Tablet Lindinet 20 for what help. Lindinet - instructions for stosuvannya protizaplіdnyh pills, storage of hormones, side effects and analogues

Tablet Lindinet 20 for what help. Lindinet - instructions for stosuvannya protizaplіdnyh pills, storage of hormones, side effects and analogues

The contraceptive Lindinet 20 is used before hormonal preparations. When accepted, changes are observed in the body, so as not to give women the benefit. Appoint tsey zasіb mozhe tіlki lіkar - іnakshe great risk of side effects.

Lindinet 20 is a single-phase anti-cold zasib. When taken with intoxicating speeches, etinilestradiol and gestodene. Contraceptive presentations in two variants. Why do they stink? At the anti-flight walks Lindinet 20 smaller instead of estradiol, lower in Lindinet 30.

Lindinet 20 or Lindinet 30 lie in the hormonal background of a woman. Ring out the vins change from the vіkom. For example, after a gradual rise in estrogen levels in a woman's body, it moves. To that, the woman was 3-35 years old and won the people, more for everything, more expensively, the drug for 20 mcg of estradiol.

How is the drug? Lindinet 20 changing the camp of gynecological organs. Change the number of such authorities that the flood becomes small and practically impossible to find:

  • Sound spermatozoa penetrate the woman's system through the cervix. Superfluous estrogen is in such a rank that the mucous membrane of the region becomes supernaturally viscous. The present man simply cannot repair this barrier, and the spermatozoa die at the firth, not continuing the way;
  • The internal tissues of the uterus become unacceptable until the eggs are filled (blastocyst). In order to inspire as a conception of a dream, a wife of a state of clitin after that cannot be taken away from the life of speech and death.

In addition, a relatively small dose of state hormones in the preparation may not only have an anti-inflammatory effect. Yakshcho Lindinet 20, having made the right choice and having taken it correctly, following the scheme, it has a beneficial effect on the woman’s body:

  • To change the development of oncological diseases;
  • Gynecological organs will be less scalable to inflamed;
  • To develop negative symptoms of menstruation;
  • The monthly cycle is normalized by the hour.

Lindinet 20 - hormonal pills. And be sure to protect yourself with such good hormones. If the doctor is recognized as a doctor, they are not afraid of such problems in the body:

  • Damage to the church exchange;
  • Pіhvovі and uterine bleeding;
  • Ailments of the heart;
  • Damaged robotic liver;
  • Schilnist to the end of blood clots;
  • Nir's deficiency;
  • Movement of the arterial pressure;
  • The development of evil and good new creations;
  • Nicotine staleness;
  • A high level of estrogen in the body.

In addition, it is unacceptable to take Lindinet 20 tablets at the same time as women blame a child or enjoy breast milk. Aje at this hour at the woman's tіlі і so much more advanced together with estrogen. Dodatkova dose can quickly lead to negative consequences. It doesn’t seem like it’s about those, how to stink on the development of a child.

Under the hour of lactation, it is also important to remember about the feces on the hormonal antiseptics. Aja fluent speech - piece hormones that are excreted through mother's milk. In such a rank, stench can be thrown into the growth of a baby in the first month of life. І the result of such an injection is important to transfer.

Start drinking Lindinet 20 is required for the first five days of the month. With whom, the stench can be unstoppable. Lakatisya tsgogo not varto - pіgulki start children. In the first 14 db, protizaplidna develops. By stretching this term, it is necessary to use contraceptives to add additional contraceptives - for example, condoms or an intimate act of interruptions.

When taking it, it is necessary to supplement the temporal regimen. Appoint your own hour, if you are more comfortable drinking Lindinet 20. Do not enter into your regime.

Patient has 21 tablets. Tsgogo to stitch for a month. I'll take the pills of the day, and then we'll take a break for the next day. During this period, at least, vaginal bleeding is likely to occur. You can guess that menstruation has come - in fact, the appearance is less than guessing. There is no right menstruation for taking anti-estrogen drugs.

The contraceptive effect is stable. Since your body is in the first two days before Lindinet 20, you can forget about other anti-inflammatory methods. Obviously, you don’t blame the need for protection against the ZPSSh - here today’s medicine didn’t know anything, krim condoms.

Switching from other antizaplidnyh

How to switch to the walk? If you have been drinking contraceptives with 28 capsules in packs, start drinking Lindinet 20 as soon as you finish the packaging of the previous drug. As well as the anterior contraceptive, having transferred the scheme for 21 days, add a significant pause in the intake. And then go to Lindinet 20.

Chi vikoristovuvaty first two tizhnі dodatkovuyu contraception - to lie down in front of the drug. As a substitute for piece estrogen, Lindinet 20 simply boosts the necessary hormone levels. Yakshcho tse buli mini-drank and estrogen did not retaliate, varto dodatkovo reinsurance.

After vagity

In the first trimester of vagity, estrogen rіven did not change much. Yakshcho at this hour the vagіtnіst pripinilas through kakіs reasons - drink Lindinet 20 you can come day. In such a situation, it is not necessary to take extra care.

Well, the vaginess was interrupted in another third semester - rather, the cob of offensive menstruation. І in the first її days to begin to get used to Lindinet 20 according to the best scheme. After normal vagity, which ended with canopies, it is necessary to bud menstruation. In the first days, we begin to drink antiseptic pills, as it is prescribed for severe drunkenness.

Not varto turbuvatisya, as if you guessed about the missed pill before 12 years passed. At such a time, drink її. Antizaplidna diya with whom it does not weaken.

As if the woman missed the walk, and 12 years have already passed, children need to follow the recommendations:

  • First week. Stretching the offensive tizhnya varto dodatkovo zastosovuvat condom;
  • Another day for the cycle. Since the girl did not drink the drug for the whole hour, hormonally it would not be possible to allow supplementary contraception not to be taken. Obviously, the maiden already did not forget about the pills of this month;
  • 3rd week. Dodatkovo protizaplіdnі zastosovuvat not need. Ale, in the autumn pause, this situation will have to be taken care of.

When you take Lindinet 20, you can grow up in a way that is similar to menstruation when you see a woman once. For whom it is necessary simply not to win a significant pause.

It may be a viable option, as it is planned to do an important job or repair. Ale, be careful. Come so more than once, sleep with a nasty idea. Aje in this case is more likely to overdose the drug. І side effects can be overcome.

Memo for girls

Hormonal therapy is a price. Hormones can significantly change the physiological and psychological state of a person. Change the side effects and just add to the effects of Lindinet 20 don’t always be able to create the ideal drug.

That is why it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of anti-flying feathers. As friends and relatives have pleased you Lindinet 20, do not hurry to go to the pharmacy. To find out that for them the little ones really turned out to be garnimes, your mood may not be the same.

In order to understand why Lindinet 20 tablets are being passed, do not feed anyone, Crimean doctors. The gynecologist and endocrinologist may have the greatest competence in this nutrition. You need to carry out stench look at that analysis. Understand that you don’t have a contraindication. And the most important thing is to lie, how doses of hormones should be given for your equal to estrogen. It is possible that hormonal therapy may be more corny, and it is possible that it is strictly contraindicated.

In the instructions, the scheme for receiving is clearly defined wrong. Vaughn is folded in order to regulate, normalize your menstrual cycle. It’s better for that, all the same, don’t forget about pіgulki. Take a pack of Lindinet 20 protizaplidnyh pigulki there, de stinks will remember you and the hour of the reception not to fly out of your head.

A lot of young girls with the method of zapobіgannya vikoristovuyut oral contraceptives. It’s handy, hopeful, but on top of it, so you can still become pathologically deceitful. Ale, if it’s hormonal, the body reacts in its own way: zestrikayutsya and zatrimki, i see, smear, change the mood, as well as other signs.

