Makeup with arrows and shadows (step-by-step). Makeup with arrows for brown eyes how to make makeup without arrows

Makeup with arrows and shadows (step-by-step). Makeup with arrows for brown eyes how to make makeup without arrows

The color of the eye, eyebrows, the choice of gamma shadows are important moments when performing day and evening makeup.

Various options for Maika are able to create a unique and charming image, as well as emphasize the dignity and hide small disadvantages. One of the main elements of Maika are arrows. They create an exquisite shape and give some coquetty to look.

Makeup for brown eyes in different colors

Eye arrows are able to give them special expressiveness. A combination of a certain type of arrows and a properly selected color scheme will create a harmonious and fresh image.

  1. Natural expressiveness is achieved when using classic black arrows in combination with make-up in brown tones. This is a universal option.
  2. Silvery contrasts: black eyeliner contour against the background of shadows with silver radiance. For a more spectacular view.
  3. Bright accent: Brown eyes are perfectly harmonized with dark blue and turquoise shades. Such favorable contrast especially transforms the look. In this case, color arrows (blue, green) will be particularly attractive.

Selection of style and makeup depends on factors such as eye shade, hair color, skin shade, color range of clothing.

Lilac makeup with arrow

Speall skin and dark brown eyes will emphasize wide black arrows. Blondes fit arrows. Makeup with arrow for shabby can be performed using emerald and turquoise gamps.

Chocolate Mix: Smoky eye makeup, combining dark and caramel shades of shadows. Black shadows for brown eyes will create even greater depth. Makeup with arrows in black in combination with black mascara - the most glamorous option.

Smoky eye makeup

For everyday option, pastel colors (pale pink, ivory) are suitable. In this case, for the eyes of the arrow draws a brown pencil.

Thin arrow in the upper eyelids

Creating a romantic image is achieved by applying warm tones purple. The evening makeup of brown eyes makes them expressive with the use of electrical shades of blue. Gold shades will also give the carragelasm beauties greater expressiveness in the view.

Casual makeup eye

Drawing arrows steppotno

Before proceeding with the drawing of the arrows, you must perform the following steps: toning, pointing, eyebrow makeup. Depending on the type of makeup (day, evening, festive, podium), shadows are selected and shadows are applied. The contour of the arrow is drawn by a special technique according to. Mascara is chosen and applied in harmony with hair color.

The arrows are drawn with a hand with a support in the elbow. This guarantees a flat line. The eye must be semi-closed. With closed or, on the contrary, widely disclosed the eye, the process of drawing the arrows cannot be performed successfully.

The arrow line should initially be narrow and thickened as needed during the drawing process. The main technique of applied contour - from the inner corner of the eye to its middle. Then from the middle to the outer corner. Arrows on both eyes should be perfectly even, the same width and length.

The lower eyelid should not be clearly drawn, and when applied the contour it is better to grow it. The bright image is achieved while using several colors of one gamma. Pearl shine of shadows will give a shine look.

Kate Beckinsayyl

As a conclusion

Different type of eye requires its separate type of arrows. This allows not only to create competent meycap, but also emphasize individual beauty.

Brown eyes are already expressive alone, and their owners do not need to apply a lot of effort to create a spectacular makeup.

Makeup with arrows not only does not lose its popularity, but also becomes more relevant every year. A charming, slightly diagonal and truly playful glance leads to the delight of women and seduces men. The arrows in front of the eyes give elegant notch, emphasize how perfect makeup, create a special image of Egyptian beauty.

Popular eye makeup with arrows for the first time appeared on the faces of the girls in the distant 1960 and since then stably holds its position. Its charm is that the options for performing this technique set. Such makeup will be appropriate both in everyday life and at a solemn event. From this article, you will find out which arrows are ideal for your form and eye cut, you can see an interesting and useful video, learn how to choose the right cosmetics and perform two makeup options.

It is very important to take into account your individual features. Competently selected arrows in makeup will help to emphasize the advantages or disguise the shortcomings. For example, too narrow or round eyes.

  1. The correct almond-shaped shape of the eyes is beautiful in itself, so you can abandon bold experiments and stop at the classics, making an emphasis on the growth line of eyelashes. It is not forbid to draw long arrows of the right form.
  2. Small eyes can be saved using the next reception: along the upper and lower eyelid are thin white or beige lines, and over the edge output a neat arrow.
  3. You can give the almond shape with round eyes using wide, intense, but short arrows. You need to draw them from the middle of the century, completely slightly withdrawing out of the outer corner of the eye. Apply apply intensively, but only at the top century.

