Individual plan for disabled rehabilitation. What types of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities are provided for in IPR

Individual plan for disabled rehabilitation. What types of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities are provided for in IPR

A person with disabilities have to overcome many difficulties in ordinary lifewho are associated with work, constant treatment, everyday affairs. And in order to better adapt such citizens to a full-fledged life after assigning the group to each disabled person, IPR is compiled. However, many people do not know what it is, so you need to deal with this.

Deciphering this abbreviation is such an individual program of rehabilitation and anticipation of a disabled person. Rehabilitation implies assistance in recovery after surgery or illness. And the concept of agility is a set of measures to help disabilities to develop new features instead of lost and adapt in the current situation.

The main goals of the IPR:

  • the adaptation of the disabled person to life in society;
  • compliance with health rehabilitation measures;
  • help in obtaining social independence.

The program is generally aimed at restoring health and raising a human living standards with disability.

Sections of the program

In compiling the IPR, medical and social expertise (ITU) checks how violated the main functions of the body. These include:

  • orientation in space and independent movement;
  • the ability to serve yourself yourself;
  • ability to work and learning;
  • communication skills;
  • control of your behavior.

Then experts assess the degree of loss of each of the parameters. And after that, on the basis of the survey, they develop a program that will help compensate for disturbed functions. Recommended activities are directed not only for the restoration after the disease, but also to solve psychological problems.

In the YPR adults and disabled children there are some differences. For example, the children's rehabilitation plan includes a mandatory family patronage, and with parents or guardians, consultations with a psychologist are regularly held.

Types of rehabilitation

The program itself consists of several types of rehabilitation - medical, social, vocational and psychological. Thus, recovery measures covers different parties to human life.


Includes integrated measures to eliminate the consequences of the disease and the prevention of the health of the patient. This section contains such subsections:

  1. Treatment.
  2. Reconstructive surgery.
  3. Necessary prosthetics.
  4. Selection of technical means to restore functions.
  5. Conducting for a patient with sanatorium-resort treatment.


In an advisory form, helps a person adapt to public life. The social section of the program implies legal assistance to people with all groups of disability, as well as:

  1. Familiarization with information on rehabilitation.
  2. Patronage families.
  3. Teaching therapeutic physical education.
  4. Socio-domestic consultations.


It is aimed at receiving an invalid education, which will help him learn to apply his professional skills and get a job. Consists of the following subsections:

  1. Recommendations on available professions and working conditions.
  2. Career guidance.
  3. Help in employment.
  4. Providing technical means to ensure new working conditions.


Another name is the pedagogical and develop it for children and adolescents under 18. Aims to receive a child affordable education, implies a correctional work to restore sociocultural skills to communicate and learning.

Section items:

  1. Provision preschool education and upbringing.
  2. Common course in school.
  3. Correctional methods of work of the psychologist and teacher.
  4. Providing technical means for learning assistance.

Recoveful measures

Their goal is to increase the general tone of the body, strengthening immunity, return to ordinary life without assistance. All this will help completely or partially remove the limitations caused by the disease.

Spa treatment

Separate categories of disabled people need systematic, often on occupational disease. But only those patients who have not abandoned the collection of social services can get a free direction in the sanatorium.

At the end of the course of sanatorium therapy, Ipra put a mark on the procedures carried out and about the deadlines of the next course with the mandatory seal of the institution.

Providing police envisions

Citizens with disabilities often need special devices and hygienic accessories. It is necessary to compensate for restrictions in movement and solve household problems. Before passing the examination, the attending physician should tell the patient, what funds will be needed for rehabilitation:

  • canes in the presence of disability in vision;
  • a guide dog for completely blind;
  • equipment in shower, comfortable handrails;
  • special phones and modern hearing aids for hearing impaired;
  • pressure meters, glucometters, thermometers with voice function;
  • disabled chairs, crutches, walkers;
  • diapers and absorbent underwear for lying disabled;
  • orthopedic mattresses from bedside, pillows.


Patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and nervous system Prosthetics is required for full recovery. According to Ipra, a person has all kinds of prostheses, except for dentals. Also, in individual diseases, patients need corsets, tutors, hinged structures for limbs, special insoles.

