Vidkriti Club of Nastіlnyh igor chi pributkovo. Business idea: issue of deck games

Vidkriti Club of Nastіlnyh igor chi pributkovo. Business idea: issue of deck games

The first riddles about the table games appeared over 5500 years ago. Senet - Shashkova city, originally from Ancient Egypt - the most recent of the ninth cities of the city. People of the 21st century vvazhayut table games a relic of the past, in vіddayuchi win over computer or telephone battles. Ale, however, digital graphics do not compare with the “cardboard” version!
  • First, zhodna piece created a situation of computer gri mozhe buti tskavishe strategy and tactics of a real enemy;
  • In a different way at the board games there are dozens of options for the development of subdivisions at those chi and other points;
  • Thirdly, the battle on the keys of the computer or the screen of the telephone is invisible with tactile impressions in the form of right figures, like gravitational shifts over the playing field;
  • Well i on the fourth at the end of the chat, there is no way to replace the warm, lively conversation, even if you want to create an illusion.
To choose the game, as it suits everyone, it is necessary to know the importance of skin engraving. And lay games, like those in the capture and children, and grown up! We robbed a dobirka 8 greedy games , as a guarantee of a gambling evening with a friendly company.

1. Carcassonne

Vіdoma gra-strategіya. The world has sold over 5,000,000 copies of greens! You can join a company 2-6 osіb vіkom vіd 8 roіv.

Skin gravel sees a figurine - mipl, a stack of cards is placed in the center - titles. With the help of the cube, the callousness of the move is indicated. The playing field will be gravitational by itself from titles, like stinks to take from their heads.

Creating a place that zapovnyuyuchi їх budovami, gravitsi zaroblyayut points. The peculiarity of the game is that the playing field will not be similar in any way! Before the basic version of the game, the creators released impersonal additional options from new lives and settlements.

2. Monopoly

Plays on the playing field. Skin gravitation lunaє start-up capital, for the help of some kind of wine you can buy companies, roztashovanі on the field. The rest of the pennies are deposited in a deep bank and one sees graves, a kind of proishov chergov kolo, like divendi in the activity of the enterprise he bought. Meta gri - bankrupt all competitors and lose one grave, which has multiplied the cob capital.

Grie creators listen to the progress and let out dozens of additional classic Gris, with a terminal to pay for the purchase of the company with a bank card.

3. Alias

Insha called tsієї gri - "Tell me otherwise." Pіdіyde for the company 4-12 osіb vіkom vіd 7 roіv.

The graves are divided into teams, take cards from the playing field from their heads, and for the fluff they try to explain their team in the most words written on the cards, not the words of the same root. In full-fledged variations of the grit, engravings, for explanation, vicorist pantomime, emotions chi di, assigned to the cards. For example, explain the words of your team, turning your back to her with a theatrical reverberation. After the end of the whilin the team goes out on the playing field for the number of clitins, which is the best number of guessing words. Remagay team, as the first came to the finish line.

4. Munchkin

This is a parody of classic card games and walking games. For Grin you need a company of 3-6 osib per 10 rokiv. Gras proponuє vіdpravitysya in marvelous and povnu nebezpek more expensive.

The skin grave (munchkin) sees the cards that signify the class, race and speech (clothes), like you carry in your hands. In addition, there are bedroom door cards and treasures. The graves “look” at the door, fight monsters and open the treasures (otherwise cursed). With a successful victory over all the days, the grave will move to the next river. Peremagaє munchkin, which is the first achievement of the 10th equal. It’s possible to need an earlier hour, to learn in the cunning rules, but it’s definitely that wart!

5. Jenga

Vіdmіnna gra, yakshcho no time that bazhannya razbiratisi z rules. In order to rozpochat, only a set of 54 wooden blocks is needed, and an uncircumscribed amount of gravel from 6 rocks.

Three bars will be 18-top vezha. Gravtsі on cherzі vityaguyut 1 bar from the top of the top, krіm upper, and put the beast vezhі. With a skin move, the design becomes less stable. You can give your family a gris that you can only chop with one hand (you can help yourself with both hands, but not at once).

Gravets, under the hour of the course of such a tower, all the same, she fell, she gets into such a way that she lost it.

6. Scrabble

Gra-crossword for 2-4 scholars in 8 years. The kit has a field made of thin cardboard, 102 brushes with letters and 2 blanks, 4 dice for brushes and a small bag.

Graves lunaє 7 brushes each, like stench put on dies. The participants, according to their will, write letters on the empty cells of the field, putting their words together. The more the word is finished, the participant earns more points by putting the rest of the letter. You can replace daily letters with blanks.

Remake the one who scores the most points.

