The 100 richest people, according to Forbes. The richest people in the world, russia and in history

The 100 richest people, according to Forbes. The richest people in the world, russia and in history

The Forbes magazine annually compiles a popular rating of the world's billionaires, which determines who is the richest person in the world; in 2018, the rating included 2,124 businessmen with a fortune from $ 1 to $ 112 billion. Let's take a look at the top ten.

Bezos tops the Forbes list, rightfully as one of the richest people in 2018, having increased his capital by $ 39 billion over the past year. Chief, the first ideological creator of the online store. He is the only owner of a twelve-figure fortune on the planet - $ 112 billion. Having been successful in the financial sector for many years, Jeff risked (1994) his successful career on Wall Street, deciding to develop an Internet platform and was not mistaken, rapid success is profitable today. Bezos' strong earnings last year have been driven by increased demand for the brand's shares. The # 1 multibillionaire on the list has a passion for:

  • To astronautics;
  • Development of modern equipment for the passenger transportation of citizens out of space;
  • Passion for "marine excavations", extraction from the depths of the remains of NASA space shuttles.

2nd place. Bill Gates

Once one of the richest people in the world according to the Forbes rating, he is ranked second out of the top ten wealthy people in 2018. The well-known Microsoft firm brings steady income to Gates, who owns 3 percent of the corporation's shares. His fortune is estimated at $ 90 billion, additional income is investments aimed at several progressively developing areas: the Canadian Railway, the processing company Republic Services, the car dealer plant. The focus on Gates' charitable goals is commendable, with special attention paid to the health care system, poverty of the second world countries.

3rd place. Warren Buffett

At the age of 87, Buffett reached the third place in the ranking of the wealthiest people on the planet ($ 84 billion). The main way to increase his capital is by investing in many popular companies, such as:

  • Coca-Cola;
  • Dairy Queen;
  • Bank of America;
  • Many others, more than fifty of them.

Buffett began his career quite early - the age of formation of 11 years, having directed the dollars borrowed from his parent, to the shares of several companies, the expectation was crowned with success. Charity is no stranger to this entrepreneur who has created a family foundation. Despite his advanced age, Buffett continues to take an active part in the affairs of his company, investment, cooperation with the largest corporations of the United States of America.

4th place. Bernard Arnault

A French capitalist who loves real luxury, Arnault returned to the Top 5 of the rich in 2018 ($ 72 billion). His famous company has the right to sell luxury goods, the world's most famous brands:

  • Hennessy;
  • Louis Vuitton;
  • Christian Dior.

By the way, speaking of the latter, the Arnault family made a deal with the fashion house in 2017, thereby becoming the sole holders of the Christian Dior fashion brand, which brings a lot to the budget. An increase in demand and sales for luxury products by 13% (about $ 42 billion) contributed to the rise of Arno in the ranking to the fourth line.

5th place. Mark Zuckerberg

Despite the many conflicting reviews about the well-known Facebook network, which was founded by Zuckerberg, pressure from the authorities (the Russian-US polemic after the presidential election), the company's shares began to steadily rise upward. The assessment of the state of the young genius, included in the ranking of the richest people in the world, according to the Forbes magazine, is kept at just over $ 70 billion. The rightful owner is actively engaged in his activities (in the field of IT development), collaborating with other popular projects such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Oculus VR (modern virtual reality devices).

6th place. Amancio Ortega

The 80-year-old Spanish textile tycoon is an equity applicant for the largest holding company Zara, one of the main constituents of its capital. Ortega opened his first business with his wife in his first marriage, sewing bath accessories at home, cutting underwear, then having mastered the entire Spanish market. 2017 brought a financial loss of $ 1.3 billion due to the decline in the company's share price. An additional instrument of stable income to its state ($ 70 billion) is annual investments, about $ 400 million, in real estate of the largest city centers:

  • New York;
  • Miami;
  • Barcelona;
  • London;
  • Madrid.

7th place. Carlos Slim Hel

In addition to this American rating, Slim Elu is considered the richest person in Mexico ($ 67 billion) in 2018. Possesses a controlling stake in the largest Latin American mobile operator. America Movil's unprecedented 39 percent rise in 2017 contributed significantly to its financial well-being. He is the holder of 17% of the shares of the business newspaper The New York Times, and also receives investments from real estate (real estate firm), the consumer market, the mining segment.