What cosmetics can be used?

Makeup with arrows can be performed using different cosmetics. Let's consider the most popular of them.

  1. The liquid liner is useful for those who want to get a thin, elegant line. Its use requires some skills, so be extremely neat.
  2. Pencil for eyeliner will suit girls who have not previously painted arrows. The line will be not too thin and clear, but beautiful.
  3. Stroker for eyeliner is very convenient because it does not spread and allows you to get an impeccable thin, smooth and clear arrow. His only drawback is a short service life.
  4. Cream and gel eyelids will be suitable for professional makeup artists, as they are quite complex in use. They are convenient because you can take a brush of any size, creating flawless makeup.

Step-by-step instruction of makeup with arrows

I always want to look beautifully, and the catchy makeup is not appropriate in any situation. But you can draw neat arrows that will look natural and modest. The makeup with arrows will suit both for young girls and for women older. We bring to your attention a detailed step-by-step instructions for performing this technique, complemented by phased photos.

  1. Use only neutral shades - white and beige. Bright matte shadows apply on the rolling part of the upper eyelid. The layer should not be too thick, because we suggest you to make the most natural makeup.
  2. Slightly above a wide brush distribute beige shadows, trying to create a smooth transition between two shades. Again, do not apply them too thick.
  3. Use white again, this time in order to emphasize the line of eyebrows. Tent only the outer edge - this will make the look more expressive and open.
  4. Any convenient tool for you draw neat, not too wide arrows. Pour the inner corner of the eye is untouched, and with an outer side, the line output literally by 3 mm, forming a light bend to the top.
  5. Apply a moderate amount of carcass. Eyelashes should look natural, the bottom is better to leave the neverthent.

Option of evening makeup

If you are scheduled for a solemn event, during which you must look irresistibly, then you will be more suitable for the evening makeup. Its fulfillment requires greater skill, but step-by-step instructions with photos will facilitate the learning process.

  1. You can use a liquid liner or felt-tip pen. The first line that needs to be drawn must necessarily be fine. First spend it along the growth of eyelashes from the inner corner of the eye to the exterior. Next, slightly raising it upstairs, output to the desired length. It can reach 1 cm. Spend the second line along the edge of the mobile eyelid, about its middle, creating a almond-shaped form.
  2. Black shadows or pencil squeeze the resulting corner before the start of the rolling age, capturing its small part. Try to do it carefully.
  3. For the rest of the century, apply light or silvery shadows.
  4. We grow so that there is no sharp transitions between colors.
  5. Along the growth line of eyelashes, make a more intense and clear line, then apply the extension mascara. Beautiful evening makeup ready.

Stylish makeup ideas with arrows

Let us give advice to those who like to look bright and extravagantly. Seductive arrows and red lipstick look just great! The correct use of arrows in make-up is real art, whom, you will discover a lot of new in the Makeup world.

To inspire you to creativity and interesting experiments, we have prepared a collection of photos in which you will find very relevant, luxurious and stylish makeup options with arrows in our eyes.

From this article, you learned how to make magnificent makeup, found step-by-step instructions and bright photos. In conclusion, we suggest you to see a very useful video. In his roller, the makeup artist Anna Kravchenko will show how luxurious Hollywood makeup with arrows and red lipstick is performed. In addition, this video will be a good manual for those who do not speak too well to apply cosmetics technique.

How to make arrows using a liquid eyeliner so that they look beautiful, smoothly and equally? It's not hard. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a visual line from the tip of the nose to the corner of the eye and print the tip of the future arrow.

Step-by-step guide to evaluate the same arrows

The finished short line is drawn stronger, extending it. After departing from an outer corner of the eye along the growth line of the eyelashes of 2-5 mm and draw a tip, pulling the line from the eyelashes to the ready tail.

The width and color of the arrows currens the wishes of the girl and selected individually, depending on the choice of makeup. Since day or evening makeup requires a certain choice of color gamut from the shadow palette.

Fill out the resulting wide tail tilt. After smooth strokes, we pay a line along the entire growth line of the rolling age. After scraping the eyelashes in mascara and complete makeup.

Elimination of the arrows with a pencil

The secret of the ideal shooter in the pencil technique is the right choice of a pencil. It must be extremely soft and creamy.