7. Uno

Kartkova gra for 2-10 osіb vіkom vіd 7 roіv. The grі take the fate of 108 cards, beaten for numbers like 0 to 9 and colors. Also, special cards, like giving gravers the right to have their own cards with another participant, remember directly to move that color, which is changed by the gr. Meta gri - get rid of all cards before other participants. With this next, do not forget to shout “Uno!”, If the rest of the card is left in your hands.

8. Twister

Qiu group can be boldly called a pidlog! Won is suitable for 2-4 graves per day for 5 years.

The kit includes a white mat with stakes of various colors and a roulette, divided into 4 sectors with the name of the song of the kіntsivka. The leather from the sectors is divided into 4 color parts, which determine the color of the kil on the floor. Leading to turn the roulette wheel and deafen the grave, put that other leg or hand on the circle of some color. And if you go on the cob of the gris, it’s easy for the participants to finish it, then after a few hvilin gris regit on the field don’t start. It’s not enough for Aja to know a good bunch of the necessary color, which needs to be trimmed in such a position before its offensive move, without sticking the field with the other parts of the body, surrounding the hand and the leg.

The most beautiful grave is to come before a well-deserved victory.

Outdoor games - a wonderful way to grow up, get close to family and friends and spend a reception evening with a company of close people!


The goal of this project is to become a happy lanka for the quiet, who choke on floor games, and quietly, who only start to know their hobbies.

Grateki to the project “Grace with us!” - so come in, on which you can play without cost in different board games.

university know the details of the nearest games .

This project is dedicated to everyone who:

  • love the floor games or want to know more about them;
  • value alive splkuvannya;
  • the will to spend an hour like fun, but d іz grumpy;
  • I want to know new friends and like-minded people.

Why is the play library “Groymo with us” special?

  • At the game libraries, there are only the most beautiful floor games: the classics of the city from the world of the world and the novelties, which have recently appeared in Russia, are relevant.
  • Here you will be helped to choose games for gusto and mood, as well as learn about their rules.
  • You have a bigger opportunity to request a discount for the purchase of decking games that you have been honored with.

Where do such game libraries often appear?

Sound the game library at the weekend approximately once a month. With a skin new approach, the project “Grace with us” is becoming popular. At the same time, over 30 of the largest places in Russia and close abroad came to us.

The addresses of the nearest game libraries and the exact hour of the meeting can be seen.

How to take the fate of the gamer?

You must enter the project absolutely free of charge and do not forego the previous entry. Just find your place on the list, come and play with us!

Where can you get the rest of the news about the game library?

Follow us here, on the official side of the project!

Photos from the games already held

It is impossible to predict the popularity of the new floor grill on the right - if you have seen the rise of Monopoly. Tetyana Bondarenko didn't want to be engaged in this business to the one who wants to play games on the floor - she's a little bit suggestive of a business lady in the distance.

Seeing the tables on the mountains is an important business genre: none of the focus groups will help to advance the commercial success of the box, which will avenge the playing field, chips, cubes and cards.

In 1934, the American jobless Charles Darrow did not manage to sell the idea of ​​"Monopoly" to the great vidavtsev, but he risked letting go of the game with a wet bag - and vreshti-resht it became a world hit. Yogo butt dosі nadykhaє newcomers to an important market. For the benefits of one of these mi, the proteges were killed.

3 "Start" boxes

The company Tetyana Bondarenko was engaged in the production of flooring games under the Bonko Games brand from a person three times more than fate. Rozrahunok was absolutely commercial, but he didn’t grow out of his hobby: he didn’t get involved in collections of “flooring” from his homeland, didn’t disappear on game forums, didn’t take part in fashionable game libraries.

Natomіst pіdpriєmnitskiy dosvіd hаvе hаѕ bеv: аt thіѕ hour Tetyana lost а stable, аlе mаvіrno tedious career а bank service аnd pіshla і, vіdkrivshi vlasnu vlasnu vlasnu small drukarniа, аnd then a private hotel fоr dogs. And in the interim I caught up with "strum" copywriting, which taught me how to write richly and without creative crises. Tsya korisna navitchka appeared like a pre-river and on a new, floor-playing field.

If you grow up, then the market of decking games in Russia is much younger. More than ten years ago, it was given that computer games were found in our country, and the rest and hopelessly won over the floor-drugs, the pieces from the rest for sale could be more than simple “walkers” for children of the young age, and even more to spare - expensive imports ale without .

From that hour onwards, in Russia, there were also famous vidavtsy, and bestsellers - like a vetchiznyanoy distribution, so released under a proper license - with circulations of over ten thousand copies. According to the assessments of the gravel market themselves, at the same time, about a hundred new names of cities are produced in the country for a long time.