8th place. Charles Koch

An influential American, Koch, who has weight in US politics, business, and patronage. A prosperous 82-year-old entrepreneur who multiplies his wealth ($ 60 billion) by generating profits from the development of an oil refinery, other areas of the Koch holding. The family contract, together with his brother, owns the huge profitable corporation Koch Industries, where Charles Koch presides as chairman of the board of the directors committee.

9th place. David Koch

Slightly inferior to his brother Charles, David Koch topped the top ten "richest people in the world 2018". The stability of his income is provided by the company Koch Industries, founded in the distant 1940 by their father. The company has many industries in various fields:

  • Oil refining;
  • Construction of a pipeline system;
  • Large-scale production of paper products, cups, other profitable projects.

The Koch family pays special attention to the field of education, allocating significant funds for charitable needs, such as developing programs, receiving grants. The fortune of David Koch is estimated at $ 60 billion.

10th place. Larry Ellison

Closes the top 10 richest and most influential people on the planet, according to Forbes magazine, Larry Ellison - once a CIA employee, the former CEO of his own business project "Oracle". Net profit for the previous year amounted to $ 6.3 billion, the main source of income was the assets of "Oracle" (price increase by 18%). The company is engaged in cloud technologies. The entrepreneur is a fan of yachting (sailing), and also actively cooperates with charitable organizations. His fortune is estimated at 58.5 billion.

Complete Forbes List

In total, according to Forbes, the list of dollar billionaires contains more than two thousand names! You can get acquainted with it at the link. Unfortunately, it is not possible to translate such a long list, so you will have to read it in English. The list can be sorted by name, age, state, field of activity and citizenship.

Most people in one way or another strive for wealth, and rightly so - who in our modern world does not like to live in a big way and not deny themselves anything? But the people, which will be discussed below, do not dream of wealth, they are already fabulously rich. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the TOP of the richest people on this planet.

The richest people in the world - TOP 10

Prestigious financial and economic journal Forbesrecently posted a world ranking of the richest people in the world, which is published annually.

In one year, the number of the rich increased by 13%. Their earnings are multiplying every day, and their total fortune has grown to $ 7.67 trillion.

Who are they - the wealthiest people on this planet, and who is the richest person in the world?

  1. Bill Gates.It is not the first year in a row that Bill has become the number one richest man in the world. About 40 years ago, together with his friend Paul Allen, Bill founded Microsoft Corporation, which became the starting point for a successful career as a billionaire. In 2017, the fortune of a businessman grew to $ 86 billion.
  2. ... An investor who started investing as a child, borrowing money from his father. His first acquisition was shares in Cities Service Preferred, acquired for $ 38 and sold for $ 40. Now Warren invests in Wells Fargo corporations, IBM and, and his fortune totals about $ 75.6 billion.
  3. Jeff Bezos... Another billionaire, one of the top richest people in the world. His financial situation is $ 72.8 billion... Jeff got on the list because of the sudden rally in the shares of the company he founded, and this helped the owner to place himself on the third line of the rating. His business started with a simple desire - in the beginning, Jeff just wanted to sell books to people online.
  4. Amancio Ortega... One of the richest retailers in the world who made a fortune in the firm Zara, which was created by him in 1975 in a team with his deceased wife Rosalia Mera. Gradually, the clothing brand gained popularity all over the world. At the moment, Ortega is investing in real estate. His earnings - $ 71.3 billion.
  5. Mark Zuckerberg... The hero of instructive stories and films, as well as the creator of a social network. In order to do what he loved, Mark left Harvard, but this did not prevent him from making a huge fortune in $ 56 billion... The stock of his company continues to rise and generate additional income for him.
  6. Carlos Slim Hel... The richest man of Mexican descent. Carlos is the owner of the company America movil, which provides communications services in Latin America, also owns shares in various Mexican corporations and 17% of shares in the American newspaper The New York Times. General financial condition - $ 54.5 billion.
  7. Larry Ellison... In his youth, Larry managed to study at two universities and even contact the CIA, but real success came to him after the creation of the company. Oracle, the second largest software maker by revenue, after. Recently, the corporation has been developing cloud technologies. Larry's capital reaches $ 52.2 billion.
  8. Charles Koch... Owner of earned funds in $ 48.3 billion, one of the owners of the holding Koch Industries (the second owner is his brother David). The company is engaged in oil refining. The father of the brothers, who are among the most influential figures in the world of politics, business and philanthropy, created the first factory in 1940.
  9. David Koch... The second owner of the family holding Koch Industries. His condition is assessed in the same way as the condition of his brother - $ 48.3 billion... David and Charles are active in charity work and support the education sector. For example, they once gave a grant to a foundation that helped black students.
  10. Michael Bloomberg... Wall Street careerist, successful entrepreneur and former mayor of New York City, owner of a company that searches for financial information for clients. Michael is a generous philanthropist who has donated over $ 4 billion. The state of a businessman is estimated at $ 47.5 billion.

