You will need to spend some time to activate the course.

You will need to spend some time to activate the course.


Description of the book: Osteochondrosis is often caused by illness, about 80% of people suffer from 30 years of age. Bil at the ridge in the 21st century becomes a normal phenomenon, a sedentary way of living and improper eating is the reason for this. Є Solid, but only ointments and drugs can help you to get rid of it, and it’s not very useful. Oleksandra Bonina, who’s not good for the insane drug in physical culture and sports medicine! At the bottom, the universal and more than once increasing its efficiency, as well as having removed thousands of quiet ones, "Svitlofor" is right. All 86 right, described in the book, can change your life and overshadow your back in the past!

In the current hour of active struggle with piracy, there are only a few short fragments in our library for reading, including the book Health Ridge for 2 years. 86 nominated rights. Svitlofor system. You know how, you can see, why the book is given to you and why you are given a book and what you need to know. With such a rank, if you accept the prats of the writer Oleksandr Bonin by the way of the legal purchase of the book, if you are honored with a short zmist.

And what about all the middle in the video course?

In addition, if you change the course and display it on your computer, then take the course in the menu, as you see it with the next rank:

The course will run from 10 complexes of licensed persons, and one video lesson with information about those, as and in the last day, the need for viconuvati.

If it is short, then the course of drug use will take three times. First 5 complexes and visit from Monday to Friday, while staying at the weekend, and then you are busy for another week, during the next week, 5 complexes.

If you are looking for a weekend, and from Monday, you should start working again on the first complex.

Think for yourself. In the same place, the buildings were started by the literal rank of driving their ridge. Mi is sitting wrong, sleeping wrong, falling wrong ...

Osteochondrosis itself is more and more common among schoolchildren. What can you say about people who are older than Vika! It's a pity that the situation is only too bad for the rocks. Disgusting little squeaks, rooting from childhood, podkryplyuyutsya little rokova activity, scho to accelerate osteochondrosis.

It is unreasonable to help that, for a few days you will correct all the flaws in front of your ridge, accumulated by stretching out life. Regardless of your specific situation, it is necessary from decіlkoh dates to decіlkoh mіsyatsіv regular take, for which your mill will turn rapidly.

With such a rank, you will need to last a viconati as a minimum of two two-cycle courses. If your situation is running, then it will take an hour to take up to December months.

What do you need to borrow?

If you are interested in taking care of the specially cracked program by me for a quick renewal of the ridge, you will know everything. 20-30 quilins per day... The very same for an hour borrows one complex of licensed rights.

It’s not much needed, even your backbone is an even more crying mechanism, which in any case cannot be changed!

Take a busy day, on weekdays. On Saturday and week - there is a reason to take something that is necessary for your ridge, for you.

"And what is the contraindication?"

Likuvalny have the right to be accessible for people, whether they be independent from the level of physical training. We will not be too heavy or throw our legs behind our heads.

Likuvalny have the right to vikonuyutsya in a calm world pace, and they are not folding, but rather effective!

However, my course has only one counter-indication.

You will not be able to take care of it if you have an acute aggravation of osteochondrosis (severe pain through interconnected nerves).

For an hour, it’s necessary to check specials right, which are in the whole course of NI. The price is tied with that, so that people without a special zagostreni have the right to be built even more simple, and not so tricky.

Ale at me є okremi DVD-courses for specific parts of the ridge, even if the entries and complexes are right for different types of zagostren.

To whom is my express course?

Otzhe, my express-course for you in times:

As long as you have a period of remission. Tobto, zagostrennya passed, there are no strong pains, ale you know, it’s too early to smell the smell of a new smell.

My course will help you to reduce the frequency of zagostren, and with regular employment and call!

As soon as you have no zagostren, if you don’t want it, the stench has come off. Osteochondrosis is chronic in people with osteochondrosis, without hypertension. It’s too early to come up with a stink if you don’t take care of your ridge.

My course will help you to uniquely show zagostren in the future, and polish the camp of your ridge!

If you want to take care of the prevention of osteochondrosis. Admittedly, in the middle of the ridge you have osteochondrosis є, but in those of them it is not. Anyone who has a problem may appear without taking care of the right.

My course will help you to discover osteochondrosis in healthy viddils of the ridge!

