Business idea: how to open a car parts store. Manufacturing of spare parts for foreign cars

Business idea: how to open a car parts store. Manufacturing of spare parts for foreign cars

Rozpovіd pіdpriєmtsya-pochatkіvtsya about the development of an unoccupied niche in the sphere of trade in auto parts. Youth and ambitious undertaking to organize the operation of the delivery of auto parts by locality and already plan to expand.


I give you a business idea, how you can earn money, while your car is in power, and it’s always waiting for a connection with access to the Internet.

It all started from the fact that, after graduating from high school, I never knew how to work for fach. Automobiles and automobile state". The maximum that they told me was a job in a car service. With no diploma, no work experience (I studied in absentia), I didn’t mind the robot sellers: there were no suitable vacancies. After two months of unsuccessful searches, I found: practice on myself, but for my own specialty - for nothing, why am I six times vitrativ for training?

First of all, why did I start - vivchiv consume the motorists of our place. The very problems with the supply of spare parts, which are blamed on private workers, taxi drivers and small car services. Z'yasuvav one paradoxical rіch: despite the fact that we may have a rich market of spare parts for any kind of passenger cars - і vіtchiznyanyh, і іnomarok - the need for them, like and earlier, even more expensive. And on the right, not in what they don’t get, but in what the stench is needed here and at once, and not in hypothetical two days.

The car broke down near the road, in terms of terms, it is necessary to replace a small detail - and de її take it? Is it possible, obviously, to go to the nearest store, or to car rides - but don't you throw the car on the road? You can call a evacuator - but it's expensive to get ready. Another example: they brought a foreign car to the car service or a private machine for repair, it is necessary to repair it in a term, but at the moment the master does not have any spare parts needed by hand - like a buti? Zagalom, I understand what the situation is at our millionth city If people urgently need that chi іnsha auto parts, finish it off.

At that time, I’ll drive my car, it’s not new, but with my efforts I’ll bring it to the ideal. In order to keep in touch with potential clients, I have transferred the call to an iPhone from an Internet connection. The first step is to file a complaint with the Registration Chamber for the execution of documents for individual distribution, I have analyzed the wholesale and retail prices at the auto shops of the city.

Organization of activity

Contacting great dealer companies, z'yasuvav, scho official registrations іndivіdualny pіdpriєmets maє mozhlivіst put an agreement on the delivery of car parts and autocosmetics for the prices of vinobnikiv. My surveys showed that the difference between wholesale and retail prices for auto parts will be 15-20% on average. Having added 20% for delivery to the pre-bachuvaned surplus at retail prices, it was necessary to add a surplus figure. Navіt z urakhuvannyam vitrat on gasoline, stіlnikovy zv'yazok and payment of taxes pributok obіtsyav buti invincible.

After the resolute victory of all “for” and “against” I have vindicated my right. in the Regpalati, giving slanders in a number of local newspapers and on websites without slanders. Pregnantly having gone through dozens of thematic forums and there, having propagated his services. For communication, fill in the channels: home and mobile phone number, email address, ICQ number and Skype contact.

Several clients had a bad time: The next day, having taken two prayers, I had only three years to go to see them. Then the calls and calls became regular, I practically went to the wedding early until late in the evening, earning thousands of rubles a day. Krіm spare parts, customers often asked for auto cosmetics, rozumіyuchi, scho vigіdnіshe pridbati all nebhіdne vіdrazu, not spending an hour on trips to auto shops - even paid for the stench of less than a week, independent of obyagu zamovlennya.

People traplelialis different - from great taxi drivers and pensioners-privatniks to solid kerіvnikіv and businessmen. Often there were orders from other car services. Tsya robot me more befitting, hello, krіm nasty earnings, I'm chuv words podyaki zvіd zvіmіh people do not know me. With one of them we got to know each other better, if I helped him to change his broken headlight.

Having found out about those that I have a diploma of autofacilitation, I was asked to work in the company, I was astonished. And I’m more than happy, if I’m inspired, I’m convinced that I love my right and in the next future I plan to get to my new young brother that couple of friends: it’s easy to cope with a growing number of people alone. Really, navіscho of goodness of goodness shukati and pratsyuvati “on the uncle”, if I can manage my own business, which will bring me not only earnings, but also satisfaction?

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Danish material can be useful for writing a business plan for an auto parts store with a loan from a bank, for obtaining a financial partner, for obtaining a sovereign support, and simply for arranging a donation of funds for your business.

Description of the project

We recommend to your respect the business plan of an auto parts store, opened in a city with a population of 120,000 people.

