Encyclopedia of kazkovyh heroes: "Kamora sontsya". Kladova sontsya chitsky schodennik Kladova sontsya golovna thought in two words

Encyclopedia of kazkovyh heroes: "Kamora sontsya". Kladova sontsya chitsky schodennik Kladova sontsya golovna thought in two words

"Sunshine pantry" - Prishvin's most famous TV show. The fairy tale was created in 1945, written by the author for one month. The draft version was called "Friend of the People" and in the center of the plot was the dog Grass. Ale pіznіshe Prishvin knows more poetically the name "Pantry of the sun" and having turned the story on the world of natural riches. The main theme of the fairy tale is the theme of the day of the people with nature.Also, the author is dealing with the problems of children, as if they were left without their fathers and are learning to live far away.

Rice. 1. Illustration to the rose of "Sun chamber". Artist P. V. Kalinin


  1. Nastya- the temple of the snub-nosed girl of twelve roki, she has golden hair and the appearance of a gusset. Fellow villagers affectionately call її "golden hen".
  2. Mitrash- the young brother of Nastya, a lad of ten, low and thin, with a high neck and a wide coat. The last and snub-nosed lad, who grew up among himself, was called “the little man with the bear”.
  3. Grass- Great Rudy Hort dog. Vaughn is small, great intelligent eyes.
  4. Antipich- An old forester, kind, wise Lord Grass.
  5. Syrian helper- fierce, cunning vovk, which gives life to the mystic rural inhabitants.

Chapter 1

Not far from the Fornication swamp, which was entrusted by the city of Pereslavl-Zaleskiy, two orphan children lived near the village - Nastya and her younger brother Mitrash. At the hour of the Vitchiznyanoy war, the stench of the fathers wasted - mother took away the ailment, and the father did not turn back from the front. The children were the darlings of the peasants, and the whole village helped them.And yet, the children of Shvidko themselves learned how to cope with the state. After the father, a five-fold hut, a cow with a carcass, a goat, a piglet, a sprat of sheep and a piven with chickens, came to them. The children often went to work at the Kolgospі.

Rice. 2. Nastya and Mitrasha. Ilustration before the publication of the "Pantry Sun". Artist A. M. Kitaisky Like her late mother, Nastya went to bed early and took care of the state until evening. Mitrasha, as a father, learned how to make dishes made of wood, and often made a variety of fillings for the pastry of susides. The lad also tried to beat the whole man and that huge robot. Mitya was sometimes conceited and started to tell her elder sister, that she could work hard. Ale Nastya smiled, stroking her brother on the head, so that he stopped choking. Mitrasha suddenly calmed down, and the children again took to the right at once. The friendship of two children has gone through a lot of trials. Zagalne grief already zgurtuvala Nastya and Mitrasha.

Partition 2

Crane berries appear in the swamp inlet, they pick up the sound of autumn. Ale, the most beautiful crane is spring, the one that flies in the snow. Such cranes are respected not only by the most savory, but also by the most kissing ones. In the winter, near the fox, still lying, but near the swamp, buy the winter cover already. Axis brother and sister climbed for licorice spring cranes. Tell the old man about the Palestinian woman, who is in the Fornication swamp, Mitya already remembered. Palestine - tsya, after the words of her father, nibi is all strewn with that red great berry. Ale knew the children and about Slipa elan, the furnace of the place, how many people and creatures were gone. Getting up early before the night, Nastya gave food to the domestic creatures and prepared a great cat for the crane. She didn’t forget about the hive: she took a chavun of potatoes, bread and milk. Mitrasha also got it right: having taken from him the towel “Tulka”, decoys for hazel grouse and that compass. The lad remembered well the order of the father: never go to the forest without a compass. At the fox, the compass arrow is right for the matir, always help you not to get lost.

Rice. 3. Mitrasha. Ilustration before the publication of the "Pantry Sun". Artist Y. Rachov

Partition 3

The fornication swamp was sharpened by a great clump of chagarnik, a krіz like a cut-through bov hіd. The children quickly moved the marshland, winding up to the majestic swamp. Zvіdsi already boulli pishchani pagorbi - borini, skin with its own name. Children have gone to the first - High mane. There was a lot of rich herbs here, among them there were fragrant flowers of a sheep's face on the stalks. Father of children zhartuvav, scho s tsikh stalk vovka koshiki weave. Nastya, who had already shuddered in the swampy water, sensed a wind in the distance. Tse viv on the Dry River in the face of hunger and self-reliance of the vovk, which the mists call the Syrian helper. The stitch was stretched on the two. Nastya wanted to continue the path there, where all the people go, for sure it’s a crane. Ale Mitya is in the field: you need to continue to go to the pivnich, to go to the forbidden Palestinian. The children continued to walk no longer cry-o-cry, but in single file.

Rozdil 4

A lot of rock in that wind flew into the swamp of the snowy yalin and the old pines. Having offended the stench, they ate a handrail from a flat stone into a hole and sprouted. So two trees and grow from quiet fir, plіch-oh-plіch, fighting for sleepy light and warmth. Nastya and Mitya came to the stone without a hitch and sat down to help. Checking the first ranking changes on the tree, the black grouse ruled and curled their song. From the mustache swamp, youma was echoed by yoga relatives. The black grouse started a friendly song, looking for a sleeper.

Rice. 4. Mitrasha. Ilustration before the publication of the "Pantry Sun". Artist Y. Rachov The children sat unhurriedly at the first exchanges of the sun, hovering in front of the way. Nezabar children climbed far away, but then the stitch broke up again. Mitrasha wanted to continue the way to the pivnich, let him go along the weak steps, as the ice was visible. But Nastya did not want to succumb to the young brother. Brother and sister got married and separated. Mitya burst out laughing, forgetting about the hedgehog, and about the cat, which was lost in Nastya, which was formed.

Rozdil 5

Poruch from the stuffed gatehouse of the forester in the potato pit, his dog Grass is alive. The wind often hit the tree, but they drove it away, and the stogіn їх buv is similar to human ones. The sounds of the fox turbulent the dog, and the won echoed it with her sumptuous wines. Two years ago Lord Travki Antipich died. Gospodar dbav about her and loving. And for the new one, she killed every animal. As long as Antipich is alive, the dog is alive to you, and now Travtsі had to live only for himself. She grieved and often forked, but the Syrian helper was hearing.

Rozdil 6

The guardhouse of the forester Antipich was near the Sukhoi River, where a sprat of rock came to that vovcha brigade to go through the masses. The villagers did not give life to the mіstseva zgraya vovkіv. Myslivtsy went to the forest, they embarrassed the viti vovkivs with their vim. In this rank, the people appointed the number of vovkivs and their roztashuvannya. Obіyshovshi on the licks, it’s light, myslivtsі were placed around the perimeter of bright-red flags, seeped by the smell: the vovki are afraid of the red color and the smell of red calico. With the cries of that noise, the vovkіv drove out the back of the house. The head dog went first, followed by the whole graze. Only the Syrian helper kept aside.