The skin of a man wants a strong backbone, we do not see the scuttle in the rucks and the life we ​​have, the more we live. We have taken all our strength in the fight for a healthy back, we have tried lifeless children in lіkuvannі, and the ridge stop is still more troublesome, which means that the unique author's method of Vasily A. "Healthy Ridge" is important for 2 years. The creator of an eligible course in his own knowledge, how difficult it may be to show spinal pathologies, and is glad to help all mothers have a healthy back.

How do I know about the author of the unique course?

Vikladach and the author of the lykarsko-sports methodology є Oleksandr Bonin - additional information on the fahivets from the physical culture, a professional in the field of therapy of spinal dysfunctions, a practical sports drug. With the problems of the support-arm apparatus, Oleksandra had a chance to get stuck in a young person, for hours of student life, at a medical university.

Dіvchina, more and more often, began to see intercourse among the rucks of shiі and across. In parallel with the cimar, Oleksandra Bonin was tormented by systematic headaches, which tended to grow steadily.

On the smallest of the violent destruction of the self-respect of the dvchini, I will appear to be spoiled and in front of the front. In the course of carrying out diagnostics diagnostics, Bonin buv sounding diagnoses: the stage of osteochondrosis has started. For the first time, the doctor had some help problems: the painless medications and ointments did not cope, and the medical massage and manual therapy brought short-term relief.

Oleksandra Bonina did not close her eyes to the problem and began to actively struggle with it. The girl started to get stuck on her own all-round educational programs of physical culture, together with the knowledge of the seminars, assigned to the deafened vivchenko, injecting the educational system into the educational system.

The whole complex of corny information and navichok, transformed into a vlast organism, added Oleksandra Bonin to the Duma, so that people can help people to overcome the pathology of the ridge, the therapy can be correctly folded, without medical treatment.

Being a practicing sports physician, Bonina gave a tremendous amount of experience in the therapy of the problems of the spine, working with people and turning them to a new life. Primed on fundamental knowledge and cleverness, the girl has broken it. Being a highly qualified expert, in part of the spinal dysfunctions, Bonina developed a complex of basic methods of exercise therapy, according to the renewal of any kind of spinal system.

Would you like to bring the program "Healthy ridge for 2 years" to yak kinni?

In his pratsyah, the author of the lіkuvalnyh programs, to inform people of a ground-level thought about those who have osteochondrosis and іnshі problems of the rukhovy system, it is possible with their own zusillami, in a home environment, without medications and surgeries in all those who have taken 14 to the result.

The Danish complex of vidnovlyuvalnykh is right to be necessary for people, who have such symptomatic manifestations:

structure to take

The express course includes 10 complexes of health physical culture and one explanatory video lesson, with a report description of the algorithm.

For the achievement of good indicators in the therapy of the ridge stovp, for the employment of the method "Healthy ridge for 2 years", it is necessary to see 25-30 quills per day. I’ll finish it for an hour, so you can see all the basic elements of the program. In this particular context, it is important not to overtake the ridges of your physical activity.

The busyness of the guilt is held on a regular basis, with a hand of work. Allowed for the weekend of the week.

You can take a special look at Oleksandri Bonin's professional approach to the prevention of ridge dysfunctions by looking at each other in the video free video programs “Healthy ridge in 2 days”:

Alternatives in lіkuvanni

As soon as you get a good idea of ​​the home-grown standards of detecting the ailments of the ridge system, it’s obvious that, in order to establish an accurate diagnosis, we’ll start using a closed stake. Patients sniffing out pain syndromes with pills, as it is without that, may not be the most positive infusion on organisms with ailments.

The cream and ointments are given only to the time of the meal, as soon as it ends, as soon as you stop using them the ointment. Orthopedic attachment for massage and manual therapy can be effective, but not in the case of serious pathologies of the ridge. Here it is necessary to direct the flow to the area of ​​supply from the supply of special physical supplies.

What is the opposite of the course?

Oleksandra Bonina has broken the Danish cycle of gymnastics in such a rank that it is brown for people, whether it be a great group and with their physical abilities. You will not be able to see the folding acrobatic and gymnastic elements, everything is borderline simple for the reasoning. The whole complex has the right to insure at low-cost vikonannya at an ordinary pace.

