At the adenium, the tips of the leaves are dry and dry, causing the ailment of the empty trojand and the glee. Adenium flower

At the adenium, the tips of the leaves are dry and dry, causing the ailment of the empty trojand and the glee. Adenium flower

adenium- an unimaginable ticket, which should lie down to the family in the villages or chagarnikovy succulents, family - kutrov. Adenium from Africa. Vin is considered to be one of the most beautiful and the most magnificent roses. Name, like otrimav adenium, seem for themselves: "Zirka Sabіnії", "Rose empty", "Impala lily".

Zovnіshnіy vglyad tsієї kvіtki lie in vіd її raznovidu. We have nine different varieties of adenium:

1. (Adenium Obesum), which in translation means "tovst, garden". This type of broadening is wide in kvіtnikarstva, and even vin naïvelyblyvіshiy z usіkh іsnuyuchih adenіumіv. Tovstі stalks ts'ogo chagarnik are more wide at the base and sound up to the top. Leaves dowgaste from a rounded or pointed top, green color with a glossy sheen. Adenium kviti obesum can be of different shapes and colors. Various specimens are frizzled - with five pelyusts, terry (nibi trojandi), with fluffy and smooth edges;

Adenium Obesum

2. Adenium Multiflorum(Adenium Multiflorum), which at the perekladі is “rich flower”. This kind of performance by a chagarnik, a protege for friendly minds, can grow up to the size of a neat three-meter tree. Growing multiflorum to milk shvidko. The stalks of brown color with a great swirl stretch up the hill and roar. The vouchers are of a light color, with a dark red edging on the sides, up to seven centimeters in diameter. Leaves are large, dark green;

Adenium Multiflorum

3. Adenium Arabikum(Adenium Arabicum) - the leaves of the bushes reach twenty centimeters of the crown and twelve centimeters of the crown, at the ends of the edge. Having torn the leaf with your hand, you can see its velvety, wanting to look glossy at first glance. Rozhev's tickets. The Arabum of power has a wide caudex, otherwise the basis of the Stovbur, different colors, from light to black.

Adenium Arabikum

4. Adenium Socotranum(Adenium socotranum). Caudex cієї growing can reach two and a half meters in diameter. Gіlki grow only on makіvtsі adenіumu. Socotranum is the most common among common adeniums. The leaves are green, maybe up to twelve centimeters at the top, in the middle there was a vein. Kviti - rosy, up to fourteen centimeters in diameter;

Adenium Socotranum

5. Adenium Somalense(Adenium somalense). Tsey species is a small tree of zavviski up to five meters. The leaves are long and wide, in the center there is a white vein. Kviti tsієї roslina can be of a different color, from horn to dark burgundy. Rozmir - close to five centimeters. Some representatives of adenium somalense make flowers in the shape of a star, only the edges are bent back;

Adenium Somalense

6. Adenium Boehmianum(Adenium Boehmianum). Tse chagarnik, yoga height to become close to three meters. May dovgі and tovstі stalks. Leaves - in the form of a heart, gray-green color, up to fifteen centimeters of a zavdovka. The flowers are large, in the form of a stake, five leaf, erysipelas;

Adenium Boehmianum

7. Adenium Oliefolium(Adenium Oleifolium), which in translation means "oil-leaved". The leaves are green, with a blaky vіdtinkom, vuzke and dovge (up to eleven centimeters). Flowers - erysipelas, with a white chinese center;

Adenium Oliefolium

8. Adenium Svazikum(Adenium Swazicum). The height of this bush is taken at a meter. Leaves - dovge, light green color, often twisted later axis. Zabarvlennya svazikumu flowers - pale erysipelas to purple. Tickets have a diameter of no more than seven centimeters;

Adenium Svazikum

9. Ryabolisti adeniumi(Adenium Variegated). Roslini of this type are presented without any instances, zovsim vіdmіnnih one vіd one. Tse mozhe buti roslin with light golden leaves. Abo growing with dark leaves, in the middle of which there will be red veins. Abo tse vzagali may be buti adenium with weeping streaking leaves, along the edges of which pass a light oblyamіvka.

ripple adenium

Looking after adeniums

Adenium to love brightly, brightly, straightly, lightly, to be like a shade. However, even though in the winter time the light was not enough for the rock, the curtains were next to protect and graft the ticket to the light step by step. Adenium to love warmth, it feels wonderful at a temperature of 25-30 degrees wine.

