Parable about Lazarus. Parable about Bagatia and Lazarus: Where is Lazarus at the heart? What changes after death

Parable about Lazarus. Parable about Bagatia and Lazarus: Where is Lazarus at the heart? What changes after death

We were more swayed, like rich texts in the Old Testament, like they unequivocally call inferno (inferno) a grave, and death a dream. Now we can see absolutely everything the texts of the New Testament (their whole kіlka), on which they will build their doctrine of the immortality of the soul, torment in hell and bliss in the paradise of the rich church, but if they are respectful, we can speak about something else.

Let's take a look at the parables about Bagatia and Lazarus. Christians are rich in singing, that Lazar after death, after spending it to heaven, and the rich - to hell. However, the theological concept more superspeech to the text of the Bible. More on choli we drank, scho, zgіdno z the Old Testament Letter, all the people, including the heroes of the faith, after death drank in hell and "there" slept. If you understand the "heavenly" paradise, then the Old Testament will see it as such. At the link with zim, a lot of representatives of popular denominations vvazhayut that the heavenly paradise at the Old Testament hour was closed, docking Jesus With his sacrificial death, that resurrection was not set at the new gate. Zgіdno z such theological theory, inferno at the Old Testament hour there were few two vіddіlennya - "m'yake", where Lazar drank, and "suvore", de tormented by riches. Jesus nіbito after the death of zіyshov it was inferno, quiet, who slept there, waking up and then preaching to us. Let's sweat the righteous Vin, having taken away the heavenly paradise, that the veins of Yogo's death have risen, and the sinners have lost their burning in the "suvoroma" of the furnace. For the help of these theological concepts, the believers are trying to tie the doctrines of their church to the Bible. However, such a theory is full of rich food, on the basis of which it is impossible to know the arguments of the opinions, which are consistent with other texts of the Holy Letter.

Start thinking about the story about Bagatia and Lazarus, let's guess what all confessions call this story of Jesus a parable. I'm right. Christ here vindicated the literary reception from the staging of allegories (figures, allegories, metaphors), parable titles. It's a pity that not all theologians stand up to tsієї rozpovіdі like a parable, but literally tarnish a part of the text. The stench seems to be: “Wonder, Jesus describes to us the flour in the furnace of riches, well, in the furnace people suffer. We honor Christ." From the first glance, everything looks logical. Tim, for an hour, such a superficial opinion before the analysis of the biblical text cannot be correct. Aje yakscho rozpovid about the riches and Lazarus reality, then the same absolutely everything described in a new way. And if it’s a parable, then in it God lives at the sight uncertain having conveyed to the listeners an important message. However, reality in the words of Jesus no zovsim. I spodіvayus, infect you in whom you change.

At this book, I am trying to point out important verses of the Holy Letter, understanding that you are not a skin person, as if you are reading my modest litany, you can lean under the hand of the Bible. Regardless of those that the parable about Bagatia and Lazarus is not small for obsyagom, її I virіshiv bring to the surface, the shards of us in front of these texts are based on the dogmatics of the rich confessions about life after death.

“Dehto buv rich, dressed in purple and fine linen, and blissful all day long. It’s also like a marriage, named Lazar, who, lying down, steals yogo in scabs and saturates with crickets, which riches fall from the table, and psi, coming, licked yogo’s scabs. The wife died and was born as Angels in Abraham's bosom. Died and rich, and praised yoga. And in hell, being in torment, I lifted up my eyes, rolled in the distance of Abraham and Lazarus on the bosom of Yogo, and blew, saying: Father Abraham! have mercy on me and send Lazarus, so that wetting the tip of your finger in the water and cooling my tongue, for I am tormented by the half-moon. Ale Abraham saying: Child! Guess what you have already gained your good in your life, and Lazar - evil; none of them are here, but you are suffering; And above all those between us and you have confirmed the great truth, so that the stars cannot cross to you, so they cannot cross to us. Todi having said to the wine: So I ask you, father, send yogo to the house of my father, for there are five brothers in me; let the vins greet them, so that the stench did not come to this month of flour. Abraham said to you: They have Moses and prophets; don't let them listen. And he said to Vіn: Hi, father Abraham, but if any of the dead come before them, they will repent. Then Abraham said to you: If you don’t hear Moses and the prophets, then if someone has risen from the dead, you can’t believe it.(Luke 16:19-31).

Below we pererakhuyemo nutrition, on yakі no evidence, yakі povіdat the theory of death torment. On the basis of this parable, I want to demonstrate at the same time how I threaten the surface analysis of the texts of the Bible.

1. De know bosom of Abraham- in the sky under the earth in hell? Let's guess that for the faith of representatives of rich denominations before His death, that Sunday brothers in heavenly paradise, Jesus has not yet entered. Tobto all people died for the Old Testament vchennyam, with such a good fortune for the rich Christian theologians, boules in hell (div. split "It's hot, it's hot. Understanding Death"). It means that the bosom of Abraham until the death of Christ can be under the earth in hell. The very same heaven and paradise in the text of parables are not guessed. To go out, the bosom of Abraham - all the same, it burned, trochs more than that, de boov rich, once wine raising your eyes up on the mountain and freely joined with Lazarus. However, it’s easy to see under the ground two rows of space, where in one you died to suffer, and in the other - more, but not far away, so that you could collude, hang out righteous, bachachi suffering first. And for some it was scorching, and in others under the earth cold rivers flow.

Let's just say that Lazar was near the heavenly paradise (which, we guess, in the thought of the representatives of popular confessions themselves, has not yet been dead until death that Sunday of Jesus), and rich - in hell, come out, that these two places of billions of human souls are called to be known. entrusted, if the heroes of the parable fought alone and freely conversed among themselves.

We may have an unrealistic picture here, whether it’s a vapadka ... And then, the whole allegory is a fairy tale.

2. Why zhebrak boov bringing by angels into the bosom of Abraham, but a rich funeral in hell? We know for sure what is behind the Old Testament beliefs absolutely all the dead, the heroes of the faith (Yakiv, Iov, Hezekiah ...), ate the grave to hell, and the heavenly paradise was still open (wonderful). So Angeli is the same marriage vodnesli in hell, tobto yogo "spirit" i body the stench dug a grave near the earth. І the corpse of a rich man is also pohovav at the grave. It is difficult to show the picture, like Angels burying Lazarus. Here we renew the imagery. Otzhe, tse reality, and allegory is a parable.

3. Mi bachimo, that people in hell are talking. Ale is clear to riches of other biblical texts of the dead sleep. David, Job, Ecclesiast were sung, that after death the stench will rest with an unfamiliar sleep, can't de-mirkovuvat and navіt chomp on God and yakuvati Yoma. You can see it well from the quotes of Scripture, pointing at the distribution "It's hot, it's hot. Understanding Death". The Bible does not describe the intercourse between the dead and the living with heavenly people, the crime of a seance between King Saul and the image of the prophet Samuel through the enchantment (Div. 1 Sam. 28:4-28) and the appearance of Moses to Jesus (Div. Matt. 17:3), About yakі mi pomirkuёmo trohi pіznіshe. To come out, who died from the great hell, fell asleep, and others splintered? So why does Scripture not avenge the criteria, behind which God appointed, who was supposed to rest after death, and who should not sleep, even if it was archival for all people, how did they live? Wait, it’s at least marvelous that in such a majestic obligatory Holy Letter there are no minds to reach the posthumous peace of sleep, no intercourse with glimmers, but a rich text, to talk about the memoryless sleep of the dead. In reality, there is no evidence of a part of the rozpovidi about Bagatia and Lazarus with the Scriptures. Father, before us is an allegory - a parable.

Guess what the New Commandment calls death sleep:

To him it is said: get up, sleepy,і resurrection from the dead and sanctify Christ to you"(Eph. 5:14).

4. As you can see from the roses, deaks people in hell after death immediately deduct the payment for their sins - suffer at the half moon. For a broadened theological theory, for the butt of riches, we are dealing with dead sinners right up to this day. However, for the sake of the Bible, early warning check on people less after Another Coming of Christ to the Great Judgment. Jesus, the prophets and the apostles, spoke about it more than once:

"Dead hear the voice of Sin of Godі, feel alive. Everything that is in the trunks, hear the voice of Sin of God; i see you who did good have a week of life, and robbed evil - in sunday arraignment» (John 5:25,28,29).

