Make a seat suspension for a lift with your own hands. Self-propelled homing device for disabled people (stationary)

Make a seat suspension for a lift with your own hands. Self-propelled homing device for disabled people (stationary)

In every country there is a special category of citizens – people with disabilities, of whom there are many proofs about the humanity of marriage. Many of them have to move around on the carriages, which gives rise to problems. In order to reduce the difficulty of moving to a minimum, special devices have been separated - wheelchairs. Its main role is to ensure a seamless integration between people of similar abilities.

It is very important to choose the right hoist for disabled people, and this also ensures the safety of the patient who is traveling with you. Therefore, before dressing, think about what additional functions you may need.

If it is necessary to move a disabled person, consider his mobility and physical data, as well as the forecasts that doctors give about the further progress of the illness. If the patient is recovering after a serious injury and in which positive dynamics are being observed, he will benefit from the function of the verticalizer.

Among the options for people with limited abilities, there are three great categories: lifts for moving, lifts for the bath and exit lifts.

Lifts for moving

Lifts for moving patients help in monitoring patients with impaired function of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for patients who need to lie down. With the help of a lift, you can easily move the patient from the bed to the chair, to the bathtub and toilet. Lifts for moving are divided into different types of lifting methods, a set of functions and a level of mobility.

Electric lift-verticalizer
The electric lift-verticalizer combines the functions of a lift for moving a patient and a lift for verticalization. When using a lift-verticalizer, the displacement is in a vertical position, so it is suitable only for patients who are recovering from an injury and are at this stage of rehabilitation, if I recommend There is a need to start the practice of standing. Because of its very low support, the lift can be easily lifted up to the bed or bath. The wheel locks are kept as stable and safe as possible.

If the fakers seem to be unable to restore the lost functions, it would be better to choose

Hydraulic lift
The hydraulic coil, which connects to the hydraulic drive frame, has a classic design. Up to a U-like support (base) on self-adjusting wheels, a crossbar is attached, at the end of which there is a crossbar with locks. A soft suspension from the patient is suspended from the gags. The suspension (cradle) is made of material that is durable and allows for high-grade disinfection.

Electric lift
An electric coil of a classic design is cut hydraulically using the ceramic method. Sometimes it works with the help of an electric drive.

How to choose a lift for moving a patient

When selecting a lift, consider two main factors: lift capacity and suspension type. The patient's weight may be at least 20 kg more, but the patient is sick. Large patients require reinforced knitting with a wide base that can lift up to 250-300 kg.

There are three main types of suspensions:

U-shaped suspension(the widest) is folded from a rectangular base and two straps. The straps are passed between the legs and fastened to the hook of the crossbar of the lift. The lower straps will either intersect, or not intersect, except at the level of the breasts. In the first stage, the level of safety and comfort when moving the patient increases, in the other, it becomes easier to carry out hygienic procedures. The advantage of a U-like suspension is the versatility of its positioning and the ease of placement in any patient (in both supine and sitting positions).

Hanging hammock It is a square canvas on which the patient sits in a supine position. This type of suspension is best seen because the vicarious lift is only used for moving the patient (without water procedures), so the rest of the veins will be ensured by yourself high rhubarb Safety and comfort thanks to a wide area of ​​support.

Hygienic suspension cuttings in such a way that the patient's genital area is not open for hygienic procedures and use of the toilet. Hygienic suspension can only be achieved from a sitting position. When the time comes, the patient is obliged to gently touch the straps with his hands. In a hygienic suspension, it is not recommended to move patients with low or high muscle tone in the legs, as a large risk falls in the middle of the suspension.

Suspension size

Any suspension is also selected based on size. The size of the hanger is determined by the width, width and width of the straps. The suspension, double folds, is responsible for the rise from the dark until the patient's captivity. The width of the hanger is determined by the width of the shoulders - the hanger should be at least 15 cm wider, so that about 5-7.5 cm are removed from the skin on the side. In order to calculate the optimal length of the straps, you need to measure stand from the stitch to the patient’s knee and until it is removed the extension size is 25 cm. Remember, only the correct selection of the suspension guarantees the patient’s safety during the hour of movement!

The procedure for moving a patient to an assistant hoist

Moving from a bed/from a bed

  1. Turn the patient over onto his side or help him turn over himself. Place the hanger under the back as you found it and gather it in small folds.
  2. Turn the patient over onto his back and stretch the sling from the other side.
  3. Make sure that the straps of the suspension are stretched under the patient's stitches.
  4. Secure the straps to the crossbar of the lift, either crossing them (as you are simply moving the patient), or not crossing them (as you will perform hygienic procedures).
  5. Easily lift the patient and turn the fastening over.
  6. If everything and the patient feel comfortable, raise the suspension and move the lift as far as possible to the necessary place(Before the chair or bath).
  7. Lower the patient, remove the suspension and insert the hoist. After this, you can carefully remove the suspension from under the patient.