Lindinet 20 and 30 are one of the first contraceptive preparations, which are actively used for curing and preventing pregnancy. What is the correct way to zastosovuvat pills, what are the peculiarities of drugs? How can you work, like, taking Lindinet, for a month to continue turbulent symptoms?

Read from my article

Acceptance rules

Lindinet is a combination oral contraceptive that contains estrogen and progestogen components. There are 21 buns in the package for the baby. This monophasic preparation, also, has the same number of intoxicating speeches in the skin capsule. Lindinet is the most suitable for young active girls, as they do not care for the supernatural mass of the body and the pronounced one.

Standard reception scheme

For the great minds of Lindinet, it is necessary to take it more often at that moment, if there are bloody visions of stately paths. At fixing the hour of the day, you should take a tablet with a stretch of 21 dobi. If it is necessary to make a break for this day. At the same hour, the woman will have menstrual-like visions from the state paths. The first capsule from the forward pack must be drunk on the 8th doba (the stench will fall on the day of the next day when taking the pill from the front pack).

Yakshcho Lindinet start drinking after other OK

In my opinion, I need to take a pill from the package, as it is only completed by taking other anti-inflammatory drugs. It is possible, bloody visions to wake up already, but you may not be. It is necessary to work with the removal of the contraceptive ring, plasty, etc.

If a woman switches to Lindinet-20 or 30 days after taking gestagenic preparations (mini-drinks), then you can start victorious pills no matter what day of the cycle.

After a vaccination reversal

In times, if a medical surgical abortion was performed before 12 days of pregnancy, Lindinet can be taken as early as the next day. No need to use a check if the critical days come. In my depression, taking Lindinet, scanty menstruation in the offensive cycle is the absolute norm.

Likewise, the reversal of pregnancy was after 12 days, and also after the stagnation, Lindinet's vicarization can be after the end of the 28-day interruption. And for the right zastosuvannya, it is necessary first of these days to zastosovuvat dodatkovі come in to defend in the light of unsatisfactory vagity.

Yakshcho ruined the hour of taking pills

Trappyaetsya, scho woman forgets to drink a pill at the hour. It's important, like a break came out.

Even though less than 12 years have passed, they should have taken faces at the same time when they were revealed. I'll take a pill - for the schedule.

If more than 12 years have passed, then there is no way to miss a pill, it is simply necessary to miss it, but almost from the upcoming schedule. But in this case, there is a risk of pregnancy growth, so the next step is to win supplementary methods of contraception for a stretch of seven days.

As for the moment, if there was a missed tablet, 6-7 pieces were lost in the package, then as soon as the pack is finished, it is necessary to start a new one without interruption. If Lindinet is taken, months will be in such a regime in 50 - 60 days, but the ability to see what is being smeared is not turned off, for a tense hour.

As if the woman had missed two pills, she should be taken, as if in a forward turn. For example, three more, I’ll use the in-line package of Vikinuti, start a new one, or I’ll tell you to stop drinking hormonal drugs. In the first week after such a disrupted schedule, it is necessary to find additional ways to prevent pregnancy.

Marvel at the video about hormonal contraception:

Injection per cycle

Lindinet can be used to combine monophasic anti-infective agents. Tse zoom in yoga with a splash get out. There are two different versions of the drug, which are administered with a dose of the estrogen component - 0.02 and 0.03 mg. It also adds to the possibility of side reactions.

The norm for taking pills

Ideally, regular intake of Lindinet is responsible for normalizing the woman's menstrual cycle up to 28-30 days. On the aphids of the drug, the amount of blood, which is used, changes.

The main characteristics of menstruation against the background of taking Lindinet with distant recognition of the drug:

  • , іnodi smearing character. As before, we were afraid of a brighter month, then when the pills are taken, the amount of menstrual blood will significantly change.
  • blame rarely and may have a non-trivial character, the use of analgesics is not necessary.
  • often 2 - 3 days, usually - 4 - 5. Up to 7 decibels, turbulence may be insignificant.
  • The cycle is regular, premenstrual symptoms are daily or slightly pronounced.

Lindinet changes or practically relieves pain syndrome in advance and before the hour of menstruation. Danish contraceptive drug, normalizing the hormonal state of the woman, reducing the development of the development.

In most episodes of depression after a month, after Lindinet, the onset of non-acceptable symptoms persists for 3-4 cycles.

Down cycle

Sometimes women need to keep their menstrual cycle going. Whom can be reached with the help of Lindinet. Ale, you need to ask about the whole thing at least 30 - 40 days in advance. To increase the cycle up to 50-60 decibels, then do not interrupt in the next two packs. Then in one of the monthly cycles there simply won’t be, the stench will blow after the completion of another pack. Rarely, but all the same, it happens that on the days of the month, an insignificant daub may appear.

Short cycle

It’s necessary to destroy the cob, or the end of the offensive cycle for a few days, the next break is not this, but less doby (however, it’s necessary to change the trivality as much as possible). Tsezh, apparently, you can only work a month in advance.

Nebazhanі change the cycle

Do not expect everything to go smoothly against the background of the reception of anti-falling puffs. It seems that after Lindinet the “months” start in the middle of the cycle, otherwise they don’t. In fact, monophasic preparations should be injected into the body of a woman. Adzhe is normal, the hormone levels are constantly affected, and the dose is suvoro fixed in tablets. For a long time, the body adapts to a new regimen, which sometimes manifests itself with different visions and symptoms.

The most damaged are:

  • After taking the first monthly pills, they are taken, or they become superficially small. Such vinikaє often, as a rule, and nadal_ menstruation will not be rich and not trivial.
  • There are irregular bloody visions that smear, from the paths of the state. Podіbne can try for a month to wind two. Most of the time, nothing worked, the cycle will be restored on its own in an hour. Alternately, it is possible not to take doses of the hormone in the preparation, but the cream is still taken by Lindinet-20.

In such a situation, switching to 0.03 mg of estrogen eliminated the problem. Mighty visions may be related to the development of the biological rhythms of a woman at the time of taking the pills. To exclude this factor, change the schedule, for example, from early in the evening to the next day. It often helps the body adapt better.

  • Packing vipita, and menstruation has come for 5-6 days, interrupt. Tse is a normal manifestation. It is assumed that menstruation begins on one of the days, not necessarily on the first.
  • The month after Lindinet did not come, if already after the completion of all the packaging, I would have stepped on my feet. So it’s also trapleyaetsya, panic is not varto, as if all the rules of zastosuvannya have been finished. Months are coming at the onset of the cycle, for the reason that the body has not yet been able to adapt. And yet, as critical days are trimmed up to 50 - 60 decibels from the front, next to go through the fahivtsiv. Possibly, the vineyard needs to make some adjustments before the reception.

Chi can zavagіtnіti pіd hour I will receive

Navіt when taking protizaplіdnyh, all turbulent nutrition, which is the best method, as described. It’s true, as if Lindinet didn’t have a few months, about vaginess to think about varto, especially in deaky moods. Before them lie like this:

  • Transfer of pills, especially if the interruption is more than 12 years, or a few pieces in a day. Also, the effectiveness of the antiseptics is reduced, as in one cycle, the sprat times have been damaged by the instruction on how to stop.
  • As if in one of the days I received a little nudity, vomiting or carry-over, and also, whether it was a damaged etching, it could lead to an incomplete soaking of the drug in the mucosal-intestinal tract.
  • As soon as I took the pills, the camp of a healthy girl took other medicines. Particularly useful are antibiotics (ampicillin, rifampicin and others), some pronoxious (senna extract), antifungals (fluconazole thinly), and singing dewdrops (for example, zvіrobіy). Therefore, in times of consumption in the liquor, it should be clearly known from the vzaєmodієyu zabіv and їх one-on-one, and even more quickly, the duration of the therapy and seven days after the end of the contraceptive supplementation.

