Rich and successful people without much illumination. What universities did Russian billionaires graduate from and what do they think about their education?

Rich and successful people without much illumination. What universities did Russian billionaires graduate from and what do they think about their education?

It is hardly a secret that the source of illumination is not the key to success and wealth. There were a lot of well-known people who were able to make money for an entire camp, and they left behind the cordon for a variety of reasons.

Mile Dell, for example, was recruited from his college for nineteen years, but he did not dare to create his own computer company, Dell, which everyone knows about laptops.

And the corporation began its founding in the village’s original room. Even the first profits of the company helped Michael expand his company to its original size. In 2008, Michael Dell was ranked 11th on the list of richest Americans. Then his capital became a little more than 12 billion dollars.

Henry Ford, the same man who became the founder of the Ford Motor Company, never went to college and was likely to skip high school. This did not make me fall asleep to one of the largest automobile corporations, which was paying incredible pennies due to its pricing policy, for which their cars were priced cheaper than their competitors. As a result of this success, Henry Ford became one of the most successful people of the last century.

About those that Bill Gates is not able to shed much light on, the lazy ones don’t know. Without finishing college, she was called the richest person 27 times. In 1973, Bill gave up his studies at Harvard, and all for the sake of starting a powerful company in partnership with his classmate. So it was done without the knowledge of Microsoft. Just before 2007, Bill Gates completed his doctorate at his hometown Harvard University.

Next, let’s talk about Mark Zuckerberg, who fell asleep as the greatest social mediator – Facebook. This is a very young person, who somehow got lost on the Forbes list of billionaires. Having been born in 1984, and in 2008, its capital has already become the second billion dollars. Zuckerberg came from the prestigious Harvard, but never gained exposure beyond the border. In 2004, his family was inspired by the idea of ​​​​creating social measures, and he did not repent.

John Rockefeller also did not finish high school, but later became America's first billionaire. He was the first founder of the transnational corporation Standard Oil.

For all our children and adults, Walt Disney left school when he was 16 years old. He has become the most profitable multiplier, and the company's profits are expected to reach over 30 billion dollars.

One of the most famous actors of the day, Tom Hanks, who is known for a wealth of legendary films, also gave up his studies to join a group of actors in Cleveland.

The famous singer who supports video portals and the whole world with her outrageous shows, Lady Gaga, recently left the Convent School in Manhattan on another day. Now there is one of the most mourned stars of the musical stage.

A leading fashion designer from France, most likely in the entire history of fashion, Coco Chanel did not begin with great deposits, did not receive great illumination. Vaughn was taking a course for basic shvachka. In fact, the Chanel brand is famous all over the world.

Reason, given by people's nature, is often felt and intelligence can replace any light that has created a world-famous idol for such people.

From childhood we know the firmness that the things of illumination are the “road to wealth” and one of the minds of future success. If you plan to get a good job, be kind, take away your diploma. Why does it matter so much to your business? The famous American speaker and business coach Jim Rohn said: “Formal education will help you get by. Self-illumination will lead you to success.” This principle is followed by many people known throughout the world. Here is a list of 5 successful Russian entrepreneurs who have achieved everything without great difficulty.

Oleksandr Gafin: in step with mysticism and finance

It is important to believe that he is such a powerful person, awarded in 2004 by the decree of the President of Russia with the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st degree, member of the anonymous creative and beneficial associations and spilok, banker, community Iach, philanthropist, author of books and letters, not I am getting a diploma about the field of illumination. It so happened that after completing the 9th grade of the boarding school of the Ministry of Health of the SRSR, Oleksandr Gafin moved to another initial deposit with an evening uniform. Having achieved a moderate level of illumination, we began to process inorganic materials as a variety of materials in the NDI.

