Ideas for business women after 50. Starting business after forty: six stories of great success

Ideas for business women after 50. Starting business after forty: six stories of great success

The skin of the world earns its first million, but not the strength of the skin chain. You see, how the stars earn millions of dollars just by laughing at the camera. Do you hear about the gold fry, yak was born in wealth and lives a carefree life. In the world of that, as you become older, the chances of growing rich and saving more pennies, it seems, are falling rapidly. What's true?

Axis of 11 simple rules

It is necessary to believe in yourself

Threshold at a million dollars - tse mayzhe myth for deyakih people, the very thought can lead to doubt that fear. As if you were rich in earnestness, earn your first million after 50 years, you are guilty again to believe in yourself that your dream.

Write a plan

It's not surprising, the simplest and most efficient rule is to earn a penny after 50 years - you just need to know how much you need. It's a pity, a lot of people start from scratch at this hour of their life, and they need to earn money quickly. Other people over 50 years of age are already making their own savings, deposits, and that will help them achieve a greater result. Regardless of what kind of financial start-up you have, it is necessary to determine how much money you need to earn, first of all go to a million dollars. As soon as you assign the skils you need, you can start breaking your mark on the benchmark. Adopt a folded plan and bring you into the “work hard” mode, and not “dream about it”. As it seems, diy to lead to diy, and idleness to bring to idleness. Also, take the initiative and work as much as you can.

Take your bank account otherwise

If you have $100 deposited in a bank account or $100,000, you need to understand one simple word: your bank account is a tool, not a string. You don’t want to call, just ask for a penny, so that you can deposit them and pay enough checks, the docks will increase in hundreds. Wanting good, if it's a blessing. But the reality is this: if you are 50 years old and you are trying to earn your first million, you happen to be richly aggressive. Your pennies are not guilty, they just lie idle. It is necessary that the stench was in circulation and brought you income.

Get out of the Borg

Congestion is different. Deyakі borgs, for example, for credit cards, just underestimate you, spend the whole hour "begging" for pennies, as if you could pay for shorter hours. Other Borg, so like a position to other people, vikoristovuyutsya, sob to pull you out of inaccuracies and put you on the right path. Obov'yazok not only physically improves your building and earns pennies, but mentally fools you. Such people, as a rule, are less concerned about what they need and if they need to. Instead of being angry about how the Borg know you, think about how you can get out of the terrible places. Tse brought to a majestic growth, clarity of mind and possible financial guidance.

Create intellectual power, make a living

Intellectual authority is the term that is victorious for the description of the law, enshrined in law, the result of romatic activity. The price of books, songs, patents, scenarios and a wealth of other masterpieces created by the gallery of art. Such power can be conquered, as a rule, as a rule, as a collection of pennies, so you will cease to actively practice over cym. Think about a song that can be played in 50 different films, or a book that can be sold with a great number of copies. You work only once, and then you earn forever. Obov'yazkovo keep an eye on your little ones, get busy with work, and also take care of the creation of something fast.

Raise aggressive investments

At this point in your life, it is necessary to stop thinking that your happy rahunok has won a million dollars with an enchanting rank. Now the time has come for aggressive investments. Irrespective of those who are safer and more calmly engaged in conservative investments, who are able to grow, and at the same time balance them out for additional risky, aggressive jobs. It is only necessary for you to resolutely watch the singing markets, so that you know that the stench of your dodatkovoy hour is pennies. If you build a crop ahead of time, investing aggressively that security in unruliness, you can earn a large camp. Understand that there is a risk, and there is no other way that can lead to such good pennies.

Create your right, and then sell it її

Most of the millionaires achieved good results, creating and selling their power right. Tse means that the stench vyznachili and vrahuvali their navichiki and aktivi, and then they flared up and practiced, the docks did not earn what they wanted. You are to blame for the mother's pіdpriєmnitsky spirit pіd hієї іїї ії ії ії ії nіїї difficult ії expensive, navіt yakscho you start 50 roіv, schob to know wealth, like bazhaєte. So it’s reasonable to think productively about those, how to earn your first million, you are guilty of the nobility, who need to be in business in galleys, which are rapidly developing, such as technologies, health protection, purchase and sale of living goods.