Schedule the arrow line as well as in the first case, we extend and draw it. But, in the case of a pencil, the barcode on the growth line of the eyelashes is carried out from the inner corner of the eye with subtle confident strokes.

Such arrows saturate the eyelashes with an additional volume, giving a look greater expressiveness, and the eyelashes are black.

This method of drawing the arrows sets them an absolutely symmetric angle and a symmetrical line. But for this it is necessary to observe another rule, namely the drawing of the arrows without pulling out the century, is widely opening the eye.

How to make daytime casual makeup with gorgeous arrows?

For this makeup will suit any pallet shadow in the brown gamma. As well as a pencil or eyeliner, brushes for applying shadows from a natural pile and mascara.

Let's start with the base under shadow. This step is not required, but its use will make the color of the shadows saturated, and they will stay longer.

Drawing on a pencil or any other convenient in the use of a dark brown shadow brush, put a point in an external corner of the eye over the fold of the rolling age. And begin to stretch the color along the entire fold.

Add some shadows to the outer corner of the eye. This part must be the darkest in makeup. After we decide with a clear brush, sharp boundaries of shadows. If there is only one brush in the presence, it should be cleaned about a cotton disk or using a brushes cleaning agent.

We recruit a light pearl shade of the shadow on the brush and fill it with the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe moving century. At the borders of the dark and light color, they are triggered, as if stirring the colors among themselves.

If the tube is done correctly, a smooth transition from a dark shade to light without bright shadow color boundaries is created. The eyes will look like in the frame of such shades naturally and beautiful both on the video and in the photo.

Take the brightest color from the palette and add it under the eyebrow. Here, the main thing is not to overdo the shadow, if the shade is pearl. Next, mix light on eyebrows and dark on the folding shade to erase the shadow borders and create smooth overflows of color. Residues of light shadows slightly touch the inner corner of the eye.

We recruit the dark brown color of the shadows and spend the line in the lower eyelid from the inner corner until the middle of the eye. Step-by-step applying is completed.

Improve eye eyelashes with black pencil

In order for the daily makeup to look beautiful and not flicker, carefully look at the interinsunny space with a black pencil. It is necessary so that the eyelashes seemed thick and longer.

We visually divide the eyes into three parts. We carry out a brush with a liner in the central part of the eye. Now we will sum up the inner corner of the eye of the more sophisticated line. It is always worth starting with a thin line, as you can always make it wider. But in order to return her refinement, you need to try to very much.

We put the dash from top to bottom behind the outer corner of the eye. It will be a guide tail. Next, connect the dash with the second third eye, drawing the barcode at the given direction. The arrow must be homogeneous, without any proper.

Step-by-step carcass on the eyelashes

First, we look at the base of eyelashes by knocking zigzag movements. First the center, after the corner of the eye. Then stretch the mascara from the base to the tips. The central part of the hairs pull up to the eyebrows. Inner corner towards the base of the nose. Outdoor corner towards the temple. Thus, the mascara specifies the eyelashes the required length and volume.

The lower eyelashes are proceding only at the roots, slightly touching the tassel. Otherwise, the eyelashes will be devastated under the weight and form shadows under the eyes, thereby increasing the radius of the formation of bruises under them.

How to make evening makeup with arrows?

The prerequisite for evening makeup is the application of the base under shadow. If it is not available, you can grow a light pencil over the century and distribute it with a synthetic brush. Such a substrate will qualitatively consolidate the shadows and increase the chances of having longer.

Processing of the century shadows of saturated shades

The palette of the shadows is selected under the tone of the dress chosen on the evening event. It should consist of at least three shades of the same color.

On all mobile eyelid, a little at least reaching the corner of the eye, we apply the darker shade. Truck his brush. After we work out the dark color of the fold of the century, the darkening of it as stronger as possible, expressing it with a line with color.

On the middle of the century, we apply a shade on a couple of tones with the lighter of the previous one, and distribute it, a little going on the boundaries of the previous shade, achieving the flower flowing one to another.

At the corner of the eye, we apply the brightest shade out of the palette and carry the same as the previous shadow, washing the pronounced borders.

Drawing arrows and eyelashes

The arrow is drawn as in the first version of the black pencil or eyeliner. But, unlike the day makeup, the evening makeup eye requires the guidance of the arrows and at the bottom century. In order for the arrows not to give glare in a photo or video, they can be slightly covered with black shadows.

