The most slow animals in the world. Ten the most slow animal world is the slowest snail in the world

The most slow animals in the world. Ten the most slow animal world is the slowest snail in the world




Koalas belong to the special category of mammals of the dwarry sampling families. But do not confuse them with bears, although they were so named (in the West they are called "Koala Bear") for external similarity. Strong limbs and claws help them climb trees, and tear the leaves. Koala - one of the slowest animals. They are pretty much clear, because they spend all the time on the trees.

Also, Koal has thick tails that help them sit on the trees for a long time. They have excellent smell, which makes it easy to recognize predators. A loud voice makes it possible to notify the fellow on danger.


Giant Turtle

Turtle is a very slow animal vertebral animal with the longest life expectancy, as it moves very slowly.

Giant turtles, mostly live in the Seychelles and Galapagos Islands. They have a very heavy body with a weight of up to 350 kg, which is the reason for their slowness.

Thick legs and heavy shells are also the main cause of their slow motion. They are mainly located near the water and near the fields. They have a unique ability to live without food and water for about a year.


Garden snail

Garden snail is a representative of land mollusks from the Mediterranean region. Unlike slugs, garden snails have thick swirling sinks, which makes them so slow in motion that they can probick only a few meters per hour.

Basically, they are located in wetlands, move through a muscular reduction. They, too, inactive for many years, they like to hide from sunlight.



Found only 2000 different species Sea stars in all oceans in the world. Interestingly, starfishes cannot move at large distances. Their movement occurs due to the flow, which and picks them. The speed of the stars is only 0.02 miles / h.

Their form, in the form of a star, and causes difficulty in movement in the ocean. Sea stars have no blood and brain, if she lost a body part, then in her place will grow new. This is not only a very slow animal, it is also very beautiful and unusual.


Three-blind Lenivets

Three-foot sludge is one of the slowest animal in the world. This is a natives of America. Scientists often conduct research where they are trying to figure out which animal is the slowest. The sloths are not moving more than 30 meters per day, therefore they are considered unique.

This slow animal holds the bulk of his life within the branches of the Tropical Forest Tropical Forests. They feed on with leaves, and save more energy without moving. The sloths are able to swim, their speed in water is even higher than on land - up to 4 km. at one o'clock.


This is not all the most slow animals in the world. Someone may have missed sight, but you can remind us of them in the comments. Thanks for attention!

Moving at a speed of only 0.000023 m / s, the banana slip is considered one of the most slow moving animals in the world.

All types of fauna have certain features, which makes them. Different characteristics allow animals to adapt to their relatives. Some representatives of the animal world, such as, have the ability to run at an incredible speed, while others are very slow. Although it may seem strange, slow movement has its advantages. Below are some of the slowest animals on Earth.


Corals can be safely attributed to the most slowly moving animals of the world, as they actually do not move at all. Corals - which are mainly found in the marine environment, and exist as compact colonies of genetically identical polyps. Coral reefs multiply or by spawning. They also provide food and shelter with other marine organisms. Therefore, corals play the most important, if not a decisive role in sea biodiversity.

Banana mucus

Moving at a speed of only 0.000023 m / s, the banana mucus is the slowest animal on the planet. Banana Slizena is a common name given to three types of North American land snails from kind Ariolimax. They are usually yellow, and some have brown spots resembling a ripe banana. Banana slugs can also be olive, brown, white or greenish color. Various slugs change their color depending on the level of humidity, illumination and food consumption. Various slug colors also help indicate the age of a banana slim, or on its health.

Dwarf Sea Konk

Dwarf Sea Horse ( Hippocampus Zosterae.) - This is a special type of seahorse, which occurs near the shores of the Bahamas and other areas of the United States. This horse is the most slowly moving fish in the world floating at a speed of about 0.016 km per hour. The habitat of dwarf sea rods is usually limited to some coastal areas, so the loss of habitats threatens. Unlike most other fish, dwarf sea skates are monogamous and remain partners for life. This rare species refers to animals, who have males, and not female offspring.