The richest people in Russia - TOP 10

The Russian economy is gradually stabilizing, everything in the financial world is returning to normal, oil prices are growing, and Russian billionaires and millionaires continue to grow rich. Rating " Forbes»Published a new list of the richest people in the world, but did not forget about the richest people in our country.

  1. Leonid Mikhelson... Heads all official and unofficial lists. A businessman, a shareholder of a gas company, and also a contributor to the Sibur company. His condition is estimated at about $ 18.4 billion Is the largest figure in the Forbes ranking among the wealthy in Russia. Leonid sponsors art exhibitions and collects various art objects.
  2. Alexey Mordashov... Alexey has a fortune in $ 17.5 billion... He is a member of many prestigious companies: "Russian Steel", as well as the World Association of Steel Producers. Has a grocery online store, has promotions of a major travel operator TUI, is fond of poetry, art and sports.
  3. Vladimir Lisin... Vladimir owns shares in the enterprise " Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant", He also owns an international transport group Universal Cargo Logistics Holding B.V... But Vladimir is not only interested in business: a businessman built a large shooting center "Lisya Nora" near Moscow. Vladimir's condition - $ 16.1 billion.
  4. Gennady Timchenko... Also included in the list of the 100 richest people in the world. Earnings at the moment is $ 16 billion... Second owner Gunvor Group, one of the world's largest commodity traders, currently holds stakes in Sibur, Transoil and Stroytransgaz. According to the American authorities, Gennady is a close friend of Putin.
  5. Alisher Usmanov... A businessman with a fortune in $ 15.2 billionand this figure continues to increase every year. He is the owner of a vast business empire, recognized as one of the most influential people in the world according to Forbes. Owns a metallurgical company " Metalloinvest", The second largest mobile operator in the country" Megaphone"And the journalistic enterprise" Kommersant».
  6. Vagit Alekperov... In possession is $ 14.5 billion... The head of the corporation "", which is the largest independent oil company in the country. Vagit also wrote and published the book "Oil of Russia: Past, Present and Future" and created a social fund "Our Future", which supports active citizens in the field of social entrepreneurship.
  7. Mikhail Fridman... Member of the Board of Alfa Group, one of the managers of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Founder of LetterOne Holdings S.A (L1), which is engaged in foreign projects in the oil and gas sector. This company created its own investment business L1 Health (shares in medicine). Condition - $ 14.4 billion.
  8. Vladimir Potanin... On the eighth line is the owner of the management company Interros, the general director and member of the board of trustees of the Hermitage Museum with a fortune in $ 14.3 billion... He enlisted the support of the government and became the largest contributor to the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, having built the Rosa Khutor ski complex.
  9. Andrey Melnichenko... Condition - $ 13.2 billion... One of the richest people in Russia according to Forbes. Owns the assets of major enterprises, including a minerals company, a coal corporation and a power utility. One of the founders of MDM Bank, a large industrial empire was built on its basis.
  10. Victor Vekselberg... Made a fortune the size of $ 12.4 billion... President of the Foundation " Skolkovo", As well as the chairman of the board of directors of the Renova group of companies. Owns shares in the aluminum company UC Rusal, a Swiss leader in the semiconductor technology market Oerlikonas well as an international industrial company Sulzer.

TOP of the richest people in history

Today's entrepreneurs have billions of dollars in income, and sometimes the stories of the world's richest people show that the road to the top can start as a simple coincidence. But not only modern people are lucky with money - history knows many examples of achieving fabulous wealth, which repeatedly exceed the successes of the modern rich.

