When the autumn is ripening gladioli. Autumn gladiolus: If you pick up gladiolus cybulini and save them? Drying cibulin gladiolus

When the autumn is ripening gladioli. Autumn gladiolus: If you pick up gladiolus cybulini and save them? Drying cibulin gladiolus

The term vykopuvannya bulbocibulin to fall as a head rank in the terminіv tsvіtіnnya that zrіzannya. For the ripening of bulbocybulin and children from the day of flowering and maturity, it may take 30-40 days. So, if the gladiolus bloomed and was cut 1 sickle, then 1 spring of yogo can already be harvested. Like gladiolus rich and remembering the hour of skin bloom is impossible, it’s impossible to lead a day and an hour of digging the skin growth to follow your records. In quiet weathers, if the gladiolus does not mature and the flower is overgrown on the roslini, the supplementary life of the speech is stained, and the terms of the harvest are still for 15-20 days.

Vikopani cibulini gladiolus. © Nancy DuBrule

In the non-black-earth zone of Russia, the majority of gladiolus flourishes in the other half of the sickle. Also, you can dig it out already on the 15th of spring. A slight undermaturity is not indicated by the quality of the bulbocybulini, but it is friendly to the child’s selection, since the immature child has not yet seen the bulbocybulini and is easily selected at once with her. The main mass of the child may be light-sir or gray color. Good vizrila baby may have a dark brown color, which is important to revitalize the color of the soil, moreover, it is not mixed with bulbocybulins. It’s even more immovable to waste such a child when she digs and smears the ground with her.

Gladiolus bulbocybulini wiping in sleepy weather. The spadix is ​​selected for growing, growing with bulbocybulin, and among them the first - early varieties. For this purpose, amateur kvіtkari are encouraged to arrange planting for varieties in such a rank, so that they grow early in spring. Tse feel better vykopuvannya. You can dig with a shovel, or rather take two scoops with hard handles.

Cibulina gladiolus with children. © India

With a single-row transverse planting, the process of picking looks like this:

  • about 7 cm in front of the center of gladiolus bulbocybulina from two sides vrіzayut at the ground scoops, passing so uzdovzh horn row;
  • starting at the edge of the row, the scoops vrіzayut deeper by about 15 cm and pull out the handles of the killer in the gladiolus;
  • pushing on the handles, vibrating with scoops of bulbocybulini gladiolus with a child on the surface of the ground;
  • choose bulbocybulini and a baby from the ground and put it in a container; a container can be a sieve, a box chi a basin.

If planting one variety of vykopanі povnistyu, scatter the crop:

  • cut the stalk of the yakomog closer to the bulbocybulini;
  • revitalize the old bulbocybulin like a new one with the pressure of the thumb of the right hand;
  • pіdrіzayut root.

Sometimes the old bulbocybulin is injected after the tizhnevy pіdsushuvannya. It’s worth laying aside some minds to dry out that newcomer that scrambled at the kvtnikar.

After picking up the bulbocybulina and the child of gladiolus, place it on a sieve for washing near the water. The imitation material is placed near the bear, the variety is designated and tested (div. division “Preparation of gardening material”).

The terms of vykopuvannya pov'yazanі not only with the process of maturation of bulbocybulin and children, but also with the help of Stan Roslin. Like green gladiolus growths, without visible signs of illness, weep at the name's term. If there are instances of ailment, then they should be drunk earlier in order to ward off the birth of bulbocybulin.

Preservation of bulbocybulin and children under the hour of conservation is closely related to the regimen of their drying after recovery. They drank under-dried bulbocybulini at the shovishchi, blaming the insecurity of their infection with fungal infections under the common name "rot". Therefore, it is important to dry it for two or three days at a temperature of 25-30 ° C, and then for a month at room temperature. Pochatkіvtsy kvіtnikaram need to learn the rule: dry more often, dry less.