Tim hour Tetyana Bondarenko with maximalism, powerful pochatkivtsy, looked at the weak sides of the Russian market and the opportunity for herself. For її words, vіtchiznіnі rozrobniki yakіsnіh іgor dosi іn defіtsіtі, and zdebіlshі store police clogged іn the so-called localizirovanimi іgry z evropi ta america.

With this license, most people buy not on the most popular games (the shards of the right to see foreign hits are expensive), but localization can be more than a private one - even to the point that the fans of the floors will then have to independently zavantazhuvat the site with the rules of the Russian Federation.

Also, the niche for the creators of Bonko Games was obvious - to develop games on their own, to release not "waste paper", but a product of high quality with a decent design and printing. The idea of ​​a debut play fell on the thought of finishing it off quickly: they decided to hurry up with a suspense-political conjuncture and let go - just like a presidential election - a group called "Pre-election distillation, otherwise Who could become president."

It was fun to see the game mechanics and the surroundings: different "kirochkas" that allow you to solve impersonal problems, cars with flashing lights to replace primary chips, trips to selected districts, lobbying for laws ...

Over a deck of cards from bills, for example, I had a chance to drink a little. “Fifty dozens of bills are needed, each of them has six bills: in total there were three hundred or more in one deck,” Tetyana’s work is estimated.

The grave was rich in information, and the texts were ironic and the same tensions on real life, I had a chance to raise the most political support for the rest of the rock. For greater solidity, a box with a thunder was stylized under a red case.

If the idea fell on a white sheet of drawing paper for a simple, schematic look, and then dozens of times it was worked out with a large number of groups of “testers”, the moment has come for a real investment of pennies. At that time, the distribution of enterprises had more than 350 thousand. ruble

“Reckoningly,” Tetyana confesses with a grin, “we naively suggested our own ideal scenario: the game was invented, transferred to whatman paper, protested from the improvement of various game situations, handed over to the hands of a good designer. How can you be foldable? However, it turned out to be richly simpler to see it, and then sell it.

Drive with pereskodami

Game design in reverse order, for some of the creators of the "Pre-election Races" did not save money. The old-timers of the market, sing-songly, laugh, but they spent 120 thousand more on a new start-up. ruble “Mystetsky realization of the “laying” for such a penny, for the mind that the whole volume of the grit can become less than a second million, is nonsense,” Tetyana Bondarenko says.

However, the “commodity look” for the perfectionists from Bonko Games was above and beyond: I wanted to trim the brand, starting from the debut Gri. The game field was scolded on a thick cap, which is traditionally used for the palette of books, the game cards and the occasion were transferred to a thin cardboard with a glossy surface. Forgetting the entourage of the non-abyak zbіshuvav kіtsevy koshtoris.

“We could ask ourselves the manager and put plastic pyramids in the collection of chips-machines,” explains Tetyana. - Tse cost more than a ruble per set. Tim, for an hour, the machine cost us three carbovants. Here is a leather detail costing pennies. If you multiply all the tsi rubles for the circulation, you will get a lot of money.

The idea with a box of poker and oxamite upholstery in the middle did not come to fruition. It turned out that all other goods in Moscow and the region work only for ready-made templates, and fakhivtsiv, like rozroblyayut packaging, practically do not. I had a chance to turn around and shukati modest options. Vipadkovo made at home a box with a handle has become a good eye for packaging-case.

At once, if it had already passed over the right time for the moment of the release of the gris, Tetyana regretted the shortfall: “In the middle of the box they couldn’t make it, as if they were scheming. For an idea, it was to blame for the formation of two parts, in one of them it was fixed on the playing field, and in the other there were all other accessories.

If they explained to us in words that we wanted to walk out, they propagated us with a greedy unhandled construction, as if it would make the already difficult technology of manufacturing and take it away for storage.

The pains over one box only, like Bonko Games cost 65 rubles apiece, made us grow up with the new visnovo: there are no opportunities for picking up the same kind of decking mountains in Russia. In China, as it turned out, the ideal variant of poker with oxamite upholstery would cost no more than 40 rubles. Alya in this moment had a chance to spend a lot of time on the layout of the grid and the solution of the brewing problems.

Drukarni happened to step by step to the point of unknown virility, and Tetyana - to go through all the “cola of hell”, like a scooter at specialized exhibitions, they describe the great gravity of the market. The director of the project "The Right Games" Ivan Tulovskiy, speaking about the prospects for the appearance of "laying" in Russia, knows that for 10 years of molding the market, we have not learned how to play the same games.

