From the spread of ailments caused by mushrooms. Roslin ailments caused by mushrooms

From the spread of ailments caused by mushrooms. Roslin ailments caused by mushrooms

Phytopathogenic fungi are divided into three groups: necrotrophy, biotrophy and gemibiotrophy.

mushroom necrotrophy

Symptoms of ailments. yakі call necrotrophic fungi, most often pochornіnnya ( necrosis) that death of roslina or її parts. Call necrotrophy to infect:

come down, the fabrics of which have not yet caught the virobity of mіtsnyh crooks, which protect from the infected: root rot that "black nizhka"), often posterigaetsya mass death of gatherings;

Hills of the villages of roslin, frost-bitten: frost-bitten cracks and frost-bitten bushes are populated with mushrooms anew, after all, they lose their immunity with dead clitins; qi fungi are seen in the extra tissue of toxins, which lead to the death of cells and expand the zone of infection;

vessels (trachea) of the duct system - xylemi: when the transport of the water and elements of soil life is destroyed, this leads to the infestation of roslin in the case of growth in the soil; call sickness wiltom or tracheomycosis;

Living by dead tissues of roslin virobilo in necrotrophic fungi two power, important descriptions of systems for protection against them roslyn:

  • 1) indistinctness in the choice of the lord-growth ( wide phylogenetic specialization), after all, one type of fungus can host a rich variety of roslins, which lie down to different botanical families;
  • 2) building after the death of the growth, to live, turn into the ground and eat dead growth there.

In a practical robotic ailment, roslin is accepted to be classified as an agricultural supporter culture or its close native groups. At the boundaries of skin culture, disease is treated according to the etiological principle, from the causes of their vindication.

Non-infectious are called ailments, the cause of some unfriendly factors of the environment: elevated or lowered temperature, lack of excess water and elements of life, unsatisfactory physical and chemical warehouse of cleanliness, presence of shkidlivih houses in the air. Numbers of ailments are reportedly reviewed in reference books on physiology, agrochemistry, farming, and to this in the atlas of frequent illumination.

Form the manifestation of ailments more different, which is more difficult to recognize (diagnosis). Nerydko Zovsizhi ailments May, calls the Classes, the I, the Nonpaki, those marshmallows are neopotaric in the deposit of the Umov Umovs, the middle official, a hurricane organ, the herd of a hurry, and the Patogen, and Takozhu is a character.

In practice, different signs (symptoms) of ailment are grouped as tipi, which allows you to make a correct diagnosis of illness.

Such types of ailments are most commonly reported: blisters, tissue necrosis, or necrosis, rotting of small organs, growths, pustules (pillows), deformation of organs, mummification, gum growth, gum growth.

V'yanennya The call is manifested in drooping leaves, stems and other organs of the roslin. Most of all, it is tied to the second turgor of the clitin and the tissue in the aftermath of the lack of water. The cause of this may be the blockage of the vessels of the roslin by pathogens or poisoned by their toxins. It is not uncommon to grow in the 'yane when the roots and stems are damaged by both pathogens and scabs. The cause of the disease can be buti and unfriendly factors of the environment.

Vіdmirannya tissues, or necrosis, are characterized by the presence of patchiness on leaves, stems, reproductive organs, and roots. The flames are of a different color and color, often sharpened with an oblyamіvkoy. Quite often they can be used as a source of other pathological information.

Rotten vyyavlyayutsya at rozm'yakshennі and rokladannі roslinnih fabrics. In this case, intercletinous speech often collapses, after which maceration (rose) of clitin occurs.

Naglioti Roslin's organs are protected from fungal infections. Quite often stinks appear as a result of growth on the surface of the growths of mycelium growths or molding of sporulation of mushrooms. The color will become more vibrant.

Pustules it is customary to name the spherical pads of a different rose and color, as they are formed from the sporulation of the ailment. Most of the time, the stench is blamed on the development of rusty diseases.

Deformation characterized by a serpentine form of the organs of roslin under the influx of the ailment of the ailment. With which leaves, that stems can be shortened, strongly deformed, or grow. Sometimes the form of the tickets changes, and the stench becomes fruitless.

growths, or puffy z'yavlyayutsya as a result of abnormal growth of okremih parts of roslin under the influx of the ailment of the ailment Buvayut also growths that are formed from the body of the fungus.

Mummification- a type of ailment, in which the organ of growth is densely pierced by mycelium and often transforms into sclerotia.

Vision gums poserіgaєtsya at urazhennі roslin is more important than fungi and bacteria. It is characterized by the appearance of a sticky mucus of light brown color. Sometimes the cause of gum disease is ushkodzhennya, the heads of the strong guardians and shkіdniks.

Zmina color fabrics are often found on leaves, stems and succulents under the influx of ailments, especially viral ones and mycoplasma ones, as well as when eating roslin is damaged. The cause of this phenomenon may be a genetic disease. The change in the color of fabrics is due to the damage to the life and physiological functions of chloroplasts. This type of ailment is manifested in the appearance of chlorosis, leaf mosaic, streaks of infection and scorched yellowing.

Asymptomatic(latent) infection often occurs when the growths are infected with certain viruses and mycoplasmas and are characterized by the most obvious signs of a pathological process. Latent ailments can be the cause of weak fruitfulness. In some cases, symptoms of ailment may appear during the hour, especially in the sinter, but when it gets cold, the stench reappears.

It should be noted that the listing types of ailments do not intervene all the different manifestations of pathological changes in the roslin. In phytopathological practice, there are often fluctuations, if the same signs of a few ailments are the same, and the causes of them are blamed for those worries of life. Therefore, for the exact diagnosis of ailments, the crime of an oval glance at the stricken growth, you will need special follow-up with the method of setting the alarm clock and the infection. In most cases, the signs of illness are supplemented by microscopic observations and morphological data about the wake-up call. In the last few years, methods and fixations are being developed for the preparation of lesions of tissues for histological and histological-chemical studies.

For a more correct diagnosis of the disease, and the manifestation of a gerel infection, it is not uncommon for cultural and biological studies to take place.

The cultural heritage of the ailment of the ailment is considered to be a pure culture, cultivated for morphological and biochemical signs, as well as biological features.

Biological investigations should be carried out according to the specialization of the health worker of the diseased plant and the designated degree of susceptibility of the rest to the worker. In these cases, there is a piece of infection with roslin with an oligarch with a further increase in the symptoms of infection and other features of the disease. I will be of great help to my right to give knowledge of the physiological and biochemical characteristics of ailing growth. It is also important to install a factor, so that you can spriyat chi and stream the development of ailments.

Mushrooms. Previously, they were respected for the independence of the growing world. In this hour, the doslidniki bring mushrooms to the kingdom of living organisms. Mycota, which are taken from the systematics of the intermediate position between creatures and roslins.

Before the creational kingdom, they are approaching the presence in the exchange of speeches of sechovin, in the shells of clitin - chitin and the adoption of a reserve product - glycogen. Prote behind the method of eating (soaking, and not wrapping їzhi) and the peculiarities of the growth of the stench are closer to the roslins.

All fungi lie down to heterotrophic organisms, so the stench is not good for synthesizing organic sprouts and is eaten by various organic rechovins, which is in nature.

Mushrooms that settle on dead roslins or other organic lattices are called obov'yazykovy saprophytes. Some of them are rich in the cycle of speeches in nature and therefore corisn, others can settle on agricultural products and psuvati.

Fallow from the vegetative body, the fungi are subdivided into two species. Myxomycotaі Eumycota(Hawksworth et al., 1983). In Myxomycota, the vegetative body is composed of a protoplasmic amoeba-like mass. Most of the representatives of this species are saprophytes, who live as the leading rank among foxes (slimers). Proteo in the middle of them and vigilantes of unsafe ailments of cultivated roslins - shards of cross-flowering crops and powdery scab of potatoes (representatives of the class Plasmodiophoromycetes order Plasmodiophorales).

Representatives Eumycota vegetative body - mycelium, which is formed from thin hyphae (threads), as they grow and can grow. Fallow in the form of the features of the buds of mycelium, they are subdivided into lower and living mushrooms. In the lower mycelium, the mycelium is well separated, but not divided into clitins, so they call it non-segmented, but one-clitin. In mushrooms, it is composed of rich clitins and is called jointed, or rich clitinous (Fig. 1).

Fig.1. Types of mushrooms: 1 - in the looking naked plasma in the clitiny dew-master; 2 - well-worn, but not divided into clitins (unsepted); 3 - richoclitin.

Fallen growing in the growth, the mycelium can be internal, or endophytic (in most fungi), or superficial, or exophytic (important in bog and other).

