the dosage recommended by the doctor, 1-2 hours before the sexual act.

Mechanism of the drug action:

  • The active ingredients relax the muscles of the penis;
  • The intense influx of blood to the cavernous bodies begins;
  • There is a stable erection.

Like other selective inhibitors, Sildenafil "North Star" is shown for therapy of significant organic violations of sexual function.

It is forbidden to take tablets when:

  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Recently suffered infarction or stroke;
  • The curvature of the penis;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Renal and liver dysfunctions;
  • Individual intolerance to the actors.

The drug is freely sold in a pharmacy, at the cost of 350-600 rubles (depending on the dosage and the number of tablets).


An inexpensive homeopathic preparation produced on the basis of divorced antibodies to endothelial NO synthase. The performance of the tablets is ensured by increasing the production of nitrogen oxide after entering the blood of the drug.

Due to the active synthesis, the sleek muscles of the genital organ, the influx of blood increases and there is a long riser. With the help you can achieve a situational erection, as well as undergo a course of treatment to restore reduced potency. Day dose is appointed by a doctor based on the health of the patient and the severity of the problem.

Homeopathic remedy is safe for the body, however, the excess of dosages leads to disorder of the operation of digestive organs, allergic reactions, pain in the pelvis and epigastria. You can buy an appeaset with approximately 500 rubles.

Foundations for concern are failed in bed, arising from each 2-3 sexual intercourse for six months. The reasons for such phenomena are varied:

  • Overwork
  • Stress
  • Launched inflammation, small pelvis organ injuries
  • Endocrine diseases
  • Pathology of cardiovascular system
  • Neuralgic disorders
  • Harmful habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction)
  • Sedentary lifestyle

For each individual case, specific action preparations are developed that normalize the mechanism of the erection, taking into account the health problems in the man. All means to restore potency are conventionally divided into medicines and homeopathic pills.

Medicinal products

Semi dysfunction is treated with drugs based on active substances of several categories:

  • Phosphodiesterase type 5. Compounds activate blood circulation in penal tissues, due to which a persistent erection is provided. It is important to remember that phosphodiesterases do not cause the desire artificially, but only contribute to eregration if there is interest in the partner. Among the medicines of this group, Viagra, Ziodena, Cialis, Levitra and their generics are most popular - similar in the composition of the tablet for the riser, the price in the pharmacy of which is somewhat lower than on patented analogs. The mechanism of action and contraindications in these drugs are similar, the difference lies in the mode of reception, dosage, duration of the action and severity of unwanted reactions.
  • Activator NO-synthase. The substance provokes an emission of endothelial NO-synthase, which relaxes the vascular walls, creating conditions for the effective filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis blood. Impaza is the most famous drug of this species.
  • Alpha adrenoblocators. There are election and non-section action. The substances of the first group accelerate the peripheral blood supply to the penis, due to which its erection is achieved. The second type blocks slow down the transmission of nerve pulses along the vascular walls, preventing spasm and impaired blood flow in cavernous bodies, which is an important condition for maintaining the riser. The drugs on the basis of adrenoblockers include fantolamine and yohimbin hydrochloride.
  • Testosterone. Hormone regulating all major processes in a male body, including reproductive function. It is appointed only according to the results of a comprehensive blood test, sold in a pharmacy by prescription.

According to reviews, medicines demonstrate excellent results in the recovery of potency, but have many contraindications and unwanted reactions. For this reason, take them only to appoint a doctor.

Homeopathic drugs

Natural tablets for the riser are divided into plant medicines and dietary supplements. At the heart of the representatives of both groups of herbs and fruits, known for their exciting and well-fastened effects. The difference is that the effectiveness of phytopreparations is proved during medical research. The usefulness of the Badov is doubted due to the presence of contradictory test results.

Effective riser tablets: description, prices

Their name is familiar to all men who have ever been interested in drugs to enhance the erection, and the effectiveness is confirmed by clinical trials and customer reviews.


Synthetic stimulator cost from 4000 rubles. For the box with 12 tablets. Active component - sildenafil, which is effective in sexual dysfunction, not related to pathologies (spasms) of blood vessels. For this reason, Viagra is prescribed with impotence resulting from stress, physical exhaustion or age-related changes in the hormonal background of a man.

The drug is absorbed in 1-2 hours. The use of oily food slows the absorption rate of the means into the blood to 3 hours. The manufacturer promised by the manufacturer is 4-6 hours. The drug is taken 1 tablet containing 50 mg of active substance. On the recommendation of the doctor, the daily dose can be increased to 100 mg.


  • Young age (up to 18)
  • Allergy to any component of tablets
  • Reception of nitrate drugs
  • Anatomical Anomalies Penis
  • Ulcerative Diseases
  • Pathology of the circulatory system, including anemia, leukemia and thrombocytopenia
  • Recently suffered infarction

Overdose can provoke dizziness, impairment of vision, rhinitis, abdominal pain and nasal bleeding. In rare cases, a prolonged erection is observed (up to 6 hours), which is the basis for immediate appeal to medical care.


A high-speed medicine of synthetic origin, the active component of which the pressure is performed. At the pharmacy, the price of Zigen fluctuates within 2500-3000 rubles. For 4 tablets. The high cost is justified by the extraordinary effectiveness of the fund. An hour later, after use, a persistent erection occurs, providing long sexual contact and a full discharge. The medicine is drinking 1 tablet (100 mg of identific), and it is prohibited to exceed the daily dose of 200 mg.

The drug is taken with impotence, which is the result of psychological overvoltages, chronic fatigue and health problems that are not related to the impaired blood flow in the vessels. Contraindications for the appointment of zigen are considered:

  • Intolerance to any ingredient
  • Treatment with nitrates or other means protruding Donators N2O
  • Heavy Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Deformation of the penis or the presence of an implant in his body
  • Pathology kidney or liver
  • Degenerative damage to organs of vision
  • Myocardial infarction diagnosed over the preceding 6 months

Among the probable adverse reactions, the manufacturer calls skin hyperemia, a decrease in visual acuity, chest pain, a feeling of thirst.