Rice. 5. Dog Grass. Ilustration before the publication of the "Pantry Sun". Artist Y. Rachov Vovki stumbled upon the fearful red ensigns and did not dare to go far, running in a bag of stakes. Shepherd first got the sack, and then the others perished. Mustache, Crimea Sirogo. Tsej dosvіdcheny vovk in one streak, having jumped over the ensigns, having spent more than a left ear and half of the tail. At the heat of the time of fate, Syria, having suffocated and perepsuvav no less thinness, nizh usya playing. Vzimku wine eating dogs. Another five times, unsuccessfully, the militants tried to flag the Sirogo. That wound of self-sufficiency for the bov is evil and hungry.

Rozdil 7

Hungry for a while, feeling the dog on the other birch of the river and breaking already in the її straight. I’ll sing more trohi and bіdi Bulo don’t miss. Ale is hungry Grass went to the watering for a hare-hare, which came to the field, after welding, Mitrasha and Nastya rose. Having blown the wind easily, slying the slanting one, ale Grass easily knew the hare's trail. The smell of people who carried potatoes and bread with them, having brought the dog in. So he wanted human affection, that intercourse. Grass changed her mind about chasing the hare and ruined the rissus next to Nastya.

Rozdil 8

The fornication swamp is the rightful place of the dreamy comor, in which the water takes the majestic load of the fallen one. Only a peat ball is not in the whole swamp of however. At the Lying Stone, a ball of peat is old and old, and there, where Mitrash is broken, the ball is richly young and thin. Ale grew in the new under the feet of the arches of mіtsno intertwined and the little cholov'yaga without fear krokuvav ahead.

Rice. 6. Nastya that moose. Ilustration before the publication of the "Pantry Sun". Artist Y. Rachov Only the old, kostrubaty, low-lying yalinkas and the sounds of birds have alienated the lad. Raptom yoga stitch sharply turned to the left, to the back. Ale, the lad, swaying before him that pure light galyavin, self-singingly vyrishiv zrіzati way through it.

Important! No wonder Antipich loves to repeat the old order: "If you don't know the ford, don't lick near the water." Having left the stitch, the bunny zaishov went straight into the dragovina of Slipoy elani. Already for a sprat of krokiv youmu was on a knee. Mitya, having tried Bulo, rush, what are the cuts, but where are they going. The shaking tightened even more. Everything that Mitrash could stir up in a moment - clasped two hands on the towel and calmed down.
Todі Mitya and feeling, like Nastya vigukuє yogo im'ya. The lad, having tasted the vodka, but the wind heard his cries far beyond the swamp. In his powerlessness, Mitrash quietly wept.

Rozdil 9

Under the hour of picking up the cranes, rich women develop an unsatisfied greed. Axis and Nastya did not pass away. On the back, the girl picked up the skin yagidka, then she already wanted to get sick for the zhmenko. Used to be at home behind the robot Nastya often thinks about her brother, Gukne Yogo. And then she forgot not only about Mitrash, but about herself. Only the girl thought about the crane. So, little by little, she didn’t remember, as she sewed the familiar stitches. Dovkola looked around - no stitches were visible anywhere. Ala raptom shook the girl that very same Palestinian woman. Offended stitches, like brother and sister went, skirted the swamp and led to this month. Mitina stitch was short, and not beastly wines from her, I would have stumbled here for a long time. Ale Nastya, after pumping the miraculous Palestinian woman, forgot about her brother. On the knees, not stopping anything, the crustacean girl was moving around in the swamp.At the old stump її brought to you the hissing of the snake, which was warming in the evening sun.

Rice. 7. Illustrated before the rose of the "Kamora Sontsya". Artist F. Domogatsky The girl huddled to her feet, snarling at the elk, standing not far away, and taking a bath under the hare, she looked around. Nastya sipped Grass, grafting her hospitable scent to a girl, and wanted to give her a piece of bread. The new cat is a crane, and only once at a time Nastya guessed about her brother, and all in tears she shouted out his name.

Razdil 10

The day ended and a quiet evening dawned. Nastya wept for the stump, and Grass chula bread and even wanted to eat. Aleone could not rush into the cat herself, the force simply entrusted it to the girl and waved, echoing її bіdі.Raptom Grass felt like a fox polyuє after a hare. І vyrishiv dog in a wolf's way to change a hare. Having begun to entrust from the booth, the hare was checking out. Ale, the old hare snarled in a second, if the dog made a haircut. So the dog was carried over the hare. Kosy, without delay, rushed with Mitroshina's stitch, and Grass with a bark rushed after him. Syrian helper, feeling the dog again, rushing straight to the Slipoy elani.

Rozdil 11

Magpies screamed at the Slipy Elana, seeing the approach of a hare. Dosvidcheny zaєts, not hearing their cries, continuing to stray. I will not blame you for understanding, as if you were spared. The grass in the heat of the chase remembered Mitrasha, who was stuck in the quagmire, and stood up, as if buried. The dog looked at the little man for a long time, then recognized a new friend and wagged his tail. The boy can also recognize the dog and click to himself. Grass, having trusted, gradually rose to the new. The lad mustache was kindly roared: like a dog, when he got close to the new one, he hopped on his hind paw, and zoomed out of the shaking. If the lad again leaned on the steps, he became cowardly and again called the dog to the old name of Antipich - Zatravka. Shouting in joy, the dog rushed at Mitrasha's neck. Yaka is happy to get to know the master again!

Rice. 8. Illustrated before the rose of the "Kamora Sontsya". Artist F. Domogatsky

Rozdil 12

Happy Grass has inspired her love for a hare, not for herself, but for the ruler. Hungry Mitrasha did nothing to get the fire out of the rushnitsa and bake the hare. Mitrasha ruled the meeting in Yalivtsyu, and at that hour Syria had already taken communion. Having remembered Vovka, Mitya did not hesitate to look at the new one. Feeling the shooting, Nastya screamed. Mitya resurrected and, without a hitch, brother and sister resurrected.Then Grass turned to catch a hare. The children spent the night by the swamp. In the early hours the stench turned and told all the courts about their usefulness in the Fornication swamp. Not everyone believed that the zoom boy had killed the cunning wolf, but suddenly a sprig of peasants on a sledge brought a majestic gray wolf. Nastya was embarrassed for her greed and won all the berries she picked up to a ditbudinka, where the evacuated children of Leningrad lived. In his story, Prishvin vividly describes the living nature of our country. Vіn inspire nature, it becomes just a landscape, and the natomіst of such a fairy tale bursts forth, it transforms into a natural character, with its own powerful character. The author makes the reader think about those, how richly our planet gives us, and about those, how importantly they talk about the current world. In the video below, you will also find an audio version of M. Prishvin's short creative work.

Prishvin’s book “The Pantry Sun” will make you familiar with Prishvin’s yoga “The Pantry Sun” in a short yoga class, so that you know the sense of creation and take part in food at the lesson.