Accept that you are good - tse choice

Bill Gates once said: “If you were born a day, then it’s not your pardon. As if you are in peace with us, now is your pardon. You can't succumb to those in which your friends will be born in such a way. Ale, if you lay down those, as you react to the situation. At 50 fates you are guilty, but there are more and more unknowns, whom you want to be in life. With clear signs of how your financial goals change you, make the right choice, so that you can get rid of your bad days. If you want pennies, that's not all. Do not take vigilance as a part of your life. Find out what you want to change in your life, and then start to collapse in someone else's life.

Understand that you are a pioneer

Acceptance of practice in groups, and even acceptance of practice together with friends from that homeland. Prote the whole truth is that most of the millionaires got their wealth independently. The stench did not sit and did not check, while the pennies themselves squandered to them by hand. The stench didn’t get it, if they have a strong group of teams. Natomist rich people victorious their adventurousness and opened up new opportunities for themselves. Become a pioneer and move forward. You will know your followers on which path.

Live for cats

Living for money can be the easiest way to accumulate pennies in the early stages of your life. You must declare all your preparations, if you will save, if you choose a smaller apartment, and you will put the excess money on a deposit. Now zastosuyte that same zahid before your everyday life. Zekonomleny karbovanets - tse zabroleny karbovanets. Therefore, you will need to put together a financial plan, which is the minimum available salary. Then we will need you to competently victorious for the sake of earning a lot of money.

Invest in startups

Investing in startups is like taking a lottery lottery. You can't say exactly what kind of companies the winning company will have. So be a naughty follower, if you come to the launch of companies on the right, and try to work on advancement, invest where your heart lies. You don't know how the company will pretend to attack Microsoft or Apple.

No way to become rich. Golovna - do not sit on the mіstsі, but diyati. For the sake of the skin, a person can reach that material station, which he deserves. І zovsіm it's not important, but skіlki yomu rokіv.

14.09.2016 13:00

Startups - don't hold the young on the right. Become a businessman, who earns millions of dollars, you can after forty, after fifty, and after sixty years. And why neobov'yazykovo for whomwine walk Facebook: it's enough to take a picture of your beloved dog.

Robin Chase,
became the sponsor of Zipcar at 42 rocky

As if you bachite, as if on a childish maidan, two mothers are discussing it lively, do not hurry with the whiskers. Do you think the stench is about Japanese breastfeeding and breastfeeding? Zovsіm neobov'yazkovo. Possibly, they discuss the details of a possible startup. This is how Zipcar was born in 2000, a short-line car rental service. Naughty housewife Robin Chase got to know Antje Denielson, a Harvard clerk, with the turbulent problems of the middle class. The rest of the idea was about carsharing as a way to change the number of cars on the roads, and Chase could boast of a business school diploma at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Vaughn took over the main work for the startup.

A good idea, plus a business process rose, plus a woman’s non-gammon energy, like sitting at home, became a pledge of Zipcar’s future success. At the same time, one of the leading lighting companies rents cars, it has 950,000 customers and 12,000 cars. 2013 bought Avis Budget Group for $500 million.

Ditrikh Mateshyts,
becoming a sponsor of Red Bull in 40 years

The son of two teachers from the Austrian province did not come out of the sky. For those who graduate from the university, ten years will be spent. After graduating as a marketing specialist, he worked as a pracciuvatist in the Unilever company, de occupied himself with the promotion of miyuchih zabsіv and toothpaste. On the eve of one of my trips to Thailand, I tried a popular energy drink in Asia and discovered that it miraculously helps to recover from the syndrome of changing time zones and to get better and brighter.