Developed on the basis of Tadalafil substance, successfully used in an insufficient genital reaction. As part of the treatment of sexual dysfunction, Cialis has established itself from the best side, as evidenced by numerous customer reviews. To achieve an erection, it is recommended to drink 1 tablet (20 mg of tadalafil) for 15-20 minutes. before sexual contact. The time of the drug reaches 36 hours.

Among all synthetic tablets for Sialis riser is considered one of the safest. In the list of side effects of the medication, headaches, intestinal disorders and short-term blurred visibility are launched. When complying with the dosage of 20 mg / day. Unwanted reactions can be avoided. At the pharmacy, the price of Cialis starts from 80 rubles. For a couple of pills and reaches 6850 rubles. For a pack with 28 capsules.


Vardenafil is the active component of the levitra tablets - the most powerful selective inhibitor of a new generation, which has practically no contraindications and side effects. The substance establishes blood circulation in the genitals, due to which the persistent, long-lasting erection occurs, and the volume of the ejaculant increases. Means should be taken in 30 minutes. Before sex, the effect of the drug lasts 6-10 hours. Maximum daily dosage is limited to 10 mg.


The drug is shown for the treatment of sexual weakness in men who are forbidden to take Viagra or Cialis due to the presence of prostate and heart disease. Unlike other sex stimulants, the action of the Impise is aimed at eliminating the causes of impotence, and not the provision of short-term erection. Strengthening the riser is achieved by use 2 Table / Day. The first must be taken 2 hours before the sexual intercourse, the second - per hour. Drazh should be dissolved, while they do not affect the gastrointestinal tract. With daily reception, the drug helps to establish the production of own testosterone, which is an important condition for restoring the reproductive function.

Low cost is another advantage of medication. The price of the impass in the pharmacy is about 490 rubles / pack. With the 20th Dragee, which allows you to buy a drug for a full course of treatment without a serious burden on the budget.


Homeopathic additive, proven itself as harmless and efficient riser pills at any age. The high results of the treatment of impotence are possible when passing a 2-hintering course, implying daily use of 4 drug capsules (2 in the morning, 2 in the evening). The price of Verona packaging is about 400 rubles. for 20 capsules and 600 rubles. For 60 tablets.


Natureopathic remedy for a wide range of action. Supplement reduces cholesterol absorption, increases the intestinal tone and dilutes blood, which contributes to its admission to the penis tissue. Tibestan is prescribed 1-3 table. Three times a day. Package price in 60 capsules is 1500 rubles.


Sexual activity is an important and integral part of life. This statistic is that every fifth man suffers from sex disorders. Medicine actively creates preparations for strengthening, stabilizing potency. This article compiled a rating of funds for the potency of men with a description of the components of drugs, their composition, action, the duration of the erection effect.

What drug is better for potency

Since the potency violation is a delicate problem, more often the men decide it on their own, without the help of a doctor. Any treatment should include a health care consultation, but if this is not possible, the drug must be chosen depending on the problem and the desired effect. All drugs for increasing potency are divided into species on the acting substance:

  • Based on Vardenafil - synthetic means from impotence. Effective in the practical absence of side effects.
  • With Jochimbin - this alkaloid is mined from the bark of the Yochimbe tree. The natural component improves the sexual function and enhances sexual attraction. The remedy acts on the body, there are no side effects.
  • With a cantaridine - a synthetic substitute for a substance extracted from the Spanking Flee. Initially, this extract was a strong poison, but was used to stimulate the erection.


The rating of drugs for potency in men consists of a large list of funds. Most chemical composition consists of phosphodiesterase inhibitors. The list includes domestic drugs to increase potency in men and imported. The action lies in the fact that nitrogen oxide contributes to the blood of the pebble bodies of the penis, thereby creating a strong long-term erection. The same effect also have activators NO-synthase. If the disorder is based on psychological problems - take the means of alpha-adrenoblays under the control of the doctor.

By the origin of the active substance, drug formulations of pharmacological origin and natural are distinguished:

  • The first is synthetic means the obtained means for rapid normalization of potency, the prolongation of sexual intercourse and the treatment of premature ejaculation. For example, Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, Dapoxetine, Biomanix, Eroforce.
  • The second - on a vegetable basis, contain a variety of hoods, extracts - ginseng root, etc. These are funds: Impaz, Laveron (even enhances women's libido), Wood-Wood (fully natural).

Quick action

Preparations for the correction of sexual dysfunction are manufactured in various forms. These are tablets, creams, capsules, dietary supplements, ampoules with solutions for administration directly in the urethra. The most powerful effect on the body has synthetic medicines. It is important that these compositions are not combined with ethyl alcohol: do not act if available in the body.


Such means can be divided (conditionally) to those effects from which appears at one time and those that take the course. Basically, the compositions have a beneficial effect on the entire body, toning it and improving blood flow. Components that are part of the funds:

  • ginseng root - a strong aphrodisiac, has a tonic, a lining effect;
  • red root - useful for diseases of the urogenital system, strengthens, restores men's strength;
  • reindeer Pants - a popular component when male health disorder;
  • Golden root Ali - use stimulates sexual activity;
  • ginger - stimulates testosterone production.

Rating of drugs to increase male potency

Below is a list of top preparations to enhance the erection. They stimulate sexual activity, increasing the attraction, improving the erection and extending the act. Given the fact that the reasons for sexual impotence are many - age, chronic diseases, long-term abstinence, tumors, - treatment every time there should be different. Most popular funds:

  • Viagra. The tool affects only an erection with natural excitation.
  • Cialis. Analogue of Viagra. Stimulates only an erection. A feature of the means is that only fifteen minutes need for action.
  • Levitra. Operates similarly to the previous two. Feature means - can be taken with alcohol.
  • Ziden. Similar to Levitre. The means acts in 20 minutes for 24 hours.
  • Print. Prolonitor of sexual intercourse - the means increases the erection time by 3-4 times.
  • Jochimbin. It affects sexual attraction directly, strengthening libido. Take a course.


