Podіl slіv at the warehouse gra. Pod_l_v in the warehouse

Podіl slіv at the warehouse gra. Pod_l_v in the warehouse

Training apparatus

tRe - na - andeR This script allows you to add words to the warehouse. Remember that the rules for the subdivision of words in the warehouse are the rules for transferring - the same rules.

How to break the word into a warehouse

1. In Russian, there are different sounds: voice sounds are more sonorous than other sounds. The very voice sounds make warehouses, and they are warehouse-creating. Warehouse - tse one sound or a little sound, scho vymovlyayutsya with one vidihalnym mail post again: wow, na-u-ka.
Words have styles of warehouses, like voiced sounds.
These sounds are clumsy. When the words are spoken, the sounds “stretch” to the voiced, satisfying at once from the voiced warehouse.

2. Warehouse can be formed from one sound (and even tse obov'yazkovo vowels) or a few sounds (for which one in the warehouse, krim vowel, є vowel or a group of vowels): obіdok - o-bo-dok; country - country; nіchnik - nіchnik; miniature - mini-ni-a-tu-ra. If the warehouse is made up of two and more sounds, then the wines are repaired by the sound of the voice.

3. Fold the vodkritimi and close it.
The warehouse ends with a voiced sound: water, country.
The closing warehouse ends with a shrill sound: a dream, a liner.
There are more warehouses in Russia. Closing warehouses sound in the end of the word: n_chnik (the first warehouse is open, the other is closed), the rim (the first two warehouses are closed, the third is closed).
In the middle of the word, the warehouse, as a rule, ends with a voiced sound, and the voice or a group of voices, which stand after the voice, sound up to the offensive warehouse: n_chnik, announcer.
In the middle of the word, closed warehouses can make more unpaired twinklings with voices [d], [p], [p '], [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '] (sonorni): may-ka, Sonya-ka, so-scrap-ka.

4. Sometimes in a word two voices can be written, but one sound, for example: live [іzh:it']. Therefore, in this view, two warehouses are seen: i-live. I went to the part of the iz-live according to the rules of the transfer of the word, and did not go to the warehouse.
Those same can be stitched on the butt of the diєslova їhati, in which the voices of zzh sound like one sound [zh:]; to that rozpodіl in the warehouse will be - y-e-squeeze, and rozpodіl words for portability vijjati.
Particularly often, pardons are guarded when one sees warehouses in the forms of discourses that end -ts, -ts.
Podіl viti-sya, embossed-sya є podіl on parts for transferring, and not podіl to warehouses, shards in such forms of the letters ts, ts sound like one sound [ts].
When rozpodіlі in the warehouse, letters of the transport security, tc povnіstyu go to the offensive warehouse: vі-tisya, emboss.

5. When there are a lot of voices in the middle of the word: two of the same voices are worn to the offensive warehouse: flow, dans; two more vociferous sounds come up to the offensive warehouse: hat, equal. Vinyatok to become more vociferous, for some first, unpaired twink (sonorny): letters p, p, l, l, m, m, n, n, y: mar-ka, dawn-ka, bul-ka, lining, lady- ka, ban-ka, lazna, lai-ka.

Lilia Bondarenko

Developing didactic gra« We divide words in stock»

Didactic Games may be a great investment in the development of movie children. Commenting on your own actions - sing a thoroughly roman movi, enriched dictionary, shaping the grammatical mode of the language, etc.

For the work of learning to read and write, a necessary post-study of effective methods and assistance to acquire the development of a sound warehouse analysis of the word. To promote the interest of children to the development of newcomers warehouse analysis of the word, made a help " We divide words in stock".

Relevance: Among the most varied disorders of movement in children of preschool age, one of the most wide and significant foldings for corrective work and disorders warehouse structure. Gra - simulator« Divided the words into a warehouse» recognized for development and development divide words in stock.

Tsіl: forward and backward warehouse structure of preschool children.

manager: development vminnya divide words in stock; development of steadfastness of respect, acceptance of analysis, self-control, fine motor skills and positive attitude to initial activity.

gra- The simulator can be played on the frontal, individual correction sessions.

Efficiency is practical significance: task to wear a playful, cicavi character, razroblenі z urakhuvannya age-old features of children of the senior preschool age slіv ​​in stock preschoolers learn ways to control the correctness of their activities.