Less healthy planting material is laid on the shore. Bulbocibulina and the child of gladiolus must be looked over and vibrated all specimens with signs of ailment. As a bulbocybulin of a high-grade variety, it is weakly attacked and її shkoda vykidati, it is possible to treat tissue ailments to a healthy mass, disinfect the eyes with greenery and lay them on the bank.

To save the vicorist, use a basement, a refrigerator, a room with an open window, then the temperature is kept between 3-9 °C. Inadvertently at the reception, before laying on the shore, come in, in the bulbous bulbocybulins and the roughness of the shells of the child, infection can be saved. Therefore, in the process of harvesting gladiolus, it was necessary to review all the material and vibrate specimens for ailments.

Preparation of gladiolus cibulin before harvesting. © diynetwork

The water content of the applicant may be in the range of 60%. In order not to keep up with the regime of temperature and moisture again, root humps begin to actively grow on the bottom, and parosts appear. To help develop microorganism and thrips, it helps to bookmark bulbocybulin and children for saving bulbocybulin, and children are able to grow with small parts of the tea plant, which in the world will be replaced by new ones.

Power supply

Can you take the gladiolus from the Russian apartment on the pdvіkonnі?

Vidpovid. It is possible, even though the temperature regime does not go out of the sevny inter. However, in some weathers, the bulbocybulini okremі, when protected, the roses become soft, otherwise they are well preserved until spring. Razm'yakshennya zazvichichay explain to him that the planting material, rastashovaniya closer to the warehouse, podmorozivsya.

Why is the shell cracked in the greater part of the great wycopana child?

Vidpovid. The shell of the child cracks with the head rank of uneven development, especially if the weather is dry and wet at great intervals. As a result, the life of speech is unevenly found, that shell, not visible, crackles.

When vykopuvanni showed a rich ailment at a glance bulbocybulin. Can you plant them on the offensive river?

Vidpovid. Ailment planting material is required to be taken. Unfinished business cards-amators, mischievously bulbocybulini, try to save them and plant them. However, such material will either not give similarities, or weak growths will form from it, yak all the same to perish.

We check gladiolus cibulini for signs of ailments. © Vesna Maric

What is needed when picking up the soil from the soil with a diameter of less than 5 mm?

Vidpovid. Select the whole child from the soil, otherwise it will be overlooked the soil, so that the child will be destroyed by the growth of the advancing fate and the purity of the collection will be destroyed. In addition, deyakі grades give in the mass only a small child, so that you can win vicor for swedish reproduction.

What obov'yazkovo obrazat the root of bulbocybulin after vykopuvannya?

Vidpovid. In the great bulbocybulins, the roots are shaped for the efficiency of transportation and saving. In young bulbocybulins, grown from children, donts are not exposed for short safety. The root of them is less easily pіdrіzayut and dry until spring.

I was pleased when I did not see the leaves of the gladiolus, but touched them like that two days later. Chi right tse?

Vidpovid. Hi, it’s wrong, to that rich budnik in gladiolus ailments can go into bulbocybulin. Such a zahіd can be vikonat without nebazhannyh naslіdkіv, yakshcho vypevneni 100% without ailments and shkіdnik on the sheet.

How do you get drunk on bulbocybulin?

Vidpovid. With the help of the bulbocybulin, it is better to see, may be great, and expand. At that very hour of autumn, ailments are rapidly expanding. To that, fakhіvtsі vvazhayut that it is better to play in the mass of bulbocybulini, but to play in її zdorov'ї.

At the hour of drying, the bulbocybulina and the child were covered with a gray-green bloom, similar to a flower. Why?

Vidpovid. Such a phenomenon is likely to be observed when bulbocybulin is dried in a wet person with poor ventilation. Tsya tsvil - mycelium to penicillium.

She dried bulbocybulini on a scorching battery. The stench became soft. Why?

Vidpovid. As soon as the temperature of the dryer lasts three hours, it exceeds 40 ° C, bulbocybulini nibi boil and grow soft.

Can you take a child for two years?