The action of Cialis is based on Tadalafil, synthetic origin and is an analogue of Viagra. The price begins from 1130 rubles per pill. Produced in India. The effect of Cialis is to increase blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis, thereby ensuring the influx of blood to the sexual member. The main plus of this drug is that it quickly acts - after fifteen minutes, and can work up to 36 hours. Rules for receiving funds:

  • Tablets must be swallowed by integer, without fraction, not chewing, drink with plenty of liquid.
  • Take at any time without taking food or alcohol, it does not affect the effect.
  • The peak of action falls on the first and second hour after eating, so it is recommended to accept no later than an hour before sex.
  • To preserve health, avoid side effects, take no more than one tablet per day.

Sialis has pros and cons, but long ago conquered the Russian market due to the confirmed efficiency, speed of action, simplicity in the absence of a need for a recipe. Here are the main advantages:

  1. increasing the erectile function;
  2. does not affect, does not change the composition of the ejaculate at the chemical level;
  3. fully absorbed by the body, there is no addictive;
  4. does not harm the process of childbearing and does not affect the health of the man and his offspring;
  5. an embodiment of an uncontrolled erection is excluded - valid only during excitation.

The most popular option, everything is known about him, the price is from 654 p / tablet. It is interesting that it was created for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and a decrease in blood pressure, and the effect of increasing the erection was considered only as a side effect. However, he instantly became the main and allowed the novelty to quickly conquer worldwide popularity. Nowadays, Viagra is sold literally in each pharmacy.

The active ingredient is Sildenafil. It is obtained by a synthetic way and acts like this: the muscles of the small pelvis are relaxed, as a result of which the vascular bandwidth increases, they are filled with blood, simultaneously with the cavernous bodies of the penis, which leads to a powerful erection. The huge plus is that it "works" is absolutely natural - if there is a desire, an excitement arises, an erection, which at the end of sexual contact weakens, the member comes into a relaxed state. The use of Viagra the following:

  • Take inside, regardless of food, 30-60 minutes before the intended contact. Its action begins 40-50 minutes, lasts 4-5 hours.
  • Be sure to write water, swallow without chewing.
  • Norma per day - no more than 100 milligrams - one tablet.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol, it threatens to change the action, harm to health.

Contraindications for the use of Viagra have a lot, including age limitations (used from 18 years), so before choosing an effective means to improve potency, it is better to consult with the attending physician. Cannot be applied at:

  • kidney diseases, hypertension;
  • receiving funds to reduce blood pressure;
  • heart disease, vessels, myeloma (multiple), priapid;
  • deformed penis;
  • receiving other means to enhance potency;
  • taking cimetidine, erythroxycin and ketonazole, beta-adrenoblockers, hypoglycemic drugs.

Another popular version with the action similar to Viagra / Cialis is levitra. Price - from 1068 p / tablet. The main component is vardenafil, it enhances the weak erection when sex excited and makes it possible to achieve the result with the complete absence of erection. The huge plus funds is that it was originally designed for safe treatment of sexual powerlessness, so all negative effects were immediately minimized. Perhaps this is the best tool for potency from the pharmacy.

Rating funds for the potency of men with the description can not be complete without Levitra. The mechanism of action similar with the above-described - Vardenafil expands the vessels, as a result of which normal erection occurs. At the same time, the action is fully manifested from the first time. Does not change the actions under the influence of oily food or ethyl alcohol, is not dangerous for patients with diabetes mellitus and heart disease and vessels. His advantages:

  • acts after 15-20 minutes;
  • it has a natural mechanism of action - the lady will not notice anything unusual;
  • can be taken with any meal and alcohol;
  • very quickly acts and applicable men of all ages;
  • does not have a negative action on the hormonal background, the nervous system and blood vessels;
  • it does not have contraindications, it is impossible to get used to it, does not affect the health of the man and his children.

An option related to biologically active additives is an alicaps - is produced on the basis of natural components: the root of the Evlikoma is long-grained, the leaves of Damiana and the dwarf palm trees. Price - from 668 p. It is used to enhance the normal erection, the prevention of possible disorders associated with age, diseases, etc. Can be combined with medicinal compositions, use as an addition to them.

Extraction from the root of the Evlikoma increases the production of testosterone in the body - this has a positive effect on the childbearing function. This component perfectly relieves stress, which positively affects the health of the sexual organ. Palm extract prevents the manifestations of sexual diseases and increases the quality of sperm. The composition has a beneficial effect on the reproductive sphere as a whole. Damian leaves enhance sexual attraction, reduce the symptoms of anxiety and fear of interrupted, defective sex contact.

This drug is a harmless vegetable analogue of Viagra with a similar mechanism of action based on an increase in physiological effect of blood in the vessels of the small pelvis organs. Its price today is from 618 p. Designed for use in such cases:

  • at the stage of the alleged erection of the penis - with a complete or partial loss of this function;
  • with the weakening of the erection, until a complete disappearance during intercourse;
  • if desired, to carry out a full-fledged act from the beginning to ejaculation;
  • the effect is observed and in the treatment of sexual dysfunction as a whole.

Consider in detail the composition of the drug, its components that allow you to achieve the desired effect without harm to the body. The medium contains:

  • ginseng root is the most popular Chinese Aphrodisiac, it improves blood circulation in the field of small pelvis, contributes to the erection rack;
  • little Magniophachkova - Strengthens sensuality in erogenous zones, thereby helping a man faster and deeper excited;
  • cora Yochimbe - an exciting effect on the state of nerve endings and the system as a whole, enhances the bloodstream;
  • zinc - an element indispensable for potency, thanks to him the blood gets faster in the cavernous bodies, stimulates the production of dihydrocticosterone.

Means from the homeopathic series. Improving the quality of sexual life can be achieved only after receiving the course of the drug of the Impise. Price - from 350 rubles for 20 tablets. With regular use, the first signs of the improvement of the status appear in the second week of use. This tool has no side effects, since it was created on a vegetable basis.

