Who is the nematode and how to fight with the shkіdnik? Roslin sling. Nematodes

Who is the nematode and how to fight with the shkіdnik? Roslin sling. Nematodes

Khrobaki are in charge of practically all roslins: horticultural and vegetable crops, indoor apartments and inspire the weeds, as if they serve as roslins-reservers. The principle of vitality in all types of growing plants is the stench to pierce the tissues of growing plants, introduce herbal enzymes that disrupt the exchange of speech, and then viscous life-giving elements (juices).

Mature individuals and larvae of the nematode give priority to watery and warm, slightly acidic soil, fed behind the warehouse, shards feed the structure of the soil, which is easier to transfer worms and sour.

This species of nematodes lingers in the watery soil, vrazha mustache part of the roslin. It rises along the stem to the leaf and through the gaps, spreading on the underside of the leaf, penetrating into the middle of the growth. One sheet often contains over 5000 nematodes.

Zdebіlshoy vrazhaє vіtkovі vіtkovі roslini (chrysanthemums, phloxies, daffodils, begonії, orchіdeії…), from urban cultures - sunitsa garden, tomatoes thinly.

Infection signs:

  • roslina is seen in sprouts;
  • flowers and buds do not develop;
  • leaves zhovtіє i vіdmirає;
  • on the sheet there are irregularly shaped patches of brown color;
  • the leaves are twisted, weak, consuming congestion;
  • the yield is significantly reduced:
  • on the lower part of the leaves are covered with weeds, which shine through, as if then they become stormy.

To produce mass reproduction of the shkіdnik before the leaves become frizzy and shriveled, the stalk and petioles are thick or short. There are a large number of beech trees on the stovburi, they roar, but they do not develop well. Roslina is near.

The leaf nematode is expanding with planting material, through infestation of the soil, weeds. Є carrier of viral infections.

Nematodes save life for no more than 3 months, prote, miraculously winter in a scorched dry leaf.

Come fight:

  • the demolition of the Buryanivs;
  • spalyuvannya that vibrakovuvannya poshkozhenikh roslin;
  • steaming the planting soil at a temperature of 60 degrees for a stretch of 5-10 minutes;
  • testing the soil 30 days before planting on infected plots with 2% nemagon or carbotin;
  • disinfection of boxes for seedlings with 3% formalin or thermal treatment with hot (70 degrees) water.


This species of nematodes is not only stems, but also cibulini and bulbi of yagid and sheep crops. It is a serious problem for the roslyn miners.

  • watchmaker;
  • potatoes;
  • tomatoes;
  • beet;
  • stubs;
  • grain crops.

Infection signs:

  • the roslins sprout at the sprouts;
  • the leaves become shriveled, we tighten along the central vein;
  • petioles and flower-bearing short or sweaty;
  • stems and leaves twist;
  • go live and die.

Gerelami infected - planting material, water for irrigation, garden tools.

Steblov nematode cybuli

With a strong nematosis, the cybulins go to die, less infected cibulins become fluffy, crack, the stench falls off the bottom and the cibulin head collapses. At the camp, where to rest, on dry patches of cybuli and the watchmaker, nematodes can save life up to 4 years.


Sacks of an invisible, invisible eye, a microscopic chrobak at the top balls of the ground. Porazka yagіdnih bushes begin step by step. Infected sunichne leaves become frizzy and wrinkled, their plate is deformed; when the leaves turn into awl-like veins; the flower sockets are deformed, the hairs are short.

Come fight against the stem nematode:

Koreneva (galova)

Koreneva (galova) nematode in front of the front sights is repelled by it, which attacks the nervous system of the growth line and the largest of them, reaching 2 mm.

Galli - cone-like growths on the roots of roslin with a yellow or brown color, which have been created as a result of laying eggs by a female.

Mature male worm-like, female pear-shaped. The female nematode is capable of laying 300...1000 eggs in one gall with larvae. With the appearance of eggs, the larvae of a worm-like form, in the world, the development becomes similar to mature individuals.

The larvae develop in the galls, the stars then move to the soil and penetrate the roots of other growths.