At 20 years old, the industrious lad was destined to follow two paths at the same time: on the one hand, by starting to write his first books and scripts, and on the other, by engaging in the underground trade in antiques and conducting currency transactions. For example, in the 80s, Oleksandr Gafin became a member of the Moscow Youth Center and held a lot of photo and journalistic exhibitions. Later, he began to engage in charitable work, organizing tours of famous foreign stars (Tina Turner, Paul McCartney, Sting and many others) in Moscow.

Gafin worked at Alfa Bank for 15 years, initially as head of the PR department, and later as vice president and member of the directors. Today there are a lot of people, without which every important exhibition, party or presentation cannot do. Oleksandr Gafin is a member of the Latvian bank Rietumu and is involved in promoting its brand on the Russian market. He created the successful magazine Spear's Russia in 2006 and was the head editor there until 2014. A lover of garnet, Gafin is a keriviner of the Russian project WATCH Russia, a continuation of the European magazine Gentlemen's Watch. Perhaps, if his life had turned out differently in his youth, he would not have achieved such significant results.

Zarakh Iliev: the king of Moscow's hearinglessness

Some labor training can cause the development of the receptacle vein. The life of Zarakh Iliev went like this: the virus in his family and his 4 brothers miraculously destroyed the mystique of work behind the scenes. The first business was born in childhood, when there were no hot pies in the Azerbaijani markets, and hand-sewn “aerodrome caps” were sold out. At the age of 17, when the same year olds entered universities, Zarakh went to Moscow to see her relatives - she herself began a new life there, which was still connected with the lack of mobility.

Having collected some starting capital for the sale of coffee and supply of cognac, Zarakh Iliev bought a number of trading containers on the Izmailovsky market and began distributing them to enterprises. In 1993, he registered the company “Iliev” and became the owner of 15 hectares of the Cherkizovsky market. After 7 years, this company bought 57% of the shares of AT ORTC "Moscow". At the same time, another company was created – “Safra Instruments”, which bought out FSUE “Eleron”. Later it turned into the Moscow car hypermarket.

Today, most of Zarakh Iliev’s capital comes from 50% of the Kievska Ploshcha group, whose rental income for 2015 amounted to $1.1 billion. With his fellow countryman and partner Gon Nesanov Ili Having bought a number of great companies, he is now engaged in the development of new companies Ektiv. It will include the “Loto-Sity” shopping complex with an area of ​​1.5 million square meters. m, oceanarium "Moskvarium". "Moscow-City" will have a significant complex for 350 thousand. sq. with hotels, restaurants, offices, great parking lots.

I will become a frequent guest of the Redisson-Ukraine Hotel near Moscow. He has six patents, the most prominent of which is advertising structures that wrap around suspended cars.

Andriy Parabelum (Kosirin): nature trainer

How can a person without complete knowledge become one of the most valuable consultants and business trainers in Russia? So, let’s talk about Andriy Parabelum, the author of over 130 books, the founder of the BizKon association, the organizer of conferences and master classes. This people are accustomed to respect the father’s information business in Russia, which has a lot of followers and followers. Attempts to revoke the treasured diploma have been made more than once. You should try to read the Japanese language if you want to master the specialization of reporter-referent. In 1990, Andriy entered the MDSU, but after graduating from the 4th year, he was allowed to enter Canada. So he settled in Toronto, which is one of the most common places for him.

Ignorance of language and incomplete Computer Science course did not entice a 20-year junior to work with 1.5-year computers from the Hummingbird company. Practice and the evidence that Andriy Parabelum gives in his trainings and books gives him a lot of benefits - in 1996, the company Xpress Software Inc. was founded in Canada. Today, the information business will generate income from the production and sale of biometric systems during working hours. Otherwise, Parabellum’s earnings were focused on - a consulting project in Moscow

As a result of the training organized in 2012, for which over 98 thousand people registered, and 12,012 people listened online from start to finish, Andriy Parabelum and his surrogate Mikola Mroczkowski went to “ Guinness Book of Records. More recently, three authors have taken away the Runet book prize in the nomination “Business book for fate. Bestseller rock on” 2013 for Andriy was marked by a special reward from RosFin Monitoring for contributions to the development of legal business in Russia. Andriy Parabelum appreciates that a diploma is needed for those who want to get a good job, but because the decision is the skill of their own doing, it’s not too late.