If you don’t drink in an unruly camp, you don’t hurt your health, follow the instructions before taking the cob, respectfully follow the instructions and in emergency situations, take care of it. And in times of guilt of ignorance, they turn to the doctor.

Lindinet is a combination monophasic contraceptive drug, which is used in two variations - 0.02 and 0.03 mg of the estrogen component. Suitable for young and active girls. For dotrimannya rules zastosuvannya help to reach practically 100% protection from vіd vagіtnostі. Crawling against the background of Lindinet's reception, seeing what they are smearing, as well as other troubles. Most of the menstrual cycle is normalized for 2-3 months. For doubtful situations, one should turn to the doctor.

Monophasic progestogen-estrogen contraceptive drug.

Preparation: Lindinet 20
Active speech: ethinilestradiol, gestoden
ATX code: G03AA10
KFG: Monophasic oral contraceptive
Registry. number: P No. 015122/01-2003
Date of registration: 30.06.03
Vlasnik of the register. acc.: GEDEON RICHTER Ltd. (Ugryshchyna)


Coated tablets light yellow color, round, double; on the evils of a white or white color with a light yellow edging; offended parties without writing.

Additional speeches: sodium calcium edatate, magnesium stearate, anhydrous silicon coloid, poudone, corn starch, lactose monohydrate.

Shell warehouse: D+S Zhovtiy №10 S.I. 47005 (E104), povidone, titanium dioxide C.I. 7791 (E171), macrogol 6000, talc, calcium carbonate, sucrose.

21 pcs. - blisters (1) - cardboard boxes.
21 pcs. - blisters (3) - cardboard boxes.

The description of the drug is grounded on the official confirmation of the instructions on how to apply.


Monophasic progestogen-estrogen contraceptive drug. Ignore the secretion of gonadotropic hormones in the pituitary gland, galvanic maturation of follicles and the transition to the ovulation process. Increases the viscosity of the cervical mucus, which facilitates the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus.

L_indinet 20, Kirim Celebrate Vaggorodostі, positively inclion on the menstrual cycle (at yogo assured): Myscane cycle Stara Regular, Snyzhuzhnuyu обєM Bloodtradtooth PID HOUR HOUR MENSTRATSIA TYE FREQUENCY DESIGN MESSODFITIONNIKY AMEMIA, SNIGHESTE DISMENDORE FREQUENCE, EDC.

When the drug is taken, the frequency of fibroadenomas and fibrous cysts in milk ulcers, inflammation of the pelvic organs and endometrial cancer decreases. Polypshuyetsya camp shkіri with vugrovy hanging.




If I receive an internal dryness and it is practical, it will be 100% wet from the SHKT. After a single dose, C max is indicated after 1 year and becomes 2-4 ng / ml. Bioavailability - close to 99%.


Gestodene binds to albumin and globulin, which binds to state hormones (SHBG). 1-2% occur in plasma in the free form, 50-75% bind specifically to SHBG. An increase in the level of SHBG in the blood, caused by etinilestradiol, is added to the level of gestodene: an increase in the fraction associated with SHBG, and a decrease in the fraction associated with albumins. Average V d - 0.7-1.4 l / kg. Pharmacokinetics of gestodene lie in the form of GZNG. The concentration of SHBG in blood plasma under the influence of estradiol increased by 3 times. With an early introduction, the concentration of gestodene in plasma increases by 3-4 times and in the other half of the cycle it is similar.

Metabolism and vision

Gestodene is biotransformed in the liver. The average clearance should be 0.8-1.0 ml/min/kg. The riven of gestodene in blood syrovatts decreases biphasically. T 1/2 in?-phase - 12-20 years. Gestodene is less likely to be excreted in the form of metabolites, 60% - from the section, 40% - from the feces.



If I take internally etinilestradiol, I get wet and practical. The average Cmax in blood syrovatt reaches 1-2 years after admission and becomes 30-80 pg / ml. Bioavailability through presystemic conjugation and primary metabolism is close to 60%.


Mostly (about 98.5%), but non-specifically associated with albumin and inducing an increase in the level of SHBG in blood circulatory system. Average V d - 5-18 l / kg.

C ss is restored up to 3-4 days after taking the drug and won by 20% more, lower after a single dose.


Applies to aromatic hydroxylation with the adoption of hydroxyl and methylated metabolites, which are present in the form of free metabolites or in the form of conjugates (glucuronides and sulphates). Metabolic clearance from blood plasma becomes close to 5-13 ml.


Concentration in blood syrovats decreases biphasically. T 1/2 in?-phase - close to 16-24 years. Etinilestradiol is seen only in the form of metabolites, in the ratio 2:3 in the section and in the liver.




Tablets are taken internally independently from the inside, not rotting, drinking a sufficient amount of water.

The drug should be taken from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, 1 tab. / Doba (if possible at the same time and at the same time) for 21 days, after which a 7-day break follows. Under the hour of the 7-day break, there is menstrual-like bleeding. After 7 days, stop immediately if the bleeding has ended, or just start, continue taking the drug from the offensive package. In this order: 3 days - taking pills, 1 day - a break. Start taking the drug from a new skin pack on the same day of the week.

First reception Lindinet 20 should be started on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle.

When switching to Lindinet 20 from the last oral contraceptive, the first tablet of Lindinet 20 should be taken after taking the remaining pill from the package of the second oral hormonal contraceptive, on the first day of menstrual-like bleeding. The cob is allowed to be taken on the 2nd-5th day of the menstrual cycle, but in this case it is recommended to use additional methods of contraception.

When you switch to Lindinet 20, you can start taking Lindinet 20 on any day of the cycle. You can switch from stopping the implant to taking Lindinet 20 the next day after the removal of the implant. In case of zastosuvanni іn'єktsіy - the day before the chergovoi іn'єktsіy. In these cases, in the first 7 cases, it was necessary to zastosovuvat additional methods of contraception.

After abortion in the 1st trimester of pregnancy it is possible to administer Lindinet 20 twice a day after surgery. In this case, there is no need to establish additional methods of contraception.

After the slopes otherwise, after an abortion in another trimester, pregnancy can be started with the drug in 21-28 days. In these cases, in the first 7 days, it is necessary to stop additional methods of contraception. As if after a half-life or abortion before sexual contact, before taking the drug on the cob, turn off the pregnancy or turn on the cob before the first menstruation.

At pass The person who takes the pill missed the pill and needs to take it again. If the interval for taking pills becomes less than 36 years, then the effectiveness of the drug will not decrease, and in this case there is no need to stop the supplementary method of contraception. Other pills need to be taken at the right time. If the interval becomes longer than 36 years, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease. In this case, the woman is guilty of taking the missed pill, and in the future, the pill is guilty of taking it in the normal mode, and in the future, it is necessary to stop additional methods of contraception. Even in the package, less than 7 tablets were lost, taking the drug from the offensive package should be started without interruption. In this case, menstrual-like bleeding does not occur until the completion of the drug taken from another package, but there may be bleeding, which can be smeared or else.

Although menstrual-like bleeding does not occur after the completion of the received drug from another package, before continuing with the received drug, the next step is to turn off the vagity.

For a period of 3-4 years after taking the drug, vomiting and/or diarrhea can begin, which may reduce the contraceptive effect. For example, the symptoms persisted for 12 years, requiring 1 additional tablet. After that, proceed with taking the pills with a great order. If the symptoms of diarrhea continue for more than 12 years, it is necessary to try additional methods of contraception in the next 7 days.