The hyphae of the endophytic mycelium often grow in the tissues of the roslin between the clitins, and only the deac fungi with their hyphae penetrate without intermediary in the clitins. Most of the myceliums in the clitinum penetrate special viruses of various forms, which are called haustoria (Fig. 2). With their help, mushrooms rot out of roslin, which they are afraid of, live speech, as well as water.

Fig.2. Forms of haustoria in fungi: 1 - Albugo; 2 - Erysiphe; 3 - Peronospora.

Klitini mushrooms make a nucleus, protoplasm and even a shell. The nuclei are rounded or slightly twisted, 2-3 microns in size, sharpened with a nuclear membrane. Fallow in the form of fungi and stages of their development in one clitiny, it is found in one to a few nuclei.

The protoplasm in young clitins of fungi sings and fills the entire empty space and contains small vacuoles in what looks like rounded bulbs. In older clitins, the protoplasm, as a rule, spreads out in a thin ball near the tunic, the center of the clitin is occupied by a large vacuole, thin protoplasmic bands pass through the yak in other straight lines.

The husk of clitin in most fungi is barren, and in the course of time it is often pigmented and sweating.

Mycelium of bagatioh mushrooms can be modified and formed in different forms, the main ones being:

sclerotia- dark hard bodies, which are formed from the deep plexus of hyphae with a small amount of water (up to 10%) and a significant supply of living speeches;

stroma- Strengthening the plexus of the mycelium of the sclerotial type, which penetrates the organs of the roslin. On the surface or in the middle of the infected organs of roslin, on the stroma, spore-bearing organs of fungi are established;

chlamydospores- small rounded plots of hyphae, allowing for vegetative mycelium. The stench of revenge is richly alive with speeches, there is little water, often covered with a thin, sweaty, sometimes pigmented shell and in most vipadkiv buildings endure the unfriendly mind of a dovkil;

hemi utvoryuyuyutsya so itself, like chlamydospores, ale vіdіznyayutsya vіd them instability forms;

heavy- Cords similar to those that are folded in parallel with the placement of GIFs, as they often grow.

In some mushrooms, strands contain hyphys of a homogeneous budovi, in others, they are differentiated into ovnishnі - thin and mіtsnі, vnutrіshni - shirshі z nerіvnomіrno sweating walls;

rhizomorphy- gossip of the mycelium, in which the surface hyphae may be darkly infested, and the internal ones - light;

mycelial swimwear- schіlnі tangled mycelium, scho utvoryuyutsya on the surface or in the middle of fabric roslin.

Mushrooms reproduce in vegetative, stateless and state ways. Vegetative reproduction grows with hyphae or mycelium and її species, without a state - for the help of special superechok, which are established on special growths of mycelium. Superchki can be both endogenous and exogenous.

The first of them are uniclitinous and have two types - sporangia spores (non-ruch), covered with a tunic, and zoospores - rotten, with one or two flagella. Places of sporangia spores are called sporangia, and virosity, on which stinks develop, are sporangia bearers (Fig. 3). Zoospores have distinct zoosporangia and zoosporangiosity (Fig. 4).

Fig.3. Organs of stateless reproduction of fungi-zygomycetes Rhizopus nigricans: 1 - sporangia with sporangia; 2 - sporangium (strongly enlarged).
Fig.4. Zoosporangia and zoosporangia: 1 - germination of zoosporangia from the adopted zoospores in mushrooms of the genus Olpidium; 2 - zoosporangium fungi of the genus Saprolegnia. Zoosporangia on zoosporangia bearing peronosporous fungi: 3 - Python; 4 - Pseudoperonospora; 5 - Phytophthora.

Exogenous superchickens settle down directly on the surface of special growths and are called conidia, and they are called conidia (Fig. 5). In some fungi, conidia with conidiophores appear in special vessels - pycnida (Fig. 6).

Fig.5. Conidia with conidia in fungi canopies: 1 - Oedocephalum; 2 - Verticillium; 3 - Sterigmatocystis; 4 - Penicillium; 5 - Erysiplie; 6 - Alternaria.

Fig.6. Pycnida from pycnospore fungi of the genus Septoria.

In these species, conidia are often called pycnospores. Some conidiobearers are bred into bundles and even they are called coremias (Fig. 7). In a number of mushrooms, short conidia with conidia are established with a succulent ball, rotting on a large weave of hyphae, the so-called lodge (small 8). In fungi from the family Tuberculariacea conidiophores with conidia settle down in looking fluffy mucus burns - sporodochia or the same humpbacks, but angry among themselves (pivonoti).

Fig.7. Koremia with conidia fungi of the genus Sphaerostilbe.

Conidia are one-colored and rich-colored, and also differ in shape, color and world.

Sporangiophores, as a rule, are not decomposed, and zoosporangiophores and conidiophores often show signs of various endings.

The state of reproduction is settled by disputes, as if they are settled when two different states are angry.

In lower mushrooms, when two ruhomy vegetative zoospores (or gametes) are spawned, a zoosporangium or a cyst is established. When two different species are littered behind the shape of the clitinum, the oospore is established, and when the same clitiny are littered, the zygospore is established. These superworts often weave underwine shells with different inlays (Fig. 9).

Most of the fungi are multiplied by the way of the pouch from bagospores (ascos from ascospores). In some of them, the bags can develop directly on the mycelium, but in most of them, the stench settles in special fruiting bodies (mycelium gossip) or on their surfaces.

There are three types of mushroom fruits: cleistothecia, perithecia and apothecia.

Cleistothecia- closed (closed), often rounded, with different forms of podviski. The middle of their bags are stashed, as a rule, without a fret or in a parallel bunch. Remains grow after the destruction of the shells of the cleistothecium (Fig. 10).

Fig.8. A bed (sucillary ball) of conidiophores with conidia on the slit plexus hyphae of mycelium in fungi of the genus Gloeosporium.

Fig.9. Oospori and zygospori: 1 - antheridium and oogony before the flooding and oospores; 2 - oospore formed; 3 - article of the process and development of zygospores; 4 - matured zygospore and її prorostannya.

Fig.10. Cleistothecia with sacs and sacspores in fungi of various genera of the family Erysiphaceae: 1 - Podosphaera; 2 - Sphaerotheca; 3 - Erysiphe; 4 - Microsphaera; 5 - Trichocladia; 6 - Phyllactinia; 7 - Uncinula; 8 - Leveilluia.

Perithecia- Fruit body with a narrow opening at the top (Fig. 11). Bags in them sound like a bundle, and in some kind of mushrooms they are rebuyed at the gossip of mycelium, as they are called a bag-stroy. Behind the shape of the bagstrom, perithecia are predicted and they are often called pseudothecia.

Fig.11. Perithecia with bags and bag spores of mushrooms in different canopies: Melanomma : 1 - peritheses; 2 Herpotricha : 3 - peritecii; 4 - a bag of bag spores and paraphysis; Pleospora : 5 - peritheses; 6 - a bag of bag spores.

Apothecia- vіdkritі, more importantly cup-like saucer-like forms of the fruit body, on the surface of which bags develop as a wide ball (hymenіy), and between them there are rotting hymenless hyphae - paraphysi (Fig. 12).

Fig.12. Apothecia with sacs and sacspores in mushrooms of different canopies: Calloria; 1 - apothecions; 2 - a bag of sacspores and paraphyses; Erinella : 3 - apothecia; 4 - a bag of bag spores

In the living basidial fungi, the process ends with the basidia being dissolved with basidiospores (Fig. 13). Basids can be club-like or cylindrical, rich-to-clitin or single-cliten (phragmobasid). On the skin basidium, the sound is formed along the chotyri of one-celled rounded ovoid or filamentous basidiospores.

Fig.13. Basidia with basidiospores in fungi: 1 - homobasidial; 2 - heterobasidialish; 3 і 4 - tiliomnsetnyh

All signs of vegetative, stateless and state reproduction of fungi are responsible for their classification.

In viddіlі Eshpuso1a, the ailments of the ailments of the agricultural podar cultures are represented by three classes of lower (chіtrіdiomyceti, oomyceti and zygomyceti) and higher (sumchast, basidial and incomplete) fungi.

Zygomycete class ( Zygomycetes) also includes mushrooms with well-spread non-segmented mycelium. When they reproduce without state, sporangia spores (in sporangia) or conidia are established in them. The state process of isogamous (bringing of two non-destructive morphologically identical cells) with the adoption of zygospores. The majority of these mushrooms are saprophytes that settle on the growing trellises, but some of them can overcome the ailments of cultivated growths and coma.