The effect of the means is based on the production of NO-synthase oxide of nitrogen, expanding the vessels and the blood-filling caverning calves. The peculiarity of the drug is a positive effect on libido by stimulating testosterone production. Indications for the use of the means:

  • Erectile dysfunction. The impaz restores the erection not for a short time, effective with a systematic approach when it is necessary to raise the potency as a whole.
  • Reduced sexual attraction. Normalizes libido with long-term use in 80-90% of men.
  • Potency instability. Reception of this product is recommended for preventing the duration of 3 months to normalize the erectile function.
  • Unsatisfactory sexual contact. Impise removes psychological unrest during SOTITIES and prolongs plus strengthens the erection.

Bald Rating

The list of funds for the potency of men with the description must necessarily include a list of biologically active additives (bids). They are not drugs, consist of natural ingredients and can be used as an amplification for basic drug therapy. Here is a list of the best preparations:

  • Tongkat Ali Platinum;

Vegetable and animal additives tone the nervous system, increase the body's tone, contribute to the production of men's hormones. Pluses of Badov:

  1. the composition includes solely natural ingredients;
  2. unlike medication, these drugs practically do not have side effects and contraindications;
  3. the means improves the state of the urogenital system, the general state of the body;
  4. supplements necessarily undergo research, they are subject to certification;
  5. you can buy funds in a pharmacy or via the Internet without the recommendation of the doctor.

The drug, created on the basis of the extract of the bark of the Yohimbe tree (from 250 rubles), is very popular. The action is aimed at stimulating libido, sexual attraction is enhanced. The inexpensive drug is shown to use in men with sex disorders associated with stress, depression, fatigue. It is wonderful tolerated by the body, incl. Improves sleep and burns fats (it is even used in sports nutrition). With one-time reception of the drug, the effect does not occur, it is necessary to take a course.

Contraindications to the use of the product:

  • blood blood clotting - people with such a disease can increase bleeding;
  • prostatitis - Yohimbe can enhance the symptoms of benign prostatic dysplasia;
  • post-traumatic condition - with such a symptom, the use of Jochimbine is significantly aggravated;
  • diabetes - Johimbin interferes with insulin and other medicines and significantly reduce blood sugar levels;
  • deep depression is a condition that can be strengthened up to suicide.

These are drops for potency on a vegetable basis. Price - from 700 p. According to annotation, the prescription is based on unique knowledge of ancient Vikings. The harsh northern men treated their strength and used to maintain it only "correct" products. The drops have a positive effect on all organs of a small pelvis, build the work of the kidneys, relieve fatigue accumulated per day, return confidence in their abilities and raise libido. Composition of funds:

  • laturation hood - sea invertebrates, like all seafood, is a natural aphrodisiac promoting testosterone production;
  • the extract of the north moss - supports and resumes blood flow;
  • liver of sea black - supplies a zinc, an important element of male health and power;
  • antarctic Krill Extract - responsible for men's hormones.

Tongkat Ali Platinum

This product is 100%, created by Malaysian recipe. Price - from 900 p. Tongkat is able to increase testosterone production in more than 4 times, which invariably leads to an increase in libido and stimulation of the processes of the blood supply of the small pelvis. The drug not only increases sexual activity, but also increases muscle mass, physical strength and endurance. Composition of funds:

  • tongkat root - increases the secretion of testosterone, sexual attraction, strengthens the body;
  • yohimbe extract - expands vessels and stimulates blood circulation in organs and mucous pelvis, strengthens sexual sensations and orgasm;
  • muiurapum cortex extract - powerful aphrodisiac, potency amplifier, toning and nervous system stimulator;
  • ginseng root - has the widest positive spectrum of action on the body.

Natural drug, cheap - price from 900 p. The tool contains an extract from horns (pans) maral and its blood. The representative of the deer in Altai lives and he chose because in unpolluted nature feeds on medicinal plants. In the spring during the Gon period, when the new horns grow and there is a maximum of sex hormones in the blood, the campaign is collected and obtaining blood on the place of the cut.

The drug is produced in the form of capsules, has a tonic effect on the entire body and in sex life. Using it at the first and most minimal signs of weakening erection, lowering the brightness of the orgasm, weakening ejaculation, inability to carry out the desired amount of sexual intercourse. This means:

  • it has a positive effect on male strength;
  • makes the body more physically hardy;
  • cleans blood from cholesterol plaques;
  • enhances immunity.

Effective tool for potency

Medicine Traditional and people know the mass of drugs to increase the duration of the act and improve male health. Above the means of synthetic and natural origin were described, which are useful for different types of genital disorders. The most effective drug will select only the doctor. If a visit to the doctor is not at all in plans, it is necessary to approach the choice of an effective tool, finding out everything for and against.

Alprostadyl injections

Complicated alprostadyl - means in the form of injections. The medicine is directly introduced into the penis. Price - from 340 euros. The drug contributes to the influx of blood to a member, thereby providing an erection. It can only be used by men suffering from complete impotence, in all other cases you can apply irreversible harm to your sexual health. The drug causes an erection sufficient for soiling in 80% of cases. It is necessary to apply the composition only by appointing a doctor. Contraindications for use:

  • the presence of allergies to the main operating component;
  • the presence of an allergic reaction is generally as such to medicines, dyes or preservatives;
  • reception of any medicinal funds that do not require recipe, and baffles, including;
  • using phalloprotez;
  • cases of rechain;
  • pathology of the penis;
  • sexually transmitted infections.

Generic Dapoxetine

Tableted tool designed specifically for people suffering from premature seeds (price - from 99 p / tablet). The principle of operation lies in the fact that the drug slows down the impulse that comes reflexively through the central nervous system to the brain, thereby moving the moment of ejaculation. Side effects of dapoxetine are insignificant, and there are such contraindications:

  1. dehydration;
  2. heart problems;
  3. renal failure.