Mateshits got excited about the idea to launch a similar product on the European market and in 1984, having fallen asleep at the same time with the partner of Chaleo Juvenile, the Red Bull company. Three fates went to those to adapt the drink for the westerners and expand the marketing campaign. Whereas in Thailand the power engineers were satisfied with satisfaction for simple robots, then for Europe a different strategy was adopted: Red Bull - prices for energetic, successful people. Before launching a new product, Mateshits completed a marketing follow-up. The result was catastrophic: marketers passed on the latest collapse, the shards didn’t relish, they didn’t care about the logo, they didn’t cling to the brand name itself. Mateshіts ignoring the fahіvtsіv visnovki and letting the energy drink into the Austrian market. Thirty years have already passed since then, Red Bull has become the most popular energy drink in the world, and Ditrikh Mateshyts's fortunes are estimated at $ 14.8 billion.

Carol Gardner,
fell asleep Zelda Wisdom at rocky 52

As if you already for fifty and ti raptov lost yourself without a man, for the sake of that extra income, so that you could fall at the hands of the witches. Lawyer z razluchen sympathetically cheerful Carol Gardner: "Lyubochko, get yourself a psychotherapist and a dog." Only pennies were spent on a dog, and in Gardner's life a bulldog appeared on Zelda's prize. In order to produvat unpretentious dog, the newly-made dog-haired girl won to take part in the competition, organized by the local pet store. It was necessary to take a picture of the signing, to make a signature, and to complete all the art at the sight of the leaflet. Carol won the head prize (feed-free dog food for rock), and then it dawned on me: even on what you can earn a penny!

In the leaflet industry, it would seem, everything could have been known long ago, but Gardner was far from knowing his niche. Vaughn photographed Zelda in various comedy outfits, read the first set of 24 leaflets, scolded them at the Borg and created the Zelda Wisdom company (“Zelda's Wisdom”). With the mantra "be smart, be smart, be different," Carol Gardner sold a million leaflets for the first time. After 18 years, the company earns $50 million to sell calendars, books, clothes and embellishments. Regardless of the age, Gardner is enthusiastic: “How could I achieve success, just by putting my dog ​​in a stupid suit, show what you can reach!”

Wally Bloom,
falling asleep with Denali Flavors at 57 Rocks

Wally Bloom start dreaming of being a partner, but not having a penny to start your own business. At the result, the wines are typical for rich entrepreneurs: slacking off like a hired contractor from a great company, twisting the shawl in the middle, and then taking hold of the hair on the right.

The difference lies in the fact that Blum started a business in the country, if it is customary to think about a pension. In 1995, a yoga brainchild appeared in the world - Denali Flavors, a freezer manufacturer. Vaughn made a breakthrough when she introduced a new variety of Moose Tracks to the market (“Follow the moose” - and don’t feed it, why is the moose here). An unparalleled mix of vanilla ice cream, chocolate, peanut oil and sherbet made Denali Flavors one of the most popular ice cream brands in the US.

Craig Newmark,
sleeping on craigslist at 42 rocky

The first to create a popular electronic stunner site in America, Craig Newmark is a former IBM programmer. In 1995, if the Internet had only begun to conquer the world, the idea of ​​the “Internet community”, where information could be freely exchanged, was still fresh. On the back of Newmark, he simply put together a list of the most famous pods in San Francisco and spread it to his friends. Let's check the addressee's VIN by turning on the notification about the vacancies and the job search. The Daedals more known, little-known, and even the most unknown people began to ask for them to be added to "Craig's list." So Craigslist popped up, and the rozsilka turned into a site of no-cost stunners.

Craig Newmark didn't go after the super pributka, for example, by vetoing the idea of ​​posting banners of slander. If there was a question about the monetization of the site, I directly asked the input, what to think about it. Coristuvachi pleased you with their brothers pennies, who spent so much money on advertising, and as a result, publicity about vacancies and sales of non-violence became paid. At the same time, Craigslist borrows 14 months in America for taking over the middle of the average Internet sites, and Newmark's statistics are estimated at $400 million.