However, the developer of the course beforehand about the manifestation of one counter-indication before the release of health-improving people has the right: it is not recommended to take care of it, as it might take a moment, osteochondrosis has entered the stage of aggravation and people see strong pains.

On the right, in that, in the period of sharpening of spinal pathologies, the ailing one needs special treatment, sparing gymnastics, as it is not transferred to the whole course. For patients who do not conceal serious fires, such a special gymnastics is provided for simple, even for those who are ill, who are overworked in remission, it is necessary to call for a job.

It seems like people who have completed the drug course

"Good day to you! I don’t sound Petro and I’m 52 rocky. My main problem is that I do not collapse a little. I spend 4 years a day sitting in traffic jams and spend an hour on my life by going to a sports club. Problems with my back may not torment me for more than 10 rockets, having tried the best in my carnivore, the effect is not overwhelmed.

On the course "Healthy back for 2 years" I study regularly, and there are no reasons for this. I give the whole busy 20 hilin in the evening, before going to bed and pull, no pain in the middle of me is no longer turbuyuyu. Vislovulyuyu shiru understand the creative course, be healthy! "


“Hello, I’m Antonina, 33 rocky, before I was a instructor of girskikh lizhs, now I’m going to take it. Nearly 5 years ago, I traumatized the ridge, behind the service obov'yazyu, and completely oversaw its function in the whole world. Protest, until the end of my life, I didn’t go far. Seeing the scuttle, the discomfort and the collapse of the ridge, it became even worse for me, until I hadn't tried Oleksandri Bonin's method.

Stretching out a month of intensive work to take a given course, I am going to split my back and the skeleton of the ridge into the distance, so that I can’t see the slope and spill in the ridges. Dyakuyu author for helping people! "


“I’m all over! My name is Sergiy Anatoliyovich, I’m a great time, retired at the same time. Virishiv quickly took Oleksandri Bonin’s treatment course through those who became absolutely dull in the dacha’s right shoulders. , simply, I can’t bend and bend. I’m taking over the same month, and the meanings in the ridge robots.

Sergiy Anatoliyovich

Do you vibrate vi? Suffering and tormenting in grievous manifestations of the backbone problems, put to their health carelessly. Or set a course for a strong back and start taking care of Oleksandri Bonin's program "Healthy Ridge in 2 Tizhni". At the same time, with a unique technique, you will know physical tone, lightness in Russia, a charge of bad growth, a surge of vitality, and you will forget about those who hurt your back.

Brutal respect! If you have taken a Danish medical course, ale vie didn’t remember it, if you’re going to get it for a penny, we recommend that you sign up for a UNCOMPLISHED series of lessons from the author on the same topic. ...

You can viprobuvati to the right of the given course and take into account the important information about the path of the ridge using Oleksandri's author's methods, and take the solution more easily.

Physical culture is one of the main ways of non-drug treatment of the disease of the ridge. Correctly, you have the right to relieve pain in the back, to improve the decay of the spinal column. As a variant to the course of physical culture, you can choose the right Oleksandri Bonin under the name "Healthy ridge for 2 years". More details about the method of reclamation are shown below.

The main cause of back pain is the degeneration of the midspinal discs, which is a progression of cartilage tissue. The reasons for the deterioration: vik, blood circulation disorders, the wrong way of life, which leads to the change in the correctness of the vigin ridge. More in the period the period is known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, analgesics, antispasmodics. However, changing the frequency of self-awareness and self-awareness without charging is not possible, thus eliminating osteochondrosis of the ridge is obov'yazkovo including gymnastics, which is carried out regularly in home minds.

Oleksandra Bonina has broken the cycle to the right, including the change of the ridge. Practicing in the center of modern medicine, the instructor mastered the programs of educational gymnastics and, on the basis of this, set up the vlast cycle. If you can use gymnastics for the ridge:

  • Osteochondrosis of the ridge.
  • Injuries to the ridge, which led to degeneration, pain and deterioration of the functions of the spinal stump.
  • Crunch in the back.
  • Slightly cumbersome way of life, the need for a trivial hour to spend in the proper sitting position (with the robot on the computer, at the table).
  • Set the ruin.

Correct the bloodletting of the ridge. Regularly busy with the spasm of the spasm of the spasm of the spasm of the corset of the back and і ridge. M'yazi relaxes and pain syndrome ide.