Material: cards - subject pictures with diagrams warehouse structure.

Igrovі diї: to schemes warehouse structure(one two Three warehouse) children choose the correct subject pictures, revise the number in their voice warehouses and send a picture with the necessary scheme. Overcome the one who first stops at the task.

Publications on the topic:

"Store." Formation of young children for help zastosuvannya didactic іgor vіdpovіdno up to FGZS up to“Formulation of the young beginners of children for the help of stosuvannya didactic іgor vodpovidno to GEF DO” SENIOR GROUP Kviten 1 day.

Name: “Grass in the mood” Vic: children 4-7 years Purpose: development of communicative skills and the emotional-volitional sphere of children Vic: children.

Explanatory note. The purpose of the gri: close the navichi rahunka between ten. Zavdannya: zakriplyuvaty vminnya povnyuvaty numbers no more than ten.

Synopsis of the lesson from the beginning of reading and writing “From the word to the warehouse. Nagolos" Synopsis of a lesson in literacy. Theme: Responded to the warehouse. Voice. Meta lesson: teach learners to add words; form.

Didactic game "Take the words and guess the riddle" Didactic game “Take the words and guess the riddle”

Synopsis of OOD “Sounds [w] - [g]. Letters Sh - Zh. Skladi ShІ - ZhI " Task: corrective-illumination: Clarify and correct the articulation and sound of the sounds [w] and [g]. Develop the skills of sound-letter.

Relevance: Among the various damages of the language in children in the preschool age, one of the most widespread and which represent a significant complexity for the correctional work and damage to the warehouse structure of words. Gra - the simulator "Spread the words in the warehouse" is recognized for the development and development of the practice of expanding the words in the warehouse.

Target: forward and backward damage to the warehouse structure of preschool children.

Manager: development of vmіnnya diliti words in stock; development of steadfastness of respect, acceptance of analysis, self-control, fine motor skills and positive attitude to initial activity.

Gra - simulator can be beaten on frontal, individual correctional activities.

The title slide of 1 manager has been transferred to the head. At the time of the pardon at the choice, the child will be taken to the initial slide and turn back, when pressing the mouse button on the cube - the "Back" button.

The presence of the initial slide gives the child the opportunity not to pardon his pardon, but to correct it. In other tasks, the dog confirms the correctness of the opinion, and the bear shows that the pardon has been allowed. With this child, it is also possible to correct your pardon.

Effectiveness and practical significance: the task is to wear a playful, cicavi character, developed with the improvement of age-old features of children of the older preschool age. I entrusted to the victors of the game heads, to the children themselves, to learn the methods of controlling the correctness of their children.

For whom we have divided, we will train to divide the words in stock. (Do not stray with the words for transference, as it is looked at in a different division. It’s worth the difference of speech, so that the same rules for transferring words should be established.)

Pod_l_v in the warehouse

Clever to add words to the warehouse - the newcomer is more important, like a bazhano nabuti before entering the first class. For children who have learned to read behind warehouses, they have fewer problems. Ale all the same buvayut.

Let yourself know, the child is already reading, we learned how to use letters - voices and voices, taught how to improve letters in words, and then we began to approach the transfer of words, and again turned to warehouses. In this situation, children often stray, and the deputy under the warehouse adds word by letter.

How to teach a child to divide words in a warehouse? There are no other ways to do this.

Rules for sending words to the warehouse

  • fold up and make up for the help of vowels to that skіlki in the words of voices, stilki w і warehouses. A warehouse can be formed from one voice warehouse, but without voice warehouses it cannot be built. Apply: milk, e-zhik, etc.
  • As the warehouse is built up from a number of letters, the wines start from the voice letters.(Vinyatok - vipadki, if the forward warehouse ends in Y: district)

Previously, the rules for transferring were the same, for the reason that it could not be transferred or left out one letter in a row. New rules are added to the warehouse, for which children learn at once, significantly folding, and, more headily, they are reviewed from the bottom of words for transfer. It is especially worthwhile to listen to the words with a kіlkom in the middle of the word. We shared: gut, vikno, class that in.