  • the growth grows with its own growth, weaker and in the "yane";
  • leaves are yellow and twisted;
  • root vines, roztashovani lower for galli, vіdmirayut;
  • growing root beard (large number of thin roots);
  • roots rot and die.

The root system of decorative roslins (carnation, troyanda, cyclamen, begonia, primrose ...), as well as bulbous and cibulin cultures (potato, cibula) is the most syllabic for these shkidniks. Poshkodzhenya root rots through the penetration of pathogenic organisms and viruses into the galls.

Come fight the root nematode:

  • on garden plots grow nematous dewdrops;
  • do not vicorize infections on the material;
  • on infected plots, growing for 3-4 years of grain, legumes and vegetable crops;
  • replacement of soil in boxes and miners;
  • disinfection of the soil with a porosity for 10 years.

Expands through soil infections, with bulbs, excess roots, infected with soil.

If the earth is warm, then the worms can develop a whole river, feeding on the entire root system of growth.

Porada of the gardener:

If home roslina or a garden is infected with a gall nematode, then you can treat them for additional pharmaceutical preparations, with which people like helminths rejoice. Ce dicaris, vermox, mebendazole, a tablet of which you need to dilute in 1 liter of water, after which you need to water the plant for a few days with the next repetition of the procedure after 2 days. If you plant it, then it is necessary to take root in such a variety of years.

Folk protection against nematosis and prophylaxis

If there is a mass-infested growth on the farm, it is more likely that the vibrakuvannya and spalling will be better protected by the way, so that the shkidniks do not move to other crops.

The most effective green manure (growing) ways to fight against nematosis are black-brown, live and nigtiki.

And also, for the cultivation of cibulin and bulb, before planting the vicorist, water rozchin from chernobrivtsiv.

  • At the hour of flowering, all the roslin is picked up and hangs on the open air.
  • Pivvіdra podribnennyh chernobrivtsіv pour ten liters of water and pour 2-3 dobi.
  • To add 50 grams of the gospodarsky mil and treat it. Nicely needed for the shortest fixing of the countryside on the rosline.
  • For a stretch of 8-12 years, cibulini and bulbi are seen at the infusion.

Signs of infection with a leaf (sunichnoy) nematode are as follows:

  • On leaves and buds, storms appear like storms, stench twists, and oozes a natural color.
  • The petioles swell, the growth of the growth grows.
  • On the leaves below, there are patches that grow red in the course of time, the leaf becomes thinner, the yield decreases, and as a result, it dies.
    The most safe before being infected with a leaf nematode is sunitsa, carnation, aster, chrysanthemum.

Infect the stem nematode until the growth is pinned down, the stems are crushed, the stalks and buds are infested, and the death of the growth is dead.

In the zone of rhiziku tsibula, chasnik, ogirki, parsley, tomato, radish.

Injuries by the root nematode of the culture weaken and wilt. The root is lower than the sweat of the world. There are thin roots, a root beard.

How to show a skipper at a dealership

It is not easy to reveal a nematode through small gaps. You can know leafy and stem ones for help, looking around the buds, leafing that stem. For the manifestation of the root, it will be necessary to dig up the growth. Sweating on the root will be the first sign of infection. You can take the earth from its roots, water it with warm water and call the worms from the side.

Zasobi wrestle

  • chemistry,
  • biological,
  • thermal method,
  • folk ways.


Vitonchennya root - a clear sign of infection

Deyakі khіmіchnі preparations and mаyut complex dіyu, for example, chloropicrin. The stench is brought to a new sterilization of the soil. Planting after fertilization can be carried out only after a sprat of tizhniv, and after the planting of the deacons in the sun, it is not possible to carry out the coming season.

The chemical method of fighting is used in the application of horticultural crops with chemical preparations for the reduction of leaf and stem nematodes. To reduce the root, shed the earth with a rosemary preparation. It is necessary to keep that channel open in dry, windless weather, more often before noon or after 17:00 in the evening. The procedure must be carried out once a day, so that it is necessary to wipe it off only on grown-up chrobakiv.

The most effective chemical preparations are Dimethoat, Bi-58, Rogor, Vidat, Nemaphos.