  1. John Rockefeller... Perhaps the most famous rich man in the whole world. His condition was estimated at $ 318 billion - this is several times more than that of the richest man in the modern world, Bill Gates. He is the founder of the Standart Oil company, thanks to which he received his recognition and wealth. In 1880, Rockefeller held about 95% of America's oil production in his hands.
  2. Andrew Carnegie... An intelligent entrepreneur from America, whose fortune reached $ 310 billion... With a loan taken in his youth, Andrew bought shares in Adams Express, which began to bring in a good income. Is the largest manufacturer of steel and iron in America. His businesses Carnegie Steel Company and U.S. Steel turned him into a dollar millionaire.
  3. Nicholas II... If counted in modern money, the Emperor's fortune would have reached $ 253 billion... All the wealth was received by Nikolai as an inheritance from his father. There is no reliable information about whether the Emperor was engaged in increasing his wealth, but the fact remains - Nicholas entered the list of the richest people in the world in the history of mankind.
  4. William Henry Vanderbilt... Capitalist living in the 19th century and having a fortune in $ 232 billion... After the death of his dad, William received about 90 billion, but in the end he more than doubled it. He owned a railway company and was considered the richest man in the world during his life.
  5. Osman Ali Khan... Ali Khan was born in India, had the title of prince and had a fortune in $ 211 billion... But not only the throne inherited Osman from his father, but also an entrepreneurial streak - he was the world monopoly in the supply of diamonds. In the middle of the 20th century, its budget was estimated at $ 2 million (at that time), which was about 2% of America's GDP.
  6. Andrew Mellon... Bank employee born in America. He decided to follow the path of his father, who is also a banker. At the age of 17, he founded his own logging company, after which he took the position of bank manager. At one time he held the post of the Secretary of the Treasury of America, as well as the post of the American Ambassador to Great Britain. His condition is $ 189 billion.
  7. Henry Ford... Car king having about $ 188 billion (translated into a modern course). He started his career at 16 as a mechanical engineer and ended up founding his own Ford Motor Company. Ford established a full production of cars, from the extraction of materials to the release of finished models. To this day, his cars are popular with consumers.
  8. Mark Licinius Crassus... A commander from the Ancient World who lived in 115-53 BC. Mark bought houses after the fires, rebuilt them and sold them for more, so he built his business. There were rumors that Mark burned houses on purpose in search of profit. Also, the commander was engaged in human trafficking, search and mining of silver. Condition Brand - $ 170 billion.
  9. Basil II... The state of the Byzantine emperor from the Macedonian clan totals $ 169 billion... There is practically no data about this ruler. History knows only that Basil expanded the territory of Byzantium and annexed neighboring lands to it. Unfortunately, he could not strengthen them - after his death, the empire did not live long.
  10. Cornelius Vanderbilt... Another rich man with an interesting history. The fortune of an American entrepreneur - $ 167 billion... Cornelius dropped out of school in grade 4 out of his own conviction, borrowed $ 100 from his mother and bought a boat to transport people. A year later, he already had a capital of $ 1000 and then he was nicknamed the Captain. Then he bought other ships, and soon he had a real flotilla. At 23, he led the largest intercontinental shipping company in America. Cornelius was also in the railroad business.

The richest people in Russia and the world are annually included in the unofficial ratings and elite lists of Forbes magazine. What is the secret of their success - entrepreneurial spirit, perseverance, or sheer luck and luck? Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question - everyone has their own path, from labor to genius.

Forbes magazine regularly publishes lists of the richest people of our time. However, they are not absolute record holders for savings.

In this article, the richest people in the world in history, with a recalculation of their condition at today's rate

1. Mansa Musa

The ruler of the Mali empire in the Middle Ages managed to accumulate more than $ 400 billion in his life. Musa was born in 1280, and in 1312 he became king. He made his fortune by reselling livestock, hides and salt. In addition, he created one of the largest gold mining enterprises in history.

The king loved luxury, so his throne was upholstered in ivory, and the fans were silk umbrellas. In 1324 Mansa Musa went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. The ruler was accompanied by 60 thousand servants, several hundred slaves and dozens of camel caravans loaded with jewels.