Regardless of the high level of competition, the sale of auto parts is a profitable direct business, the shards of this market in Russia show a broad growth of 20%. Vіdkrittya store with a great assortment of goods like for vіtchiznyah, so і іnоzemnyh avtomobіlіv our city will be vigіdno і z ekonom_chnї, і z social point of dawn.

Social and economic indicators of the implementation of the project (for state support)

  1. Registration of a new small business entity;
  2. Creation of 3 new working areas;
  3. Compliance with the budget of the city N up to 80 thousand. rubles per river

Economic indicators of the project implementation, according to the business plan:

  1. Surplus - over 1 million rubles per river;
  2. The cost of the project for the front roses is about 2 years;
  3. Profitability - 25%.

For business purposes, it is planned to spend 400 thousand rubles. rub. good money and get 1,700 thousand. credit cards in one of the banks in the city:

Yaku supply system vibrati

The organizational and legal form will be individual business. The selection of the OPF is an inexpensive and simple procedure for registering activity. In the yakost payment systems bude zastosovuvatisya patent system, and vartist patent for an auto parts store for a stock of 36 yew. ruble

At the moment, the practical activities in the implementation of the project are:

  1. virobleno registration of admission activity, KVED code 50.30.2 - Retail trade in car parts, assemblies and accessories;
  2. A forward agreement was laid on the lease for the placement of a retail outlet on the street. Lenina budinok 101 with a trading area of ​​40m2 and warehouse premises for the same address with an area of ​​15m2. The price of rent for 55m2 warehouse is 30,000 rubles per month. The application will not require repairs;
  3. Completed the search for wholesale post-consumer auto parts and glass materials on the top of minds.

Description of products and services

The assortment of the point of sale includes spare parts and spare parts for cars of both foreign and domestic manufactures. Krіm presented on showcases and police goods, the shop is also pracyuvatime і on the catalogue. Zagalom vіddіl postachannya pratsyuvatime for the principle: find the right position for the first time at the warehouse. To such goods are included:

  • motor oil;
  • Kolіsnі disks;
  • Sheeny;
  • Filters (oily, povtryany, palisade);
  • light bulbs;
  • Candles;
  • Doors;
  • Oil seals;
  • hardware, washers, screws, pistons;
  • Clamps, branch pipes;
  • Generator and timing belts;
  • Tools;
  • VR darts;
  • Autochemistry;
  • laying;
  • garnet;
  • Steering tips;
  • Silencers;
  • Bearings;
  • First aid kits and pumps;
  • and so far.

At each client, spare parts of different parts will be offered at custom prices, for example, "original" or "non-original" spare parts.

The price equalization will be three times lower than the average price equalization for spare parts at the outlets of our place. And the beginnings of a well-thought-out logistics system, delivery will be arranged in the shortest term.

Marketing Plan

On the back, it is significant to the market. According to the statistics, Russia has about 270 cars per 1,000 inhabitants, so that the leather can be a good car. Our city has 120,000 inhabitants, and they fall close to 20,000. cars.

The most popular car brands are: Lada, Chevrolet and KIA.

In general, the auto parts market has 52% of sales on domestic cars and 48% on foreign cars.

Special features of components that are bought for domestic cars and foreign cars:

In the average leather car window dresser on the morning of your car is close to 15 yew. rubles (without gasoline and insurance). The main purpose is to wipe the engine oil, gum, filters, spare parts.

Zvіdsi vyplivaє scho єmnіst market of auto parts near the city to become: 20 ths. (cars) * 15 thousand. rublіv (widows on cars) = 300 million rubles per rіk.

Next, indicate what will drink on the spare part at the next hour of growth, the number of cars and the number of cars. According to the statistics, the growth rate of the market is close to 20% per river.

Competition. As a result, we will carry out research near the city near 30 sales outlets that sell a group of goods, of which 10 are the largest service stations, which may be the best distribution of goods (Recommended before reading: "Business Plan Service Station").

Not far from our outlet there are:

  1. Station of technical service from the vlasny trade vіddіl. Basically, they trade for the front deals;
  2. Motor Oil Center. The main assortment - olії, filtry and іnshі rozkhіdniki;
  3. Trading point for 5m2 near a small shopping center. Trade only for a catalog with delivery on a weekly basis.