In the process of manufacturing, in other words, it is necessary to constantly change in other words, otherwise, at the end, you can take the product, which is far from the broken layout. In addition, we’re preparing a dream until a decent day at the sight of broken cards, uneven watering and a variety of colorful flowers.

Before the hour of the creation of the "Pre-election races" a hundred playing fields were made. “If the stench was instructed, it turned out that none of the doctors could virubaty them correctly,” Tetyana guessed. - We, as a man, had a chance to show how to be afraid.

In the eyes of the wailing practitioners, we applied a line to the game fields, cut the capa with a great mock-up knife, and then, at the folded look, they cut it into the box. "Self-serving" with such a rank from the drukrani, start-ups took away the playing fields at a price of 28 rubles apiece. And the doctor’s house gained priceless information about the production of “flooring”.

The old-timers of the floor-playing market love jarring, so be it a leader, like a technical skill, be more folding for making puzzles, the greater importance of Russian friends is not strong. The skin problem is seen in its own way.

So, the company "Svіt Hobі", as if it had known a widow's gentleman with such zahіdny bestsellers, like "Colonizatori", "Carcassonne" and "Munchkin", had long ago made a visnovka: it's still possible to play the game of European quality in Russia - just for doing it its vlasne virobnitstvo. Therefore, the entire postprint company is victorious on two high-quality picking maidanchiks in the Ivanov and Kaluz regions.

For the issue of "Pre-Wedding Peregoniv" with a circulation of 2 thousand. As a result, Bondarenka's girlfriend got close to 700 ths. rubles - rather modest, according to Auntie, a sum. Prote virobnichi problems neabiyak knocked Bonko Games out of the graphics: the game was not released until early 2011, as it was planned, but only until the fierce 2012.

They caught up to real birch trees in Russia, and then they spent a part of an hour, which was a moment to secure an effective sale: summer was already a pose of mountains. “Summer is the hour when all the players are working,” Tetyana admits. – We are already stale in the wholesalers, so we pick up the goods stale in the season. From black to serpen stinks, you need to buy better with inflatable stakes, balls and skipping ropes, and not with table games.

Try sell

The idea of ​​exploiting the commercial method of choosing the topic, it seems, was hovering in the air. For the first time before the release of "Pre-election races", a similar socio-political game appeared on the market - "Choose the President" from "Drofi-Media", a retailer and a collection of children's gaming products. In three lines of release from this old-timer of the market, everything was in order, and, it seems, the company caught a few inches.

Yak Stverzhuє Olga Poseva, head of the sales department of Drofi-Media, on the other hand, their sales were good, but after the birch tree, the interest went cold to her. “The gra didn’t become a bestseller, but they didn’t make any special bets on it,” commented Vaughn. – After choosing, having become an average product, which simply popovniv our assortment line.

Against the background of a famous competitor, Bonko Games can't work on its first high stake, but there are no traces of anything else in the portfolio of Bondarenka's friend. And at once, just on the march, they have to vibudovuvat zbutovі channels. The work with the great stores without a middle, passing the wholesale lane, appeared as a right hand and required such labor, as unreasonable for seeing a still meager product line.

Rozdrib has already demonstrated his dexterity to see the "Forward Hauls": in one Moscow trading house, they did not appreciate the irony of the grill, perhaps, seeing that it was a "not safe" political subtext, and unacceptably took it from the sale and saw it from the assortment list of the store. Prote, through wholesalers, put a grue on the police of the deacons "Ashans" and sold 120 copies in the first three months.

Those for whom the shelves of rich Russian stores are more importantly stocked with economy-class floor games, also were not long left a secret for young people. It turned out that such a postal installation and self-distributed trade, and wholesalers.

Goods in the price category “higher than average” and “premium” are more likely to break through to the police, lower “waste paper”: you need additional arguments for the cost of what the city is good to sell, but it’s easy to propagate them to a little house.

Following the words of Natalia Urusova, manager of the Igrocity.Ru online store of deck games, the price range of the most popular games in Russia is from 500 to 1,500 rubles. If you want to win, you can hope for family games or for companies. And Bonko Games' Pre-Winning Races turned out to be expensive.

“Offline” won for a price of 1,600 rubles, in the online stores “Komus” and “Superfishka” - 1,150 each.

Another way to push the decking out of the mountains, which has proven itself well, until the tasks of Bonko Games, is to play in clubs, bars and pubs. The interest here can be more generous: I’ll take a deposit, having poured in, and if you see it, we’ll popularize it, we can invest in those who want from the participants to make a copy for the house, for family.

Vitrati saw at the same time the organization was inclusive - give a good animator, who would have spent the day on the equal footing. It is noteworthy that those who saw the opening of the mountains can inspire a small wine city with a mortgage.