James Simons,
falling asleep Renaissance Technologies Corporation at 44 rocky

The history of the success of James Simons is a miraculous illustration of an order about those who are bright. Moreover, not only light, but $ 15.5 billion for the addition of special camps. At the age of 23, Simons became a doctor of mathematical sciences, contributors to Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Vіn seriously engaged in science - yogo diplomas, certificates and prizes would be awarded to the mathematical museum named after himself.

At forty chotiri rocky Simons abruptly changes his life, going out of the academic environment and founding the investment company Renaissance Technologies. He works in mathematics, physics, specialties in statistics. The stench vikoristovuyut mathematical models for the analysis and forecasting of trends in the stock market. Simons has built his hedge fund company to the best in the world. Last year, the assets under the management were estimated at $65 billion.

Basic rules for earning money after 50 years: how to know the work and other nuances

People of a frail age cannot be satisfied with their deprivation of a pension helper, as the state has appointed them.

As a whole, the real income is additional income for people for 50 years.

Here are the basic rules for helping us to earn pennies, being already retired:

Dosvid is the basis

Professionalism is not old.

Beginners, who grow up with age, can only get better and in the end bag they turn into a solid income, which can help a little more.

Zvichni dії not zavzhdі nebnі

Do not varto invariably collapse on the nazhdzhenim professional path. Varto listen to yourself.

Possibly, with the age of being put to work, the troch has already changed a little, and the satisfaction with the appearance of the primary shoes has faded. It is necessary for obov'yazkovo to vrakhovuvati qі factori.

Status - rich duzhe umovna

Vlasnu need to demand that the right to have more important, lower mother's high social status.

Priorities at the right

Pennies - far from being a smut in a robot.

It is more important to take away her satisfaction.

Ambition for freedom?

It is necessary to realize that freedom of action and the quality of life are very important for ambition and carierism.

Ignorance is not synonymous with repentance

A healthy rebar in a robot is good. But total negligence - a path to complete degradation, like a professional, and a special plan.

Navpaki, the best way to fix - the cost of changing the activity.

Novelty is less than worthless

Do not varto obsess over vicis. It is necessary to put in front of you the most important tasks and gain new enmity.

Tse pozhvavlyuє brain and zmushuє yogo practice with new forces. And again, I’m glad to see you, the head of the family can be happy, that in your line of work it’s positive to be at the physical level of the body.

New opportunities

Don’t wart the robot with a salary. An hour to think about the power on the right. Let the small one, then your own.

I call it not obov'yazkovo, because the won brought great financial income.

Golovnya - seeing freedom and demand regardless of the view of other people's stereotypes. It's enough to change yourself, as much as possible.


In order to enjoy the fruits of your labors as much as possible, it is necessary to take care of your own right.

You don’t need to hire anyone and hire yourself to the best of your ability.

Read no matter what

Vlasny zruchny schedule and freedom to give majestic opportunities for learning.

Otzhe, firmness, scho vіkom vchitis becomes important, є more spirnym.

Best robot - tse hobi, pay for yak

It is necessary to listen to yourself and know those that are appropriate, and then think about how you can earn money on what.

At the result, the robot will see the world.

From the front desk

It is important to change your mind in a fluffy way on the right, which will bring income.

It is necessary to designate a form, in which case I will become demanding for those who are absent. It can be foldable, but it can be done as a whole.

Be realistic

Do not bring a distant flight of fantasy.

It is impossible to speed up by manifesting the possibilities. It is necessary to protect real possibilities and operate with them.

Vik is not a problem

Retirement age is an intermediary for mastering a new profession.

Golovnym є bazhannya that zatsіkavlenіst.

Exchanges are not physical

Vik does not physically surround a person.

The exchanges are created only by statements about the century.

Hour for the instillation of a child's dream

It's not too late to try to create a child's dream.

Let it not be productive, then the excitement of that emotion, take it to the road until you reach it, become unforgettable!

You don't need to fall at the vіdchai

Mozhlivy moment, if you can drop your hands and the prospects stop being remembered.

It is important to say that there is no more than a timchasov’s shift and it’s absolutely healthy.