All this should be provided in the program so that the disabled person can get the required tools for free.


Not all citizens with disabilities know where you can get Ipra. And for this you will have to pass the ITU Commission, the results of which will be the basis for registration of the rehabilitation plan.

Direction at ITU

The design of the document begins with the receipt of the direction on the medical examination, which gives the attending physician. However, before this, he must send a patient for additional surveys to appoint medical and social expertise on the basis of these analyzes and inspections.

Package of documents

The mandatory documentation for presentation on ITU refers:

  • passport;
  • certificates with medical examinations;
  • outpatient card;
  • direction;
  • 2 instances of the application.

The application forms must be indicated by F. I. O. Patient, it is reduced, passport data, the actual address of residence. It is also necessary to write the name of the ITU Bureau where the Commission will be held, put the date and signature of the applicant, the seal and the signature of the attending physician.


The application text itself should consist of a request for examination and its goals. And for more efficient preparation of the rehabilitation map, you must also specify:

  • all types of recovery measures in which the patient needs a patient with their brief characteristic;
  • means to improve the quality of life of the patient;
  • additional wishes marked "Please pay attention."


Examination of the status of a disabled person along with IPRA citizens are held at the local ITU Bureau. If a person does not physically visit the hospital independently, then experts can come to the house. But first, the representative of the patient must submit the appropriate application with the package of documents.


After applying, the preparation of the rehabilitation program occurs within one month. It is important to know that it needs to be updated once a year, regardless of the term of disability certificate.

Receiving the program

Before you assure your consent to the signature, the disabled should carefully read all the recommendations and the deadlines for medical events. And in case of discrepancies, the opinion of the patient and the commission is necessary in writing to indicate the causes of disagreement.

People with severe diseases need to know how to get this document with an indefinite disability. The procedure itself is not different from the standard, but the program is the same as the established group will be perpetual, in contrast to the other categories of disabled.

Terms of issuing IPRA

The period during which the document will be valid for all disabled people, depending on the assigned group:

  • 2 years for 1 group;
  • 1 year for 2 and 3 groups.

For disabled children, the plan is drawn up for a period of 2 to 5 years or until they achieve majority. And the number of prescribed rehabilitation measures is always calculated for the period until the next diagnosis confirmation.

Appeal of the decision of the Commission

There are situations when, after receiving the document, the patient does not agree with the conclusions of the commission. That is, all complications for the disease were not taken into account, the list of required tools for recovery was incomplete and the like. Then the patient has the right to appeal the decision of the ITU in a higher organization.


Program's adjustment is possible under the following circumstances:

  • the state of the disabled has improved or worsened, which requires amendments to rehabilitation measures;
  • we need recommendations for the employer with an indication of labor restrictions;
  • the patient is transferred to a permanent hospital.

To make concrete changes in the IPR, it is necessary to re-turn to the attending physician. He will give a referral to re-medical examination, according to the results of which a new individual plan will be compiled.

By law, the implementation of Rehabilitation Recommendations for the disabled is voluntary. However, if medical workers ask to refuse to receive Ipra, it is considered illegal. Without such a document, a person with disabilities will not be able to qualify for prescribed funds and medicines for free, which will violate his rights.

Individual program of rehabilitation of a disabled person: how to arrange IPR in 2020?

People with disabilities require permanent help. They sometimes turn out to be defenseless before employers, medical institutions.

These are subject to unreasonable requirements, refuse elementary requests.

It is not easy to independently achieve prosthetics, receiving a trip to the passage of rehabilitation.

To protect the permitted rights, the provision of comprehensive assistance provides for the individual program of rehabilitation of the disabled person: how to issue an IPR in 2020 to deal with the article.

Standardized form of an individual disabled rehabilitation program

An individual disabled rehabilitation program is a rather significant document, compiled, taking into account the regulatory, legal acts of ITU.

The IPR lists the set of activities that are required by the patient to restore the previously lost, partially disturbed functions, compensation, the return of abilities for the implementation of specific activities to maintain decent life, improving its quality.

In relation to each event, the procedures are spent the exact deadlines for the implementation, responsible persons, institutions, the laid volume of rehabilitation measures.