Watering may be regular, but we will calm down. Under skin watering, the soil is guilty of being forced to dry. Adenium not to love the zavoi vologosti. It is possible to touch the roslin only during the growing season, because the water is not guilty of drinking. Otherwise, the stink of wasting your pleasant, sultry look. Spring and autumn can be spent reviving, once a month.

It is possible to replant adenium only on a hinged, bazhano at a bright or a prosperous mountaineer. It is not possible to water the ticket the day after the transplant! The soil, in a sort of peresiding adenium, is guilty of buti more penetrating, bazhano with the addition of a vugill. The ideal substrate for this growth is leafy soil, soddy soil and coarse sand.


Reproduction is carried out either by live bait, or by springs, or by a path of splitting on oleanders.

Like adenium multiplying us, it is also necessary for a fierce birch tree to hang on the soil. In advance, do not forget to soak the day in a pot of potassium permanganate for forty quills. Planting new trimati at a temperature of 32 to 35 degrees. If it is now, we will need approximately two tizhzhnі trimati yoga at once at the same temperature, and then we will vaccinate until we are full.

[!] Don't forget the varto, what a sik adenium is trashy! Remember the zapobіzhnі come in for an hour to work with him.

Adenium is even an invisible growth. This is a small tree with a swollen base and a bright green crown. In the period of bloom, it is clearly covered with quilts, for which it is not uncommon to sound like an empty trojan, an imperial lily, or a star of Sabinia. At home, adenium looks even more exotic, but it does not require great zusil from the watcher. To this, flowers are proudly bought and cultivated with exotic beauty.

Roslin description

Adenium is a deciduous succulent plant from the Kutrov family. Yogo batkivshchina є Pivnіchna Africa, Malaysia and Thailand. In the natural environment, massive trees reach a height of 3 m, but in indoor culture they do not exceed 50-60 cm. The stems are covered with a smooth gray bark. Sometimes it changes the color from light brown to green. The caudex continues under the earth. The root is gaudily bloated, vigilantly intertwined windrows.

Above the sweatshops, a sprat of more thin and thin pagons is growing, on which the leaves grow with squares. Bright green glossy leaves on short petioles have an oval or lanceolate shape. They have smooth sides and a sharpened edge. The leaf of the adenium is slightly bent along the central vein, the yogo dozhina becomes 8-15 cm.

Blossoms adenium begin at the courtyard vіtsі. The back of the crown is covered with sparse single quilts, but with leather rock they become larger. P'yatipelyustkovі kvіti with a small tube to lighten the middle and yaskra pelyustkov ryznykh erysipelas. Flower trivaє kіlka mіsyatsіv, and for prosperous minds trivaє the whole river.

It is important to remember that this plant is toxic, like in other representatives of the Kutrov family. For work with adenium, safely put on mittens, and after trimming and transplanting, you should kindly wash the shkir. Wanting to be found in nature, as if without a trace they ate leaves of adenium, the miner should better place them in the form of children and domestic vikhovantsiv.

See adenium

The genus adenium has about 50 species of roslin. In culture, you can only learn more about them.

Roslina is a strongly sweated (up to 1 m) basis of the stovbur. The bark on the stems is smooth, gray. At once, from thin needles, the tree reaches 1.5 m of the crown. The crown is formed from a reddish gray-green leaf. Dovzhina of a woolly sheet is taken from 10 divas. Vletku kіntsyah pagonіv utvoryuyutsya rozhevі kvіti with a diameter of 4-6 div.

Above the caudex, there is a lot of strongly eroded, thin pagons. On budіvlі tsey species more tyazhіє to chagarnikіv. Flowering starts on the cob in winter. At the ends of the gіlok, it is settled on a sprig of flowers with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

This species is more visible to narrow and long leaves. The edges of the sheet plate can be frizzy on the surface. The greater part of the caudex is chained under the earth, instead of the turnip. In grass-springs, at the upper leafy rosettes, sprats of tubular colors are released. Pelyusts in the base are sown in a white-yellow color, and to the brink there are a lot of raspberry blossoms. At the center of the pellet, 2-3 days of late mating are rotting.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of adenium can be done by vegetative methods. Most of the time, they buy it on the Internet, or they buy it from over-the-counter stores. You don’t need to pull hard for the landing, to the one that stench is fast-paced. The best hour for growing adenium for help sowing today is spring. It is possible to carry out visits in the next season, but you may also need additional lighting.

