Pros and cons of the fireplace as a source of heating in the house. Furnaces Fireplaces Heating Dacha Fireplace

Pros and cons of the fireplace as a source of heating in the house. Furnaces Fireplaces Heating Dacha Fireplace

Fireplaes did not lose their demand and popularity even after people have the opportunity to enjoy more modern and convenient heating systems. If such heating elements are properly designed and mounted, then they can well heat the living building during the cold period of the year. Moreover, there are several options for how you can drop the house to the fireplace, depending on the scheme of all heating and the focus plan in particular.

The most common varieties of foci used for heating of cottages and cottages

Such heating elements can be divided into two huge groups, namely: with an open and closed furnace. The first option is actively used by people for many centuries in a row, not only for heating purposes, but for the sake of food. But today such fireplaces are no longer able to compete with their analogues that have a closed version of the furnace, koi functioning on the basis of air or water heating. In the proposed article, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the main subtleties and nuances of the heating of the house through different ways.

Foci with unprotected fireboxes

This type of heating element is considered an excellent option for a periodic heat resource, since its power is not enough to fill the home of a large or medium size. The problem lies in the fact that the fireplaces with unprotected fireboxs demonstrate a meager indicator of a useful action, which is equal to only 20% of the total energy of the fuel. The remaining 80% is safely flying into the chimney.

The unlocking firebox makes the focus consume a couple of times more than firewood or briquettes, and the room where the design itself must be well ventilated, because it is from constantly inflow of fresh air and will depend on the combustion process.

Open furnaces oblige owners of the house to adhere to certain fire safety rules:

  1. It is impossible to leave a working fireplace unattended, and at night - in particular.
  2. Floors around the fireplace must be separated by a non-combustible coating.

Fireplaces with protected fireboxes

The performance indicator of such heating devices is much higher, and is 75% equal, which allows them to be used as a single heat resource, or to attract in the role of another energy supplier.

Such structures usually have a firebox made from materials, perfectly accumulating heat, resistant to rusting processes and high temperatures. Doors are made of glass, withstanding heating to +800 degrees Celsius, and can be attached both vertically and horizontally.

The main distinguishing features of foci with unprotected fireboxes are:

  1. By producing calculations regarding the heat supply of the furnace, one can focus on such a ratio: for 4 sq.m. The living area, which needs to be heated, accounts for 7 kW of power.
  2. The size of the room in which the heating device will remain, can not be less than 40-45 cubic meters.
  3. That the combustion process was constant, for each kilowatt power should have about 10 cu. Air meters per hour. It turns out that if you need to heat up the construction with a power with a capacity of 5 kW, then it will take 50 cubic meters of air to be full for its full work, which is listed by a separately mounted air duct.
  4. Practicing specific schemes for the use of heat from combustion of fuel, you can achieve heating and adjacent rooms.

Subtleties of own design of fireplaces

If the host still at the stage of ideas about the construction of a private house, it was determined that his heating would occur through the hearth, it is very important to provide for its presence and design features in project documentation. At this stage, such moments should be taken into account:

  1. A separate exit for smoke should be located above the furnace of each heating element, the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe channel of which is 1/10 of the total furnace area.
  2. The distance from the flue channel to the place of its docking with chimney cannot be less than 5 meters.
  3. The chimney channel itself is additionally equipped with a flap separating the furnace and chimney, as well as a hole through which can be cleaned with soot deposits. Such a gate valve can be fastener or retractable.
  4. Since the average fireplace, approximately, as in the photo, weighs at least halftone, it is very important to take care of a strong and good-free basis under the entire design.
  5. If there is no need to establish a similar heating element in the already used home, it is likely that the supporting structures have to be reinforced.

Foci with heating air principle

The heating of the room by such a structure occurs due to the heated air passing between the outer plane of the furnace and its body. The warmth spirit applies to rooms by aluminum or steel pipes mounted in overlaps or walls.