For early menstruation on the cob next to change the interruption in taking the drug. The shorter the break in the dose, the more it is easier, which does not cause menstrual bleeding, but more bleeding, which is smeared, will appear for an hour to the drug taken from the offensive packaging.

For stuttering on the cob of menstruation taking the drug, it is necessary to continue from a new package without a 7-day interruption. Menstruation can be delayed for as long as necessary until the end of taking the remaining pill from another package. With a stoppage of menstruation, there may be bleeding or bleeding, which is smeared. Regular intake of Lindinet 20 can be resumed after a significant 7-day break.


From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely - thromboembolism, thrombosis (including the vessels of the eye), arterial hypertension.

From the side of the herbal system: inodi - nudota, vomit, hepatitis, hepatocellular adenoma.

From the side of the state system: sometimes - intermenstrual bloody vision, changes in vaginal secretion.

From the side of the endocrine system:іnоdі - vіdchutya narugi in milk vaults, change body weight, change libido.

From the side of the central nervous system: emotional lability, depression, confusion, headache, migraine, weakness, volatility.

Other: pain in the lower abdomen, chloasma, discomfort when wearing contact lenses, sodium and sodium retention in the body, allergic reactions, impaired glucose tolerance.

On the side of laboratory indications: in case of oral contraceptives, laboratory indicators (functional indicators of the liver, nirok, supraorbital cavities, thyroid cavities, indicators of blood pressure and fibrinolytic factors, equal lipoproteins and transport proteins) may change between normal values, if the difference is significant.


Illness, which is accompanied by pronounced damage to the functions of the liver;

Swelling of the liver (including history);

Thrombosis and thromboembolism (including history);

Myocardial infarction (including history);

Heart failure;

Cerebrovascular damage (incl. in history);

become, scho to overcome thrombosis (including transient ischemic attacks, angina pectoris);


sickle cell anemia;

Estrogen-deposited puffins, incl. swelling of the milk follicle or endometrium (including history);

Blood diabetes, complications of microangiopathies;

Uterine bleeding of unclear etiology;

Idiopathic zhovtyanitsa and Sverbіzh pіd vagіtnostі hour;

Presence in history of herpes;

Otosclerosis will become worse due to an hour of early pregnancy;



Contraindication. Increased sensitivity to drug components.

W thrift slіd priznachati preparation for nayavnostі numerical vipadkіv zahvoryuvannya cancer molochnoї zalozi in sіmeynomu anamnezі at dobroyakіsnih zahvoryuvannyah molochnoї zalozi (pogіrshuvati perebіg horeї vagіtnih poperednє priznachennya Mauger) at horeї vagіtnih at tsukrovomu dіabetі, epіlepsії, zhovchnokam'yanoї hvorobi at holestatichnіy zhovtyanitsі. hours in vaginal history), arterial hypertension, thrival immobilization, major surgical cases, depression (including history), migraine.


The preparation of contraindications for zastosuvannya with vaginosti.

If necessary, the prescription of the drug during lactation should be followed by nutritional support for the induction of breastfeeding. Active speech to the drug in small quantities is seen in breast milk, adding to the quantity and quality of milk.


The use of oral contraceptives increases the risk of myocardial infarction. Risk of development of myocardial infarction increases in women who burn, may have additional risk factors: arterial hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and diabetes mellitus.

Chicken pіd hour zastosuvannya hormonal contraceptives zbіshuє risik development of cardiovascular complications. Tsei risk is growing out of vіkom. For women over 35 years of age who take Lindinet 20, it is recommended to smoke or reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke. The congestion of oral contraceptives increases the risk of development of disease in the vessels of the brain.

Against the background of hormonal contraceptives stagnation, an increase in arterial pressure is observed, often in women older than 35 years, or else they take the drug for a three-hour period. An increase in the arterial pressure is often indicated against the background of the congestion of drugs with a large amount of hormones.

For women with a history of hypertension or illness, the drug is not recommended. If the recognition of the drug is necessary, then during the period of taking Lindinet 20, it is necessary to strictly control the arterial pressure and, as a result, it is significant to increase yoga, while taking the drug, follow the prescription. Most of the patients treated with the drug AT turn up to normal.

Risk of development of venous thromboembolic disease (VTZ) in women who take oral hormonal contraceptives, mostly, lower in those who do not take. However, this risk is less significant, the lower risk is VTZ vagіtnih. From 100,000 female women, approximately 60 suffer from VTZ, although the frequency of occurrence of VTS in the middle women, if they take gestodene in the combination, becomes close to 30-40 cases out of 100,000 women per river.

Risk of occurrence of arterial or venous thromboembolic disease increases the onset factors: older than 35 years of age, smoking, positive family history for VTZ (illness of fathers or brothers and sisters in young age, obesity (mass body index more than 30 kg/m2) (dyslipoprotenemia), arterial hypertension, valvular heart disease, atrial fibrillation, trival immobilization, major surgery, leg surgery, severe trauma.

At the same time, in case of risk of thromboembolic disease growth in the postoperative period, it is necessary to take the drug 4 days before the planned operation and take it again 1 day after the activation of the patient.

When taking the drug, it should be administered negligently when symptoms of thromboembolism appear: pain in the chest (which can be irradiated in the left arm, abnormally strong pain in the legs, swelling of the legs, hostile pain, cola with inhalation or cough, hemoptysis).

In some cases, it is reported about the frequent depression of the cervix in women, who took oral contraceptives for a long time. Imovirnist the development of cervical cancer to fall due to sexual behavior and other factors (human papilloma virus).

A meta-analysis of 54 epidemiological studies showing that there is a significant increase in the risk of development of breast cancer in women who take oral hormonal contraceptives. The frequency gradually decreases at the onset of 10 years after the ingestion of tablets. The investigations did not bring the evidence of a causal-and-hereditary relationship between breast cancer and the use of drugs.

There were occasional reports about the development of benign liver swelling in women, for a long time to take hormonal contraceptives, with a possible development of severe complications - intracranial bleeding. With a trivial stagnation, the development of an evil liver fluff was observed.

In case of congestion of oral contraceptive methods, thrombosis of the vessels of the eye can rarely develop. Taking the drug should be administered when there is a loss of vision (new or partial), exophthalmos, diplopia, or when there is a swollen nipple of the optic nerve, or changes in the vessels of the sitkivka.

Behind the data, there is a significant risk of the elimination of gallstones with a century of growth in women, if they take oral contraceptives or preparations to avenge estrogen. The rest of the investigations showed that the risk of gallstone disease is less in case of congestion of preparations with a small dose of hormones.

If you experience or worsen a migraine attack, or if you experience a permanent or non-severe headache, take the drug immediately.

Taking the drug Lindinet 20 should be treated negatively with the appearance of a generalized vermin, with the development of an epileptic attack.

On aphids, taking hormonal contraceptives may lead to a decrease in tolerance to glucose.

In some women, an increase in the level of triglycerides in the blood during oral contraceptive use was revealed. A number of progestogens reduce the concentration of HDL in blood plasma. At the same time, estrogen increases the concentration of HDL in blood plasma, injecting oral contraceptives into the exchange of lipids to accumulate in the form of estrogen and progestogen, in the dose of the drug form. The need for constant monitoring of lipid metabolism.

In women with spasmodic hyperlipidemia, if they take drugs that contain estrogen, they have shown a sharp increase in plasma triglycerides, which can lead to the development of pancreatitis.

If Lindinet 20 is blocked, especially in the first 3 months of taking it, intermenstrual bleeding may occur. If bleeding is saved more often, or because of the fact that regular cycles were formed, then turn off the vagity or show other reasons. Often the cause of such bleeding is the irregular intake of pills.

In other periods, menstrual-like bleeding with a 7-day interval does not appear. If before CYM the regimen of the drug was broken, or if it bleeds daily after taking another package, before continuing with the drug, it is necessary to switch off the vaginess.

