Products Yin and Yan for men. George Osava Medicine Power: Balance Yin and Yan in Products

Products Yin and Yan for men. George Osava Medicine Power: Balance Yin and Yan in Products

According to the eastern wise men, in our world everything obeys two energies - Yin and Yang. Yin's energy is a female start. It is characterized as calm, cold and inert power. Yang's energy is the male beginning, carrying a dynamic, hot and active force. Ancient East Medicine is based on the doctrine of the harmony of Yin and Yang energies present in our organisms. Ideally, both energies Yin and Yang must rule us equally, but for various reasons are not rare cases when one of the forces is dominant, which creates a natural disharmony. This disharmony causes the development of various diseases, accumulating slags in the body, as well as a set of excess weight. To solve these problems once and for all, or more than a thousand years ago, Yin-Yang diet was created.

The essence of Yin-Yang diet

Yin-Yang diet is, rather, a special meal of food, thanks to which you can resolve all the processes of the body in order to make sure of the wrong metabolism and accumulation of unnecessary fat deposits.

In every person, regardless of gender, there is both men's and female energy. Also both of these energies are in the products that we use. If a human diet consists mainly of products-Yang, it can lead to insufficient weight, deterioration of the nervous system, lack of calcium in the body and, as a result, to deterioration of hair and nails. If the menu prevailed products-yin, it often leads to slow motion metabolism, lethargy and increased fatigue. To lead to a harmonious ratio, the amount of Yin's energy and energy Yang, a person must pick up the products with the opposite energy. That is, if the Yin energy prevails in man, it means that you need to add products to the Yang energy to your diet, and vice versa.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that for the harmonious health of the food that we use, equally, should consist of five primary elements - wood, water, metal, fire and land. Products, which prevails element tree, differ in sour taste and green. These include all the greens. Products with element water are salted taste. They are necessary for us to establish a digestive system. Products with metal element have a bitter taste. These include all cereals. Products with element fire have sharp taste. These include all kinds of red meat and fish, as well as sharp spices. Element Earth is present in all sweet products - vanilla, apricots, cherry, carrots, pumpkins, etc.

How to determine your type of energy

To determine which type of energy is to you dominant, it is enough to pass a small test:

  1. Your hands and legs are usually warm? (Yes - add 8, no - take 8)
  2. What time of year do you like more - Cold Winter or Hot Summer? (Summer - Add 4, Winter - Take 4)
  3. Your weight is below normal or above the norm? (Above the norm - add 1, below the norm - take away 1)
  4. Are you energetic? (Yes - add 8, no - add 0)
  5. Physical work causes you fatal? (No - add 4, yes - add 0)
  6. Can you be called a lazy person? (Yes - take 4, no - add 4)
  7. In the car or on board the aircraft you clone to sleep? (Yes - take 8, no - add 8)
  8. Do you have high sexual activity? (Yes - add 8, no - take 8)
  9. Your figure sports and taut? (Yes - add 4, no - take 4).

If you scored from 1 to 8 points, it means that energy yang prevails in you. If you have the result of a negative number, you feel about Yin's energy.

Features diet for people with energy yang

If you prevail the men's, hot and active energy Yang, you need to add products containing yin energy to your diet. These include all cereal, raw vegetables, seafood and fish, as well as pasta from solid wheat varieties. To balance the balance of energies in your body, avoid fatty foods and sweets. People with Yang energy are usually active, so from time to time you can allow yourself your favorite dishes, but do not abuse. Prefer seasonal products.

Features diet for people with energy yin

The predominance of female, cold and passive energy Yin makes a man sluggish, larger and prone to completeness. To get rid of these indicators, the diet menu should consist mainly of protein food. It is recommended to eat meat, fish and various dairy products. To bring the body's metabolic processes to the norm, add sharp seasonings and use the first dishes to food once a day. Try not to eat vegetables and fruits on an empty stomach. In addition, Yin-Yang diet implies meals in accordance with its climatic zone. If you live in the area in which some types of vegetables and fruits do not grow, their use will not benefit your body.

Yin-Yang diets can not be considered only as a way of fast weight loss. This method of nutrition will help you purchase a desirable figure and get rid of the existing diseases only if it becomes your way of life.

Overweight and obesity have become a real problem of the 21st century. The British Analytical Company "Ipsos Mori" conducted a study during which the residents of different countries asked how they estimate the percentage of obesity in their region. So Russians believe that in their country the number of people suffering from obesity is 57%!

Philosophy of proper nutrition Yin and Yang

However, in the East, it is different - for example, in Chinese philosophy, under the right nutrition, the harmonious combination of Yin and Yang products implies.