A simpler version of air heating is based on the law of gravity, which takes into account the different density of hot and cold air.

The fireplace with an air option has its own nuances that need to be taken into account when designing and mounting:

  • this design does not depend on the constant availability in the house of electricity, but it is possible to warm it only 2-3 rooms;
  • if the length of the pipeline is more than 3 meters, and in the residential building they will need to drop a lot of rooms, there will be a need for a compulsory turnover of air. They will be engaged in a specific pump supplying air or above itself, or under the base of the furnace;
  • remember that forced air movement occurs on the closed cycle.

Fireplaces with the air principle of heating is more reasonable and facing the construction of the whole house at the construction stage. Otherwise you have to perform a dirty and time-consuming work on laying air ducts.

Foci with water raids

These devices have one distinctive feature, namely: the two-layer housing of the furnace, between the individual layers of which heats the heated water. The latter comes to heating radiators by means of specific pipelines. If at the same time in the upper part of such fireplaces to arrange a serpentine, then you can not only damop the premises, but also to have constant access to hot water for household needs.

Such heating elements have a manual principle of adjusting operation based on increasing or decreasing the amount of air penetrating the furnace. It is possible to establish and automatic adjustment, which is done with the help of additional installation of thermostats equipped with pumps.

Subtleties of personal structures of fireplaces

  1. The furnace must be mounted on the purposely made stone or brick platform.
  2. Only after that it is allowed to put the portal itself and attach the air ducts.
  3. All systems are closed with plasterboard sheets.
  4. Air ducts are laid in all rooms, and even in the attic.
  5. The main node of the entire air exchange system should be placed in a technical room, not residential or domestic.

As a fireplace to drop a house: professional advice related to safety

The canons of using such heating elements are somewhat different from the manual for the use of a regular Russian stove. So, for example, it is forbidden to fill fire in the windshield with water or use the heating device is not for the target destination. Also, it is not necessary to clean the ashbar before the fireplace is completely cooled, the design of foreign and flammable items, to change the structure of the fireplace for the first wishes and leave the children with him unattended by adults.

Fireplaes have always been characterized by special energy. They not only heated the room, but also warmed the soul. It is always pleasant to sit with your relative and close man by the fireplace, watching the dance of fire. Flame languages \u200b\u200bpaint their drawing, which attracts attention, fascinates and makes discarding all problems and care, whose place comes peace and satisfaction.

Almost no country house, cottage or cottage costs without a fireplace. But today, not just decorative fireplaces began to use high popularity, and heating fireplaces, which perform various functions: from the heating of the house before cooking.

Interest in this kind of stoves so covered the modern society that the masters began to make them from various materials. To date, there is a fairly large selection of fireplaces, which differ in dimensions, a method of installation used by materials, type of design, functionality. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the proposed options in advance, learn the advantages and disadvantages, to determine our own wishes and preferences. To the choice of the heating fireplace, the furnace should be approached carefully and deliberately.


Today, it is unlikely that someone can surprise the presence of a fireplace in the house. However, not every person can afford such a luxury. A more advantageous option both from a financial point of view, and in terms of functional use, modern heating stoves are considered to be modern, which not only serve as peculiar interior objects and decor, but also used to heat the premises. Relatively small cost, high efficiency, simplicity and rationality of application - those key factors that have significantly increased interest in such a type of heating devices.

Manufacturers of various heating complexes have significantly expanded the model range and provided to buyers a wide range of furnaces for heating private houses, cottages, cottages.

Heating furnaces - fireplaces can be classified according to the following features:

Fire type:

  • alternating combustion devices that require periodic shutdown;
  • furnaces of long burning for home.

Location and installation:

  • frontal;
  • corner;
  • detached;
  • internal;
  • external (installed on the street).

Material for manufacture:

  • cast-iron;
  • steel;
  • brick;
  • stone;
  • combined type.