Bag class ( Ascomycetes) combined over 25 thousand mushrooms from the septate mycelium. In bagatiohs, there is a stateless (conidial) sporulation. The state of reproduction leaks from the adoption of bags and bag-spores. This class is subdivided into three subclasses:

fecundation- bags are formed near the fruit bodies; among them there are a lot of health workers in the field crops;

empty bags, or loculoascomyceti - bags, one at a time or more often in groups, are formed in empty bag-cases (pseudotecs); this class also has fungi, which cause unsafe disease of field crops.

Class basidial ( Basidiomycetes) has about 30 thousand species, in which the mycelium is rich-to-clitinous, and the main organ of sporulation is the basidium, which settles on the dual-nuclear mycelium after the state process. Fallow in the type of basidium, this class of mushrooms is divided into three subclasses: homobasidial(Homobasidiomycetidae - basid uniclitin, club-like, with basidiospores, rosted on tops;

heterobasidial (Heterobasidiomycetidae) - basidiospores of bugatoclitin, basidiospores of rostashovan, one at a time on the skin clitin;

sclerobasidial, or thiliomycetes ( Sclerobasidiomycetidae or Teliomycetidae),- Basidia odnoklitinnі or bahatoklitinnі і zavzhdi are established from germinating spores, which in modern times are commonly called tiliospores.

The middle of the rest is especially shkidlivy soot, combined in order Ustilaginales, that іrzhi mushrooms are in order Uredinales.

The smut fungi attack various parts of the roslin, and most of them generative organs. With this staining, the fabrics darken, swell up to a burnt-looking look, stars and look like they are called ill. Darkly afflicted by the defeat of the missions are given darkly tainted tiliospores, which are settled in the great lands. Previously, they were called chlamydospores, because the stench is made up by a path of narrowing and water-reinforcement in place of the small cells of the vegetative mycelium and is covered with a vegetative membrane. However, in soot mushrooms, such superworts during germination do not establish vegetative mycelium, but give basidium, and change the phase of the nucleus.

Rusty fungi attack the head rank of the above-ground organs of growths, attacking them with rusty-storm, orange-yellow or dark brown clusters of spores, which in most cases appear through the name through the growth in the epidermis or the cortex of the affected organs.

Five types of sporulation have been established in the cycle of development of erzhovy fungi, which are usually designated by such numbers: 0 - spermatogonia with spermatozoa; I - ecii with eciospores (ecidia with ecidospores); II - uredinia with urediniospores (uredopustules with uredospores); III - bodies with teliospores (teliopustules with teliospores); IV - basidia with basidiospores.

The skin type of sporulation may have its own morphological and biological signs.

A lot of health workers in irzhi the ailment of the field crops, the new cycle of its development will take place on two types of roslins, that is, they are called dioecious, or different subdar. Deyakі z іrzhі fungi tsyu zdatnіst spent and develop on one roslinі, to that they are called monoecious.

In a number of species of russet fungi, there are special forms, which attack the singlings of the plant, as well as physiological races and biotypes, which develop the virulence to the singful varieties of grain crops.

Mushrooms were not perfected over 25,000 species with a well-established bugatoclitous mycelium, most of which are propagated by a stateless path (conidia) or vegetatively (mycelium). Deyakі from them for the singing ecological minds are built up to stateful creation of bags from bagospores or basidium from basidiospores.

Inadequate mushrooms are subdivided by orders of magnitude according to the type of sporulation (on free or condiments that grew, in lodges and pycnids). Vrakhovuyt also budovu dispute, the color and number of clitin in superechtsi. Two classifications of incomplete mushrooms were accepted - R.A. Saccardo and A.A.

Bacteria and actinomycetes. Bacteria are single-celled organisms with protoplasmic space. In young clitins, the protoplasm is homogeneous, in older ones, vacuoles appear. Bacteria cannot make a well-formed nucleus and even the nuclear speech is found in a diffuse state.

Bacteria come in different forms: clumps, stick-like, spiral, thread-like and ragged. The stench is multiplying, let's just podіlom. Mustache bacteria, yakі є zbudnik ailments, grow a stick-like shape. The stinks are alone, they are paired up in pairs, or they look like lancers. In some bacteria, flagella are located polar and peritrichous (Fig. 14). For the diagnosis of bacteria, the significance of Gram infection is important: gram-positive - mіtsno utrimuyut farba i nabuvayut dark-violet, and gram-negative - red color.

Fig.14. Bacteria (under electron microscope): 1 - with polar flagella; 2 - with peritrichial

For the purpose of bacteria, krіm morphological, cultural and physiological signs may also be of great importance: the peculiarity of growth on life-giving media, the shape and color of the colonies, the ratio to molecular sour, the nitrogen, the carbon, the distribution of gelatin. Often, all these signs are supplemented by data from serological studies (sustaining of immunological sirovatok and others).

For the residual treatment of a bacterial pathogen, it is necessary to carry out a piece infection of the growth-master and to treat the symptoms of the disease. Among the bacterial pathogens in the field crops, bacteria from the canopies are most often infested Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas, Aplanobacteriumі Corynebacterium.

Actinomycetes, or promenist fungi, occupy an intermediate position between fungi and bacteria. The vegetative body is composed of thin, galvanized, non-septated mycelium, which brings them closer to the lower mushrooms. However, nuclear speech in these fungi, like in bacteria, is found in a diffuse state. Reproduce actinomycetes with small mycelium and spores, which are established by a path of segmentation of the spore-bearing needles on the border of the tree with transverse partitions, or by fragmentation - disintegration together on the border of the cage (Fig. 15).

Fig.15. Types of reproduction of actinomycetes: 1 - Segmentation; 2 - Fragmentation

Actinomycetes call for ailments of beetroots, potatoes and other crops.

Viruses. Before viruses, the most common pathogens of infectious diseases are seen, as they multiply only in living plants of roslin (or creatures). If all viruses are small enough to pass through bacterial filters, they are often called viruses because they are filtered. Distinguish between stick-like, thread-like, rounded, spherical and spiral viruses (Fig. 16).

Fig.16. Types of viruses (under electron microscope): 1 - stick-like; 2 - thread-like; 3 - spherical; 4 - Spirals.

The range of їх is indicated in millimicrons (mmkm), nanometers (nm), or angstroms (A): 1mmkm = 1nm = 10 -9 m, 1A = 10 -10 m.

A skin virus of one species has several signs, especially pronounced in their forms, which are often called virions, or virospores.

Modern methods allow to see viruses from the juice of sickly plants, clean and remove them from the crystalline form. The crystal mill of viruses does not reduce their activity. All phytopathogenic viruses are nucleoproteins, which are composed of nucleic acid (the head rank of RNA) and proteins, which include about 20 amino acids, linked together by a peptide linkage.

An important feature of viruses is the building of its own specific structure. Phytopathogenic viruses multiply even more quickly in living cells of hospitable growths or in insulated tissues that grow in piece life-giving mediums. The stench for the help of small clods - carriers (popelitsy and others) is expanding, and also, for an hour, the chips grow or inoculate.

The majority of phytopathogenic viruses have few specializations (they attack a lot of plants in the boundaries of botanical families), proteos of them attack plants in the boundaries of one botanical genus.

The classification of viruses is based on the findings about their evolution and evolution. A lot of viruses in ninth may be different synonyms. In most cases, the generic name of the virus is given as the generic name of the Russian ruler, they give the word virus, the ordinal number of the yogo manifestation of the name of the author, who previously described the virus. For example, the wake-up call of the mosaic of winter wheat Triticum virus 8 Zazurilo et Sitnicova, de Triticum- generic name of wheat, virus 8- a virus, a kind of manifestations on wheat eight, Zazurilo and Sitnicova- the names of the authors, who previously described yoga and propagated such a name.

The rest of the fates of the Crimean viruses revealed the rank of viruses, perhaps even a small molecular weight. The disease etiology is described.

Mycoplasma bodies(MPT) as an ill person, it was recently revealed as a head rank in phloem, sieve tubes and parenchyma of roslin. It is important that it is ellipsoidal or rounded, sometimes flattened or bent, with constrictions of heteromorphic dentures (Fig. 17) with an average size of 200-300 nm, which are serrated one by one or crowded. The replacement of the shell of the stink is honed with a lesser subvіynoy membrane with a thickness of 7-8 nm and looks even more similar to degenerating mitochondria, after which for a long time it did not go into manifestation.

Fig.17. Mycoplasma body (under electron microscope)

MPT can be propagated and cultivated on folding pieces of life-giving mediums.

Usі MPT rozpovsyudzhuyutsya for help carrier (vector). In coma-carriers (most importantly cicadas), stench can multiply and accumulate.

Viruses and MPT are taken as a head rank in vegetative dews and comaxes. Only a few of them can stay in our country, the remnants of roslin and soil.