Before the cob zastosuvannya drug slіd zіbrati memo sіmeyny that special person anamnesis, conduct zagalnomedichny that gіnekologіchny Look around (vimіryuvannya AT doslіdzhennya dairy zaloz, doslіdzhennya organіv small pelvis, tsitologіchne doslіdzhennya smear), and takozh neobhіdnі laboratornі doslіdzhennya (funktsіonalnі pokazniki pechіnki, nirok, nadnirkovih zaloz, infections, indications of blood pharynx and fibrinolytic factors, levels of lipoproteins and transport proteins). Follow-up to carry out skin care for 6 months.

The patient should be in front, so that the ingestion of the drug does not protect against infections, which are transmitted by the state route, the drug from SNID.

In acute cases of chronically damaged liver function, the drug should be taken until normalization of indications.

In times of depression, when taking Lindinet 20, dose the drug and then switch to another method of contraception to clarify the relationship between the development of depression and the drug taken. Assigned to the drug to patients who have a small history of depression, may be less likely under a closer examination, if signs of depression appear, they should be noticed.

With oral contraceptives, the concentration of folic acid in the blood may decrease. There may be clinical significance only at the time of current pregnancy after a short interval of an hour after completion of oral contraceptive use.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, vaginal bleeding.

Likuvannya: prescribe symptomatic therapy, no specific antidote.

No severe symptoms have been described following administration of the drug at high doses.


The contraceptive activity of Lindinet 20 is reduced by one-hour administration of ampicillin, tetracycline, rifampicin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, phenylbutazone, phenytoin, griseofulvin, topiramate, felbamate, oxcarbazepine. These medicinal measures increase the clearance of active speech to the drug and can lead to the development of prolific uterine bleeding. For an hour taking Lindinet 20 with other drugs, as well as for 7 days after the completion of the course, it is necessary to take additional non-hormonal (condom, spermicidal gel) methods of contraception. If rifampicin is blocked, additional methods of contraception should be stopped for 4 days after the completion of yoga intake.

In the case of one-hour exposure to Lindinet 20, there may be a drug that increases the motility of the CT, reduces the absorption of active speech and blood plasma.

Sulfation of etinilestradiol occurs at the intestinal wall. Preparations that also provide sulphation in the intestinal walls (including ascorbic acid), competitively sulphate ethinilestradiol and thereby enhance the biological availability of ethinilestradiol.

Drugs that tamper with the activity of hepatic enzymes (including itraconazole, fluconazole), increase the concentration of etinilestradiol in plasma.

Etinilestradiol by way of inhibition of liver enzymes or accelerated conjugation (usamped glucuronidation) may affect the metabolism of other drugs (zocrema cyclosporine, theophylline); Plasma concentrations of these drugs may either increase or decrease.

In case of one-hour instillation of Lindinet 20 with St. John's wort (including infusion), the concentration of active speech in the blood decreases, which can lead to the appearance of bleeding, vaginess. The reason for this is inducing St. John's wort on liver enzymes, as it is three days after the completion of the course of taking St. John's wort.

Ritonavir reduces the AUC of ethinilestradiol by 41%. In conjunction with the cym pid hour of stagnation of ritonavir, the hormonal contraceptive should be sedated with a higher dose of ethinilestradiol, or the hormonal contraceptive methods should be susceptibly administered.


The drug is allowed by prescription.


List B. The drug should be taken at a temperature not higher than 30 ° C, in a place inaccessible to children. The term of appurtenance is 3 years.

Catad_pgroup Combined oral contraceptives

The most physiological contraceptive that preserves the quality of sexual life. For treatment of clear and/or trival menstrual bleeding without organic pathology.

Lindinet 20 - official instruction from zastosuvannya

Registration number:

P No. 015122/01

Trade name of the drug:

Lindinet 20

International non-proprietary name:

ethinilestradiol + gestodene

Pharmaceutical form:

tablets in shell.


speech active: etinilestradiol - 0.02 mg and gestodene - 0.075 mg
additional speeches: in the core: Sodium calcium dietate - 0.065 mg; magnesium stearate - 0.200 mg; silicon dioxide coloid - 0.275 mg; povidone - 1,700 mg; corn starch - 15,500 mg; lactose monohydrate 37.165 mg;
in the shell: Barvnik quinolinovy ​​zhovtii E 104 (D+S Zhovtiy No. 10 E 104) – 0.00135 mg; povidone - 0.171 mg; titanium dioxide - 0.46465 mg; macrogol 6000 - 2.23 mg; talc - 4.242 mg; calcium carbonate - 8.231 mg; sucrose - 19.66 mg.


Round, biconvex tablets, covered with shell, light yellow color. On the evil of a white or white color with a light-yellow edging, offending the sides without writing.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

contraceptive zasib (estrogen + progestogen)

ATX code:


Pharmacological authorities

Combinations zasіb, dіya zumovlena efektov komponentіv, scho enter to yogo stock. Ignore the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. The contraceptive effect of the drug is due to the use of kilkom mechanisms. The estrogenic component of the drug is highly effective orally LZ - etinilestradiol (synthetic analogue of estradiol, which takes part in the regulation of the menstrual cycle together with the hormone of the stomach). The gestagenic component, similar to 19-nortestosterone, is gestodene, which overrides the strength and selectivity of not only the natural hormone of the stomach, progesterone, but also synthetic gestagens (levonorgestrel and other). Signs of high activity of gestodene vicorate in even low doses, in some veins they do not show androgenic power and practically do not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
Conjunction of the central of the peripheral mechanisms, Shaho's peripherals of the Zdatnoye, the contraceptives of the Effects of the Zinageli, the contraceptions of the Effects of the Zinageni Spring Endometer to Blastocysti, and Torzozhniy the Blossomy Slision, shave in the Ushtsі uterus, Shaho to ride oursa.
Krіm contraceptive effect drug with regular use may and lіkuvalnu diyu, normalizing the menstrual cycle and concomitantly preventing the development of low gynecological diseases, incl. Fluffy nature.

Vsmoktuvannya When you take it internally, it is dry and povnistyu get wet. After taking one dose, the maximum concentration in plasma decreases in a year and becomes 2-4 ng / ml. Biological availability is close to 99%.
Rozpodil: enters into bonds with albumin and globulin, which binds hormones (SHBG). 1-2% in a free patient, 50-75% specifically associated with SHBG. The increase of the SHBG level, bound with ethinilestradiol, is added to the gestodene rye, leading to an increase in the fraction associated with SHBG and a decrease in the fraction, associated with albumin. The volume of dosed gestodene was 0.7-1.4 l/kg.
Metabolism: supports the pathway of steroid metabolism Average plasma clearance: 0.81 ml/min/kg.
Vivedennya: the rіven in the blood decreases in two stages. The hour of the collapse at the end of the phase is 1220. It occurs exclusively in the form of metabolites: 60% from the section, 40% from feces. The hour of drinking metabolites is approximately 1 doba.
Stable concentration: Pharmacokinetics of gestodene significant in the world to be deposited in the same way as SHBG. Under the influence of etinilestradiol, the concentration of SHBG in the blood increases in three; with the given drug, gestodene rive in plasma is increased in trichotiri, and in the other half of the cycle it will reach the peak.
Vsmoktuvannya When taken internally, it is swept up quickly and practically povnistyu. The maximum concentration in the blood dies after 1-2 years and becomes 30-80 pg/ml. Absolute biological availability is ≈60% through presystemic conjugation and primary metabolism in the liver.
Rozpodil: easy to enter at non-specific links with blood albumin (about 98.5%) and cause an increase in the level of SHBG. The average total was 5-18 l/kg.
Metabolism: zdіysnyuєtsya leading rank for the aromatic hydroxide rahunok with the adoption of large quantities of hydroxyl and methylated metabolites, which are often found in vilnіy, often in conjugated forms (glucuronide and sulphate). Plasma clearance ≈5-13 ml/min/kg.
Vivedennya: Concentration in syrovattsi decreases in two stages. The hour of drinking in the other phase is ≈16-24 years. It can be found exclusively in the form of metabolites in the ratio of 2:3 from the section to the liver. An hour of drinking metabolites - 1 dobu.
Stable concentration: Stable concentration is restored up to 3-4 days, with etinilestradiol at 20% higher, lower after taking one dose.