« Come Sin Human at the glory of His Father with His Angels similar to the skin on the right yoga» (Mt. 16:27).

“The one who does not accept My words, may judge myself: the word, as I said, will be gone judge yoga on the rest of the day» (Jn. 12:48).

"Which will be judge the living and the dead in Yogo and the Kingdom of Yogo"(2 Tim. 4:1).

“As God did not spare the angels of sinners, ale, having tied the bonds of infernal haze, healing go to court for punishment; and like the places of Sodomsk and Gomorsk, having sued for guilt, turning it into a drink, having shown butt of the future wicked, then, obviously, the Lord knows, how to repent of the pious types, calm down, and the lawless wait until the day of judgment for punishment» (2 Pet. 2:4,6,9).

« If well come Son of Man at His glory and all the holy Angels with Him, then sit on the throne of His glory, and climb before Him. mustache people; and to cremate some types of others, yak pastir vіdokremlyuє sheep from goats. Todі say ... tim, yakі levoruch: go to Mene, cursed, at the fire of eternity, the preparations of the devil and the angels of yoga "(Mt. 25:31,32,41).

“I somy Angol became sullen, and loud voices roared in the sky, which said: the kingdom of the world was destroyed by the kingdom of our Lord and Christ Yogo, and I reign for ages and ages ... and your wrath has come time to judge the dead» (Announcement 11:15,18).

"Se, I will come soon, і fee My sі Me, schob vіddati skin on the right yoga "(Announcement 22:12).

“To that, do not judge before the hour, docks don't come Lord, Yaky i illuminate prihovane in darkness and reveal the hearts of us, and also to the skin will praise the sight of God "(1 Cor. 4:5, div. also Dec. 17:31, Dec. 24:15,25, Jude. 5,6,15, Rom. 2:5-8,13-16, 1 Pet. 4: 5, 2 Pet 3:7, 1 Thess 1:10, 2 Thess 1:6-10, Announcement 11:31,32, Dan 12:1,2,13, Eccl 8:11 12, Heb. 10:25-27, Joel 4, Ps. 95:10, 13, Ps. 109:5, 6).

Tobto, zgidno with the numerical texts of the Holy Letter, the judgment on the people of that early warning sinners' cheeks in front- after the Other Coming of Christ. To go out, as if to believe in the posthumous suffering of souls, as to start a popular church, we are faced with a choice: either to know that the Bible is super-speech, or to accept the theory about two judges that the deacons of the church built. "First" court - "private" after death for the appointed mission of perebuvannya of the soul of a person - in hell or in paradise, until the Great Judgment, which will be at the Other Coming of Christ; "other" - "arrogant", without a middle Great Court.

However, I did not understand why we should not go into the Bible about the “first” court, but only about the “other”. So it didn’t come to mind, now the need for the “other” Court came into view, as if it were not the “first”. Come out, sinful people, for the decisions of one judgment, a trifle suffer in hell until the Other Coming of Christ. And then, for the praise of the "other" Court, either to deprive them of eternally burning in hell in more sick minds, or to translate from a beautiful eternal life? To go out, those bagmen suffer more from hell, like hell, they died earlier, even if before the Other Coming of Jesus, they will suffer more.

And how to be with them, who will survive after death in paradise? It is difficult to show your situation, if a person is happy with heaven and їy there, but here, at the Other Parish, the Lord without drinking takes away the spirit of a person from blissful grace and resurrects “deserving” in eternal life. Maybe that person doesn’t want this, even if in paradise it’s so good, without a body there’s only salt. The skin has its own taste.

In the presence of a literal blurring of the rozpovidi about Bagatia and Lazarus with other texts of the Bible. But it's impossible. Otzhe, before us is an allegory - a parable.

Varto signify that the Symbol of the faith of the Orthodox and Catholic confessions, adopted in the IV century, will also bring judgment on the living and the dead from the Other Comings of Christ:

“I believe ... in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God ... who ascended into heaven and sit on the right of the Father, and I know the one who can come with glory to judge the living and the dead».

Wanting to do the Symbol in these churches is not forbidden, but until the 1st century for a century, impersonal doctrines were added, including those about the “subordinate” court.

5. Varto also means that in the rozpovidi about bagatiya and Lazarus, there were more than one reason for falling into the "suvor" hell, and the other in the "m'yak" - into the bosom of Abraham. Like at once, so even earlier, by itself, wealth was not respected by the shameful. For example, the majestic camp was seen by the heroes of the faith Abraham, David, Solomon and others. I benkets were accepted at the day of St. About riches, it’s less known, what wine today benketuvav bliskuche and not rejoicing with a benevolent soul, to that which did not resent Lazarus at his table, wanting him to beat his gates. I think that these days there are far from being a lot of people who are poor, who sit white in their gates, sit at the vlasny style. In general, there are a lot of descriptions of a noble person, as if he were trying to love his brothers and talk about them. Significantly, scho, it is possible, rich, taking a part in the life of the poor Lazarus, shards of wine knowing yoga in his name.

At your own discretion, vigilance, as such, is not a criterion; The parable does not say anything about Lazarus' chastity, but about the cause of his life's torments. Later, in rozpovіdі about the riches and Lazarus, we have no reasons for such a severe punishment of one and the drive for the winegrower of the other. So, the story about Bagatia and Lazarus is not reality, but an allegory - a parable that can teach people to be more, less fortunate.

6. The bagatiya looks strange. Vin, suffering in the half-light ask Abraham send until new Lazarus sob toy getting cold youmu mova with a fingertip, we wet it by the water. Why didn’t I turn back to the good Abraham, so that he would drink yoga? Why do you ask for water on the tip of your fingers, and not a cup, for example, even a drop of water clearly does not ease your suffering? Try if you want to use the sauna to ask someone with a wet finger to hold your mine and sing, you won’t feel any better. In reality, the situation is far away from reality, which means it's a parable.

7. The parable has three heroes - Abraham, Lazarus and rich man. Out of them, there is only one rich man who does not have a name. If we have before us a description that describes reality, then this is not to blame. Aje not a moment Jesus forget im'ya bagatiya. And we know that in ancient times the names were of great importance. Name Lazar resembles the broad ancient Hebrew name El-Azar (Div. Vih. 6:23), which means “God helped.” Otzhe, I am anew in explaining the bachimo elements, not similar to reality, but stagnant for the parable.

8. Even though it is respectful to read the story of Jesus about Bagatia and Lazarus, it is obvious that these heroes are described in real flesh, but not like the incorporeal spirits. Stink one of one bachat, talk, they have є eyes, fingers, tongue. Tobto how to take advice literally, then wine does not fit into the theory of rich denominations, apparently, to the point of being in hell and paradise, only the spirit (“souls”) died.

The riddle in the parable of the elements in the physical bodies of the deacons, the recipients of the post-mortem sleeplessness of souls, is explained simply: So in hell. There are no spirits, who are trying to change there, but the stench continues to smell them.” However, the explanation is not logical. Adzhe bіl yak such and spogad about new - not pure physiological processes, for which real brainі nervous system that is physically body. Same brain"Remind" us about the bіl i zberіgaє in the memory of the sensible body.

If we okrim this, yakbi rich and Lazar were spirits, then Abraham is guilty of prohannya riches to him, something like this: “Bagate, ty marish! You are in hell. You don't have a language, and in Lazarus you don't know how to walk, and hands to bring you water. If you don’t have a vologer, you won’t be able to help, the one who doesn’t have a body in you and can’t cool anything. Why is your spirit tormented. And then, instead of such a chi similar to you, I explained Abraham wisely to the point that I respect adequate wealth, the sense of which is that Lazar did not bring water to his brothers for such and such reasons.