What energy can Yin and Yang carries: a detailed product table

The doctrine of Yin and Yang energies originated in ancient China. So, the energy of Yin is dark and heavy, cold, passive and perceived - is considered to be a female start. Male energy Yang is dynamic, light, light, warm - striving from the inside to the external environment. When the energy reaches the yin of its maximum, it turns into Yang, since everything is in nature harmoniously.

A certain type of energy is also endowed with products. Below are their classification depending on the type of energy.

Table 1. Food Products by Energy Types Yin and Yang

Products Cold Yin Warm yang Yin \u003d Jan.
Beverages Toning drinks with a pronounced aroma: coffee, fruit juices, lemonade, beer, wine. Mostly green tea. Lime decoction.
Meat Bird, especially chicken. Pork, lamb. Beef.
Vegetables Clubwood-Clothofel, legumes - beans, grated - eggplants and tomatoes, salad leafy vegetables - sorrel and salad. Roots: radishes, carrots, turnips and others.
Fruits Tropical fruits, watermelon, melon. Strawberry. Apples.
Zlakovy Rye, barley, oats, corn. Wheat, rice, millet.
Fish and seafood Mostly river fish: pike, pike perch, carp, eel. From marine inhabitants - trout, oysters. Little and swelled fish: village, sardines, shrimp. Caviar. Som.
Milk products Soft, fat and sweet. From whole-milk products - sour cream, kefir, prokobvash, milk. From cheeses - Dutch, Russian, as well as melted and curd cheese. Oil and fat products. Salted and low-fat. Solid cheeses - parmesan and Gadud. Brynza, kefir with 0-1% fat. Non-fat varieties of cheese.
Seasoning Lemon, pepper, ginger, mustard, carnation, vinegar. Saffron, horseradish, sage, wormwood, chicory. Rosemary.

How to determine yin and yang products?

To preserve the energy balance in the body, it is important to be able to determine the type of products that we consume.

When determining the energy of food, you must pay attention to a number of features:

  1. Taste and smell.Yin food is sweet and fragrant, yang - oily and salty.
  2. TextureYin-products - light and soft, yang - tough and firm.
  3. Calorie. Yin food - low-calorie. The larger the product contains calories, the Yang Energy is expressed in it.
  4. In form. Yin products are oblong. Yang - Round.
  5. Height.Instant Yin, as a rule, rise above the ground, grow very quickly, feel good in warmth climates. Jan. grow underground in the cold climate.
  6. Cooking method. Yin food is preparing with cooking or steam. Yang - with the help of baking, extinguishing or roasting. Classic Energy Representative Jan - Shashlik.
  7. Shelf life.Jan-products are stored longer than Yin Food.

Food Yin- Cool, makes the body passive and sluggish. Yin-energy has almost all vegetable food.

Jan. - heats, emphasizes energy, improves brain. Yang products are usually small, warm, dry. Preferential colors - orange and red. By Yang belongs most animal food.

What are the signs of shortage in the body of Yin and Yang?

For the normal functioning of the body, it is necessary to harmoniously combine Yin and Yang products, since the predominance of a diet of this or that type of products can upset the work of the body, lead to ailment, lethargy, depression, and even cause serious diseases. In addition, non-compliance with the diet can break the harmony with him and the outside world.

Signs of lack of energies Yin and Yang in the body:

About the lack of yang-products in the body signals:

  • Weakness and decline in activity.
  • An increase in appetite leading to obesity.
  • Weakness in the legs, sweating and cough.
  • Chalch problems.
  • Painful feelings in the lower back.
  • Pale gray face.
  • Cyanosis of the skin and lips.

The lack of food in the organism of Yin testify:

  • Oily skin.
  • Too loud voice.
  • Reduced appetite.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Non-fat feeling of thirst;
  • Concern for trifles.
  • Total fatigue.
  • People with a disadvantage of Yin's energy are most often susceptible to cough with sputum and mucus.

Energy type definition test

We suggest you pass the test of the type of energy:

  1. You can say with confidence that your hands and legs are almost always warm (yes - "+8" points, no - "-8")?
  2. You prefer the hot summer winter (yes - "+4", no - "0")?
  3. You love the winter more than summer (yes - "-4", no - "0")?
  4. You have extra weight (yes - "+1", no - "0")?
  5. You are the owner of normal weight or weight below the norm (yes - "-1", no - "0")?
  6. You consider yourself an energetic person (yes - "+8", no - "0")?
  7. An exercise of physical labor tires you (yes - "0", no - "+4")?
  8. Do you consider yourself a lazy person (yes - "-4", no - "+4")?
  9. You are able to fall asleep in the car (yes - "-8", no - "+8")?
  10. You are sexually active (yes - "+8", no - "-8")?
  11. You have a beautiful tightened figure (yes - "+4", no - "-4")?

Now calculate the result:

  • Minus It indicates that Yin's energy prevails in you.
  • If you have 1-8 points - You are a representative of Yang energies.

