What does it mean if the male is Virgo. Male Virgo Married: Family Life Horoscope

What does it mean if the male is Virgo. Male Virgo Married: Family Life Horoscope

When it comes to a man's male, the horoscope sometimes draws completely different types. For such a sign, this is the norm: there is at least 3 types of devs, which differ from each other in life goals, temperament, attitude to women and money.

Description of a man - Virgin

Men of this sign are very different. Among the virgins are clearly distinguished by 3 types. True male Virgo born from August 24 to September 3. It is distinguished by a great mind, a tendency to mathematical and philological sciences. In character, they are severe and timids at the same time, do not possess psychological flexibility, aimed at material well-being. Men of the first type often remain bachelors.

Stephen Fry - Male Virgo on the horoscope. In addition to him, Polo Coelho belongs to this sign, Sean Connery, Male Jackson, Alexey Chadov, Valentin Gaft

The man of the second decade, born from 4 to September 13, patient, was stubborn, noble and ambitious. He persistently goes to the goal, but it's hard to find a common language with it. High emotionality and inability to control itself often turn on workers and family conflicts. This type of virgins is criticized, which in dreams reaches the highest steps of the social staircase.

Men of the Virgin are ambitious, intelligent, externally restrained, but deeply emotional in the soul.

Virgo 3 decades, born from 14 to 23 September, intelligent and calm. There are no ambitious plans over him, he is committed to knowledge and has a financial sense. Does not have problems with money, weighs every word, does not tolerate competition in the professional sphere. In ordinary life is pleasant and mil.

Virgo - materialists. They find rational decisions, they are performed pedantically, they do not like to promise and take responsibility. They easily sacrifice the feelings in order to reason.

Male Virgo and Sex

Feelings for Men Virgin - unwanted by-product of vital activity. He chooses a partner for a long time and painfully, gladly notes any "sins" to abandon close relationships without remorse. Only impeccable in all respects of the groom may be near the man of this sign. Education, beauty, upbringing, style - only with a girl in which all this is harmoniously combined, man-maiden will begin intimate relationships.

Charm of the lady of Virgo can easily. He will be kind, helpful, generous, but only until it burns himself. The cooled representative of this sign will easily fall to rudeness. It attracts chastity and innocence. To such a partner Virgo can be patronized.

In an intimate plan, a man of this sign is divided into three types:

  • calm man with medium temperament and traditional looks for sex;
  • cold Puritanin, almost impotent, rarely live with women in an intimate sense;
  • frank depravant.

The Virgin like the refinement, he is an esthete. Roughness and madness from him will not wait. But it is this man that will not disappear from the bedroom forever, as soon as the sun rises. It can be confident. It is not vulgar, easily tolerates sexual abstinence.

In proximity, it does not like to think about and decide: he should immediately tell about his desires. To the woman with whom was close, quickly loses interest. But it remains a faithful husband and a good family man, skillfully hides treason.

Who fits a man's male to the horoscope

With this man happy women who calmly relate to the lack of romance in family life. Virgo appreciate practicality and calm, and therefore they are good with representatives of the Earth and Water Element.

Sean Connery, the conqueror of the Ladies' Hearts, - Male Virgo on the horoscope

Planning family life is one of the pigties of the Virgin. It is important for him that the wife follows the logic built in everything. There will be no compliments from him, but it is possible to rely on this person and in the mountain, and in joy.

  • With Capricorn, the virgin is associated with spiritual relationship, similar vital goals and moral values. This is the perfect marriage: without scandals and scenes of jealousy. Family in both spouses in the first place. A little boring, but they are satisfied.
  • With fishes, marriage bonds are stable and reliable. These two are created for each other: similar temperaments, smooth strong feelings, the cult of home comfort and heat make it impossible.
  • Ideal feelings are associated with a girl's auxiliary man and a woman-taurus woman who appreciates beauty outdoor and inner. Even excessive, from its point of view, the woman's economy will bring in column of qualities with a plus sign.
  • With the twins, the Union may be long or end overnight. It all depends on the intentions of his wife. But a short marriage will give invaluable experience to both.
  • With delicate cancers, the union is quite successful. The husband will give her beloved durable material foundation and psychological protection, and she will give him tenderness and appreciation.
  • Scales are attractive to the male of the Virgin. Razdar looks closer to family, thrift. Quarrels will, but if you learn to avoid them, the marriage will be happy.
  • Fast Lady Scorpio, oddly enough, can become a good wife for the Virgin, if it stops perceiving his thrift as pettyness.

Virgo does not avoid routine homework, finding her calm. This person will give a family confidence that everything is fine, and it will be even better.

Who does not suit a man's male

We are not suitable for girls-holiday girls: bright, noisy, requiring entertainment and every minute confession in love. They do not even suffer a hint of a flirt from the wife, and if they learn about treason, they suffer hard.

Keanu Rivz according to the characteristics of a male of the Virgin - a noble, honest, successful person

Relationships with representatives of the elements of fire and air are unsuccessful. Virgin conservatives, and impermanence, windiness tolerate with difficulty.

  • With the Aries marriage unsuccessful. Conservative Virgo does not accept the energy and factories of Aries. While a man will give up, the marriage will continue. But the patience of the Virgin is not enough for a long time.
  • With lion, happiness will not be. The spouses will get to change each other, will suffer a crushing fiasco and break out.
  • With the shooter, the Virgin will be interesting for some time. But as soon as the wave sees, contradictions in temperament will grow into constant discontent. The difference in assessing financial well-being is especially annoying.
  • Virgo in marriage will not find happiness with a representative of his sign. Boredom will quickly spill. But it is predictable that can be the basis of such a union, and then the Virgin will live together all his life.

The devans are difficult to give a 40-year-old frontier, so the wife will have to pay a lot of attention to the relationship with his spouse. A faithful husband in this period is inclined to make stupidity and fatal mistakes, destructive to the family.

Male Virgo is involved and calculating. He appreciates the family, financial stability, incredulous relationships.

Representatives of the sign of the Virgin love loneliness. If in the life of this man there is a genuine professional passion and a circle of loyal friends, he willingly go through life alone. Male virgin marriage or simply permanent relationships either early, about 20 years, or already in very mature age.

Maid-man in marriage: What is he in family, domestic life when he marries?