Get out of the situation. A lot of Christians spit their eyes on those that Jesus told about richness and Lazarus, having guessed the elements of the physical bodies of his heroes, and the other part of the parable, as if describing their unhappiness after death, take the real picture. Movlyav, Christ “decorated” the trochs about the hell… There, at least, the body is shown, but in truth, there is only a soul. The position is even more convenient, but the position is non-active.

What has become true? Just pіsl s'єєднанна Christians with the Jazychniktvt Novokhristiansky of theologian, Yaki is not necessary, I don't know the wedding letter, ale, I know the sewn of Yazychniki Vіranuvni about Potoybіchna Zhittya, picked up in Prithchi knowing the picture - MIFіchna Kingdom of Dead Gades (AIA, Tartar), and Odraza . coin, do not worry about the analysis of the text. Possibly, some of the representatives of the sovereign church later oppose the inconsistency of the accepted theological theory with other texts of the Bible, it was already a pity to give a turnaround, even if it happened, it would be necessary to put a summation and decide the dogma of your own. It so happened that the doctrine of the majestic church was inspired by the kaztsі, tobto allegories.

The whole system of orthodoxy is shattered with a veil to the point of pardon. As if one grand Christian had mercy and knew the support of his fellows, then he introduced a theological concept that took root in the church, was accepted by the coming generations as the canon of the "holy" church, which could not be put under doubt. Adzhe tse meant a summing up of an opinion about the infallibility of the church. Tobto pardon, as if having reached the church, could no longer leave her bosom. For this reason, pardons of the church could no longer be multiplied.

Varto signify that in the Bible there are other parables, which cannot be taken literally. For example, about trees, yaks “Send ... anoint the king over you”(Div. Judg. 9:7-15, Div. also 2 Kings 14:9). Here the olive trees and fig trees move among themselves. Why, after reading this parable, why not evoke the doctrine about those who truly join trees and rob their own kings? You can also guess about the parable of Jesus about the wedding (Div. Mt. 22:1-14). It is difficult to reveal what roses are in reality. It's important to state what's important greater The king’s supporters were moved to go to the wedding of the king’s son, having been asked for a long time, and they were not able to bring up the argument for reconciliation. Moreover, having driven in the envoys of his ruler, decried yoma war, not being afraid of paying that punishment in the face of the king's war. Then, like a parable, this story can be a deep change, describing people, like in more they are guided by God’s request to the Kingdom of heaven, without changing their lives and inducing an hour of disobedience and aggression to those who call out to them and call out the “messengers” of the Lord.

I agree, dear reader, you have exchanged words about the story of riches and Lazarus and an allegory - a parable. Like in any metaphors, the idea of ​​a parable is clearly visible, illustrating a specific thought. Otzhe, believing it is important to understand, what a true zmist of the pledges of the Lord in the parable about the wealth of that Lazarus. From the first lesson of Jesus, you can make a bunch of wisps that are necessary for salvation:

“Want to go zvіdsi ... can't"(Luke 16:26). Today, Christ's firmness is richly ignored, vvazhayuchi, that it was worth more than "total" hell. And now, movlyav, you can and need to pray for the meshkants of the “upgraded” hell. Think about what, having begun bi Jesus to promote such a serious advance, for which the child was left with a little more than an hour before Yogo rozpyattya. Indeed, the Lord, through this parable, wants to get ahead of all people about change the needs of the day and at a time their lives, parted with sins, even then we will be pizno - “My blood for riches wriggles for the excess of sin» (Mt. 26:28).

3. Don't die, like rich, necessary hear Moses and the prophets(div. Luke 16:29). To that it is necessary to engrave the Word of God, to that which in the new one is given support for all food, including the smut - the mind's salvation for eternal life.

4. Who don't understand Holy Scripture ( Moses and the prophets), that i resurrected from the dead(div. Luke 16:31) not will hear. Few theologians doubt that Jesus Maw is on the verge of Sunday Sunday. And so it became. The Jews, rottenly aware of the prophecies about the Messiah, written in Scripture, did not recognize Christ in Jesus. Whoever doesn’t want to believe in the New One, if Vin is resurrected from the dead. This advancement is relevant and current: believing, as if it is nasty to know the Bible, not to dabble in history and the life of the past, foreshadowing of the prophecies that point to the nearness of the Other Coming of Christ.

Wait a minute, at the end of the parable there was added an important note, and the Lord brought it to people in an accessible and original form.

“Dehto buv rich, dressed in purple and fine linen, and blissful all day long. It’s also like a marriage, named Lazar, who, lying down, steals yogo in scabs and saturates with crickets, which riches fall from the table, and psi, coming, licked yogo’s scabs. The wife died and was born as Angels in Abraham's bosom. Died and rich, and praised yoga. And in hell, being in torment, I lifted up my eyes, bobbed in the distance Abraham and Lazarus on the bosom of Yogo, and said: Father Abraham! have mercy on me and send Lazarus, so that wetting the tip of your finger in the water and cooling my tongue, for I am tormented by the half-moon. Ale Abraham saying: child! Guess what you have already gained your good in your life, and Lazar - evil; none of them are here, but you are suffering; and above all those between us and you have confirmed the great truth, so that the stars cannot cross to you, so they cannot cross to us. Todi having said to the wine: So I ask you, father, send yogo to the house of my father, for there are five brothers in me; let the vins greet them, so that the stench did not come to this month of flour. Abraham said to you: They have Moses and prophets; don't let them listen. And he said to Vіn: Hi, father Abraham, but if any of the dead come before them, they will repent. Then Abraham said to you: If you don’t hear Moses and the prophets, then if someone has risen from the dead, don’t believe it. (Gospel in Luke 16:19-31)

I always started reading rozpovid about Bagatiya and Lazarus and hearing sermons on this topic. Not long ago, I thought that it would be wrong to think again about this history, as our Lord Jesus Christ had recited. Starting to think about the story about the wealth of Lazarus, we need to recognize a few moments. In the first place, the story about wealth and Lazarus is a parable, to be told, vikoristana by Jesus in order to teach the nostalgic Yogo people to be the truth, like Vin respecting the more respectful. Lazarus from the parable is not guilty with us to commemorate Lazarus from Bethany, the brother of Mary and Martha. We know that Jesus loves to come before them, but in the parable there is no Lazar on the verge of that. There is a story about a married man, whose name was Lazar.

In another way, we should note that Jesus started picking up parables (or stories) for the sake of it, with Kim Vin rozmovlyav and how to mark Vin wanting to reach. In this state of mind, I bachimo that Jesus spoke about wealth and Lazarus in conversation with the Pharisees, like, as Luke writes, “were lovers of money”, that they loved pennies (Luke 16: 14). The Pharisees hated Jesus and allowed themselves to laugh at New. Jesus, however, is full of hearts and names people exactly, and to this end he wants to punish them and point to their shortfalls. Moreover, our Lord did not shy away from the rude and suffocating forms, but instead made up parables in order to allegeriously tell people about those other shortcomings.


In this moment, in the center of our respect, there is rich and poor Lazar. In rozpovidi we read about those who are wealthy alive on their own satisfaction. Vin dressed up with expensive clothes. “Porphyry is a ... upper garment made of expensive fabric of red color, and fine linen is a white, thin lower fabric of Egyptian linen.” Bagach also їv i beer on the tіhu, zakochuyuchi rozkіshnі banquets. Vіn, as it is written, "benchetuvav bliskuche".

At that very hour, a bagatia was stealing a booth, a lying zhenbrak, whose name was Lazar. “The word “Lazar” literally means “help of God”, tobto. “zhebrak” of the usima of deprivations, who can be spodіvatisya only God. Tsey zhebrak lying vomited, covered with festering wounds. The new one, maybe, has a kind of ill-healthy illness. The Bible seems to lie at the “scab” (Greek “covering with wounds”). Scabs - this is a thin streak, like it settles on a wound that is ready to go. The Bible seems to say that the psychics gave Lazarus’s zhahlivy zhahlivy suffering, to that stench licked his wound, not allowing him to heal. And Lazar, maybe, didn’t have the strength to pick up the dogs.