Prototype indications before taking exercise in physical culture: aggravated osteochondrosis and rotations of the bolovy syndrome. Do not go to the right with the ridges of the ridge. Physical culture in case of any pathology, including diseases of the central nervous system (central nervous system), but do not enter until the break, it is necessary to discuss it with a doctor.

Employment in physical culture - as a guide in the prevention of osteochondrosis and degenerative processes of the spinal column. Ailments do not occur all at once, but a severe pain syndrome starts turbuvati, if the snakes have a nonvolatile character. It is more beautiful to fix this prophylaxis in a young person, changing the bloodstream of the ridge and its numbness.

Yak take courses correctly

Namely speaking, the ridge will be renewed in 2 months. Uninvolved on obitsyanku, reasonable intelligence, no miracles will come. For 2 years Oleksandr for an additional video course to learn about people with the basics and basic rights for the ridge. Busyness is carried out for 5 days every day, after a given interruption and renewal of the course.

The course is right from A. Bonin can be added to the disk or wonder at becoming a member of Oleksandri's closed group on the official website. Having opened the disc on your computer, you can use it in the menu. The author recommends a handbook to get acquainted with the instructions, as it is correct to go to the right, not to notice the shkodi. Let's go to exercise therapy complexes right 1-10. 1-5th to visit the first day, 6-10th - to another day of the day. Repairing from the third version, repeat the course.

We will expand the program for the development of Oleksandr Bonin's educational physical culture, and I will propose to take the theoretical basis - the book "Svitlofor" system.

We will expand the program for the development of Oleksandr Bonin's educational physical culture, and I will propose to take the theoretical basis - the book "Svitlofor" system. In the author's view, 86 available rights are described, which additionally help to improve the health of the back. Cleverly, the program is divided into 3 parts.

Usunennya problems in specific sections of the ridge

At the first point of Oleksandr, the problem about the okremi is right for the cervical, thoracic, transverse ridge ridge, and it is described to the right under the heading “arthrosis nemaє” and “synnichny nerve”.

Renovation and improvement of the entire ridge

The other part includes the description to the right for the entire spinal column. The stench has a zmіtsnyuє character. The bonus describes the program of the correct feeding, which helps to improve the health of the ridge and the slopes.

Advancing the quality of life

The third complex of conjugation is put on the correction and the renewal of the quality of life. They are more likely to see it through the damaged architecture of the spinal stump, provoking myasial spasm, ruining the blood supply and pinching the nerve roots. Fix the problem and turn people to an active life.

On the website of Oleksandri Bonina, there is a riddle, which won the diplomas of the doctor of physical culture and sports medicine. The author does not need official confirmation. However, the course of health-improving physical culture is effective to avenge the actual information about charging and whether it is brown in osteochondrosis.

Vikonuvati to the right is painting a schooner, giving a spin for 2 days at a time. Nadal lіkari recommend practicing physical education 3-4 times a day at an hour. For the productivity of the cycle, in parallel, it is possible to engage in swimming, to switch to the correct feeding, quickening masu tila and learning from shkidlivy calls.

Remember: non-drug treatment is caught by official medicine. Gymnastic is entitled to be recommended by the All-Holy Organizational Protection of Health in the capacity of obovyazkovyh during the fall of the support-roche apparatus. Regularly turn to the right, you turn the numbness to the slopes, get ahead of the degeneration, change your health and get rid of the unbearable pain.

Fakhivtsya-reabilitologist Oleksandri Bonin's course "A healthy ridge for 2 years" is aimed at people who already suffer from back pains. Tobto given the system is trenuvan nasty go for the prevention of illnesses, and the very complex to occupy.

An advantageous effect can be reached within 14 days per ear, but it doesn’t mean that it’s necessary to be interconnected only with two houses. For two tendencies, he learned the most simple problems and got the organism to the next trenuvan.

The maximum amount of cinnamon is given to the course to be deprived of the systematic occupation of a stretch of two or three months.

1 Introductory description of the course "Healthy ridge for 2 years"

Oleksandr Bonin, a doctor of physical culture and sports medicine, is the author of the course “Healthy ridge for 2 years”. The course of insurance persh for everything on quiet people who suffer from osteochondrosis (be it from a ridge).