Vidpovid. You can support the singing mode of saving.

Stored bulbocybulini in the refrigerator brand "Іній". In the middle of winter, she glanced at them - richly someone appeared soft. What kind of ailment struck my bulbocybulini?

Vidpovid. The refrigerator brand "Іній" does not have automatic temperature control. Closer to the freezer, it's too low. Those bulbocybulini, like rozm'akshilis, just froze. It is necessary to constantly control the temperature at the emergency room. It seems that the won has fallen below 3 C, it is necessary to change the place of saving.

Dry the cibulin and take it for savings. © Palmetto Acres Garden

After drying, putting the bulbocybulini on the shelf in the refrigerator. Approximately ten days later, after looking at them, the mustache blazed with light-brown flames. Why can you booty?

Vidpovid. Your bulbocybulini was struck by a disease, as is called brown rot, or botrytis. Ill, maybe, you can explain to them that the stench was underdone. Nebkhіdno dotrimuvatis regime sushіnnya.

Vikopani and dried bulbocybulini, like children grew up, I cleared out the grass and put it on the bank for the liohs. I was told that it was wrong. When do you need to clean bulbocybulini?

Vidpovid. Bulbocibulini after vykopuvannya and sushinnya lay on the shore, not clearing from the strips. Sometimes they know the upper ones, which are signs of illness. Under the hour of saving the luska, the bulbocybulins are protected from hanging and mechanical damage (as a result of the rest, pathogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the bulbocybulin). Clean the bulbocybulini from the grass one or two days before planting.

If bulbocybulini cannot be cleansed with a glass of water, then in the soil they can drink at once from the lustres of super-pots of pathogenic micro-organisms and thrips. In addition, the purification of bulbocybulin allows perekonatisya dodatkovo in the presence of ailments on their surface. When exposed, bulbocybulini ailments are disinfected and treated before planting with microelements and growth stimulants. Uncleaned bulbocybulini should be gone for the next day.

Materials that are victorious: V. A. Lobaznov

If the flowering of gladiolus has ended, the preparation of the bulbs before winter begins. The sight of autumn behind the tsibulins - tse obov'yazkova umova for saving before the onset of fate.

It is necessary to pick up gladiolus in the period of the new sighting of bulbocybulin. Preparations begin during the flowering period:

In the autumn, a comprehensive inspection of the quotas is done by competent watering, making good and circumcised.
  • Kvіtkonosi zrіzayut after v'yanennya kvіtіv. In addition, kvіtkonіs vybera zhivnі speechovina roslini, yakі nebnіnі for maturation cibulini. You need to work at a height of 3-4 cm above the ground, in the evening after 18 years. The chilly night will sooner close the eyes.
  • For a day before picking, it is necessary to add watering and revitalizing the growths.
  • Do not look at the leaves at once from the bouquets for bouquets.

Gathering gladiolus may be only after the new molding of bulbocybulin, as it continues to come 45-50 days after flowering.

Koli vikopuvati

It is even more important to correctly choose the terms of choice. To make it easier to choose a date, it is necessary to keep a worker, or to designate a calendar, an ear of flowers.

The terms of viimki lie down due to such factors:

  1. Oskіlki molding cibulin different, then the hour of choosing gladiolus in different terms of color is not the same. The bulbs of early flowers will sprout approximately in a month after the vyanennya pelustok. The best sorts should be picked up no earlier than 45 days in advance. With whom, leafing is guilty of mother green zabarvlennya. The appearance of a yellow color on the leaves is a sign of illness. However, in early gladiolus, the presence of a leaf of yellow color is allowed.
  2. Bulbi, grown from other cibulins, are taken with the rest, without freezing.
  3. Change the terms for choosing the weather. The day of collection can be sleepy. Doshchova, Sira weather showed the development of fungus and bacteria on cibulins.
  4. Choose our materials before frost. The optimum temperature for the cob is 5-10 0 C heat. Permissible temperature is +3 0 C, as there is no infection.
  5. In pivdennih regions, the selection is carried out at the numbers from 15 to 20 days. The average smoothie has a late 20th of August.

