Presentation on the topic of dovkil's confusion. The confusion of nature The confusion of the superfluous middle

Presentation on the topic of dovkil's confusion. The confusion of nature The confusion of the superfluous middle

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on the topic

"The confusion of the navkolishny middle"

“2017 Rick of Ecology in Russia.

2017 rіk in the Ulyanovsk region - rіk of enterprise.


Current experts show a tight environmental situation, as if they were getting worse during the day. The global problem is that people's task is to save nature. We want to clean up our village, so that people think about the impending threat and change their order before it starts.

Meta: provide relevant information that will send a call to the defense of the inane middle ground. Vivchiti causes confusion dovkіllya.


-Create a healthier, environmentally friendly, safe and socially comfortable environment for living.

Having poured in a strong support of the enterprise on dovkіllya the quality of life and the healthy population of Baklushi.


  • Changes are being made in the navkolyshny middle, as if they threaten the mustache of the living earth. Purely not there, de mіtut, but there, de not smіtât! Іsnuyut problems in the ecological culture of the population.

follow-up methods

  • Vivchennya ecological situation in the world;
  • questionnaire;
  • Doslіdzhennya dovkіllya s.Baklushі, KFG "Garayev";
  • analysis of subtracted results

Technological map of the excursion

Topic of the tour"The confusion of the navkolishny middle" Trivality (year) ___ Year 3______________________________ Length (km) _____3 km___________________ Author-rozrobnik Sidorov A S.___________ Zmіst excursions:_The reasons for the zabrudnennya navkolishny middle ground with silskogospodarskim pіdpriestvami and pobutovym smіttyam, how to ward off the light from the environmental catastrophe. - Excursion route: _ With. Baklushi, KFG "Garayiv", modernization of the barn route options (summer, winter) ____winter _________

Travelers moving along the route

Mіstsya zupinok

s.Baklushi, KFG "Garayev", village administration.

Zupinki, leave the houses.

Display object


Modernization barn

The main source of information

Applications for organization

Causes of confusion dovkіllya

Zastosuvannya a guard for environmental responsibilities

Burinnya on walks!

Burenyats on walks

At the modernized barn, the milk is freshly delivered, automatically flows through the pipes according to the intake system and is taken to the storage room (wine by the refrigerator)

Parkanu system


After the end of the day, meetings and drying of the doilnyh devices are held. Water is automatically supplied to feed the creatures. Installed automatic winders.

Upgraded doilni aparati

Є subr_bnyuvach (separator) for feed. Vіn installations on the tractor, which distributes feed.

It is carried out 2 times a day for collecting pus.

The barn is scorched.

Excursion around the village of Baklush.

Zupinki, de people call to death.

Visiting the Baklushinsky village administration.

Head Khanbekov K.A. spiritually sharpen us

  • Viroshchuvati kvіtkovu rose garden for kvіtnikіv;
  • take the fate of the clean-up territory near your own houses;
  • Vykoristovuvati pobutove smіtya for the preparation of virobіv;
  • Do not deprive the mіstya at the mіstsyakh vіdpochinku;
  • take a part at the entrances of the spilno with the grown-up ones with the cleansing of the zanedbanyh budinkiv, tsvintariv;
  • Be good friends of nature not in words, but in truth.

  • The results of my research showed that people and that її diyalnіst negatively infuse on the middle ground, and also on the people. The skin of us is guilty of remembrance about tse and to give all we can to the best of our ability to help save the ecological catastrophe. People, save the current world, save yoga not only for yourself, but also for the sake!


Power supply

1. What do you know, the government of KFG "Garayev"?

2. Do you think that KFG "Garayev" is in charge of environmental protection?

3. Do you care that our village is environmentally friendly?

Don't know

4. Do you care about your own nature?

5. Do you know the rules of behavior in nature?

6. Would you like to know about ecology?

7. Are you ready to take the part of friends in the improvement of the ecological situation in our village?

We will be glad that our project will be shown to you.

thank you

Confusion of the navkolishny middle

Understanding confusion

Zabrudnennya - the whole process of introducing to nature and the natural environment of a person of a different nature changes, yakі produce up to extremely negative naslіdkіv.