Like all marriages, Lazar was eating leftovers and shortcomings. Luka write, scho vіn їv krihti, yakі fell from the table riches. Vіn begging for mercy and live less than they gave you. The parable about the price is not to be found, but, singsongly, the rich man knew about the birth of the wife of Lazarus, more than once he entered and left his house. Ale, mabut, rich bov, a heartless person. Vin does not like stained glass pennies on others, but less on himself. At the wealth of wines, maybe, bachiv the sense of life, not calling on people.

How summarily, if material objects become objects of worship and respect for us. How summarily, if we cease to rush people after them and spend our lives only for the sake of our satisfaction, urged to rush off those who want to finish us.

Tsіkavo, that Luke also describes how Jesus and the Pharisees nave another parable about those who, like one keruyuchiy, having sold the share of borgіv to his borzhniks, rely on those who, if they drink wine at the bіdu, you guess about the new and help you. Then Jesus guessed the following phrase: “Bring your friends with unrighteous wealth, so that the stench, if you are toothy, will receive you at the eternal monastery” (Luke 16: 9). “At the wife of Lazar, a rich moment, bring a friend, who would help you to have a meal at the eternal monastery.” Summously, those who are rich without thinking about anything or anyone, crim themselves that of their wealth. Yomu does not need God, eternity, and more, zhenbrak Lazar. Otzhe, I’ll clear the picture with you, in a way that shows two proportions - rich and Lazar, a person is healthy and a person is sick. The one who did not demand anything in what and the one who demanded everything.

What changes after death?

Tsіkavo, scho in the future rozpovidі the essence of the right change. Marriage is dying, rich is dying. Here we have a cіkavo vіdznachiti so. Death, appearing, vibrating all. You can be rich, or you can demand rich in something. Ale, a rich man, so it’s like a bіdna, if you die. Vrahovyuchi modern technologies, maybe rich people can improve life a little more, but you will die. Let Yogo be buried in your own land, de hove the poor.

Tsіkavo, scho from the drive of wealth and death, write the Old Testament ecclesiast: “I am sick of illness, like I’m succumbing to the sun: wealth, which is saved by the master of yogo for shkoda yoma. For the first time, wealth is due to unfortunate vipadkiv: having born a son of sin, I can’t have anything in the hands of a new one. Like viyshov vin we go out of the womb of our mother, so we enter, like we come, and we take nothing from our labors, which we could bear for a moment in our hands” (Eccl. 5:13-15).

Burials sang richly, and Lazarus was sung “like a dog”, but the essence of the matter is not changed. Before death, all equals are rich, and vigilant. However, in eternity, the share of the rich Lazarus was rich. Lazar was seen by angels in the “bosom of Abraham”, that is in the place of bliss, and having consumed riches right in hell.

Cicavo, that the parable does not say that Lazar drank to paradise. As the deacons of the Bible write, “Paradise was filled with less suffering than the resurrection of Christ.” However, the parable has a thought that “Lazar, like the true son of Abraham, having parted with him the posthumous colt”, so having consumed it to the month of bliss, like a check on all the righteous.

The word "inferno" meant "the kingdom of the dead", or "the place of eternal punishment." Go straight there and eat your bagats. God is just in His judgment, and this is a human being, as if she were alive on earth, declining after death that share, as if she deserved wine. Eternal bliss is prepared for the righteous, and eternal punishment for sinners.

In the parable, Jesus tells about those who are rich and tormented in hell. Vіn not knowing his own place, hugging the terrible half-lights... Aleraptom vіn raising his eyes and swaying in the distance of Abraham and together with him - Lazarus. Lazar lying in the bosom of Abraham. The modern Russian language rarely has the word “bosom”, so many readers of the Bible have this term of ignorance. Maє sprat value. In this context, it’s hard to believe that Lazar, lying on the floor of Abraham’s breasts, so that he had a close conversation with him, as it seems, watching his shoulder like a close friend.

Perebuvaya in torment, rich in blessings, seeming: “Father Abraham! Have mercy on me and send Lazarus, so that wetting the tip of your finger in the water and chilling my tongue, for I am tormented in the half-light ”(Luke 16:24). Possibly, having thought richly, that Lazar’s oscars were married for life, then there, at the place of bliss, Abraham was “on the beat”. Ale, as a rich man, having mercy. Abraham vindicated yoma, that he took away all good things for life. Maybe, the wealthy had everything for life. Vin did not demand anything. Vin was having fun, dressing well, nothing was turbulent for him. Vіn otrimav rich good. Why do you want to raptom and have eternity, to live so very well?

The rich man was tormented in the infernal twilight, and, singsongly, his torments were sung to the one who vin bachiv, who shows another share - a place of bliss, where Lazar drank and where he didn’t drank wine. Vіn, singsongly, realizing that yogo suffering will be eternal just like the bliss of Abraham and Lazarus mother eternal nature.

LOWER Luggage

How everything changed raptom! Luggage on tse zovsіm not ochіkuvav. The new one had everything, and now he has leaned back in such a stingy state. The new bula had all the hedgehogs and all the cold drinks, like wines, they wanted to drink on their table. Lazar, on the other hand, would like to take the shortfalls from the rich table. And here, and baked, it appears that the rich are standing in the role of a marriage. The new one had all the richness of the world, but it turned out to be insufficient for him to buy, if he wanted to, some drops of water, so that he could soak the language, as it did not matter in the high hellish temperature. The rich man, who is all mav and all mav, appeared to no one, and the zhenk Lazar, who was inspired by everything only on God, took away all that relief in silence. Now the new one had everything that didn’t, if he was alive on earth. And now I regret marveling at the richness, which is suffering both physically and spiritually.

In the parable, the Lord speaks about those who Abraham guides riches in be-like mercy. Why? It appears that God's judgment of the floor is fair, that in no other time people from hell can not buy, or, as if by an invisible rite of raptom, dine in the place of bliss. It will not be so, that a person will appear among the righteous at the edge of bliss, as there is no fault of the buti. Mіzh inferno and the blissful mass is an impenetrable prіrva, it is impossible to overthrow it. After death you cannot change your share, you cannot take another chance. Everything can be changed less for life, today. Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, you might be drunk. You may not get it.

The rich man, having turned his right hand, to ask Abraham not about himself, but about his family, saying: “So I ask you, father, send Yogo to my father’s house, for I may have five brothers; let the vines speak to them, lest the stench come until this month of torment” (Luke 16: 27-28). The rich man prepared everything for the sake of the fact that Lazar came to his homeland and spoke about those who check on people after death. Ale Avraham renews yoma at tsoma. The logic of Abraham understood. People make law and prophets. The Lord God Himself, having entrusted people with the covenant and depriving them of the rules of understanding, it is necessary to live with them. Everything that you need to work - you need to work only to the point that it is written in the Word of God - and there will be guarantees for success in life. Ale, behind the words of riches, the words of God, the prophecies and God's prophecies appear insufficient. Do not believe the words of God. It seems like a rich man, that some yakbi from the dead has turned to the ground and has broken everything, then you can believe it.

Really, as you think, some of the dead, having turned before us and rotting everything like that, would they believe you? I do not think. People would start to say that such a person, perhaps, did not die in a flash, that she foresaw everything and that she had all sorts of hallucinations. Abraham is ceremonious. Having said that if Moses and the prophets, the men of God, with whom God spoke directly, they did not believe, then they would not believe Yakbi who had risen from the dead, then they would not believe you. Nevira, out and є nevira. If a person doesn’t want to believe, nothing can change it, it’s impossible to turn yakbi if you turn “from that world”. An unbelieving person will come up with some kind of explanation in order to substantiate his anger.


What did Jesus want to tell this parable to the Pharisees and to all His hearers? Vіn hotіv zharnuti їhnyu respect for those, like the stink of living, as well as for those who are the head of life. It is necessary to live for God and for the sake of people. Everything that we can, is given to us by God. It's not your fault to forget about it. As we may have wealth and as well, it is necessary to get used to it for the glory of God and to help people, and not only for ourselves. We should pay respect not for pennies and material values ​​only, but for people, as they will alienate us, being stupendous to the needs of people's problems.