Fig.18. Scheme of life of phytonematodes (according to A. A. Paramonov and F. I. Bryushkovo, 1956): a - female; b - male; 1 - Mouth empty; 2 - Stravokhod case; 3 - Middle bulb; 4 - rear bulb with crusher; 5 - nerve ring; 6 - intestines; 7 - ovary; 8 - oviduct; 9 - uterus (anterior and posterior); 10 - nasіnnik; 11 - zone of spermatozoa maturation; 12 - sim'yaprovid; 13 - sіm'yaviverguvalny channel; 14 - Spikuli; 15 - kermo; 16 - krill bursi with ribs.

The body of the nematode is non-segmented and covered with a smooth or kilchastoy cuticle. Dovzhina vіd 0.5 to 2 mm, and the diameter sounds close to 15-20 microns. In some species, females swell when eggs are laid and even their diameter reaches 200-400 microns and more. The nematode is formed from the head part, body and tail. At the head part there is a nerve, or a lip ring, in the center of some kind of mouth emptying and post-labile ring, which vary according to the form and may be more important in the diagnosis of views. The body occupies a greater part of the nematode (from the head to the anal opening in females and the larvae or up to the cloaca in males). The other part (hvist) is not the same in shape in different species, which is also protected for її appointed.

The empty mouth has a stylet, for the help of some kind of nematode, it pierces the cells of the roslin. Stravochid is folded into a body with a soft middle bulb, an isthmus, suffocated by the nerve calf, and the posterior (cardial) arched part. Enzymatic fold through the stylet is often seen at the outer middle and saturate the cleft in place, and the shortened bulb helps to soak the hedgehog.

Reproduce nematodes in a path with a distant egg-laying in a free-looking (in stalk), in a sticky gelatin-like bear (in galovyh) or eggs accumulate in the body of a female, which turns into a cyst (in cyst-forming nematodes).

Neodminna umova in the development of nematodes - high water content of the soil. Temperature is also important, but the criteria for different types of nematodes are not the same.

Bagato nematodes can easily endure drying and low temperatures.

Lungs behind a mechanical storage of the soil - a greater accessory source for more nematodes, like the roots of roslins.

Root visions of some growths stimulate the emergence of larvae from eggs, others - induce or call their death. Tsyu sooblivіst sled vrakhovuvat rozrobki zakhodіv against nematodes. Phytohelminths can be infested with nematodes and fungi.

Vіdomi nematodes are carriers of virus, bacterial and fungal diseases.

Systematics of nematodes as representatives of the world of creatures is known from special literature. The most pathogenic species in terms of maturity to field crops can be found in up to three families - afelenchoidid, tylenchid and heteroderid.

When roslins are attacked by nematodes, the appearance of similar growths of roslins often increases. Injured growths bloom weakly and bear fruit, and often die again.

Roslin's ailments can be blamed for the influx of unfriendly minds of dovkill, and to inspire the life of various pathogenic organisms with an influx of vitality.

Depending on the causes that lead to the pathological process, the ailments of the roslin are subdivided into non-infectious and infectious.

Such a meaning of fungal diseases (mycosis) is explained by the fact that in the clitins of mushrooms there is a set of enzymes, that split the husks of the mushrooms and into the carbohydrates of roslin, especially the husks of the clitins in the villages of roslin, as well as the building of mushrooms in the sourness of the middling, which ignite the bugs. Most of the infectious ailments in the villages of the forests and chagars grow mushrooms; For example, over 400 species of various fungi were registered on oak, including a lot of unsafe health problems, on pine - over 300 species. Rot - the most wide and sickly ailments in the villages of the porid and villages - are vibrated exclusively by mushrooms. All the same, I give you an idea that mushrooms play the main role as a savior of ailments, which is why forest phytopathology gives them so much respect, and mushroom ailments report.

Skin fungus ailment, or mycosis, is called by a singing alarm, accompanied by snakes of internal tissue growth and is characterized by obvious signs and symptoms, for which one ailment is seen in other cases. Symptoms of ailments, yak and ailments of fox porid, various. In forest phytopathology, like in global phytopathology, there is a description of only the main types of ailments, a group of ailments with similar signs. The most widespread mushroom ailments in the villages are of the following types: shrinkage of crowns, rot, blisters, deformation, necrosis, wilts and cancerous swellings, fungus blisters, mummification.

Withering of the crown begins with a serpentine zabarvlennya, before the withering and falling of the needles and leaves, accompanied by the death of the bushes and knots, ends with the wilt of the crown of the tree. Illness is due to various causes, most often caused by fungi (for example, Peridermium pini Kleb., Lophodermium pinostri Chev., Vuilleminia comedens Mair.).

The rots are characterized by rotting and rotting of growing tissues, among the organs and whole growths under the influx of enzymes, which are seen as mushrooms. The rotting of skhilnі nasіnnya, fruits, leaves, chilka, stovburi, that root tree, and most of all sap, rich in water, and with reserve, lively rivers, fruits and young people descend. The rot of the tree, as it grows, is fallow in the form of vertical decay in the tree at the top, stovburov and roots. Rots behind the structure are subdivided into pits, prismatic, cracked; for the mission of enlightenment - at the central, peripheral, outskirts; for farbuvannyam stench bіlі, stormy, black (Zhuravlyov, 1966). Stovburov and root rot of trees are sprinkled on windbreaks and windfalls near foxes.

In'yanennya zovni is characterized by drooping and wilting of leaves and bushes with the onset of withering around the knots or the whole tree. Illness is blamed on the penetration of the bud into the vessel system of the stem, the influx of toxins, which they see, and blockage of the vessels, which conduct water from the root to the leaves. The butt of the wild in the villages can be sudinny mycosis, or tracheomycosis, oak, which is called by marsupial fungi of the genus Ophiostoma (O. roboris Georg, et Teod; O. quercus Georg, et Nannf. ta in), and mycosis of the vessels of the ilm ( dutch ailment), which is called by the incomplete mushroom Graphium ulmi Schwl.

Deformation is manifested in the change in the shape of the bushes, leaves, fruits and all the growths under the influx of mushrooms, perhaps for other factors. The butt of the deformation of the woods, which are called by mushrooms, can be seen on the birches and other villages, rocks and chagars. Taphrina betulina Rostr., on a birch with a fluffy vidomini, and Taphrina turgida Sadeb, on a warty birch. Curvature of the hіlok and pagonіv in pine trees, so the titles of pine spinners, vibrates the russet fungus Melampsora pinitorqua Rostr.

Necrosis - in the midst of the okremikh dіlyanok fabrics of growth from the snake's infestation. This type of disease is widely spread, manifested in various forms. So, razrіznyayut cow and plamy necrosis. Cow necrosis - in the midst of measles litter with a splash of mushrooms. For example, oak measles necrosis caused by the incomplete fungus Naemospora croceola Sacc. (Sumchast stage Diatrype stigma Wint), cow's necrosis of the ash - bug Cytophora pulchella Wint (Sumkova stage Hysterographium fraxini De Not). Flamboyant necrosis, otherwise the blistering of the leaves is distinguished by the shape, the zabarvlennyam, oblyamіvkoy, and also by the wake-up call. For example, there was an oak mellowness, Ascochyta quercus Sacc. et Speg., reddish-brown welt of maple leaves - Phyllosticta aceris Sacc., brown welt of ash leaves - Cercospora fraxini Lacc.

Mushroom infestations characterize the type of infection, when on the surface of the affected leaves, pagons, holoks and other organs of the growth, a white mycelium and sporulation of fungi of various infections develop. A typical butt of this type of ailment is oak boron dew (Microsphaera alphitoides Griff, et. Maubl.), Wood boron dew (Phyllactinia suffulta Sacc.). Private varieties of mushroom infusions: niello - appearing on leaves and pagons of dark-colored spitting, which are formed from the mycelium and spore-bearing of various mushrooms; tsvіl - utvorennya on the surface of the lining and other organs of the growth of microscopic fungi of various infestations.

Cancer and cancerous swellings appear in the supra-worldly, irregular growth of the small parts of the growth, which lead to the establishment of growths and other new growths on the stovburs, gulka and roots. Before cancerous illnesses, one can see the light on the stovburs of buried wounds, or it’s important to fight, to bring the organ to ruin. Cancer grows on stovburs of coniferous and leafy species. Cancer of stowbur in modrina and yalitsa vibrates the fungus Dasyscypha Willkommii Hart., cancer of the ash tree - Cenangium populneum Rehm., cancer of the chestnut tree - Endothia parasitica And. et And. Cancer of the American chestnut tree was introduced to the USA in 1914, and after 10 years the American chestnut foxes of America were suffering from ailments, as it appeared to be in such a way that they were suffering from ailments (Stekman and Harar, 1963).