In 2005, it was approved that on the territory of the Russian Federation IPR will fill in a single form developed by officials, and then approved by Order No. 287.

If the individual rehabilitation program is needed, a fill sample is available in any healthcare agency.

It collects the necessary information about the applicant. The sections offer a list of implemented activities. In 2015, the form was updated.

For the current period, it includes mandatory standard sections that are subject to fill:

  • Personal data. Includes patient information relating to the name, name, age. This includes information about the received education, profession, qualifications, if available. Additionally, restrictions are prescribed relating to work activities. Indicated by the Commission appointed by the Commission.
  • Medical rehabilitation. The section is extensive. It combines proposed activities aimed at restoring health or maintain it at the appropriate level. Taking into account the diagnosis obtained, a set of therapy is recommended to restore the work of the body. It is planned to improve in specialized health resorts in the profile direction. The need for medical equipment, prosthetics, orthheasics, the need for reconstructive surgery is taken into account.
  • Social rehabilitation. This section includes a list of activities that help persons with disabilities to navigate the world around the world, receive support from healthy people. The assistance of a lawyer is envisaged in the event of any questions, consulting the patient on treatment, rehabilitation. At the request of the cardholder, sports recovery events are added. It is planned to study, retraining, a list of rehabilitation meetings with psychologists, social workers.
  • Professional rehabilitation device. The section indicates restrictions on employment, recommendations for choosing a place of work. Professionals are given recommendations for the choice of profession, retraining. Specify the technical means to be purchased for the implementation of labor, training activities.
  • Final part. Clearly prescribed the implementation time for each event. The performers are selected. They may have public or private organizations.

When compiling IPRs for children with disabilities, the "Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation" section is additionally added.

It addresses activities aimed at obtaining education in a general or specialized institution.

Separately it is planned to work with speech therapists, correction classes. Technical devices, devices used in the learning process are determined.

Why does IPR need a disabled person?

By decision of the medical institution conducted by the CME, the development of an individual disabled rehabilitation program is being developed.

There is a twofold opinion about its need. Some, not wanting to collect packets of papers, do not see the need for a proposal.

Others are pleased that the appropriate decree is made to obtain a lot of rehabilitation activities.

For the design of the IPR, no one forces, but it's time to understand that there are a number of additional opportunities to persons limited by the state of health, and social guarantees are provided from the state.

When contacting some state institutions in disabled people require this document. With its absence, you will have to immediately do the design.

Must be provided with a completed and signed rehabilitation program when contacting institutions:

  1. admission to educational institutions;
  2. setting on the stock exchange as unemployed;
  3. rehabilitation means of rehabilitation in specialized points of sale.

Having an individual rehabilitation card on his hands, a disabled person can count on high-quality assistance.

It happens that due to the lack of funds, budget limited, for other reasons state Institution refuses to provide the service to the owner of the IPR.

In such cases, it is necessary to obtain a written refusal from the respective authority. With an existing conclusion, you can contact the higher authorities to solve the issue.

How is the design of an individual disabled rehabilitation program

To enjoy the privileges, you need to know where to get an individual disabled rehabilitation program.

The development of IPRs is engaged in the Bureau of the Medical and Social Examination, located at the place of residence of the patient. This structure is organized with district polyclinics.

Earlier, similar work was assigned to VTEC. The exception is the persons who have received disabilities in connection with the loss of vision.

They are not attached to the BMSE, but to the eye offices, where the corresponding program is being developed for them.

Documents for registration

Having understood what the individual program of rehabilitation is needed, how to get told further.

Ideally, documents for registration separately collect do not have to collect if the patient passes a survey, re-examination. IPR is drawn up by the Commission automatically without submission of the application.

However, cases are unpredictable. Many first refuse in writing from the proposed program, and then they are forced to designate, facing problems.

In most cases, the procedure for issuing a program of rehabilitation of disabled people is as follows:

  • The patient is visited by a doctor, takes direction at ITU.
  • ITU provides a statement to which the received direction is applied. Usually, the application is recommended to write in 2 copies, then one is given to the medical institution, and the second with the resolution on acceptance remains from the applicant.
  • Attach to the application the necessary extracts, conclusions about the treatment, rehabilitation.