Zastosovuvat khіmіchnі zabobi nebhіdno at the exact vіdpovіdnostі to іnstruktsiї, іz zastosuvannyа zasobіv zakhistu.

Biological preparations

"Nematofagin" is an effective biological way to fight against children. Perevagoy є those who won’t harm the Roslins and the creatures. Fluffy speech is obtained from natural components, it does not accumulate in the earth.

Thermal method

The thermal method is applied to the forged growth from the ground, cut off especially the rooted root and lowering them at heated water to 50 degrees for 5 hairs. At a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees, the root at the water increases by 10-15 hvilin.

Folk methods

The main one, perhaps, the only national zasib, which gives the result - the whole channel of the earth with a sprinkle before planting. Significant is the number of shkіdnikіv after such a procedure for the guinea, but it is necessary to spill the earth on a depth of up to 20 cm. This method does not give guarantees of total loss of life, because some of them can be killed for the channel and live.

Prevention of infection

Before preventive visits, please visit:

  • After picking, I bring in the shoes of the lanyard, cleaning the woods from the growing lattices, grass and leaves. Nematodes miraculously escape and hibernate near the grass.
  • Timely weeding and fluffing.
  • Vision of sparse and yellow leaves and other parts of the roslin.
  • Osinnє digging up the plot.
  • It is not necessary to zayvo volozhuvati Grunt, nematodes love Vologda.

Evil - infected root, right - healthy

It is also necessary to take care of agrotechnical vimog, as it is rich in why it is preventive:

  • It is necessary to draw up the planting of different crops, dotrimannya s_vozmіni.
  • Respectfully go to the choice of varieties, choose stalk to nematode, good choice at once.
  • Relatively choose only a healthy life, give bulbs and cibulins a thermal treatment before planting up to 15 hvilins at a temperature of 45 to 50 degrees.
  • If possible, sprinkle the ground with sprinkling before planting.
  • Regularly carry out weeding and fluffing.
  • Regular re-checking of roslin for infected, discarded specimens that fell ill.

Nematodes can reach the widest and most unsafe shkidniks. The stench does not only lead to sickness, the death of roslin, but they can make healthy people hellish creatures. In this article, we can see the nematodes and what they are, and also give the main recommendations on how to fight the nematode in the city.

Like a nematode looks

Nematode eggs are round or oval. Color - white. In the middle of them, larvae develop, bіlі іz transparent posterior part of the tuba.

You know you? The nematodes have a better developed sense of smell, especially the sense of smell. In addition, the stench is sensitive to the sun and always swears at the head at the straight line of yoga. Sleepy days are the most favorable for the reproduction of nematodes.

See nematodes with description

There are three types of growing nematodes:

  • leafy;
  • stems;
  • roots.
The stench opposes like city, garden, and room growth. The principle of life of the stench of the same - they eat the juices of roslin. However, behind the shape of the body, the roses, the place of living, things are waking up.

Leaf (sunichna) nematode

The leaf nematode may have a thread-like shape of the body. The nematodes reach 1 mm in the dozhinu of the nematode worm. Mayut beige zabarvlennya. Roztashovuyutsya on the leaf, where it penetrates through the puffiness of the leaf plate or through the pores on the lower parts.

  • the pagons are snarling at the sprouts;
  • the stalks are tossing, they are consuming congestion;
  • buds fade, wither;
  • roslin's year dries that gin.
Irrespective of those who love water content, stem worms can save life, wind up a good hour on dry leaves and lust of roslin. They expand from infected vines, cibulins, bulbs, live bait, richly redder - for the help of now or infected soil.

You know you? Triviality of the life of hrobakiv can reach 2 rokiv.

Koreneva (galova) nematode

Roslini, attacked by a soil nematode, gobble up the offal, weaken, growling at the growth. Leaves curl up. The root, rotting lower than the galls, ceases to grow and dies. At that very hour, a root beard (thin thread-like root) is clearly beginning to grow. Such roots do not sprout the growth of culture, it is less to take life from them.

Important! It is important to treat nematode galls from natural plants on the roots of some roslins, from which vologa is taken. Stop moaning more zabarvlennya, at that hour yak galli - yellow or brown color.