Prishvin Pantry sun

Chapter 1

Near the village, which was growing near the Fornication swamp, brother and sister are being overwhelmed with orphans. Mother died, and the father took the war. The children lived like a kraz in the state in the house, where they settled down. The orphans were more children, the girls were less than twelve years old, and the lads were ten. If the fathers were gone, the whole state, but the smoke, the cow, the heifer, the pig, and the goat, fell on their little child's shoulders. True, the judges and distant relatives tried to help them, but the children were suddenly taken care of and began to cope with the good things on their own. Navit often came to the public robots. Sister by government, brother, taking up human rights, as well as cooperage.

Partition 2

It was an early spring and children in the sight of people felt that the hour had come to pick up the crane, yak, before the speech, the sweetest after winter, wanting a lot of cranes to pick up the heart of autumn. The axis of Mitrasha and Nastya took the road for the crane. They chose to go to the Palestinian, having told the father about the yak. Itself there growth is too rich yagіd. But the place is not safe. Irrespective of the price, the children lie on the road, burying everything they need with them, and among them, I’ll save it.

Partition 3

The children crossed the marshland with a stitch, as if they had paved before them, The first cranes took the stench along the road, which they drank, and they also heard different sounds, which the birds saw different, and so the children smelled the wind. Yak saying Mitrash, tse viv lonely vovk. Vibirayuchi paths, where to follow the crane, children virishuyu follow the compass needle, go where no one goes, de їhnіy batko saying, there is a Palestinian woman.

Rozdil 4

The children came to the Lying Stone, they blew the breeze, and the sleepy lanes, they warmed them, the stink shards of the troch froze. And the birds heard again, and in the meantime they went away. Mitrosha pointed at one path, but Nastya wanted to go with all the trodden stitch. At the result, the skin is pishov on its own way.

Rozdil 5

Dali Prishvin at the "Komori Sun" told about the dog Grass, as now he is alive in the forest, like a wild animal, earning his own self-sufficiency, wanting to live with the mischievous forester Antipich. Behind him, she went to watering, she lived with him, and the wines were harrowed її from vіd vovkіv. Now the dog himself and often sees, especially if he smells, as if they see the hour in the wind, the haystack of a tree. Tse vittya dog and chuє vovk.

Rozdil 6

Not far from the gatehouse there was the Sukhoi River, a sprinkling of rokivs bred. The villagers called out to their team to kill them. Vinischuvach vovkiv arrived swiftly, swiftly crushed their right, beckoning a shepherd with a shepherd and a wolf. Axis only vovk zmіg vkti. Tse buv the very same Sirius helper. Behind him, then, a sprat once fell, but he did not go into the beat. Like that day, when the children were separated by different roads, for the time being they forsook their own league. Hungry, skinny. Vin curl. Dali, in the description of Prishvin's "Sunshine Pantry", the author calls not to believe the howling of the sheep. Tse not zhalugidne vittya, but not safe, evil.

Rozdil 7

The dry river swamped the Fornication swamp with pivkol. From one side of the vovk, and from the other side - a dog. Yakraz on the dog vytya and virishiv piti vovk, so that the dog was killed, but the dog had ceased to be viti earlier, that vovk did not get away with evil. The dog himself, having broken down on the watering, took the trail of the hare, which straightened it to the Sloppy Lane, where Mitrosh came. However, here the dog smelled the smell of potatoes, which was bouldering in the cat, and, having realized that the man with the potatoes straightened in the next bik, virishu to go to the bik of Nastya.

Rozdil 8

Sleepy elan - the very same place, the layer of peat was young and thin, so the months were not hard, but similar. You will become a foot and fall, you don’t know, like a clay. Mitrasha continued to go. Vіn ishov traces, spodіvayuchis, that in front of the person chose the right path. Boy yshov and here you wanted to speed up the path, moreover, having swayed the vine, as much as possible, even if grass-white-beard grew there, as if the growth of human stitches was growing, and therefore, choosing the path of vine, having chosen the virna. Vіrіshuє go not the second way. Ale repented. Having eaten at that very elan, they all died. The lad was also dampened by the swamp. Vіn having become the name of Nastya, as here in the distance she called Mitrosha, the axis was only the cry of Mitrosha, not in the wind at the other bek. The lad wept, witnessing his own death.

Rozdil 9

Familiarize yourself with Prishvinim from yoga “Pantry of the Sun”, and continue the rozpovid, we know about further downs. At that hour, like Mitrasha, on that short, unsafe road, Nastya went along the turns, picking up the expensive crane. The children could not know that the stench was all one's fault. I, yakbi Mitrosha, without turning away from the path, and not failing, then, having already picked up a bi crane, as if it was good, and everyone was chasing after it. From only kudi b vin picking a berry, unreasonably. Nastya went on until that very month, de bulo a lot of cranes. Vaughn forgot to think about her brother, and only if she baited the dog, that same Grass, her brother, guessing, and the girl called out his name. Same cry and chuv lad. Nastya fell on her hand with a cat and began to cry.

Razdil 10

The dog is known to be entrusted to Nastya, and when he feels famously, he begins to win. Tse vittya again strangely vovka, which starts to beat in the dog's beak. And then Grass stops growing, remembering the hare. The dog will run after him, but run after the dog.

Rozdil 11

If the dog chased after the hare, then she kicked the man in the swamp, calling like a її. Vin naming the dog Zatravushka. Itself so when calling її kolishnіy lord. The dog became closer to the boy and then Mitrosha grabbed Yogo by the paws. Zlyakavshis, the dog smirknuvsya and becoming virivatatsya. Tsim won and soared the trohi of the lad, which far away zmіg virvatisya from the swamp and dopovzti to the stitch. If Mitrosha got up, he called out to the dog to hug Yogo.

Rozdil 12

If the boy was safe, the dog continued his pursuit of the hare, Mitrosha, rozumіyuchi, that this is the same evening, he lay down at the yalіvtsyu, so that I would need to see the wind. Axis only at the same hour to yalіvtsyu went to the vovk and bov zovsіm close to the lad. Having woken up the vovka, Mitrosha is victorious. Vovk once perishing. And he shot after catching Nastya, so that I could see Mitrosh. The children got mad. The dogs, far away, slandered the hare and brought brothers and sisters.

At the same time the judges rushed and chimed, that the children had been gone for a long time, that the stench had not spent the night at home. Everyone went to their jokes and here, the sister and brother went out of the fox, and after them the big mustache dog. The children all told the inhabitants of the village, they told about those who, like Mitrosh, shot the wolf. Bagato who does not believe until he has shaken the corpse of a wolf. So the boy became a hero. Nastya reproached herself for a long time for those who left her brother and for those who, with such greed, picked berries, and if they brought evacuated children from Leningrad, she gave them mustaches of cranes.

Theme of the lesson: “The truth of the age-old kokhannya” by M.M.

Objectives of the lesson:

On the example of the text of the artistic creation, put that the nobility and wisdom of nature are not necessary in the face of human life.

Z'yasuvati sense of the main philosophical problem: "the truth is the truth of the age-old suvoroy struggle of people for love."

An example to the text of an artistic creation is to show yoga symbolism.

Designate and formulate the main idea of ​​creation.

Lesson type. Lesson-analysis of literary creation. The form is heuristic Rozmov.