Terms of registration

The individual program of rehabilitation of the disabled person 2 groups, 1 and 3 groups is issued within a month after receiving disability or from the date of application.

After receiving the document, the patient must carefully examine the sections, to get acquainted with the proposed events, sign.

After putting the signature, the owner of the IPR agrees with the proposed list of activities, the necessary funds, other procedures.

If there are discontent, it is allowed to abandon the signing of the document. However, it will be necessary to specify the reason for disagreement.

The Commission reworches the individual program of rehabilitation of persons with disabilities 3, as well as 1 and 2nd, will make adjustments.

If the patient opens disagree, you can appeal the received IPR in court.


Having received the IPR, the disabled person is not obliged to follow the prescriptions, recommendations specified by the developers.

It may refuse to pass the sanatorium-resort treatment, prosthetics, inspection from these specialists.

Often, disabled people acquire devices, drugs, technical means for movement for their own funds, requiring further compensation for IPRs.

However, the compensation of services is not always carried out. It will be provided if the service received is recommended, and the tool is indicated in the list.

The fact of buying an object must be documented. Commissions are provided with checks, copies of the card and contracts for the provision of appropriate services.

Much depends on right choice artist. It should be borne in mind that the budget of state medical institutions are scanty.

It is advisable to seek help from commercial funds to help implement such projects. Warranties of obtaining services offered, their quality will increase.

Video: Individual program of rehabilitation and abillation (IPR)

As sets st. 11 of the FZ of the Russian Federation No. 181 of 24.11.1995, for each disabled person, the rehabilitation program is personally developed (abbreviated - IPR or, respectively, IPR). This is a whole set of measures that includes all the obligatory components of rehabilitation (those. Means, services, restoration activities).

The IPR is issued to the hands of a citizen after the failure of the disability during the passage of ITU. The action of the developed program applies to the time that a disability group is established. The form of IPR (IPR) is approved and submitted to ad. 2 To order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 486n dated 13.06.2017 (ed. From 2018).

IPRs assign a registration number, which includes: Sequence No. IPR, the Bureau number, the code of the subject of the Russian Federation, the year of developing the IPR. At the prepared finished program should be the signature of the ITU Bureau Head with decoding and printing the Bureau.

The features of the design of the IPR are described in more detail in the notes to the form. All that is written in it is provided with disabilities for free.

For correction, making changes to IPR, a disabled person is usually directed to ITU a second time.

Example 1. Deciphering the IPR registration number

The rehabilitation program developed for the disabled person is assigned a registration number 136.13. HPP.77 / 2018.

It is deciphered as follows: "136" -pad number of the IPR, "13" - the number of expert composition (Bureau), "77" - the code of Moscow (subject of the Russian Federation), "2018" is the year of the preparation of IPR.

The procedure for executing a personal rehabilitation program developed by a disabled person

Prescriptions, activities, services prescribed in IPR are subject to unconditional execution. The performers in this case are all organizations that are involved in the rehabilitation of a disabled person. These include: medical institutions, employment service, relevant social services, educational institutions, social protection bodies. A disabled person who was issued by IPRs is entitled to independently apply to these organizations for the consultation necessary.

Actually, the IPR is a recommendation. The disabled can be completely either partially abandoned its execution, and immediately, on the day of the issuance of IPRs in hand. Failure is issued in writing. Then the performers are responsible for its implementation.

He may also not visit the executive officers mentioned above (employment service, hospital, etc.). This is his right. Similar ignoring can be perceived as a refusal of the program. To note, for the refusal to the IPR, a disabled person, with any circumstances, payment of compensation is not relying.

All executive organizations are fully responsible for the proper performance of the IPR. None of them is entitled to change the rehabilitation program, reduce the amount of disabled activities, to replace them with something else. As established, for 2 months. Before the expiration of the deadline for which the disability is established, they are prepared and the necessary reports on the restoration activities carried out are prepared.

What includes disabled rehabilitation

Rehabilitation issues, the restoration of persons with disabilities, the Federal FZ of the Russian Federation No. 181 dated November 24, 1995 is valid. As noted by Art. 9 FZ of the Russian Federation № 181, rehabilitation of the disabled person - a mandatory system process aimed at restoring its abilities to different types Activities (household, labor, public, etc.).

