Non-volatile heating boilers on solid fuel. Solid fuel boilers for long burning

Non-volatile heating boilers on solid fuel. Solid fuel boilers for long burning

When buying or building a country cottage, the question of the heating of the building in the cold season arises. It is not always possible to connect to the gas distribution network or enjoy the blessing of the central heat supply. In this case, a solid fuel boiler for the heating of a private house is one of the most practical options. Due to the significant increase in electricity prices, the purchase of solid fuel for the heating system is more profitable.

Types of solid fuel boilers

Today, various heating equipment is presented on the market, which is based on the combustion of solid raw materials. Depending on the source used, the following types are distinguished:

  • Coal. Coal briquettes, stone and brown coal, anthracite can be used as fuel. The equipment is available at a price and simply in operation. The undoubted advantage of the coal aggregate is the high efficiency.
  • Pyrolysis. Boilers function on solid biological fuel. The raw material is subjected to a pyrolysis process, resulting in a high combustion temperature and, as a result, high efficiency (80-90%).
  • Pellet. Such boilers belong to high-power equipment. They are suitable not only for the heating of a country house, but also for the implementation of a mini-boiler room. The energy carrier for such aggregates is special pellets from wood peat. With the right use of the CPD boiler reaches 90%.

Materials for equipment

Modern manufacturers for the manufacture of boilers use high-quality, heavy-duty materials - cast iron and steel. Each of them has their own advantages. Definitely determine which is better - it is impossible.

Cast iron, due to high resistance to external environmental impacts, has a long service life, about 30-40 years. But chemically aggressive substances resulting from the combustion of fuel, from the inside destroy the furnace. In order to maximize the service life of pig-iron equipment, it is necessary to competent design and installation of the boiler.

Steel boilers are also resistant to temperature drops and exposure to external factors. Equipment made of steel is durable and durable. But such aggregates are suitable for the arrangement of open heating systems in which there is no high pressure occurrence.

Solid fuel boilers for heating a private house in our online store are presented in a wide range. Among the presented models it is easy to choose and buy equipment corresponding to a specific case. We offer only affordable prices for all aggregates implemented by us.

Among the boilers on solid fuel are very popular solid fuel boilers on firewood.

Solid fuel boilers on firewood

The boiler has an electric air blower, which is controlled by an electronic system from the thermostat. As a result of the change in the amount of air, the power of the boiler in the combustion process varies depending on the temperature of the coolant.

The electronic system displays various indicators to monitor the boiler operation mode. The boiler has an indicator of a minimum amount of fuel in the furnace and gives a signal about this host. The design of the boiler provides the possibility of reloading fuel without stopping the combustion process.

Equipment manufacturers are released universal combined boilerswhich can burn fuel in two modes - with air supply or bottom, or top. The cost of such boilers is naturally higher.

Automatic solid fuel boilers

There are automatic solid fuel boilers. It is more correct to call them semi-automatic, since the boiler still requires periodically certain actions from a person, let and not every day.

With the device and principle of operation of an automatic solid fuel boiler, you can get acquainted if you look at this video clip:

Fuel for an automatic boiler can be granulated coal of a fraction 5 - 25 mm. or wood granules - pellets, as well as granules from other combustible materials - peat and waste of plant and animal origin.

The need to use only granulated fuel For burning in automatic boilers, it causes certain difficulties for the owners of the house. The cost of such fuel on the market is noticeably higher than conventional chipped wood or coal.

In automatic boilers, manufacturers often provide for the possibility of replacing the burner for granulated fuel, to another burner - for gas or liquid fuel. Instead of the burner, trembling can be installed. In this embodiment, the boiler turns into a regular boiler on firewood.

Granulated fuel is usually sold in bags. Fuel is easy and without dust loaded into the boiler bunker. One bunker loading is enough for 3 - 10 days of the boiler.

After the ignition at the beginning of the heating season, the burning in the automatic boiler happens continuously. The automatic boiler can work in two modes:

  • Active burning modein which the boiler power can be in the range of 10 - 100% of the nominal.
  • Combustion support mode When the boiler power is chosen to ensure the temperature of the coolant in the boiler circuit of about 55 degrees. The automatic controller translates the boiler to the support mode when there is no heat selection from the heating circuit. Such a regime is required to protect the boiler from low-temperature corrosion (see below), and also ensures the constant readiness of the boiler for the resumption of active burning.