Legends say that his generosity to the poor along the way provoked a financial crisis in Europe: Musa handed out 12.5 tons of gold, collapsing the precious metals market.

Mansa returned to his homeland a year later, and was no longer the richest man: he got into debt and was deceived by the Egyptians. But his acquaintance with European scientists and people of art helped him to consolidate the influence of Mali and make the country a center of culture.

Musa died in 1337, almost immediately his descendants squandered the royal inheritance. Mansa's son abandoned Islam and marked a new era in the country's development, associated with a return to paganism.

The "father of the oil world," Rockefeller Sr. became the first dollar billionaire in history. He was born in 1839, worked and saved from the age of 7 (he put in a piggy bank the money he received for working in a neighbor's garden). At the age of 13 he gave loans to farmers at interest, and at the age of 20 he opened a trading company, borrowing money from his father (also with interest).

In 1863, John made the first oil distillation plant, the rest of the enterprises were launched jointly with his brother William. By 1880, Rockefeller's company controlled 90% of oil production in the United States. The entrepreneur donated a lot to charity, supported medical research and Baptist churches.

Rockefeller died in 1937. He left behind 16 railroad companies, 6 steel mills, 9 real estate businesses, and several more shipping companies, orange farms and banks. John Davison's capital was $ 320-400 billion.

Steel tycoon and prominent industrial businessman of the 20th century. Born into a poor family in Scotland in 1835. He got his first job in the USA. He became a "bobbin caretaker" at a weaving mill for $ 10 a month. In 1853 he got a job in a railway company and quickly rose to the position of a manager.

Carnegie invested a lot. At the age of 20, he left his mother's house on bail and bought shares of railway enterprises for $ 500. In 1889 he opened a steel business and became a dollar billionaire. He also founded Carnegie Mellon University. Andrew's fortune at the time of his death in 1919 was equal to $ 310-370 billion.

Nikolai Alexandrovich was born in 1868 and grew up in a religious family. Having inherited the throne at the age of 26, he got married. He had 4 daughters and a son, with whom he was arrested during the 1917 revolution. A year later, Nicholas II and his entire family were shot in Yekaterinburg. There are versions that part of the imperial money is still in secret accounts in Germany and France.

According to various estimates, the last ruler of the Russian Empire had $ 255-300 billion. Nicholas II inherited his entire fortune (including silver, gold and the royal flotilla) from another member of the Romanov family and his father, Alexander III. Half went to charity (especially during the First World War), the maintenance of hospitals, palaces and assistance to relatives.

5. William Henry Vanderbilt

William Vanderbilt is not inferior in state to his father, Cornelius, although he had 13 children. The businessman was born in 1821 and raised in harsh conditions. Father sent William to the farm due to incompetence in the management of family affairs. But the economy went uphill, Vanderbilt Jr.'s leadership qualities were noticed.

In the 1840s. reorganized the Long Island Railroad. In 1877, the railroad company passed completely to his son after the death of Cornelius. William Henry himself passed away in 1885. However, in a short time he managed to double the family inheritance: his fortune is estimated at $ 240 billion.

Osman Ali Khan is the ruler of the principality of Hyderabad and Berar (territory of India) in the first half of the 20th century. During 37 years of his reign, he built a reservoir in the country, launched electricity, air and rail links.

Osman made his fortune by trading in diamonds, being a global market monopoly. In the 40s. he was the richest man on the planet. He had a large collection of Rolls-Royce, and during the Second World War donated several destroyers to the Navy of Great Britain and Australia. Died in 1967. He left 7 wives, 40 concubines and a fortune of $ 230 billion.

The capital of this American industrialist of the 19th century is estimated at $ 185-199 billion. Ford was born in 1863 to a family of migrant farmers. At 16, he ran away from home and became an assistant machinist in Detroit, servicing steam engines.

In 1891 he got a job as an engineer at the Edison Electric Company. At the same time, he completed the development of his horseless carriage, which he nicknamed "Ford's ATV", and even earlier - assembled the car.

In 1903 he founded an automobile manufacturing company. At first, these were the cars of the Ford A model, and since 1908 - the Ford T models, which brought Henry worldwide fame. This is the third attempt to create their own business: the first companies in which Ford was a co-owner, either went bankrupt, or went to partners after conflicts. The entrepreneur was not stopped by failures.