And in order for makeup to look beautiful, under the shadows of the lower eyelid in the same order as the top one. It is necessary to distribute the shadows under the tilt of the eyeliner without painting it. So that the look looked not frowning, we look at the aquatic line with a white pencil.

Evening makeup can be supplied with a small amount of sequins on the inner corner of the eye and for its contours. They can be large or small, and will look brightly in the photo and video.

If you do eye makeup correctly, it will help you solve many problems, for example, visually remove dark circles and bags under the eyes or adjust your eye shape, and also give your view expressiveness and fresh look. Neat and correctly selected precisely to your eye-eye arrow can solve all these problems. Many Hollywood diva, such as Elizabeth Taylor or Audrey Hepburn, have never been shown in secular events without gorgeous shooters. Many fashionists still use this beauty trick.

To draw beautiful arrows, you need a solid hand. To do this, your elbow must rest in a solid surface, and the mirror should be at eye level.

Options and ideas about how and what arrows to draw in our eyes, there is a large amount. It all depends on your skills and fantasy. The arrows can be wide and thin, colored or black, with a long tail or with rounded. You can draw arrows with a pencil, liquid or gel liner. If you dream to learn how to draw ideal arrows, the material will help you.

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Remember that the perfectly smooth arrow line can only draw a well-sharpened eye pencil. That is why the pencil should be accurate every time you are going to make arrows in front of our eyes. You will not succeed in blunt pencil clear lines.

On how to sharpen an eye pencil, you can find out the makeup options with arrows, which can be repeated independently (for example, creating), look for a photo gallery below:

What arrows fit your eye shape?

Round eyes

Round eyes can be visually made more elongated due to eyeliner in the inner corner of the eye. Do not forget to grow up the arrows so that the pigment falls on the growth line of eyelashes. Otherwise, you risk making eyes visually pressing. Also girls with round eyes are not recommended to bring the lower eyelid.

Versace © Fotoimedia / Imaxtree

Narrow eyes

Visually make your eyes will help wide arrows. When you draw the arrow, do not go far abroad eye. This visually narrows the eye shape. Refuse color eyeliner for the lower age. Also avoid dark eyeliner colors, especially black. Your best choice is light arrows. Light nude or bright shades will allow you to make your eyes anymore and expressive. Do not draw wide arrows immediately from the inner corner of the eye, start with a thin line and expand it a little from the middle of the eye.

Widely planted eyes

Make the distance between the eyes less significant to you will help such a beauty trick: draw a line with a liner along the entire length of the eye along the growth line of eyelashes, slightly going abroad and extending the line to the bridge, extinguishing the line. Lower eyelid move from the outside without affecting the mucous membrane. The tip of the arrow should be rounded.

  • Tip! No matter what width will be your arrow, always start drawing it with a thin line. Then, as needed thicker.

Dolce & Gabbana © Fotoimedia / Imaxtree

Closely planted eyes

In this case, it is necessary to do everything on the contrary. At the time when you spend a line on the upper moving eyelid, try to make a compartment from the inner corner. The suburbs of the lower eyelid visually makes the look wider. The tip is better to stretch to the temple so that the eyes become visually further from each other.

Elie Saab © Fotoimedia / Imaxtree

Eyes with lowered corners

To eliminate the effect of a sad look, at the beginning of the eye the arrow should be thin, and in an external corner, on the contrary, is wide. The tail arrows should be high to balance the eye. The mucous bottom must be darken.

  • Tip! If you decide to bring the lower eyelid, you should not use a liquid eyeliner, otherwise it will be with you under your eyes. Rule states: a pencil - to the lower eyelid, and the liquid liner is on the top.

Christian Dior © Fotoimedia / Imaxtree

Types of Eye Arrows

    In distant times, for example, in ancient Egypt, not only women, but men loved to emphasize the beauty and depth of the eye using makeup. The famous arrows, like Cleopatra, will look gorgeous at the evening secular event or on a photo shoot.

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    Thick arrows rounded upwards should hold for parties or thematic events. You can also decorate the glitter from above.

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    The thin line of the arrows is well suited for daily makeup, for example, to work. But it is much more complicated to draw such arrows.

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    The arrows-wings will suit romantic and creative images. Particularly well, such arrows will look at round eyes, as such arrows visually pull their eyes.