During the operation of the boiler, it is necessary:

  • Follow the filling of the bunker and load fuel in the bunker once every 3 to 7 days.
  • Delete ashes from a removable coil box every 2 to 4 days.
  • Once a week brush the inner surface of the boiler from deposits with a special tool.
  • Every year, before the start of the heating season, clean and check the health of the chimney of the boiler.

How to choose the power of a solid fuel boiler

A solid fuel boiler must be chosen so that its nominal heating power corresponds to the thermal loss of the heated object.

The choice of a boiler is too high rated power leads to the fact that the boiler most of the time works in a significant power limit mode. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in the efficiency (increasing fuel consumption), increased formation of deposits (soot, tar), accelerated corrosion of the boiler and chimney. The risk of overheating of the coolant in the boiler increases. The cost of boilers is growing as power increases.

therefore should not buy a boiler having significantly greater powerThan thermal loss of the house.

True, when the boiler selection with a large reserve in power increases the duration of burning of one fuel laying - in the furnace more than firewood. But it is advantageous to implement this advantage only in the heating system with heat battery.

The exact calculation of thermal losses of the house and the power of the heating boiler is a rather complicated task, the solution of which is better to entrust the designers specialists. Managers of the company that sells boilers is likely to advise you to choose an excessive power boiler - it is profitable for them.

Approximately power boiler for heating home choose, guided by the generally accepted values \u200b\u200bof the specific capacity per 10m 2 heated area on climatic zones:

  • For the southern regions of Russia: 0.7 - 0.9 kW / 10m 2.
  • For the middle strip - 1.2 - 1.5 kW / 10m 2.
  • For the northern regions - 1.5 - 2 kW / 10m 2.

For example, for the region of Moscow in a house with a heated area of \u200b\u200b150 m2, a capacity of 150m 2 x 1,2kW / 10m 2 \u003d 18kW should be installed.

For the house built in compliance with modern energy saving requirements, smaller values \u200b\u200bapply to calculate.

It should also be borne in mind that the heat capacity of non-freezing liquids is 20% lower than that of the water. When using them as a coolant, the boiler power can fall by 10 - 15% of the nominal.

The water heating system with natural circulation of the coolant is recommended to be used in houses with a heated area of \u200b\u200bpremises not more than 100m 2. In the houses of a larger area or in heating systems with warm floors, forced circulation of the coolant with the installation of circulation pumps is used.

Protection of a solid fuel boiler from overheating

In a solid fuel boiler, burning fuel, and the boiler itself possess a rather large mass. Therefore, the heat dissipation process in the boiler has a big inertia. Fuel combustion and water heating in a solid fuel boiler cannot be stopped instantly, stopping the fuel supply, as is done in the gas boiler.

Solid fuel boilers, more than others, prone to overheating of the coolant - boiling water, if the heat selection disappears, for example, with a sudden cessation of the circulation of water in the heating system, or heat in the boiler is released more than spent.

Boiling water in the boiler leads to an increase in temperature and pressure in the heating system with all the serious consequences - the destruction of the equipment of the heating system, injury to people, damage to property.

Modern closed heating systems with a solid fuel boiler are especially prone to overheating, as they contain a relatively small amount of coolant.

In heating systems, polymer pipes, collector controls and distribution, various cranes, valves and other fittings are usually used. Most elements of the heating system are very sensitive to overheating of the coolant and pressure surges caused by boiling water in the system.

A solid fuel boiler in the heating system should have protection against coolant overheating.

To protect a solid fuel boiler from overheating in a closed heating system that does not have a connection with the atmosphere, two steps must be performed:

  1. Overlap the air supply for burning in the boiler firek to as quickly as possible reduce the intensity of burning fuel.
  2. Provide cooling coolant At the outlet of the boiler and prevent the water temperature to boil. Cooling should occur until the heat selection decreases to the level in which the boiling of water becomes impossible.

Consider how to protect the boiler from overheating, on the example of the heating scheme, which is shown below.

Connection diagram of solid fuel boiler to a closed heating system

Scheme of a closed heating system with a solid fuel boiler.

1 - boiler security group (safety valve, automatic air vent, pressure gauge); 2 - tank with a water margin for cooling the coolant when the boiler overheating; 3 - Float shut-off valve; 4 - thermoclap; 5 is a group of connecting expansion membrane tank; 6 - node circulating coolant and protect the boiler from low-temperature corrosion (with pump and three-way valve); 7 - heat exchanger protection against overheating.