Fuel type used:

  • firewood;
  • coal;
  • pellets (Pelleta are specially treated granules, which include wood, peat and other elements).

Functionality and additional features:

  • with heat exchanger;
  • with air contour;
  • with water contour;
  • with a layer;
  • with a cooking panel;
  • with oven;
  • other options.

Varieties of heating stoves correspond to almost all requests of a modern person, when much attention is paid not only to the functionality, practicality and efficiency of the device, but also its appearance.


The currently popular furnace-fireplace is a kind of type of heating system. The combined view of the heating device is the perfect option for small-sized cottages. Unfortunately, such a kind of furnace according to its technical specifications and properties can not make large rooms. Heating fireplaces furnaces are designed to heat residential premises, country houses and cottages are relatively small square.

Modern heating devices combine fireplace and furnace functions:

  • stylish interior design of the room;
  • fast warning of the house or cottage;
  • canceled ventilation due to the presence of chimney;
  • high efficiency (efficiency);
  • presumably long operational period;
  • multifunctionality;
  • opportunities for cooking on fire, which gives dishes a special taste and aroma;
  • some models are distinguished by a slight weight (for example, steel furnaces), which makes it possible to install them both on the first and on the second floor;
  • safety (in contrast to an ordinary fireplace or furnace Here, the furnace is closed by a special protective door, which is most often made from kalen glass);
  • wide model range;
  • different types of "fuel": coal, firewood, pellets;
  • ease of installation;
  • a variety of external design styles;
  • acceptable price range.


A modern furnace-fireplace with a boiler has become a popular device that is installed for heating small houses in country or cottage settlements.

The heating fireplace furnaces warm the room faster, while the fuel consumption is several times less than that of ordinary open-type fireplaces. At the same time, fireplaces are more secure in operation, since most of them are made with a shield covering the fire. Special attention deserved models with oven. The processes of cooking dishes in such conditions occupy a little time and deliver incredible pleasure.


Furnaces - fireplaces that are used for heating country houses are like angular, so frontal. If the angular furnaces look more stylish and interesting in the interior of the room, then the frontal are less attractive, however, they are considered more functional. A fireplace that is installed on one of the walls is more open to access, respectively, it gives more heat and significantly heats the room. Angular type of heat center is more profitable only when its location of internal type, that is, both walls are internal, and not external.

Also there are fireplaces, which can be installed even in the middle of the room as an independent subject of the interior. Usually this type of installation is used for cast-iron fireplaces, which will stylishly look in country houses.

It is not necessary to engage in the installation of the furnace independently, it is better to trust experienced professionally masters. Often by installing a fireplace deals not one person, but a whole brigade. Today there are special companies that provide a full package of services for the installation of the heating fireplace. In order for the work to be completed correctly and complied with the rules of security, the wizard first make drawings, on the basis of which projects are in the future. Installation of the fireplace is performed according to the project approved and coordinated with the owner.

The furnace-fireplace in a modern house is a special atmospheric subject, which is popular due to its multifunctionality. After all, it is the combination of a fireplace in a single heating device of the fireplace and the furnace allows the households to gather with cool long evenings in a cozy fire, while in the house is always warm and comfortable.

Wood Fireplaces - Universals, which can be used to decorate the room, as a reserve heater in case of gas or electricity interruptions and as a single heating device in a private house.

Features of furnaces - fireplaces:

more favorable price and easy installation, if compared with the arrangement of a classic fireplace (the foundation, cladding is not needed);
economically spend free space;
Working furnaces - fireplaces can be left unattended;
When moving, the equipment can be dismantled and pick up;
Many models can replace not only the heating boiler, but also a kitchen plate;

Pipes of fireplaces

Depending on the material, the entire array of fireplaces can be divided into three groups.