Ford made the industrial revolution. He developed an automobile assembly line, and paid workers unthinkable money at that time - $ 5 per day. Henry died of a cerebral hemorrhage in 1947, but his car brand is still successful today.

The American banker's fortune at the time of his death was $ 188 billion. Mellon lived for a long time. Managed to be a businessman, industrialist, US Treasury Secretary and US Ambassador to England.

Born in 1855 in Pittsburgh, he worked from the age of 20 in the family banking company. In 1882 he inherited the business. Mellon began funding corporations in the oil refining, metalworking and shipbuilding industries.

In the 1920s. Andrew Mellon was considered the richest man in America. He managed to live to be 82 years old.

A commander in ancient Rome who lived from 115 to 153. BC .. He had about $ 170 billion. Hardworking, vain, stingy - despite his complex nature, Crassus turned Rome from a humble Republic into an Empire. This general suppressed the uprising of Spartacus.

Born into a well-to-do family, so he did not experience any needs since childhood. He made his fortune at the expense of a specific business: he bought at a low price the houses of people who suffered from military fires or who fell into proscriptions (lists declaring citizens outlawed), and then resold them.

He was engaged in the sale and purchase of slaves who worked in the silver mines of his family. There are suggestions that Mark Licinius himself set fire to houses, and specially trained his slaves in firefighting skills. The greed and cruelty of Crassus played a cruel joke on him: the commander was executed and molten gold was poured into his mouth.

This American businessman of the XIX century had more than $ 165 billion. Cornelius was born in 1794 in a modest farming family, but at the age of 11 he found his first job, leaving school for this. While working on the ferry, Vanderbilt borrowed $ 100 from his mother and at the age of 16 he founded an independent business of ferrying people on barges. A year later, he earned $ 1000, which he proudly returned to his family.

By the age of 18, Cornelius signed a contract with the American government for the delivery of goods by sea during the war between England and the United States. When the war ended, Vanderbilt maintained an entire fleet and switched to organizing the railroad business. In 1846 he became a millionaire. Vanderbilt died of natural causes in 1877, when he was 83 years old.

Art by Michael Witte

They account for 13% of the $ 2208 billion owned by the top 100 billionaires. The minimum entry threshold for this elite club is $ 39 billion, 28% higher than last year.

$ 112 billion, USA

The richest man on the planet, the head of Amazon, became the first billionaire with a fortune of over $ 100 billion. Shares of the e-commerce giant rose 59% in 12 months, increasing Bezos's fortune by almost $ 39.2 billion - a record increase. He also owns the Washington Post newspaper and the aerospace company Blue Origin.

$ 90 billion, USA

Gates has lost the top spot in the richest rankings for only the sixth time in 22 years. Over the past year, the fortune of the Microsoft co-founder has increased by $ 4 billion, but he is far from Bezos's epic leap.

$ 84 billion, USA

In January, the 87-year-old billionaire appointed two senior Berkshire Hathaway executives to serve as vice chairs, the first step in a transition plan for the company. For now, however, Buffett, who says he is doing great, continues to run Berkshire, which is up 16% since the start of last year.

$ 72 billion, France

Record revenues from the LVMH empire of premium brands and the purchase of almost 100% of the Christian Dior fashion house allowed Arnault to increase his fortune by $ 30.5 billion.

$ 71 billion, USA

The Facebook CEO is now in the spotlight because of the role the world's largest social network played in meddling in American elections from Russia. Nevertheless, the company's share price increased by 31%, which added $ 15 billion to Zuckerberg's fortune.

$ 70 billion, Spain

Much of Ortega's fortune comes from Inditex, which runs brands like Zara. The company's shares plunged, which reduced it by $ 1.3 billion.

$ 67.1 billion, Mexico

Slim's fortune is up $ 12.6 billion from a year ago, driven largely by shares of his telecommunications company América Móvil up 39%.

$ 60 billion, USA

In November, Koch Industries, with a turnover of $ 100 billion, announced the launch of the venture division of Koch Disruptive Technologies under the leadership of Charles Koch's son Chase. The company has already become a leading investor in an Israeli medical device startup with a $ 150 million investment.