How do you get confused?

Zabrudnennya are classified according to the main types:

Biological. This kind of confusion is not an indication of human activity. Until now, you can see the world chi navpak zbіlshennya population of song creatures and birds.

Mechanical. Until then, you can see, for example, trodden roads near forests and steppes.

Khimichna. Under the chemical confusion, dovkіlla understands the confusion with the help of chemical speeches.

Crimson is seen more heat, noise and more see the zabrudnen.

Before the confusion of dovkіlla, it will be possible to change:

When you change the guilt, it was like a rank to threaten people. Creature that roslin.

Anthropogenic confusion.

Tse zabrudnennya dovkіllya, scho vinikaє naslidok gospodarska diyalnіstva people. To lay before them:

Industry (important metallurgy)

Farming (tillage)

infrastructure and transport (discharging shkidlivih rechovins into the atmosphere).

Taking into account the population of the settlement varies and the number of wanderings. Although the great places for the role of transport are brought to 80% of the wandering, then the silsky mіstsevnosti zabrudnyuetsya more important soil under the influx of the roiled silskogo statehood.

greenhouse effect

Cloudy weather can cause the greenhouse effect problem. The process of accumulation of carbon dioxide in the upper spheres of the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect provokes the accumulation and increase in temperature. And I’m threatening with serious consequences for the entire planet.

zabrudnennya drive

One of the serious problems is the clouding of the light ocean. Tons of nafti are collected for a short time. Vaughn approve the spitting and isolate the nasty sourness. After what rich creatures and ribes just die. Crimea, zabrudnennya water change rіven fresh water.

Encroached on the ground.

Virubuvannya lіsіv that plantings automatically generates the problem of non-stachі kisnyu. Everything is negatively signified on the health of the people and the creaturely world.

The problem of confusion

The zabrudnennya of the navkolishny middle is getting bigger and bigger. Tsya problem has already become global. Її the decision to blame the great international organizations, such as the UN. It is necessary to solve the global problem of the confusion of the insipid middle ground.

"Wandering the Ocean"- sporudzhennya clearing spores at the enterprises. Entanglement of the ocean of light. Mature riba zmusheni ryatuvatisya from the area of ​​disasters. Come in to protect the ocean of light from the stray. The topic of our study is "Swallowing the Light Ocean". We joked about the food: How do you get muddled in the ocean of light?

"Bewildered by accompaniments"- List of vikoristanih dzherel: PNZ-1 = 3.93; pz-2 = 3.83; pz-5 = 3.72; pz-6 = 31.7; pz-7 = 2.64; pz-8 = 28.35. The Saratov Oil Refinery is an active post-manager of fermenting rivers and the atmosphere. Stage 2 Dynamics of atmospheric pollution in Saratov for the main and specific ingredients.

"Problems of Confusion"- Acid boards. A modern person cannot do without chemistry. Greenhouse effect. Oxide nitrogen. The priority is given to the sphere of development of the maximum permissible concentrations in the case of the need to lay down the SRSR. The protection of nature is the task of our century, a problem that has become social. Z'ednannya fluorine. Pesticides. The problem of controlling the atmosphere of wandering speeches by industrial enterprises (GDK).

"Water turbidity near the waterways"- dzherela confused. Until cleansing. M. Starshina. A skin ton of naphtha covers naphtha production on an area of ​​up to 12 square meters. km. The death of the roslyn and the creature. Uncontrolled development of algae. Swampiness of mistevity. Let's save our souls together. Let's save ourselves on earth! After a month, after cleansing.

"Confused in ecology"- Thermal confusion. Radioactive confusion. acids. Lead problem. Vikopne is hot. Nitrogen oxide (NOx). When burning a liter of dust, one consumes 200-400 mg of lead. Ecology. Take care of nature - the moral binding of the skin! Visnazhennya that wimirannya vidіv. Car safety. Nature is our booth.