Spouses, born under the sign of the Virgin, may seem a partner a little boring, because they have too much advantages. They take care of the house and family, do it systematically and practical. This person is not from the category of men who will leave the house for a long time, turns your apartment to the theater of hostilities, freezes the refrigerator, tortured cat hunger, and the pots with your favorite flowers will turn into the desert. Do not be afraid that under the pillow at one fine moment you will find a bra or panties are not your size.

On the contrary, waiting for you in a sleepless night, Virgo husband will redee the thing that did not break, paint the window for you, will cook for you a favorite soup, and the cat will look even thicker than before, because both will be treated from longing for you with various delicacies . Male Virgo in marriage takes care of his wife in health and illness, will not leave a loved one, even if the one of his own stupidity becomes a victim of trouble (although without long-lying tirara, in this case it is not necessary to do in any way).

However, if you count on romantic hearts, passionate recognition and fiery nights together, then it is unlikely. Male Virgo in marriage is a walking logic, common sense and outstanding unclaimed pedagogical talent. He does not recognize improvisations in everyday life, everything plans in advance and is experiencing a pleasure when his plan item with an item is implemented up to minute. This man is secretive, very discreet, with difficulty showing feelings, and compliments sound from his mouth it rarely, that you are definitely remember, because they will clearly won't be a lot in your life.

How does the maid-husband provide a family?

Often, male Virgo in marriage likes to save, sometimes excessively. Any expenses are carefully analyzed, its gifts and purchases always find practical application. Women's Women are afraid of the devil in Ladan, and especially annoying him heavy expenses For food and "empty" entertainment.

Does her husband change or not, jealous or not?

By nature, Virgo's husband is a very faithful person, does not change the spouse. If he decides on a long-term strong relationship, then most often it does in great love. At the same time, he, as already mentioned, is not afraid of loneliness. Virgo is not amenable to pressing mom or aunts for the fact that their dear child is already time to somehow settle in life. The behavior of his wife, provoking the jealousy of the Virgin Men, becomes the cause of disappointment and launches in the soul of this person a heavy process of self-erase and reflection.

Male Virgo: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep the husband's husband?

Coming out married a virgin, you need to give birth to children as soon as possible - then his pedagogical talents will be directed to the right direction. As a father, he is very responsible and even too actively participating in the raising of children. But you will not constantly bring up and to teach that, in the presentation of a married Virgin, demonstrates the care and sincere devotion of feelings.

Some male virgins are very hard through the period of the so-called second youth. After 40, they begin to regret that they worked so much and so little was given to themselves. Since Virgo is perceived by the surroundings as a sample of all virtues, it is natural that the first of their "jump to the side" can end the catastrophe. It turns out that the greatest nonsense in life makes men of this sign, while other representatives of the zodiac begin to appreciate the warmth of homemade hearth and peace of mind with a bottle of beer on a native sofa. A wizard wife should not descend from her husband-Virgin eyes, but an excess of youth energy to send to a useful course, for example, to build a house outside the city, new areas of research, or send your virgin in a world journey, preferably alone.

Virgo (August 24 to September 23) is the sixth constellation of the zodiac cycle, located in the southern hemisphere. This is the second largest constellation in the sky, more than it is only the constellation Hydra. There is a beautiful legend of a beautiful girl abducted by the king of the Dark Kingdom Aid. The girl named Persephone was the fruit of the love of Zeus and the goddess of fertility Demeters, which because of the separation from his daughter ceased to notice what was going on on earth: the crop did not grow, the soil was completely dried, people were starving, humanity was on the verge of extinction.

Then the Almighty Zeus intervened and allowed the girl for two thirds of the year to live with his mother, the goddess of fertility, and to return to Aida for one third. Since then, always when Virgo leaves demeter, autumn comes on Earth, and when it returns again, the spring reigns on Earth.

Virgo sign is depicted in the form of the letter "M" with a small curler on the right. This isoteric image means female reproductive organs, untouched and closed. The glyph consisting of a direct segment connected to two curved lines personifies wisdom, practicality, possession of feelings and emotions. In a male Virgin, like any other sign, the need for culture, in self-improvement, understanding the meaning of life through logic and deduction. A vivid example of such a person may be Erkul Poiro, which achieved incredible success thanks logical thinking, attention to trifles and unsurpassed deduction. Another bright example of a male-Virgin is the legendary Tula left-handed, who managed to cut the flea, and write his name on the horseshoe.

Under the sign of the Virgin, such outstanding personalities were born as Lion Tolstoy, Ivan Terrible, James Fenimor Cooper, Herbert Wells, Alexander Kubrin, Theodore Driver, Alexander Green, Arkady Strugatsky, Evgeny Leonov, Pierre Rishar, Joseph Kobzon, Dmitry Medvedev and many others.


Virgin - representatives of the Earth Element (Capricorn and Tales), so people born under this signs are peculiarism, restraint and practicality. They do not hurt in the clouds, stand firmly on Earth, have quite real and fulfilled goals in life. Male Virgo was used to calling things with his name and requires the same from others.

Earth elements in the Virgin is very static, so all maids are distinguished by terry conservatism, strong rationalism, scrupulusity and pedanticity. Sometimes they lack a creative initiative, fantasy and latitude of views, but if someone needs an explanatory advice or requires practical experience, they prefer to see to devies.

Children of the Earth do not like to associate themselves obligations towards others, but if they still go to it, they will take responsibility, however, this applies to everything that they do not take. Earth men usually firmly stand on their feet and are not subject to cardiac impulses, always rely on the voice of the mind, and not on feelings.

The disadvantages of earthly people include stubbornness, mental worn, stubbornness, skepticism, which goes into cynicism, a tendency to pessimism. Some individuals differ in chatty, quick-tempered and adventurism, but at the same time they are always ready to be responsible for their actions.

Children of the Earth is best to live closer to their elements - this gives them a sense of security in which they need so much. All Virns feel very well the land, they are good on her, she gives them strength. Living in a high-altitude house, they feel uncomfortable and not in their elements. The best place for the Men-Virgin is a small city with a well-developed sphere of culture.

Recipe on the occasion::

The best places to relax - forests, parks, rivers and own cottages. The village or the outskirts of the city will be much more preferable to accommodate than the center of a major megalopolis. The house must be houseflowers and pets. The workplace of the Men-Virgin should be as comfortable and functional as possible, nothing superfluous.