The mummification of a fungus permeated with a mycelium of a fungus affected by an organ grows and transforms yoga onto a hybny sclerotium. Such an illness is often found on the fruits of those native villages. For example, mummification of oak acorns is caused by the fungus Stromatinia pseudotuberosa Rehm., mummification of birch - Sclerotinia betulae Woron.

Other types of fungal and other ailments, more reported characteristics of overgrown types of fungal ailments in villages and chagars are looked at in special aids for forest phytopathology (S. I. Vanin. “Forest phytopathology”, 1955; 1962);

Various mushroom ailments are poured into trees in a different way, chagarniki and herbaceous growths near the fox, on the wood that the fox is ready to produce. Одні хвороби повністю знищують рослини, що вегетують (сходи, поросль, молоді рослини), інші послаблюють життєдіяльність рослин під час їх зростання, треті обмежують область їх вирощування і, нарешті, багато грибів, що розвиваються на виробній та іншій деревині, псують її і знижують commodity value. In all kinds of diseases, mushroom ailments negatively pour into the growth and rule the great evil of the forest state.

In the practical activity of a person, for assessing the importance of ailments in the forest state, and the signified by them, shkoda, the terms shkidlivist or shkoda are used. And in the meantime, these terms may vary in daylight, and live in their meanings.

Skoda is the value that characterizes the cost of birth or productivity in the face of ailments at a given moment for a given state and in given minds. Skoda is understandable by the gospodarske, it can be seen in the most expensive commodity units.

Mushroom ailments in the villages of porid and chagarniki, widened near the forests of the Radyansk Union, to give the forest state of the land a great battle. Ailments oppose us and fruits when picking and harvesting, sijants in roses, natural shoots, fox smuga, as well as trees in snotty and swollen forests. About the expansion of mushroom ailments in forest nurseries and in forests, there is a large literature, which is an important factor that contributes to forest culture and lisogospodarsky come in. Ailments and diseases of coniferous trees, shriveling and leafy forests become the cause of the death of forests in a significant area. In connection with the development of biology and regularities, the development of health workers in illness, as well as the development of calls to fight against them, may be of great importance to the state.

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Cereals are, perhaps, the most widespread type of agricultural crops. In order to take great vrozha such roslin, їх, like and be-yakі іnshі, obviously, it is necessary to watch. Great respect for the cultivation of cereals is given to the prevention of various fungal infections. Infection with similar infections significantly reduces the yield, and also, and the factory of great gains in medical supplies. Most often, cereals are infected with smuts. Tse fungal infection of the building in deyaky vipadkah destroy the entire crop of wheat, live, or, for example, corn.

What is called

How to infect grain crops with smut fungi

Viklikans Basidiomycetes zahvoryuvannya for doslednikіv trivalny hour became a riddle riddle. They explained the blackening of the head of the head of the church before the destruction of the exchange of speeches in the middle of the roslin. In the past, there were also statements about those that similar changes appear as a result of the life of coma or infusoria.

Super mushrooms of mushrooms in gardens in blackened dews were found by the past only in the 19th century. From that hour, fighting against the disease of cereals became, obviously, easier.

How the mycelium develops

Brand - tsethe ailment is not only wider, but even more exuberant, which is important to follow.The peculiarity of Basidiomycetes mushrooms is even stronger and life-giving mycelium. Stretch through the wounds of the fabric of the wines, ringing between the clitins, but sometimes they can remain and pierce through.

Before disintegrating into superchickens, the Basidiomycetes mycelium begins to become very rosy. Її hyphy with tsoma are subdivided by additional transverse septa. After a certain hour, the shells of the clitin mycelium become slimy, and then they are replaced by more slits. Further, the cells are corded into the main mycelium of the mycelium. Such vіdokremlіnі delyanki are called smut spores. On the ears of the stink, they make a good memory of the black mass (in the same time, in the same time the saw).

All the roslin does not sound like a mycelium of any kind of mushrooms. Fallow for a particular type of yogi can be used, for example, at the ovaries of crops, at the stem, and parts of the ear.

What are the types of soots?






For the character I will show oncerealsculturesdilyat the smut on the firm that saw. In the first fall, only the grains themselves are affected by the roslin. Їхні casings are practically more saved. Stinks, like in little bears, and the super-mushrooms are rebuffed.

When infected with sawdust, roslin soot collapses almost completely. The super mushrooms of the fungus on their ears are not trimmed. Blow the wind like a breeze to spread them over the whole field.

Yaku shkoda head mushroom

Too much wheat, rye, etc., infected with lard, come out indistinctly. At the stage of preparation of infection, the grain is additionally tested against the spores of the fungus. However, bakery products from such a borosh still look unsavory. The products, unfortunately, swell the characteristic soot taste.

Yak wrestle

To prevent infection of grain crops with smut, follow:

    obov'yazkovo proruyuvat nasіnnya before landing;

    dotrimuvatisya agrotechnics - cherguvat sowing of grains with other agricultural crops.

It is also necessary to grow in the fields only a few varieties of cereals. There were few such breeders. For example,it is rare to grow such varieties as Kinelskoe 92, Kharkivske 86, Saratovskoe 3 toshcho.

Protryuvannya carried out with a path of vitrimuvannya planting material in warm water (about 47 about W) for 3 years. It is also possible to drive in super-chicks of soot with special preparations, for example, "Vitavax".

As it was guessed, the infection of cereal crops with the disease can be directly through the soil. Krim cherguvannya vydіv s/g roslin, to that such zakhodіvs have become accustomed, like peeling the soil of the hung.

Yakі zbitki twigs can zavdat summer resident

In order to protect the growth, in the city, like in the fields of the state hospitals, we should follow the rules of change. When dotrimanny tsієї mind the summer resident, better for everything, do not happen to get stuck with such a problem, like a fluffy planting of corn.

Also, in order to reduce the risk, I inject it through the fungus varto vicorist, and apply the material of only resistant to smut varieties and treat it before planting with the drug "Tritikonazol". The corn bushes themselves are necessary to be treated with a fungicide for prevention. In the autumn, all the surpluses of the next were taken from the beds and burned. At the same time, it is necessary to dig up the earth itself on a dilyantsi for bagnet shoveling.

Roslin ailments caused by mushrooms:

Virus infection:

1. Boron dew

Description: On the surface of the leaves of the affected growth, the vine is filled with white mycelium, on which, after the super-flower, drops of radini are established - stars and the name "boroshnya dew". Mycelium grows in patches mostly on leaves and young pagons, and on petioles, stalks and fruits. The infection begins to sound from a leaf that has been planted closer to the ground and gradually expands throughout the entire growth. Infection of fruits leads to their rotting and rotting. At the end of the day, Roslin does not dare to get sick often, if good prophylaxis has been carried out. At the sight of other mushrooms, it develops in rainy and dry weather. Carried by spores in the wind and clods.

Prevention: For the prevention of downy mildew, trojans and bruslin are good to carry out sawing with a sirka 3-4 times in summer. Peregodovuvannya roslin with nitrogenous fertilizers, especially during the period of budding, it causes a risk of infection with downy dew. Navpaki, pіdzhivlennya phosphorus and potash fertilizers encourages the health of the bog dew. Vіdrіzayte and scorch the infected part of the roslin. Unique strong rejuvenating pruning, which will loosen the growth.

Come fight: Likewise, a sprat of leaves or buds is affected, it is necessary to remove them. Applying through the skin for 5-7 days with special biological preparations for the fight against downy mildew, as well as potassium permanganate(2.5 g per 10 liters of water), 0.5% midi chloroxide, 1% colloidal syrup(30-40g \ 10l) (crim aґrusu!), mix calcined soda with sweet(for 10l water 50g soda and 40g mila).

You can vikoristovuvat such preparations, like topaz, vectra(2-3ml\10l) "Shvidky"(2ml\10l) "Cumulus"(20-30g\10l) "strobe"(2-3ml\10l), "tіovit"(20-30g \ 10l) (cucumbers, zucchini). Good help in case of boron dew with the addition of a sum of antibiotics: terramycin 100 od / ml, penicillin 100 od / ml and streptomycin 250 u / ml in spivvіdnoshennі 1:1.

Cover the vletka with roselins calcined (white) soda with the addition of the gospodar mil (50 grams of soda and 40 grams of mil for 10 liters of water). The application is repeated after 8-10 days.

Before biological methods of combating downy mildew nastіy overripe with pus better than cow's (one part of the pus is poured with three parts of water and insisted for three days, then we dilute the nastiy with two-and-two water, process and obpress). We will carry out the fertilization with infusion once, more often in the evening. Bacteria, which roam in the pus, drive in super fungus fungi in the downy dew.