$ 60 billion, USA

The executive vice president of Koch Industries and his brother Charles made all the headlines in November when the investment arm of their holding invested $ 650 million in the purchase of the losing publishing house of Time magazine. The total amount of the deal, where Meredith Corp. acted as the main investor, amounted to $ 2.8 billion.

$ 58.5 billion, USA

In the cloud technology market, Oracle competes with Salesforce and Amazon, but despite this, the company's shares rose 13%. Allison, who owns a quarter of the shares, is $ 6.3 billion richer.

$ 50 billion, USA

The former mayor of New York continues to run his Bloomberg LP, which provides financial information and develops a media platform. He supports an organization that advocates gun control, which has launched new initiatives to protect students following the shooting at a school in Parkland, Florida.

$ 48.8 billion, USA

Google's cofounder and CEO of parent company Alphabet are said to be in talks with Saudi Arabia to build a technology hub in the kingdom. Page's fortune has increased by $ 8.1 billion over the past year.

$ 47.5 billion, USA

Page's Google partner is America's richest immigrant. He is now president of Alphabet and reportedly uses the company's air fleet both for personal travel and for delivering humanitarian aid to remote areas of the planet.

$ 46.4 billion, USA

The youngest son of Walmart founder Sam Walton was a member of the company's board of directors until 2016. He now runs the family bank Arvest.

$ 46.2 billion, USA

Sam Walton's eldest son was chairman of Walmart for 23 years. Today Samuel Robson is one of three family members still involved with the company. He and Stuart Walton, son of Jim Walton, are members of the board of directors, and his son-in-law, Gregory Penner, is chairman.

16. Alice Walton
$ 46 billion, USA

Sam Walton's only daughter is not involved in running the family business, but she owns a lot of Walmart shares, making her the richest woman in the world.

$ 45.3 billion, China

Ma became the richest man in Asia for the first time, thanks in part to the success of his company Tencent's WeChat, with nearly 1 billion active users. Tencent also has stakes in Tesla, Snap (Snapchat's parent company) and music streaming service Spotify.

$ 42.2 billion, France

Her mother, L'Oréal heiress Liliane Bettencourt, died in September 2017, leaving her fortune to Bettencourt-Myers and her family.

$ 40.1 billion, India

The Indian tycoon has returned to the top 20 for the first time since 2012.

$ 39 billion, China

In 2017, Ma took e-commerce giant Alibaba to new heights by partnering with the Olympics for the first time and signing a streaming deal with Disney. Alibaba rallied 76%, bringing Ma to the top 20 for the first time.

The American magazine Forbes traditionally announced the list of the richest people in the world at the end of the past year. The 32nd annual world ranking, published on March 6, 2018, includes 2,208 people from 72 countries of the world, each of whom owns a fortune of at least $ 1,000,000,000. At the same time, the total income of billionaires from all over the planet Earth increased by 18% compared to last year and amounted to $ 9.1 trillion. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of this year and the types of activities to which billionaires owe their capital.

Businessmen, software developers, representatives of the fashion industry, publishing, the media and the mobile communications market are among the top ten absolute world leaders in terms of earned wealth.

Top ten people on the Forbes list of the richest people in the world for 2018:

  • Jeff Bezos ($ 112 billion) took the top spot on the 2018 Forbes billionaire list for the first time and became the richest person in the world. The rapid rise in the price of shares of his brainchild Amazon by 59% allowed 53-year-old Bezos to add $ 39.2 billion to his own fortune compared to last year.

Interesting! Jeff Bezos managed not only to lead the top richest people in the world in 2018, but also to become the first billionaire, whose fortune is estimated at 12 figures.

  • Bill Gates ($ 90 billion) ranks second on the Forbes list. Despite the fact that Microsoft brought him fame and the bulk of his fortune, today Gates' share in the company does not exceed 3%. Now he earns mainly from a machine-building company, an investment fund and a number of other sources.

  • Warren Buffett ($ 84 billion) is the 3rd richest person in 2018. The 87-year-old billionaire's lifelong income comes from investment holding Berkshire Hathaway, which owns various stakes in more than 60 companies.

  • Bernard Arnault ($ 72 billion) was able to get to the 4th place of the Forbes top and increase his fortune by $ 30.5 billion (while in 2017 he was only in the second ten). The 69-year-old Frenchman is the sole owner of the LVMH Moët Hennessy holding, which represents luxury brands Louis Vuitton, Sephora, Christian Dior (since 2017), etc.