The best compatibility among earthly people with representatives of water element (cancer, scorpion and fish). Mutual attraction and mutual understanding occurs very quickly, and alliances, both business and family, are distinguished by strength. Earth and the air will perfectly be fine without each other, as they have a different worldview and degree of emotionality. Communication from earthly signs with representatives of the element of fire can be very problematic, these elements will always suppress one other. The Union Earth-Earth is rather harmonious, both in the work and in the family.


The ruling planet of the Virgin - Mercury, whose sphere of influence is trade, communication and everything related to mental and intellectual activity. Under the influence of Mercury there are consciousness, perception, understanding of life. The impact of the planet helps to intensify the work of the mind and spirit, to go to a higher level of development.

The influence of Mercury on virgins is so strong that most of them have the ability to grab and assimilate information on the fly, to be intellectually susceptible, to show the flexibility of the mind. These people are simply created to learn and teach, they are able to best be opened in science.

Eloquent, the gift of conviction, a tendency to research work, the excellent ability to trade - all these talents of the Dev are also explained by the strong influence of Mercury. Also, the planet gives his wards a long life, the maids are growing slowly and beautiful.

Improrable Mercury turns a person in a chatter, a slacker, intrigue and a gossip, and sometimes in a talented fraudster. Often there are two extremes in the virgin - possessing the mind and efficiency, they may be incredibly lazy and have no aspirations.

The second, less pronounced control planet of the Virgin - the sun. She gives a man elegance and sophisticated beauty, makes them sincere people and alolyubs. They have a feeling of harmony, tranquility and tendency to sitting, low-active life. Virgin, in whose horoscope the sun is strong, differ in hard work and the choice of profession is very important for them. The active Sun in the Virgin can lead to the beggars in behavior and strengthening negative traits. These astrologers explain excessive pedanticity, petty and picky Men-Virgin.

Men-Virgin, on which the influence of Venus is characterized by increased sensitivity, shyness, often they are hidden and lonely. In the incomplete form of Venus gives a man criticism, extraordinary capriciousness with the corresponding complexes and neurosis.

Stone talisman

Because Virgo belongs to energetically weak signs, their talismans should be reliable defenders from enemies and a bad eye. One of these powerful amulets is Yasma, which helps to your owner to interact with others. Especially this stone will be good for people engaged in mental labor. Since Men-Virgin tend to concern and anxiety, they necessarily need a jasper to maintain peaceful comfort, as well as to cope with their complexes and inexplicable fear.

Another useful mineral for Men-Virgin - Sapphire. He will not allow him to steal and frown, teach him to live in harmony with others and give for this forces, will make it better and cleaner in the spiritual plan. Also, the sapphire is attributed to the set medical propertiesIn antiquity, he was often called the healing stone.

In practical activity, as well as in handling the environment, a man-Virgin is well helped by the decoration of Lazurit. It is this stone that will be able to smooth the misunderstanding arising because of too large difference In the worldview. With this mineral, a man will be able to listen to someone else's opinion, to become more sociable and cheerful.

Chrysolit will save a male-male from excessive categorical and conservatism, will increase its attractiveness in the eyes of a beautiful floor, and the green color of the mineral will give optimism. Ancient healers believed that Chrysolit was able to wake a passion in a man and strengthen potency.

But there are stones that are not recommended to wear a strong half of humanity born under the sign of the Virgin. It is bright red ruby, tourmaline, obsidian and hematite. These stones will only bring negative, attracted problems and trouble. It is also not recommended to wear too bright, ironing decorations - this contradicts the natural modesty of the sign.


Spirit, bringing good luck to the Devs - Dwarf, he can live in the garden or on the windowsill in the apartment. It will protect not only the owner, but the whole family will save peace in the house, will help to establish relationships between spouses.

The figure of Owls, however it is not better to emphasize and strengthen the prudence and rationality of the Virgin, tells the right answer in a difficult moment and will save from incorrect solutions. Owl is also read by a symbol of privacy, concentration on spiritual gratefulness. This Talisman bird will help to learn many secrets of the world, relieves its owner such a wisdom that he will be able to publish the winner of any intellectual battles. The amulet can be made in the form of a figurine, keyfob, bracelet or printing on Persdot. In any performance, the bird will carry its owner the charge of the necessary energy.

Another suitable mascot for a male-male is a grasshopper, made in stone, metal, in the form of an image, coast or any other decoration. The mascopter talisman will help a person to achieve success without much effort.

To become more liberated, it is easier to establish and maintain relationships with people, to avoid stress and conflict will help the mascot from the plant world - Astra flower. But astrologers do not recommend using artificial flowers, it is better to have a live bouquet in the house or image.

Runic symbols associated with the elements of the Earth will also be good talismans for the Virgin. It can be stone engravings, images drawn on the rocks in the form of a coast, rings, stone rosary or paintings on the wall.


Male Virgo is an intellectual personality, hardworking and disciplined, and everyone in his life has a practical orientation. The main distinguishing feature of this person is accuracy and tidy, therefore, even modestly dressed and imperceptible, it will still look impeccable. The same accuracy and restraint manifests itself in speech and manner of the behavior of a male virgin.

A typical male maiden of thin bodybuilding, with elongated parts of the body and head, long hands and legs, even with a slight increase. The eyes of the virgins are clear and transparent, the glance is clear and a little concerned, in no case is not empty. In the face, as in the body, there is a small asymmetry that does not spoil the man at all. The lips are thin, always uploaded, due to which the mouth seems less than it really is. Haircut is characterized by accuracy, if necessary, a man can wash and lay the hair daily.

Men-Virgin are characterized by large photogenicity, and many are distinguished by beauty and charming. They pay a lot of attention, especially small details, look more often younger than it really is.

Characteristic personality

The Virgin is the most mysterious creatures from the entire zodiacal circle - they are beautiful, gentle, are committed, but at the same time most male-mars have an extremely calculating mind - among them it is almost impossible to find lazy and wasteful people. The main efforts they direct on the achievement of material benefits - the desire for material progress is an integral part of the life of any Men-Virgin. Such people are able to calculate many steps forward, think over the algorithm to achieve the goal. The only thing they have a weakly developed is an abstract thinking, like most people of the elements of the Earth.

Excessive thrift can interfere with the establishment of communicative connections, as a man is difficult to be friends "disinterested". But he himself suffers little from this, especially if commercial ties bring stable profits. Another disadvantage of the Men-Virgin is excessive criticality that can cause the loss of a loved one.