Oleg Tinkov: from childish speculation to adult production

Administrator Oleg Tinkov, who was born in the family of a miner and a miner, is known throughout the world through his school life and can easily buy and sell. At first, I speculated in scarce Central Asian goods, then I began an unforgettable period at the Leningrad Girnic Institute (studied 3 courses there) - in jeans, cosmetics, perfumes, burners, black caviar. Later, technology, waste materials, gas canisters, and pistols became “traditional” goods.

In 25 years, Oleg Tinkov opened his first wholesale company “Petrosib” in St. Petersburg, then a number of regional ones. After 2 minutes, various stores appeared, an office near San Francisco, one of the most expensive equipment stores, Technoshok. There was a network of music stores "Music Shock" and a powerful record label across the street. In 1998, the Tinkov family switched their attention to frozen drinks and beer production, opening workshops, breweries and restaurants.

Tinkoff Bank, which glorified the ambitious businessman and its main project, started working in 2007. Initially, the project was launched as a financial organization with remote services, where most of the work involved a machine rather than a person, but later it turned into a company with a wide profile. During the crisis of 2008, the bank received 50 incomes. At the beginning of 2016, we reached the 45th place in terms of the size of the power capital among Russian banks. A cyclist, father of three children, one of the richest people in Russia - an innate commercial spirit played a major role in the share of the famous and successful entrepreneur.

Azat Valiev: millions from the limit

During the development of Internet technologies and the sales market on virtual platforms of the world, it seems like an unnecessary option. But 10 years later, since the online sphere was practically undeveloped, there were those young and ambitious people who could launch a whole series of low-successful projects. Before them should be the young millionaire Azat Valiev, a native of Ufa, one of the founders of the “Academy of Your Own,” who conducts training on how to make money online for thousands of clients.

Azat's way was born at 16 rocks, if the craving for computer games and the availability of hot technology for their installation made it difficult to think about the search for robots. Azata was encouraged to enter the market on the grounds of his youth. I had a chance to find a way out - an old phone with an expensive Internet at that time became a place in the virtual world, where the joke will begin to grow. You have tried everything - from simple freelancing to financial pyramids. The successful start was the purchase of the book “Cyberelectronics” with the right to resell. Having bought one copy for $5, you began to sell them en masse for the same price. After 2 months, Azat Valiev’s kishena had $50. And 19 years ago, having earned their first million.

One-sided sites that sell physical goods have become another avenue for growth. Today, there are a number of offices, a strong department of logistics, sales, miraculously making money and going up in price. Together with his friend and co-author of the “Academy of Your Own Handle” project, Mikita Fofanov, Azat Valeev began sharing his skills with participants in regular trainings and conferences. Over 5,000 people gained new knowledge, and over 3,000 started their business and achieved success.

Most of these businessmen, who, having earned their careers in high places, bypassing the student lava, do not scold about their decision. They were able to create and promote their projects without a secret “chip”, investing in self-illumination. How to confirm that if you are a “dropout”, a diploma is no more than a pass to a good position, and since you are your own master, then present the shortcakes to no one.

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The myth about those who need enlightenment for a person’s success has long been debunked by talented people who have reached unprecedented heights without a lot of effort (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc.). What was the fate of the cross-border people who suddenly abandoned their studies at the university?

website Having collected stories and for the sake of Internet-students who can help you get started, you now need a diploma for a successful career.