We will conduct a sequential analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors:

competition Characteristic Visnovki
Strengths Weak sides
ONE HUNDREDCar dealers, like service stations, buy spare parts from their shopA low range of spare parts and rozkhіdnikіv zі warehouse, most importantly all the goods go to the warehouse. Order delivery is more than usual. Visible high pricesYou can compete for the lowest prices, the widest range and quick delivery of spare parts
Motor Oil CenterGreat range of motor oils at low pricesThrough a specific specialization in engine oil and other types of supplies and spare partsYou can compete for a wide range of products and quick delivery of spare parts
Point of sale in the shopping centerLow prices, fast deliveryMay I store the daily goods in the warehouse, trade less for the catalogYou can compete for a wide range of products in stock

Advertising and marketing visits

  1. Advertising at ZMI, promotion of the business card site of our store;
  2. Advertising on billboards, distribution of flyers and business cards;
  3. Discount for permanent customers, promotions (cost-free replacement of olії);

Rіven torgovoї natsіnki goods in the average stantime 40-50%. The sales season falls on spring and autumn.

The planning for sales in pennies (viruchka) looks like this: The monthly dynamics of revenue is presented in the graph below: To reach the point of zero-bit sales, it is necessary to sell goods for a month worth 315,000 rubles.

Virobnichesky plan

We will work only with the great wholesale organizations, as they work on the market of wholesale deliveries of auto parts, more than one river and have proven themselves to be less than the best side. Such companies as Part-Com, Pasker, Auto-Alliance group of companies, etc. Delivery of goods to the store by transport companies. The staffing plan of our organization: Before the staff will be presented with promotions of help, the plan:

  1. Good knowledge of building a car and spare parts;
  2. Vminnya splkuvatisya іz clients;
  3. Dosvid at sales (wait).

calendar plan

The amount of time to start the project can be presented in terms of the calendar plan: To launch the project, it takes 30 days and 2.1 million rubles of starting deposits.

Skіlki pribbno pennies for vіdkrittya auto parts store.

For the opening of a retail outlet, investments are needed in the amount of 2.1 million rubles. From them, the power of money to become 400 yew. rubles and 1,700 ths. rubles are planned to be obtained from a bank loan.

Financial plan

The main article of vitrati pіdpriєmtsya stanovimut materіalnі vitrati, tobto pridbannya goods s method of further resale. Dosit big witratami pripriёmtsya, krіm zarobitnoї pay, bude payment of insurance premiums to the PFR and the FSS: 36 thousand. rubles per worker for IP and 30% of the wages of workers. The latest change in profits, as well as the increase in gross and net income of the presentations in the table - the forecast of income and profits for the store:

You can earn skils by visiting an auto parts store

Net profit for pіdbags of r_chnyh sales in the warehouse of troch more than 1 million rubles. The profitability of an auto parts store for a business plan is to become 25.7%. Tsya figure is greater, lower, be it a bank deposit. It’s not worth talking about those who invested money in business to really make themselves whole. The return on investment should be assessed no earlier than 24 months in advance.

Tse povnotsіnny, preparing a project, which you do not know with free access. Complimentary business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic investment 10. Investments

Why do business

The cob of be-yakkogo business vmagaє retelnoї podgotovki, thought out and opratsovanogo business plan. The auto parts store is not the culprit. This business is for us for people. But still, you have a good experience in water, or you worked earlier in the service of car repair, so you can get better. Age trading - on the right is new and will require other skills. First, you need to say what you sell yourself: spare parts for foreign or domestic cars, or just chokhs, kilimki thinly.

Varto also give respect to competitors: what to sell in your area, at what price, what to drink? Competition in this niche to reach the temple, you need to think well over the business plan and over it, so you can get a purchase. The business of selling auto parts can be successfully connected with other businesses, dealing with cars, for example, a car wash. Abo invest in auto sim way, which bring a sum of money for 2-3 rocks

How many people ask what kind of business to do? You live especially near a small place. We had to write one idea, which was implemented for the sake of the experiment, and it showed a good result.


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Business idea at home with minimal investment

It’s worth noting that a small team of our site has prepared a variant, which can be found lower and successfully sold. On potik virobnitstvo, obviously, they did not work. Just a hiccup.

More to be borderline with you, dodamo, that everything is necessary, our friends gave us. But it doesn’t mean that you need to spend a lot of money on this purchase, you can just go to specialized firms and earn their servitude. As long as you don't pile up pennies for yoga.

Why did we say the name of the article business idea at home? That shards are all really growing in the minds of the home, contagiously you change into someone else. Before speech, the niche is practically not closed, in fact, it is filled with great stampings, but not exclusive.


The essence of the idea is simple, to produce exclusive spare parts for large-scale models of cars, tanks, aircraft, special equipment, etc. What is new here? For the skin model, sprat pieces.

So, it’s true, everything is so, but, it appears, which is lacking. Let's put a simple butt: take a scale of 1/24 - BMW E30, the set includes standard bumpers, wheels, bodywork, interior, etc. But someone knows on cars that the German model has been famous for so far. wheels, headlights Everything was done for the fates of the release, looking at the restyling options.