viroshchuvannya z nasinnya

For 2 years before sowing, they soak for the day by the water or weak manganese. The soil is made from wooden vugill, sand and perlite. Deepen the soil by 1-1.5 cm, make the soil and turn the miner with a spit. It is unacceptable to put a greenhouse near a warm and bright place, but it is unacceptable to use direct sleepy changes. Everyday it is necessary to ventilate the syants and clean up the condensate. Descend z'yavlyayutsya in 10-14 days. After the adoption of 2 right sheets of blue, they are transplanted without pikiruvannya in the surroundings of small mountaineers. For planting vicorist soil for mature roslin.

Vegetative reproduction allows you to quickly take a small tree and use variety signs. Prote osvіta caudex in time for great nutrition. When circumcised, you can take a top handle with a length of 10-12 cm. They hang bait in food-pearl sumish. Sajantsi grow at a temperature of +24…+26°C.

In the most effective way, rooted revisions are taken into account. Not water-creaming leak, cut the bark on the stake. Nadrіz is made with root and wrapped with sphagnum. On top of the moss, a patch is fixed. Pіd po'yazku regularly pour water for a month. After this term, small roots can be revealed. Now the petiole is completely water-creamed and hanged by the mountaineer.

Chopping succulent

You can splurge on oleander or adenium. This method allows you to take roslin with the great caudex and different types of pagons. At the shops you can buy adenium from dekilkom with varieties of grafts. The splitting is carried out in the standard way. During the period of adaptation, it is important to take care of the ticket in direct sun and see the children from food.

Watching at home minds

Adeniums at the watchful eye are not viable, at home minds they importantly choose the garne of the place. Roslina will require intensive, trivial lighting and not be afraid of direct sleepy changes. It is recommended to vicoristovuvat pivdenni chi skhіdnі pіdvіkonnya. Vzimka may need assistance. In case of failure, the light stems are strongly twisted.

Desert suites give priority to the hot climate. The optimum temperature for them is + 25 ... + 35 ° C. It is not necessary to specially lower the temperature again during the calm period, but if necessary, adenium can cool down to + 10 ... + 14 ° C.

singularity of sight in domestic minds

Vologіst povіtrya mіsk apartments tsіlkom vіdhodit roslini. It is normal to endure dry afterward. It is allowed infrequently obskuvannya, but the vologer on the books brought up to the current swedish v'yanennya.

In spicy summer days, adenium will require clear watering. The miner will deprive the excesses of the land of guilt, and the earth will dry out by half. Before winter, water quickly up to once a month.

In the spring-summer period, adenium will require a year. Slid vikoristati complex for cacti. Mineral warehouses for fluffy roses should stop at half the dose.

Transplant rules

Adenium flower is transplanted into skin 1-3 rocks. It is necessary to choose wide, but not deep mountaineers. Drainage material is sifted to the bottom of the shoes. The soil for the empty trojan is to include the following components:

  • sod land;
  • leaf land;
  • pisok.

The substrate is responsible for the mother's neutral acidity. When transplanting, the roots of the larger part of the earthen breast are magnified. Watering adenium is repaired in 2-3 days.


A trimming of adenium allows you to put on the growth of the bushes, looking like a bonsai. The procedure is carried out in early spring, on the cob of vegetation. The lower the stovbur is formed, the more thin veins are settled. Їx can be rewritten and prorіdzhuvati for the vlasnym bazhanny.

transplant and cut

In order to increase the height of the caudex, or to achieve this interlacing, at the hour of transplantation, the growth will raise the trochs higher above the ground. You can also visajuvati yoga under the hood. The pins straighten step by step, and the caudex may even look invisible.

Adenium growth in the form of a chagar and lie down to the family of Kutrovikh. Roslin is a kind of Stovbur, which expands to the foundation. There are a lot of short pagons on the trunk. Batkivshchyna tsієї ekzotichnі ї ї є Skhіdna Afrika ta Arabian pіvostrіv.

In the fatherland, the flower grows up to a height of 10 m. And when grown in the home, it will not grow more than 50 cm. Ale, practically all adeniums can be green leafy plates with a rounded shape, which can be sharpened tips. In the rest of the hour, hybrids were introduced with colorful leaf plates or with the shape of a long, curly leaf and a narrow oval at the same time. Read here.