Cast iron fireplaces Attract with their reliability and durability. The alloy is not afraid of temperature differences, so the stove does not "lead" even with sharp heating and cooling. Yes, the cast-iron furnaces of the fireplace requires more time to warm up, but they warm up the air more evenly and give it a long time after the firewood will fight. The design of pig-iron models is predominantly classic with baroque elements and gothic. But you can find models and in the modern style, in particular, there are many among the products of the brands of Dovre, Invicta, Liseo and Supra.

Steel Fireplaces Easier cast iron - compact models can be installed on the upper floors at home without additional strengthening of overlaps. They have a variety of assortment and more interesting design (many products with decorative facing). The steel furnace-fireplace can warm the room for 15-20 minutes, which is valuable for those who rarely leaves for the city: no need to wait long, while in the outstanding house will be comfortable without outerwear. But also cools the oven-fireplace also quickly. And the steel "capricious" cast iron: worse tolerates temperature fluctuations and humidity. Although these shortcomings practically reduces the lining of the combustion chamber and exterior cladding.

Combined Fireplaces - with steel housing and cast iron furnace (sometimes also a stove / door / gear) or, less often, on the contrary, they combine the benefits of both materials. They weigh less than completely cast iron products, while the heat transfer and durability won with steel stoves. The cast-iron-steel models may also be a lining and facing, which improve the performance characteristics and the appearance of furnaces-fireplaces.

How to choose a furnace fireplace on firewood for functions

First you should decide what exactly you need a furnace-fireplace. This will help to understand what functions are important, and on which you can save, and more accurately configure filters in the catalog.


If you plan to dig a house or part of a country house, then the primary value has the power of the equipment. On average, 1 kW of power is required on heating 20-25 m3. Accordingly, it is necessary to calculate the volume of premises in need of heating (area × height) and divide it by 20 (by 25). But this is ideal (read - almost unattainable) conditions. In reality, the power "take" poor thermal insulation, large windows, complex home configuration, low quality firewood. Therefore, in order not to freeze in the winter and avoid the overpowering of fuel, it is worth choosing a furnace-fireplace with a reserve in power of 10-30%.

Recommended features and options:
An all-welded / solid body, a small tightly closing door - the fewer joints and seams, the better the tightness, respectively, the thrust and heat transfer;
Efficiency above 70% (ideally 80-90%);
The air is closed from the street to exclude oxygen deficiency;
there is a long-burning mode;
You can connect a water circuit (when there are many isolated rooms in the house, it is difficult to "deliver" heat in all corners).

Review on fire

If you like to look at the fire, choose fireplaces with glazed doors and sidewalls. When installing in the wall and in the corner, the best review will provide a model with panoramic or prismatic glass, with two-three glasses; In the center of the room - with two parallel or four glasses. It will not be superfluous to the system "Clean glass", which will save from the tedious struggle with Soch.

If the furnace-fireplace on firewood will stand in the basement, in the garage or in the kitchen and perform purely utilitarian functions, then you can choose a product with a deaf door or with a small glass. Such models are available for the price, compact, unpretentious in care and durable, so the demand for them is large.

Cooking food

The wood-burning fireplace is a comfortable and safe alternative to autonomous gas stoves (operate from cylinders with propane) for cottages to which gas and electricity are not supplied. In addition, if you cook on the same equipment that heats the house can be saved on fuel.

There are two types of fireplaces for the kitchen - only with a cooking surface and with a cooking surface and a brass cabinet. The second is inferior to style diversity first and cost more. But you can pamper the family of homemade casseroles at the cottage, tomlenny porridges and saches, baking with berries from its own garden.

What to pay attention to:

Plate material - what suits you more, "unhappy" cast iron, practical steel or elegant glass-ceramic;
The size of the hob and the number of burners - if you plan only to warm up food and boil water, then one burner will be enough; prepare more convenient on plates with two burners;
The overall dimensions are in high ovens (for example, in the furnaces of La Nordica Italy, Hark Regina), you can cook at different levels and set 2 dishes (3-4 bars) at the same time;
Does the cover that protects the cooking surface from dust (needed if you use a slab rarely).