Ownership of the lesson:

Computer presentation "Kazka-bil M.M. Prishvin "Komira sun"

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Pori rock" ("Kvіten");

Hid lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. Tsіlepokladannya.

Slide 1 You and I have had the honor of knowing the commandment of M.M. Listen to the video from new:

Slide 2. “Zmіst svіchaynoї shoї kazka - tse struggle of a human hero from a representative of evil (Ivan Tsarevich z Zmієm Gorinich). And at the end of the fight, I can’t help but win, and a fairy tale in the first sense of the world is a viraz of the heart of people in the power of a good cob over evil. With faith, I passed my old literary path, with faith, I am able to finish it and pass it on to you, my young friends and comrades.

What spodіvsya deprive us of a writer?

^ I believe in the victory of good over evil.

What helps a good cob to win over evil?

Friendship, support, friends, love.

How far did Prishvin build his bazhannya - give us tsyu faith through your fairy tale-bill "Sunshine Storeroom"?

^ Away, there good overcame evil, everything ended happily.

And yet, there is no sign of Zmiya Gorinich, nor of Ivan Tsarevich. How can we understand that good has overcome? Schob rozіbratisya in tsoma, I will tell you to become not just readers. We will transform with you into doslednikiv and jurists. Our mission - having learned all the bells and whistles of the previous analysis, to know from the creation of attachments will instruct us, readers and readers.

For whom we happen to get better. The task of the doslidnik is to know what prihovaniya zapovіt. The task of a lawyer is to formulate yoga and follow for yoga vikonannyam.

Slide 3. The words of the writer, taken by us as an epigraph, will become a hint for us: “Well, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

Slide 4. We read TV with you, got to know yoga structures and talked about yoga heroes. All of us, according to the harsh analysis of the year, to understand who of them is good, and who is evil, why did the victory of the good cob over the evil, and why is the sense of victory. Tse may bring us closer to the solution of the Prishvinian mystery.

^iii. Analysis of creation.

1. - Who stinks, heroes of the Prishvinian fairy tale?

Nastya, Mitrasha, their fathers, Antipich, the dog Grass, elk, snake, black grouse, pine and yalina, wok, Syrian helper, bunny ...

Slide 5. - Why did we include Roslin on the list, creature?

Usі stinks є podіy participants, characters of the fairy tale. Names were given to Bagati.

Separate. slide 6

Do the creations of which genre have an order of people growing up and creatures?

^ At Kazakh.

And what do you do to rob yoga bull?

Vkazіvka on a specific place of the day, on the historical hour. Slide 7.

Otzhe, nature in the kazts was not ashes, but as a diy special, a hero to creation. Let's marvel at how it shows itself to people, whom it helps, and which, it is possible, to mischief them. For whom at once from Nastya and Mitrasha we break in the forest for the sour-licorice crane berry. And let the flowers help us with the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky, illustrations and the artistic description of nature by M. Prishvin. Slides 8

In his line, Prishvin shows how harmony, the joy of nature, and the struggle of life. Can you see the episode?

^ History of yalina and pine, fox fox after hare.

Slide 9. - You guys think why the welders of Nastya and Mitrasha tell the story about pine and yalinka?

Nature is not a human being's life. Vaughn is wise. Mіzh usіm, scho іsnuє in the world, є unrecognizable, tіsny zv'yazok. M. Prishvin. Nature is ahead of children.

How many episodes confirm the author's thought?

^ Welding of children is the first welding of a black grouse with a raven. Sira hmara closes the sun in the sight of people.

How to create a hundred people and characters? What kind of cob of stench is it?

And now let's turn to the children. Where did the welding between them begin?

^ At the Lying Stone.

Guess, in what works the heroes are snaking on the great stone?

At the Cossacks. On the stone it is written: right-handed pidesh - you know happiness, left-handed pidesh - you know death.

2. - Right. Having such a stone, the Kazakh and Bilin heroes have a problem in choosing a path. This is the problem that confronted our heroes.

Slide 10. - What stitch did Nastya use?

The girl walked a wide, beaten path, where all people walk.

How do you characterize a girl?

^ Vaughn is reasonable, protective, do not want to rizikuvati.

How to behave a girl in Palestinians and who is the certificate of whom?

Having drunk on a Palestinian woman, Nastya zovim forgot about her brother. The girl called and picked up the crane, not lifting her head. I was overcome by greed. Vaughn forgot about herself. Elk and snake became evidence of this.

Slide 11

Elk is a majestic creature. Vin is satisfied with the malim: he picks up moss, tree bark, twigs. The little girl Nastya wanted to take the biggest crane. I was overcome by greed. The author of the vikorist's priyom rozmaїttya, schob pіdkresliti the worthlessness of human greed.

What else do I have in Palestinians?

^ There was a stump on the Palestinians, and a snake lay on the new one.

Let's compare Nastya's behavior and the way of life of that old stump.

Nastya takes her own crane, and the stump is taken by the springers warmly, to help others. Accept the antithesis.

How do you know why the snake itself leans on the stump?

^ Hі. Nastya herself looks like a snake, a creature. At the snake, she patted herself. Їy became shameful.

Who is helping the girls to make themselves a human being?

Moose, stump. One word, nature. On the back, the elk does not give respect to the girl, then we marvel at the ignorance, and the stump gives an example of generosity. Ale if nothing helped, nature zishtovhnula Nastya the snake, like a wave of good vibes.

In every episode we are afraid, as nature helps people to lose their gidnoy rank. Slide 12. The characteristics of these characters are significant: do you represent a good or evil ear of stink?

3. - And now let's wonder what to kill Mitrash? What kind of stitch vin pishov? slide 13.

Vuzkoy stitch.

What tempted Mitrasha to drink with an unseen stitch? What is the author of painting a boy?

Mitrasha wants to know the miraculous Palestinian be-scho-be. Prishvin is a little boy, we are a smiley, fearless, enlightened forester. Vin is not afraid of the unknown. Ale, with all the guilt of stubbornness and self-singing.

M. Prishvin calls Yogo "little people". Vіn zahoplyuєєtsya lad, yogo masculinity, rіshuchistyu, znannannya vminnyam koristuvatisya compass. And at the same time I feel sorry for Yogo in the first place, as I brought Mitrasha to Slipoy Yelani.

Who and what will escort Mitrash on yoga path to Slipoy Yelani? Select the place of these characters in the table.

A raven, like a check for a living, but at one hour ahead of the problem; old yalinkas, similar to evil views, scarlet yakі block the way near the swamp; white-bearded grass, which shows the human stitch.

Slide 14

Vіn did not waver the signs of nature and relied on oneself alone, showing obstinacy, not betraying the good faith of another person.

Who is picking up the boy from the swamp?

^ Boy ryatuє Grass. slide 15

4. - Guess everything we know about Grass. What kind of cob to become: good or bad?

That is the dog of Antipich. Grass v_dana people, wine for her lord that friend.

What does the viraz of the writer mean: “Now Grass is required to be bulo, like a wild animal, live your own”?