Adenium - description and vidi

Viroshuvannya adenium now vvazhayut fashionable occupations, and rich kvіtnikarіv started yogo cultivation, and even vin maє garni kvіti and the unpretentious form of stovbur. Likewise, deyakі lovers of kvіtіv pomilkovo priymayut qі chagarniki for bonsai. Adzhe with the growth of the growth of the extraordinary stovbur, you can give absolutely irregular shapes.

And if you don’t need to forget that it’s a blight of roslin and that it’s like a house, small children, or creatures that try to taste the roslin for relish, it’s better not to acquire such a chagarnik yet. So how do you get toxic wine and can cause more severe damage.

Flowers of adenium begin to appear on the roslini on the cob of summer, and they continue their bloom until the end of spring. The flowers are even more beautifully beautiful, the flowers are freshened up both by the shape and by the color of the buds. Rosemary also grows fallow in the variety Adenium. The stinks are 3 cm in diameter, and in an hour they reach 13 cm.

  • Zhovti;
  • White;
  • Rozhev;
  • Chervoni
  • Red-black.

It’s good to milk the unsightly roslin, which will give you more growth and brighten the flowers, as if you’re going to milk the young lady.

See adenium

Among the rich varieties, you can see a sprat of especially beautiful ones:

  • Abesum is the widest variety, so the flower starts in the herb, and the flowers make a great diameter of the flower - 7 cm.
  • Arabska - in this variety, the flowers begin at the birch tree and three throughout the warm season. The shape of the yogo crown is even more predictable for wild adeniums, with bright erysipelas color. This variety can clearly express winter sleep, as it manifests itself in the consumption of leafy masi for the entire period of calm;
  • Sokotranskiy - tse dwarf roslina with gray leaf plates and lower erysipelas;
  • Somali - this variety grows in the room minds with the largest and most flowery already begins at the reach of the plantation of two rocks, if the rose has reached 15 cm in height. Kviti of small diameter, but a variety of flowers with a long stretch of rock. І in tsimu tezh є its own beauty.

Viroshchuvannya adenium z nasinnya that sight at home minds

There is a lot of someone who develops this exoticism from our days, it’s important, but it’s quite enough.

Landing nasinnya

Tsey tsіkaviy process may be especially. Before that, put us in the life-giving soil and soak them in warm water for a couple of years. Don’t shy away from all the flowers, deacons against such an occasion with planting material, but even against the one who planted vimochuvati chi.

As if they had vomited, then the heat of water for five years before the completion of the process of urination is given to add some stimulating reason for the establishment of roots.

Ale, before planting, you need to properly grind the soil. For whom, take the soil, be it a company for cacti, and mix it with perlite, or be it another fluff one to one.

Spaces for planting roslini can be small but with openings for water zlivu. Dobre pіdіdut for this plastic gap cups with a volume of 100 gr. At the bottom we put drainage from expanded clay or polystyrene, and then top it up with a prepared soil.

Let’s sweat on the surface, we’ll see more growth and lightly press it on the ground. After all the manipulations, we put all the flasks in one box for easy looking after them, then we curve the box with a transparent lid, or we put the whole box in a transparent cellophane bag.

Krishka once for the sake of the need to know and to check the future gardeners. It is necessary to soak the soil, to care for it carefully behind the help of a spray bottle with warm water. If the soil is not earlier than the next day, the watering will be no earlier than two days later. As soon as it is planted with a different variety, then the cups need to be remembered, which variety is in the new plantings.

For the growth of the present day, it is necessary to keep warm, so the box with the hanging days needs to be placed in a warm place. When proklyovuvannі nasіnnya іz mіlі plіvku аbo sly tidy up.

At a distant glance, it is necessary to keep the stitches, so that the earth in the yak of the visage, the rose garden of the adenium does not dry out, but the streams are not guilty, so that the sapling does not rot.

Sob the rose garden grew well, to endure in a warm, light place, but without direct sleepy changes. If necessary, turn the sadzhants until the light so that the stovbur grows evenly.

The germination of the present can be in three dobi, or it can drag on for a month, everything is deposited, depending on the characteristics of the adenium variety.

Adeniumu Photos

Looking after the rose garden adenium

After that, as a sapling, let them grow up and let them go to the tops of two or three leaves, start transplanting them into a new room. Moreover, the capacity, as if it were old, can and not zbіlshuvat everything to fall in the form of the root system. Such a transplant is the responsibility of transferring trichi to river.