Indication before zastosuvannya



  • vagіtnіst chi pіdozra on ї;
  • lactation;
  • the presence of important factors in the risk of venous and arterial thrombosis, zocrema. aggravated damage to the valvular apparatus of the heart, atrial fibrillation, disease of the vessels of the brain and coronary arteries; uncontrolled arterial hypertension of moderate or severe stage s AT 160/100 mm Hg and more);
  • causes of thrombosis (including transient ischemic attack, angina pectoris), including those in history;
  • migraine due to moderate neurological symptoms, including in history;
  • venous or arterial thrombosis / thromboembolism (including thrombosis of the deep veins of the homilk, embolism of the legenous artery, myocardial infarction, stroke) or anamnesis,
  • the presence of venous thromboembolism in relatives;
  • serious surgical intervention due to trivial immobilization;
  • bloody diabetes (with the presence of angiopathies);
  • pancreatitis (including history), which is accompanied by severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • severe liver disease, cholestatic liver disease (incl. in the anamnesis (before normalization of functional and laboratory parameters and for a period of three months after the return of these indicators to the norm);
  • zhovtyanitsa in the past to take LZ, to avenge steroids;
  • zhovchokam'yana ailment in the present hour or anamnesis;
  • Gilbert's, Dubin-Johnson's, Rotor's syndrome;
  • swelling of the liver (including history);
  • strong sverbіzh, otosclerosis or progression to otosclerosis before the hour of the previous pregnancy or taking glucocorticosteroids;
  • hormone-depleted evils of newly formed organs and milk diseases (including pidozra on them);
  • vaginal bleeding of unclear etiology;
  • hens for women older than 35 years (over 15 cigarettes per day);
  • іndivіdualna podvishena susceptibility to the drug chi yogo components.

For protection
Become, scho to increase the risk of development of venous or arterial thrombosis / thromboembolism: older than 35 years of age, smoking, downturn to thrombosis (thrombosis, myocardial infarction, or impaired cerebral blood flow in a young person in one of the closest relatives); hemolytic uremic syndrome, spadkovy angioedema, liver disease; illness, which in the past vinicles or aggravated during the first hour of vagity, or on aphids in front of the intake of state hormones (including porphyria, vaginal herpes, chorea mala (Sidengam's disease), Sidengham's chorea, chloasma); ozhirіnnya (Masi іndeks tіla bіlshe 30 kg / square meter), dislіpoproteїnemіya, arterіalna gіpertenzіya, mіgren, epіlepsіya, klapannі wadi sericite, fіbrilyatsіya peredserdya, under study is іmmobіlіzatsіya, wider hіrurgіchne vtruchannya, hіrurgіchne vtruchannya, nizhnє poverhnevy tromboflebіt, pіslyapologovy perіod (scho not goduyut women 21 days after the fall; women who are born after the completion of the lactation period), the presence of an important depression, incl. in history, changes in biochemical indications (resistance of activated protein C, hyperhomocysteinemia, antithrombin III deficiency, protein C or S deficiency, antiphospholipid antibodies, including antibodies to cardiolipin, canine anticoagulant).
Bloody diabetes, not aggravated by vascular disorders, systemic chervoniy vovchak (VKV), Crohn's ailment, virazkovy colitis, sickle cell anemia; hypertriglyceridemia (including those with a family history), acute and chronic liver disease.

Vagity and lactation period

It is contraindicated in breastfeeding for the duration of the pregnancy and during the period of one year.

Method of stosuvannya that dose

Take 1 tablet per day for 21 days, if possible at the same hour. Then, having made a 7-day break in taking the pills, introduce oral contraception (that is, after 4 days after taking the first pill of the same day). Under the hour of the 7th day, interrupt the uterine bleeding due to the influence of the hormone.
First tablet: Take Lindinet 20 times a day from the first to the fifth day of the menstrual cycle.
Switching from a combined oral contraceptive to taking Lindinet 20: The first tablet of Lindinet 20 is recommended to be taken after taking the remaining hormonal tablet of the previous drug, on the first day of bleeding.
Switching from progestogen-injected preparations (mini pills, injectables, implant) to taking Lindinet 20: You can change the type of "mini" tablets on any day of the menstrual cycle; at the time of the implant - the coming day after the end of the day; in times of injection - ahead of the rest of the injection.
In the first 7 days of taking the drug Lindinet 20, it is necessary to stop an additional method of contraception.
Taking Lindinet 20 days after abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy:
By taking a contraceptive, you can start immediately after an abortion, if there is no need to stop an additional method of contraception.
Taking Lindinet 20 days later or after an abortion in another trimester of pregnancy: By taking a contraceptive, you can use it for 21-28 days after a half-life or an abortion in another trimester of pregnancy. If I take a contraceptive early, in the first 7 days, it is necessary to stop the additional barrier method of contraception. In case of contraception, if the mother has contact before the onset of contraception, the first step is to start before taking the drug, turn off the presence of new vagity or start menstruation.
Missed walks
As soon as I take the pills for omissions, I should remember the missed dose earlier. In case of constipation, which does not exceed 12 years, the protizaplidna dose to the drug is not reduced, and there is no need for an additional contraceptive method. Other tablets should be taken in the normal regimen.
With greater lower 12-year-old zatrimci, the antiseptic effect may decrease. In such cases, it is not necessary to repeat the missed dose, continue taking the drug in the normal mode, however, at the onset of 7 days, it is necessary to stop the supplementary method of contraception. Even if there were less than 7 tablets in the package, then taking the tablets from the offensive package should be started without interruption. In such cases, uterine bleeding occurs only after the completion of another package; pіd an hour to take pills from another package, bleeding is possible, which is smeared or otherwise.
As soon as you complete taking the pills from another package, bleeding is not observed, then, first, continue taking a contraceptive, and then turn off the presence of vagity.
Come in, scho get used to different vomits and diarrhea:
As if in the first 3-4 years, after the reception of the chergovoi bun, the vomit vomits, the bat gets wet. In such cases, it was necessary to reach the indications described in the paragraph “Missed pills”.
If the patient does not use the normal contraceptive regimen, missed pills should be taken from the other packaging.
The delay of menstruation and the early terms of the onset of menstruation:
From the method of stopping menstruation before taking the pills from the new package, proceed without interruption. Menstruation can be delayed for bazhannym doti, docks do not run out of all pills from another package. With a stoppage of menstruation, it is possible to rupture or uterine bleeding, which is smeared. Before the start of taking the pills, you can turn around after a 7-day interruption.
With the method of more early onset of menstrual bleeding, you can shorten a 7-day break for a bagan for a few days. If the break is shorter, then it is more likely to cause bleeding or spotting bleeding for an hour taking pills from the offensive packaging (similar to depression due to a blackout of menstruation).

Pobichna diya

Side effects, in case of the appearance of any need for negaine use of the drug:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • hemolytic-uremic syndrome;
  • porphyria;
  • hearing loss, zoomed in by otosclerosis.