The rapid manifestation of emotions is not about the strong half of humanity, born under the sign of the Virgin. Most of them are calm, balanced, do not like publicity, do not suffer nonsense and vulgarity. Nervous charge present in a man rarely goes to the surface, but it is able to eat it from the inside. He can have a great set of complexes, because he knows how to critically relate not only to others, but also to himself. Because of this, the life of virgins is often devoid of bright colors, since all emotions control the cold mind ..

With the low spiritual development of the man-Virgo there is a storm for the manifestation of love, on the material benefits, in the character traced in nature, weakness, pettyness, damnity, nervousness, gridness. The developed Virgin is high demanding to itself, in undeveloped - to others.

The implemented male virgin is so different from the unrealized, which remains only to be surprised that these two people were born under the same zodiac sign. The fact is that if it is impossible to implement your karmic program, a person goes along the path of denial of all and all, and the principles of purity, accuracy, purposefulness, are converted into disadvantages, laziness and indifference to everything, except for their whims and complexes. And the complexes of unrealized Men-Virgin are so frustrated and strange that they will be difficult to figure out even the most experienced psychologist. Unrealized male Virgo is at the same time terrible and very unhappy.

Astrologers divide the character of men-mars by date of birth:

  • Born from August 24 to September 3 is true maids with a wide range of and encyclopedic knowledge, which is subject to mathematics, physics, philology and literature. But successful promotion in life may complicate excessive severity, timidity and lack of psychological flexibility. Everyone in their lives lead thoughts, but not feelings. In the first place for the Men-Virgin of the first decade always remains the work and receipt of material goods, so among them a very large percentage of bachelors.
  • Born from September 4 to September 13 - are carriers of such qualities as perseverance, perseverance, nobility and patience. They are very not indifferent to the honors and awards, in dreams they see themselves a big man. But the character of such a man is quite contlishing, finding a common language with people is not easy. He hardly controls his emotions, can break up on his loved ones or subordinates, is distinguished by excessive demanding and love for criticism.
  • Born from September 14 to September 23 - are famous for special intelligence, dignity, developed intelligence and tag to new knowledge. These are the most mundane and calm men-male. They show themselves as excellent performers and business executives, they have congenital flair for money. This man can be very cute and enjoyable in communication, but only if it does not concern professional issues and competition in them. Each action and the word of the Men-Virgin of the Third Decade is thought out and weighed, that is why it is usually quite ensured materially.


Male Virgo is striving for perfection in everything, therefore, and his health belongs to trepidation. As a rule, it is the owner of the most applied home first aid kit, in which there are medicines for all occasions. However, most of his diseases are fictional, because in fact his body has good resistance. Some maidens take care of health in the cult, scrupulously and responsibly fulfill all the recommendations of doctors, to which they treat, feeling even a slight malaise.

The most vulnerable places of Men-Virgin are the digestive system, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder and vegetative nervous system. People of this sign can suffer from all sorts of food disorders, gastritis, intestinal obstruction, stomach ulcers. Frequently unpleasant, psychosis, phobias, neuralgia, pathological disorders of memory.

Diseases of Men-Virgin often flow in a hidden form, have blurred, unfinished symptoms, and therefore are very difficult to diagnose. To maintain the body in a tone, he needs to moderately play sports, eat food rich protein, avoid nervous overloads. Anyone born under the sign of the Virgin, daily needs hours in solitude, and this rule is desirable to fully follow. Sticking in mental equilibrium also helps a hobby or hobby, such as collecting, work on Earth, work with a tree or metal.


The motto of the sign of the Virgin is the ministry, work, and once again the work, which is the rod of their life. All Virgin are wonderful "servants", administrators, organizers, officials and doctors. Their God is the law and instructions, rules and regulations. Male Virgo - inborn critic, mentor, merchant, accountant, scientist and researcher.

These people can work in difficulty requiring high level Accuracy or accuracy, such as surgery or pharmaceutical. Moreover, all the virgins are not indifferent to health and medicine problems in general, so there are so many medical workers among them.

Business is not the most successful field of activity for a Men-Virgin, as most of them differ in moral cleanliness, as well as inability to quickly respond to a changing situation. In addition, the Virgin does not like risk, and he is inevitable when business. But still they can achieve success thanks to perseverance, the ability to analyze and calculate the risks.

Born under the sign of the Virgin Men are able to obey, while maintaining a sense of self-esteem, so there is excellent service personnel, assistants of managers, secretaries, employees of the service sector, but provided that they will not be a task of deceiving. This most male-mars do not know how to do.

It is difficult to find a better recorder, planning, corrector, editor, literary criticism or controller, because the Virgin love to correct other errors. They are also well suited by publishing, bar, jewelry, criminalistics. The only thing that the Male-Virgin is not worth doing is a policy for which he lacks aggressiveness and pressure.

As an employee or a colleague on a male, a male can always rely, he simply does not know how to work after the sleeve. His mission is to learn, decide, treat, organize, check, serve. He is a real "working bee" of our society, not afraid of any work.

Financial welfare

Life Credo Men-Virgin is the constant accumulation of material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bto ensure self-confidence in the future. He is rarely temptation to earn "light money", as before the depth of the soul does not approve of various kinds of dubious frauds, gambling and various peteed places. Usually he earns a living for a little, but stable, and spent the earned "with the mind", without wasting and not luxurious.

Sports shopping stores, search for products with a discount - quite in its style. And greed here is completely nothing at what is a question common sense, rationalism and practicality inherent to all devices. These are people who carefully read all the contracts before putting their signature. In the store, they always carefully recalculate the surrender, and if you find superfluous, you will definitely return. Being a terrestrial sign, man-Virgo invests its funds gradually and for a long time, and he certainly does not face premature old age from financial problems and related experiences.

Deligious male maiden with great difficulty and only the most proven people. At the same time, he himself very much does not like to borrow money, the status of the debtor is humiliated for him. If someone decides to ask him for a debt, then, most likely, hears the sincere answer that he does not have money, but what has been postponed, has long been planned and expects to go. This person has no extra money.

But, despite the fact that the male Virgo with great caution opens his wallet, in relation to himself and his loved ones, he can be very generous. He loves to make gifts and does not refuse himself in this, of course, without going beyond his own budget. Usually a man is trying to plan his spending a few weeks ahead, which makes it protected in the financial sphere. It is quite capable of providing his family stability and confidence in tomorrow.