Gall nematodes are spreading for the help of the infected soil, surplus of roots, weeds, cibulin, inventory, and the order of growing roslins. The most beautiful chrysanthemums, ficus, dracaena, begonia, lily, aloe are for these shkidniks.

How unsafe and how to know a nematode in the garden

Important! Nematodes can cause teasing and allergic reactions to skins, so it is necessary to carry out this work with a weed in mittens.

How to fight the nematode

  • chemicals;
  • biological methods;
  • thermal processing.
The most effective chemical ways to fight nematodes are such preparations as:
  • "Dimethoate";
  • "Bi-58";
  • "Rogir";
  • "Vidat";
  • "Nemaphos".
The roslins are made with a path of obraskuvannya, as it is necessary to spend the holidays (from 8 to 11 years) or in the evening (after 17 years). For a shorter effect, turn a windless, sleepy day. Obrobka such otrutami have been fenced off for a closed occupant. When fighting with root nematodes, water the soil randomly. Wipe away less on mature individuals, it is necessary to carry out a sprat once.

Biologically make sure that the stench is not toxic for the growth and people, do not give in to shkodi. Your fluffy speech and natural components. One of the most effective biological preparations is Nematofagin. All preparations must be diluted, clearly following the instructions, so that you don’t get the roslins of the shoddy and don’t scorch them.

There are other ways to tickle you, like a nematode in the soil, try thermal processing of the root system. For whom it is necessary for the growth to emerge from the soil. The root, on which the galli have settled, can be carefully trimmed. However, even though there are a lot of such roots, it is necessary to see only poor women. If you have seen a large number of roots of roslin, you can survive. Then we need to lower the rootstock for five minutes near the water with a temperature of 50 degrees. If the temperature is 45 to 50 degrees - an hour of bathing should last up to 10-15 hvilin.

Biological description

The body of the nematode is small, white, not divided into segments, and is composed of a furry-membrane bear, entwined with a slit cuticle. Її the empty mouth is filled with a prickly organ, similar to the list. The nematodes pierce the tissues of the roslin in order to introduce herbal enzymes and extract the juices. Alone grown up, they lay up to 2500 eggs, in addition, larvae start up at random, which are much smaller in size.

Nematodes can grow like terrestrial ones, so can growing organisms that live under the ground. Strengthening the rock can be shaped by a sprat of generations. The majority of nematodes are important crops of fruit, vegetable and berry crops. In addition, stinks can be carriers of viral diseases.

  • Male nematodes are mobile, on the vіdmіnu vіd fusiform nematode females. It has a worm-like configuration, a length of 0.5-2 millimeters, a sound from the front and a rounded back.
  • The larvae guess the figure of a male, but smaller ones. The back part of the body of the prophet and the guest.
  • Eggs are microscopic, pale in appearance. Zhіnocha osobina vіdkladaє їх і so zvіnі ovytsevі mіshki, sho folded from gelatinіstoї plіvki. One similar bear will avenge the majestic kіlkіst.

Varieties of nematodes

In the case of zv'yazku z cym dewdrop nematodes to crush on the onset of the group.

Steblovі and leaves

Leaf and stem nematodes provoke spindle-like stems, underdevelopment of the leaf blade and destruction. The leaves, attacked by a leaf nematode, are covered with withered necrotic patches of irregular shape, arranged in a chaotic order.

Especially often with leafy nematodes, garden sunflower, nephrolepis, chrysanthemum. Steblov nematode trapleyaetsya on sheep crops: chasnik and tsibuli, parsley, parsnips, tomatoes, radishes, ogirk.

Buryakova nematode

The sickness of the beetroots, which is bogged down by the nematode, took off the name of the beetroot in the tomi (buryakovtomi) of the soil, so that when it appeared, it was attributed to the soil that was poisoned with potassium salts; prote potim the right reason for the illness was attributed to Kuhn and others.