How to receive a tool: Reception does not depend on the time of absorption of food. Drinking the drug is needed in one or two hours before the alleged sex contact. The daily dosage of the means is from half to the whole tablet (and no more). The effect of medication lasts up to 12 hours. You can combine this drug with funds containing Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil. It is not allowed to carry out any actions requiring increased attention and concentration. Still composition causes drowsiness.

Spray M-16

M-16 - means in the form of spray, price - from 399 p. The advantage of this option is that it is applied externally, without bringing harm to the digestive tract and the circulatory system, suitable for all men and consists of natural components. The remedy is convenient to use - the erection occurs 5-10 minutes after applying. The effect of the drug is aimed at providing a persistent erection, the strengthening of the libido and the extension of the act itself. The composition of the spray:

  • guarana - Aphrodisiac, a strong men's power stimulator, makes excitement stronger and bright, improves erection;
  • L-arginine - increases sexual attraction, contributes to the development of testosterone;
  • magnesium - favorably affects the bloodstream, the central nervous system, relieves stress;
  • glycine - positively affects the functioning of the brain and erection.


To navigate the cost of popular funds for potency will help the table, which is later:


Minimum price (Moscow), rubles

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With years, the quality of sexual life can decrease by the reasons for the natural decrease in the production of hormones, the wrong way of life, health problems. All this is expressed in the form of violations of the erectile function in men, which has a lot of self-esteem, relationships with women. Help the problem will help drugs to increase potency. Experts analyzed all commercially available sexual stimulants, highlighting the best preparations for the potency of 2020.

Most of the drugs should be taken only on the appointment of a doctor. There are options that are released freely. You can see many analogues with a similar composition, principle of action, but from different manufacturers. What pills for potency in this case choose? Experts offer to familiarize themselves with the following reliable pharmacological firms:

  • Pfizer. - One of the largest products in the production of drugs, founded in America back in 1849. Popularity The manufacturer brought a means against cholesterol lipitors, as well as a valid potency stimulator Viagra.
  • Bayer. - The German pharmaceutical chemical company founded in the whole world, founded in 1863. Today it is a real brand in the field of medicine, which is trusted by the best experts. The popularity of Mark has brought such means as heroin, aspirin. All products are checked by expertise, and the levitra is recognized as one of the best medicines for the strong half of the society among the analogues.
  • ELI Lilly. and. Company - American manufacturer of pharmaceutical products, founded in 1876. The real popularity of the company brought the fact that she first began to develop, produce insulin on sale. Its enterprises today are around the world, which makes high-quality, demanded drugs available.
  • Mothers Medica Holding - Domestic manufacturer of safe, efficient medicines for low-cost prices. The company was founded in 1992, since then it has become famous for a wide range of consumers by homeopathic means. Glory was obtained due to drugs from alcoholism, children's anti-refinery, safe preparations against erectile dysfunction without contraindications.
  • Marbiofarm - Russian pharmaceutical enterprise, located in the city of Yoshkar-Ola. The plant was founded in 1942 and is one of the oldest manufacturers of vitamins and food additives with the country. The manufacturer releases nutritional supplements, drugs, various substances. In the company's catalog, there are means of the following output forms: powders, capsules, solutions, syrups, dragee, pills. It is proposed, among other things, a line of money for male health.
  • Health OOO - Ukrainian manufacturer, activities are aimed at delivering to the markets of the countries of the former CIS worthy generics of world blockbusters in the field of pharmacology. Not everyone can afford to constantly buy import stimulants for potency, unlike inexpensive analogs of this brand.
  • LLC Vitamemer - This is the production base of CJSC parafarm, whose activities are aimed at the release of bays, plant extracts, cosmetic natural resources. The most popular drugs today are extracts of valerian, mother-in-law, alta, mummy, Wood-Wood, etc.
  • Ufeelgood. - Moscow company, founded in 2011. Its activities are aimed at producing natural means for a healthy lifestyle. This is a superfood, sports nutrition, natural nutritional supplements, potency stimulants, immunity, vitamin complexes.
  • Evalir - The largest Russian pharmaceutical enterprise, founded in 1991. A popular brand has begun thanks to numerous efficient biodendurgates. It is only natural, vegetable, natural means without side effects, strict contraindications.

Rating preparations for potency

The best preparations for potency were selected by experts primarily on recommendations, estimates of doctors. Since the erectile disorders became a real scourge of the male population, new medicines constantly appear on sale. And this greatly complicates the choice. In the selection of nominees, the following factors were taken into account:

  • Group - synthetic, homeopathic, vegetable preparation, dietary supplement;
  • Release form - mortar, drops, pills, capsules, dragee, ointment, gels, sprays;
  • Application - disposable or course;
  • Contraindications - Diseases, Allergies;
  • Side effects - the risks of development of such symptoms;
  • Interaction - with which you can combine, with which it is prohibited;
  • Manufacturer - certified product or dubious firm.

For many buyers, the price is an important indicator. Some can afford import goods from brands, others prefer to be treated for generics, domestic counterparts. Experts also selected effective drugs for the potency for men's reviews, which shared the results of treatment, as well as the recommendations of medical professionals.

Best pills for men potency

Among all existing forms of drug release, pills are the most popular. They differ in composition, dosage of existing components, method of use. After taking inside the tablet swells, after the substance produces a substance in the body, allowing it to influence the problem areas. Effective pills for the potency of men were selected on the principle of the lowest toxicity, the greatest performance.

One of the first drugs that flew millions of men with the problem of erectile dysfunction. The name has become a nominal, Viagra, many call everything in principle existing sexual stimulants. In fact, this is an independent preparation in the form of tablets, the main component of which is the Sildenafil synthetic substance. It causes an acceleration of blood flow, which speeds up the process of blood direction to the sexual member, increasing the quality of the erection. Take standing in front of the sexual act (30-40 minutes), but only after the approval of the doctor, since there is contraindications, the risks of the development of side effects.


  • High efficiency;
  • Fast result;
  • Strong erection even in the most running cases;
  • Not hormonal means;
  • Extension of sexual intercourse.