It is not possible to tighten the selection! Otherwise, it is possible to attack bulbocybulin with ailments.

Selection rules

Proceed before picking gladioli in the autumn next, if the night temperature is lower than +10 0 C. The removal of bulbocybulin is repaired by dismantling the bulbs and the material that appears. For robots, a shovel or a pitchfork is needed. Insert the tool vertically into the ground. With a frail introduction, there is more fluency in the bulb.

Why does the cleaning begin:

  1. With a shovel or a pitchfork, it is necessary to carefully lift the globe of the earth from the wind in the direction of the growth of approximately 7 div.
  2. Grab the stalk with your hand and gently pull it out of the ground. Put on the prepared dish. Do not use the power of vismikuvat roslin, so that you don’t lead the shoddy to the original material.
  3. Verify that chi is not lost from the moons of the tribni tsibulini.

You see the stems next to the next time after picking. To that through the leaf viparovuvatimetya vologa accumulated in the bulb. During the vegetative period, the cibulins have accumulated colorful speech, which wilts with water. Such planting material will become unusable until spring.

You can see the stem in two ways:

  1. Carefully shake the stem with your hands.
  2. Trim with garden shears.

Trim the stem with a winding bulb about 1.5-2 div.

After the bulbocybulini coils are cleaned from the ground, which is stuck, washed by the water, dried.

Carefully see the mother's tsibulin, do not harm it. Pіdrіzati nіbіbno korіnnya, through yak viparovuvatimya vologa. On the coast, they do not fill up with bags and with a wide bottom of the specimen.

In cibulins, which have grown from nibbles, it is not necessary to see the roots, it is enough to root them. For the sake of saving, choose the most. The stench is saved sooner and blooms earlier.

Obrobka from sickness and shkidnikiv

So that the flowerbed delighted with its flowers in the new season, it is necessary to properly prepare the gladiolus before winter. After the selection, purification of selected specimens of cibulin, special preparations are made for the prevention of infection.

A few methods of disinfection:

  1. Selected specimens should be washed in warm water. Let's get bored at the warm roses of the Lord's sweetheart. You can pick up a weak rose of potassium permanganate.
  2. In order to protect gladiolus infections from disease, carry out processing with special methods. You can speed up with drugs:
  • Maxim - an ampoule of repair in 2 liters of water, a loan of 30 quills;
  • Decis - an ampoule is made from 5 liters of water, the production of one batch takes 40 quills.
  1. Deyakі kvіtkarі recommend vybraniya nasіnєvy material omit 30 quills of Fundazol. With a further processing of 3% potassium permanganate or boric acid.

You can speed up with another option. For the new one, it is necessary to prepare two varieties:

  • in one container in 10 liters of water, dispense 20 g of chlorophos,
  • in another container, add 10 g of potassium permanganate.

An hour of processing bulbocybulin at the skin level is 20 minutes. They gave water procedures. 20 hvilin near water heated up to 50 0 C, and cold.

Just after the disinfection procedures, the gladiolus is ready for drying.


Nadіynym zahistom vіd peresikhannya and development of fungal ears є paraffin. This method is good for picking up poor cibulins. On the right, in the fact that the paraffin wax has dried out and the appearance of rot. For this procedure, you need paraffin, which you need to melt for a couple and then with cold water. The skin is cleansed, the head is numbed at the roses, and then it is cooled by the water. Finish the drying procedure. So that the paraffin has hardened, the grown bulbs are laid out so that the stench does not stick around alone.

Sushi Bulbocibulin

Wrong or not enough drying planting material can not be saved during the winter.

More dry dried specimens in cardboard boxes with low sides or in wooden boxes. The whole process of hanging is three times.