Bezkoshtovna pratsya korisnisha, nizh completed idleness.

Dosvіd tsіnіshy per hour

Sob not to waste an hour, it is necessary to actively win over your dosvid.

Here and now

It is important to firmly say what is possible. And not hypothetically, but entirely real.

Video: How to joke a robot after 50 years

Often, people of pre-retirement age are not able to rule in power. Why can "you, who are over 50" occupy the top rows of the list of candidates? On the way to fight from sabobons joined Kimberley Dart

In the rest of the hour I can smell richly from ZMI and without middle about those who robots don't want to hire candidates for a job for 50 years. Even narrow-minded that wrong pіdhіd. Let me explain why.

It is not customary for our culture to have a career in one and the same organization for the sake of your life. If you can take a spivrobitnik, which you will use for a stretch of 3-5 years, it is already known to be unimaginable. Generation Y wants to change the work of skin 3 or close to that, to accumulate skills and improve competence. Penelope Trunk - Numerical Contributor business topics, consultant z pitan kar'eri, blogger) as if she said that switching to the same robot for a long time could turn into kar'erny self-destruction! So why are job-sellers afraid of hiring older ones, since they have no guarantees that younger candidates will work for older ones?

Looking back at those that the term of rebuying a specialist in one field of robots becomes close to 3 years, why would robots not try to hire applicants of an older age? How do you know that you can take someone who is less likely to tell the robot on the nearest 5 - 10 years, if the stench can not be on the top rows of the list of candidates?

Some may be able to catch up, that, movlyav, a young spivrobitnik costs less. Some vipadkahs can be like this. Just do not take medical insurance to the point of respect, a less qualified practitioner, a vague posture, a lower rate of payment for practice, a lower highly qualified practitioner. Prote yakscho vy zazdalegіd appointed z tim, yakim bude salary corridor, you pay between the market vartosti and candidate for zatsіkavleniy, then what's the problem?

There are 2 types of summer practitioners: those who work, that which suits them; It does not mean that they can be both at the same time, at the same time. Є tі, who has accumulated salaries, є a pension plan, і htos virіshiv pratsyuvati until the 65th century and that's it. Vodnochas іsnuyut and іnshі, who, for various reasons, cannot be repaid, do not take away thousands of payments and embarrassments of pracsyuvati, to live. Offended people can be miraculous practitioners. I tі y іnshі can become even more loyal spіvrobіtnikami.

Plus, before everything, think about the maturity and development that a person can bring to your office. So, obviously, you have a “young team”, and you are turbovanі tim, scho wines do not fit into the new one. But, maybe, just the ones that your company needs. There is nothing nasty in the small diversity. A lot of kerіvniki work at their work place for 4 generations.

Ideally, we all want to see the right one day - I know that I want to retire. It’s a pity, I think, that there will no longer be a place for insurance programs for the rest of the world, which promotes Freedom 55. Also, get your head off your worries about summer practitioners and give them a chance. Be kind, one fine day I will be one of them!

More cіkavі give that idea in a new spіvtovaristvі

The one who knew people with a mind of no deprivation,
The one who knows himself is sensible and sublime.
Who wins another, that one is strong,
Who wins himself - a hundred times stronger .

Vcheni have made a wonderful observation: 75% of people do not comprehend the change in the world. Good tse chi bad? Why is the problem not solved, why is the post-announcement to the development?

The development is the basic law of the All-World, even though the All-World itself is constantly changing. Whether you are a human being, you need a development of intellect, body, soul, light. What swearing means the development of specialness.

Having become mature, a lot of people cease to develop. The stinkers start the process of knowing, having learned and recognizing the work. Possibly, it’s worth it to those who are engaged not in them, to which the soul lies, but in them, for which they pay pennies and when they don’t need to work hard. Also, the middle ground is also associated with the degradation of specificity: TV serials and shows, negative news, depressive cinema, the cult of mega-prayers and Chinese flea markets, shops on the couch, the specialty of corporate culture is more important, mediocre society, club life, drinking, All Inclusive Navpak bezprosvіtna bіdnіst and richly other.