Skoda, which is applied by a nematode, stings at brown leaves and in a reduced size (by 2-3 times) of the root of the growth, and the remains often rot. The value of tsukru in sickly beetroot changes more and lower by 6%. With the grandiose fertility of nematodes, it can even harm beetroot plantations.

potato nematode

The development of a caterpillar to a mature individual of the potato nematode passes at the tissue of the root of the growth. Worms-like bezbarvni males vipovzayut from the root to the ground. Females are attached to the root (tuber) with the head end; inflate the body, open it with a thin cuticle, you can see the name.

After the male dies, the female forms over 1000 eggs, which are left in the body of the mother, which becomes a cyst after death. Hanging larvae climb out of the cyst and penetrate into the roots of roslin.

The potato nematode suppresses the development of potatoes, significantly reducing the yield of the crop; with a strong infection, the bulbs do not settle down, but grow only 1-3 other bulbs.

Root nematodes

Molding runs 19-45 deb. The female, who is in the middle of the gall, pays up to 2 yew for her life. egg. Formed in the egg, the larva of the nematode passes through the egg, perch molt, viluplyuetsya, introduced into the root and is strong enough to fit the juices of the lord-growth, transforming into a non-destructive female, or a rumpled male, which fills the gal in the female's roses.

The growth and molding of the nematode is subdued by the water content of the soil and the temperature in the trough is 20–30°C. In some areas of breeding, the pH of the soil is equal to 5.5–5.8, to breed nematodes. Other factors, such as the type of soil and organic goodness, are similarly added to the life cycle of the nematode.

Symptoms of a nematode infection

Steblovі nematodes populate stems, leaves and leaves, initiating damage to tissues and organs. Qi representatives of round chrobakiv do not exceed the length of 1.7 mm. Steblovі nematodes call out zduttya on the stems and the darkness of the infested parts of the growth. Poshkodzhenі organs from the hour storm and vіdmirayut.

The above-ground parts of the growths, infested with gall nematodes, may have clear signs, which can be marked as a sign of a deficiency of other mineral elements. Sometimes similar signs of growth do not appear. In a closed soil with an exhausting infection, the leaves are affected. It is also easy to diagnose infection with nematodes behind the system of roots of the growth: on the roots, most often in the areas of decluttering, you can mark the galls - potions, like in other succulent species, they can reach a few centimeters in diameter.

Galli on the roots can be established not only under the influx of gall nematodes, but also as a result of the formation of bacterial infections, so for a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to confirm the presence of root female nematodes. With meloidogynosis, with the help of a binocular lens, you can easily spot females and egg bears on the affected root.

The principal element of diagnostics is the presence of egg bears with eggs on the outer side of the galls. Moreover, the largest egg bears develop on other galls and may grow on the surface of syngals, in which the entire cycle goes through the middle of the root. Juvenile egg bears grow 0.5-1.5 mm, yellowish in color, grow burimy.

Methods to fight the nematode

Zagalom, describing a different genus of a nematode on different roslins can be infinite, let's move on to a better description of the methods of fighting infection.

People's interests

The main and, perhaps, the only effective folk task to fight the nematode "angrily and cheaply" - a channel to the soil in front of the hanging okrop.

High temperature death for critical nematodes and after the completion of such a procedure, the number of people on the site is effectively lowered. It is only necessary to remember that for a real effect, the earth can be filled with hot water with a temperature of at least 50-55 ° C for a depth of at least 15-20 centimeters. If possible, it can be covered with polyethylene, so it was cooled down more.

Crimean soil, hot water was used to treat and damage the growth itself - as a rule, the roots of that cibulin, which suffered from the gall nematode, are rooted. You will twitch in the air, and then soak in warm (45-50 ° C) water for 10-30 minutes. In the role of corylic additives in water, formalin concentration of 0.06% can be added.

Chemical products

Okremі khіmіchnі preparations and mаyut complex diyu, zokrema, chloropicrin. The stinks lead to a new sterilization of the soil. Planting after harvesting can be done less for a sprat of tizhniv, and after victoria of deyahs, it’s more than the coming season.

The chemical method of combating horticultural crops is treated with chemical preparations for the blame of leaf and stem nematodes. For the blame of the root, it is necessary to shed the soil with a pink preparation. Viroblyat zbrizkuvannya that duct is necessary in dry, sunny, windless weather, it should be drunk before noon or after 17:00 in the evening. The procedure needs to be carried out a few times, wipe off the shards exclusively on mature chro- bakiv .