  • Bulbocibulini are placed in boxes in one row. It is recommended to stay outside in sony weather for at least two years.
  • For the next few days, the next three days are warm, at a temperature again not less than +20 0 C, or better than +300C. You can place the screens on order from the heating. Do not be afraid of peresikhannya. The process of drying out can save the expansion of bacteria and fungus.

For another method of drying, you need a plant stem up to 10 cm. Prepare the cibulini from the bundles and bandage them. Let's sweat it out at a good pace, in a well-ventilated city. However, it is necessary to rebuff as if in direct sleepy shifts, so it fell.

After double drying, it is necessary to review all of our material.

Looking around to allow you to see and see poor copies. Ale, as a variety of gladiolus, it is rare, you can see the damage of the month. And then we'll cover it with greenery.

Save cibulin

Before laying on the bank, you can clean the cibulini from the luska. In this rank, they protect the wounded by shkіdniks and ailments.

To take bulbocybulin vicorist:

  • cardboard boxes;
  • wooden boxes;
  • boxes іz sіtchastim bottom;
  • mother's bears;
  • old nylon panchos, tights.

Leather grade needs to be saved okremo.

Boxes, boxes are a good way to save. Before laying the bulbs on the bottom, lay a newspaper. The cibulini are laid out in one row. This arrangement allows easy control of the bulb mill.

For two months bulbocybulini rest at the calm place. You can save them at the apartment, on the screened loggia, at the refrigerator. The optimum temperature is +2-8°C.

It is important for this period to take care of water. Won can be between 65 - 80%.

With high moisture, the process of rotting may develop. Even though it will be dry, some specimens can die when overdried.

The best place for saving gladiolus is a pidval. Ale gladiolus is not recommended to save at once from vegetables.

At the Moscow apartment

For tsієї meti pіdіyde the loggia is screened. Ale needs to respectfully watch for lower temperatures. Recommend zasipati bulbi adsorbent. You can speed up with squeak, ash, or vugills.

in the fridge

For tsgogo pіdіyde mіsce over vіdsіkom for ovočіv. Before laying the cibulini, wrap paper. Perevіryayut camp often. When flowers appear, bulbs dry, replace paper.

It is necessary to reconsider the bulb bulb at least once a month.

So that the gladiolus delighted you with their beauty river by river, it is necessary to tidy up their cibulins and put them correctly on the bank.

If you pick up the gladiolus in autumn

  • Light frosts do not harm the above-ground parts and bulbocybulini, if the soil is heavily frozen, it can lead to its death.
  • With this, the bulbocybulini grow soft, and then turn brown. Damaged material is not suitable for saving.

5 rules for harvesting gladiolus:

  1. Weed gladiolus after 30-35 days after flowering (fallow according to the term flower variety). For the molding of the replacement bulbocybulini, it is possible to pass 3 days.
  2. Early sorts are wiping the bud, then - with the best flower terms.
  3. Weeping gladiolus, next try to destroy the children as little as possible. Valuable material for reproduction, conservation and “rejuvenation” of varieties. In addition, the bulbi, on the vіdmіnu vіd bulbocybulin, with success can overwinter and zamіchuvat away plantings.
  4. Vikopuvati gladiolus better in dry, zrozumіlu weather, while the child is not cremated in the form of cibulin. It’s better to grow earlier: healthy flowers are more important than the growth of molded bulbocybulin.
  5. Roslini with visible ushkodzhennyami vіdbrakovuyut that znischuyut (scorch).

How to cultivate gladiolus cibulini before harvesting

  1. The above-ground part is cut off (break off) without overfilling the hemp and, if possible, the mother's cibulin can be seen. You can see it after drying, but it is badly indicated on healthy material. It is important not to harm daughter cibulini.
  2. The best way to dig cibulini is near running water. At times, treat with insectofungicides.
  3. In juvenile cybulins (which were formed from children), the pagons wilt and deprive the root system of an under-torqued dry period.
  4. Withdrawal of planting material is laid out for varieties. Drіbnі (less than 2 mm in diameter) bulbs slіd vіdsіyati і vikinuti.
  5. For laying the okremih varieties of the most handy vikoristovuvat ovochevu mesh-sleeve, for the child - with a middle of 2 mm, for cibulin - with a twisted, small, polyethylene with a large diameter of the middle. They gave the cibulin production to be carried out, not wiymayuchi їх іz sіtok. Wuzliks with cibulins are safe with a label.
  • aluminum does not rot, does not break;
  • do not write, do not blink,
  • the label vikoristovuetsya bagatorazovo.