The protection of the boiler from overheating works as follows. When increasing the temperature of the coolant above 95 degrees, the thermostat on the boiler closes the air supply damper into the combustion chamber of the boiler.

Thermallapan pos.4 opens the flow of cold water from the tank pos.2 in the heat exchanger Pos.7. Cold water flowing through the heat exchanger cools the coolant at the outlet of the boiler, not allowing the boil.

The supply of water in the tank pose 2 is required in case of lack of water in a water supply system, for example, when the electricity is disconnected. Often, in the water supply system at home, a shared accumulative tank is installed. Then water for cooling the boiler takes from this tank.

Heat exchanger to protect the boiler from overheating and cooling the coolant, pos. 7 and thermal supplies, pos.4. Boiler manufacturers are usually embedded in the boiler housing. This has become a standard equipment for boilers intended for closed heating systems.

To date, modern solid fuel boilers today are often used for the heating of a private house, despite the fact that they are inferior in the convenience of operation to their electrical and gas competitors. Such popularity of this equipment is primarily due to growing prices for traditional energy carriers (especially for electricity), as well as the absence of centralized gas supply in some regions. It should not also forget that the waste of an agricultural or woodworking enterprise is often used as fuel for solid fuel boilers, so that the heating of a private house is absolutely free.

Types of fuel for solid fuel boilers

The list of fuels suitable for use in a solid fuel boiler is quite wide, it is possible to attribute almost everything that is not gas or liquid and can burn. In most cases, they act as heat sources:

  • coal;
  • peat;
  • wood briquettes;
  • pellets;
  • waste in the form of wooden chips and sawdust;
  • luzga and shell of oilseeds and grain crops;
  • straw.

Each type of fuel places its requirements for the material and the design of the furnace, the air supply system and some other components of the boiler. Of course, the fuel is burning even if all these parameters are inconsistent, but the CPD of the boiler in this case will be significantly lower than the maximum possible. Therefore, before choosing a suitable model of a solid fuel boiler, you should definitely decide what kind of fuel you will use in it.

The disadvantage of household solid fuel boilers is that this equipment is not able to work without user participation. Even in models with automatic fuel supply, it has to constantly shove in the hopper, the owner must also periodically remove the ash.

Features of solid fuel boilers

In the simplest performance, household solid fuel boilers are devices consisting of a housing located inside it the combustion chamber and chimney. Such boilers provide so-called air heating, that is, simply speaking, heating the air around him like the traditional Russian oven. These models have the smallest cost, but it is impossible to apply such types of modern boilers for a private house with several rooms. They are suitable for small buildings consisting of one or two rooms.

To heat the heating heat carrier, a solid fuel boiler with a heat exchanger should be used. The heat exchanger is blown by hot gases in the combustion of fuel, due to which the water circulating through it is heated. The heat exchangers are made of steel or cast iron.

Most preferred are cast iron heat exchangers: they are more durable than steel, are not subject to corrosion and have better working qualities. However, they are also characterized by some disadvantages: the cast iron is much less plastic than steel, so it takes the temperature differences worse; By weight, the cast-iron heat exchanger significantly exceeds steel, which complicates the transportation and installation of the boiler. The main "minus" of steel heat exchangers - the fear of corrosion.

In modern models of household boilers on solid fuel, this problem is solved by adding special additives that increase anti-corrosion resistance. Another disadvantage is that steel heat exchanger, in contrast to the cast iron, is a welded structure:

  • first, the welds are a weak place of the product;
  • secondly, this method of manufacturing the heat exchanger significantly complicates its repair.

However, steel heat exchangers make it possible to implement a very useful function, which is to use the cooling coil. With an increase in the temperature of the coolant over the permissible limits, the thermostatic valve will open, which ensures the flow of cold water into the container. Boilers with cast-iron heat exchangers use such a method to reduce the temperature of the coolant cannot, the system falls on a new filling with cool water.

Double-circuit boilers

More "advanced" models of solid fuel boilers can be used not only for the heating of private houses , But for heating water in the hot water system. Such boilers are called double-circuit. To the one who wishes to buy a similar device, one circumstance should be taken into account: directly at the time of use of the hot water crane, the boiler completely switches to heating the DHW circuit, the heating is turned off.