We also need to remember that we do not live on earth forever. After death, eternity checks on us. In addition, as we live our lives, lie down, which we check for eternity - eternal bliss, otherwise eternal condemnation. Do not live like this, nachebto death, there is no God and judgment. God is, Vin is real. Vin is also a guarantor of justice. We can flourish and show that everyone is successful. As long as we live on earth, people of our internal motives may not be right, but in eternity everything will be more obvious. Then a line will be drawn between honest and oshukantsy, greedy and generous, believing and unbelieving. Do not hush yourselves with a thought about those that God “should flatten his eyes” on those who we worked and how we lived. There won't be any. God is merciful to us, while we live here, but also fair. Skin Vіn vіddast at yogo on the right.

While we are alive and well, and we can keep the peace and make a decision, we should pay attention to those who speak God's Word. There are no traces of miracles of supernatural podia, so that you can see your life at God's hand. You don’t need to check, as long as you get into a situation, for which it’s important for you to choose and not be left with nothing to work, as if you were going to God. Today it is necessary to entrust your life to God and start to fix it right, live honestly and start not only for yourself, but for other people.

This is the message Jesus brought to people. Vіn priyshov in order to let us reveal the Father of Heaven, but, without respect for all Yogo's kindness, impersonal healing and miracles, many who did not believe in New. Vin, as it seems, came from eternity, to that Vin is God and eternal for His nature. Vіn rozpovіv at the one who needs to work, to pamper God. But they laughed at New and did not believe Yomu. For a long time, a lot of people were alienated, but there were few right friends with Jesus.

What can you say about this parable? The Lord prays that your life has changed, so that you become faithful to what Jesus says, so that you don’t get caught up to God’s words. Today we should look over our lives and get ready for eternity. It’s not like that in our life, God forbid that today, not laying “for later”, come to Jesus in repentance, so that God forbid we don’t spend until the month of eternal torment.

For the rich of us, for an hour, there is a filthy zvichka - get rid of it, as it seems, "for later." So shy students in universities, spodіvayuchis, scho in the rest of the night before sleeping, I can squash a folding object. So we fix it by the hour, thinking that we have more than an hour, so that everyone will catch up and do everything right. But the truth is that we have little time, especially in important speeches. Deyakі, less important, do it, but we can put it “for sweat”, but the food of eternity is not friable and unimportant. The food of life and death. Do not deprive yoga “for sweat” in any way, under any kind of drive, because you may not be caught. But we’ll be hurt and sicker, but we won’t be able to change anything anymore ... God help us to make the right choice for our skin, about which we can’t be fooled.


"Tlumachennya parable about Bagatia and Lazarus". Orthodoxy and the world. (28.05.2010).

Otzhe, today we are looking at the 16th chapter of Luke, and the very parable about the bagatia that Lazarus.

Tsya parable for deyakah є stone stumble. There are many who come out to propagate this parable, which, with their own tongue, respects the rhetoric and reconciliation of all, which is not a parable, but a real story here and there. And far away, robiti visnovki begin, which are between the hour and the light of non-science fiction. Let's take a look today, first, from the inquiries, why this history was foretold, and in a different way, with this, with some method, Christ brought up this parable.

First task, like on me, simpler. If the deacons of theologians want to try to level the chain of nutrition. Even more simple, for example, I know John MacArthur: “... the deacons take into account that the story was not invented, but the reality is real, that the space is small. Be it for someone who has a bad temper, Christ’s victorious one is just like that, like all His parables - to give a lesson, for this bad guy for the good of the Pharisees ”(1) Tobto wine, it’s not so important - the parable is not, an important spiritual lesson. But at my glance, it’s even more important to show to whom it’s important to show that history has been foreseen. That is why, in order to take history at face value, the blame is low on our soteriology and eschatological views. Otzhe, let's brutally respect the following:

  1. Zagalom Christ did not tell abstract real stories. It is important to admit that you have grown wine less than once at the 16th division of Luke. Guess, all the real stories, told by Christ, were implicitly connected with the hearers. Why? I think it’s more foldable to work with zagalnenі vysnovki from real stories. Whether there is a real history, faceless underwater stones and forever, there are different “edges”, “pluses and minuses”, “look” and “thoughts”. To that, speaking about the spiritual truths, Christ won the parables. The stench richly reveals the essence and spiritual lessons.
  2. This parable is similar to the old rabbinic retelling (2), for the blame of the one who did good in the retelling of the rich, and it went to you in the sweat. Christ does not paint a caricature on the face of the Pharisees of the discourse, vismіyuyuchi weakness of their spiritual outlook (a little more about the price below).
  3. Often, if those bring up that this story is taken from real life, they point to those who are named after their wife - Lazar. Tse im'ya act like Eliezer - ( heb.אליעזר ‎ - my God helped me), it would be possible to expand and inspire us today we know even less than one Lazarus in the New Testament - all times. Two - the fact that Rabin's parables often avenge names. If you read it at least once in life or heard it in the records of the rabbis (For example, according to Rav Asher Kushnir), then you singsongly lifted the respect that the individuals in the opi- nizations zavzhd nadіlenі іm'yam. Oskelki in this way Christ allowed hearing to the Jewish wisdom, then it is logical to admit that Vіn conquered the method of inducing the wisdom of wisdom. Three - tsya parable to be of a disapproving character, won't be taken as a manifestation of nature to society. It has an important plot, but there is more than one truth. And if there is a plot and acting individuals, then, of course, you can have it. Don’t ever think so, but in the tales of Jesus Christ, there were a lot of things in which the plots were simple, or they were described under that phenomenon from the wake of that nature. І chotiri - revealing the name of the bіdnjak vіdtіnyає the essence of the difference between them and riches. Amorphous "Rich Man" against a specific "Lazar". Especially vrakhovuyuchi the meaning of the name (as it was obvious to the listeners, but not known to us without a dictionary), you can play in the name of the marriage to the name of the artistic and logical zmist.
  4. Beastly respect and for a number of stupid stupidities, as they appear, as they approach to the real story. First, if you fall into the vіchі, then the inconsistency of soteriology is obvious, then the biblical story about the order. The scriptures speak clearly, which we really believe in faith. I'm less confident. In the parable, there is an obvious motive, that having consumed riches from the heat, to the one who had riches and “having taken good on earth”, the zhebrak, having taken off the order of torment, baked, to that he “having taken away evil”. Sometimes you can feel the same peace, that, having moved, the zhenbrak vryatuvavsya for faith, that he recited the Torah and is alive in a Christian way. And the axis is rich, vin likhodіy buv i lawless person and suffering from gluttony, for the price in hell and having consumed. And yet, richly someone closes behind him “in the end” (clothing language) saying, tsya parable does not mean that the riches will spend everything in the heat, and the marriages will be in heaven (deacons preachers, maybe, think: “and I will become a rapt bagatim"), and others are worried about the rich paraffian and hearing). Let me wonder at this fact, that it is leather, who preaches on this parable, do not care about your holy shoes, that you will not be leather rich in hell, but a day in paradise. Have you guessed why? That's right, the fact that this thought is unambiguously understood by the text! And brothers, instead of that, in order to understand the mortgages of those who have a sense, hurry to tell the truth about the wealth and judge the poor.
  5. The stupidity sets in, the deuce details, which are typical for the Talmud, but do not appear anywhere in Scripture. Why are they like those that the angels bring the soul of the dead to heaven, that they are “Abraham’s bosom”, that the souls recognize that Abraham plays a big role in heaven (want the Epiphany paints another picture). These are all the details that are characteristic of the Pharisees' statements about sweaty life in the Jewish tradition. This fact can be said about those that the parable was fortified under the Pharisees.
  6. Another stupidity, the fact that Abraham speaks with riches. Mení tsіkavo, tіlki privіl Abraham, why can we marvel at the sinners, who suffer, and put them a sprig of food? That is clearly a mystetsky hyperbole. Absolutely impossible podia.
It is obvious that it is unrealistic. Moreover, this story is not plausible, itself through the description is more stupid. Deyakі theologians, trying to virishiti tsі protyrіchchya іz soterіologiєyu, go not from that end. Go not to the text, but to the already existing concept. So to rob William MacDonald (which, honestly, seemed to me, zdivuvalo, shards earlier than me, yogo commentary was indestructible): “ From the very cob, it is necessary to clearly state that the immeasurable wealth is not condemned to be rebuked in hell for its wealth. The basis of salvation is faith in the Lord, and people will be judged for the Lord's faith in New. Zokrema, whose wealthy man showed that he didn’t believe in the truth, that he ryatu, with his baiduzhy znevago to the point of marriage, who, lying white, voila yoga in scabs. Yakby in the new bula of God's love, he could not live in luxury, comfort and security at that hour, if a fellow tribesman lying down steals a yogo booth and blessings about the bread. Vіn uvіyshov bi to the Kingdom of God from zusilly, yakbi having deprived of love to a pittance. So it is true and those who Lazar vryatovaniya not through his vigilance. At the right, the salvation of the soul, trusting in the Lord. On the basis of what the author should try to say so, like those who are rich in obov'yazkovo, having expressed their feelings, be guilty of faith (I think it’s not good for someone from us to have been homeless at sores at their table), or those trusting your souls in the Lord»(3) - zovsіm did not understand. There are more cliques of interpretations, more distortions in the text « Lazar bov hoch i zhebrakom, ale in the soul vin zirav richness of garlic. Lazar did not zazdriv riches - do not dream of sitting at the same table with him, living in a booth, riding on a chariot. I don’t want to take wine in a new penny, I guess. Lazar is not proud - he is ready to eat from the dogs of the team, which was overwhelmed with banquets. Therefore, in Lazarus, all suffering was lost on earth, and humility, lagidnist, gentleness came from his soul in future life.» (Zvіdsi). I don’t spit out the text. Before the speech, in the presence of Matthew Henry, he did not doubt the food and once called this story a parable. (4)