Installation of a fireplace stove in the house

The efficiency of the fireplace furnace directly depends on the competent installation. In the you can not only choose a model suitable for your purposes from more than 2,000 options (with certificates and guarantees from manufacturers), but also order a professional installation of heating equipment. Warranty to work - up to 2 years.

Our specialists:
The best place to install a fireplace furnace and a method of chimney is determined;
will select chimney and components for installation;
Make a heat-resistant base, if required, the fire-resistant lining of the walls (s);
delivered, collect and install a furnace-fireplace, plug into chimneys;
Test launch and demonstration of the possibilities of the fireplace furnace.

If you do not have an explicit favorite in the catalog, our consultant will help with the choice. We work in a chimney more than 10 years and crucially a good reputation. Therefore, we do not set a task to sell more expensive or less running goods, but focus on the needs and budget of the client.

Some owners of country houses instead of a utilitarian and not very aesthetic boiler warming up heat carrier prefer alternative methods of heating. The fireplace for heating at home is becoming increasingly popular.

In addition to the cozy created by an open flame, these devices can completely effectively warm air for the air duct or water for radiators. The instruction on the arrangement of such a climate network is shown below.

General heating scheme

Despite the huge number of different climatic equipment, fireplaces for heating at home do not lose their popularity. Moreover, thanks to technical improvements, such a design has become not only an exclusive element of the room design, but also an effective way of heating all residents of the dwelling.

The heating fireplace can lift the air temperature not only in the room where it is installed, but also in the neighboring (even if the house has an attic or the second floor).

To solve this problem, aggregates are used to organize:

  • air heating - heated air through specially equipped air ducts falls into other rooms;
  • water heating - Open fire warms the coolant in a special tank or coil, after which the pipes are transported to heating radiators (as in the classical heating scheme).

If you have to install a plate at the top of the fireplace, it can be used even for cooking.
Do not forget in this case to take care of high-quality ventilation, otherwise the smell of fried fish or meat will spread throughout the house.

Let us dwell on what fireplaces for heating are currently being used.

Varieties of devices

With open furnace

Discussing heating and fireplaces, it is advisable to start with classical options - designs with an open furnace. They have long served as a source of heat, but now the lack of such a decision is obvious: the device will not be able to heat even the middle room, not to mention the neighboring.

This is associated with extremely low efficiency. By organizing the heating of the house with an open firebox, one should be prepared for the fact that more than 80% of thermal energy will volatrate into the chimney and only 20% is heated.

In addition, to maintain a flame in open fireplaces, you will need two times more fuel (the price of which is high enough) than for heaters with a closed firebox. Also in the room where the unit is installed, it is necessary to ensure the influx of the right amount of fresh air, which is involved in the process of burning.

I should not forget about the rules of fire safety.

The appropriate instruction says:

  1. It is impossible to leave an outstanding flame in the furnace for a long time (at night or during the lack of owners in the house).
  2. The flooring near the heating device should be covered by any non-combustible material (especially if wood fireplaces are used for heating, from which smoldering ash can fall in case of inactive circulation).

With closed firebox

Such heating fireplaces have some advantages:

  1. High efficiency. More than three-quarters of thermal energy generated as a result of fuel combustion.
  2. Can be used as an additional or reserve heat source in the house.
  3. The furnace chambers are made of high strength material having greater thermal inertia. They perfectly withstand strong temperature fluctuations, resist corrosion and warm the room for a long time after the end of the heat burning process.
  4. Outside, the combustion chamber is protected by heat-resistant glass, able to withstand heating to + 800 degrees Celsius. It is attached so that it is convenient to load fuel into the fireplace.

The fireplace heating of the house should provide for the production of about 1 kW of thermal power by 4 m 2 spaces.
In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where the heater is installed, should be at least 45 m 2.