  • Influence on the cardiovascular system;
  • Incompatibility with alcohol, fatty food.

It is important to remember that such a tablet can be taken only 1 time per day, otherwise it will negatively affect the overall health, the work of many organs, systems. Often the irregular selection of dose is accompanied by headaches, redness of the face, insomnia. The rest of the manufacturer guarantees 100% result.

It comes on the heels in demand, popularity, efficiency German levitra. He has a lot of distinctive advantages, for example, an integrated effect on all sexual functions. The main substance in the composition is a potent vardenafil, reinforcing blood circulation in the field of small pelvis. In addition, the endurance of men, the attraction (libido) increases, improves the quality of the erection and sexual intercourse. The effect is preserved up to 6 hours, the tablets do not cause addiction. They also receive shortly before sexual intercourse.


  • Rapid effects;
  • Comprehensive improvement in the sexual sphere;
  • Lack of cancellation effect;
  • Resolved alcohol, oily food;
  • Minimal contraindications, side effects;
  • Suppose diabetics.


  • High price;
  • Sale by prescription doctor.

Unlike many synthetic sexfront stimulants, the German safe is less toxic. It can be taken even with diabetes mellitus, serious heart diseases, vessels. The main thing is to correctly pick up the optimal dose, and only the doctor will cope with it.

Another effective medication for improving sexual functions is Cialis. The main active ingredient of Tadalafil is aimed at improving blood circulation, blood supply to the fabrics of the penis of a man. Unlike the predecessors of the review, its action occurs much faster - after 15-20 minutes, but it remains up to 1-1.5 days. This allows you to take tablets much less often. To correctly pick up the dosage, you need to visit the clinic, consult with the doctor, as it is a synthetic agent with contraindications, risks of the development of side effects.


  • High quality;
  • Action up to 36 hours;
  • Rapid effect;
  • Does not provoke hypertension;
  • Lack of addiction;
  • Minimum risks of side effects.


  • High price;
  • Pulling pain in the back area.

Despite the fact that the manufacturer assures in the absence of side effects, many men often feel back pain. This is most often with the wrong selection of dosage. In order not to encounter side effects, it is important to consult a doctor.

The Russian drug of Impise is beneficial from previously stated nominees of the rating. First, it is a homeopathic non-toxic agent, which means that safe for the overall health state. Secondly, it does not have contraindications, side effects. The principle of operation is also different, tablets do not enhance the bloodstream, but increases the activity of an important enzyme NO-synthase endothelium, which increases the process of producing nitrogen oxide. From this there is an excitement of a natural way. It is necessary to take a course, since the effect will be comprehensive.


  • Heals, and does not support;
  • Does not have restrictions on the reception;
  • Does not cause disorders in the body;
  • Contributes to the natural increase in testosterone;
  • Allowed in diabetes, diseases of blood vessels and hearts.


  • Requires long admission;
  • No emergency assistance.

This is not "doping" before the sexual act, but rather a natural supporting agent for exchange rate applications. It is appropriate at any age with any other diseases, does not require a recipe from the doctor.

Slow impact will not be stress for vessels, heart, nervous system. It will be effective only with long use from 3 to 6 months.

Top Bada for Men Potense

Food additives are also a popular type of drugs, but they differ in the composition, the way of exposure. This is exclusively vegetable extracts filled with vitamins, microelements for a male organism. Efficiency is slightly lower, as the result requires a long admission. But this guarantees a comprehensive favorable effect on the entire body. Effective dietary dietary supplements were chosen by experts, taking into account the recommendations of doctors, observations of men, composition, security.

Ukrainian natural agent based on a popular African plant. It is prescribed not only with erectile disorders, but also a general weakness, as well as with a decrease in sexual activity against the background of stresses, overwork. Usually take the tablet in the morning, in the evening, not exceeding the dose. The action is aimed at raising libido, strengthening immunity, improvement of endurance and general well-being. The manufacturer notes that the biodistribution helps to fight overweight, insomnia.


  • Raises libido;
  • Does not affect the hormonal background;
  • Promotes fat burning;
  • Improves sleep;
  • Enhances orgasm;
  • Non-toxic.


  • May briefly increase the pressure;
  • Has contraindications.

If you exceed the dosage, tachycardia can develop. It is not necessary to take in hypertension, ischemia, tachycardia, other violations of the cardiovascular system, mental disorders, liver diseases. Despite the fact that it is a plant complex, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Men celebrate the overall improvement in well-being, mood, positive changes in sexual relations.

The tool is shown to receive men with the aim of preventing and complex therapy of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma and erectile dysfunction. Bud is released in the form of tablets in a pack of 120 pcs. For reception in the morning and evening, twice a day. The basis of antiprost is natural components: extracts of nettle roots, turmeric, heurikoma, black pepper. Therefore, the only contraindication to its use is the individual intolerance to the substances in the composition. Despite this, before starting the course, it is still better to consult with the doctor. Additive can be bought in pharmacies without a recipe.


  • Suitable for impotence;
  • Useful in violation of urination;
  • Powerful prophylactic effect;
  • High concentration of vitamins;
  • Contains micro and macroelements.


  • You need to take strictly during meals.

In the reviews, the men write that after completing the course of treatment for a duration of 2-3 weeks, they stopped bothering difficult urination, the potency was improved, the potency was improved, began to pass anxiety on this basis.

Another popular natural preparation to stimulate genital functions of a man. The composition assembled 10 extracts of herbs, phenomenon aimed at replenishing important vitamins, trace elements. You can take a one-time before sexual act or a course to achieve a cumulative effect. Wood Wood guarantees raising libido, sexual attraction, genital sensitivity. It is appropriate for the prevention and in the initial stages of sexual disorders.


  • Strong erection due to acceleration of blood flow;
  • Raising libido;
  • Normalization of the nervous system;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Minimum of contraindications, side effects;
  • Lack of toxic components.


  • May cause allergies in the intolerance to the composition;
  • Age limit 16-50 years.