Having been left alone, the dog is now lying on his own. For herself, she beat hares, joked about her own hedgehogs. For a long time, Grass lived for Antipich, at the same time she went to water from him, served him with faith and truth. Antipich is dead, but the dog continues to live and love for the old one. Podmyav hare, Grass tolerantly checked, if you come and take away good.

Did Travka subdue all the people in two groups?

^ Travka divided people into 2 categories: Antipich and Antipich's enemy.

According to some principle won't divide people into two groups? What is important for Grass in humans?

Kindness, turbota, generosity are important. The one who has Grass to succumb to yakos - Antipichi. Інші are the gates of Antipich.

Who are the "Enemies of Antipich" in Travka's mind?

^ Tse evil, hisistic people.

Chi once the dog was recognized in Mitrash Antipicha?

No, not at once. As soon as he felt his own, the dog stopped doubting who was in front of her. Another vagrant blew the fire in the eyes of the boy, and before that the stench was dark, dead.

Why did the dog walk up to Mitrasha with teeth?

^ Grass saw the lack of space in the words of the lad,

I suspected that it was not clearer in the words of Antipich.

And why, doubting, did she not flow in, but continued to call?

^ Grass spodіvalas, scho all the same Antipich, їy it was necessary to know himself a new ruler, to serve someone.

What is special about grass in kazzi-boules? The symbol of what won є?

Grass is a symbol of fidelity, vіddanostі and turboti.

5. Slide 16. - Guys, take a look at the illustrations of various artists before the kazka-boule, at some images of Antipich and Grass. Slide 17. And now look at the portrait of M.M. Prishvin. What can you say about these two people?

^ The stench is already similar. Antipich is similar to Prishvin.

How do you think, only the name Antipich is similar to Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin? (You can guess the age of the writer at the rocky yogo work on the creation).

^ Not only. Prishvin is so wise himself, like Antipich.

How can we admit that, like Antipich, Mikhailo Mikhailovich Prishvin, I know the truth, I'm still attached to us?

Axis mi y pіdіyshli with you to the solution. Having understood the truth of Antipich, we can recognize the truth of Prishvin, then, decipher his commandment, which is lost from creation. Otzhe, followers, guess. Name the heroes for us, as they give goodness to the Kazakhs.

^ Nastya, Mitrasha, their fathers, Antipich, judges, geologists, Grass, elk, stump, white grass, sun.

Tell me, who of the heroes shows like goodness, so it’s not like that?

^ Nastya, Mitrasha, yalina and pine, Raven and Voronikh, old yalinkas.

Who in the kazci was carrying an evil cob, yogo isolation?

Vovk Siry Helper, snake, Slipa Єlan.

Tell me, be kind, what is the evil ear of the kaztsі shouting shkoditi people?

^ Hі. The raven is a symbol of misfortune and wisdom at one time, it will protect children with its cry, but de stink will understand that warning. І yalinki tezh.

What kind of visnovok can we talk about nature?

And what kind of whisker can we tell about people in the story? Chi all listen to nature, appreciate and understand it?

Ni. Antipich rozumіv nature Grass її rozumіє. But Nastya, that Mitrasha, is mute. A group of geologists, mid-range opovіdach, tezh immediately learned to appreciate and understand nature. Їm additional Antipich. Visnovok: not all people can appreciate and understand nature. slide 18.

6. Slide 19. - Why is the image of Antipicha blamed on aphids of nature?

Nature is purity, harmony, beauty. Such is the pure soul of Antipicha. Win knows nature, talk about it.

Tell me, is Antipich dead alive?

Why do people go to the new one for their joy?

Antipich knows a lot, may have a great life, dosvid, wine is the keeper of the "truth".

What's the truth? How did I signify, for example, a confession? (Stor.147, ch.11)

^ Truth qiu vіn declaring "whispering" before the death of a dog. Tse "the truth of the age-old Suvoro struggle of people for love."

Slide 20 Fight against what? What can make a kohanna?

^ Against evil, baiduzhostі, egoism.

What does love mean for Rose Antipicha? Why does it show up?

To love means to talk about others: about people, about nature.

We analyzed the images of all the heroes of creation. Who among them should know the truth of Antipich?

^ Nastya ta Mitrashi.

Guess what kind of negative vibes they had in the Fornication Swamp?

Vpertist, self-confidence, hisism, greed.

Can I help people to love?

Why should our heroes be robbed in order to touch the truth of Antipich?

Overcome your own strength.

Otzhe, vysnovok is this: Slide 21: to learn the truth of the “eternal suvoro struggle of people for love”, you need to learn to love. To love means to talk about others: about people, about nature. Only that person can love in a right way, as he takes from himself the best human qualities. For whom you need in your soul, fight with vile things: greed, hisism. Tsya wrestling Suvora is that important.

Chi went to Antipich to whisper the truth to Travtsi?

^ So. Grass to love people, help them.

Why vovk Syrian helper of doomsday?

Vovk is evil, I think only about myself, I can’t speak, I can’t love anyone. Vіn know the cues of nature.

How long do you call Antipich's people, telling them about the truth?

^ Call out shukati її by yourself.

What respected our heroes to understand nature, її signs?

Vpertist, self-indulgence, greed. The stench zabuli at the time of welding one about one.

7. - Antipich - tse zvichayna people, as if she lived and died. Vin is kind and wise, the memory of the new one is alive and the memory is helping to live! And in the world of nature there is such a character, which also makes good, to rob the mustache of a handsome man, to help all living things. What is it?

^ Tse sun.

Children, think about what sleep is in the truth of Antipich and in the meaning of the day of the sun?

Antipich love love, dbati one about one. The sun also dbaє about all, zigrіvaє all and shine us.

Slide 22. - Marvel at the sun! We should shine at the same time: and on the comor (wealth of nature), and on the roslin, and on kind people, on pine and yalinka, on evil people, on creatures, on the skin of us at once and okay - however, to shine. “... the sun was hotter than a matir of a skin blade of grass, a skin flower, a skin marsh bush, and a berry. The sun gave us its warmth.”
- And what is “comoros sontsia”?

^ Pantry sun - tse Fornication swamp, yak zberіgaє store peat and burnt.

With the brown copalins of Fornication's swamp, rich in ci mist?

Ni. Bagata is a miraculous Palestinian. Nature - tezh komora sontsya, tk. she is narodzhena sun and live zavdyaki yogo heat. People, with whom we have worked in the world, are kind, wise, generous, and robotic. This is also the wealth of the earth.

And what about a man for nature? What place do you sit with her?

^ Lyudina is the pinnacle of nature, she takes up space. All nature is rooted in people, it recognizes its supremacy and strength.

^ Dbailivo, respectfully. People are responsible for protecting nature.

On the back of the "Pantry of the Son" was called "Friend of the People." Why, in your opinion, M.M. Prishvin looked at the name?

Yakbi Prishvin called the TV channel “Friend of the People”, the entire emphasis was transferred to the image of a dog, like a lad. But the main idea of ​​the rose is that nature is the majestic comor, and the human being is guilty of learning to grow rich with natural riches wisely, without greed, not to indulge in the worst human evils. The name "Pantry of the Sun" as a whole reaffirms this idea. slide 23.