Considering that oxygen is needed to maintain fire, it should be equipped with a productive supply ventilation. The volume of the influx is calculated as: for the production of 1 kW heat requires 10 m3 of air

That is, if the fireplace produces 5 kW of heat, the air duct with the fan must ensure the flow of 50 m3.

The huge advantage of the designs under consideration with a closed firebox is that when installing additional equipment, they are able to heat the air not only in the room, which is installed, but also in the neighboring rooms. And you can build everything with your own hands, without attracting expensive specialists.

Designing heating with a fireplace

Before heating the house of the fireplace, it is necessary to carefully understand the principles of the work and features of the design of the classical version of the described aggregate.

So, what is the usual fireplace:

  1. The main element is the furnace, the chimney is located above it, through which the burning products are derived for humans. The area of \u200b\u200bits cross section should be at least 10% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe heat chamber. In this case, the classic galvanized chimney pipe must be added to the smoke of the fireplace at a distance of at least 5 meters.

  1. The location of the pipe and the camera itself, where the firewood is combustion, is equipped with a retractable or looping flap. It will help save the accumulated heat and come in handy when you clean the output channels from the onset of the Nagar.
  2. When building a house, it is important to provide an additional foundation for installing the unit, since the average design of the design is about halftone. If you go to organize the heating of the fireplace of the country house, which is already built, take care of the strengthening of the individual structural elements of the latter.

The heating of adjacent rooms is made in two main schemes:

  • heated circulating air;
  • with heating of a liquid coolant, which is then distributed across the heating batteries.

Air fireplace heating

In this case, the fireplace is designed and built so that between the steel or cast-iron furnace and the outer surface of the heater remained a place for air circulation. The latter, heating, is distributed through other rooms at home through specially installed and interconnected air channels.

They can be mounted as closed (in the walls or in the attic), and in the open way. The material will serve a pipe from galvanized steel or aluminum.

Circulation of air masses can be organized:

  1. In a natural way. In this case, the air movement is ensured by the difference in its temperature and density. Advantage - complete non-volatility of the heating system. The disadvantage is small performance and the inability to organize, so heating a large building area.
  2. Forcibly. In this case, various fans and turbines operating on electricity are used. Remember that air will still circulate along a closed diagram, since the fence of the street air masses in winter is undesirable due to their low temperature.

If the room area is large, or the length of the air ducts exceeds 3 meters, or the house has many separate rooms, it is necessary to use exclusively heating with forced ventilation.

Usually, such a heating scheme is designed and constructed during the construction of the house. Otherwise, the air ducts and aesthetically place them in the rooms will be very problematic.

The heating network described above is quite effective. With its help you can heat even spacious country villas. Another plus is the absence of a coolant, which after stopping the heat supply could freeze.

Water fireplace heating

The furnace of such an aggregate consists of two layers, between which the liquid coolant circulates. In the future, water or antifreeze through pipelines is delivered to heating radiators, where heat exchange between water and air in the room occurs.

The advantage of the system under consideration is that it is capable of providing cottage tenants not only with warmth, but also hot water for household needs. To do this, it is necessary to install a special capacity of the desired volume or coordinating circulation in the upper part of the heater with forced circulation.

The power regulation of the equipment can also be done in different ways:

  • manually - by increasing or decreasing the airflow entering the furnace (for this, special dampers are used);
  • automatically - thermostats come into operation here, on which the intensity of the operation of pumps pumping the coolant depends.

When making a decision on the use of a fireplace with a water circuit as the main source of heat, you need to remember the following nuances:

  1. The fireplace quickly warms the room in the house, but also quickly cools after the fire goes out. Therefore, it is better to use it for heating cottages and cottages that are not intended for year-round accommodation (in this case, take care of the fill in the pipes not water, but an impercessant liquid - antifreeze).
  2. The pipelines for which the coolant flows should be a diameter of no more than 10-15 mm, otherwise you will come across large heat lines.