Moving from a chair to a recumbent

  1. Now bend the patient’s back forward, gently pressing it in, and move the sling behind him.
  2. Convert so that the middle of the hanger meets the line of the patient’s ridge, and stretch the hanger all the way to the seat.
  3. Turn your back to a vertical position and stretch the suspension under the straps fully so that you can pass the straps between your legs.
  4. Further actions are the same as when moving from a couch to a chair.

Electric bath tub

The bathtub lift provides the most comfortable and safe access to water procedures and gives the patient the opportunity to get wet in the water. take a full bath.

Suitable for elderly people, as well as patients who want to independently trim their back in a vertical position. In case of severe coordination problems and fleeting movements, you can only use lifting mechanisms with hammocks growing outside and fixing straps.
Gathering lifts

When moving in a chair from the side of the exit lift, the patient should lie completely with the person accompanying him, in addition to the correct selection of the lift in the position of the type and size of the exit, it is very important About the person who should lift and lower the patient according to the descents, having become familiar with the lifting mechanism And having tried this vice before the first time to accompany a person with limited abilities. Before starting the descent, you must roll over so that the wheelchair is securely fixed to the lift. If the patient moves on a chair inserted into a lift, it is necessary to transfer with all safety belts securely fastened.

When selecting exit lifts (both wheeled and tracked), their load capacity and dimensions of the exit passage are taken care of. The declared importance of the specific model may be less than that of both the patient and the stroller. Depending on the dimensions of the ramps, the width of the ramps, the height of the ramps and the height of the ramps vary. Determine the values ​​and guidelines for choosing a specific model of the landing lift.

Today's world- This is the world of high altitudes, flows and transitions. For people with limited capabilities, planning gatherings without a guide is practically useless. Stationary ducts and ramps are one of the options for solving this problem, but not all installations are equipped with such devices. You (exit ramps) are mobile lift devices that will help you enter with code changes at exit exits. This has a special mechanism that allows people to move in a disabled vehicle with the help of one attendant or without one. Much carnage design features, the ramps can either be brought up to the wheelchair or the seat.

These devices operate under a powerful electric drive, and their potential is sufficient to coat the exit barrier of any design. The electric motor of the ramp is charged in the process. The self-contained mobile unit folds easily and fits easily into the trunk of a car.

  • lightness,
  • compactness,
  • simplicity keruvannya.

Our catalog presents a variety of designs and prices і . Here you can learn more about technical characteristics skin device and select the optimal option according to the characteristics and variety. With such a device, like a descent dovkilla become accessible, and the lives of disabled people will become more comfortable.

Hey, I'm a shirtmaker. About 3-4 years ago, I ran into the problem of getting up from bed. I myself could not earn anything, as if I had not worked hard (weak hands). There was simply no cost (300,000 rubles). Talk to a furniture maker you know, explain your problem to him, and ask him to help.
To my delight, he came up with a miraculous way out of the situation. Create a stationary winder over the bed.

What does the lift kit include:

Two fastenings, skin, which are attached to 8 anchors. On top of the fastening a sliding beam is installed, like a slatted one, which can be a tee, an I-beam, or two channels like in our fall. A re-drilling mechanism with an electric drive and remote control is suspended on the beam. To what running speed should the vantage be attached? lifting device Here you can install an electric winch or a hoist, or even better, one that comes assembled with a heavy-duty unit and is controlled by one remote control. Our design has two control panels with motors.

You can see how it all looks in the photographs included in this article.

After installing the wheelchair lift, there is little problem of how to fix the disabled person (less) without pain and injury for lifting and moving into the wheelchair. The explorer himself was pleased with the mountaineering harness, but he spent a lot of energy on this climb. Then, through the river of knowledgeable people, you can find a replacement lift for disabled people on the Internet. After a little digging on the Internet, I came across a site that sells these knights, and there I got a wonderful device for use.

This installation was made up of a special fastening on the side of the rocker and a fabric seat with fastenings, which worked wonders for me and led to a minimum of wasted nerves over the course of an hour. After the seat is transplanted, it can be pulled back from the disability as quickly as possible. More report description I will describe the seat for the step further with photos and dimensions.

We can create a unique service! Our grandmother is disabled. And we know very well how important it is to make people sick. That's why my man came up with an idea to make a suspended lifting device for disabled people with his own hands. system for a small fee (no more than 5,000 rubles). The winch itself (and also the hoist) and the sling for a disabled person will need to be purchased by themselves (probably) for approximately 7,000 rubles. I, the 12,000 ruble you have a pireyomnik for a sorcerer.