Rіdko zustrіchayutsya: arterial and venous thromboembolism (including myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombosis of the deep veins of the lower ends, thromboembolism of the legenous artery); zagostrennya jet system red dog.
They rarely streak: arterial or venous thromboembolism of the hepatic, mesenteric, nirk, retinal arteries and veins; Sidenham's chorea (which should be taken after administration of the drug).
Other side effects are less important, but more often they are sharpened. Dotsilnist prodovzhennya zastosuvannya drug vyrishuєtsya іndivіdіdually pіslya konsultії s zіkarem, vhodyachiyі іz svіvіdnoshennya measles / rizik.

  • reproductive system: acyclic bleeding / blood sighting from the pihvi, amenorrhea after the administration of the drug, change in the mucus of the pihvi, development of the ignition processes of the pihvi (eg: candidiasis), change in libido.
  • Dairy plant: tension, bіl, zbіlshennya milk infections, galactorrhea
  • Shlunkovo-intestinal tract and hepato-biliary system Key words: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, epigastric pain, Crohn's ailment, viral colitis, hepatitis, liver adenoma, vyniknennya or acute zhovtyanitsa and / or vervil, associated with cholestasis, cholelithiasis.
  • Shkira: vuzlov / exudative erythema, hanging, chloasma, increased hair loss.
  • Central nervous system: headache, migraine, change mood, become depressive.
  • Metabolic damage: Stimulation of blood in the body, change (improvement) of body fat, increase in triglycerides and blood circulation, decrease in tolerance to carbohydrates.
  • Organi chuttya: hearing loss, increased sensitivity of the horn of the eye when wearing contact lenses.
  • Other: Allergic reactions.


The use of large doses of an antiseptic drug is not accompanied by the development of severe symptoms. Signs of overdose: nudity, vomit, in young girls there is little bleeding. There is no specific antidote, symptomatic relief.

Interaction with other medical care

The antiseptic effect of oral contraceptives decreases with one-hour intake of rifampicin, frequent bleeding and disrupted menstruation.
Similar, however, is less common in interactions between contraceptive methods and carbamazepine, primidone, barbiturates, phenylbutazone, phenytoin and ymovirno, griseofulvin, ampicillin and tetracyclines. It is recommended to use an additional method of contraception (condom, spermicidal gel) at the same time with oral contraception. After the completion of the course of treatment with the supplementary method of contraception, it should be continued for 7 days, in case of treatment with rifampicin - for 4 days.
Interaction associated with the inoculation of the drug: Under the hour of diarrhea, the absorption of hormones decreases due to increased intestinal motility. Whether it be a drug, which quickly releases hormonal levels in the large intestine, to bring the hormone to low concentrations in the blood.
Interactions related to drug metabolism:
Intestinal wall: Preparations that are sulphated in the intestinal wall similarly to etinilestradiol (eg, ascorbic acid), galvanize metabolism and increase the bioavailability of etinilestradiol in a competitive way.
Metabolism in the liver: Inducers of microsomal liver enzymes reduce the level of etinilestradiol in blood plasma (rifampicin, barbiturate, phenylbutazone, phenytoin, griseofulvin, topiramate, hydantoin, felbamate, rifabutin, oscarbazepine). Liver enzyme blockers (traconazole, fluconazole) increase the level of etinilestradiol in blood plasma.
Influx on the intrahepatic circulation: Active antibiotics (e.g., ampicillin, tetracycline), interfering with intrahepatic estrogen circulation, reduce plasma levels of ethinilestradiol.
Investment in the exchange of other medical benefits: Blocking liver enzymes or speeding up conjugation in the liver, most importantly potentiating glucuronidation, etinilestradiol adds to the metabolism of other drugs (eg, cyclosporine, theophylline), leading to an increase or decrease in plasma concentrations.
It is not recommended to administer drugs overnight with St. John's wort ( Hypericum perforatum) with Lindinet 20 tablets through the possibility of a decrease in the antiseptic effect of the active speech of the contraceptive, which can be accompanied by the appearance of breakthrough bleeding and unsightly vagity. Animal activating liver enzymes; after the application of the drug to the animal, the effect of enzyme induction can be saved by protracting the next 2 strokes.
Overnight administration of ritonavir and the combined antiseptic regimen was associated with a 41% decrease in the mean AUC of etinilestradiol. Before treatment with ritonavir, it is recommended to use the drug with a large dose of ethinilestradiol, or to use a non-hormonal method of contraception. It is possible to correct the dosing regimen in case of stasis of hypoglycemic diseases, because oral antidiabetic drugs may reduce carbohydrate tolerance, increase the need for insulin and oral antidiabetic drugs.

especially vkazіvki

Before the cob zastosuvannya the drug is recommended to take a report of the family and special anamnesis and skin pressure for 6 months. undergo general medical and gynecological obstezhennia (observation by a gynecologist, follow-up of a cytological smear, follow-up of milk deposits and liver function, control of arterial pressure (AT), concentration of cholesterol in the blood, analysis of the section). Doslidzhennya need to be periodically repeated, in connection with the need for timely manifestation of risk factors, or contraindications, scho winickly.
The drug is a superior contraceptive drug: Pearl index (indicator of the number of vaginesses, when the first hour of the contraceptive method has come in 100 women for a period of 1 year), with the correct zastosuvanni it becomes close to 0.05. At the same time, if the contraceptive effect of the drug on the cob is generally manifested up to 14 days, then in the first 2nd period of the drug it is recommended to stop the non-hormonal methods of contraception.
In skin cases, before the recognition of hormonal contraceptives, the possible negative effects of their use are individually assessed. It is necessary to discuss the food with the patient, so that after taking the necessary information, take the rest of the decision about the choice of hormonal or other method of contraception. The health status of a woman needs to be closely controlled. If it is necessary to take the drug for an hour, or it will worsen, whether it is from overexposure / sickness, it is necessary to take the drug and switch to another, non-hormonal method of contraception:

  • ill system and hemostasis.
  • become/become ill, scholni up to the development of heart-vascular, nirkovo insufficiency.
  • epilepsy
  • migraine
  • risk of development of estrogen-fallow tumour, or estrogen-fallow gynecological diseases;
  • bloody diabetes, not aggravated by court injuries;
  • severe depression (because depression is due to impaired tryptophan metabolism, then vitamin B6 can be blocked with a correction method);
  • sickle cell anemia, stools in other manifestations (for example, infections, hypoxia), drugs that avenge estrogen, with this pathology, can cause thromboembolic manifestations.
  • appearance of symptoms in laboratory tests to assess the function of the liver.

Thromboembolic disease
Epіdemіologіchnі doslіdzhennya adjusted scho Je phone reception mіzh priyomom oral hormonal protizaplіdnih zasobіv that pіdvischennyam riziku arterіalnih that venous tromboembolіchnih zahvoryuvan (including іnfarkt mіokarda, іnsult, venous thrombosis glibokih nizhnіh kіntsіvok, tromboembolіya legenevoї arterії).
There was an increase in the risk of venous thromboembolic disease, and also less, lower with vacancy (60 cases per 100,000 vacancies). In case of congestion of oral anti-inflammatory drugs, arterial or venous thromboembolism of the hepatic, mesenteric, nirk, or vessels of the sitkivka is rarely suspected.
Risk of occurrence of arterial or venous thromboembolic disease progresses:

  • with vіkom;
  • with chickens (intensive chickens and age older than 35 years are considered to be factors of risk);
  • when there is a family history of thromboembolic disease (for example, in fathers, brothers and sisters). If you suspect a genetic disorder, it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking the drug.
  • with obesity (mass body index more than 30 kg/m2);
  • with dyslipoproteinemia;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with ailments of the valves of the heart, aggravated by hemodynamic damage,
  • with atrial fibrillation;
  • with circulatory diabetes, aggravated by judicial injuries;
  • in case of triple immobilization, after a great operative intervention, after an operative intervention on the lower limbs, after a serious injury.