Obpriskuvannya roslyn zmishanim we infuse cow'yaku and ash(For 10 liters of water, 1 kg of pus and 200 g of ash, infuse in a warm place, stir a little, treat and blot). You can stop by to fight with downy dew on agris and black currants, and other berries. Two days before the picking, I give birth to the mustache trimmings.

2. Hibna boroshnista dew or peronosporosis.

Description: Fighting the green parts of the growth, leafing over importantly. On the ailing parts of the growth, the growths are settled with spleen, from the lower side of which there are bіluvation, sіruvatiy or violet pouring - spores of the fungus (zoosporangia with sporangios). Zoosporangia can be blamed for bagatorase prolongation of the growing season: expanding along the path, the stink is the main infection. Rozvitku ailments spryaє temple moisture content ta grunti. In most of the sprouts, the mycelium is single, which is seen at once from the infected parts of the growth, but it can also be bugatory, which is collected in cibulins, roots and other. hibernating organs.

Prevention: Podtrimka low moisture, regular airing, prodzhuvannya and clearing bushes. Changing the soil and yoga disinfection. As the signs of ailment have already been revealed, be unique when watering, water gets on the leaves.

Come fight: Retelne vydalennya ailing leaves and strongly razhenih roslin. Coating the growths with 1% Bordeaux rind or soda ash (0.5%), especially the lower side of the leaf. You can add midi oxychloride (40g\10l), "abiga-pig"(20g\10l), "oxychom"(20g\10l), "kuproksat", "kartotsid"(30-40g\10l), "kursatr"(50g \ 10l),. Start the dressing for the first sign of illness and repeat the skin for 7-10 days. It is necessary to spend less than 5 obrok.

3. Moniliosis (Monilia) or fruit rot or monilial opik

Description: fungal infection, what is called ascomycetoma Mo nilia . Widely wide in the pomirny climate, especially in areas with a cold wet spring, it is most importantly hostile to the native culture. Roslini are infected with moniliosis, most importantly through the spread of measles. Porazka roslini vіdbuvaєtsya pіd hour tsvіtinnya. After the incubation period of 10-11 days, the leaf damage and blossoming storm, wither and die. The wounded fruits mummify and fall off (otherwise they hang on the needles during the winter); the fungus hibernates in fruits.

Prevention: It is important to carry out prophylactic visits to fight caterpillars, codling sprouts, dog bears, goose and other shkidniki and ailments. When choosing, I give birth, but be careful, so as not to give mechanical damage to fruits and berries. The development of gray rot is streamed by whitening stems and skeletal branches of fruit trees, which are carried out late in autumn.

Come fight: It is necessary to regularly pick up and undermine the damaged fetuses, to see the dead heads. In the gardens of a tree, that soil is clearly obscured nitrafen, flooded with vitriol, medium vitriol, oleocuprite or 1% Bordeaux native land Yu. Obpriskuvannya to carry out in front of flowers. Another application should be carried out again after color 1% Bordeaux native land(100 g per 10 liters of water) cinebu, chlorine midi, captan, phthalan, cuprosan and other fungicides.

With vicarious preparations midi chlorooxide and bordeaux rіdini for the summer season it is necessary to pereperate, so that the stench does not call out the leaves. For re-verification, select control needles and scan less of them. The opiates appear in the appearance of necrotic patches on the leaves or nets on the fruits.

And also: Horus, Abiga-pig, Planriz, Shvidk.

Apple tree cultivars resistant to moniliosis: Parmen winter gold, Ranet Simirenko, Jonathan, Pepin saffron, Wales.


Description: In sickness, the weeds on the leaves are weeds of various shapes, the size of that color. To finish it off often with whips, clad with rings of that chi of a different color. At a number of vipadkіv ide farbuvannya plyam. One of the different varieties of leaf glaucoma is septoria. On the different parts of the roslins, a different look, colors and forms of living litter (plyami) of fabrics are established. The bark is cracked, gum is seen from the wounds. There is a particularly rich plethora in overgrown gardens. Infection thrives on overgrown remnants, weeds and near the ground. Super mushrooms carry water, wind, coma, creatures and people, if with robots they go from sick to healthy.

Azalea: On the leaves of the ailment, the growths are flecks of a yellowish color, with a distant development of the ailment, the stench is brown. As we leaf, we grow yellow, but near the flames on the leaves, green oblyamivkas are overlaid. Nadal leaves are covered. Black specks can be seen on the plumes, which are pycnidami of the fungus. Most of the time, the growth is affected by incorrect agricultural technology, serious pardons from the watchful eye.

At irisiv: On the back of the leaf, there are oval or yellowish feathers, the other colors are light brown, with a pronounced dark male along the edge of the feathers. Later on the flames, a blackish pour is established, more importantly in the middle. Leaves the storm, sighs, to the one who is ill, he suffocates the whole scarf. The fungus overwinters on infected growing racks.

For floksiv: On the lower leaf, the bud is covered with reddish-violet patches of rounded shape, about 2-4 mm in diameter. Then the patches expand and on the top of the leaves. Flames at the world the development of ailment are blowing at the center, establishing different numbers of piknidi dark color. In the distance, the pleats are angry, the leaves of the growth are screaming withering. The fungus overwinters successfully on infected leaves.

Viola: zbudnik ill є mushroom Colletotrichum violae tricoloris . When attacked by the fungus, the leaves of the growth show granular round patches of a yellowish-brown color with a pronounced dark edge. By the year, the patches are getting bigger. If you look at it with a magnifying glass, you can see dark pillow-shaped lights.

Come fight: The main goal of the fight against weediness is our own agrotechnical practices, tidying up the territory in the form of leaves and growths of autumn, shards of infection. The correct watering regime, lighting and nourishment create optimal conditions for the growth of roslins, and in strong specimens with mild fungal weeds, they do not cause such serious consequences, like in roslins, which grow with pardons in sight. Timely zastosuvannya fungicides it also reduces the number of fungus species, which calls out the swarming. In the spring, before the blooming of the brunok, grow the roslini 3% Bordeaux native land, and before the color and after the selection I give birth - 1% or medium vitriol.

5. scab

Description: The scab bug hibernates on a fallen leaf. Superchki pіdhoplyuyutsya vіtrom i drank on the young leafy apple trees and pears. Like on a leaf there are water droplets, super-chicks can sprout. In the spring, on the young leaves of diseased trees, dribbling light-green oily patches appear. Later, the stench is covered with a brown-olive velvety tinge. On the fruits are settled rounded dark patches with such an overflow. In the areas where the fetus is affected, the tissues become corky, crack and rot. The scab of the apple tree does not attack the pear and navpaki!

Prevention: Create a good mood and light regime in the garden and in the crowns of trees. Don't add supernaturally rich nitrogen fertilizers.

Come fight: Sick the tree burgundy sumish: the first time at the green cone phase (4%) or the budding phase (2%); suddenly immediately after the color (1%); the third time after 2 tizhnі after another processing (1%-noї). Tse obpriskuvannya is called "blakitnym", shards of wood are filled with blackite zabarvlennya. In autumn, sprinkle the soil under the crowns of trees and fall of leaves with a 7% difference sechovini or 10% difference ammonium nitrate. The replacement of the “blakit” obraskuvannya for an hour of hanging buds from apple trees and pears can be zastosuvat and 1% bordeaux homeland (100 g of blue vitriol and 100 -150 g of vapne).

Against scab apple trees and pears vicorist chlorooxide midi, 90% powder that urinates (30-40 g); polycarbacin, 75% s. p. (40 g) or polyhom, 80% s. item (40 g). Bordeaux native land and other midday preparations for water can, after a while, be able to pick up leaves, so in such cases, 5 days before harvesting, it is necessary to sprinkle around the husks of the trees of the selected varieties, so that they can be turned over for singing.

Opal leaves of autumn are taken and burned!

6. Anthracnose

Description: Sickness on anthracnose grows crooked dark patches, virazki; the frills are sometimes sharpened with a purple oblyamіvkoy, they themselves are more often than a storm, although mothers of erysipelas, orange brilliance can also be; in the world, the development of ailments with patches on the leaves are angry, the leaves are stormy, wither and fall off before the hour. Anthracnose stalks the entire above-ground part of the growth, developing on leaves, stems, pagons and fruits. Fruits infected with anthracnose will rot.

Damage signs: All above-ground organs of growth are affected. The sickness begins to sound from the leafing, on which the storms are settled with a dark clasp on the edge, then the storms step by step get angry. They are settling down with fleas on the stems of the stems, as if they were destroying the overgrowth of the living speeches with the dew. Symptoms of ailment on the pagons: light-brown dowgast, as if progressively expanding, deepening, darkening and oblamovuyutsya dark-violet or brown rim. In dry weather, cracks blaze on the vineyards, and due to the increased moisture, the stems rot and crack. With a strong development of the disease, the leaves are overwhelmed by a storm and wither, and the entire above-ground part of the growth grows. The development of the disease is protected by high water content, high pH of the soil, lacking phosphorus and potassium.