Insha, progressive, thinking part of the people, otherwise they don’t fall into a hibernation, or they wander, seeing that they don’t pull to the full, the development of that knowledge. Such people are forever young, drunken, generous, and drink themselves for the restless. The stench will never grow old in soul that old hour in body.
Successful people, who lie before the informed part of the population, name the causes of poverty, sickness, misfortune and misfortune or bigness. Most of the people hiba scho live in the matrix. They collapse the data in the children's suspіlstvo setting that herd almost. The stench does not understand the difference between the causes and the last.

Such people often hang out at smoking rooms, on home phones and at corporate buffets. Stink one by one alone for a shortage of pennies, filthy people, filthy laws, constantly ringing someone: order, bosses, relatives, the country, that fortune. The stench often gets sick and swears at the cost of medicine, moreover, pennies are constantly thrown at her, regardless of the success of the likuvannya. Successful career, happiness, wealth, good luck and health, like the stink of vvazhayut, not for them, everything goes to the lucky ones and the cunning. Really, the reason for їhnої unrealization, pain and sadness - not zovnіshnі factors, how stink to think.

The reason for їхніх failures in life is tse їхні thoughts. The stench does not know their real possibilities. I didn’t say anything about it. The stinks have not learned to develop strength of mind, positive energy, wisdom, none of them can do it. The stench does not understand the real laws of the All-World, do not know about those that the thought is material, that does not control them. I don’t see that you need to learn how to be happy, and then wealth and success will come. Unfortunately, the system does not give such knowledge, the shards of the system require gvintiki, and not the thoughts of a single person.

Uninformed people are the easiest to exploit, profit from them.
With whom it has been brought to light that people are arrogant.

1. Our brain is made up of 100 billion neurons, which can form 10,000 to 200,000 connections between themselves. The number of new states of the brain is potentially greater, the number of atoms in the entire World is lower!
2. The human eye can distinguish 10 million colors and colors.
3. The length of all human DNA is approximately 16 billion kilometers - 2 distances from Pluto.
4. Brain prepares enough energy for the light bulb.
5. Brain, yak and m'yazi: the more yoga trains, the more wines develop.
6. Neurons grow throughout life.

The very opening of the people of their own needs is the cause of right success. The very same people cherubate with their thoughts, feelings, energy, mood and charm key to a new life, to wealth, to happiness, to love and harmony.
Apply the axis to people, like from scratch at the age of 40 years, they achieved great successes, changed their lives to a better one and became a butt for millions of successors.

Anna Maria Robertson (Granny Moses)

famous american artist

Vaughn was born in the old homeland of farmers. For 12 years, she stained glass on rich sums of money. Vaughn was unlit. At 37 years, she made friends with the daily life and lived all her life on a small farm.

At 75 roki, the daughter gave her a farby and Mozes began to grow up. The pictures were naive, primitive, and even more familiar. Prozhdzhiy collector-amator for a beztsin buying 3 її pictures.

And even for a few years, the paintings became demanded, they were bestowed on the presidents. Vaughn gained wealth and popularity, but continued to live on the farm simple and modest living. Grandma Moses lived up to 102 years, having filled over 1,500 little paintings on her own. Vaughn loved to repeat: “Life is like that, yakim mi yogo robimo!”.

creator of KFC restaurants

Up to 65 years, this person was an absolute failure. Vіn was born at the bіdnіy sіm'ї, rіs without a father. In childhood, Sanders had a chance to whack a young sister while she left her mother. With great difficulties in becoming a lawyer. But at the first court, I beat myself up with my pidzahisnim and was finally included in the college of lawyers.

Vіdkrivav vіdkrivav vіdkrivav vіdkrivаv vіznesom (restaurant, refueling), but having recognized the fiasco, he went bankrupt. At 65 years old, having taken a pension of less than 91 dollars. Having lost one and without a penny, he asked himself: “What is it about me, what can I tell people, why should they pay me a penny?” Without inventing anything special, guessing about the savory recipe for lubricated chicken with 11 spices. An idea was born to him - to propagate this recipe to the restaurant owners, for this recipe they would pay him pennies. Ale, nobody is ready to sign an agreement from this summer's bad weather.