The most divisive chemical preparations are Dimethoat, Bi-58, Rogor, Vidat, Nemaphos.

Zastosovuvat khіmіchnі zasobi is necessary from exact vіdpovіdnostі to practical kerіvnitstv, іz zastosuvannyа zasobіv zahist.

Preventive methods

Smartly efficient and smart, come in and fight nematodes without too much chemicals. Tse:

  • Dotrimannya sіvozmіni.
  • Selection of hybrids and varieties that are stable to nematode infections (zocrema, for tomatoes - Nagano F1, Evpator F1, Malika F1; for garden sunnitsa - Festivalna, Perlina, Dessertna, Saxonka, Rocket; for potatoes - Scarlet, Fresco, Picasso, Di) .
  • Scrupulous selection of healthy seed material.

  • Heating of cibulin bulb and bulbocybulini before hanging broach 15 strands at a temperature of approximately 45-50°C, or 3-5 strands at a temperature of 55-60°C.
  • Before planting disinfection of the soil with hot water, removing the upper ball, digging up and not mulching.
  • Systematic monitoring of plantings - prorіdzhuvannya and weeding.
  • Accurate watering - on the leaves and stems are not responsible for the long-term conservation of drops of water, because. tse spryaє development of nematodes.
  • Planting phytoncidal roslins in the inter-rows, yakі help to grow shkіdnikіv, for example, chornobrivtsіv, or calendula.
  • When the infection is detected in the process of vegetation - the destruction of the infection and the rotten growths.
  • After the completion of the collection, I bring in the harvesting of all grassy surpluses from the plot, removal (salting) of the infected dewy material at once from the nasty soil.

  • For zbіlshennya rodyuchostі and chastkovy blame nematodes dіlyanku, scho zvіlnilas after the end of the selection, in serpnі - on the cob of spring, it is necessary to sow grain (bazhano winter) crops. To clean the bottom of the plot from the weedy growths and the growth fragments, to loosen the soil and then sow the grain "scattered", to a depth of 2-3 centimeters.
  • At the arrival of steady frosts, they dig up the earth at once from winter crops, roblyachi over the layer. In this way, she is enriched with organic speech and is spared from the safest shkidnik - nematodes, as if in such unfriendly surroundings she simply freezes.

There is no simple solution

Discussing the nutrition of an effective infection against the spread of nematodes, the experts of three companies indicated that there is no easy solution to this problem. The most effective will be complex programs that will promote the infestation of biological and chemical nematicides, optimization of the development and creation of modern, more resistant hybrids and varieties that do not infect the nematode.

Root nematodes - prevention and control.

"vіdlyakuyuchi" rosliny will help vygnati nematodes from the garden without the use of scribbled speeches. Tse dosit small, but not safe shkіdnik. Є simple methods of sorting out root nematodes.

The roots of the nematodes are round holes that reach the depth of no more than 1.3 mm, the ice is marked by an invisible eye. Rough nematodes migrate near the soil. Root nematodes - tse one of the various nematodes (among them, krіm shkіdnikіv іsnuyut і korisnі see). Shkіdlivyh nematodes are taken fallow in the course of their residence on root, leaf and stem.

Root nematodes attack, us forward, vegetable crops. The stinks live near the root zone or beyond the її boundaries and are divided into three groups. Root gall nematodes bleed the sap of the sapling and, as a result of seeing their slippery vines, call out on the roots of the established halo-like succulents, which suppresses the growth of the sapling. Free-living nematodes ring out in large-porosity and food soils. When attacked by tsimi nematodes, the roots of the roslin become weary and die, the roslin begins to wither. Nematodes with large illumination of cysts. The stench lays eggs on the roots of the cyst with a rosemary from the head of the head. In an encapsulated species, the eggs can be saved in rocks. The larvae again penetrate the roslin. Eggs and larvae of root nematodes are easily tolerated by hostile minds, proteolytic reproduction of the necessary minds. Vology, warm soil. At low temperatures and cold ground, nematodes do not multiply. Slightly acidic soil. Vapnyany soil ignites the development of nematodes. Food ground. Ensure the movement of free-living nematodes and satisfy their needs in sour.