The main task of this process is to eliminate either at least the maximum possible compensation for the existing restrictions on the life of the disabled person. Sotanadaptation is an indispensable component of rehabilitation. In this regard, the state disabled at the expense of the federal budget:

  • provides the necessary those. funds;
  • providing related services;
  • conducts designated recovery activities.

The entire spectrum of designated measures is included in the federal list approved by the Government Order No. 2347-p 30.12.2005 (ed. From 2017).

The federal list of those. funds, restoration activities, services provided by the disabled person

Currently, the luggage list is applied, introduced by order No. 2347-P in last edition from 11/18/2017. Accordingly, for 2020, the following data from the list are relevant.

Events Those. funds Services
Recreational therapy;

reconstructive surgery;

prosthetics as one of the stages of social and labor rehabilitation of the disabled person;


(to restore the musculoskeletal functions of damaged limbs or joints);

sanatorium-resort treatment provided in the NSU;

organization of vocational guidance

Chairs-strollers of the required type;

crutches, supports, and other adaptations for independent movement of the disabled person;

prosthetic and orthopedic products;


a guide dog with a set of equipment;

special devices for visually impaired, blind people

(optics for correction, thermometers to control the body temperature precisely for disabled victims, "speaking" tonometers, etc.);

funds for the prevention of layers (mattresses, pillows);

absorbent linen (diapers, diapers, diapers, sheets, liners, etc.);

tVs with a device that allows you to watch television programs with hidden subtitles;

phones with SMS and DR transmission feature.

Repair of all used and failed those. Tools

(including orthopedic devices, prostheses, etc.);


(Transferring sound speech to the gesture language for deaf people);


(method of communicating with depleting people on the fingers, i.e., on the basis of tactile interaction);

Those. Funds at the expense of budgetary funds are provided with disabilities in accordance with the procedure established by the Government Resolution No. 877 of December 31, 2005.

The procedure for the use of disabled people. Funds (honey. products)

Providing those necessary. Means, prostheses (except for dental), including prosthetic and orthopedic products, is carried out in full compliance with the settings of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 877 of December 31, 2005.

For this, the procedure regulations are developed and introduced, according to which services are provided to ensure those. funds (Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 657n dated 09/23/2014).

General procedure for providing those. Tools

(which includes)

Short description

Explanation for applicants

Writing a statement about the provision of technical

Fill form installed form, which can be taken in the authorized body

(where to contact the disabled person)

Model blank:

Preparation of documents

The application is attached: the Civil Passport of the applicant, IPR Named documents are mandatory

Appeal to the territorial body of the FSS RF at the place of residence of the applicant

When applying, the application is recorded in two subsystems: EIS "Socials" and "Provision of Prostheses".

The decision on the results of consideration of documents is accepted in 15 days.

With a positive decision, the disabled person must be registered to ensure the necessary honey. Products

Answer to the applicant for his appeal

The answer is issued in writing in the form of a notification of registration and is transferred to the addressee

Together with the notice, the applicant sends a direction for the preparation of a specific honey. Products in selected organization

For the provision of those. Funds can apply the plenipotentiary representative of the disabled person. Then he will need to additionally present his civil passport.

Necessary those. Means are provided with disabilities on a reasonable basis. Actually, the duty to ensure and subsequent repair honey. Products are assigned to specific organizations. Their established procedure takes place by the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation, where the disabled person is drawn.

How does the FSS attracts the attention of the Russian Federation (letter No. 02-18 / 10-1540 of February 17, 2006), with a selected organization consists of a special contract providing not only to ensure those. funds, but also their repair, reception, storage, preparation for operation.

The expenses of the disabled person (accompanying his face) associated with the passage at the issued direction to the LPU, ITU, the prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise, covers the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation. If necessary, it reimburses spending for accommodation (with an outpatient manufacture of honey products).

A.N. Abramov.

To give or sell the obtained technical means is prohibited.

Compensation of expenses with disabilities with independent acquisition of those. Tools

All the same executive body of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation at the place of resilience of the disabled person is appointed compensation. Payment of designated compensation is made in order of priority. It is provided only in two cases:

  1. If the disabled person himself, for his money, bought him honey. Products.
  2. When those. The tool that is provided by the IPR is impossible to provide a disabled person.