In these cases, timchasovy zastosuvannya zastosuvannya drug: bazhanno pripinit not later than 4 days before surgery, but not earlier, lower after 2 days after remobilization.
There is a risk of venous thromboembolic disease in women after the fall.
Such diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, systemic dwarf disease, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, Crohn's disease, non-specific viral colitis, sickle cell anemia, increase the risk of developing venous thromboembolic disease.
Such biochemical changes as normal, such as resistance to activated protein, hyperchromocysteinemia, deficiency of proteins C, S, deficiency of antithrombin III, the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies, increase the risk of arterial or venous thromboembolism.
When evaluating the severity of measles / risk of taking the drug, the mother needs to be taken away, in order to direct the treatment of this, I will reduce the risk of thromboembolism. Signs of thromboembolism vindication:

  • rapt bіl at the breasts, which іrradiyuє in the left hand,
  • rapt butt,
  • Whether Bіl's ultra-unknown severe head, Scho Trivaє Dovgiy Hour Abo Z'Rapotovoy, especially in the village of Zoru Diplopієyu, Aphhazіyu, marry, Collapse, Focliament Epirelepsіюu), weakly Aboy, turning the ruffles half , strong litkovy m'yaz, warm belly).

Puhlinni ill
In some cases, they were told about the frequent diagnosis of cervical cancer in women, for a long time they took hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, but the results were superb. In the development of cervical cancer, sexual behavior, infection with human papilloma virus and other factors play a significant role.
A meta-analysis of 54 epidemiological studies has shown that there is no risk of developing breast cancer in the middle of women, if they take oral hormonal anti-seizure drugs, a symptom of breast cancer could be associated with more regular medical treatment. Breast cancer develops rarely in the middle of women up to 40 years of age, regardless of the fact that they take hormonal anti-parasitic stinks, and increase over time. Taking pills may be considered as one of the risk factors. Tim is not less, the woman is guilty, but she was informed about the possibility of a risk of development of breast cancer, depending on the assessment of corystitis and risk of disease (protection against ovarian cancer, endometrium and colon).
Innumerable reports about the development of benign or malignant swelling of the liver in women, as a matter of fact, they take hormonal anti-proliferative diseases for a long time. The reason for the mother's examination at UVA in case of differential diagnostic assessment of pain in the abdomen, as it can be associated with an increase in the size of the liver or with intracranial bleeding.
Keep ahead of the woman, so that the drug does not protect against VIL-infection (SNID) and other illnesses that are transmitted by the state route.
The effectiveness of the drug may be reduced for such changes: missed pills, vomit and diarrhea, one-hour overdose of other drugs that reduce the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory pills.
If the patient takes an hourly other drug, which may reduce the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory pills, then stop additional methods of contraception.
The effectiveness of the drug may be reduced, even after a few months of congestion, there are irregular, spotty or continual bleeding, in such cases it is necessary to continue taking the tablets until they are finished in the next package. If, like in another cycle, menstrual-like bleeding does not start, or acyclic bloody visions do not occur, take pills and it is more likely to turn off the vaginess.
Chloasma can sometimes swell in women, if there is a small amount in the anamnesis for the hour of vagity. For women who may develop chloasm at risk, it is necessary to have contact with sleepy exchanges or ultraviolet light for an hour taking pills.
Change of laboratory indicators
For oral antiseptic tablets - in combination with an estrogen component - the level of some laboratory parameters (functional indicators of the liver, nirok, supramental ulcers, thyroid ulcer, indicators of hemostasis, levels of lipoprotein and transport proteins) can be changed.
After acute viral hepatitis should be taken after normalization of liver function (not earlier than after 6 months). With diarrhea or intestinal disorders, the contraceptive vomiting effect may decrease (without taking the drug, it is necessary to use additional non-hormonal methods of contraception). Women who scorch, may increase the risk of the development of vessel diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). Keep risk for a lifetime (especially for women older than 35 years old) and for the number of cigarettes you smoke. In the period of lactation, the appearance of milk may change, in small quantities, the components of the drug are seen in breast milk.

Injecting the drug into the building with a car and working mechanisms

The investigation of the possible injection of Lindinet 20 into the building of car or other cars has not been carried out.

Release form

Tablets in shell.
21 tablets in a blister of PVC/PVDC and aluminum foil.
1 or 3 blisters in a carton pack with instructions from the packaging.

Wash away the savings

Store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature no higher than 25°C.
Take care of the place inaccessible to children!

The term of appurtenance

3 rocks.
Vykoristovuvaty drug only with the term of admissibility indicated on the package.

Wash your permits from pharmacies

Receipt for a prescription.


VAT "Gedeon Richter", Ugorshchina
1103 Budapest, st. Demrey, 19-21, Ugorshchina

Claims of the supporters of the authorities against the address of the Moscow Representative Office:
119049 Moscow, 4th Dobrinskiy prov., Budinok 8

Hello Inno.

The drug "Lіndinet-20" is included in the clinical and pharmacological group of monophasic oral contraceptives. The main intoxicants in the new synthetic analogues of state hormones are etinilestradiol and gestodene. A smutty prescription for such a drug is used in cases of non-admitted vindication of non-negligible vaginess in a woman. The effect of such tablets is not only in blocking the maturation of eggs, but also in the endometrium and the warehouse of cervical mucus.

Use and prescription of hormonal oral contraceptives

The course of the receiving drug "Lіndіnet-20" becomes 21 days. For a long time, the woman is obliged to take 1 tablet without skipping. In addition, as the packaging of the drug ends, there will be a 7-day break, which is due to the bloody vision of the pihvi, so called, menstrual-like reaction. Later, under the influx of hormones, which is in the warehouse of the drug, the woman is formed like a menstrual cycle.

After the end of the interruption, you can continue taking the drug from a new pack (blister) or complete the trial of this type of contraception. Physicians recommend to re-drink the package of the drug before the completion of taking the tablets, as there are no serious contraindications until the end of the trial.

Naturally, as soon as I take such preparations, the production of state hormones in a woman changes, so the stench is consumed to the body of the call. Obviously, the use of a contraceptive can become a strong stress for the woman's body, so the restoration of the natural functioning of the body does not sound like it. In some women, the normal menstrual cycle is observed by the prolongation of the first month after the administration of the drug, and for which it may be necessary close to fate. It takes about 3 months for the average normalization of the menstrual cycle.

What can be considered after taking oral contraceptives

Many people know that if I take such preparations, I will be afraid: I will become hairy at the time of the hour, I will show acne more strongly, I will change my body mass, change my mood, I will have milk spots in my stomach. Along with the menstrual cycle, there may be a risk of amenorrhea (period of menstruation), anovulation. Also, among the side effects associated with contraceptives, they see the possibility of a change in menstruation (an increase or a change in their trivality and blood volume, which is seen). In some women, on the background of taking the preparations, uterine bleeding is observed, the appearance of intermenstrual blood sightings from the flu.

Causes of brown vision in the middle of the cycle

One of the factors that caused the appearance of reported symptoms is hormonal changes in the body. However, the stench can be more than just a drug for taking oral contraceptives, as well as diseases that are injected into the organs of the neuroendocrine system. Crimson, brown vision can be associated with infections and inflammation of the small pelvis, erosive and polyp in the lungs, pathological changes in the tissues of the state organs.

As much as possible, the reason for your becoming was the very accepted contraceptive. Ale vie yourself bachite, scho to what can cause other factors. It's a pity, to determine the exact reason for such sightings and signs of exaltation (for consumption), it is necessary to specialize the doctor.


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