Prevention: The twigs can be spread with drops on the board, which are sprayed, with irrigation water, clods, on the possession of that inventory. The rise of the ailment is sprayed with the heat of the weather. Stay tuned to the regime of moisture in the host, during the hour of protracted damp weather, soak up the growth in the host, do not hang out on the open air, follow the appearance of shkіdnikiv. Vicorist the roasted earth. In preventive visits, it is allowed to spray the growth with cuproxate, midi chloroxide, oxychome.

Come fight: Even though the roslina is not heavily infected, it is resolutely able to see the ailments of the parts. Spray with fungicides (cuproxate, chloroxide midi, oxychom, sandofan M8, acrobat MC and other analogous preparations) 2-3 times.

7. Phylosticosis

Description: On the leaves there are dark rounded or oval patches with a dark band on the cordon with healthy tissue. Often affected tissue on vipada, and the sheet becomes clear.

Prevention: As a rule, it is warm and watery minds to sprout the growth of the sickness of the minds of the mind, which is most often affected by growth in greenhouses, and not in rooms. Unlock the great stinginess of roslynta overwatering. Check the room regularly ensure good lighting. Water the plants with vicarious preparation Fitosporin-M. See all the buds of the leaves. As soon as a part of a sheet is cut, then it is absolutely necessary to buy a part of a healthy tissue.

Come fight: Vydalennya that spalyuvannya ailing leaflets. Treatment with a systemic fungicide. Irrigation change, airing, scaling down on a sprat of tizhniv. As if on the leaves there were already suspected patches, brush them off with splendid water. It is possible to mix preparations: Vetra (2-3ml per 10l of water), kololidnu sirka (50-100g per 10l of water), strobe (in a system with other fungicides, 4g per 10l of water), Abiga-Pik (40-50g per 10l of water) , Bordeaux sumish (100g midi sulfate + 100g vapna per 10l of water), blue vitriol (500g per 10l of water). Repeat the application in 7-10 days.

8. Kokkomikoz

Description: Kokkomikoz vrahaє leaves and fruits of cherries, plums and other stone crops. The fungus overwinters on a fallen leaf. Hanging wind to carry super girls. Red-brown speckles appear on the surface of the leaves, then the stench rages and grows near the fleas. From the lower side of the leaf, a white-erysipelas coating is established. For example, linden ailments of a tree can throw off up to 80% of the leaves. On the fruits they show brownish impressions with a whitish tinge.

Come fight: Cultivate roslini Bordeaux bag: the first time at the phase of the green cone (4% difference) or the appearance of buds (2%); In autumn, sprinkle the soil under the crowns of trees and fall of leaves with 7% rozchiny sechovini or 10% difference ammonium nitrate.

For the fight against coccomicosis (yogo sprouts are also taken in a thick leaf during the winter) on the cob of the opening of brunok cherry trees of non-resistant varieties can also be used 1% Bordeaux native land or midi chloroxide at designated concentrations.

Bordeaux native land and other midday preparations for water can, after a while, be able to pick up leaves, so in such cases, 5 days before harvesting, it is necessary to sprinkle around the husks of the trees of the selected varieties, so that they can be turned over for singing.

At the rocks from the dry spring, it is necessary to fight with the scab and other free-spirited workers, the ailments grow during the period when the brunoks are released until the flowers of the trees fall.

9. Cytosporosis

Description: Cytosporosis - tsia ailment is both svidkoline and chronic. In the first fluke on the bark, there are reddish-brown and yellow-stormy patches of irregular shape. Step by step, the stinks grow and ring the needle, like a nevdovzі shrinks. The tree can die for 2-3 rocks. In another species, humps appear on the surface of the reddish-brown measles. The bark guesses the goose skin. The tree is in the air. Okremі drіbnі and great gіlki sigh.

Zahist: Don't let the measles spread. When wounds appear, disinfect with 3% mild or cold vitriol and cover with garden var.

Prevention: Don't let the measles spread.

Come fight: With the appearance of wounds, disinfect with 3% medium or full of vitriol and make a face gardening varom.

10. Verticillosis or Villt

Description: Roslin is attacked through wounds on the roots and stems - the fungus is taken from the soil. Like in case of fusarium, the ailment is manifested by the second turgor and the influx of pagons. On the transverse views of the stems of the roslins, there is also a dark browning of the vessels. Ale, as a rule, the lower leaves wilt and droop, a little rosemine was poured. Then I’ll start to start in the upper leaves and all the growth. Roslini has a decorative look. In the event of a severe outbreak of ailment, the growth of roslin is raptovo-yane and a gin for a sprat of days. In case of any obvious sign of ailment, it is not possible to see the sign of ailment;

Come fight: Possibly less at cob stages foundationazole, Vectra or topsin-M at a concentration of 0.2% - do not allow re-deposition of soils, do not overdoses of nitrogen fertilizers, do not allow damage to the roots of 3 mm in the case of black soil.

11. Syrah rottenness

Description: They are overwhelmed by the stolen soil. Kviti, leafing, stems, fruit are irritated. In the first black, weakened growths can be affected, the clinical picture is manifested on the cob on the lower old leaf, then the bud spreads on the stem. On the stems light-stormy dry patches are formed. The blow of the fruit starts from the stalks, then a flame of a gray color appears, which swirls like a swab over the whole fruit, its surface becomes watery and covered with a gray fluff (conidial sporulation).

Prevention: Regularly airing the place, keeping the leaves out, what you see, and planting roses, good lighting. Unique peresvozlozhennya ґruntu, especially during cold mornings. Bazhano uniquely hit the leaves by adding nitrogen due to the increased concentration of nitrogen. It is too great a lot of nitrogen to produce to the point that the walls of the cells are softened, and the tissues become susceptible to infections.

Take care of the growth with yogo molding, especially when the leaves are removed, changing the wound surface and by the same time, the streak of rotted gnats. The virizka of the stalked stems and the stalks is carried out with a warm knife in dry weather. All the remnants of the growth are seen through the skin, shards of stink can become the core of the infection of the growth.

Come fight: At the first signs of illness, one sees sickness of leaves, blossoms and flowers of growth. Priskuvannya retail topsin-M (0,1%), foundationazole (0,2%), mid-mile range(0.2% blue vitriol and 2% gospodarsky mil) or other systemic fungicide. Repeated treatments are carried out in 10-12 days.

In times of weak infection, you can apply Bordeaux native land or drugs Topaz, Oxyhom, Champion, Kuproskat. To fight against gray rot, you can use the drug Integral. You can also zastosovuvat such “faces”, like Kartocide, Skor. With the appearance of gray rot pits on the bushes, the deacons practice smearing the stalk of the stalk with a paste and glue based on CMC and trichodermine. Strongly wounded, the maids far behind are watching for the help of a sharp knife.

12. Irzha

Description: Appears at the appearance of orange-brown humps on the upper surface of the leaf, and pustules, oval or round in shape, are visible from the reverse side of the leaf. Step by step, the patches overgrow at the smuga, the leaves are yellow and fall off. Vrazhє richly decorative growths and vegetable crops. Іsnuyut raznі raznі іrzhі іrzhі, scho lie down in the form of sickness.

Prevention: Similar to other fungal diseases, it appears when moisture rises, so prevention is done in equal watering.

Come fight: The best benefit of fighting with irzhey is prevention. Don't pour water on the leaves. You can see the damage to the leaves and the bushes. Wash tools with alcohol. Take the disgrace of the leaf as soon as the infected growth grows. Stop using drugs: "topaz", "vectra", "strobi", burgundy sumish, cuproxate. The dressing is repeated 2-3 times in 10 days.

13. Late blight

Late blight tomato: Late blight tomato attacks like a rose garden, so the growth has grown. On the stems, constrictions are established, on the fruits - a rare rottenness with concentric zones in the form of a gray to red-brown color. Due to the high moisture content, mycelium appears on the fruits.

Come fight: The main respect should be given to the prevention of late blight not only during the growing season, but also during the interseason. After picking, I bring in the next picking up the surpluses and burying them at a specially introduced place. Dig up the soil to a depth of about 20 cm. In greenhouses and greenhouses, it is recommended to replace the upper ball of the soil. As far as possible, the next time to increase the turnover of crops is to turn the tomato on a larger scale no earlier than in 4 years. Before sowing, it is recommended to fertilize with 1% potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 ml of water) with a stretch of 20-25 strands with further washing and drying; replanting with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; during the growing season - processing of mid-mile emulsion (2 g of blue vitriol and 200 g of mil per 10 liters of water; processing of roslin with a teapot with potassium permanganate (1.5 bottles of chasnikova pulp, 1.5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water); roslin The difference is that it consists of 40 drops of iodine and 30 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water (0.5 liters per 1 roslin). 2 khvilin or at t 40-45°C - 4 khvilin) ​​and after drying, dozaryuyut in dark at a temperature of about 25°C.