How to dry cibulini gladiolus before harvesting

  1. After the washing, the transformations of that non-trivial value of cibulin on the sun are immediately transferred to the drying room.
  2. Approximately 2 tyzhnі tsiboulini lie at a normal temperature of 29-34 °C. For example, for 2-3 days - at a temperature of 35-38 °C. When necessary, it is necessary to coristuvatisya with a fan.
  3. Since you don’t have the ability to get to such a regime, you can dry it in a warm kitchen under a stele for about 3-4 days. With this, the water content of the host is reduced to 20% and lower.


In order to enjoy the beauty of gladiolus river after rock, it is necessary to properly take care of the cybulinium growth in the winter period. Bulbi do not vitrimuyut sharp temperature drops and severe frosts. To that їх slid far off the ground for a distant vibrating offensive rock.

Vikopuvannya cibulin gladiolusiv for the winter.

Often, gardeners give a pardon, wilting gladiolus bulbs in advance. The period of picking up cibulin can be timely. Roar in autumn, beginning in the middle of spring, when the gladioli stop blooming. More precisely, from 35 to 45 days after the rest of the bloom.

As if the deacons of the cibulini were covered with black and brown flames, it is necessary to excavate them from far behind, in order to get away from others who are ill. To save bulbi, it is necessary to take yoga at a special home.

How to properly harvest gladiolus for the winter?

Professional gardeners are the first to bring out the varieties of dark colors from the earth - black, cherry, dark purple, black, purple. Before the frosts themselves, the young representatives of gladiolus, the children, are wreaking havoc.

A dekilka of valuable joys for easier cleaning:

  1. Bazhano vibrati clear, sleepy day.
  2. The soil may be dry. In the other season, it is necessary to take the bulbi out of the zabrudnen.
  3. For clarity, it is better to vicorist the garden pitchfork.
  4. Vikopuvati bulbi is easier, zachіpayuchi garden tool from below.
  5. It is not possible to apply the force of chi vityaguvati cibulini. In this rank, you can not only spoil the gladiolus, but also spend other children.

As weather forecasters predict severe frosts, and on the streets of Slota - it’s more likely to winnow tsibulini for any weather minds. At this time, you will have:

  • trohi pіdrіzati root system;
  • trim the stem (no more than 1 cm lower);
  • reluctantly vimiti bulbi under running water.

At this stage it is possible to win the old bulbocybulin, under which a new healthy stalk will appear. It is necessary to do this for a variety of reasons. The main problem with the early procedure is that this method can eliminate cibulin infection. It is also necessary to admit young children.

You can find out detailed information about the harvesting of gladiolus from the video:

Processing of gladiolus

Іsnuє kіlka dієvih ways of processing bulbs:

  1. Zanurite їх at fungicidal rozchin for 20-30 quills, sob zneshkoditi coma. Rinse with clean water.
  2. Disinfect for the help of 3% potassium permanganate or another non-infectious variety.
  3. Dilute one ampoule of Decis in five liters at room temperature (not lower than +20 degrees). Krіm "Detsis", you can zastosuvat one of the zasobіv - "Іskra", "Inta-Vіr" or analogue.
  4. Zanurite for 35-40 quills near the motherland of mother bears from cibulins.
  5. Cover the top of the container with polyethylene.
  6. Distantly cultivated bulbs, dry them in a place where they can be aired.
  7. Not earlier than in five days, it is possible to carry out prevention of infection with fungal infections. Pіdіyde khіmіchny zasіb "Maxim". For the help of one ampoule, bred in a two-volume container and emptied in the first year, you can prevent infection with fusarium.