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Elena (Cosmin)  If possible, the photo would be nice to be attractive.

Tags: How to make a lift for a disabled person with your own hands

Do-it-yourself knight for the sick.

Disability.. our goal...)) | Topic author: Viktor

About ten people in the world are disabled. This includes in Russia and in all places.

Any person without a disability may be faced with this problem at any point in their life, and if there is a way to “spare” it, then the reduction of physical capabilities will simply come at once with old age.

Only the systematic removal of disabled people from marriage has led to the fact that disability is perceived as unimportant, anomalous, and therefore unreasonably labeled.

In our culture, “independence” is a very valuable concept, and this is one of the reasons for the panicky fear of disability - people immediately express that they “become a burden” for others.

In reality, “independence” is nothing more than a myth.

To be clear, you can earn one obviously right: guess where your rank income for work should be stored, for example.

What type of alarm clock? Kavovarki? Metro? A great car?

After this, it is necessary to think about how many people themselves share the fate of alarm clocks, cars and cars.

Most people don’t think about the stinks that “lie” from the working water supply system, from the door openers, from the daily life of roads and other goods, for which they don’t have to pay out of hand.

All people, without blame, lie on the same page.

Nutrition is deprived of those who are ignored, and those who are respected by natural necessity.

No one seems to be stuck in their car, and maintaining accessible roads for travel is clearly important.

However, the same people say the phrase “take care of a disabled vehicle,” and they respect ramps and lifts for people on a transportation vehicle as “superdominism,” “benevolence,” and “a tractor for marriage.”

At the end of the twentieth century, ethnographers suddenly revealed that in one remote Mexican village, among the inhabitants there were a disproportionate number of deaf people, although most were all deaf.

As it turned out, all the inhabitants of the village, without guilt, knew my gesture from childhood, learning it simply at the hour of sleep.

Whose hearing loss did not have a disability, because it did not impose daily restrictions - many people could never guess who could hear from their neighbors, and who could not.

Whose sense of cultural approach to disability.

Those other abilities in physical and intellectual abilities become “disabled” even if they are deprived of such cultural minds.

Therefore, the only way to change the status of people with disabilities is drastic changes in the marriage.

And for whom the movement for the rights of disabled people has taken a fresh look at a very important concept for everyday people - independent life.

Most people feel helplessness, not a slight panic, when for the first time in life they bump into a person in a wheelchair or a blind person, and do not know how to react when it appears that a person may be mentally ill .

Through ignorance and caring, many people begin to behave inappropriately and slander in a boorish manner: they become violent to the point of sign language translation in place of a deaf person, they wash the kitty’s stroller without permission or simply behave in a slightly brutal manner.

Others are simply making their special, strong contribution to the discrimination against people with disabilities, for example, they are arguing that in a “politically correct approach” they will hire people with disabilities to work, or they are simply mindlessly living such words as “down” as images.

The reason is that all these people have become accustomed to accepting people with disabilities as fundamentally “different.”

There are a lot of ways to make a person “other” than you.

The simplest way to deal with disability is to perceive people as “victims”.

From the psychological point of view, from the mechanism of protection.

Pity allows you to distance yourself from the situation of other people and put yourself “above” them.

As a result, people become hopeless, infantile, and demand that someone else (for example, “fakhivets”) explain to them and their loved ones what they need.

Viktor (Walerian) Another way in which journalists often “sin” is by presenting disabled people as “heroes.”

With whose heroism everything is revealed: education, participation in sports, career, family life Those other speeches that are considered normal by “superior” people.

In truth, there is nothing heroic in the fact that people make great efforts to live as fully as possible - all people will sacrifice. Behind the myth about the “hero” there is a message about how disability can be a tragedy.

And if people with disabilities dare to live normal lives, then, melodiously, there are no blame, a legacy of incredible “heroism.”

For the rest of the rocks The situation in Russia is beginning to change, at least completely.

People who have taken on the burden of caring for bedridden patients are afraid to give up important and important work. The hope for comfort, security and the most likely clothing of a person weakened by illness rests on them. Careful cleansing and hygienic procedures require significant physical effort, which is negatively reflected in a negative self-perceived mood. Medicinal herbs, presented above the market, help alleviate the condition of the sick and yogi. One of these technical rehabilitation devices is lifts.

Reznovidy Vityagiv

All lifts have the function of moving infirm patients with varying degrees of severity of illness and limbs. Devices can be purchased in private stores, in homes and on the street. It is important to determine where and how the wickerwork is divided into the following categories:

  • mobiles with hydraulic or electric drive;
  • stationary;
  • gatherings (caterpillars, wheels);
  • static vertical (the patient can take a passive vertical position);
  • universal;
  • for the bathroom (chair-lift).