Later, Christ tells the story, as it is similar to the creation of the Jewish retelling, which is based on human statements about heaven and hell (itself in the Jewish tradition), and also gives the creation of the statement about salvation through life. New history? I think the deacons are especially attracted by the zealots of retellings, it’s possible to start insulting the more visnovkas. But give respect to all the visnovkas in the complex, and you will see the evidence of the fact that this history is small as a special mark, which you do not understand when you read it superficially. I, perhaps, do not varto cross the whiskers, or maybe just try to understand? Look at 16 splits under another cut?

So we smoothly move on to another point of mirkuvan. Navіscho Christ navіv tsyu іstorіyu? What do you want to reach in people who hear Yogo?

Let's go back to the context of section 16. Let's get a little farther away. The 15th division begins with the fact that mitars and sinners are approaching Christ, for which the Pharisees denounced the narrators. Vono understood. I think that today the yakbi mіstsevі zloduzhki and poії poії postiyno otochuval kakogo evangelist, then called rozdratuvannya and remstvovannya in deyaky our orthodox believers. On the remembrance of the Pharisees, Christ gave a parable. We respect that Rozmov is being pursued by the Pharisees! We will successively tell them three parables, we call them: about the spent century, about the spent drachma, about the prodigal son. The essence of the first two parables is simple: the right children of God are glad, if Christ knows the spent time. The shepherd's friends and the woman's girlfriends (judging by the ten drachmas - ce bulo posag) symbolize the children of God, as a joy to the knowledge of the brothers. Numbers of parables spun the Pharisees, stench showed that they were remembrance, stench revealed their essence - the distant ways of understanding God of people. The stench is not friends of Yomu, those who do not silence them, those who silence Yogo - sinners are found.
Craig Keener mentions that the value of the spent growth from a skin parable is one out of a hundred, one out of ten and one out of two. Budova of all three parables is similar to a colophon - the same verbal structure in the poem: “Rejoice with me: I know my spent vіvtsyu / drachma / sin” (15:6, 9, 22-24). Ale, the rest of the fairy tale will not end. Christ, with the first trio of urovkas, asks the Pharisees: “Rejoice in Me!” Ale Vin knows that this call will be lost without help, and Vin begins to reveal the correct cause of his remembrance and dissatisfaction. Vin expands the rest of the parable for the promotion. This story is about the elder son. In this parable, there is a young son, who misordered him, who was maw, having squandered everything - the image of the mitars and sinners, who alienated Yogo. The senior son also incorrectly ordered tim, scho mav. The image of the elder son was obviously identified with the Pharisees and the scribes, as if they were entrusted with the truth - they knew the Law, led, it was given, a righteous way of life, but they were far away in the sight of the living God. After that, as Christ having told this parable to the Pharisees, he turns to learning and retelling to him the parable about the wrong steward ( 1-13 verse). Copies about this parable are too rich, so I won’t be here, perhaps, another time. However, the essence of the matter is clear in principle: it is right to order them what you can here on earth. Spend your wealth for the benefit of people. Why does Christ go over to those finances and May's money? Please check us 14 verse: “All the Pharisees and the Pharisees were afraid, they were lovers of arrogance, and the stench laughed at New.” The love of greed, if we guess, was a serious ailment of the Pharisees, for which Christ repeatedly twisted them. Enough to guess the corvan. Also, Vin called them “givers of the gods' houses” (Mt 23:14, Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47). What does it mean? Maybe, the Pharisees read like this: "donate to the temple, here you suffer, then you will be saved there." In such a rite, they took away the remains of eating from the widows, as they carried their donations to the Temple. I dare to let it go, what a trick 14-18 - the culminating moment, until which Christ in the Pharisees upheld 15 and 16 divisions. The right reason for the Pharisees' rejection of Christ is revealed - the love of greed (14 verses), the revelation of the Law (18 verses), the false righteousness (15 verses). Let Christ show that the Law and the Prophets were before John the Baptist, a new Messianic era is beginning at once, but the Law has not lost its relevance. I want to go to the new kingdom, it is necessary to report the zusilla (in which context, under the zusillas, it is necessary to understand the correct distribution of unrighteous wealth). And the problem is that the Pharisees did not listen to the Law (Div. 31 Versh), but slandered it for themselves (Div. 18 Versh). І in order to illustrate the Hibniy Way, Christ zastosovuє original literary solution, Vіn helping themselves at їхнє w vchennya. Take a Rabin's parable, change it and look at it and say: think, devi would have stumbled, as if God had mirrored it just like that? Those that the Pharisees taught in their lustfulness and falsehood, look defiantly at this parable. Adzhe for the Jews in that hour is evil (if you pidbiraesh cryhti and psi lick your wounds) - a bula sign that God does not favor you the picture of Lazarus, who lies with scabs and honed by dogs - clearly called out an ogida from those who hear Jesus. Christ, it seems to the Pharisees: The axis of whom Abraham entrusted to sit in your world, and you yourself will be tormented in hell (in your world), for here on earth they took away everything good. On your vlasne vchennya.

І the last stroke to the development: Incorporating into the parable the wisdom of the parable, Christ shows that the main problem of the Pharisees, their root - they have the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures (Moses and the Prophets), like a stink don't listen. And yet another such allusion to the future: “I don’t believe anyone from the dead is resurrection” ... Why didn’t Jesus pull on His resurrection?

Otzhe, pіdbivayuchi short pіdbag, we can say that the price is not a parable, but sarcasm. I don't know why everyone is so afraid of that word. Entirely normal literary reception. Read the Wikipedia article on this topic. One more quote like this: “Sarcasm is a mockery, as it can inspire positive judgments, but in general, you should avenge yourself in a negative way and indicate a lack of people, an object that is a manifestation, that is what you see. Yak i satire, sarcasm lays down its own struggle with the prophetic manifestations of activity through the osmiyanya їх. Christ vismіyuє vchennya Pharisees, with whom judging them. Tse sarcasm. No one has any evil directly directed at the Pharisees, but at them they commit those sins. And if you are more comfortable, you can not call this parable sarcasm, you can say that it’s just a special literary device, a kind of vismіyuє vchennya Pharisees and exposing their spiritual bankruptcy. So tezh pide, I think :)

And today we need to look over our lives and pray to God, so that Vin has seen, why do we need to correct our setting to "unrighteous wealth", so that Vin has shown that we are rightly ordering us, that the Lord has trusted us? And as it is necessary, let's fix our ways!