With independent acquisition of those. Funds compensation is appointed as follows. As accepted, the disabled person (other plenipotentiary, which represents his interests) is applying for compensation. Together with him, he places documents where the sums of its costs are reflected.

It is the documentary confirmation of the expenses incurred - the basis for a positive decision to reimburse the cost of buying funds. Compensation is not paid:

  • when the disabled person refused to him those. funds;
  • if he bought honey. Products that are not recommended are not provided by IPR.

The amount of compensation relates to the real value of the honey. Products that should be disabled by IPR. That is, compensation here is the amount of expenses incurred on the fact when buying, which cannot exceed the cost of the IPRs provided. funds.

Common errors in the design and execution of IPR

Error 1. It is necessary to correctly understand the meaning of the words "rehabilitation" and "ability". This is not the same thing, but two different concepts that are used in different situations, although they have a common orientation.

Rehabilitation, as already noted above, is the process of restoration (full, partial) of the former (lost) abilities of a citizen with disabilities. Ability, in contrast to rehabilitation, means the formation of the abilities of a citizen who are absent from him due to disabilities.

Combines these two concepts target destination. Both processes are aimed at the maximum possible coenadaptation of the disabled person in society. That is, a citizen with disabilities need to create free, unhindered access to all infrastructure facilities. This becomes possible in eliminating the existing restrictions of vital activity or their compensation.

Error 2. As established, those. Funds are provided with free disabled by the executive bodies of the FSS RF. We are talking only about those honey. Products that are included in the federal list and are provided for by the developed rehabilitation program.

If those. The funds provided for by the personal rehabilitation program are not marked in the federal list, they do not provide them for free, i.e., budget funds are not consumed.

A.N. Abramov.(From the FSS letter № 02-18 / 10-1540 of February 17, 2006)

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question number 1: What is the way compensation for the independent acquisition of those are paid. funds specified in the list and rehabilitation program?

The disabled person himself chooses which way to pay monetary compensation. Available options: on a bank account or via mail transfer. In the latter case, shipment is made free.

Question number 2: If free issued to disabled people. The remedy failed and is not subject to repair, can I replace it?

Replacing those. funds are carried out in two cases: when the expiration date has expired and if there is a conclusion that it is not possible to repair it. The replacement decision takes all the same territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation at the place of residence, which issued this one. means. It is where to submit an application for replacement. New agents and honey. Products are issued when surrendering old.

Notice, shelf life (use) of those. funds up to the moment of replacement

Order, approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from 13.06.2017 N 486n; Information FSS RF).

Regional legislation may establish additional guarantees for persons with disabilities of a certain region in terms of providing them with TCP (p. 2.1.1, 2.3 of the Resolution of the Moscow Government of 15.08.2016 N 503-PP).

Reference. Technical rehabilitation

TCR with disabilities includes devices containing technical solutions and used to compensate or eliminate persistent livelihood restrictions, in particular wheelchairs, orthopedic shoes, conductor dogs and hearing aids (part 1 Art. 11.1 of the law N 181-FZ; p. Section 7, 9, 14, 17 Federal List).

Ipra has a recommendation for the disabled person, he has the right to independently solve the issue of providing himself with a specific TCR. At the same time, if the TCR, provided for by IPR, cannot be provided with a disabled person or if he acquired it in his own account, compensation is paid to him (Part 5, 6 Article 11 of the Law N 181-FZ).

Obtaining disabled person

Consider the procedure for obtaining disabilities of TSR on the example of federal legislation. We recommend to adhere to the next algorithm.

Step 1. Prepare a statement and necessary documents.

To obtain TSR, you will need (paragraph 4 of the rules, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.04.2008 N 240; paragraph. "A" - "B" of paragraph 22 of the administrative regulations, approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia from September 23, 2014 N 657n) :

  • application for the provision of TSR;
  • Ipra (indicating the need in a specific TCR).

p. 4 rules; p. 25

Step 2. Submit an application and documents to the authorized body

The application and the necessary documents are submitted to the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation in your place of residence or in another authorized body (as a rule, the establishment of social protection). You can submit them directly to the specified bodies, including by appointment through a single state service portal, or through MFC. Also, a statement and certified copies of documents can be sent by mail either in electronic form through a single portal of the State Service (paragraph 17 of the Rules; p. 22 ,,, 51.1,, administrative regulations; information of the FSS of the Russian Federation).