There is no chemical way to fight against root nematodes. Most often, the stench is on the soils, which are vicorous for the rich cultivation of monocultures. Sіvoobіg, growing zmіshanih crops, vikoristannya like green manure roslin, scho nematodes, vibrating healthy or resistant to nematodes roslin - so come in, yakі will help you to improve the width of this shkidnik. Growing ailments can be watered with roots and sprayed with heat up to 30 degrees with heterophos, and if you want to die, I recommend to reduce. In times of viknennya fire damage, the stretching of not less than 6 years is not planted on this arboretum until the infection with nematodes grows.

Diya grew up in the fight against nematodes in a different way. Some grow root nematodes in the way of seeing products, as a result of the exchange of speeches. Others, so like radish oliyna or new varieties of gyrchitsi, even though they are attacked by nematodes, but when this happens, shkidniki are so weak that they do not grow up and die. May all the growths, which take into account the widening of nematodes, dodatkovo put a healing effect on the soil. The stench renews the soil.

Well, for now, I’ve found some methods of prevention:

- sіvzmіna - means the drawing of cultivated crops. You can plant the same vegetables on the same spot only after 3-4 years.

Zmіshanі kultury - zabіgayut vylugovuvannya ґruntu that accumulated in the new shkіdnikіv and zbudnikіv ailment.

We planted among the vegetables roslin-zahisniki, which watch the nematodes, it’s beautiful, and save the great shock.

Olive radish, girchitsya chi sumish greens, having added additional help to clean the soil from the shkіdnik.

Kviti, yakі vіdlyakovyut root nematodes:

Chornobrivtsi. Hybrids with dry flowers and a strong smell are deadly for nematodes. Large hybrids with a weak smell are not suitable. (And black-browns also instill evil spirits, but about tse spread magic in the garden).

Calendula likarska - seeing the roots of nematodes and stimulating the life of other soil organisms.

The root of gaillard garnoi, as well as coreopsis and rudbecki, see speeches that are intolerable to nematodes.

The axis is a short cross of roslin, which is attacked by nematodes:

Chasnik, tsibula - are attacked by root nematodes more, more shkodi plant stem nematodes.

Kvassola, peas - kvassola is attacked by stem nematodes, peas - by root nematodes. The result of the strike is a stutter of growing, pozhovtinnya, vyanennya.

You see cabbage - it is attacked by cyst-forming nematodes, "bearded" twisted roots, on which cysts are established.

Carrot - is attacked by cyst-forming nematodes, root gall and hard-living nematodes. Podsumok razhennya - short root crops with bezlichchyu korіntsiv.

Tomato - attacked by root nematodes. On the above-ground parts of the roslin, leaf and stem nematodes are possible. Choose a variety of resistant to nematode varieties.

Lettuce is attacked by cyst-forming, root gall and lively nematodes. The stench pereskodzhayut rozvitku lettuce heads.

Potatoes are attacked by cyst nematodes. Growths on the root, choose the stalk to the nematode variety.

- Seler - on roots and bulbs of root gall nematodes and free-living nematodes. Aerial parts are attacked by stem and leaf nematodes.

Schedule of work at the garden for the whole season:

Hanging prepared soil - digging the soil, changing it with compost or organic. We introduce algae vapnyak or vapno at the soil, to avenge magnesium or kam'yane borosno. In times of strong infestation, vicorists against root nematodes are green and kind. Viroshyuemo vitrivali before infection with nematodes varieties. Sadzhaemo mixed with vegetables blackberry, calendula, rudbeckia and coreopsis. Vletka is revering the growth. The damage to the growth is reduced, healthy for a year with rare fertilizers. In the autumn on the plots, heavily infested with nematodes, we plant growths that look like nematodes, and they are flooded until spring. Compost and algae vapnyak are introduced into the soil. I started in the autumn, dribblingly cut black-browns and dig over the ground. But it seems that the skin has its own problems. Good luck to you.