Such a roslin blooms in two years after the day it was sown.

So how to finish dry roslin, it’s miraculous to endure straight sleepy shifts. However, the growth of the tropics love parts of watering, as if they can be calm. Summer watering can be done for additional help, and watering is intermedium, so that it is cold in the premises and you can provoke the rotting of Stovbur and that root. Until then, the vzimka of roslin is in winter sleep.

Revitalization of growth

In the process of growth, adenium, like all living roslins, needs resuscitation. Dobriva vikoristovuyut for succulents, so that if you overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers at a fast growth rate, the skin of a stovbur can peel. And already in the wound, the infection is consumed and the stovbur looks negligently like a vilіkuvati yogo in the form of an ill rot.

Therefore, it is necessary to make good donations no more often than once a month. At the moment of blooming, add phosphorus-potassium boost, so that the blooms are more mature, and more intense.


Oskilki batkivshchina є Africa, then roslin miraculously endure straight sleepy change. You should spend your time on the streets as soon as possible, but before sundown you need to take it step by step, for example, the night. That is why the winter of a little lightening and the spring sun begins to burn even more intensively and may be able to cover the leaves after a thriving winter sleep.

Pivdenna orientation vikon you need to walk, even if you need a whole river, you need more sleepy light. It is necessary to turn the growing growth of yoga until the sun, so that yoga stovbur does not collapse on one beak.

Temperature and moisture

At the heat of the time, roselin's weather is overwhelmed by hot temperatures up to 35 degrees Celsius. Up to the water of the wine is baiduzhi, but sometimes in the sinter you can brush it, so that you can get the saw to lie on the stove. When obskuvanni it is necessary not to get on the tickets, so as not to call your own good looks.

In autumn, with a change in the light day, pinch it. In some varieties of adeniums, the leaves may begin to fall off. Under an hour of calm, it is categorically impossible to brizkati, otherwise the growth can infect the root rot or a sooty fungus.


Flowering of all sorts is trivaє with a stretch of summer and ends before spring. The skin is okrema, the flower is trimmed for an hour of flowering this day, then a new bud appears on the yogo place. So, like buds, they appear only on the ends of the bushes, then they are hung for more bushes to sprout a crop of adenium. And as a result, the number of tickets in the bush grows.


In the case of the occupants, it is enough to grow the growth of the roslin and it has outgrown the capacity, it is planted in a yak, it can be safely transplanted into a new dish. For mature adeniums, pick up the capacity for the size of the bowl, so that in the three-fold root system, the root system begins to grow in width and the capacity of the root system grows less. To that, if it is not necessary to increase the growth of the growth, then it is not necessary to transplant it to the great capacity.

Reproduction for the help of living creatures that split

Crimean nasіnєvogo reproduction іsnuє shchei bait livestock reproduction. For whom, take the tops of the zavtovshka not less than two centimeters and cut with a knife in the support of the stems of the cuts. After drying for a few years, they are wrapped with root wine in a plastic bag and about a month later, a small root system begins to form on the spot.

So adenium split on oleander. In the wake of some blossoming of food and dovge, ale mist, de bulo chipped, it was necessary to protect it from falling direct sleepy changes. The splintered growths, like, do not blame the cold, the optimum temperature for them is 35 degrees Celsius.

In order to visconate the chips on the wood chips and the chips, spit the cracks and cut two different growths. Mіstse podednannya creaking be-like elastic material. Approximately after a couple of months, as if the top was crumbling in the gap, then, the splitting was far away.

The best hour for the reproduction of adenium, be it from the described methods, is spring, if all the nirs are thrown after winter sleep.

Ailments that accompany the growth of adenium

Tsya roslina is practically not smart to the point of getting sick. The first signs of shkіdnikі can be swayed only for the wrong watch over the growth. On this exotic species, a shield, a spider mite, or a borer bug may be shown. And if you don’t trap it, you can, for the sake of prevention, once in a pіvroka, spray or shed the soil with a rozin, crushed on the basis of “Actillika”.

Shards of succulent growth, then periodic inflows with water can provoke the appearance of root rot. In order to avoid getting out, the soil for adeniums is selected light and livable with good penetration. And in the winter period, do not forget to water it quickly.

In order to hide the manifestation of various rot, you can add a piece of wooden vugill to the deak.