Sexuality and love

The love of the Men-Virgin reminds the laboratory - he will prepare their feelings under a microscope. He constantly suffers doubt whether this woman is suitable for him, as long as the relationship will continue that in perspective. He chooses a partner who chooses to himself - sometimes it happens enough to appear in front of him in unclean shoes or with a slightly hairstyle in order to lose its location. The partner of Men-Virgin must be impeccable in everything, well formed and is raised. He does not tolerate vulgarity in any appearances.

Men-Virgin are famous for their constancy, but if the matter will still reach the treason, the spouse, most likely, never know about it, as it is difficult for a cautious and prudent person to find. But nevertheless, the main emphasis in relations is made on honesty, purity, chastity and mental attachment.

Lovers-Virgin are divided into three types:

  • Lucky man-male charming, with a smooth character, a completely home and predictable.
  • The abstinent man-maiden can be cold to latent impotence, to conduct a puritan lifestyle, occasionally deciding for nothing obliging relationships.
  • The third type is a typical Hero-lover, allowing sex to dictate its rules, not experiencing sincere spiritual affection. Sometimes such people have a tendency to pornography.

Male Virgo is a restful creature, careful and not particularly sensual. The refinement is that he is like him. He will never drag a woman into the bedroom and will not master it by force - it is not in his character. His chosen will not wait for him of romantic and insane acts, but she can be sure that her hero does not melt at the light of the first sunlight, he will not leave to touch the serenade of the next passion. If a woman needs quality, not an exterior tinsel, then the man is what she was looking for. But there is a danger that too high moral principles are turned around for a man with a complete lack of sexual life.

You should not expect a rich erotic fantasy from the Men-Virgin, as well as the fear of vulgar manifestations of passion and annoyance. The abstinence he transfers easily, and if fate intended him loneliness, he will take it without struggle and drama.

In bed, a man is quite restrained, sex with him is rarely spontaneous and all-consuming. If the woman dares in his desires, she should talk about it frankly, then she will surely get what he wants.

When managing a man-Virgo quickly gets used to and loses interest in sex. He earlier than representatives of other signs cease to show interest in intimate relations, becoming just good husbands and faithful satellites of life.

Marriage and family

Among the male virgins is the biggest percentage of bachelors, and it is despite the fact that they are very focused on the family. The paradox is that in the status of a bachelor they do not feel deprived of, and loneliness does not become a serious burden for them. These people are "growing" for marriage for a long time, but then they become incredibly loyal husbands. Divorces in pairs where husband is Virgo, extremely rare.

The wife of the Virgin will have to learn to calmly respond to constant criticism, learn the discipline and organization, especially in domestic issues, and also to accept the fact that conversations about feelings will very quickly begin to annoy a man. It must be remembered that it is very vulnerable and wound, especially if already experienced disappointment in the past. We'll have to get used to the fact that he will be infinitely worried about trifles, to his indecision and uncertainty. A woman seeking pleasure, ease, selfish and mentally lazy, unclean, never searched with him.

Men-Virgin has no strong fatherly feelings, his nature does not require that they fill it emotionally. Large fathers among virgins are rare, more often they have small families. However, they relate to their fatherly duties seriously, children do not indulge.

By nature, Deva Domashed, loves purity and order, while it is not at all necessary that he will be cleaning himself. Rather, shifts this mission to households, in otherwise I wakes all reproaches.

Men's Men's motto - "Everything in the house, all for the family!". He will do everything so that his family does not need anything. But life with him will never be easy, this person is just a master "to endure the brain" on trifles. But if you close your eyes into small disadvantages that are in every person, a man-maiden is a wonderful family man, faithful, reliable and caring.

Horoscope compatibility

Virgo + Aries - A rather controversial union, which is rarely successful. Woman Aries is active and assertive, and the Virgin by nature a conservative, so it will be not easy for them together. Aries are useless to teach, it will always come on the same rake, so the male-male will have to give up. It is extremely successful if the relationships of the partners will be built not on the feelings, but on a frank calculation.

Virgo + Taurus - Just the perfect couple, which is united by the love of beautiful things, accuracy and desire for welfare. True, in everyday life, the woman can not arrange excessive thrift of the Virgin, but it is fully able to appreciate its hardworking and the ability to solve the MIO conflicts, without unnecessary scandals. It, in turn, can not not conquer her peace of mind and the carnal charm of a woman's Taurus.

Virgo + Gemini - The durability of this union depends on how seriously the windy twin female is configured. The male-native woman does not choose the wind in the field, and if it is this, he will have to do, then marriage is doomed. However, he can implan the element of freshness and surprise, which is so lacking a conservative man. Even if the marriage does not last long, both will receive an invaluable experience, which will impose a print on the further life of both partners.

Virgo + cancer - This union has every chance of success, as a practical girl and romantic Rakinen unite similar views on life, thoroughness, thrift and desire to create a solid family. Virgo is able to work hard for the benefit of the family, and female cancer as no other needs a solid foundation and a sense of security that he can provide her.

Virgo + Lev. - Despite good compatibility, such pairs are rarely cloudless happy. For harmonious relationships, they will have to work hard, but the result will delight both. They will have to learn to take each other as it is and not to try to remake. For these signs, concern for a close person is characterized, especially by the Women Lion, and the male-maid can not be appreciated.

Virgo + Deva. - This is the union of two practical and hardworking people, valuable logic and calculation. Their joint life is predictable and boring, and this may be a problem for a couple. Nevertheless, in this union, both partners can count on durable and long-term relationships, and in their home everything will be subordinate to once and for all initiated order.

Virgo + scales - A meticulous male-male and thoughtful woman scales unites a lot, but when it comes to the family, alone alone is not enough. But nevertheless, they are not hopeless, and although they can not avoid quarrels, with small mutual concessions, they can successfully interact and find pleasure from communicating with each other. In addition, they are united by love for order and thrift.

Virgo + Scorpio - This marriage has every chance of success, as both have an exacerbaneous sense of duty, do not wait for gifts from life and seek everything to earn their work. But the Men-Virgin will have to learn to tolerate the hot temper of the scorpion, and she torture with his petty and picky. Although they are not close on temperament, it is the union of two opposites that attract each other.