Our hero did not give up. Right luck did smile at him after a thousand winds. І vіn becoming more rich and famous zavdyaki vіrі at their success and zavzyatіst.

Ancient Greek mathematician, philosopher and founder of the Pythagorean school

Pythagoras created his famous school if it was already 70 years old. Before that, youmu was fatally unhappy. Vіn navіt buvav slavіvі. Having created his own school, the unknown philosopher Pythagoras rose to great competition with other philosophers and schools. Nobody knows how to read it. Todі vіn zastosuvav non-standard hіd. Having proclaimed to his first learner that I pay pennies to him, that I should learn wine from him. That one was fine. After an hour, and Pіthagoras zmusheny buv ask the student to work without a cost, because. Pythagoras could not pay more than a penny for education. The student was ready again.

After an hour passed, and the teacher hung up a new mind: now the students need to pay, because. yogo teacher now has nothing to eat. I learned to pay Pіthagoras for training. Thus a great school was born.

McDonald's manager

Up to 52 years, Ray was an unsuccessful and ill person, repeatedly roaring.
Zustrivshi in 1954 brothers McDonald's, they wanted to buy a license to expand "McDonald's", but did not dare to take a loan of 15,000 dollars from the bank. Todi Yomu had a chance to lay down the booths. Todi yomu was 52 years old, vin ailments for diabetes and arthritis, without chewing michur and part of the thyroid gland. Vіn mav is also a problem with hearing. Ale vin viriv at the future!
Having found his right at the age of 52 years, Ray Kroc lived 30 years and became one of the most homely and richest people in the world!

The manager of "Kinko"

Ill for dyslexia, Paul Orfala never learned to write. Half of the schools of Moscow slammed yoga for failure.
Once, acknowledging the dry-cleaner at his aunt, he served the client, who at that moment was not assigned to any of the staff. For the sake of it, Yogo barked: “Don’t think of arguing with the replies, you don’t make excuses, you’ll get on all of them. Ignorant of this heavy ailment, Paul, having created a chain of copies of Kinko salons, sold them for 3.4 billion dollars.
Presented today at Stanford University.

The founder of the company "Panasonic"

If Matsusita was 9 years old, his fathers were ruined. The stinks sent the lad to work to the main to another place. For the first ten nights of wine, having burrowed into the pillow.
Little Matsusita then worked as a labourer, and polished the rice cookers to blisters on his hands. In 18 years, being in poor health, they ruled as an electrician for a sovereign organization. Vіn zovsіm not vmiv to read and write. You won't be able to finish the evening school. I spent two or three months on the river at the clinic. Ale didn’t make you become the richest person on Earth, realizing your call to deal with electrical appliances. Matsushichi's motto: "Having cherished all my life for my bindings, I learned from sensible people."

Previously, the presidents of these lands were suvori dictators,

and now it is there to rule the smiles of the pan.

Also, be a woman - we don’t need to go overboard, so that we can achieve success.

The skin has the ability to become successful, rich and famous!
76% of rich people in the world created their camp from scratch. It is possible to become successful from scratch and in a frail age as a whole, so that you know your recognition, come up with an idea, how to serve the good of people and put the idea into practice. And for success, it is necessary to constantly train your mind and wisdom and become a beautiful individuality.

More people, like they dream about wealth, success and glory, respect life, take the start of a wider pardon: “Why start? Where do you get ideas, start-up capital, links?

It doesn’t matter how old you are, de Vie live, what to think about you, how to inspire You yourself have spent faith in yourself - set yourself a goal to achieve success, go through trainings, develop steadily and push your idea. Golovna - do not hesitate to go forward. If you really want to enter the new era, roaming yourself in that new world, I recommend the Academy of Peremozhtsiv, I myself will learn it myself.