Kazka-bil has a symbolic name. “Sunshine pantry” is the wealth of the earth, people, and nature. Let's take everything that was made today by the last ones of the visnovka Slide 24:

Nature helps people, teaches them how to live.

Nature helps people to lose their good calling.

But not all people can appreciate and understand nature.

In order to grasp the truth of the “eternal suvoroy struggle of people for a kohanny”, you need to learn to love. To love means to talk about others: about people, about nature. Only that person can love in a right way, as he takes from himself the best human qualities. To love, you need to fight with your soul against the vile things: greed, selfishness. Tsya wrestling Suvora is that important.

^ Nature is the majestic comor, and the human being is guilty of learning how to grow rich with natural riches wisely, without greed, not to indulge in the worst human evils.

Guess the epigraph of our lesson - "But I, my friends, write about nature, but I myself only think about people." Vihodyachi zgogo, shanovnі lawyers, formulate, be kind, the text of Prishvin's order, what kind of wine we have left from the creators to us, yogo readers.

“Nature is the majestic comora, and a person can learn how to become rich with riches wisely. Learn to love, appreciate and understand nature. For whom it is necessary to save in your own best human qualities and fight against the filthy.

IV. Slide 25: Homework.

On the basis of the developed contemporary works, write a miniature on one of the suggested topics:

Why is Mavratio and why did Mitrasha have mercy?

"Do not know the ford, do not lie near the water."

Why am I Vdyachny M.M. Prishvin.

List of victorious literature:

Timrot A. Prishvin near the Moscow region. - M., 1973.

Motyashov I. Mikhailo Prishvin // Child Literature. - 1968.

Kachurin M. G. Organization of the last activity of academics. - M., 1988.

M a r a n c m a n V. G., Ch irkovskaya T. V. Problems of literary creation in school. M., 1977.

Verbitsky A.A. Zhukovsky: MIM LINK, 2000.

Prishvin M., fairy tale "Sunshine pantry"

Genre: kazka-bil

Head heroes of the fairy tale "Sontsya Pantry" and their characteristics

  1. Golden hen Nastya. Maiden 12 years. Gospodarska, gospodarska, dbayliva, rozhil that guardian. I got greedy and forgot about my brother.
  2. Mitrasha. A man at the little bear. Boy 10 years. Calm, vpevneniy, rіshuchy, troch slovenly. Not becoming a sister and listening to the swamp.
  3. Grass. Hounds, she was very confused for her dead ruler. I recognized Mitrash as the ruler.
  4. Syrian helper. Vovk materials.
Plan for the retelling of the fairy tale "Sontsya Pantry"
  1. Mitrasha and Nastya govern
  2. Go after the crane
  3. On the Dzvinka forest
  4. Yalina and pine bіlya lying stone.
  5. The children are submissive.
  6. Raid on Vovkiv
  7. Syrian helper is pouring on Grass
  8. Grass field on a hare
  9. Mitrasha tone
  10. Nastya be stingy
  11. I love the hare again
  12. Poryatunok Mitrashi
  13. End of the Orphan Helper
  14. Triumphant turn
  15. Treasure sun.
The shortest zmist of the fairy tale "Sontsya pantry" for a reader in 6 propositions
  1. The orphans Nastya and Mitrasha are blaming the Palestinians for the crane.
  2. At the dear stink of cooking, Mitrasha went straight, and Nastya in the round of Slipoy Elana.
  3. The Syrian helper is chasing Grass, and Grass is chasing a hare.
  4. Mitrasha falls into the Sleepy Elan and tone, and Nastya slumped over the crane.
  5. Weed ryatuє Mitrasha and the boy kills the orphan helper.
  6. Children turn around with a crane and a dog, and fellow villagers marvel at the masculinity of children.
Golovna dumka of the fairy tale "Sontsya pantry"
Love and happiness with the greatest human values, it is impossible to forget about yaks.

Why read the fairy tale "Sontsya Pantry"
Tsya tell us to trust us alone. Listen to reasonable joys, do not forget about those who are close to people. To read children spilno, to read do not be greedy and proud. Learn to love creatures that nature.

Response to the fairy tale "Sontsya Pantry"
Tse rozpovid the author not without reason called the kazkoy bill. The new chimerically woven kazkove that is real. At the new tree, life appears like a living thing, and creatures and birds are more intelligent. Ale, obviously, the masculinity of children was best for me. The stinks made pardons, the stinks deeply repented of them, even if you don’t know if you don’t care, it’s important for people. Even more than me, the dog Grass, the right friend of the people, who knows the great truth of life - that all our life is a great fight for the kohanna, has been worthy of me.

Prislіv'ya to the fairy tale "Pantry of the sun"
De zlagoda and lad - there on the right is belongings.
Є zlagoda, є th happiness.
A garniy dog ​​cannot be left without a ruler.
The dog is man's friend.
What is important to one, it is easy to sleep