As if the adenium had been actively soiled, it was not autumn, it was better to stand for a stretch for all the wines and that the growth needed to pick up a new place.

Sometimes adenium blooms, otherwise it never bloomed once. It’s rich in why everything should be laid up in the right way, trimming the growth of the curtains and the bindings for a calm stretch of winter.

As soon as you bring it in more often, at least once a month, a little bit of growth will grow, and then you may not be able to grow up with such a large number of growth and start to rot in the middle of the stovbur.

Viroshchuvannya adenium and watchfulness at home minds video

Read here.

Adenium Gladkiy (Adenium Tovstiy) is a species of non-tall trees or saplings of the Kurtov family. Beautiful fluffy growth, growing near the lower part of the stovbur, growing up to 70 cm in the room at the height. Leaves a dark green color with a gossamer or blunt top. The shape of the leaf plate is lanceolate, the surface is glossy. Flowers of liychast, with bright red pelyustki and light heart.

A photo

Below you can marvel at the photographs of room growth.

Watching at home minds

Adenium smooth is an unviable roslin, which has gained popularity for its extraordinary outward appearance. One-color or stringed white, red, raspberry or burgundy color, with a deep stovbur, look exotic. Dosit nevibaglivy at sight, vіn all the same vimagaє dotrimanny deakyh rules.


Good illumination for this growth is a pledge of healthy growth and development. Adenium next to trim on the windows of the pivdennoy side of the booth, but it’s straight sleepy prominnya, like you should love it, you can make it look like a stovbur. In summertime, at especially high temperatures, it is better to clean up the miner from a small shade. Sob the top did not shatter at the bik dzherel of the light, varto іnodi turn the roslin.

Dovidka. Depending on the temperature in the room, Adenium needs to be lit. What temperature, more light is necessary for you, especially during the period of growing syantsiv.

During the winter months, you can add additional piece lighting:

  • Luminescent lamps with intensity 40, 60, 80 W. It is recommended to install a sprinkling of lamps at the same time with light fixtures in order to achieve the maximum result.
  • Photodiode phytolamps are more efficient, but expensive.
  • Phytoluminescent lamps at the looking tubes. The stench is economical and pleasantly injected into photosynthesis;


For irrigation, the vikoristaetsya water, bagan room temperature. Ryasne zvolozhennya is needed in spicy summer days, and partly watering is not needed. At a temperature of over 30 degrees, the earth is constantly guilty of buti water, which is especially important for young plants. Appreciate the need for the hair, easily follow the path to the ground.

Above the world, the growth of the soil has grown and the growth is not bazhane.


The optimum temperature for a comfortable growth of Adenium can be + 25-35 degrees. Vіn is also thermophilic, through his pіvdenne povzhennya. The period from spring to autumn, especially for young roslins, is the most pleasant hour. With a decrease in temperature again, closer to winter, Adenium go to the camp of peace. At this hour, the leaves fall intensively, sometimes overhead.

Too low temperatures are harmful for the growth, it’s not too cold to deprive yoga in the premises, it’s colder than 10 degrees, otherwise the root system can know rot.

With the growth of growth in the minds of modern apartments, special temperature readings for every day are not necessary.

Important! At high temperatures, the water content is to blame for high or peaceful, for low, it is moderate, low.


Properly picking up the ground is an important detail for Adenium to grow. You can buy ready-made sum for succulents from specialized stores, or you can change the warehouse yourself.

Components for preparing the soil:

  1. Universal flower soil - 50%, vermiculite - 15%, village vugillya - 10%, perlite - 25%.
  2. Coconut soil - 50%, village vugillya - 10%, vermiculite - 10%, perlite - 30%, river sand.
  3. Coconut substrate - 30%, cactus soil - 30%, vermiculite - 15%, perlite - 15%, river sand or the village of Vugillya - 10%.

Sumish maє be fluffy, kindly miss the povitrya that vologu. The acidity rhubarb is another factor that the varto gains respect. Sour soil does not take root and decay, so when buying ready-made soil, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics. If the pH is lower than 5.8 - the soil is acidic, if it is higher than 7 - puddle.

To get rid of fungal diseases, deakі components for the warehouse need to be sterilized. for the help of roasting the rosemary of potassium permanganate.

From the video you know how to build a soil for adenium:


Choose a container for planting to lie down due to special skin concerns. They see mainly clay and plastic miners. The stench is different for their powers.