Pros and cons of fireplace heating

To the positive parties to the use of fireplaces as the main source of heat can be attributed:

  • the speed of heating at home (it takes much less time than using a traditional boiler with a liquid heat carrier);
  • complete non-volatility (with the exception of systems with forced circulation of air and liquid coolant - in this case, electricity will need);
  • lack of the need to highlight a separate room for mounting the boiler;

  • available cost equipment;
  • aesthetic qualities - the fireplace not only warms, but also effectively decorates the room;
  • the possibility is not only to pull the house-building, but also have hot water, as well as cook food on a specially installed plate.

The disadvantages include the need to store a large amount of firewood, as well as the complexity of cleaning the combustion chamber from ash.

Features of constructing fireplaces

Regardless of whether you design a fireplace or entrusted this responsible work to a professional, it is necessary to ensure that such rules must be followed:

  1. The fireplace must be mounted on a solid foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete, brick or slag block.

  1. Installing the circuit for heating air or water is made after the firmware is firmly fixed.
  2. Air ducts for the heating of premises must be accommodated in all rooms (even on the attic or attic). So that the pipes look more aesthetically, they can be masked with plasterboard sheets. At the same time, do not forget to take measures for thermal insulation and fire protection.

  1. The main assembly of the air system with forced circulation is desirable to place in the utility room, as the noise from running fans can cause inconvenience and cause discomfort.

Safety measures during the operation of fireplaces

To avoid injury, burns and fires, when using fireplace heaters, such rules should be followed:

  • it is impossible to prepare food directly in the furnace or in some other way it is not directly appointed;
  • it is impossible to fill the burning fuel with water, as this can lead to the appearance of cracks in the heat chamber;
  • it is impossible to place outsiders on the surfaces of the fireplace, especially those that can ignite under the action of high temperatures;
  • you can not clean the flue chamber and the ashtel from the residues of the unburned fuel until the aggregate is completely cooling;
  • you can not operate a fireplace when the fracturing chamber is detected;
  • it is impossible to leave near the working or hot fireplace of young children unattended adults.


Fireplaces are one of the most ancient ways of heating at home. However, using additional equipment embedded in them, you can provide comfort and warmth throughout the house.

The main thing is to correctly fulfill all engineering calculations and construction work. You can learn more about this from the video located below. And if you have any questions - ask them in the comments, we will gladly help cope with the problem.

Modern fireplaces for home heating are quite powerful devices by which you can warm your home. Of course, such a heating system will not be as effective as a system organized by gas boiler. Usually the fireplace must serve as an additional heat source. Such a device, however, may be the main source. The most optimal option is to use it in the country, if the owners visit not too often. By fireplace for heating at home, it is possible to quickly increase the temperature indicators in a small summer cottage. Also, through a fireplace, you can save comfortable temperature conditions for many hours.

Fireplace for home heating

System Features

Fireplace furnaces can be divided into several categories. The first are the furnaces of intermittent burning, in case the structural features of the fireplace allow you to maintain a working mode for 6-8 hours through one wood laying. Other furnaces belong to the category of prolonged burning, in case one wood laying is enough for more than 8 hours. In prolonged combustion mode, the furnace operates on the lowest power, and gives out 3 to 6 kW of heat.

In the nominal mode of fireboxes can produce more heat, from 10 to 18 kW. This value of the output heat can be achieved if the flap flap is open about the middle position.

If subdivine air is open to maximum, then the heating mode will be at the maximum level. In this case, the firewood will be burned at such a speed, as from 0.5 to 4 kg per hour. The parameters of the furnace and their operating modes can differ significantly. Manufacturers of such devices usually specify maximum power and efficiency. When choosing such devices as fireplaces for heating, you need to see what maximum power will be in the nominal mode, and how power will be in minimal mode. It depends on these parameters how effective the fireplace heating of the house will be, and how economical.