Galapagos ivory turtle

Galapagos ivory turtle ( Chelonoidis Nigra.), also known as a giant turtle, is the longest animal on the planet. Currently, gigantic turtles are found only at two remote archipelagoes - alone at Aldabo 700 km east of Tanzania, while others on Galapagossa 972 km west of Ecuador. Galapagos Turtle - the slowest reptile on Earth, moving at a speed of about 0.37 km per hour on land and a little faster in water. They have a heavy body weighing up to 350 kg, which does not allow the animal to move faster. Heavy shells together with thick legs also play a significant role in such a slow ivory turtle movement.

American Waldshnep

American Waldshnep ( Scolopax Minor) - This is a kind of birds from the kind of Waldshneps, which lives in the eastern part of North America. The bird spends most of his time looking under the foliage on Earth, especially along the litter of young forest habitats. Urbanization and cutting down of forests, leading to the loss of habitat, explain the reduction of populations of this type of birds. American Waldshnep is the slowest bird in the world flying at a speed of about 8 km per hour.

Each type of animals has its own distinctive features, thanks to which this species is unique. One animal is inherent in colossal power, another - the ability to quickly overcome the distances, but there are such, the strong side of which is, oddly enough, slowness in movements and in the general vital pace.

Below, the reader can get acquainted with the list of the most slow animals of the world.

Tenth place: Lamine

Lamantines or as they are also called, "marine cows" are amazing and, oddly enough, can sound, one of the most beautiful aqueous herbivorous mammals. You can meet this animal in the rivers adjacent to Amazon, as well as on the coasts of the Indian Ocean and the Caribbean Sea.

In the natural environment, Lamytin practically does not have natural enemies, and for this reason they can afford to conduct a sedentary and measured lifestyle, which has been entrenched in them for many millennia of Lamanin's existence. The bulk of the time of Lamine is occupied by food and rest. It is for this reason that they are considered among the most slow animals of the world.

Lamantines - herbivores live in shallow water and feed on water vegetation.

Ninth place: Yadozub

Yadezubs belong to poisonous lizards that live in the south-west of the United States. It is very difficult to meet the yadeozub on the surface of the soil, since most of their time they are carried out in the Norah underground. The length of the body of an adult yadeozub is about fifty five centimeters. Moreover, the unique feature of this animal is that it is capable of eating such a number of food at once, which is about one third of its own weight of the yadeozub.

The relative slowness of the yadeozub is explained by the fact that they are able to accumulate a significant supply of subcutaneous fat. Due to this, they can rarely go to the surface of the Earth. Lifestyle they lead secretly, bad and slow, for which they received their deserved ninth place in the list of the most slow animals of our planet.

Eighth place: Lori

This type of primates is very widespread in Southeast Asia. His movements are simply extremely slow. The maximum speed of its movement is two kilometers per hour! At the same time, it is worth noting that, despite its completely innocuous appearance, this inhibited primacy is one of the representatives of poisonous mammals, so when contacting it is recommended to be extremely careful. It is probably precisely because of its poisonousness and, accordingly, danger, Laurie and can afford to be so slow. If he was not a poisonous, most likely, he would have long been the extraction of various predators and would come off the evolutionary track into oblivion.

Seventh place: sea horse

Sea skates belong to a special type of fish that live in the tropical waters of the whole world. Unlike other types of fish, sea skates lead a very low-wear lifestyle due to the specific structure of their tel. They have the ability to hang in one place for a long time, hawking in the thickets of algae, where they will wait for their prey. The average speed of movement of sea skates is only eight hundred meters per hour.

Sixth place: Banana Slizen

Banana slugs belong to the number of terrestrial brickelions of mollusks, which, as a rule, do not have sinks. The speed of movement of the slugs is extremely small and presumably reaches only three hundred twenty meters per hour. The bulk of its time is the banana slug holds deep in the earth's depths, where the eggs are placed. Thanks to its measured and slow lifestyle, as well as due to the ability to live underground without appearing on the surface for several years in a row, banana slugs deserved the honorable sixth place in the ranking of the most slow animals.

Fifth place: Koala

Despite the fact that the Koala in his appearance is very similar to the bear of small sizes, in fact, it refers to the number of herbivores. Thanks to the strong paws and the presence of claws, the koala can be very good for the trees, extracting meals. At Koal's vision is very bad, in their movements they are extremely slow, but they can sit still sit on the same place for a very long time, just clasping the trunk or a branch with their front limbs. For this reason, they spend the bulk of their time on the trees, only occasionally going down to Earth.