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To learn how to draw the shooter-felt-counter arrows, you can from our video.

Creating makeup, a woman always strives to change. Not every considers his face ideal, but those who love themselves do not come from it into despondency. Makeup and exists in order to correct the features that seek non-harmonic.

It is best for this makeup with arrows and shadows. A step-by-step method of applying such makeup in several options can be found below.

Arrows and eye shape. What exactly are you?

If there is a desire to visually increase the eyes, black and dark tones of the eyeliner will not fit - they will "decrease" them. The arrow is needed brighter, "swinging". With her, look will acquire shine and sensuality.

Round eyes

Round eyes visually stretch, if you apply an arrow from the center to the top eyelid to the outside corner, at the end slightly expanding and lifting it. It is necessary to grow a line of arrows a little, so that it does not move away from the eyelashes and did not create the eye effect. You do not need to cut the eye from below.

Narrow eyes

Narrow eyes are adjusted wide, dark arrows. They should not be displayed abroad. The lines of the eyeliner must be clear in the middle and slightly relaxed shadows in both corners, it will create a greater roundness effect and openness. The lower eyelid is suspended with a latter color without affecting its inner corner.

Almond-shaped eyes

The almond-shaped eyes of the charm will add thin, classic arrows. They are applied along the line of eyelashes, their width and brightness depend on the case. If the makeup is everyday - they barely go beyond the limits of the eye. For evening exit you can apply their thicker line.

The upper arrow deposited from the middle of the century, visually remove his eyes from the bridge. It is carried out fine at first, expanding and raised to the outer edge. The effect will be more complete if the inner corner of the eye is rejected by a light inner corner. The lower eyelid is drawn in the same way.

Widely located eyes

Located too widespread eyes, require the opposite effect. To achieve it, the arrow, bright and wide in the inner corner, narrows to external. At the bottom century only the outer side is supplied.

Deep planted eyes

Eyes planted deeply become more beautiful if they are tested with a wide shiny, not very long arrow. It needs to grow to the temples up.

Arrows are adjusted and a little hungry. The upper line continues the line of the lower eyelid to the fold with the fold. The line is added in the fold of the eyelid to the connection with the already drawn. The resulting corner is completely painted with eyeliner and shadows are toned. This deepens the fold over the eye.

Types of arrows

Consider the main types of arrows.

  • Classic option - thin arrows. Their lines neatly summarize the time along the entire length and are lifted in the direction of the temples.
  • Double arrows - always bright. Unlike others, here the upper and lower arrows are not connected, but form a thin lumen. This is not a daubful makeup, it is inappropriate in daylight.

  • Egyptian arrows - eyelids outline over the entire length, the outer tips of the arrows will derive up to the eyebrows, and the internal lowered to the nose. For evening makeup, they fit perfectly.
  • The "smoky" arrows are drawn with a pencil and are slightly chosen to sponge.
  • Thick arrows add leafy of eyelashes. They are applied fine line from an inner corner of the eye and thicken to the middle.
  • Colored arrows involve the use of different tones of the eyeliner, from the brightest to bright and saturated. You can combine several colors.
  • Creative - here fantasy is not limited. It can be an arrow with a pattern or modeling an unusual eye shape. Options for such arrows you can come up with a lot. Very good they will look at the disco or thematic evening.
  • "Feline eye" and "Lyavya Les" - the lines of the upper and lower eyelid from the outside are leaning up and join the eyebrows. Very popular and impressive image. Below we will get acquainted with this type of makeup, consider the features of applying shooters and shadows, and we give step-by-step instructions.

Tools for creating arrows

The perfect arrow is not a problem if there is a skill and a convenient tool. How can I draw a beautiful arrow?

This is the easiest and most convenient tool. It is indispensable for inexperienced in make-up or when it is necessary to hurry. The soft texture allows you to confidently apply a line with one movement. It does not spread, not wagging and, in case of an error, is easily removed.

Step-by-step applying arrows in an option for a minimum with a pencil

Such arrows are easily rubbed and at the same time look neat. For smoky makeup, pencil is preferable to take on a powder basis.

Compact subservient

this means is good for light and natural makeup. It is made in the form of a pressed powder, which is applied forever with a thin moisturized brush. Its structure is often waterproof and is holding off for a long time without lubricating. Most of all this eyeliner is suitable for cases when makeup is designed for a whole day.