Advantages of ceramic miners:

  • good penetration;
  • steadfastness for the rahunok of one's own vaga;
  • seeing shkidlivih salts through the walls.


  • clay is good to conduct cold and heat: the wintering of roslin on cold weather is freezing, and the wind is overheated;
  • the mountaineer's years are slaughtered;
  • with long-term failure of the root system, it grows to an uneven inner surface, and during transplantation it can fail;
  • z'yavlyayutsya razluchennya and plami vіd vyvedenih salts.


Advantages of plastic containers:

  • the roots of the growth do not stick to the walls and are easily twisted during transplantation;
  • plastic does not cool, it does not overheat on sun (white plastic);
  • salts do not accumulate, but are removed through the drainage opening during watering;
  • vartist, on vіdmіnu vіd vіd clay chi ceramics, signifi cantly lower.


  • more viparovuvannya volog, scho vymagaє respectful control over irrigation;
  • Dark plastic is more likely to heat up in the sun, so mountaineers are not recommended for outdoor windows.

On a note. It is important to choose the correct size of containers. The optimal width of the mountaineer is the bottom diameter of the ground part of the trunk. In tight containers, Adenium is uncomfortable with that yoga growth.


Irrespective of those that Adenium is a herbaceous plant, miraculously surviving in the wild for the minimum supply of brown vitamins, in the home minds it is necessary to fertilize regularly.

For the help of life-giving sumishes:

  1. signifi- cantly accelerate the growth and development;
  2. brighten up the old look;
  3. increase resistance to infection with ailments.

Dobriva and growth stimulants come in different forms:

  • rozchin;
  • powder;
  • granules;
  • watering;
  • obscuration.

It is necessary to choose the frequency of selection, that is, up to. too much vitamins in roslin can hurt.

Dobriva is the lifeblood of speeches for Adenium, and in different periods the frequency of their speech changes.

With universal soil:

  • From Thursday to Sunday - 1 time for 10 days.
  • From midnight to birch - 1 time per month.

With unsupported sumish (coconut fiber):

  • The spring and windrow can be fertilized every other time, autumn-wintering 1 time for 2 seasons.
  • Coconut fiber practically does not avenge brown vitamins, which is often necessary for improvement.

For Adenium, practically all mineral goodness is suitable, which are vicarious for the cultivation of room growths. Among them you can see vicinities:

  1. Orton-humate- Vіdmіnno podhodit for coco substrate, pozavlennogo zhivnih rechovina.
  2. Siliplant universal- go near the woods of mature roslins for changing the fabrics of the stovbur.
  3. Mineral dobriva in rare and granular forms.

Important! When choosing mineral additives, the next step is to increase the dosage according to the instructions, so as not to harm the growth.

Imported goods are indicative of their effectiveness, but problems can be blamed on their products. Good have proven themselves:

  1. Advanced Hydroponics (Holland).
  2. GHE (France)
  3. Advanced Nutrients (Canada).


Trimming - tse vydalennya gіlok, pagonіv chi root. You can be like a private, and again. Necessary for zbіlshennya gіllyastoї and thick tsvіtіnnya. It is recommended to carry out the pruning procedure in the spring, for 12-18 months. Livestock that has been lost after manipulation can be sprouted and planted in an okremium container.

Starting to trim the bagan, to finish the main recommendations:

Sound already in 40-45 days after the trimming begins intensively.

From the video you will know how to trim the adenium and shape the crown:

Peculiarities of growing in hardened soil

  • Adenium Gladkiy is thermophilic in the region, and for the її povnotsіnnogo roslina, the temperature is again guilty of becoming no less than 25 degrees above zero. At the winter hour, when the camp is calm, but still, the temperature is not guilty to fall below 6 degrees, otherwise Adenium will die.
  • As a way to hang yoga in the soil, the root system is developing intensively. In nature, Adenium can grow up to 3.5 meters of curl. Ryasnі boards and damaged roots during autumn transplantation can be negatively signified on healthy growth.
  • At the vіdkritomu ґruntі, without zastosuvannya pozhivnyh having added that not to regular watering, the growth of Adenіum will be more povіlne, stretching for dozens of years. It is possible to constantly grow Adenium in wet soil only in the rainy part of our region, but there is still a risk of freezing the growth during abnormal cold snaps.