This happens as follows: As a result of the switching of the valves, the heat carrier heated with a boiler is redirected to the heat exchanger of the DHW circuit, thus in the heating system it does not receive. Therefore, such a scheme for connecting the boiler on solid fuel is justified only if the hot water is spent episodically and in small volumes. If water needs a lot, the water supply system is complemented by a storage capacity (boiler), which provides the following advantages:

  • allows you to increase hot water consumption;
  • makes it possible to use hot water longer without turning off heating at the same time;
  • smoothes the mode of operation of the boiler, reducing the frequency of its switching from the heating circuit on the DHW.

In low-cost models of solid fuel boilers, the fuel is loaded manually, whereas in more advanced versions this process is partially automated. Such boilers are equipped with a bunker, from which the fuel is fed to the fuel to the auger or piston feeder. Of course, firewood such a system to put it instead of the user can hardly be able to, but with bulk fuels - fine coal (with a size of 5 to 25 mm), pellets, etc. - I will cope with "excellent." The volume of one bunker refueling is usually enough for several days.

Pellet boilers

One of the most agricultural and convenient types of fuel are pellets, which are also called biogramals. Basically, they are made of wood chips, but can also be used, peat, husk of sunflower seeds, etc. To obtain the granules, the feedstock is crushed, and then pressed under pressure reaching 300 atm. Therefore, pellets occupy a much smaller volume than the portion of chips in its pure form having the same mass. Use boilers on pellets for home heating is very convenient: one load in the bunker is enough for a whole week, while the fuel burns almost completely, so it is possible to remove ash about once a month. From other types of solid fuel boilers, this equipment is different, first of all, the presence of a special burner called pelllet.

The basic adjustment of the pellet boiler consists of these steps:

  • accurate setting of the inclusion and waiting time of the screw feeder when fuel supply;
  • selection of the optimal fan speed for air supply;
  • adjustment of the modes of operation of circulating pumps in the contours of heating and DHW;
  • setting temperature modes.

The maximum and minimum flow of the pellet boiler is determined by several factors:

  • KPD boiler;
  • calorical fuel;
  • thermal resistance of enclosing house designs;
  • outdoor temperature;
  • the number of consumers connected to the boiler in addition to the heating system (system "Warm floor", DHW).

Pyrolysis boilers

If the household heating boiler in a private house is assumed to be dried with coal or wood fuel, it is better to prefer pyrolysis or, that the same, gas generator model. Such equipment is also called long burning boilers. Pyrolysis is a combustible gas formation process when driving coal or wood fuel without access of oxygen. It takes place in a special chamber of the boiler and is accompanied by the allocation of a significant amount of heat. Wood gas, consisting for most of ethylene and propylene, through a ceramic nozzle is fed to the second chamber, where the air is injected and where it is burning. Pyrolysis boilers on solid fuel for home are very beneficial because they have an increased efficiency, besides, they need much less effort to clean, because the ash after pyrolysis remains at all very much.

Rules for choosing a solid fuel boiler

Before choosing boilers on a solid fuel for long burning, their power should be calculated. On average, the specific value of the energy consumption for the heating of the house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 - 150 square meters. m is 120 - 130 W / square meters. m, for the house of 400 - 500 square meters. M - from 80 to 85 W / square meters. m.

It is also worth paying attention to various improvements that can significantly facilitate the operation of the equipment. So, for example, the heating of a country house with a solid fuel boiler can be controlled by commands from a mobile phone if the boiler is equipped with a GSM module with a SIM card installed in it.

As a conclusion, we recommend to watch an interesting video with a review of the cast iron boiler on solid fuel.

A solid fuel boiler is an aggregate for heating water due to thermal energy from solid fuel combustion: wood, coal, pellets.

Modern solid fuel boilers are no longer the doped furnaces with whom we dealt with another 20-25 years ago. These are already serious heating units that allow you to organize a full-fledged autonomous heating system for cottages, a large country house, a garage or production room.
And although the unconditional advantage of solid fuel boilers is still the cheapness and availability of fuel, as well as the ability to organize a heating system that does not depend on electricity, the modern solid fuel boilers have a new plus appeared - this is an opportunity to practically completely automate the system of the system without the participation of a person for a long time. This applies, first of all, to pellet boilers. But also to boilers with pyrolysis fuel burning, as they can work on one bookmark to 24 hours, and sometimes more. True, in this case, the non-volatile speech does not go.

All solid fuel boilers are divided:

Solid fuel boilers: how to choose?