Read a short zmist, a short retelling of the fairy tale "The Pantry of the Dream" chapter by chapter:
In one village, which lay belya Prodigal swamp, lived two orphaned children. Nastya, as everyone called the Golden Hen on high legs, that Mitrasha, who was called the Little Man at the Bear.
Nastya was tall, hairy ore, disclosing everything in the gossamer, and her nose was marveling uphill. Mitrasha was ten rokiv and vіn buv so all at the gully.
After the death of the fathers, the children had a great dominion - a cow, a goat, a heifer, a cow, a chicken, a pig and a pig. And the children coped with the government quite well. Those villages took their fate from the hromada life. Nastya from early in the morning bustled about the reign, Mitrasha learned how to work wooden utensils.
Yakby didn’t blow Nastya, Mitrasha was unconcernedly conceited, but Nastya easily trimmed in her brother’s clothes.
In the swamps, the crane berry is already savory, yak is taken early in autumn or spring. Spring cranes are especially tasty. The first axis, realizing that the swamps were already rolling in the snow, Nastya and Mitrasha began to pick up the crane.
Mitrasha took the Batkiv towel, the compass and slept Nastya, who remembered Palestine, talking about the father. It was the best place in the whole swamp, but there was the place of Slepoy Elana, the most safe place of the swamp.
Just before going out, Nastya choked on a cauldron of boiled potatoes, just in case.
The children quickly passed the front of the swamp and went to the borin, a low hump overgrown with pine forest, under the name of Borin's Dzvinka. The first crane berries have already appeared here. The children guessed about the Serogo Myslivtsya, the baked wolf, threatening their mist, and Mitrash lovingly stroking the towel.
It's early. The birds were asleep. If among them they knew their voices well, but Nastya didn’t know the deuces, and Mitrasha explained that the spring hare screamed like that, that the whistle hooted like that, and that the cranes chirped the sun so radiantly. Then the children sensed how far the wolves had wandered, but they didn’t need it in that beak.
Mitrasha once urged to turn the compass by a small stitch, and Nastya urged to go with a great stitch. Ale Mitrasha said that people often walk, there are few berries, and the stench turned to the stitch, indicated by the compass.
Two years ago, the wind threw two napkins into one hole, pines and yalinkas, and insults sprouted. The root of them intertwined, the stovstorms stretched until the sun, piercing one of the branches, and if the wind ripped the tree, the pine and the yelina wilted in pain. That way, that the wild dog piddled the wind, that the wild dog was nagging for the people and all the time, just out of anger.
To these trees, to the Lying Stone, children of that strength came. Above them, grouse-kosach grafted from the sun. Until this month, a few kosachivs flew up, as if they were not against being beaten, and a crow watched the beast behind them, which was sitting on eggs. And when a male arrived, she called out to youmu: "Viruchay."
At the same hour, the scythes began to fight, and the male crow, having become, climbed up to the scythe, which was sitting on the hilts.
Mitrasha, pointing at the compass needle, began to pronounce the collapse of the ice with a rumpled stitch, but Nastya began to chant.
The male crow crept closer to the kosach of the Daedalus.
Mitrasha said that he needed to go straight to Palestine, but Nastya reasoned with Yogo, saying that so much stink should be spent on Slipa Yelan.
Mitrasha got angry and alone broke with his stitch. And Nastya went another way.
The male crow overtook the black grouse and rushed at the new one. Vіn virvav at the black grouse shmatok fir'ya, and the trees were curled up and caught.
Sensing the wind, the hound Grass flew past Antipich's gatehouse. Two years ago old Antipich died, and it was a great grief for the dog.
No one knew how many fates Antipichu had, maybe eighty, or maybe all a hundred. Ale vіn mustache told the people of rozpovіst that it is true, if we are in peace. I said to Antipich, send Grass for the people, if you come this year.
Ale began a war, Antipich died, and Travtsі had a chance to ring out to a life of its own. Vaughn dragged spiky hares to a little bunny after a zvichka, but it didn’t even exist anymore - it fell apart like a mitt.
І Grass forked in grief, and before її howling, for a long time the Syrian helper had listened.
The Mislivtsy knew for sure that the young women of the Vovkiv lived in the Sukhoi River. The stinks surrounded the vovkіv with ensigns and they ruled the round-up. May all the wolves perished, but the Syrian helper survived, one shot through the yoma, the other whip, and for those years the Syrian helper infected the cows no less, lower the cіla.
The Syrian helper became a thunderstorm for the quiet city and the villagers prayed for them.
That wound, having felt the crown of trees, the Syrian helper wil_z іz lіgva і, hungry and evil, tezh curled.

The Syrian assistant, leaning towards Antipich's lodge, is about to pick up Travka. A little earlier The grass stopped growing, and fell on the hare's watering.
It so happened that one hare veiled to the Lying Stone, de children recently jumped up and galloped straight to Slipoy Yelani.
Grass immediately smelled the smell of people and the smell of a hare, and in front of her became an uneasy choice. Follow the hare, at that bik, where the smallest of people flies, or follow him, who flies in the bypass of Slipoy Elani.
The wind blowing from the side, where Nastya pishov and the dog got into trouble. From that side it smelled of bread and potatoes, and Grass, arguing that the hare could not go anywhere, blamed Nastya.
Mitrasha for an hour made his way through the Fornication swamp. Under Yogo's feet, the cupins and a ball of grass were springing up, and at last they saw Yogo's vaga. The heads of the nibi trees rushed in front, do not let the lad go forward, but Mitrash was put in front.
The birds made a hubbub, but Mitrasha did not snarl and fell asleep. Spiv pіdbadyoriv yogo and the boy remembered that the stitch was turning to the back. And in front lie a small equal expanse, without bushes, on the other side of which you can see white-bearded grass - a clear sign of human stitches.
I Mitrasha virishiv іti navprostets.
Blind Elan was called blind to that, because the water in her beast was overgrown with grass and it was not visible. I Mitrasha pishov right across Qiu Yelan.
I’ll first let you go, it’s easier to go, but step by step, you’ll sink deeper into the water, even to the knee. Mitrasha virishiv bulo turn around, virvatis z elani, and literally instructed to turn the grass-white-beard and virishiv to jump. Vin rushed forward and fell through his chest. Youmu was left with only one thing - to lay a towel on the swamp and trim.
The wind did not reach the new cry of Nastya and Mitrasha vіdpovіv, but the sister did not smell yoga. Some magpies were streaking around Mitrasha, and the lad began to cry.
At this hour, Nastya was picking up the crane in a stupor. I’m going to hit the berries, then we’ll use big saps. Vaughn forgot about her brother, about herself, about an hour. She navit zіyshla zі stitches and went there, where the її berry led.
Ale, shambling, turned and began to sew a stitch. She darted into one bіk, into another, and raptom behind the bushes yalіvtsa patted such that she forgot about everything in the world. The color of the bright-red red, like the berries of the Galyavin, that Palestine itself, seemed to my eyes.
In the middle of Palestine there was a hump, on which an elk stood. The elk, wondering indifferently at Nastya, who called the crustaceans and did not understand the greed of the people, that people did not recognize Nastya. And right in front of Nastya, a stump appeared, on which a black viper was basking.
Having pumped the viper, Nastya came to you and rose to her feet. The elk has come to know the person and vtik. And the command was Grass, the dog, which Nastya immediately recognized. Vaughn tried to guess the name of the dog, but the fool "Muravka" got into his head.
Nastya wanted to give bread to the dog, but bread at the bottom of the basket, full of berries. I Nastya grinned. How many hours have passed and de її brother. Vona fell to the ground with a cry and wept. Tsey cry and Chuv Mitrash.
The grass went up to Nastya and she licked her hand. Vaughn saw people's grief and waved. Tse vittya again feeling the Syrian helper and zrozumov, de dog.
And Grass sensed the fox's barking, and realized that she had taken the trail of the hare. Vona ran to the Lying Stone and began to talk to the hare. Ale stribayuchi, Grass missed and zaєts looping rushing straight to Slipa Єlan. The grass rushed after.
Zaєts grafted Grass directly on Slipa Єlan, de magpies teased Mitrasha. Zaєts vіdskochiv ubіk i lіg u svіy sled. Ale Travtsі already was not up to the new.
The grass marveled at the little man in Elani and thought that it was Antipich. Vaughn timidly wagged her tail and rapt sensed the most appropriate word for her: Seed. So having called її Mitrash.
The grass immediately lay down, knowing about Antipich. And Mitrasha zmusheny buv cunningly and click the dog, for he could not explain his plan to the fool. Vіn clicked Grass closer and closer, and if she got close to you, unstoppably grabbing Grass by the hind leg.
The dog rushed, not understanding how a person could fool Yogo like that. Vaughn would squirm, but Mitrasha would catch Grass for a friend's paw. I Axis Grass already brought Mitrash to the shore.
Vaughn saw it, but Mitrasha called anew affectionately, and the Grass squealed radiantly. Now she no longer hesitated, in front of her was Antipich. The man and the dog embraced and kissed one another.
If you do it right, they went well. Grass guessed about the hare and to finish the shvidko knew yogo next. Mitrasha changed the cartridges at the towel, and hid in the bushes, spodіvayuchis to shoot the hare. Here, viyshov, the Syrian helper and Mitrasha, shot the wolf just in the head. The orphaned helper was beaten.
Nastya felt like shooting and quickly knew her brother. Grass harvested the hare and the children were grilling the fire, preparing the evening and preparing for the night.
At the village, having found out that the children did not spend the night at home, they were stubborn and picked up their jokes, but then the stinks appeared themselves. The stench spoke about their usefulness and, regardless of those who were in the presence of the new cat of the crane, people did not immediately believe in the death of the Orphaned Helper. Ale myslivtsі went to the appointed place and found the corpse of a wolf.
Mitrasha became a hero in the eyes of fellow villagers. I didn’t hesitate to win, having pulled myself up, becoming a lad.
And Nastya also greeted fellow villagers. All selected cranes out there saw the evacuated children.
Peat is a source of wealth, as it is saved in swamps. Peat is the preserve of sleepy energy, so geologists call swamps comoros of the sun.