Virgo + Sagittarius - Pretty rarely found couple, which can be interesting to each other, but how long? At first, the difference in temperaments may interest them, but in the future the contradictions may become irresistible. For the Men-Virgin, adventurism and disregard for the money of the Sagittarius will never be understood and acceptable, and she will, in turn, will not be delighted with the essentialness and conservatism of the Virgin.

Virgo + Capricorn. - These are related souls that have similar lifestyle and goals. They are equally honest and mandatory, have common moral and family values. In their family there will be no stormy scenes and long offended. Perhaps they will sometimes be bored with each other, but devotion to the family will always be in the first place for both spouses.

Virgo + Aquarius - Their family happiness will completely depend on the desire of partners to overcome the absolute incompatibility of temperaments. They are quite capable of finding points of contact, and if both are ready for compromise, the marriage will last long. The joint life of this pair will be similar to the American slides, they will not be boring for sure.

Virgo + Fish - Beautiful Union of people with equal temperaments and life installations. Female fish as no one else needs stability and a sense of security that man can give to her. She does not need shocks and adventures, and he needs a homemade, cozy woman in a word, they are created for each other.

To enter into a long-term relationship with the chosen one, born under this sign, it is quite difficult, a woman is preferable to learn about who the male male characteristic of this sign will help to achieve harmonious relationships with him.

The character of the Virgin Men is due to the predominance in the horoscope of earthly energy. Its main features are logical, rationalism, love for order and accuracy. Virgo is not a supporter of the manifestation of stormy emotions and ardent feelings. Therefore, theatricality and demonstration in behavior immediately pushes him. The pedanticity of the Virgin is often regarded as its positive feature, but under certain circumstances, an excessive accentuation of this quality can irritate and cause a negative reaction, as it moves into quantity.

A woman thinking about how to understand that he is in love often falls into a dead end, since his true feelings are often hidden from other people. For the Virgin typical of increased cheepingleness and demanding in everything: ranging from order in the house and ending with the quality of relationships. The man of this sign is rarely a compromise, so it is not easy to match his perfectionism.

Logical and rational thinking determines in these people a philosophical view of life and the desire to analyze what is happening.

Features of the sign in relationship with the opposite sex

Male Virgo in a relationship with a woman will definitely show all the properties and features of its character. It is attracted by partners who have intellectual abilities. Women primitive and mundane, with a superficial look at things in most cases are not able to seriously interest the representative of this sign. For those who think about how to attract a man's male should understand that it is necessary to keep the balance between such qualities as modesty, decency, independence and extraordination.

There is only one answer to the question of how to communicate with a man, the Virny is: only a patient, calm and modest woman who is able to become an interlocutor with versatile interests can be held for a long time. Vulgarity and discouragement in behavior immediately pushed the virgin. Such a man can confuse even bright lipstick or excessive neckline. To seduce such a man you have to break your head, since the pressure and frankness can give a completely opposite result.

If a quarrel happened (and this often happens due to the vision of the virgins), partner, decisive how to make a man with a man should be called on natural tact and diplomaticity.

The possibility is not excluded that you have to first take a step towards reconciliation, as the virgin's virgin and long keep offenses.

Women who have decided to build a serious relationship with a man's male must stock up rapid patience, since it is not worth waiting for the speaking solutions. How does the male master behave well well know those women who have passed all the stages of relationships with this sign. Even experiencing a very strong glow of passions, this man will weigh and evaluate his choice for a long time. He does not just doubt, but wants to take the only right decision.

Those who wake up on how to marry a man's male and how to conquer his heart, it is worth friends with his mother and enlist her support. The authoritative opinion of the parent can be a decisive moment in choosing a chosen.

In sex, Male Virgo is gentle with his partner, her pleasure is a priority for him. Assembly and ardent passionism is not his horse, so he will answer the coldness of the partner as the same attitude.

In bed, such a man would prefer ingenuity and a variety of poses to satisfy his partner.

Suitable horoscope partners

To create a solid relationship, it is important to find out who fits a man's male to the horoscope. Although such a representative of strong sex is a welcome partner for many women, to create a family with him is far from each.

Earth and watermarks are most related to the virgin and compatibility with them provides a harmonious union. Perfectly suitable for living together:

  • Taurus - life with this sign will be marked by common interests, calm and stability;
  • Capricorn (common goals, patience and purposefulness make the union durable);
  • Virgo - common features (pedantry, love for order and logic) contribute to mutual understanding;
  • Cancer (the pair is one of the most successful combinations in the horoscope) will understand the desire for homely comfort, together they will create an ideal family nest;
  • Fish - sensitivity and refinement of this sign will find a response in the soul of the virtue of the virgin;
  • Scorpio can become a successful partner subject to control of its peeliness and quiet.

For representatives of fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Lion), there will be no problem with a man's male, these signs will be able to fully appreciate what they are in love Although the creation of a family union in this situation is a big problem. A virgin can attract the bright individuality and independence of these signs, but the inconsistency of energy features and emotional manifestations will make such an alliance with problematic and unstable.

It is important before making a marriage to find out whether a male male is compatible with other signs and only after that begin to build a serious relationship. It should be remembered that this man although very attractive, but a very difficult partner for some zodiac signs.

Air signs (Aquarius, Gemini and Scales) are completely opposite to the Virgin in the content of inner life, any relationship for these signs is problematic, and in most cases they will try to avoid each other. The exception can be the scales with which there is a possibility of a love relationship, but family life is likely to be successful.

Proper behavior of women

It is not difficult to fall in love with an intelligent and aristocratic man, but at the same time you immediately need to decide how to behave with it to build serious and durable relationships.

For women who are interested in how to conquer and how to keep a man's male, you need to understand that you have to make a lot of effort to become a good mistress.

It is also not easy how to fall in love with the representative of this sign, as they differ in very high demanding. Choices of the Virgin will not only learn how to cook food and maintain purity in a home focus, she needs to become good psychologist and a pleasant interlocutor who has its original opinion on any issue.

The mood differences of the male of the Virgin reflects its horoscope and it is necessary to endure a partner, to achieve harmonious relationships it is necessary to penetrate into the inner world and understand the nuances of his feelings.

Compliance with marital loyalty - an indispensable attribute of relations for the Virgin, after the frivolous actions of the partner can no longer think about how to return such a man, as it does not forgive.