  • There are 26, there are 27 coffee shops near St. Petersburg. What helped me achieve success was this phrase, which I sensed at 18 rocks: “ You are a lad of disgrace, but you don’t have a lot of pennies.” And I began to take revenge. With 3,000 rubles, Kishenya, an old passenger car, and a classmate began to start delivering tickets. And after 3 days, the girl - the author of this phrase - appeared, but, as expected, she didn’t say anything. I left the institute in my 2nd year: one day I had to go to sleep and pay salaries to university students. By choosing another option.
  • Lord, having just made me aware, Having gained two things, I no longer need to get up on the 7th step to start! Now you need to get up at 6 for work.
  • On another course during the session, one student gave me a grade that cannot be resubmitted (it is automatically revoked). If you choose for free, don’t waste it Having started freelancing, I quickly gained clients. When it was possible to recover, I already had a steady income of $300–500. Turning around to begin, realizing that The institute limits my growth. Having reached the 4th year with credits and dossi without taking away the diploma. Then I already worked at a promising studio with a number of professionals, and off it went... a studio, a startup, now a great corporation. I don’t remember what the name of the depository was, but this one, the axis is straight in front of the soul!

  • Today my sister brought me a diploma about the completed school of enlightenment. Mom didn’t know how to say anything: “Save, don’t spend, you’ll show it to the children.”
  • Last summer, my friend decided to go to Poland to do some work. She arrived, and it seems to her that, instead of one robot, who was cheated on her, half of us are being elected. Vaughn immediately began to bark and confess that she had two things to light up. What does a robot seller need: “Well, do you want me to applaud you when you get half your face?”
  • My son is so short on phrases. It’s important to understand, even if Bill Gates still doesn’t find light, then the billionaire”or “Steve Jobs is still not getting into university!”, so I didn’t see it and brought my son’s system unit from the computer into the living room, turning on Wi-Fi in the apartment and saying: “If you would like to get a system unit without Google, so that Once you have completed this process, you can calmly pick up your documents from the university! After 2 years of coming up to me, I’m sorry: "Tatu, turn on Wi-Fi, I need to get ready!"

Common social gatherings that help any person achieve success look like this: school-university-work-wealth.

However, this rule, no matter how it is otherwise, is subject to guilt. History knows how it works when people reclaim for just a few bucks. Axis of talented businessmen!

  • Ingvar Kamprad
  • Statki: $4.2 billion
  • Richard Branson
  • Statki: $5 billion
  • Steve Jobs
  • Roman Abramovich
  • Statki: $9.1 billion
  • Michael Dell
  • Statki: $18 billion
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Statki: $28.5 billion
  • Li Kashin
  • Statki: $31 billion
  • Larry Ellison
  • Statki: $48 billion
  • Bill Gates
  • Statki: $76 billion
  • Henry Ford
  • Statki: $100 billion

Ingvar Kamprad

Statki: $4.2 billion

The author of the IKEA company made his first capital by reselling olives to his classmates and cheesecakes to his classmates. Then, hand-me-down leaflets, fish, fountain pens and much more went out.

Ingvar suffers from dyslexia, so learning was important to him. Until further initial deposits, I entered into life without applying, but in 1945 I graduated from a commercial school in Gothenburg.

In 1948, Ingvar began trading in cheap furniture, in the early 1950s he launched manufacturing at the Vlasny factory, and in 1953 he opened the first IKEA store.

Richard Branson

Statki: $5 billion

For his charisma and aura of genius, Jobs does not compromise. Aside from the rest, Branson is a “good guy” in business. He is good-natured, smiling and adventurous.

Having started his business ventures in school from breeding wimpy daddies, Branson has come to a modern empire with more than 400 companies that deal with almost everything: from mobile telephony to space tourism.

Be aware of your bias until you set new light records. The best way to fly to this place, to fly to somewhere on the windy cooler - don’t eat any bread.

Steve Jobs

Net worth at death: $7 billion

Jobs became a legend in his lifetime. Marketing genius, tyrant, prophet, tyrant - few adjectives sounded at his address - in just 40 years, having changed our world beyond recognition. And so, without any illumination.

In 1972, his family entered one of the largest private colleges in America (Reed College in Portland), where they acquired not so much knowledge as similar spiritual practices. Over the years, he recovered and, with the permission of the dean, continued to carry out optional activities. And in 1976, the Apple company was founded.