The skin model allows for the need for timely intervention, relocation, transplantation (transfer) of the patient from one place to another, which simplifies observation and promotes the patient’s mobility.

Hydraulic-driven hydraulically driven structures collapse using a jack, similar to an ordinary office chair, so their operation requires the addition of mechanical force.

Electric winders are equipped with a rechargeable battery, a light signal and a cable remote control, and simply transmit the ability of emergency manual lowering.

Characteristics and advantages

These functional devices for moving patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, disabled people, and elderly people have a simple design, the skin part of which is adjusted to the needs of the patient. The main characteristic of viruses is their abundance. The Arnold lifts from the German company Rebotek are suitable for weights up to 250 kg, and their products are also approved for people weighing up to 125 and 150 kg.

In medicine shops and booths, the electric pumps of this distributor have proven themselves to be reliable assistants to the service personnel, such as:

  • The frame is made of steel, covered with enamel;
  • traverse brackets that easily wrap around their axis;
  • automatic adjustment knobs directly for the conductors;
  • self-directing wheels with individual rims on the two rear ones;
  • low support legs with pedals for adjusting the separation width;
  • emergency button at the hour of re-installation.

The skin from the elements helps to overcome the most difficult problems that arise during the hour of trying to transfer the patient from a bed to a wheelchair, in a bathtub, a car, or getting up from underwear. Mitsna metal frame displays great patients who are taking off their shoes lower base ensures the stability of the entire structure, allows you to walk close to any furniture and lift the sick from the bed, the emergency button turns on the risk of fall.

Important! Due to a malfunction of the wired remote control, the distributors suggested duplicating the lowering button on the control unit mounted on the frame.

Basic parameters of Arnold coils

weight, kg
sick over the underside, see
bracket, cm
supports, cm
Separation width
supports, divas
patient, kg
37-52 0-90 54-176 12 65-100 125-150


The main component of the lift is a suspension that is attached to the brackets in which the patient is placed and secured. Depending on the pathology, the level of debility of a bedridden patient is subject to the following types of support:

  • standard belt;
  • hygienic suspension made of waterproof fabric with an opening in the crotch and genital area;
  • reinforcement of the belt with metal inserts for large patients;
  • belt for washing near the bathtub (the fabric wicks water and dries quickly);
  • high-comfort suspension with a backrest and leg lining made of soft, durable fabric, as well as the possibility of attaching a headrest.

The hangers vary in shape, size, method of fixation on the body, and the number of loops on the straps for adjusting the slings that are attached to the hook of the crossbar.

Respect! View choosing the right one In order to ensure reliable fixation of the patient in suspension, the level of comfort and safety during the time of movement and the implementation of sanitary and hygienic procedures.

Sequence of operation by hour of the lift lift

Before you start using the device, be sure to carefully check its correctness and correctness. It is impossible to deprive the posture of respect and suspension, to verify its integrity, the presence of defects, the relevance of the parameters and the diagnosis of the disease. The relocation procedure follows the following order:

  1. lift the lift to the place where the sick person is found, fix the rear wheels with ties;
  2. lift the patient on the suspension and secure the straps to the body, and then to the crossbar;
  3. Easily lift the patient and check the reliability of the belts;
  4. raise to the required height strictly vertically - the rise under this may cause the lift to fall;
  5. transport to the required station;
  6. lower and remove the fastening.

The lifts are easy to assemble and dismantle, their compact size makes them easier to transport and saves space in small spaces.

Up to a few days, the vines bring high heat and great fluidity to the flow up and down. The remaining point is relevant for very frail patients who are recovering after injury or surgery. Weakened, incomplete illnesses and their oppressors, I take this feature of the home devices as an additional advantage, which ensures peace and guarantees safety.

Vityag as a mobile device technical rehabilitation for bedridden patients, it is still rarely possible to stay alert in everyday households. This situation means that potential buyers have a lot of food to spare. Cream food for payment, delivery, warranty, technical parameters, consultants to the Med-Tema store near Moscow are ready to provide additional information on the following points:

  • what kind of arrangement will be optimal for the patient;
  • how best to determine the choice of suspension;
  • what are the dimensions of the product in the finished and assembled appearance;
  • what are the additional functions;
  • What is included in the package (remote control, cradle, charging cord).

The store's employees are very careful to thank you for the safety of your loved ones, and respect the food and the food they serve. Properly selecting a lifting device with optimal combinations of maneuverability, stability and maneuverability can alleviate the difficulties of transporting a sick bedridden person and monitoring him.