Fourth place: Giant Turtle

The turtles are champions in terms of longevity among all the well-known science of vertebrate animals, at the same time, they are also known and their extremely low speed of movement, which is not called "turtle". Traditionally, the galapagos and Seychelles are considered the habitat of a giant turtle. Since these turtles wear a heavy racy of huge sizes, whose weight can reach up to three hundred fifty kilograms, and also because of thick and short legs, these animals move extremely slow. Fortunately, these turtles can for a long time without food and water, which is good compensation for their slowness.

Third place: garden snail

Garden snails belong to the number of buchetic clams and inhabit the Mediterranean. Garden snail Unlike slugs, having a spiral swirling sink, due to which the speed of movements of the garden snail is reduced to just a few meters per hour.

As a rule, a garden snail occurs somewhere in the shade: among the fallen foliage, in a wet soil, under a log or under stone.

Second place: starfish

In the seas and oceans around the world, over two thousand seaside stars were discovered. Marine stars are moved, mainly with the help of the current and the average speed of the starfish is at the most thirty meters per hour.

Sea stars - bottom animals crawling with the help of outlacral legs equipped with suckers.

First place: Leniv

Three-legged sloth deservedly holds the palm of championship among all animal in the world. He lives in American tropics. The maximum speed of movement of the sloth is 1.34 millimeters per second. During the day, the sloth overcomes at the most thirty meters. Almost all his life he spends frozen in one place among the tree branches. The diet of the sloth consists only of tree leaves. And digest food, it can about a month.

It is like this that is the power and speed of digestion and the extremely low activity of the sloth is explained: the leaves contain a very small amount of calories and cannot give a sufficient amount of energy to move. Slow digestion enhances this disadvantage, so the unique slowness of this animal was the only evolutionary response to such a state of affairs, which were undeservedly reproached in ordinary laziness.

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Our planet is a place of ambitious accomplishments, where every detail is a vicious living organism. We often do not notice the wonderful and affordable stuff, we miss incredible scenes, do not pay due attention to nature. Let's take a look at the other side of the medal who often ignore. There we will find an incredible world - the world of measured calm and restrained serenity.

Before you - the top 10 of the most slow animals in the world.

10 American Waldshnep

Opens the rating of slow animal planets The slowest bird in the world, the speed of which is about 8 km / h. American Waldshnep - truly unique animal. Despite the motley plumage, prefers to fly exclusively in the marriage period, the rest of the time is on Earth and leads the night, even a lesible lifestyle. It has non-standard big eyes for their bodies and a long beak, which helps to find a favorite delicacy - rainworms.

9 Arizona Yadozub

It has always been believed that snakes are the most poisonous reptiles on the planet. However, this statement takes place to be until you encounter the Arizonian nucleon (although it looks rather reminiscent of the Magic Dragon from cartoons than a formidable lizard). Arizona nucleon is considered to be the slowest reptiles in the world. Named thanks to the teeth, with the grooves of which the poison flows. Just a few drops enough to kill an adult dog in just an hour! They say - it is better to die than to experience the pain in the bite of the yadozub. It can be found in the arid territories of the south-west of North America. This lizard loves to steal eggs and eat small rodents. Avoids crowded and prefers to live alone.


These leisurely water inhabitants are also called "marine cows", although for a long time they considered them mermaids (up to the 20th century). Compared to sea mammals, which have a normal velocity speed, these animals are very slow (one of the slowest animals in the world). Lamantines are quite large representatives of their species. Felt in shallow water near the coast of Africa and America. The weight of individual individuals can reach 1800 kg. These representatives of the Sirena detachment love warm water, so they can often be found in the areas of thermal power plants of large cities. Lamantines are large incines that continuously take food for 7 hours a day. They need to eat up to 50 kg of various dishes (plants, leafy of trees, algae). Even having a subcutaneous fat layer in 5 cm., Lamantines are sensitive to temperature drops. There were cases when Lamantins died in water at 18 degrees.

An interesting fact - scientists found that, despite a very small brain volume for animal sizes, their level of intelligence is approximately equal to the level of intelligence dolphins.