Through a weak immune system Adenium is often milder to fungal and bacterial infections. In domestic minds, it is easy to establish the first cause.

Parts of the ailment of the roselin:

  1. Decay of the root system- pov'yazane z nevіdpovіdnіstyu vologosti ґntu and temperature poіtrya, nadmіrnimi watering in the winter period.
  2. Usikhannya gіlok- it can be a natural splinter, as well as a symptom of an ailment.
  3. Round patches on the leaves of that stovbur- fungal infection.
  4. Pozhovtinnya edge of the leaf- a symptom of non-stachі having added chi sony light.
  5. Opiks- utvoryuyuyutsya, as if after a long winter, put the roslin on the yaskrave sonyachne light.


Adenium Smooth viroshchayut us or live bait.

Adenium Gladkiy vvazhayut with unsightly growth, ale and yonder vimagaє turboti and respect. With the right sight, Adenium grows and rejoices in its flowers of old fates.

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Oskіlki adenium dosit stіyky to ailment, change of zvnіshny look. often associated with unyoma minds.

A photo


Irrespective of how strong the adeniums are to shkidniks, especially in our climate, the stench is still strong enough to attack.

Make the main threat:

  • Root worm;
  • Boroshnisty worm;
  • Spider mite.


Not safe for adenium, it’s not enough for him to drink. Vіn zavdaє shkodi korіnnyam i otruuє with derogatory speeches and є the reason for the withering of kinchikiv leaves. The biggest shkodi wine manager for young pagons.

Damage signs:

  • Ignorant of the correct adenium, zupinivsya in growth;
  • Blede and glare of leaves;
  • Adenium has yellow leaves;
  • the appearance of root roots, the appearance of fungal infections;
  • Wrinkled and hanging leaves.


Methods of fighting

  1. chemical method.
  2. Root bath.

Chemical method Fighting is a transformation of the soil with such preparations as Konfidor and Aktara. Zavdyaki systemic dii miraculously cope with a worm. Recommended concentration: The course of treatment includes not less than three requisitions with an interval of 5-10 days.

Also get stuck insecticidal sticks, but serious exuberance is not enough. It is possible to zastosovuvaty as a prophylaxis against the worm and other shkіdnikіv, for the sake of popelitsі and spider mites.

  1. Root warms up in hot water (up to 55 degrees Celsius) for 15-20 minutes. If it is necessary to let it dry before planting;
  2. Remove the growth from the miner, from the earth, wash the roots. The land may be depleted;
  3. Disinfect or replace a miner;
  4. Examine the infected trees. As soon as a poor house becomes uncut, in a day's time the worm will appear again;
  5. Wash the root with an insecticide;
  6. Visiting a fresh or recycled miner and a new substrate;
  7. Actual hour of trimming okremo from other roslins. It is necessary to prevent possible infection of other colors.

Borosnisty bug

Komakha, which lives in the leaf axils, which makes wax-like, was seen on young pagons, leaves and buds. Adenium ceases to grow and grows hotter. Strong shock bugs can lead to death.


  • Cotton-like, waxy, white pour;
  • Blood sightings and the appearance of a sooty fungus on them testify to a serious illness.

Wrestling method:

  1. With a small wound, adenium can be cut with a mile, for the help of a tampon, or the brushes clean the worms of those sights. After that, it is necessary to make it with a weak mile or alcohol rose.
  2. Growth treatment with Aktara, Kofidant, Kofinor and Fitoverm. Obroblyat treba carefully and vidpovidno to the instruction. The dressing should be repeated on the skin for 7-10 days.

The older the larvae, the more important they will be.

spider mite

Shkidliva coma, not safe at the usual stages of development. Even the swedish rozpovsyuzhuetsya and in a short term can infect all the growths near the apartment.


  • Blіd kolіr leaf;
  • Appearing on the leaves of a large number of yellow spots.

When fighting mites, it is necessary to treat the growth with one of the following methods:

  • Fitoverm is a low-toxic drug, effective against ticks at a concentration of 2-5 ml/l.
  • Masai is effective in fighting both with larvae and with mature individuals. The optimal concentration is 0.15-0.3 g / 1 liter.
  • Borneo - zasіb zahisnogo spit, spit mites at the usual stages of development.
  • Floramayt is a contact acaricide, effective in case of local damage.

All other drugs are mixed with Silvet-Gold adhesive at a concentration of 0.5 ml per liter.

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