I’ll look at how osteochondrosis є with a widened ailment, їm for the present tributes of the sufferers close to 80% of the entire population of the developed lands, the course will be red. The book will be especially relevant for people over 30 years of age (love for the development of osteochondrosis).

The bottom describes the gymnastic complex "Svitlofor", which includes 86 physical rights to determine all the sides of the ridge. Even if it’s even simpler for the Vicon, it’s suitable for people who have basic physical training.

Moreover, the dans have the right to be granted to people, whether they be of any kind, including children and literary people. To the skin to the right є a number of coloric illustrations, a gallant description, an okremiy perelik prototype.

Fuck it: for two years it’s uncomfortable to get rid of osteochondrosis - ailments, as most people are sick with rock. The book will need to be looked at as the start of a trenuvan, and for two years, just put down the symptoms of an illness, alas, you will need to collapse.

1.1 Shown: to whom is the "Healthy ridge for 2 years" course?

The course "Healthy ridge in 2 days


More specifically, then such training will be correct for the advancing categories of people:

  1. People who lead a low-level way of life, including in the result of chronic illnesses (not included in the list of contraindications until the right of the book).
  2. People who already have degenerative-dystrophic discomforts of the ridge (including osteochondrosis), confirmed by X-ray or by looking around the ridge.
  3. People who are engaged in important physical practice (vantagemen, athletes, combat sportsmen).
  4. Women are older than 40 years old, in others they have hormonal changes before the development of ailments of the ridge (including osteopenia and / or osteoporosis).
  5. Fathers Varto Pribati Daniy course for taking gymnastics for their children. Even more importantly for children and adolescents engaging in endless gymnastics - in this new generation, the formation of the spinal column is seen.
  6. People who have є aptitude to the development of degenerative-dystrophic ailments of the ridge (similar tightness, genetic anomalies or defects in the ridge).

1.2 Course "Healthy ridge for 2 years" (video)

1.3 Chi є contraindicated?

The course "Healthy Ridge for 2 Years" є a safe complex is right for different categories of people. Protest, yogo safety is guaranteed by the deprivation of that vipadku, as the patient does not have a counter-indication.

And oh, it's a pity, not so little. If you ignore the contraindication, it is not possible in any case - if only you can get rid of ailments, you can improve your health. By the name of є \ u200b \ u200b

List of indications:

  • the manifestation of important forms of osteochondrosis (for happiness, the stench grows in the edge of the country);
  • the manifestation of compression (healing) of the spinal arteries or spinal nerve nodes for reasons (grizzly, developmental anomalies, puffiness);
  • the appearance of evil or good-natured new products in the ridge or back tissues;
  • the appearance of important anomalies and defects in the Budovian spinal stump, edges of the ridges, the backbone (yak butt, dysplasia of the backbone or aneurysms);
  • the manifestation of the disease of the ridge stovp of an independent etiology (cause) - from a number of people to a doctor and a diagnosis, instead of a doctor virishu, and thoroughly taking care of the right course;
  • the appearance of important autoimmune, infectious or fiery diseases of the musculoskeletal system (ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, tuberculosis or syphilis cysts).

2 What is an effective complex "Health ridge for 2 types"?

Razmіrkovuyuchi about the effectiveness of this gymnastic complex should be seen by the eyes of the quiet, who are victorious. The stench, as a rule, is positive. If only the minds of the buyers were guilty of the ineffectiveness of gymnastics, even such vipadkis are sometimes not big.

Back workout in the course "Healthy ridge in 2 days


In addition, if there is a need for memory, giving a course is not a guarantee of a hundred hundred thousand solution of all problems. Moreover, it is not a guarantee of the time to go to borrow.

However, more reading can be done on the spot, if not because of the illness itself, then because of its symptoms. Also, for the most part, it is not necessary to struggle with the greater number of "civilized ailments" of the people (such as ailments that have come through our way of life).

Protrusions, grids, osteochondrosis - everything is inappropriate, ale normal medicine is considered as standard. To that, a lot of drugs are recommended not to wait for a radical visit to such ailments (it is not without a problem with bigger problems), but simply to jam them.

As you study right along the course regularly, systematically and with a minimal number of passes - you will feel yourself wonderfully permanently. Boredom in ruins, pain in the back while sleeping, or robots - everything will go through and if you are turbuvati, then it will be very rare.


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