Hai God bless you.

Otzhe, today we are looking at the 16th chapter of Luke, and the very parable about the bagatia that Lazarus.

Tsya parable for deyakah є stone stumble. There are many who come out to propagate this parable, which, with their own tongue, respects the rhetoric and reconciliation of all, which is not a parable, but a real story here and there. And far away, robiti visnovki begin, which are between the hour and the light of non-science fiction. Let's take a look today, first, from the inquiries, why this history was foretold, and in a different way, with this, with some method, Christ brought up this parable.

First task, like on me, simpler. If the deacons of theologians want to try to level the chain of nutrition. Even more simple, for example, I know John MacArthur: “... the deacons take into account that the story was not invented, but the reality is real, that the space is small. In any case, Christ victorious is the same, as in all His parables - to give a lesson, in this case for the good of the Pharisees ”(1) Tobto wine, it seems: not so important - the parable is not, an important spiritual lesson. But at my glance, it’s even more important to show to whom it’s important to show that history has been foreseen. That is why, in order to take history at face value, the blame is low on our soteriology and eschatological views. Otzhe, let's brutally respect the following:

  1. Zagalom Christ did not tell abstract real stories. It is important to admit that you have grown wine less than once at the 16th division of Luke. Guess, all the real stories, told by Christ, were implicitly connected with the hearers. Why? I think it’s more foldable to work with zagalnenі vysnovki from real stories. Whether there is a real history, faceless underwater stones and forever, there are different “edges”, “pluses and minuses”, “look” and “thoughts”. To that, speaking about the spiritual truths, Christ won the parables. The stench richly reveals the essence and spiritual lessons.
  2. This parable is similar to the old rabbinic retelling (2), for the blame of the one who did good in the retelling of the rich, and it went to you in the sweat. Christ does not paint a caricature on the face of the Pharisees of the discourse, vismіyuyuchi weakness of their spiritual outlook (a little more about the price below).
  3. Often, if those bring up that the story is taken from real life, they point to those that were ordered by the name of the wife - Lazar. Tse іm'ya, that we move like Eliezer - (іbr. אליעזר‎ - my God helped me), it was necessary to expand and bring to us today we know less than one more Lazarus in the New Testament - tse times. Two - the fact that Rabin's parables often avenge names. If you read it at least once in life or heard it in the records of the rabbis (For example, according to Rav Asher Kushnir), then you singsongly lifted the respect that the individuals in the opi- nizations zavzhd nadіlenі іm'yam. Oskelki in this way Christ allowed hearing to the Jewish wisdom, then it is logical to admit that Vіn conquered the method of inducing the wisdom of wisdom. Three - tsya parable to be of a disapproving character, won't be taken as a manifestation of nature to society. It has an important plot, but there is more than one truth. And if there is a plot and acting individuals, then, of course, you can have it. Don’t ever think so, but in the tales of Jesus Christ, there were a lot of things in which the plots were simple, or they were described under that phenomenon from the wake of that nature. I chotiri - I can see the essence of the difference between them and riches. Amorphous "Rich Man" against a specific "Lazar". Especially vrakhovuyuchi the meaning of the name (as it was obvious to the listeners, but not known to us without a dictionary), you can play in the name of the marriage to the name of the artistic and logical zmist.
  4. Beastly respect and for a number of stupid stupidities, as they appear, as they approach to the real story. First, if you fall into the vіchі, then the inconsistency of soteriology is obvious, then the biblical story about the order. The scriptures speak clearly, which we really believe in faith. I'm less confident. In the parable, there is an obvious motive, that having consumed riches from the heat, to the one who had riches and “having taken good on earth”, the zhebrak, having taken off the order of torment, baked, to that he “having taken away evil”. Sometimes you can feel the same peace, that, having moved, the zhenbrak vryatuvavsya for faith, that he recited the Torah and is alive in a Christian way. And the axis is rich, vin likhodіy buv i lawless person and suffering from gluttony, for the price in hell and having consumed. And yet, richly someone closes behind him “in the end” (clothing language) saying, tsya parable does not mean that the riches will spend everything in the heat, and the marriages will be in heaven (deacons preachers, maybe, think: “and I will become a rapt bagatim"), and others are worried about the rich paraffian and hearing). Let me wonder at this fact, that it is leather, who preaches on this parable, do not care about your holy shoes, that you will not be leather rich in hell, but a day in paradise. Have you guessed why? That's right, the fact that this thought is unambiguously understood by the text! And brothers, instead of that, in order to understand the mortgages of those who have a sense, hurry to tell the truth about the wealth and judge the poor.
  5. The stupidity sets in, the deuce details, which are typical for the Talmud, but do not appear anywhere in Scripture. Why are they like those that the angels bring the soul of the dead to heaven, that they are “Abraham’s bosom”, that the souls recognize that Abraham plays a big role in heaven (want the Epiphany paints another picture). These are all the details that are characteristic of the Pharisees' statements about sweaty life in the Jewish tradition. This fact can be said about those that the parable was fortified under the Pharisees.
  6. Another stupidity, the fact that Abraham speaks with riches. Mení tsіkavo, tіlki privіl Abraham, why can we marvel at the sinners, who suffer, and put them a sprig of food? That is clearly a mystetsky hyperbole. Absolutely impossible podia.

It is obvious that it is unrealistic. Moreover, this story is not plausible, itself through the description is more stupid. Deyakі theologians, trying to virishiti tsі protyrіchchya іz soterіologiєyu, go not from that end. Go not to the text, but to the already existing concept. So to rob William MacDonald (which, honestly, seemed to me, zdivuvalo, shards earlier than me, yogo commentary was indestructible): “ From the very cob, it is necessary to clearly state that the immeasurable wealth is not condemned to be rebuked in hell for its wealth. The basis of salvation is faith in the Lord, and people will be judged for the Lord's faith in New. Zokrema, whose wealthy man showed that he didn’t believe in the truth, that he ryatu, with his baiduzhy znevago to the point of marriage, who, lying white, voila yoga in scabs. Yakby in the new bula of God's love, he could not live in luxury, comfort and security at that hour, if a fellow tribesman lying down steals a yogo booth and blessings about the bread. Vіn uvіyshov bi to the Kingdom of God from zusilly, yakbi having deprived of love to a pittance. So it is true and those who Lazar vryatovaniya not through his vigilance. At the right, the salvation of the soul, trusting in the Lord. On the basis of what the author should try to say so, like those who are rich in obov'yazkovo, having expressed their feelings, be guilty of faith (I think it’s not good for someone from us to have been homeless at sores at their table), or those trusting your souls in the Lord"(3) - zovsіm did not understand. There are more cliques of interpretations, more distortions in the text “Lazar bov hoch i zhebrakom, ale in the soul of wine zirvat richness of garlic. Lazar did not zazdriv riches - do not dream of sitting at the same table with him, living in a booth, riding on a chariot. I don’t want to take wine in a new penny, I guess. Lazar is not proud - he is ready to eat from the dogs of the team, which was overwhelmed with banquets. Therefore, with Lazarus, all suffering was lost on earth, and humility, lagidnist, gentleness came from his soul in future life "(Zvіdsi). I don’t spit out the text. Before the speech, in the presence of Matthew Henry, he did not doubt the food and once called this story a parable. (4)

Later, Christ tells the story, as it is similar to the creation of the Jewish retelling, which is based on human statements about heaven and hell (itself in the Jewish tradition), and also gives the creation of the statement about salvation through life. New history? I think the deacons are especially attracted by the zealots of retellings, it’s possible to start insulting the more visnovkas. But give respect to all the visnovkas in the complex, and you will see the evidence of the fact that this history is small as a special mark, which you do not understand when you read it superficially. I, perhaps, do not varto cross the whiskers, or maybe just try to understand? Look at 16 splits under another cut?

So we smoothly move on to another point of mirkuvan. Navіscho Christ navіv tsyu іstorіyu? What do you want to reach in people who hear Yogo?