Good results showing a course reception for men suffering from premature ejaculation. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the biodendage, but to achieve constant changes, it is advisable to take at least 4 weeks.

The vegetation preparation for stimulating the genital functions of a man that guarantees the impact is already 3-4 days after the proper reception. In addition to the tree root extract, there are important substances - zinc, selenium, which contribute to normal testosterone production, fatty acids. Unlike many funds described above, Peruvian poppy is not a stimulant, but works like a natural powerful aphrodisiac, raising libido, sexual activity.


  • Natural composition;
  • Overweight;
  • Natural increase in testosterone;
  • Improving blood composition;
  • Libido strengthening;
  • Elimination of the consequences of stress;
  • Replenishment of important vitamins, minerals;
  • Minimum of contraindications, side effects.


  • Risks of development of allergies;
  • Long course of reception.

A good version of the vegetable extract is struggling with provoking impotence factors. Many celebrate noticeable improvements already on the first week of therapy. Cases of development of side effects are not recorded in men 'feedback. For the accumulative effect, Peruvian Maku uses at least 4 weeks.

Inexpensive, but the effective complex from the famous Russian company Evalar. The main component of the penny root extract is supplemented by grass of a bird's mountain, zinc, vitamin E. Such a composition guarantees a positive effect on the entire sexual sphere of a man. Initially, the dietary supplies were appointed for the treatment of prostatitis of chronic form, but after regular testing, the most favorable effect on the erection was established, the quality of sexual intercourse.


  • Positively affects the general condition;
  • Prostatitis prevention, prostate adenoma;
  • Complex improvement of the body;
  • Lack of addiction effect;
  • Compatibility with alcohol, different medicines.


  • The presence of contraindications;
  • Impact in repeated courses.

Such a means is very popular among the urologists and proctologists, since its proper application promises positive changes not only in the region of the urogenital system.

The plant extract has an antioxidant, toning, diuretic, anti-appliances, antispasmodic effect.

Best Folk Treatment Treatments

If all the drugs described above cannot be used due to contraindications or other reasons, you can resort to folk remedies tested by several generations. Doctors recommend them at the initial stages of disorders, as prevention. These are usually tinctures, decoctions, teas based on plant components. Experts rated the properties of the most effective funds, male reviews, recommendations of doctors, after which alternative drugs were allocated for potency without side effects of their own preparation.

The famous plant glorified in eastern alternative medicine. In China, the root was mined, prepared on its basis tincture, decoctions for receiving inside. This is a powerful aphrodisiac, energy source, tone, libido stimulator, endurance and for men, and for women. Its effectiveness can be compared with potent synthetic stimulants, but it is natural, non-toxic. In pharmacies, alcohol settings on ginseng roots are sold, it can be chopped by dry in powder for intake, interfer fresh with honey.


  • High efficiency;
  • Minimum risks of the development of side effects;
  • Different methods of reception;
  • Improving immunity, tone;
  • Libido stimulation, erection;
  • Low price.


  • The pharmacy tincture on alcohol has contraindications;
  • Ginseng root is not so easy to find.

You can take tinctures to both partners to improve the quality of sexual relations. In addition to the beneficial effect on the sexual sphere, the plant increases endurance, the body's tone. It is not desirable to take shortly before sleep, as it can provoke insomnia.

Hop cones are also widely used in folk medicine to restore the sexual activity of a man. In their composition, experts emphasize the presence of vitamins, acids, bioflavonoids that have favorably affecting the erection, libido. Proper use guarantees improving the nervous system, the activation of regeneration processes, a decrease in inflammatory processes, the operation of blood vessels and hearts, braking of aging, etc. For treatment, you need to prepare tea on the bumps of hops, take on ½ cup three times a day.


  • Restoration of the functioning of many organs, systems;
  • Natural recovery of hormone balance;
  • Preparation of prostatitis;
  • Strengthening sexual attraction;
  • Sedative effect.


  • There are contraindications;
  • May contribute to obesity.

Do not take tea from hop, if a man is predisposed to a set of excess weight, has neoplasms in the body. Buy cones can be in any separation of the pharmacy in the form of herbal collection. It is advisable not only to pour them with boiling water, but also to slaughter a little, but after insisted under the lid.

What drug for potency is better to buy

Presented best preparations for potency passed repeated testing, have many recommendations from medical professionals, positive patient reviews. Each category, whether it is tablets stimulants, biodenders, folk remedies, has its own characteristics, pros and cons. To say unequivocally, which drugs are better for the potency of men can not, but you can sum up the following results:

  • The most popular potency stimulator is Viagra;
  • The most annual remedy is Cialis;
  • The safest pills for potency without contraindications - impass;
  • Quickly eliminates erectile dysfunction and ensures the prevention of the prostatitis tool "AntiProst".
  • The best biographic order for the treatment and prevention of impotence - Wood Wood;
  • The fastest potency of folk remedies is ginseng.

The presented top review of medicines and folk remedies is not a prescription to therapy. What a means to choose, can only tell the attending physician. Experts only showed the features of each nominee, the pros and cons of the most sought-after pharmacy products.

Not every man can buy a good erection today, the reasons for this set. For example, bad habits, bad ecology, constant stress, accompanying the life of a modern person, unhealthy food and much more. Meanwhile, dysfunctions in the sexual sphere are experienced by representatives of the strong floor extremely painful. And most are ready to go to everything to get "Stone Stand". After all, this is considered a sign of masculinity and a guarantee of success in relations with women. And the possible inspires horror, plunges into real panic.

Modern science does not stand still. Today there are many funds capable of providing. In particular, - pills. Everyone has the opportunity to freely acquire them in pharmacies. How safe is the use of similar means, which are types of drugs, are there any contraindications and side effects of the tablets for erection, read in this article.