Follow the law of nourishment: why does the wart start at all the hard times of the vlasnoy virobnitstva and zbutu of the laying igors? Can't you just expand the mechanics and the project of the grid, so that you can sell it to the witnesses?

The great Russian witnesses, it seems, have already matured to the point that they are ready to buy such a product on the side - and began to publish public opinions on the Internet. Wash away, it's true, they really seem to be not necessary for a retailer: 20 yew. ruble or dollar from the sold box.

"Effective" circulation, as the industry participants themselves know, starts from a thousand boxes, and sales of more than a thousand copies. You won’t make a lot of money to sell an idea: it’s faster the share of lovers is the same, like they are engaged in the development of love to the art. Later, this version of the creators of "Pre-selection races" did not look at the beginning.

Following the words of Aunt Bondarenko, for the first and second month of presence on the market, 400 boxes of “Pre-election races” were sold, and for the first half of the circulation. Behind the worlds of Russian floor-playing industry - the result is good.

The first dosvid, vtim, spryaє introspection. Obvious visnovok: you can’t live on one grі, you need a portfolio. Trohi is less obvious: not the only "premium" is the company's responsibility to live, good "savings" in the assortment can not be mischievous.

Transition to new day

An element of voluptuousness, which nada and Igor is such a passion, present in the whole world and in the very business of “laying”: you don’t know how to “sweep” a gra in a right way at a split. Putting your own money and economy: a game with an ingenious "engine" can appear on the road at the factory, which, with equal prices, that has been formed, does not know your purchase.

Ivan of Tulovskiy from "The Right Mountains" explains the great presence on the market of the most localized foreign products, which Russian sightings try to follow the path of minimization of risks. Gra, yaka became a hit abroad, - tse hoch is a guarantee that such a product is well sold in Russia.

Prote in the Bonko Games, like before, lets us rizikuvati, letting loose the game of sweetness. Vtim, the exchange of financial resources should change tactics.

Tetyana Bondarenko now presents the ideal scenario for a better and more viable cycle as follows: it is necessary to launch an Igor line in the economy and mid-price segments, so as to secure a larger, less stable penny flow and allow you to earn money on those that are available at a reasonable hour during the day.

Portfolio z five names may be available, schobi stably put on the market for 3-4 hryvnia per river. “I will be able to win Christmas if I want to have 30 Igor in stock, and our brand will be recognized on the market,” Tetyana says.

“On the slipways” among the entrepreneurs, the cost of savings in the “firm” ironic style, the variety of such among the retailers, can become 350-400 rubles. In one of them - the card "Sharks" - the characters are stylized in the 18th century, and the entourage - the eyepiece and the dark hustka - to create an image of an unsympathetic heroine for those who are playing.

Greater distance meta - the road of the "Gold Likhomanka", as if propagating the graves of richness in the mine; for her, a game mechanic and a set of game items have already been invented - a dummy of gold zlivka, metal coins, aging skins for pennies, and non-standard packaging in the look of a prospector's backpack.

Over 25 projects from Bonko Games. Actions from them are thought out to the point and ready for game design. At the top of the financial resources, start-ups have plenty of ideas.

Might be amazing, but business on board games is even more promising work in the industry of roses. The fashion to spend an hour with the classic “Monopoly” or the modern “Munchkin” has taken over the children and grown-ups. Such an hour allows you to spend time with the development of analytical thought and creativity. The sales of ready-made and the variety of high-quality carpets can become a source of a stable profit for the mind, which the organizer goes to the new mind.

The creation of the rocky mountains is a creative and sometimes analytical process. The skin is classic with its own history of creation. For example, classic "Monopoly" invented by one person Charles Darrow in the United States under the hour of the Great Depression. Vіn specially prepared and sold 5 thousand copies of sets for a new rozvagi, which is a means of creating a powerful business empire and surviving other graves from the market.

Another legendary game with a more confusing plot and a great number of omnivores - Dungeons & Dragons or dragon underground. In the 1970s, її were created by Geri Gygeks and Dave Arneson. The authors were inhaled by another floor thunder, adding to it with fantastic images and charms. I'm young, but not less familiar with a detective story with quests and little things with monsters "Jah Arkham" created by Richard Launis, based on the story of the light of the defense of the mystical Howard Lovecraft.

Floor games for children, stinks develop analytical ideas and creative potential

From these examples we can see how the plot can be inspired by reality, fiction and inspire another thunder. The author creates a virtual world with his own laws, establishes the rules and teaches others to go there. Obviously, this is a creative process, but in the new you can see everything the same characteristic stages:

  • storytelling and rules;
  • creation of a material base (cards, maps, schemes, cubes, tokens);
  • testing;
  • doopration;
  • mass circulation.