Liquid submarine

This tool is suitable for the most spectacular lines of arrows, thin and smooth. But to use it, you need to have experience. Immediately make a clear contour, most likely it will not work. And this is the only drawback of such a liner.

Eye Feltaster

Like a pencil, it is easy and convenient for use. With it, you can draw clear and beautiful arrow lines quickly and practically in any conditions. However, he is short-lived due to drying. This tool has to be updated more often than others.

Helium (cream) eyeliner

And this is a professional agent. For its application, time and a special bevered brush with a curved shape handle are necessary. Such a lining slowly freezes, which allows you to adjust the arrow line. This means falls smoothly and smoothly, but it is difficult to apply at home.

Color arrows

When choosing a liner, first of all, take into account the shade of your skin and the color of the eyes. With clothing makeup should also harmonize. Classic is a black color of the arrows. The black eyeliner narrows visually and grips eyes.

In everyday makeup, other colors are more attractive - brown, dark green, dark blue or dark purple. Lighter tones are relevant during the day. Such a make-up sits and refreshes. Gray eyeliner emphasizes the color of the eyes.

Very interesting options for applying the arrows of different colors. For example, if used for the upper arrow to use a saturated color, and for the bottom lighter to a couple of tones, the look "will reveal" and will become expressive.

Step-by-step instruction of applying some types of makeup

Species and variations of makeup with arrows are quite a lot, then the most popular and spectacular images will be considered.

The form of the arrow always depends on the face form, eyes and eyebrows

As there are no two identical individuals, and the arrow in make-up are always individual. Relying on the advice of this article, find "your" arrow and your combination of shadows.

Most such makes are suitable for those who have almond-shaped eyes and big. Makeup with "cat" arrows is performed using a liquid or compact liner and shadows.

Step-by-step nanion of arrows for the image of "cat's eye"

It has the following step by step description:

  1. White or beige shadows cover the top eyelid and further before the eyebrows.
  2. Note the external arrow with shadows of a darker shade, for example, peach, from an external angle to eyebrows. Apply dark shadows just above the fold of the century and emphasize them the edge of the arrows.
  3. Greet transitions between shadows. Take a soft brush for this. After the decisive, brighten the area under the eyebrows.
  4. Slightly sticking the eye, gently apply small points along the line of the eyelashes, outlawing the form of the future arrow. Its length and form completely depends on your taste, but ideally, she asked for a temple.
  5. Guide points connect to one smooth, thin line, expanding to the external tip of the arrow. In the same way, lay down the lower eyelid, mixing together both lines. This can be done both by eyeliner and dark shadows.
  6. Pay attention to the eyelashes, especially from the outer edge. Take advantage of mascara.

In general, this makeup is identical to the "cat eye". Only the shape of the arrows is slightly different, emphasizing small eyes with a bit hanging centuries. He implies a golden brown gamut. But the shadows of other colors look no worse.

Eye decoration using arrows in the style of "Lizzie"

Step by step it is applied as:

  1. Apply light shadow on both centuries. Especially carefully brighten the area under the eyebrows.
  2. Set the upper age of depth, applying a slightly above fold, light brown or light gray shadows.
  3. We grow to the effect of light shadow.
  4. The arrow is drawn in the same way as in the "feline eye", but, in contrast to it, its outer corner is not very raised. The lower eyelid is supplied only from the middle to the outer edge of the eye. And both arrows are connected in the same way.
  5. Eyelashes for such makeup must be twisted, lift up. Overhead eyelashes will give the look of tomotor.

Arrows in "Retro-Style"

Style 60s is associated with an excellent face of Audrey Hepburn. Many modern fans admire her and consider beauty benchmark.

If there is a desire, its image is easy to reproduce. Repeat such an elegant makeup with arrows and shadows will help the step-by-step guide below.

In this style, either eyes or lips are focused

Now we are talking about eyes.

  1. First of all, align and emphasize the complexion of the face with a tonal and powder.
  2. Pick up the shadows of one tone of three different shades - the main, light and dark. Main color apply to the top eyelid. Totton the darker highlight the external corner, and the inner is the lighter tone.
  3. Black pencil applies an arrow along the border of the eyelashes, and grow in such a way that in the middle of the century it was a little wider. It will give the look of innocent surprise. Draw the lower arrow in the same way and connect it from the top.
  4. Underline the arrows using eyeliner.
  5. Now you need to highlight eyelashes. To do this, you need mascara with the effect of elongation. Apply it in several layers.
  6. Lipstick for lips is suitable for neutral or light - beige, pink.