Family behavior, attitude to wife and children

Creating a family This zodiac sign usually puts in the first place in his life, he approaches this problem weigly and responsibly. A wife for Virgin is a life companion for which he is able to roll the mountains. Love for the home hearth makes him a domicor, the same feature he will be waiting for him from his spouse.

A woman who divided his fate with the Virgin should be ready for its restraint in relations and should not be taken for coldness. This man will not constantly crumble in compliments and repeat recognition in love, but the one who once heard recognition, can count on his loyalty and devotion.

The reverent attitude towards children as a continuation of the genus makes a virgin father. Its excessive rigor and picky is explained by caring for the future of the child, which he is ready to plan from early childhood. Conservatism sometimes interferes with the Virgin to understand the innovation and the junction of the young generation, and the lack of imagination prevents from penetrating the world of children's fantasies.

Business and Career

The attachment towards earthly values \u200b\u200bdoes from the Virgin connoisseur comfort and pleasure. To achieve material purposes, this zodiac sign is capable of a lot and works productively. The ability to logic and analyst makes it possible to become a financier or businessman, take responsibility for the material well-being of other people.

Employees sometimes annoy the petty and scrupulousness of the Virgin, but these qualities usually provide the quality of the work done.

Increased sense of justice makes a woman honest and decent partner in business.

Helpful information

A successful partner for Male Virgin will be patient and a calm woman who can create a cozy home atmosphere. For this reason, it is worth determining which zodiac sign is suitable for male marsh in order not to waste their energy.

The character traits are distinguished by the desire for accuracy and cleanness, so if these qualities are not inherent in a woman, such a dissonance will become a permanent source of conflict situations and voltages.

The economy of the Virgin may seem deficiency. But it is not always evidence of misfortune and often serves as a start for the accumulation of funds and a stable future.

What these men of the Virgin can evaluate only a woman who can recognize a gentle and loving soul through an impenetrable mask of calm and coldness.

A patient life of the Male Men's Men needs to be ready for his closer attention to his health. Even a slight malace can be a reason for concern and complaints. Ignoring this state often leads to accusations of inattention and cooling in relationships.

Male Virgo is one of the most faithful signs, this quality in love with more than compensates for the absence of sublime romance in relations.

For the wife of such a man, a pleasant surprise will be his willingness to take part of their homework, even if it is typically feminine.

Often an unpleasant feature of the nature of the Virgin becomes its excessive passion for criticism, important for a woman is the ability to understand and forgive such an identity quality. Perhaps this is explained by this a large number of bachelors among virgins

In order to understand what women like men, Deev will need to analyze the features of his character and decide whether to ventilate the construction of a long relationship with the representative of this sign.

The virgin does not just need to conquer, you need to know how to keep it. To do this, you need to pay close attention to your appearance and clothing, the purity of the dwelling. It is necessary to pay enough time for self-development so that interest in the person is not lost.

Video on the topic:

Feb 22.

Finally, the Virgin is reached the Sunny Male, the most complex type of men, in my opinion. Unlike who loves "Fire", this hero is calm, even more than, and also silent and careful.

Characteristics of a man of the virgin

Sometimes it seems that love and sex do not interest him at all. There is some truth in this - the nature of the male of the Virgin is cold. He loves, but very in his own way. As in that anecdote, the old woman has an asks his grandfather: "Why don't you tell me that you love me?" And in response: "I told you before the wedding, I love, so if something is changed - let's know!".

Most of all, in the light of our man, the masses are worried, of course, questions of work or politics. Here he is, a man - Virgo in love.

How to behave with a man's man?

A woman who turns out to be near such a man must necessarily be:

  • Very sensitive and attentive to the inner world of his beloved,
  • Be able to tailor between mood drops to be in demand.

Male Virgo constantly analyzes something, believes, folds, prevents, and it may even be a feeling that he does not notice you at all.

For him, love is not words, not romance, not signs of attention, love for him is concrete business and actions. You should not wait for excitement surprises from him for a birthday or another holiday, most likely he will directly ask what you want or will give a certain amount of money for women's whim - for him it means to be in demand for him.

Such love unequivocally gives confidence in tomorrow for a woman, because Virgo is very serious and responsible. But I remind you about the permanent movement of the mood of a male of the Virgin in love.

What woman does male male love?

Male Virgo does not like criticism, but he loves to criticize himself. He scans his future whaleter in all respects, "trials" through all channels, etc. She must be:

  • Perfect mistress
  • Tasty cook
  • Wash,
  • Stroke
  • Clean up,
  • Raise children.

With all this, it's great to look good and you have time to earn at least for pocket expenses. If at least once before the wedding, somewhere to manifest yourself, you won't go through one puncture, consider that you are not ideal womanAnd he will forget about you.

Because the male is a perfectionist, he only needs all the best and high-quality. But not since (he loves bright, brilliant and most sought-after).

How does a male maid know for marriage?

Among the male virgins a lot of bachelors. They are usually married, as a rule, once for life. It is indifferent to treason, as it loves quality, and not the amount. But even if he suddenly changes you, pah-pah-pah, you will never know this - the masking master and notice of traces.

From nature, he is not jealous, but his peace of mind is unwillingly. He remembers any little things, and will be better if they do not turn into com.

Such a man as a different other one must feel their need. You need to praise it, be attentive and caring. And then, understanding that he brings practical benefits for his family, male maiden would be ready to minimize the mountains.

To keep such a man next to them, be sincere Merffice, without harmful habits, neat hostess and really pretty girl-great in everything.

And for those who want to know what a male male looks like in love and sex, what image he is in life, it is worth paying attention to the following famous men:

Sun in Virgo - Richard Gir, Tim Burton, Keanu Reeves, Alexey Chadov, Martin Freman, Hugh Grant, Adam Sendeler, Paul Walker, Prince Harry, Martin Fourcad.

Mars in Virgo - Robert Downey ML., Johnny Depp, Benedict Cambarbatch, Ben Affleck, Will Smith, Matt Damon, Hugh Jackman, Roman Abramovich, Vensean Kassel, Marat Safin, Stonner Casey, Jenson Button.

With authentic

Union man "Virgo - Woman Aries" is quite difficult. An equilibrated man, the Virgin is difficult to understand the impulsiveness of the Aries. And the woman of the Aries is difficult to adopt constant reproaches and criticism of the male of the Virgin.