When submitting documents directly to the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation at your request on the second copy of the application, a mark on its adoption and the date, as well as are indicated by Fifth, the position and the signature of the official who accepted the application and documents is put. In case of submission of documents via MFC, you will receive a receipt notice of acceptance of applications and documents indicating the date and registration number (p. 52

If you present a copy of documents not in the prescribed manner, as well as in the case of the submission of documents in electronic form you will notify you about the need to submit their original (p. 55, administrative regulations).

Note. In the event that the necessary documents sent to the mail sent by mail (not all documents are sent), the application and documents will be returned to you within five days from the date of their receipt. With a similar situation in the case of submission of an application in electronic form, you will receive an electronic notification indicating the date of submission of documents and their list (clause 36. Administrative regulations).

Step 3. Wait for the issuance of documents for obtaining or manufacturing TCP

The authorized body will consider your statement within 15 days from the date of its receipt and will send you a written notice of registration for the provision of TSR, as well as the following documents (paragraph 5 of the Rules):

  • direction for obtaining or manufacturing TSR;
  • special coupon and (or) Note to receive free travel documents if you need a passage (if necessary, the fare of your faces accompanying you) to the location of organizations providing TCR, and back.

TCR is transferred to you for free in free use And it is not subject to alienation in favor of third parties, including selling or donation (paragraph 6 of the Rules).

Obtaining compensation in connection with the acquisition of disabled TCP independently

If the TCR, recommended by Ipra, can not be provided to you or if you purchased TCR yourself, it is relying compensation in the amount of its cost, but no more than the cost of similar TSR provided in the indicated order.

If the actual value of the acquired TSR is less than compensation size defined in the prescribed manner, compensation is paid on the basis of your costs in accordance with the documents provided (Part 6 of Article 11 of the Law N 181-FZ; paragraph 15 (1) of the Rules; p. p. 3, order, appraul. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia of January 31, 2011 N 57n).

To receive compensation, you will need (clause 5 of about N 57N; p. 22 of administrative regulations):

  • application for payment of compensation;
  • a document certifying your personality, and when contacting through a representative - documents certifying his personality and confirming its powers;
  • birth certificate (for children under 14);
  • Ipra (indicating the need of a specific TCR);
  • documents confirming your expenses incurred, including payment for the location of the organization, providing TCR, and back. In the latter case, it is also necessary to provide written confirmation of the need for a trip issued by the specified organization.

You also have the right on your own initiative to submit your insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (a copy or information contained in it) (paragraph. 25 - administrative regulations).

The application and these documents are submitted to the authorized body (as a rule, to the territorial body of the FSS of the Russian Federation in your place of residence), which within 30 days from the date of their receipt should make the appropriate decision. If the solution is positive, within a month from the date of its adoption, compensation is made by postal transfer or transfer money On your bank account (p. 5, about N 57n; p. 19 of the administrative regulations).

Note. From 01/01/2017, information about IPR and the recommended TCR is made to the federal register of disabled. The registry also includes information about the disabled cash payments (in particular, on compensation for independently acquired TSR) (art. 5.1 of the Law N 181-FZ; p. 11. List, approved. Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of 12.10.2016 N 570H).

What information is contained in the Individual Rehabilitation Program

The Individual Rehabilitation Program (IPR) is developed by the Medical Commission at the ITU Bureau. Actually, this is the result of the work of this fee. If a person was recognized as a disabled person, this card must be drawn up.

What information contains document:

  1. Insalvad personal data - its full name, date of birth, age and floor. In the map, the checkbox marks the presence of Russian citizenship and the detailed address (if a person does not have a certain place of residence, this is also noted), contact phone;
  2. Part of the section of the IPR is devoted to complete information about the establishment, which sent a person to the Commission;
  3. The IPR indicates the profession and work experience of the disabled person, his qualifications at the time of examination, is or not registered at the employment center;
  4. Next, there are information about the group assigned as a result of the examination, the causes of disabilities and the date of its establishment, for the first time or there is no map, the degree of restrictions to different areas of life;
  5. Most of the card is dedicated detailed description rehabilitation activities, including professional formation, the need for reconstructive surgery and prosthetics, sanatorium-resort treatment;

Important! In the map, the disabled has a consent to facilitating the work suitable for him.