Roman Abramovich

Statki: $9.1 billion

In 1983, the future billionaire, leader of “Chelsea” and politician joined the Ukhta Industrial Institute at the Faculty of Forestry Engineering. Roman hadn’t shown any particular interest before, but started to get involved in business.

Suddenly, business came to the forefront, and Abramovich left his profession. Vіn shvidko viris іz vlasnik to the cooperative for the production of toys "Zatishok" from an important figure in the nafta business: for example, in 1999 its profits were estimated at $14 billion.

In 2000, Abramovich became the governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, instantly transforming himself into the hero of jokes.

The international popularity of the wines was lost to such things as the donation of the English football club “Chelsea”, the payment of an unexpected fee and all additional expenses to Guus Hiddink as the head coach of the Russian national football team, the purchase of 162 -meter yachts and other gigantic miles are spent.

Michael Dell

Statki: $18 billion

Michael started making money at school by selling subscriptions to newspapers and magazines in his hometown of Houston. Soon after, we became overwhelmed with computers and, having already entered the university, became a doctor, starting the artisanal production of EOM.

Sales of self-built computers have begun to bring Dell so much income that the University of Texas will be deprived of it after his first year. At that time, the company PC's Limited was founded and later renamed to Dell Computer Corporation.

Mark Zuckerberg

Statki: $28.5 billion

A talented programmer, who even in his youth tried to create AOL and Microsoft without giving up his ambitions to organize a business. After all, Mark entered the Faculty of Psychology at Harvard and, having become friends with several classmates, created Facebook in 2004.

Having not graduated from university, Mark already boasted of $4 billion in 2010. Regardless of the price, Zuckerberg does not care about the money-spending way of living. For example, you should drive a Volkswagen Golf GTI, not a sports car made of pure gold.

Li Kashin

Statki: $31 billion

One of the richest businessmen in Asia began to work for 12 people - the death of his father left him as the family’s only one-year-old. On the 22nd day, Li fell asleep with her first company and began producing viruses from plastic.

Infection at Kashin enterprises accounts for over 270,000 individuals. Billionaire companies seem to be involved in everything: logistics, retail, everyday life, telecommunications, biotechnologies, PMI, machinery... You can’t beat them all!

As an investor, the funds have recently invested money from Facebook, Siri, bitcoin payment providers and many other projects.

Larry Ellison

Statki: $48 billion

Larry’s daughters were trying to give up the sacred “belief”, but soon the surroundings began to stir up the idea of ​​abandoning them. As a result, we concentrated on the development of the financial business through the creation of database management systems.

In 1977, he created the company Software Development Laboratories, which was later renamed Oracle Corporation. Already in 1986, Ellison first revealed his name in Forbes magazine with a number of “special income estimated at $185 million.”

Bill Gates

Statki: $76 billion

The founder of Microsoft, who with enviable regularity tops the lists of the richest people in the United States and the world, schools are fanatically flooded with computers and software. In 1973, Gates entered Harvard and decided to study at the Faculty of Law. Two years later, you will have successfully recovered and decided to devote all your time to business.

For the sake of fairness, it is significant that Gates did lose his Harvard diploma. In 2007, this was the result of decisions made by the university administration - in short, not to be taken seriously.

Henry Ford

Statki: $100 billion

Ford was born into a farming family, but never showed any predilection for agricultural rule. At 16 years of age, he worked as a mechanic at a plant, and then moved to the Edison Electric Company, where he rose to the rank of chief engineer.

When Ford turned 36, he fell asleep at the Detroit Automobile Company and declared himself bankrupt in just two years. Then, with partner Leland, our hero conquered the Henry Ford Company.

However, soon after, Ford Porsche and Leland changed the company to Cadillac. Nareshti, 1903, 40-year-old Henry launched the Ford Motor Company, which led him to success.

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