Rozrobka igor yak business

It can be said with confidence that the production of flooring rocks under the force is far from everyone. But if you see in yourself the potential of the viskonat, such a complex works, start with the upliftment - the connoisseurs will drink it. Expanding the scenario and the collection of cards, do not reinvest in the mittve of the security. The creators did not become even richer people in terms of the term, to inspire as if their tvir sounded the mass mind (as it was with Monopoly).

A collapsible creation of a loan for a few months and to create a sprinkling of rokiv. The author needs not only to invent a plot, but to optimize the maximum number of possible scenarios, so that the story does not go into a deaf kut. One creative thought is not enough. It is necessary to predict in what ways the paths can develop, how gravity can work, how the plot will end, how much you can overcome.

What can be used as a dzherelom for the distribution of the floor grill:

  1. Іsnuyucha nastіlna gra. For example, the classic “Monopoly” is transferred to new lands, places, instills a new reality, or else I will change the rules on the other side (“Antimonopoly”). This option is advantageous because the most important part of the work has already been destroyed by the authors, and the retailer only needs to change the design, entourage and material base.
  2. Popular books and films. Awkward "walkers" and quests from the worlds of all the worlds will get the feedback from their fans.
  3. Imitation of phenomena and situations from real life. Quest for survival in extreme minds, the accomplishment of practical tasks can serve as a recognition, as well as a function.

As soon as you plan to earn money, create a game on the computer as soon as possible, becoming an artist or a designer. To help you create a side card, tokens and other inventory. The author's design will become a warehouse success, which will give aesthetic satisfaction to the engravings.

Rozrobka igor at home minds

It is important to earn money in this way. As much as possible, it’s possible to get you hooked, like creating a floor game in your home minds for a special victoria without commercial plans. The rules are roughly the same: come up with a plot, prepare inventory and try out play. The simplest thing at home is to draw classic “walkers”: a graveman throws a die and rob go after the number that hits. On the skin prongs of the veins, I can vikonati yakus diyu: I can buy, sell, overcome someone.

Such quests can be educational and introductory for children. For example, on the skin teeth of a child, one learns about a new fact or tries a new one. The plot is less limited by the imagination of the creators. Prepare a card, tokens can be taken from the children at once - bring no less joy, no less process.

The selection of decking games includes not only a development of the scenario, but also a bariste druk of cards, tokens, booklets

Vіdkrittya to the store

Let's take a look at the layout of a smart business plan for a flooring store. This is the only best and best way to make money on your hobby. On the creation of a wet gris, five rocks can be, and on the development of that other material base - tens of thousands of rubles. Take away the surplus, selling other people's creations, weave richly shvidshe.

More visually vіdkrivati ​​іnternet store. Drink on tsyu kategorіyu product is not so high, shchobi schomіsyachno pokryvati navіt navіt small imіshchennya.

Tse osobliva production, tsіkava arc for a large number of buyers. Stimuluvati will drink for the help of advertising, the viide is less than a troch.

From the point of view, deposit 15-20 thousand rubles at once into an online store without any problems, or rent a point of sale for a month for less. Maintenance of the site can be done independently, and boxes with games for the implementation of savings at home. Such a miracle dream for the first months of work. Sales via the Internet do not combine a large number of buyers with bags of one place, but to show the acceptance of the goods on the all-Russian level of trade.

Vitrati on vіdkrittya _online store:

  • creation of the site - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of kіlkoh categorіy goods in kіlkoh primіrniki - in the amount of 30 thousand rubles.
  • professional photo session for the assortment - 5 thousand rubles;
  • pushing the site and accounts in social networks - for business support.

An alternative to the sale of decking igors - a tip for the gravel club

The second option to make money without independent development and sale is to create your own club. Tse bet, where people come to play in love with natsolnі quests with the same thoughts, or learn about new options for dozville. Drinking on such a format cannot be called a mass one, because business is more risky.

Showcase for the club:

  • rental of accommodation - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • repair, interior decoration, furniture - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of igor - from 15 thousand rubles;
  • advertising - for the bazhannyam pіdpriєmtsya.

This kind of work is supposed to be combined with a traditional online store: the purchase will be bigger. However, they grow up to 200-300 thousand carbovances. The business is not expected to have high profitability, so we will pay back the investment for 1.5–2 years of work with a good result.


The creation and sale of decking games is a specific business with a small target audience. Buyers do not mix with their children. A lot of grown-ups are allowed to grow for such a format. Ale їх not so rich, shobi zrobiti qyu galuz pripriyomnitstva cost-effective. Let the work of the online store resell the popular games, so that the loan to the worker is the least possible.