Eyes in "Arabic style"

Such makeup is very effectable, but requires care. If the arrows and shadows are neat and harmonious, your eyes will be hypnotically charming.

Arabic style display option with arrows

With the next step-by-step instructions, you can easily make such makeup yourself:

  • You need to start with the choice of color gamut. Do it, taking into account your eye color and skin shade. Do not limit yourself to the same color of the shadows, select some of the most suitable for you.

Pearl shadows are suitable for young girls, those who are older - matte. We also need white shadows, to create a gloss between the arrow lines, and black - for drawing the lower eyelid.

Pencils for drawing arrows Take two colors. One - necessarily black, and the second - under the color of your chosen shadows - dark gray, saturated brown or other suitable. Also need a liquid liner.

  • First of all, prepare a face for makeup. Remove wrinkle corrector and minor shortcomings.

The form of eyebrows should be perfect

  • Now make your eyes. A little basic for makeup or tone apply and distribute exactly at the top of the century. What will prevent the shadows rolling and make them brighter.
  • Light shadows, from those that you have chosen, apply starting from the inner corner. For the middle of the century - bright. Closer to the temple - darker, rich color. Greet shadows with a straight brush to get a smooth transition from one shade to another.
  • Take cooked pencils. Black back arrow in an external corner in the direction of the tip of the eyebrows. Then the second line, just above the folds of the century draw the top edge of the arrow. Both features connect a beautiful, smooth bend.

Fully proximate the eyelid in the interval between the lines of another, lighter pencil and the resulting the resulting frame of the arrow with a thin brush. Make it with circular movements in the direction of the dark shadows.

  • Now you can proceed to the arrow. We apply a clear, flat line, which cries the line of eyelashes. It must be done from the inside of the eye to the external, without changing the power of pressing and observing the trajectory. Top arrow is ready.
  • Blike-feathered with white shadows at the bottom border of the end of the arrow direction towards eyebrows.
  • The lower eyelid also make up an arrow, which will give the eye a beautiful, elongated shape. She spend black shadows. The inner corner of the eye is also drawn in black.

The arrow can give depth, emphasizing it with dark, saturated shadows. After that, squeeze the mucous membrane from the inner corner to the center of the lower eyelid with a black pencil. And then to the outer corner - white.

  • Round tassel soften makeup, remove clear boundaries and transitions.
  • Eyelashes lengthen with a carcass.

Do not be afraid to experiment with flowers when creating Arabic makeup. The combination of unexpected shades will give him luxury and originality. The main thing is that the colors benefitly allocate your own eye color, and not scored it.

White arrows

They look very unusual. And how everything unusual does not depend on templates and stereotypes. Here is a full scope for your imagination. This may be a contrast combination of white eyeliner and black carcass.

In retro style, it will impress the combination of three colors - black, red and white. All these images imply an equal participation of the eyes and lips. Therefore, the lipstick should choose bright. But if you are touched by natural colors, do not emphasize the contour. Tuck is recommended to cry only the top cilia.

Bright and expressive makeup with arrows and shadows, using step-by-step guide, proposed above, you are easy to eat. He will meet and exceed your expectations if you consider some more tips.

Important to remember! The arrows always attract attention to the eyes. therefore keep your skin around the eyes, do not allow swelling and use the consilet or a tonal cream.

Arrows are beautiful, smooth and confident. The "dancing" arrows will spoil all the makeup. It is impossible to allow this. Do not be pouring when creating arrows. Do not try to draw them, holding hands on weight. A hand for a flat line should be emphasized.

Arrows in any form and variations of makeup will always help make a woman's eyes mysterious and attracting

Mirror Place the eye level and when drawing the arrow, do not turn to it to one side, look at it directly. Then the lines will fall at exactly, and the arrows will look neat and attractive.


Makeup with arrows is one of those particularly popular. As you can see, it fits all women and to all cases. The described techniques and types of such Maika are far from exhausting its diversity. Experiment, manifest a fantasy, and create your unique image.

Right and quickly draw arrows: Tips and tricks. See useful video:

How to make perfectly smooth arrows in 3 minutes? See video instructions:

And how to draw arrows with shadows? Find out of the video:


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