According to the new rules, only sonorny voices (m, n, l, p, m, l, n, p) and Y “stick” to the first move, in other voices all the voices “go” to another warehouse. For example: krom-ka, ban-ka, lazna, may-ka, ale: sha-pka, equal, etc.

Two of the same voices, when rozpodіlі in the warehouse of the shoes' tongue, go to another warehouse: denmark,

fly around. At the same time, he gave the same words for the transfer of the future - denmarks, vіdtech, hat, etc.

Whether it’s for some kind of temperament, it’s necessary to keep words in stock, especially if there are problems. You can sleep, chant, like in a stadium. It helps to “slam” the plumes at the valley. Often speech therapists and readers are happy to put a tilny bіk bіk bіk bіkі hands pіd pіdboriddya, and voice the word, while pіdborіddya, hands with a skin warehouse are put together.

We propose to you the online exercise machine "Podіl slіv na sklad". It is necessary for them to drag rice-rozdіlyuvachі to the word. Similar tasks are often used in Russian tests in class 1. At tsіy grі mi dilitimemo words in stock. At the offensive division, we will try to divide the words for transference.

  • To speak with propositions, to express one's bazhanya in a different way, to conduct a simple dialogue.
  • To know letters, to recognize voices and sounds of voices.
  • Let Voloditi sleep with a rahunka, I want to b 5.
  • Know the expanses of understanding “right” and “left”.

If a child has a broken language, it is necessary to consult with a speech therapist. The specialist, in his opinion, should give special respect to such occupations, so that they can escape the future problems caused by the damaged warehouse structure.

Podіl slіv in the warehouse pochinaєetsya until warehouse reading. To know a handful of children from the understanding of the "word". A leather object has its own name. Children train to name different words. Let's introduce a graphic designation of the word yak risi chi of a rectangle. If children master warehouses, they are distributed with rice in proportion to the quantity. The words have voices and voices, as well as a shock warehouse.

Fold buvayut vіdkritimi and close. Vіdkritі may look vociferous + vowel, closed - vowel + vowel. You can explain it to children like this:

“It’s free to come out at the open door: MAAA, LOOO, NUUU. We nibi see. At a closed povitrya zustrіchaє pereskoda - ruin, tongue and teeth. To that, the wine is sharply shaved, it starts to curl, - AM, VIN, IL.

With the explanation of the principle of rozpodіlu fold the vicorist by accepting the support of the bottom of the line. Skіlki razіv go down pіdborіdya, sіlki and warehouses near the word.

Upevneno reading children can count the number of warehouses for the number of voices.

Navіscho diliti words in stock

Rozpodіl sl_v in the warehouse easier to learn to read. Learn to grow up, if you scribble on an unknown word, read yoga in warehouses. Rozpodіl sl_v in warehouses for preschool children - a way to better understand the phonetic structure of the language. Tsya novice did help to work on phonetic analysis of words for an hour of lessons in Russian.

I also put in the warehouse the necessary day of the lesson in Russian at the topic “Transfer of words”. Children, like filthy ones, have taken possession of warehouses, stick with pardons, if they deprive them of a row of vociferous ones.

The warehouse can be formed from a vowel or a vowel and one or a few vowels.

To teach a child to a warehouse, it is necessary to master the basic methods: cards with warehouses, didactic games and simulators.

Preschoolers should also be busy with cartoon characters and fairy tale characters. As a matter of fact, we didn’t give time to dad, but Peppa Pig, we’ll keep busy.

Podіl to the warehouse for preschoolers

Cards with warehouses

Handily vikoristovuvat great kasu skladіv. At the gut, insert the necessary letters, omitting the warehouse as a result. You can get the cards from the kit, or you can make them yourself. The little one is especially interested in calling cards prepared at once. Podіl words in the warehouse for preschoolers to get easier, as well as competently that c_kavo organize employment.

Right with the cards

1. A grown-up person shows the warehouse of BA, encourages children to read and understand the question, what is the word. Tse is not a word, because it does not mean anything. Let's take the warehouse of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Yogo also read that z'yasovoyut, that the word tsya construction is not є. They gave a mature treasure trove of warehouses of the BA and RAS. Malyuk reads the warehouse, and the word "ram" comes out. Corisally supplement the head of the guardian with a small child.