  • Amancio Ortega ($ 70 billion) - the founder of the Inditex holding, which includes the famous brands Zara, Bershka, Massimo Dutti and others, is the 6th billionaire in the world. The 80-year-old Spaniard also buys real estate in prestigious locations in Europe and America and receives substantial dividends from its resale or rental.

  • Carlos Slim Elu ($ 67.1 billion) is the seventh largest Forbes billionaire world. The Mexican is the owner of the America Movil mobile operator, as well as co-owner of the New York Times, a number of real estate and mining companies.

  • Charles Koch ($ 60 billion) is number eight on the Forbes top of 2018. Together with his brother, he is the owner of the Koch Industries holding. The history of the latter began in 1940, when their father founded an oil refinery.

  • David Koch ($ 60 billion) is the second co-owner of Koch Industries, who, thanks to the decision to buy the Times publishing house, managed to add $ 11.7 billion to his capital and take the 9th line in the rating of world billionaires.

  • Larry Ellison ($ 58.5 billion) - American from the 10th line of the Forbes list is the founder of the Oracle IT company, which has recently been developing cloud services. Ellison also actively invests in her hobby, sailing, and spares no expense for charitable causes.

The richest people in Russia in 2018

Among the richest people in the world, the Forbes 2018 list includes 102 people from Russia, whose total fortune was estimated at $ 410.8 billion. Most of them made their fortune in the oil and gas sector or in other commodity markets. So, the top ten wealthiest representatives of the Forbes list from Russia:

  • Vladimir Lisin ($ 19.1 billion) is the richest person in Russia in 2018 and is on the 57th line of the Forbes global ranking. Lisin holds the position of chairman and is the main owner of shares in NLMK (steel sector) and Universal Cargo Logistics Holding.

On a note! Vladimir Lisin is Vice President at the International Shooting Sport Organization. It was thanks to him that the Lisya Nora, the largest shooting complex in Europe, appeared in the Moscow region.

  • Alexey Mordashov ($ 18.7 billion) is the second (like last time) among the richest Russians and 60th in the world top. The capital of the co-owner of Severstal, the tour operator TUI and the gold mining company Nord Gold N.V increased by $ 1,200,000,000.

  • Leonid Mikhelson ($ 18 billion) - the winner of last year's Russian Forbes rating in 2018 dropped to 3rd place (64th place in the Forbes top). The fortune of the co-owner of the chemical holding Sibur and the largest private gas company Novatek decreased by $ 400 million.

  • Vladimir Potanin ($ 15.9 billion) - ranks 6th and 83rd in the Forbes lists of Russia and the world, respectively. Owning shares in Norilsk Nickel, the Petrovax Pharm concern and the famous ski resort in Russia, Rosa Khutor, brought Potanin an additional $ 1,600,000,000.

  • Andrey Melnichenko ($ 15.5 billion) - the main owner of Eurochem, SGK (energy) and SUEK (coal mining) in 2018, takes 7th place in Russia and 88th place in the international list of billionaires according to Forbes 2018 ...

  • Mikhail Fridman ($ 15.1 billion) - an increase in own finances by $ 700 million allowed the founder of Alfa Bank, co-owner of Alfa Group and LetterOne to be on the 8th line of the Forbes list in 2018.

  • Viktor Vekselberg ($ 14.4 billion) - ranks 9th among the richest people in Russia (89th in the world). The lion's share of his income is now brought by the company Suzler from Switzerland (produces pumping equipment). In addition to her, Vekselberg also receives income from the activities of the Renova Group of Companies, of which he is the founder.

Interesting! The private collection of Viktor Vekselberg contains the most famous works of art, including 9 Faberge eggs, for the purchase he paid the Forbes family about $ 100 million.

  • Alisher Usmanov ($ 12.5 billion) - closes the top 10 richest people in Russia according to Forbes 2018 and occupies the 118th line of the world top. Having started a business with the production of polyethylene products during the Soviet era, today Usmanov is a co-owner of the holding "Metalloinvest", "Megafon", " Group", FC "Arsenal" and a share of shares in Xiaomi.


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