Babies and illustrations before the fairy tale "Sunny Pantry"

The best way to understand the sense of creation is to help help. "Sunshine pantry" - a fairy tale by the Radian writer M. Prishvin. Tsya book is recognized for childish reading, її vyvchayut in the middle class, but it carries in itself a deep philosophical sense, so її the main idea is that the problem of the relationship between people and nature is always relevant. The story is touched by the warmth of the author's love for his heroes and a very lively middle ground. At one time, the rozpovid is reminiscent of subtle humor, for which the readers fell in love with this kazka so much.

Thoughts about heroes

When preparing a school lesson, help the creative work. "Sunshine Pantry" is rightfully considered one of the best creations of Prishvin. Himself in this world of the world manifested his talent as a writer-artist, which evoked the beauty of Russian nature. Readers unanimously affirm that the main characters of the tale, brother Mitrasha and sister Nastya, looked far away.

A smart, respectable lad, a kind of pragmatic but self-reliant, and feisty, sensible girl, immediately won the sympathy of chanuvalniks, lovers of the creativity of a writer. For their warnings, the author sympathetically prompted an admonition on the contrast of their characters. Vіdguk (“The chamber of the son”, in such a rank, became not only a fairy-tale bill about the weather in nature, but a story about the relationship of two people who are so different from one another) about the book, showing the savings of the interest of today's readers to the point of simple and descho naїvnoy . All the stench reveals a hoarse plot, I will report on the psychological characteristics of the diyovih features and barvest description of the landscape.


Tvіr begins with a description of the life of heroes in the countryside. Diya is seen near the village near the town of Pereyaslavl-Zaleski. Nastya and Mitrasha are orphans, their fathers perished in the hour of war, so the stink of zmusheni alone to lead his reign. The girl gets up early to catch up with all the necessary work, and Mitrasha helps with everything. Readers testify to the truthfulness and authenticity of the description by the author of quiet folded minds, in which children have become stubborn. About those, naskіlki coristuvachas, having been worthy of their entry, note the vіdguk. “Sunshine Pantry” is one of the most read books by Prishvin herself for the joy of the faithful implementation of a difficult wartime work on the example of the working days of these little children.


The mail to the day was the decision of the brother and sister to go to the forest to pick a crane. The stinks were resolutely prepared before their campaign, because the way was not close, before the road could be guarded by troubles. The story "The pantry of the sun", the main heroes of which deserved the love of the reader with their uninterrupted and vagoy, to avenge even the barwist's description of the fox galyavin, where the children straightened the berries from the jokes.

Readers say that this place is one of the best in all the world, the scribbler with special love and warmth conveyed the mystery and beauty of the Russian forest. On my thought, this urovok carried a great sense of vanity, the shards of the most mysterious woods, having become this place, fired up the firebrands of the story. The book "Sunshine Pantry", the main heroes of the campaign cooked for an hour and went on different roads, which brought Mitrasha to marvelous usefulness, attacking the reader with a picture of the landscape, which leads the main action.

swamp scene

Nastya knew the galyavin with the crane and got so caught up in her selection that she forgot about welding with her brother. And the rest of the hour sank into the forest itself, for now, nareshti, not having drunk on the swamp. Readers rightly point out that the writer has not without reason so clearly described the whole path, like a lad who is looking for berries: behind these words, the image of a gloomy wilderness, dark trees, empty mіstsevostі vіdchutya unsafe and unfortunate, scho nasuvaєtsya. Like none of the Radian writers who managed to create an atmosphere of secrecy in nature M. Prishvin. "Sontsya Pantry" - Yaskra butt. Rozgornuta rozpovid about the road of Mitrash by the swamp, to the thought of readers, is one of the most intriguing moments in all books. The scene, created by the author, and enchanting, and lyakay one hour, to the one that followed him, cope with the underlying effect.

Budinochok forester

Particularly poignantly, that penetrating author tells about the life of Antipich in his dark and terrible world. Vіn mav a small hut, yak vіn borrowed at once with his dog Grass. This man was a mystic forester, and, regardless of the gloomy situation, he had a chance to live in such a way, he took the warmth of the people, almost to everything he felt. Even more important are the other characters by pressing M. Prishvin. “The storeroom of the sun” is the story of children, and the story of the life of a person in nature. At the time of the story, Antipich died, and in this little house there was only one Grass left. Vaughn poked at the hares, not suspecting that I was threatening the insecurity, but near by, constantly nibbling a terrible wolf, nicknamed Sirim Helper by the inhabitants of the city.


The most intense and stressful moment of the Kazakh is the scene, in which the author described the weather of Mitrash in the swamp. The lad, having made a rather unsafe path in order to get through to the galyavin, and, passing with a narrow stitch in the middle of the great trees, having drunk elan at the Slipa. This is how they called the fox bagnyuk near the village. The story "The chamber of the sun", which seems to be strimanity and lack of quavering, is characterized by drawing pictures of nature and hoarse scenes.

Behind the words of chitachіv, podіya in the swamp is the most intense and most dynamic in all the world, although the explanation is carried out in a great spirit and pace. However, for the firmness of the coristuvachiv, the author of the same style conveyed all the dynamics and tension of the moment. Behind the views of the greater chitachivs, we will especially look at that episode, in which the author reinforces the firmness and arrogance of the boy, who did not waste the presence of the spirit, which, having guessed for the sake of the father and zooms for help, Grass vryatuvatsya in the face of death.


At school lessons, students often teach the topic "Prishvin about nature." A look-out tvir is a better pidide for rozkrittya food, shards in a new forest are a full-fledged diy special. The author, following the kazkovy motives, shows how nature helps children in some way, but, on the other hand, it’s not safe. More koristuvachіv signifies that the writer proved the idea about those that dbailiva that reasonable interaction with the most important medium helped the heroes to overcome their insecurities. Later, the story “The chamber of the sun”, the theme of which is the necessity of the day of man and nature, was recognized as one of the best stories in the genre of kazka-bill in the venerable literature.


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