Injection of nitrogen oxides into the people. Weeding process for sawing, mln.t./rіk. The most annoying noise is the noise in the frequency range of 3000-5000 Hz. Injecting noise into the people. Noises rise to shkіdlivih for people zabrudnen atmosphere. History of food. Broken atmosphere. The average distribution of aerosol particles becomes 11-51 microns.

Confusion of the navkolishny middle

Zabrudnennya drive Population points. Most of all, we are led by the dzherel of the fermented water, to which the main respect is traditionally attached, it is the duty of the water. The rozchinenennym looks in the sewage waters nice, synthetic pralny powders, disinfectants, water and other speech of butovo chemistry. From the living quarters there is a paper towel, including toilet papyrus and children's undergarments, and the entrances of a dewdrop and a creature's hedgehog. From the street near the sewerage, the rainwater drained and melted water, often, with a squeal, or I see, that the snow and ice on the passing part of the street and the sidewalks wink for speedy tanning.

Promislovity. In industrially developed lands, the head of the slowest drive and the largest stock of stock is craftsmanship. Promislovi drains at the river for obsyagy 3 times and relocate communal-pobutovі. Through the growing obsyag of industrial inputs, the ecological balance of lakes and rivers is destroyed, although most of the effluents are non-toxic and not fatal to humans.

Silsk state. Another main spozhivachem leader is the silske gospodarstvo, scho vykoristovu її roshennya polіv. The water that flows from them is full of salts and soil particles, as well as surpluses of chemical speeches, which saturate the increase in crop yield. Before them one can see insecticides; fungicides, yak rozporoshuyut over orchards and crops; herbicides, famous for fighting the weeds; and other pesticides, as well as organic and inorganic goodness, which remove nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other chemical elements.

Zabrudnennya ґruntu Zhitlovsky budinki and communal-pobutovі enterprises. At the warehouse of zabrudnyuyuchikh speechov tsієї categorії dzherel perevazhayut pobutovoe smіttya, kharchovі vіdkhodi, budіvelne sіttya just. All tse zbiraetsya that vyvozitsya to the names. The spalling of the smіtty on the mіsk castles is accompanied by the sights of the blasted speeches, as they settle on the surface of the gruntіv and are importantly zmivayutsya by planks.

Silske gospodarstvo Zabrudnennya ґruntu in silskogo gosudarstvі vіdbuvaetsya owing to the introduction of majestic quantities of mineral fertilizers and otrutokhіmіkatіv. Apparently, there is mercury at the warehouse of some otrutochemicals. Pragnennya people take in the soil of the Daedalus more to lead to irrational victoriousness of the lands, and often - to the re-emergence of their kinship. Above the world introduced at the soil of mineral fertilizers and chemical zasobіv zahistu roslin in the bur'yanіv and shkіdnikіv to produce up to її zabrudnennya. Metals (for example, mercury), radioactive speeches are accumulated in the soil, which are thrown by some kind of industrial enterprises. The soil of toxic speech is consumed in living organisms, which can cause irreversible changes.

The main reason for the confusion is the consumption of new uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological speeches, as well as a change in their natural concentration. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya as a result of both natural processes, and in the aftermath of the activity of a person. Moreover, the people themselves play a greater role in the atmosphere. The reason for the great part of the chemical and physical zabrudnenya spitting into the carbohydrate fire is the hour of the generation of electrical energy and the hour of the work of the engines of the transport facilities.

One of the most toxic gases that enter the atmosphere due to human activity is ozone. Corrosive and lead, which is mіstsya near the exhaust gases of cars. Among the other unsafe zabrudnyuvachiv - chadny gas, nitrogen oxide and sulfur, as well as dry saws. Most importantly, as a result of the industrial activity of the people (with the generation of electricity, the production of cement, the melting of chavun), 170 million tons of sawdust are released into the atmosphere.

The presentation of the 11th class visconal Gyuchikhina Viktoria was revised by the teacher of technology Kalmikova T.S.