Let's go back to the context of section 16. Let's get a little farther away. The 15th division begins with the fact that mitars and sinners are approaching Christ, for which the Pharisees denounced the narrators. Vono understood. I think that today the yakbi mіstsevі villains and poії poії postiyno otochuval like a preacher, it called for rozdratuvannya and remstvovannya in deyaky of our orthodox believers. On the remembrance of the Pharisees, Christ gave a parable. We respect that Rozmov is being pursued by the Pharisees! We will successively direct three parables to them, we call them: about the spent century, about the spent drachma, about the prodigal son. The essence of the first two parables is simple: the right children of God are glad, if Christ knows the spent time. The shepherd's friends and the woman's girlfriends (judging by the ten drachmas - ce bulo posag) symbolize the children of God, as a joy to the knowledge of the brothers. Numbers of parables vibrated the Pharisees, the stinks showed that they were remembrance, the stinks reveal their essence - the distant ways of understanding God of people. The stinks are not friends of Yomu, those who do not silence them, those who silence Yogo - sinners were found.
Craig Keener respects the value of the spent growth in a skin parable - one out of a hundred, one out of ten and found one out of two. Budova of all three parables is similar to a colophon - the same verbal structure, for example, a rhyme: “Rejoice in me: I know my spent vіvtsyu / drachma / sin” (15:6, 9, 22-24). Ale, the rest of the fairy tale will not end. Christ, with the first trio of urovkas, asks the Pharisees: “Rejoice in Me!” Ale Vin knows that this call will be lost without help, and Vin begins to reveal the correct cause of his remembrance and dissatisfaction. Vin expands the rest of the parable for the promotion. This story is about the elder son. In this parable, there is a young son, who misordered him, that he was maw, having squandered everything - the image of the restless Yogo mitars and sinners. The senior son also incorrectly ordered tim, scho mav. The image of the elder son was obviously identified with the Pharisees and the scribes, as if they were entrusted with the truth - they knew and misled the Law, led, first of all, a righteous way of life, but they were far away in the sight of the living God. After that, as Christ having told this parable to the Pharisees, he turns to learning and retelling to him the parable about the wrong steward ( 1-13 verse). Copies about this parable are too rich, so I won’t be here, perhaps, another time. However, the essence of the matter is clear in principle: it is right to order them what you can here on earth. Spend your wealth for the benefit of people. Why does Christ go over to those finances and May's money? Please check us 14 verse: “All the Pharisees and the Pharisees were afraid, they were lovers of arrogance, and the stench laughed at New.” The love of greed, if we guess, was a serious ailment of the Pharisees, for which Christ repeatedly twisted them. Enough to guess the corvan. Also, Vin called them “givers of the gods' houses” (Mt 23:14, Mk 12:40, Lk 20:47). What does it mean? Maybe, the Pharisees read like this: "donate to the temple, here you suffer, then you will be saved there." In such a rite, they took away the remains of eating from the widows, as they carried their donations to the Temple. I dare to let it go, what a trick 14-18 - the culminating moment, until which Christ in the Pharisees upheld 15 and 16 divisions. The right reason for the Pharisees' rejection of Christ is revealed - the love of greed (14 verses), the appearance of the Law (18 verses), the false righteousness (15 verses). Let Christ show that the Law and the Prophets were before John the Baptist, a new Messianic era is beginning at once, but the Law has not lost its relevance. I want to go to the new kingdom, it is necessary to report the zusilla (in which context, under the zusillas, it is necessary to understand the correct distribution of unrighteous wealth). And the problem is that the Pharisees did not listen to the Law (Div. 31 Versh), but slandered it for themselves (Div. 18 Versh). І in order to illustrate the Hibniy Way, Christ zastosovuє original literary solution, Vіn helping themselves at їхнє w vchennya. Take a Rabin's parable, change it and look at it and say: think, devi would have stumbled, as if God had mirrored it just like that? Those that the Pharisees taught in their lustfulness and falsehood, look defiantly at this parable. Adzhe for the Jews in that hour is evil (if you pick up the cry and psi lick your wound) - it was a sign that God does not favor you the picture of Lazarus, who lies with scabs and honed by dogs - clearly called out the ogida of the hearers of Jesus. Christ, it seems to the Pharisees: The axis of whom Abraham entrusted to sit in your world, and you yourself will be tormented in hell (in your world), for here on earth they took away everything good. On your vlasne vchennya.

І the remaining stroke to the development: Incorporating into the parable the wisdom of the parable, Christ shows that the main problem of the Pharisees, their root - they have the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures (Moses and the Prophets), like stench don't listen. And yet another such allusion to the future: “I don’t believe anyone from the dead is resurrection” ... Why didn’t Jesus pull on His resurrection?

Otzhe, pіdbivayuchi short pіdbag, we can say that the price is not a parable, but sarcasm. I don't know why everyone is so afraid of that word. Entirely normal literary reception. Read the Wikipedia article on this topic. One more quote like that: “Sarcasm is a mockery, as it can be used to positive judgments, but in general, it’s necessary to avenge negatively and point to the lack of a person, an object that is a manifestation, something that you want to see. Like satire, sarcasm to avenge one’s own struggle with the prophetic manifestations of action through osmiyanya їх. Christ vismіyuє vchennya Pharisees, with whom judging them. Tse sarcasm. No one has any evil directly directed at the Pharisees, but at them they commit those sins. And if you are more comfortable, you can not call this parable sarcasm, you can say that it’s just a special literary device, a kind of vismіyuє vchennya Pharisees and exposing their spiritual bankruptcy. So it goes, I think 🙂

And today we need to look over our lives and pray to God, to see Vin, why do we need to correct our setting to “unrighteous wealth”, to show Vin that we are ordering the world correctly, that the Lord has trusted us? And as it is necessary, let's fix our ways!

Hai God bless you.

(1) Primary Bible with commentary by John McArtois, Slovyansk Evangelical Fellowship, 2005 ISBN 1-56773-009-4, Stor. 1534
(2) Craig Keener, Biblical Cultural-Historical Commentary, Part 2 New Testament, Mirt, 2005 ISBN 5-88869-157-7, Stor. 194
(3) William Magdonald "Bible Commentaries for Christians New Testament", CLV, 2000 ISBN 3-89397-621-3, Stor. 300-301
(4) Matthew Henry "Tlumacion on the books of the New Testament", Volume 2, 1999, Stor. 326

About quiet people, like to love wealth, but do not help the poor, Jesus Christ said such a parable.

One man was rich, dressed in purple (an upper robe made of expensive red fabric) and fine linen (thin white robe) and drinking merrily all day long. There was also one marriage, named after Lazar, who, lying down, was stealing a booth of riches, covered with scabs. If you want to be satiated with cries, who fell from the table of riches, and psi came and licked the scabs of yoga.

The zhemarak died and was born as angels in the bosom of Abraham (the place of blessedness of the righteous, paradise).

Died and wealthy, and praised yoga. The first axis, tormented by the heat, lifted up its eyes and rolled in the distance of Abraham and Lazarus with him and shouted: “Father Abraham! at whom half-m'ї”.

Ale Avraham, saying to Yom: "Wonderful! Guess, how on earth you are full of salt, and Lazar is suffering; you are suffering here, and you are suffering. .

Then, having said so many riches to Abraham: “So I ask you, father, send Lazarus to the earth, to my father’s house, because five more brothers have been lost in me there. that. place of torment".

Avraham vidpovіv yoma. "They have Moses and the prophets (they are holy Scriptures); let them not hear them."

Vіn same zaprechiv Avraamovі: "Hi, Father Abraham, but if someone from the dead come before them, repent."

Todi Avraham saying to you: "If you don't hear Moses and the prophets, then, if someone has risen from the dead, you can't believe it."

In this parable, the Lord has clearly shown... If a rich stainer spends his wealth only on his own satisfaction, but does not help the day, does not think about his soul that її eternal share, then there will be judgments and do not take away bliss from the future life. Tі w, yakі tolerant, with lagіdnistyu, endure suffering without remembrance otrimayut eternally blessed life in the kingdom of heaven.


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