  1. A medical examination in an individual rehabilitation program places conclusion about the resistance of violation of functions as a result of a disease or injury and recommends that social and medical rehabilitation activities. In a table containing recommendations, it is indicated who must fulfill these specific points. The section is especially important on the technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products.

The card must be developed by the Commission within 30 days from the date of failure. In order for it to be developed, you need to submit an appropriate statement in ITU. It is better to write it in two copies and on the second to demand a mark about the adoption. So you will get at least some guarantee that the procedure will not be delayed for a long time.

What gives an individual rehabilitation program with disabilities?

This card is a necessary document literally in all instances. If a disabled child comes by a quota to higher educational institution - It is necessary to present the IPR if a person is registered in the employment center - too. The map will be asked in the Social Insurance Fund for the design of a ticket to a sanatorium and applications for free rehabilitation funds. In a word, without her just nowhere.

Important! Information about the necessary rehabilitation funds are entered into a map in accordance with the federal list. If you really need it, for example, in a specialized bed, you can not enter it, as it is not included in the list, but if you insist, the bed will be brought, and in the graph "performer" are "independently". Why do you need it? If you contact charitable organizations or, for example, to the trade union, you can argue your request for help, confirming it with the presence of the required TCR in the map.

Most likely, in the ITU Commission, you will be offered a typical application form, which cannot be fiction to enter any additional, but very important wishes for you. In this case, at the end of the application, send the requirement for the recommendation in the application and make a list of applications in which you write all your needs. Requirements for making recommendations to the map should confirm the conclusions of specialists. The card is developing for a year, but you can demand its new release and before, for this you will have to go through the whole commission. Recommendations on the passage of the ITU Commission we described with in the article "".

Tip! Some ITUs go to serious violations, offering persons with disabilities (mostly representatives of minor disabled) abandon the development of IPR. In no case agree!

What if you are not satisfied with the composed individual rehabilitation program?

In each section of the Card when you get it you must sign. This confirms that you agree with its contents. Do not hurry. Carefully read the contents of the section and in case of disagreement and write: I do not agree and indicate the reason. After you can appeal the decision of the local commission at the Regional Office. If there is recognized your requirements legitimate, you will give new map. If you do not find an understanding there - contact the Federal ITU and the Court.

Read more, how to appeal ITU decision to read on this.

For the performers specified in IPR, its contents are a guide to the obligatory actions, but the disabled itself may refuse the recommendations of ITU. All services are applicable, so if you do not consult their receipt - then you do not get.

Please note that the performers of rehabilitation activities are not specific organizations, but their type is that there is a social insurance fund (and not a specific branch), social protection authorities and so on. If a specific organization at the place of residence refuses to fulfill the assignments of the IPR - demand from them a written refusal and go to court.

What if you are not satisfied with the means of rehabilitation, free of charge for IPR?

Providing disabled with technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products in most regions is carried out by the Social Insurance Fund. In some - social protection authorities. Purchases of TCR and POI are carried out through the system of government contracts and trading. Very often the quality of products supplied for free, does not suit people with disabilities. This is understandable: when the cheapest is being founded, nothing good to wait. There are two alternatives:

The first - reasonably demanding exactly the product that suits you, write complaints into all instances from the higher authorities to the prosecutor's office. Practice shows that in most cases, the disabled wins and FSS encompass an individual contract under it.

Fight and search, find and not surrender

The procedure for executing the recommendations of the IPR is not yet called fully spent. There are many nuances and discrepancies that exhaust nerves and strength. Do not give up and keep everything under control. Check in advance with the list of possible rehabilitation services, consult and make a conclusion from the attending physician about the products you need. Believe me, very many people who missed this moment, go out of ITU with empty cards, and then grab the head. In your interests, enter into an individual program, everything that is possible, and then you already decide that from the recommended one worth getting.


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