Apple Phytophthora: It attacks the root neck of trees with the head rank, the bark is filled with blue-violet infestation and cracks, under the bark the fabric is dark brown (chocolate brown).

Come fight: Picking up that underbelly of the fallen, wintering on the mushroom, the glare of the trees with the path of cleaning up and disinfecting the wounds, or the vipalyuvannya of the stricken vineyards. Copper-containing preparations and contact chi combined infusion (medium vitriol, vitriol, oxychom and others.) can help as a preventive measure. In the hour, the obstruction is lowered and I give birth to late blight.

14. Was putrid

Description: Vrazhaє all parts of roslin: stems, petioles, leaves, vus, fruits. Damaged tissues become soft, slimy, grimacing with white mycelium. On the surface and in the middle of the stem, black specks are settled. In the growths, in the root part, the leaves have withered and withered. Only a glance at the stem allows you to restore that the cinders have perished after being attacked by white rot. The most susceptible to disease growth at the fruiting phase. The development of ailments is taken care of by the moisture content of the soil and the weather, sharp fluctuations in temperature, thickening of the planting of roslin. Krim ogirkiv, ailment attacks tomatoes, parsley, eggplant, pepper, cauliflower. Therefore, after these cultures, it is impossible to grow butts.

Come fight: Dotrimannya drawing cultures. Vaporizing the stalk with signs of ailment. A virizka of the damaged parts of the growth from a part of the healthy tissue. With a strong broadening of the ailment, the leaves were removed in the hot, dry summer of the day (the wounds dried out more quickly). Posipannya mіstsya zrіzu tovchenny vugіllya or rubbing 0.5% rosemary vitriol. Evening watering with warm water and periodic ventilation of greenhouses. Zastosuvannya of non-root supplements (1 g of zinc sulfate, 2 g of blue vitriol and 10 g of sechovin). Irrigation at the hole during hanging roses planted ogirkiv with potassium permanganate (5 g).

15. Sooty fungus (black)

Come fight: In due course, they are condemned to the shkidniks, which the licorice is made to see. Wipe the growth damage with a sponge soaked in a mile of water and apply a systemic fungicide against thorns. It is possible to carry out the processing with a mid-mile variety (0.2% of blue vitriol and 2% of the government's mil).

16. Sudinne (tracheomykozne) in'yanenny

Description: Illness begins with root rot. Budniki penetrate from the soil of the cob into other roots, then, in the world, the growth of mycelium, - in more. Sweat, along the guiding ships, they climb into the stem and reach the leaf. The lower leaves are in the yane, the edges of the others become sparse, and the borders of the vines are pale green or light yellow. Judges of leaves and petioles are weak, and the stems are hanging in the leaves. For temperatures below + 16 ° C, the ailments of the growth will dry out quickly. In this case, the fungi see toxins, which call out the laying of tissue cells, root rot, browning and drying out of leaves and leaves. For the increased moisture content, a lower white coating is established on the surface of the leaf.

Come fight: At the cob stage of infection, you can try to vibrate roslin. For whom to stop using one of the preparations: Vitaros, benlat, fundazol, previkur, topsin-M concentration 0.2%.

Like growing up, it’s important to be sick, її next to be poor.

17. Black nizhka

Description: This infection is most often manifested in greenhouses in the process of distillation of cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant, pepper. Roslins have a very important root neck. Tse manifests itself in the dark, the stem here becomes thin, the growth breaks down and an unforgiving guinea. Roslini fall out of the cycle of development in the middle. The intensity of the disease progresses when the crops are thickened, if the water content and temperature are raised. The infection is overrun by the soil.

Come fight: Carry out the replacement of the soil in the greenhouse for a short time. Pіdtremuvati on the optimal level the thickness of planting roslin. Keep the temperature normal in the greenhouse with a way of timely airing. It is necessary to see the ailments of the growth in the middle, to develop the black nizhka, or to grow them 1% Bordeaux native land with a rosemary of 1 liter per 1 square meter, with steps to them, a ball of sand, a ball of 1 centimeter for the adoption of new women in the root of the daughters. Also, when a black flower appears, it is possible to water the rose garden with potassium permanganate (0.1 g per 1 liter of water) or with the XOM preparation (chlorooxide midi), with rosemary 40 g per 1 liter of water. We use the method of fighting against diseases of roslin black nizhka є protryuvannya before sowing with fentiuram (65% wetting powder), 4 grams per 1 kg of nasinnya or TMTD (80% wetting powder), 8 grams per gram. Before the cob of the cob, it is necessary to add nasinnya (for 1 kg of nasinnya - 10 ml of water). Pomirny watering roses. Viroblyat disinfection of the soil, warming up in the oven 30 hvilin at a temperature of 110 degrees. If so, you can sprinkle the soil "syroy koloidnoy", with a spray of 20 g of powder per 10 liters of water. The soil for planting is not guilty, but it is strongly acidic. The rose garden before hanging onto the garden bed must be vibrated.

Virus infection

18. Zhovtyanitsa

Description: The pale green of the leaves of the roslin, at times - the pagons, and the rise of their growth, the appearance of a large number of buds, among them, there are deformed flowers. The pellusts are green at the rosline, at times the parts of the flower change their shape, with a pronounced straightening until they turn onto a leaf. Don’t make the last rage of Zhovtyanitsa grow.

In a number of vipadkіv in the world growing growth of growth, chlorosis suffuses new leaves and all green above-ground parts of growth. Juvenile leaves are filled with practically white zabarvlennya. In ailments, Roslin often suffers from a stutter of an increase in the head leak. When the disease develops on the fabrics, the stems are repaired with necrotic patches, which call for the death of the infected trees. In the axils of the leaves, thin pagons of a different order can be established. It is also sometimes a sign of illness when the leaves are directly changing - the stench rises from the vertical straight line.

Come fight: Unfortunately, chemical preparations cannot effectively fight against viral diseases. The only way to fight, tse prevention of illness, is included in the yak, as it is active with clods, yak, as a rule, є carriers of budniks, so in place of plantings in cleanliness, regular weeding, yakіsna agricultural technology.

Even though the growth has already been infected by a virus, the parts of the growth can be seen. After the robots should be taken with a nice hand, wipe the inventory with alcohol. Zhivtsі sled brothers only from healthy roslin.

Roslin bacterial diseases

19. Bacterial splatter

Flames appear as a result of the deadness of the leaves of the leaves, but on the vіdmіnu vіd plemistosti, vyklyanih mushrooms, in these blazes there are no such turns between - the stink of the spilling parts of the edges. Plyami can be sloppy or oily. The blazes sound loudly in the roses, the leaf can dry, yellow, and then we will die. To the widest of the ailments, spriyat warm waters of the mind.

20. Bacterial necrosis or cancer

Description: Abnormal growth of a whole bunch of healthy-looking tissue growths. On the root and at some point on the stems, puffy growths are established. With a strong development of these growths, the growths grow badly and, zreshtoyu, die.

Cancer is bacterial root. On the roots and root collars, there are dry, soft, puffy-like growths with a smooth surface. Then the stench grows, hardens, on top of them, lumpy. Autumn growths can collapse. The alarm clocks are left at the soil and save life for 3-4 years.

Zahist: Do not vicorate for planting sajants with signs of cancer. On the mission, where the wakener of cancer is known, do not grow up the growth, shillnі to tsy zahvoryuvannya, stretching chotirokh rokiv.

21. Non-necrotic (tubercular) necrosis.

Description: The fungus causes the elimination of local and ring necrosis and stovburiv, without changing the infection of measles. Mushrooms - necrotic bugs - infect as weakened, and life-giving trees of rich villages and chagar-like species of a different century. Starting from early spring, in the cracks of measles, the sporulation of the bud - stromi is established. The stench is the interweaving of the mycelium, on the surface of which superchicks develop. Stromi is a characteristic sign of ailment and may look like numerical, swollen, smooth, erysipelatous or erysipelas-like pads with a diameter of 0.5 - 2 mm and a height of up to 1.5 m, splayed in rows or bezladno. Trivality of disease from infection to the death of trees is kolivaetsya in many years for a few years.

Come fight: Timely removal of dry woods. Covering the curtains before releasing leafing with preparations to avenge the mid.