Drying and sorting of bulbs

After all the manipulations, it is necessary to cover the bottom of the box with paper and put dry roots in the container. Trimat first two tyzhn ​​at a temperature of 25 to 30 °C. After 10-15 days, you can change the temperature from 18 to 22 °C. After 1.5 months clean and sort bulbocybulini.

The period of calm gladiolus sounds three times from 35 to 40 days. For this hour, the bulbocybulins of the unknown sprouts grow in ideal minds for gatherings.

Ale needed a mother in the countryside, which immediately sent a period of calm and early germination.

The whole period of protection is necessary to periodically look at and turn over the bulb. Obov'yazkovo should be infected with bulb rot, otherwise the whole material may be damaged.

It is necessary to fold the heart of the gladiolus children in the surroundings of paper balls, made from paper paper. On the title side of the package it is necessary for transparency to attach a label from the designated variety, the quantity and the chosen date.

Bulb sorting.

Or just independently sew gauze bags or kapron bags for mature bulbocybulins. At the top, you can write with a permanent marker the basic information about the number of packages.

According to the chosen method of saving, it is necessary to put healthy cibulins in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes into one ball. It is necessary to ensure good circulation throughout the winter calm.

Sorting is also handy for the species of the worlds. Large representatives may have a diameter of about 0.8 cm or more. Medium - become close to 0.6 cm. Others can be classified as small bulbs.

How to save cybulini gladiolus

Trimati bulbocybulini is necessary in a cold, dry place at a temperature of +4 to 10 ° C with a moisture content of 60 to 70%. Better choose:

  • vegetable boxes from the refrigerator;
  • garage;
  • neopalyuvalny pіdval;
  • closing pіd'їzd.

It is necessary to protect bulbocybulini until the coming spring, if there is no threat of spring frosts.

In order to create an ideal mind, it is sufficient to put a sprat of cleaned cloves in a watchmaker in a box, bulbocybulini are not saved. It is necessary to take bulbocybulini once a month to check for a week. In addition, regularly replace the old cloves of the watchmaker with new ones.

Trimati bulbocybulini gladiolus can be found in the middle of the house. It is necessary to select the No Frost refrigerator function, or simply put the material on the lower police for saving. For this, it is necessary to wrap bulbocybulini with paper and place them in a reusable container.

Yakshcho єmnіst іz tsibuliny covered with flames in the form of viparovuvannya following:

  • remove the bulb from the refrigerator;
  • throw out the old paper;
  • dry the material;
  • wrap with dry ukrittam;
  • put it back in the refrigerator in a cold place.

Fallow in the climatic zone, you can also save bulbocybulini gladiolus on the balcony. It is necessary to place them on the wooden police or the framed boxes. If it gets too cold, it is necessary to wrap the boxes with a warm carpet.

Picking up bulbs from the refrigerator.

As there are no other options, you can try trimati bulbocybulini at the splendid room of the apartment. For whom next, place them in one ball in the middle of the container so that the stench does not stick together alone.

Injury by shkіdnikami pіd hour zberіgannya

Under the hour of the autumn cold, shkіdniki move to the lower part of the culture. After a deaky hour, the stench will pass at the bulbocybulini segment. Viyaviti komakh after vikopuvannya is practically impossible.

If you don’t carry out all the disinfection, come in and the temperature of the safety will exceed the permissible norm - + 10 degrees, so shkidniki, like a fringe, can win all the juices of the bulbs. The first sign of infection with unfamiliar clods is a rapt darkening that is covered with a sticky pick. I gave the cibulin to the surface of the desiccation and the fold.

Gladiolus from children.