Classification of drugs

All means to increase potency is made to divide into two main types. Classification takes into account the features and speed of drugs. Distinguish such groups:

  1. Selective inhibitors. This includes notorious Viagra, Levitra, Cialis, as well as many others. These are drugs for the erection of quick action. Inhibitors contribute to the activation of certain enzymes, which leads to the relaxation of the genus of the sexual organ. A tide of blood is intensified to the cavernous body of the penis, and it hardens. The erection comes almost immediately after receiving a tablet, continuing for several hours. Then everything returns to the circles its own.
  2. Biologically active additives, homeopathic agents. These include Funguunbao Super, Vimax, etc. Data data developers borrowed a lot from alternative medicine, taking into account the influence of popular folk agents for men's potency. Bades act much slower than inhibitors, but more systematic. They accelerate the metabolism, normalize blood flow, have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, strengthen the body as a whole, contribute to the improvement of the erection.

Important! Selective inhibitors have many contraindications and side effects, while biologically active additives are practically safe because they are based on natural components.

Contraindications and side effects

Those who have made a choice in favor of Viagra type inhibitors should be aware that such drugs can not be taken to enhance the erection. The list of contraindications varies depending on what kind of means it is in question. But, in general, you can allocate the following "taboo". Most inhibitors are contraindicated with:

  • individual intolerance to the components included in the composition;
  • cardiovascular diseases (ischemia, hypertension, hypotension, transferred strokes and heart attacks);
  • deformed anatomically sexual penis;
  • bad blood clotting;
  • pathologies of kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal bodies (for example, a 12-rosisse ulcer);
  • serious dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • crohn's disease.

Before using funds to enhance the potency, you should be consulted with the doctor. But even an absolutely healthy person can experience the side effects of drugs from a group of inhibitors. It is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, weakness, cramps, rash on the skin, swelling of the mucous membrane, vision disorder.

Attention! A very common complication of the reception of such drugs is psychological addictive, when a man no longer represents his sexual life without pills. In this case, the physical dependency data for erection is not caused.

Preview drugs for potency

The modern pharmaceutical market presents many drugs that increase potency. This variety is sometimes difficult to choose something one. Here is a brief overview of the most popular drugs:

The second generation inhibitor acting almost instantly. The excitement occurs after 15 minutes. The drug is felt for 6 hours. Negative influence on the body is minimal.

Tablets for rising from a group of inhibitors. They begin to act only in sexual stimulation, providing a stable erection. The effect can be felt 40-60 minutes after the reception. It lasts an average of 4 hours.

Inhibitor without acting without sex stimulation. Helps keep the erection for 12 hours. The effect is felt 30 minutes after the reception. May cause vision disorder, attention dullness, dizziness, which should be taken into account when managing vehicles.

It is used externally to expand the vessels and activation of blood flow. It is applied on the skin of the penis immediately in front of the sexual act. The drug operates for a short time, but provides a very strong erection. Differs on high security.

Phytopreparation. Refers to biologically active additives that improve exchange processes that increase immunity, soothing, promoting the elimination of erectile dysfunction. The course of treatment is one or two months.

Analogue of prostaglandin E1. It is a powder for the preparation of injections. Expands the vessels, activates the bloodstream, relaxes the muscles of the penis. It is introduced using a syringe to the cavernous body of the penis. Begins to act five to ten minutes after use. The duration of the effect is 3 hours maximum.

Tablets from a group of inhibitors affecting the walls of the Muscles of the Penis. Provide extension of erection. Act start half an hour. It is recommended to take a drug on an empty stomach 60 minutes before sexual intercourse. Duration of action - four hours.

Plant based tablets. Different with high security. Libido and immunity increase, soothe, remove spasms, normalize the functioning of the testicles, improve the quality of sperm. The course of treatment is selected individually.

Vitamined biologically active additive. Available in powder form, which is dissolved in water before use. Take it orally. Improves the quality of sperm and provides excellent erection. The course of treatment is the minimum of the month.

Natural-based tablets, characterized by high security. The drug-aphrodisiac has an integrated effect, removing stress, toning cells, increasing physical endurance, improving potency. The duration of the course is selected individually.

One of the best safety plans for the treatment of prostate, which often leads to impotence. It is a complex vegetative-vitamin additive. Produced in the form of capsules. Duration of therapy - minimum month.

The most popular fast-action inhibitor produced in the form of tablets. Fills blood sexual member, providing an increase in erection. Take the drug preferably on an hour's stomach an hour before intimate proximity. The effect occurs after 30 minutes, lasts 4 hours.

The polyvitamin complex in the form of a vegetable-based tablets, which has a fastening effect that increases potency. The effect occurs after two months of continuous reception of the drug. It is not desirable to drink it before bedtime due to the pronounced increase in the activity of the body.

Homeopathic tool in the form of tablets for erectile dysfunction. Highly efficient, while safely. It has natural composition. Improves the blood supply to the penis, providing persistent arousal. Course treatment - 3 months. Can be applied as prevention.

The drug in the form of fast-action tablets. Accepted 30-60 minutes before the first sexual intercourse. The effect will not come without exciting manipulations with a penis. The result will be saved for 4 hours.

Plant based tablets. Designed for men and women. Lower the pressure, clean the extra cholesterol is removed, the libido increases, they increase the libido, provide a long erection.

Quick-action tablets. Increase blood flow to the sexual organ. Do not "work" without stimulation of excitement. The effect occurs 30 minutes after the reception and lasts about four to five hours. It is advisable to drink a drug on an empty stomach.

Tool in the form of fast-action tablets. The effect does not occurs without manipulations of an exciting nature. Drink him for half an hour before intercourse. Tablets provide a long erection that will easily call for 36 hours after the reception.

Attention! Most drugs for potency are incompatible or poorly combined with alcohol. Before use, you should carefully examine the instructions. To stick to it.

Tablets to increase potency is a good way to solve problems in sexual sphere. But it is not necessary to abuse them, especially if we are talking about inhibitors, because they cause psychological addiction. More useful for erections that have a comprehensive effect on the body.

It is ultimately not recommended to take inhibitors in healthy men just for the sake of experiment or desire to surpass themselves. Before buying the drug should be verified in the absence of contraindications to it. This is desirable to consult a doctor.

Watch the video - what to do if the erection disappeared:


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