08.11.18 20 191 16

How to launch an international line of developing flooring

Sergius did not know the best bedding games for the son and foresaw them himself.

Masha Shapoval

talked to the founders of the business

Together with a friend, we opened an online store near St. Petersburg. In six years this business will bring 1 million carbovantz per month.

At the same time, games are sold in Russia and Northern Europe, Israel and Chile, Japan and Taiwan. Axis like lads came to the end.

Yak were launched

In 2012, Sergiy, having launched a group, to teach synergy and yoga friends to basic school skills: improve, multiply, understand the basics of physics, model and learn geometric shapes. Vіn hotіv, schob children learned thogo through games. Sergiy photographed busy and told about them at the blog of "Live Journal". 1000 people subscribed to the blog for the first time.

Sergiy is a psychologist for education, and at that time he worked in consulting: he conducted trainings for office practitioners. Vіn vyvchiv podruchniki pochatkovoї school, nayshov richly folding moments for children and vigadav on those floors and ruhlivі іgri. Sergius showed the layouts of others to Anton: stink they said that such floor games could be successful.

Sergiy prepared the layouts of the first chotiriokh igor: three about the numbers and rahunok, the fourth - about the geometric figures. Well-known designers painted the layout of the website for the lads for barter: for trainings and consultations on business presentations, copywriting, public speeches and infographics. 50,000 rubles were spent on the distribution of four elements.

50 000 R

showed input on the design of layouts igor

There was no need to overwork the cards for the flooring on the great cardboard arches, and then we would virubati them and pick them up from the deck. Deyakі drukarnі vmіli taka robiti, to that the first circulation was scolded through znayomih. For another, larger circulation, the drukarny had a chance for a month.

First sales

The sale of the igor was issued on the IP Sergiya. At that time, he was already an undergraduate - having conducted trainings.

At the beginning of 2012, the first games were ruled for evaluation by the organizers of the games library. Tse come in, de people get from the cafe, to play at the floor.

At once, they launched an advance prayer at the St. Petersburg Batkiv Forum. There the boys knew the intermediary, who took the money from the clients for $100 per sale. The teachers of the children's clubs got excited about the games, and they were busy doing things to develop - they made the flooring for the students and made the fathers happy. For the first game, Sergiy and Anton gave chotiri gris, 500 copies each.

It didn't go off without a hitch. Deyakі box had a chance to drukuvat kіlka razіv: cardboard buv nadto tovstii і force glue did not stick, shchob utrimat yoga. 450,000 rubles went to the party - 5 pennies Anton took a bonus on the main robot from Borg.

Sergiy and Anton chose to deliver the games once after the new saints. Having squeezed an hour, the lads came to the other to help: they cut the cards, took the decks and put them at the box. The circulation was stored in a rented center in a warehouse.

450 000 R

paid Sergiy and Anton for the friend of the first party igor

During the first month, the entrepreneurs sold 900 rubles and received 240 thousand rubles on them. Three months later, we got to know the first wholesale partner – the online store of children's toys, a maker who read about the boys' project at LiveJournal. The store got 100 igor.

Vitrati for launch, 2012 r_k - 510 000 R

Druk 2 thousand igor

450 000 R

Igor layout design

50 000 R

Rent of the middle in the warehouse

10 000 R

without cost

How to play games

Children at the beginning of the school are still educated before the process of education. Schob їх zatsіkaviti, need a game form. Mechanics, like victors in the games of "Razumnik Bandy", are not new. For example, deyaki practice following the domino principle: children know and make the same pictures, and at the same time start to grow up.

On all floorings you can play without a leader - with lads of the same century or with grown-ups. For example, in "Zvirobuka" they often play with their own. The grі has two sets of cards: with letters, and with creatures, and with their names. The participants, according to their own words, write cards-letters and match them with letters, as they enter up to the names of the animals. The one who got the rest of the letter from the name of the animal takes away his card. Win a participant who has collected more cards. A child can play with a grown-up one, not knowing the alphabet. Vіn zastavlyaє namalovanі literi and zamem'yatovuє їх at the process.

Ring out, Sergiy, work on a bunch of topics at once. For a guess one day, I went from the day before the rock.

Prototypes will be checked by the team: the specialists will try them, write down what to change, and take into account how much koshtuvatime they will be. Before release, sell a thousand copies to private clients and other wholesalers. After the first circulation of 5,000, they pick up tickets and play games on them.

Today at "Bundi" in assortment 21 gr. Topics: rahunok, multiplication, geometry, logic and reading. The most popular - "Animal Letters" for 790 rubles, "Read-grab" for 890 rubles and "Turborahunok" for 490 rubles.