If any symptoms are revealed, it is necessary to get used to the following:

  1. Carry out a thermal test. Place the bulb in warm water (about +55 degrees) for ten minutes. Obov'yazkova umova - Suvore dotrimannya temperature parametrіv. And if not, then the cibulins will either take away the ops, otherwise there will be no fringed embellishments.
  2. After the thermal procedure, it is necessary to douse the bulb with cold water - close to +10 degrees, three hours a day. Golovne - to accept a sharp decrease in temperature and cibulin.
  3. A rapid temperature drop can cause death in coma.
  4. For preventive purposes, it is possible to vicorate vapno chi kreid.

Tsibulini with the right temperature to protect against the attacks of shkidniks. Not all gardeners can do this, so you can choose an alternative option for saving planting material:

  1. Roztashuvat shaf bіla stіni kіmnati, scho not to be scorched.
  2. Remove the rear panel of the case.
  3. To protect the warm air from the apartment or the booth, the doors around the perimeter are upholstered with foam rubber.
  4. On the police, put boxes of cibulins in two Shari's.
  5. You can check the temperature with a thermometer.
  6. At least once a month, look at the bulb for integrity and rotting.

- Garni vysokі strіli, popular roslini on garden plots. Qi kvіti are multiplied by cibulins, so it is necessary to periodically dig them up and water the children from them. An important factor, which plays a great role in the growth and development of the flower - is the term for the collection of gladiolus cybulins from the earth.

At what hour vikopuvati tsibulini

The Іsnuє smut rule, zgіdno z like tsiboulini gladiolus vykopyutsya from the earth. It is necessary to dig up exactly in a month after the fact that the ticket was opened. It is permissible that you saw the gladiolus 3 scythes, and, on the 3rd spring, you can dig up the cibulin. As a matter of course, it is impossible to remember the date of dermal gladiolus sighting, especially if you have a lot of gladiolus. For some reason, gardeners recommend keeping records or focusing on approximate terms. You can blame the food: why work, because the flowers do not grow, but bloom right on the stems? In this season, you need to pick up cibulini for 2-3 days later.

In the middle smoothie of Russia, the majority of gladiolus blooms in another decade of sickle. Also, approximately in the middle of spring, you can easily start picking up cibulini. Navіt yakscho stench still a trifle did not ripen, tse would not be a great problem. In every case, like tsibulin tse n_yak does not appear. For the extraction of cibulin, wrap a dry sleepy day.

As if the sickness grew, її leafing dry and withered, then it’s better to dig up yogo earlier than the term. In another turn, you may not be able to catch the cibulini.

Yak correctly vykopati cibulini gladiolusiv

It is best to scoot for digging not with a shovel, but with two scoops with short handles. At a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the cybulina from two different sides, one opposite one, insert the scoops into the ground and remove the cibulina from the children. Choose bulbocybulins and store them at the back of the table prepared a container - a basin or a box.

Another stage is the carrying out of cutting. Trim the stem of the gladiolus as close as possible to the cibulini. Let's keep the old cibulina alive for the sake of the children and nurture the roots. You can hang the cibulini on the back with a stretch of the day, and then we will water the children.

Vikopani and divisions of cibulini need to be washed, having placed them at the drushlyak chi sieve. We will sweat the shoes of the tongue as necessary to wipe them, so that on the coming river your gladiolus will grow strong and beautiful.

How to take care of cibulini after vykopuvannya

In front of the rooms at the cibulini's shovishte, it is necessary to visibly dry. Otherwise, the stench will become infected with fungal infections, they will turn into rottenness. Dry cibulina and children for 15-25 days in sun at a temperature not lower than +25°C. After another month, it is necessary to trim them at the great host, at the room. The smut rule of the gardener in this season is to dry the cibulini as soon as possible, to deprive them of even a little bit of moisture.

Obov'yazkovo sort out the cibulins after drying, leaving only health and tidying up, de є signs of illness. If the cibulin is not strong enough, make the sickness of the place grow with greenery. Save cibulins from the refrigerator with a moisture content of no more than 60%.


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