2. Children see an odd number of warehouses on cards - so that at least some of them could be combined into words. Repair varto from five cards. Stock - NOT, BO, KISH, KA, RU. A preschooler reads a booklet. Let's take a grown-up warehouse, from which one starts, be it like a word, and pronounce the warehouse of "a friend who has been ruined."

3. Mature in advance, prepare sprats of sliv. Win names the cob of the word, the child can know the progress on the cards. You need to start with two or three warehouses, so that the little ones do not get lost. Zvorotny variant - grown-up shows the style of the card, and the preschooler thinks of the end.

4. The grown-up man speaks two words for additional warehouses, moreover, the warehouses are intertwined: KOSH-BA, RI-KA. The children are encouraged to turn the warehouse, that they are “lost”, in their own words.

Didactic games

1. Write a grown-up on a piece of paper, put short words that are loud (PRS, PA, CAT, KI, KIT, KOSH too). The little one is encouraged to know how to stock up and fill them with green olives. Schob urіznomanіtniti gr, you can ask to know the words.

2. Play with a ball. The grown-up man names the warehouse - RU - and throws a ball. To catch a child and see the future.

3. Write words on papers. A preschooler reads them, then at the same time, from the grown-ups, they divide them into warehouses. The next word is cut with scissors in warehouses. The variant of the zavdannya - choose from the narrated warehouses of the words back.

4. Warehouse opening. Tse vіdomy and dієviy method for learning syllables. On the leather warehouse it is necessary to splash in the valleys, or to dull the foot. For active children, you can add words to the warehouse for additional help. So maybe a stribati is in love with a toy or a little boy.

5. A grown-up man calls a word from one movi: whale, catfish, sack, leaf. The child is guilty of naming a word in a changeable-variegated form: a cat, a bag, a leaf. In case of need, it is necessary to determine the number of warehouses at the word for help doloni pіd pіdborіddyam or vіdhlopuvannya.

Playing on the warehouse structure of the word for children, calling out the movements of interest and attaching to the fixed material.


Іsnuyut programs, adapted for preschoolers and young schoolchildren, for the training of newcomers, I went to the warehouse. You can come to the stores, deyaki zavantazhit. The simplest way is to apply online.

Zavdannya at the simulators sound similar to the right with cards. You can fold with a bear, fold their words, choose between the warehouse and the word thinly.

Simulators are better not to win at the cob stage of training. Include more in the lesson, if the child clearly understands the principle of rozpodіlu in the warehouse.

Children will also like interactive tasks on a computer. A lot of current school mentors are equipped with a disk from zavdannya. You can take a call just right, feasible for preschool children.

The simulator "Dilymo words in a warehouse for children" will help to increase the level of learning with preschool children and improve knowledge.

Warehouse rules

The lighting system has also been changed for the rest of the years. Other supporters appeared before the school program.

The rules for sending words to the warehouse of the troch changed from that hour, if the modern fathers of the 80s and 90s of the people started at the pochatkovy school.

1. Warehouse begins with a voiced sound, like a new kіlka letter. Apply: KAR-TI-NA, TVO-RIG, PID-STAVKA. Vinyatkom є the letter Y. Її is brought to the front warehouse: PARADISE-VIN, REI-KA, MAY-KA.

2. Dzvіnki sonornі prigolosnі і Y vіdnosyatsya to the first depot when rozpodіli: GAL-KA, SKAL-KA, TUM-BA.

3. Deaf, ringing, non-sonorous and hissing sounds are heard to another warehouse: SHA-PKA, SHI-ShKA, MІ-ShKA.

4. Podviyni prigolosnі go to another warehouse: TOR-GEST-VE-NNII, LONG-NNII, A-KKU-RAT-NIY. However, for the transfer of the old rule, the old rule was saved: DESCRIPTION, DOVGIY, AK-KURATNY.

Preschoolers, as they learn to read, do not need to explain these rules in a presentation.

The grown-up is guilty of the nobility itself and the rules and correct the child, as if she had mercy. More words children will remember and automatically divide them correctly. At the school, at the last lessons, the teacher will explain the rules to the warehouse.

Regularly right at home at the same time from employment at the kindergarten to feel better about school education.