The most famous Laminean, named Snupi, lives in the Florida water park. His age is 65 years old. Sadly, Lamantines are on the verge of extinction.


Seahorse takes the seventh place in the list of the most slow animals in the world. The peculiarities of the body of this animal resemble a chess figure, vertically floating in the sea. The speed of such a "figurine" is only 1.5 km / h, which makes the skates with the slowest fish in the underwater kingdom. Sea skates are interesting because the males carry offspring, and females, in turn, are struggling for the farewell of the opposite sex. The uniqueness of the body of such an animal is the absence of stomach and teeth. It is inhabited in the tropical seas, feed on fine shrimps and crayfish. The mass catch of sea skates off the coast of Southeast Asia put animals on the edge of extinction.

6 koala

And now let's talk about the leisurely silent "bear." In the top ten of the slowest animals, Koala are the only representatives of their kind. A place where you can meet them - the east coast of Australia. And although these shaggy little animals are like bears, in fact they do not even belong to this family. Grow up to 80 cm., And weigh about 15 kg. They have different colors - from gray, to reddish shades. Prefer to sleep for a long time (up to 20 hours!), Casting powerful claws for trees. And it is descending extremely rare on Earth to move to another tree in search of food. They feed on the escapes and leaves of the eucalyptus, mainly at night. They are sufficiently slow, however, if they face a danger, these animals can give a decent speed, reaction and even know how to swim! By the way, the coal can be easily tamed.


Laurur Laurur is considered the most cute creatures among all the slow animals of the planet. This type of primates lives on trees in the forests of Southeast Asia. Grow up to 20 cm. Overcome long distances in search of food, mainly at night. Feed nectar, eggs, fruits, various insects. They can often be found as pets. Most common in countries such as Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, where the business sells these animals is widely practiced. Many consider lemurs with excellent fun, but the advocates for animal rights be alarming and protest against sales. It turns out that the captive kills lemurs.


Worldwide, the word "turtle" is associated with slowness. But it really is true! This detachment of reptiles is very slow (especially, gigantic Galapagos (elephant) and Seychelles) and ranks 4th in the rating of the most slow animals in the world. The right is considered long-livers of our planet. Can travel around the world for 200 years. They are not accurate to rush to them, especially with a mass of 300 kg! Feed vegetation. Each individual has its own characteristic pattern on the shell (as the fingerprints of the people in humans). Only up to the 20th century about 200,000 thousand Galapagos turtles were counted.

3 starfish

One of the most unusual, ancient, mysterious and beautiful creatures of our planet. Researchers agree that they existed even at the beginning of the Paleozoic era. Sea stars enter the top three of the most slow animals and are the most slow marine animals in the world. Live in the seafst depths of each corner of the earth. Separate species came across scientists at a depth of 8 km. Their sizes can exceed one meter. Feed with small crustaceans, sea worms, oysters, mussels, etc. The most extraordinary in the marine stars is that they can change their gender. But there are no brain from these creatures. They are considered to be the bottoms of the bottom, cleaning it from fallen and other remains of living organisms.


Three-legged sloth is the slowest mammal on the planet. About the "super-speed" of these animals go legends. As they say in a notorious cartoon - "Speed \u200b\u200bwithout borders"! The sloths are the most common mammals in South America. However, they are very difficult to notice, as they hide high on the trees. Covered with thick wool, in which the other life also boils: algae, moths and other different insects. These animals are moving with great difficulty in the trees, but they are very sharp. The fact that these animals are among the most slow on the planet can be judged by the fact that the lazens per day are only 40 m.

Everyone is well understood that the high speed used by animals is both a means of salvation from predators and a means of successful hunting. But on our planet live numerous creatures for which the high speed of movement has become an unattainable goal, but it actually does not need it.

Lifestyle, the conditions of habitat and the characteristics of the structure do not allow many animals to use high speed at all. They still live well, as they developed their tactics for a centuries-old evolution, allowing wildlife in the harsh world. So what are these animals? Which one is the slowest?

1st place. Snail

According to the latest studies of scientists, the average speed of the snail is about 1.5 mm / s, that is, in one minute, it can overcome the distance equal to about 6 cm (3.6 m / h). Such a small speed of movement of the snail is due to the peculiarities of its structure.