Wood, coal or pellet (combined)
. Select the type of fuel is the most simple task in choosing a solid fuel boiler: Choose that fuel that is most accessible in your area. Many boilers allow you to burn several types of fuel, such as firewood and coal. Under the combined solid fuel boilers, boilers on firewood or coal are usually understood to install a pellet burner. On some models, you can also install a diesel burner, less often - gas (less often - because in this case the boiler is subject to separate certification for gas).

Classic or pyrolysis. Pyrolysis boilers are definitely winning in classic, as they have a higher efficiency, in other words, remove more heat from the same amount of fuel. Hence the longer burning on one load, and the econnomy of fuel, and less soot and tar on the walls of the boiler and chimney, and longer service life.
The only disadvantage of pyrolysis boilers, compared to classical, is their high cost, which, however, is quickly compensated by fuel economy.

Single-mounted or dual circuit. Two-integted solid fuel boilers exist, but it is more of the exotic area. Arrange the second outline in a solid fuel boiler is deprived of meaning, as it is expensive and not efficient. Let's say, in the summer you will have to pull the boiler only in order to heat the water. It is much more convenient for the preparation of hot sanitary water to use an electric water heater or solid fuel column.

Steel or cast-iron. The choice in favor of the steel or cast-iron boiler is not obvious - both and the other has both advantages and disadvantages. The steel boiler is cheaper, easier and has a little higher performance indicators than cast iron. However, the cast iron boiler is less prone to corrosion, so longer, and it is easier to repair it (it is enough to replace the damaged section). With confidence you can say one thing - in the presence of a competently designed system of heating and proper operation, and the steel and cast iron boiler will last long.

The rational owner always thinks about how it is reasonable to invest in the acquisition of a solid fuel boiler for a private house and reduce the cost of its further exploitation in the heating season. What is better, more profitable, more convenient? What are the boilers for heating, their types, advantages and disadvantages will tell this article.

Prices for electricity and gas are growing from year to year, besides, it is not always possible to connect to the highway. Thus, a solid fuel boiler can be considered a reliable, autonomous and economical option of home heating. With its advantages and disadvantages.

Homemade heating boiler

All existing boilers that work on hard fuel can be divided into convenience in this way:

  1. Boilers, in the furnace of which fuel supplied automatically - these are pellet solid fuel boilers. They work on solid granulated fuel. Pellet boilers are often classified to long burning boilers.
  2. Boilers that require manual fuel loading. They can also be divided into groups:
  • classic or traditional boilers;
  • pyrolysis boilers of upper burning;
  • long burning boilers.

The general parameter for which boilers usually pick up is the combustion time of fuel at one boot, as well as the type of fuel on which they work effectively.

Solid fuel boiler with a cooking panel

Choosing a solid fuel boiler for the heating of cottages or a private house, it is worth paying attention to such parameters:

  • the number of work circuits. A double-circuit boiler will warm the room and ensure hot water;
  • the presence of a cooking burner will help solve the problem with cooking;
  • power of the boiler and its efficiency. The boiler with a capacity of 5-12 kW will be able to heat the house of 100 square meters. m;
  • dimensions, weight and ease of installation;
  • boiler device and fuel loading method;
  • used fuel.

Council. Solid fuel boilers produce only the floor, on the wall such a boiler cannot be hugged.

Classic solid fuel boilers

This is the most common type of boilers. It is made of cast iron or heat-resistant steel. Heat generated when burning solid fuel. Solid fuel boilers operate on corner, firewood, peat, heating granules. Used for heating, as well as water heating. Most often they are drowned by coal, as the firewood burns quickly. The temperature sensor is responsible for maintaining the temperature in the boiler and adjusts the air damper. When the temperature decreases, the sensor opens the damper and vice versa.

Classic solid fuel boiler

On one boot of fuel operate from 2 to 6 hours. Absolutely autonomous: do not depend on the electrical network and the availability of gas. In more modern modifications, electronic temperature sensors and the control panel are built-in, as well as the winner fan, which makes the operation process more comfortable.


  • technology tested by time;
  • simple and reliable to use;
  • relatively low cost, a wide range of manufacturers, models and prices for boilers;
  • the possibility of using fuel available in your region;
  • autonomy - no connection to the power grid;
  • low efficiency;
  • simple boiler strapping;
  • the low cost of fuel compared to energy and gas tarificization.

Be prepared for what you need a significant fuel storage space.


  • it is necessary to equip the warehouse for storing fuel reserves;
  • shallow temperature control depth;
  • inertia of the process of burning fuel;
  • the need to deliver fuel and its preparation.