So the axis of the plastic assemblers (KITOV) cannot all be robited through the vitrati on the virobnitstvo. That's why there are running spare parts for models. And collectors and modelers would like to have other options in themselves.

It is also necessary to be careful that plastic parts are permanently broken during picking, especially for newbies. Therefore, a choice is made for them, to buy a new set for a thousand kilka, or shukati from colleagues in spare parts. Few people propagate to prepare for the prayer and that price is set great.

Tom business idea at home, polagaє itself at the preparation of such speeches. Dodatkovo can add decals, which are constantly used, especially with old sets.

Especially in our experiment, we prepared a front bumper for a Ford model, 1/24 scale. They made yoga on a 3D printer and sold it on one of the forums dedicated to modeling. Having become a surplus of 200 rubles, they bought it the same day.

Settlement for business

For a full-time job, you will need:

  • 3D printer;
  • inkjet printer;
  • window materials for printers;
  • computer.

Ale, best of all, tse those who can get by with one computer at the first stage. Want to build a layout, want to design it, you can easily find everything on the Internet. For example, you can make a bumper mock-up for 500 r, get it for 200 r, and sell it for 900-1000 r with delivery. Moreover, for the help of epoxy resin or rare plastic, it is possible to cheaply multiply viruses by making a copy of it.

Obviously, if you have a printer, you will seriously increase your income. We accept free layouts for a penny.

How to know the zbutu market?

Here we look at a specific example of how such speeches are sold. Aje be-yaka business idea at home require the sale of their products. First of all, on what should be respected, so the Ebay auction. Axle zruchny, which is engaged in the manufacture of spare parts up to large-scale cars. Lyudina sells 60-70 items per month, moreover, she doesn’t have the best ones and her choice is insignificant. It is only a small part of what can be worked, the assortment is really increased by at least 10 times. Show your fantasy.

Also varto gain respect for the forums and thematic online stores, where you can promote your services.


We did not set a task to write a business plan, but we directly demonstrated directly, who can be plied. If you apply your imagination, you can create a whole variety and a good customer base.

To replace old speeches, new ones come. This is the law of life, one of the main features of which is progress. Ale, such a change does not always mean that many more speeches come out of our butt. Tim is bigger, like a man - a dbailivy koristuvach. And what about the old river - a fully attached car?

Matthew Hartzog ( Matthew Hartzog), at the same time, 32 years ago, a successful businessman, lovingly spending summer vacations in his witch’s shop. The store specializes in car parts, and Matthew did his best to help his foster father - laying out the details for the police and serving customers. Yogo beloved model buv sports car Pontiac Fiero. “Still in childhood, the car sunk into my cottony heart,” Matthew seems to say.

Nearly 370 thousand of these vehicles were produced by Pontiac in 1984-1988. The stench was even more popular with the Americans. And it's a great pity for example of the 90s the car was taken out of the factory. In 2008, about 75,000 vehicles of this brand were registered in the US in 2008. І tse is not a small figure.

To promote the beloved car of his childhood Matthew Hartzog launched his own business of manufacturing spare parts for a borrowed Fiero. I named my company wines simply - Fiero Store (Fiero Store).

As Forbes says, in 2008, Matthew's company's profit margin was 2.3 million dollars. “To boost an iconic car on the move on the roads of America is a good business idea,” experts say. “Fans are always a good audience for living.”

The Fiero Store company produces a new set of spare parts for cars that work, repairing the headlight lenses and stopping the engine. The principle is the selection of new spare parts, but the old one, tobto. such, yakimi stench buli, if Fієro's cars still left the assembly line.

The basis of such a business can be either a different brand of a car, or a few brands that have been taken out of production, and even more popular. It is more necessary to improve the income of earnings, having restored the number of real earners.

"Virobnitstvo and sales spare parts for cars it’s wrong to take care of the car service, where spare parts can be installed right away, ”- Matthew Hartzog shares his thoughts.

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05.04.2011 09:19:12

The company Borderless has created an aerodynamic motoshoe from a circular view and a rear-view camera, which is broadcast on a translucent screen.

In India, they launched a new taxi service, which was led by women in erysipelas auto rickshaws.

The Volvo concern is actively testing the kangaroo recognition system, which plans to supply cars in Australian waters. The system will be built in front.

The stereotypical idea has long been associated with the "artist" and the great creator, who creates the most beautiful life on a penny. For goodness sake, everyone knows otherwise.

The company Domino's Pizza came up with an original way of hunting for the most loyal scammers, asking them for 10 shares from the VIP-package for pizza, which will guess the slippery briefcase for papers.