Therefore, the Union "Woman Aries - Male Virgo" is unlikely to be long. Most likely you will remain unhappy with the fasciance and pickyness of the Virgin, and Male Virgo will not be able to take your factories.

With Taland

Union "Woman Taurus - Male Virgo" is simply beautiful. Two earthly elements are united by love for material. Love for trifles Men of the Virgin will be complemented by the Taurus Woman's comfort.

Woman Taurus will give a man's male care in the form of an emotional tenderness, and he will show love in response through actions - care in trifles and permanent signs of attention.

Such an alliance promises to be stable and happy, although somewhat restrained in an intimate plan. Neither the woman is taurus nor a male male do not differ in sexual experiments.

With twins

Union "Male Virgo - Woman Gemini" looks more like a friendly than on love. Conversations, common interests combine these two more than the invisible emotional connection.

And this is fine, because it reduces the risk of psychological conversion. On the other hand, the twin woman is often superficial in their conclusions. And here is a male maiden, on the contrary, don-pedantic. This can be a stumbling block.

The second danger in this union is a different degree of internal inertness. The twin female is very mobile, easily makes contact, can easily move. And the male of Virgin is more accurate - it is very careful in changing the situation or the institution of new acquaintances.

But if the male of Virgo does not limit the freedom of the twins, and the twin female does not push the male a virgin from the zone of inert security, the Union promises to be sparkling-intellectual and cloudless.

With cancer

Union "Male Virgo - Woman Cancer" can be called harmonious-quiet. There are no clear bright scandals, no Mexican scenes, no violent conciliatory sex. Always afraid of someone offend a woman cancer perfectly suits a concrete man.

Woman Cancer will wander the man's care and attention to the little things. And this one of the ways to fall in love with a man's male, as we know. Such an alliance will be harmonious and homely cozy.

Male Virgo Woman Cancer in bed show special tenderness and sensuality, and a woman will be the source of this sensuality.

With lion

Union "Woman Lev - Male Virgo" resembles a tree in which the trunk and crown is a woman, but the roots and the earth are a man.

A devotee, a scrupulous male male can be the very "queen's retinue", which is needed by a lion, because a male male can, literally, blow the dust with his beloved lioness. The only thing that can overshadow this union is the misfortune of the Virgin on emotions and love for criticism.

The fact is that women lions do not tolerate the borestia, and will not be able to be with a partner for a long time, which does not show admiration signs. In all the rest, such a marriage promises to be harmonious.

With a vir

Union "Male Virgo - Woman Virgo" is predictable and reliable. You have long look at each other, but allowing a partner to our space, you have a better friend in it for interests, support and reliable partner.

You have common interests, you love material stability. You love reliability and predictability, from this you will close each other than to seek adventures somewhere outside. And it makes your marriage incredibly stable.

With weights

Union "Male Virgo - Woman Scales" can be called partner, but without an explicit leader. Woman scales inborn adaptable to a strong man. But Virgo does not apply to such. He will make a decision for a very long time, which is not very suitable for already oscillating weights.

Although the Union itself can be called harmonious - it will be light and friendly. Sometimes the criticism of the male of the Virgin can upset the woman's scales, but it will not be the cause of any explosive scandals.

The compatibility of the male of the Virgin and women of the scales in the middle bed - both will miss the sparks.

With scorpion

Union "Woman Scorpio - Male Virgo" reminds a wave stuffed on a stone. A stormy woman Scorpio like air is needed by stormy emotions, which man maiden can not provide.

Its emotional sharpness creates a feeling of rejection and incomprehensibility of a scorpion woman. But on the other hand, such an alliance brings the scorpion to a woman, the very curb, the voice of the mind, whom she lacks.

So this marriage, despite the difficult nature of the relationship, may be long.

With Square

Union "Male Virgo - Woman Sagittarius" is quite harmonious. A self-critical male, the Virgin often lacks optimism that can bring him a Sagittarius woman.

On the other hand, the Sagittarius woman sees well the perspective, but may not notice simple little things - and then the male of Virgo complements it well.

Such an union is full of friendship, warmth and confidence relations. Female Sagittarius really appreciates a man's male, because of such men, the most reliable husbands.

With Capricorn

Union "Male Virgo - Woman Capricorn" is very reliable and harmonious. Two earth signs are perfectly suitable for each other. And the man is two, and the woman Capricorn equally appreciate stability, predictability and devotion.

This union is full of traditional family values. The more time they are familiar, the more they open each other and are already unlikely to break out, for suspicion relate to everything new.

Union Male Virgo Woman Capricorn Polon Tenderness, Care, Stability.

With water

Union "Male Deva Woman Aquarius" is very difficult. A family man in nature, Male Virgo will not be able to understand and take an impractical and even frivolous approach of Woman Aquarius to family polls.

Aquarius woman prefers to be free from routine obligations, and Male Deva sees a great meaning in them.

But even despite these contradictions, such an alliance can be long, if the woman of Aquarius can understand that behind a frequent grumble, the male of the Virgin lies his vulnerability, and not the desire to limit it.

With fish

Union "Male Deva Woman Fish" is quite difficult. Fish woman constantly hovers in fantasies, in thin emotions. Therefore, the bore of the male of the Virgin seems to her boring and repulsive - no romance and sublimation.

Male Virgo Actions and Women's Motifs Fish seem impractical. He will not find any expected predictability in it, neither accuracy in trifles, no strict economic activity.

Moreover, its frequent changes to the same thing for the same item will cause a virgin irritation in a man. After all, the female of the fish thinks associatively, by the mood, and the male of Virgo is practical, gravily.

On the other hand, if a woman is listening to the fish to what Male male says, he may be so that he simply returns her to Earth from fantasies or emotionally painted judgments. And it may be a big bonus of such relationships.

Male Virgo and Fish Fish in bed complement each other. Male of the Virgin Technique and Perseverance can bring a woman fish to the vertices of bliss, and she knows how to relax the male male to their tenderness.

How to find out what awaits you with a man's male?

Well, if you want 100% to learn all about the feelings of a man's male:

  • Who does he see in you - a friend, mistress or future companion of life?
  • Where do you allow mistakes in the relationship, and how to fix them?
  • Where does your man have weak emotional points where to "push" to cause love in it, desire, passion?

then. Already today you can read your man as an open book and manage it 100%.


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