Council. Coal flares off slowly and gradually, while maintaining the same temperature in the furnace. Firewood and their sub-products fastened faster, so they can not immediately fill the entire furnace. This will lead to short-term allocation of a large amount of heat and overheating the boiler, which is very dangerous.

Pyrolysis solid fuel boilers

Pyrolysis boilers are a relatively new technology. This type of boilers are used for heating and water heating. Have two combustion chambers. The first chamber burns itself fuel with an artificial oxygen deficiency. When combustion, volatile substances are distinguished that burn in the second chamber.

Pyrolysis boiler device

Pyrolysis boilers are working on firewood, fuel briquettes, peellet, corner, there are models with coke and coal consumption. Fuel must necessarily be dry, otherwise water vapor, getting into the second chamber, can put out the boiler. Some pyrolysis boilers are equipped with a thermostatic air regulator and devices that protect the boiler from boiling. In the event of boiling, the thermostatic valve will reset the water by opening the damper, and the temperature inside the boiler will drop.


  • Efficiency at least 90%;
  • minimum amount of ash and soot form;
  • 2-4 times the fuel reappearance is required;
  • convenient and reliable to use;
  • fuel combines completely, the ashpan does not need to be cleaned often;
  • reduced emission of harmful smoke into the atmosphere;
  • you can burn large uncomplicated firewood.

Pyrolysis boiler survival chamber


  • complex design of the boiler;
  • high price;
  • wood must be dry (no more than 20% humidity);
  • it is necessary to connect to the power grid;
  • on the load in half the power, the combustion is unstable, it is formed to be a dog in the rods;
  • there is no possibility to automate the fuel supply process.

Council. The boiler can be put in almost any technical room with an organized air inflow. Chimney organizes internal or external.

Pellet solid fuel boilers, boilers with automatic fuel supply

In Europe, this type of boilers are very popular. They are used for heating, as well as for heating water for household needs. As a fuel for these boilers, pellets are used - comprehensive chips, wood sawdust. Basic important convenience - automation. They are perfectly coping with the maintenance of a given temperature. All that is required of you is at the beginning of the heating season to fuel the bunker. The bowl is built into the bow, which will feed the pellets in the firebox. Disappointing only the fact that in addition to the pellets, nothing can be burned.

Automatic pellet boiler


  • durability, service life for more than 20 years;
  • automation of fuel recess;
  • automatic ralizig;
  • KPD 90%;
  • stably hold the specified temperature.


  • it works only on wood granules;
  • high cost of fuel and equipment;
  • it is necessary to connect to the power grid.

Important. The use of unsuitable fuel leads to its excessive flow and can cause vehicle breakdown.

Boilers long burning

This type of boilers can work on coke, brown and stone coal, peat briquettes, firewood, wood chips, sawdust. Those models that are intended for work only on wood are distinguished only by the air supply system and materials from which the combustion chamber is performed. Up to 50 kg of fuel can be downloaded at a time. The burning time of firewood from 12 hours to two days. If the furnace is to fill in coal, then the burning time will be from four days before the week. If it is warm on the street, and there is no need to heat hard, then you can lower the boiler power by 10%, simply lowered the fuel burning rate.

Long burning boilers are very convenient in that they do not require constant tossing fuel

Long burning boilers are new generation boilers. In many models, the boiler has a bottom that speaks of complete tightness. Solid fuel burns in such a boiler from top to bottom. That is why they can work for so long on one download. The fuel is not on everything at once, but only the first 10-20 cm. The air, which is supplied to the furnace, heats up the outgoing smoke, and then enters the combustion zone using the recuperator. Air distributor is always at the level of burning fuel.


  • non-volatile;
  • with one load, the coal is operated up to 5 days, and firewood - up to 2 days;
  • deep power adjustment;
  • alas take out 2-3 times a month;
  • the price of such a boiler below pyrolysis, but above the classic solid fuel boiler for long burning.

Mounted long-burning boiler


  • Kpd low;
  • work with a full cycle without the possibility of reloading fuel;
  • additionally, you must install the circulation pump that runs from the network.

Council. Some manufacturers provide replaceable burners, which allows the user to easily switch from one type of fuel to another (for example, coal on pellets) without losing the comfort of use of the boiler. The user is only enough to change the burner and reconfigure the automation.

How to heat the house with a solid fuel boiler: video


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