Installed and adjusted programs (look around): remove ads in KMPlayer. We remove ads from KMPlayer in the center and right-handed KM player how to turn off updates

Installed and adjusted programs (look around): remove ads in KMPlayer. We remove ads from KMPlayer in the center and right-handed KM player how to turn off updates

So, the KPMpayer cream is richly programmed, but there are some fluctuations, if the player itself copes with the encoding. Vіn maє kupu nalashtuvan i pratsyuє vіd svoїkh codecіv, scho to rob yogo independent vіd system. For example, I'm such a jerk, if you have a player (windows MP, LA, classic MP and others) you can't play the Russian soundtrack for the movie. And I was needed by myself. Here I add KPMpayer.

After that, I began to chime in with the sim player, but the ads played on me:

Qiu advertising can be turned off. It's easy to fight: we need to change the windows host file, which will prompt for redirection (redirects addresses of the type to IP). In this case, we need to redirect all KMP Internet addresses to the internal IP, so the program cannot go to the Internet and advertising will not work. Also, it is not practicable whether it is a combination of programs with the Internet.

Important: to respect, KMP installs the program at once from itself, as if you are not weakly alive on the Internet (to communicate via the Internet with koristuvachami in the video). The program is called pandora and there is traffic. I recommend that you go to the “Installing and remote programs” panel and check that “pandora” is not installed on your computer, so you can delete it, it does not affect the KMP robot.

Viewing advertising

Open the file "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" in notepad and add the following rows

Never mind saving the host file

"host" is a system file and Windows may not allow you to change the file. To bypass this zahist, you need to open a notebook with administrator rights. For whom:

1. Open a notepad with administrator rights: go to the "C:\Windows" folder, find the file "notepad.exe" there, right-click (right mouse button) and select "Run as administrator" in the menu.

2. Open host host in notepad: File > Open File > File path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts > Button: Open.

3. Change and save the file. Now the file is saved.

The second option is to change host

In the window, select a koristuvach and check the box next to "Access".

In publications, in "pictures" the process of appearing a player on a computer was completed. Є th problem: intrusive advertising that appears at the launch hour KMP 3.7 and galmuє yogo robot, about scho in Merezh to celebrate thousands of angry koristuvachivs, deyakі z yakimi switched to more "friendly" counterparts. Shcho work is not obov'yazkovo, and even in the absence of clumsy solutions to problems, two of them are under the cut.

First way . Just turn to the previous "ad-free" version of the program (foldable 3.6 can be downloaded, in the blog Catalozi rating software), having seen in reality 3.7 . After the procedure is completed, do not forget to turn off automatic updating KMP, through the "hot" key " F2→ at nalashtuvannyah Zagalni"on deposit" When starting..."clear the checkbox next to the item" Auto-verification updates(Screenshot below).

Other way . We do not care about uninstallation, but we care about the accuracy in action.

First, turn it over, so that the logo (emblem) is obviously created by those design (lining) as standard. For which one, click on the player's window with the right mouse button → in the menu, select " lining" → "Emblem" → "Standard lining emblem".

In a different way, to take the rest of the "galma" at the hour of launch, next fence KMPlayer exit to the Internet. It's easy to hack a way to edit a system file hosts , About which I wrote in detail. With the rights of the administrator in Notepad, open the file from the father C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, and add a row

What can be seen - on the remaining screenshot. Let's save it, close the file and restart your favorite media player - now win, like before, start live and without ads.


Oskіlki first version of the problem, with "vidkatom" to one of the older versions, a dead end, I recommend trying another option from the editing file hosts.

Dmitro dmitry_spb Evdokimov

Good afternoon. Even richly koristuvachіv vdddayat prevagi to all video players, KMPlayer itself. It's really smart and popular player. Basically, having won popularity among the sv'yazku z tim, which promotes a decent number of formats and codecs, the authors of these films were encoded.

KMPlayer can support such formats as mp4, avi, wmv, mkv, 3gp and others. At zv'yazku z tsim, the player may be able to play not only films in modern distribution of HD and 4K, but also old video, created handicraft, more important than the avi format.

I myself have been using a sim player since the 15th, but no more. The player is really good, it's also bezkoshtovny. What a great plus! Ale, in the current versions of the program, the spiel of the rokiv, a great nedolіk appeared - a lot of advertising!

I understand that advertising is the engine of progress and more. I myself vikoristnuyu contextual advertising for earnings. Ale, one on the right - contextual advertising is not intrusive, and zovsіm іnsha, if you blink the ad, it will sound otherwise.

Earlier, when launching this player, you just told you if you needed a video and there were no ads. Now, in new versions of the program, if you start the player, it will turn right-handed, it’s not necessary for me, but in some cases there is a lot of advertising. Also, there are a lot of advertisements and mostly in the windows.

Tse strongly vodvolіkaє that znikaє bazhannya koristuvatisya sim player. Which player has more ads, while other UTorrent programs have less ads (they also allow ads).

I remember that it is richly koristuvachіv, yakі vozvazhayut themselves stuck out, get out of this situation in a simple way - stinks vikoristovuyut old versions of KMPlayer programs that include updates. Understanding that this method deserves respect, prote, old versions do not support all systems. It is better to turn on the update, otherwise, the player does not play a skin video. Mis you vchinimo іnakshe, we just turn on advertising in the player itself.

KMPlayer how to disable ads

Nasampered, you need KMPlayer to download free Russian my Zrobimo mi tse іz official site. Visiting the site, if you have an English text for the site, select “Russian” as a right-handed beast.