You can calculate what the fireplace firebox should be. To do this, adhere to some rules. The main rule that needs to be taken into account when choosing a heating device, says that 1 kW of power is enough to heep 10 square meters. meters of premises. However, this room should be well insulated, and the ceiling height should be no more than 2.8 meters. If the fireplate has such a power as a 10 kW, then such a device will be able to heat about 100 square meters. Meters square.

To deliver heat from the fireplace to other rooms, you can use such heating systems such as water or air heating.

In the case of an air heating system, heat to other premises will be distributed via air hot threads, and in the case of water heating, the room will be obtained from radiators. The main source of heat in the case when the furnace-fireplace is used for heating the house of the water heating system, there will be a coolant. Through one fireplace, you can warm the house with an area of \u200b\u200bno more than 170-250 square meters. meters.

Air heating system

The fireplace with air heating is more efficient if you take into account the heat that it loses during its transfer from one environment to another. The number of such environments is minimal: fire, metal part of the flue housing and air. If you compare with a water heating system, there is a chain for which heat is transmitted, there will be much longer. It will look like this: fire, metal part of the heat exchanger, water, metal area of \u200b\u200bthe radiator and air indoor.

The main goal of the air heating system is the distribution of heat, which comes from such equipment as a furnace-fireplace with air heating, throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Such a task allows you to perform a system of thermally insulated flexible channels. Through these channels, hot air from the fireplace will go to various rooms at home.

The system of distribution of air flow can operate both due to the convection of a natural nature and due to the forced injection. Another option is also possible as the combination of two types of air injection. If the air system has a vertical orientation, then natural convection will be quite enough. If the rest of the premises are from the fireplace on a fairly distance, then you need to use various devices for forced air injection.

The fireplace heating with the air duct can increase the comfort and efficiency of the fireplace.

During the design of the air heating system, it is necessary to use the possibilities of natural convection at the maximum level. The heating of the country house by the fireplace does not require superchargers running from the network, and it will not be necessary to drain the sound of such types of superchargers.

To provide natural convection, air ducts will be required with a large cross section. This is necessary in order for aerodynamic resistance to be as small as possible. Such ducts must be made of materials with maximum refractory. It is also necessary to provide fire-resistant insulation those places that are located near the combustible structural components of the building. Through such a heating system, you can warm up the maximum of 4 rooms. The size of the length of the air ducts that go from the fireplace to the room should be no more than 2-3 meters. It is also desirable that the air duct has no different escans or bends.

Systems with convection of forced type

In such systems, the air is injected into the convection chamber, and then injected into the room at home through one or more channel fans. Heat can be transported to a distance of no more than 10 meters. You can use air ducts with a small diameter, as well as flexible ventilation channels.

Such a heating of a private house by a fireplace heats all the premises evenly, moisturizes and filters warm air. The main disadvantage of such a system is the noise that comes from the fans. Also, such systems are dependent on the electrical power source.

Water heating system with fireplace

Through such heating systems, you can heat the lower rooms in the house. Such fireplaces for heating several rooms can work independently, and can be combined with such boilers as gas, electrical or oil. Such systems are organized on the basis of thermocamines. Thermocamine is such a device with a built-in heat exchanger and a closed type.

Fireplace with water heating with forced circulation depending on the source of the network, since electricity is necessary for the operation of such a device as a circulation pump.

The pump is an important element in such a system, since this device is possible to transport the coolant to any part of the house. Thanks to such a heating system, you can raise the temperature in the house to comfortable value in the shortest possible time. If the installation of radiators is assumed, then the pipes are not too large diameter, from 10 to 15 mm.

You can also use heating devices characterized by high hydraulic resistance. The furnace-fireplace with water heating can be equipped with a plate-type heat exchanger, in which case the house will be provided not only by the heating system, but also hot water supply. If the firewood is supposed to use such fuel as a firewood, then you need to buy a fireplace insert, equipped with everything necessary for organizing water supply to heating radiators.


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