790 R

stand at the "Gang" one of the most popular games "Zvirobuky"

Krіm navchalnyh іgor Sergіy and Anton launched two new lines: rozvazhalnі questiki and zoshiti, scho to develop. Quests - the whole quest with a joke from a gift with cards and riddles. Shops buy gifts. Zoshiti prepare children for school: start rahuvati, write and write letters. І quests, і zoshiti zazvichi koshtuyut cheaper іgor, scho to develop.

One more straight - corporate gifts. "Banda" has other games of its own for children of sponsors of the company's branding.

Team and office

The first river, the lads worked together, doing business with the main job. Sergiy vigaduav іgry i vіv sotsmerezhі. Anton worked with private and wholesale dealers, pursuing incomes and witrats, collecting and managing orders through curriers.

In 2013, the fate of the spell rose to 6,000 years per month, and the boys hired a distant practitioner - a mother with children. Vaughn dealt with purchases, she overpowered the zamovlennya.

Sales, like before, grew, and through the rivers the boys stopped coping with three. Sergiy and Anton were involved in the main work and knew a salesman, a clerk, a helper and a commercial manager at Headhunter. For the team, they rented an office with a warehouse of 45 m².

The "Bandi" employs 45 people at a time. Children do not suffer from ієrarchії - spіvrobіtniki unite behind projects. For example, designers, salespeople and marketers are selected from the team for the project of gifts for a new day.

Sergiy and Anton shared the business 50 to 50. Anton was in charge of operational activities: he was responsible for those who came, the pennies were paid, and the actions were carried out. Ideas, content, games, strategy that brand is the sphere of Sergiya. The partners did their homework, that they praised the final decision of their bloc. So they can’t go out to weld.

Undertaking victorious selection of various stages of the selection process: conducting interviews, giving test assignments, establishing a test term from specific indications. Ale navіt іz such a system znahoti svіrobіtnikіv smoothly.

As if the boys took three probationers for the designer's planting, but none of them did. Two candidates failed to keep up with the pace. The third pass was paid for the current internship and paid for it, that already the next day we will go to work.

Ale "Gang" always take a break for a few days, think about it. The same evening, the trainee gave the "Band" a negative recommendation on the site reviews about robots. The team won against him not spivpratsyuvati.

Clients and suvannya

The main clients of "Bundy" are fathers, organizers of joint purchases, online stores and gifts. More companies that buy games as corporate gifts for the children of their sponsors.

For the skin category of client lads, open the landing area with a selection of roses. Like a child, you can’t multiply, for fathers, to create a series of 7 leaves. Fathers read rosters, go for messages to the social services, sign up for other rossils and take bribes for games. Such customers trust the company and are ready to buy more, less those who are immediately taken to the side of the grid.

The support service communicates with clients at the Omnidesk system. Managers will tell you how much power you have taken off the client, who has already set the wine. So the team can propagate the game, as the best way to you pidide.

Away to the international market

In 2014, the bandi rozumnikiv rozі іgry began to solicit from behind the cordon. For example, the boys took 15 promises from Australia. Kerіvnik of the mathematical camp recommending games to lads from Russian families.

If the exchange rate of the dollar rose, the grians did not change, and the profitability of the international market increased. The boys went with their stand to the exhibition of children's goods near Nuremberg - the largest exhibition in this area. For the fate paid 2.5 thousand euros.

Games "Bundy" once again turned the respect of the participants. For two years, 15 representatives of maritime children's centers and those from the Ugrian region, Saudi Arabia, Finland and the USA visited the boys at the stand. They fed the stench, de buy the game and chi є translation of my own.

Back to back home from the Ugry region. Sergiy and Anton sell games in this country to only one store - such a scheme is called exclusive. The "Gang of Rozumniks" create games, create sides for them and tell them about slipping, and partners protect and sell games to their purchases. This year, exclusive partners appeared in Israel, China, Taiwan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Japan.

In the krains on the kshtalt Nіmechchini and Great Britain on such minds do not go. These are highly competitive markets, and the “Gang” still doesn’t know anyone there, so the partners check that they sell the license for games or they will give 80% of the discount. "Gang" does not sell its license: some of the partners themselves let the games go, but the boys didn't invest in the whole process. Sergiy and Anton are not ready to give such great gifts.

So the German partners were able to figure out what the "Bandi" campaign is supposed to do to promote the popularity of Igor on the local market. Our heroes knew the language of knowledge of German, started social media for the local audience, sold games on Amazon and continued to take part in exhibitions. At the same time, six new clients per day come from Nimechchina to Sergius and Anton. Pіdpriєmtsі vpevneni, scho zgod partners themselves zaproponuyut spіvpratsyuvati on exclusive minds.


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