Interesting fact: it turns out that mucus this animal is needed for clutch solely for movement vertical surfaces. When the snail moves horizontally, it does not use the mucus, although it highlights it: moving horizontally Snail bends and straightens some sections of its "legs", just like caterpillars. With this movement, friction is significantly less.

2nd place. Three Pale Leniv

The speed of the movement of the snail does not surprise us as like the speed of the sloth and this is understandable, because the snail is a small creature, but an animal of medium sizes, but despite this, he moves very slowly. Its average movement speed on Earth is only 150 m / h.

It is worth noting that the sloth is not able to move on land, leaning on the paws, like all other animals, because of their long claws. He has to pull up the back of the body, clinging to the claws of the front paws per surface. At the same time, he literally crawls on the belly. Therefore, its low speed is not surprising.

3rd place. Turtles

We often hear the expression: "crawling like a turtle." However, these reptiles are not so slow, as it may seem at first glance. Many of them can develop a good speed, especially for turtles living in water. Such reptiles are able to develop speed (in water) to 25-35 km / h, and if it is semi-water turtles that are sometimes selected on land, then when moving along the ground, their speed is equal to 10-15 km / h.

But the huge sea and land turtles are indeed very slow and rightly occupy 3rd place among the most slow animals. Their large size and structure do not allow them to develop high speeds, which is why they are so slow and awkward. So, the speed of these giants living on the land and the waters of the World Ocean is an average of 700-900 m / h.

4th place. Greenland polar Akula

Greenland polar shark (lat. Somniosus Microcephalus.) - Another inhabitant of the World Ocean, preferring cold water. However, it is quite natural than in colder water this predator swims, the slower its speed. Weight - about 1 t, and the length of the body is 6.5 meters.

Throughout the cold waters, she intend to take care of energy and warmly, which is why it is forced to move so slowly. Sometimes it seems that she falls asleep on the go. The speed of this shark is only 1.5 km / h - and no more. This shark feeds on the famous Greenland seals whose speed is significantly higher, but in this case she doesn't need a swiftness, as she sinks and attacks sleeping seal at night.

5th place. Harvest mouse

Polevka is a small rodent, in which the length of the body is only 12 cm. Although the wheel and a prompt creature, capable of crawling into any gap, but she has no more than 4-7 km / h, but, despite such a small speed, she succeeds To run away from your potential enemies, which she has more than abuse.

6th place. Croes

Mole is a small, but very strong animal with strong limbs and long claws, which are necessary for the animal for life underground.

It is because of the fact that the Mole spends all his life underground and is rarely chosen to the surface, his eyesight is bad, but for him there is a wonderful smell and hearing. It is not enough that he creates a lot of long moves, he is still quite quickly moving on them: the average speed of movement of the CROT is 5-7 km / h.

7th place. Whale shark

Whale shark (lat. Rhincodon Typus.) - This is another inhabitant of the seas and oceans. It is one of the largest fish of the planet, its length can exceed 10 m. However, despite its impressive sizes, its speed is small - about 5 km / h. Its diet is plankton, so it does not need a high speed.

8th place. Virgin Opossyum

Virginian Oposatum (Lat. Didelphis Virginiana.) - a leisurely animal, overcoming the distance at a speed, which rarely exceeds 7 km / h. When he threatens the danger, he is also not particularly accelerated.

Virgin Oposatsum found more effective protection from the enemies: he falls to the ground, pretending to be dead, while he comes from the disgusting smell allocated by special anal glands.

9th place. Snakes

Who does not know the snakes, because these reptiles are distributed throughout the planet. When we see the crawling snake, we involuntarily seems to us that it moves very quickly, but in fact it is not. The speed of the snake rarely exceeds 10-12 km / h, it can be compared at the speed of a fast-reaching person.

10th place. Tasmanian devil

The Tasmansky Devil (Lat. Sarcophilus Harrisii) is the last (on our list) a representative among the slowest animals. He does not hovering around - with feeling, really, arrange.

The speed of movement of these yormans does not exceed 13 km / h, and if exceeds, it is extremely rare. Their aggression and bad smell will scare anyone who wants to attack them.


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