If, according to the test results, you saw that the energy of Yang literally boils - Diverse your food Yin: Eat more cereal, vegetables, seafood and fish, also eliminate too fat, salty and sweet food from the diet.

How to achieve harmony yin and yang?

So that the Balance of Yin and Yang's energy balance should be energized as many products as possible in which both energies are contained in equal amounts.

We achieve harmony of Yin and Yang energy:

  • 70% diet - cereals, 15% - boiled vegetables, 5% - raw fruits and vegetables, fish or meat, dairy products.
  • Recommended during meals eat one refreshing fruit - grapefruit, peach, orange.
  • To increase the energy of food Yang, roar it on the grill, boil or baked.
  • Experiment with spices: it can be cumin, paprika, coriander, carnation, cinnamon.
  • Before use, try to thermally prepare food - Chinese medicine advises to bake even fruits and vegetables.
  • Build food according to the season: in the summer it is useful to include more products with Yin's energy, in winter - more Yang food.

It is interesting!

The original Russian cuisine correlates with the principle of combining Yin and Yang energies. Food Yin - Porridge and Bread, Yang - Roots: Borsch, steam turnip, Vinaigrette.

Fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage - Yin food, but in saline, vegetables are transformed in yang energy.

Macrobiotics is a power system that is not only optimal for the practice of yoga in our climatic belt, but at the same time with this and more than an effective solution to solve is sometimes very complex
health issues.

About macrobiotics and how it appeared

Everything that will now be described, it was found on its own simply on the basis of the feeling of what is really necessary for the body when, with what and in what quantities.

This power mode is almost completely coincided with Macrobiotic J. OzavaTherefore, more detailed recommendations should turn to his books and books. Sergey Sobolenko (first of all - " Recipe from madness»).

State Yin and Yang

In short, the power system can be described so ...

Like everything in this world, food is divided into products-yin and products-yang.

The beginning of Yin can be described as a heavy, calm, accumulating, in the limit - an inert state.

Start Yang is dynamic, light, ejecting, active.

Most diseases of our time are the Yin diseasesaccompanied by the expansion of organs, a decrease in their function, with a decrease in the number of adequately operating cells. In their extreme state, it is primarily oncological and some mental illness. And it is these diseases that are now growing steadily and multiply ...

Man in a state of prevalence starts yin More inert, prone to weakness, more painful, drone, with periodic depressive states, acid-alkaline equilibrium is shifted aside towards the acidification of the inner medium.

Episodic deviations from the "Conditional Norm of Health" - if you at least once a year sick with colds, you also feel about this group.

Man in a state of excess yang: Acid-alkaline balance shifted towards the octication of the inner medium, prone to overexcitation, emotional instability with a shift in euphoria.

However, most often these states are already more secondary to the primary deep shift in Yin - just as a cancer or tuberculosis patient, for the first time, acute profuse bleeding arises, which in itself due to the strength and acute state is characterized as Yang-state, But it is a consequence of the long-deep-deep state of Yin.

The optimal combination of products will be More or less balanced number of yin and yang products. But to achieve this balance, it is necessary to plunge enough for a long time, that is, in fact, simply clean your body and move the inner balance towards the prevalence started by Yang.

The mechanical strength and elasticity of body tissues in such a state sometimes reaches just fantastic limits.

Considering that the body of the external environment is primarily affected by the body in our conditions, in the diet should be shifted towards Yang products.

Yin and Yang products

TO yang products First of all:

  • crupes (rice, buckwheat, millet and wheat),
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt,
  • green tea,
  • greens (dill, parsley),
  • carrot,
  • brynza
  • apples
  • sea fish and in general all seafood.

Products Yin - Accordingly, almost everything else. There are products very yang and very yin. With a complete list, you can get acquainted in the already named books, so about everything is now only brief.

Sobolenko's nutrition system

For our conditions, in my opinion, the power system described by Sergey Solenko is most suitable.

  • The basis of nutrition should be cereals, to a lesser extent - vegetables.
  • 1-2 times a week you can eat fish,
  • For a week you can eat no more than 4 eggs.
  • Bean - no more than once a week.
  • Fish, eggs, legumes are used either by themselves or with vegetables, And in no case together with other products, the same croups, for example.
  • As you need to eat greens as much as possible.
  • Nuts, honey, berries, apples and dried fruits are completely special products that need to eat separately from everythinglike independent meals.
  • It is possible to use fermented dairy products, too, as an independent meal.
  • When combining incompatible products in the body begin processes of rottingAnd it will be impossible to talk about some balance sheet.
  • From the diet categorically needed exclude All products that contain yeast, sugar, potatoes, milk, vinegar and all artificial components - preservatives, flavors, baking powers, etc.

Sergey Sobolenko leads a recipe " Dragon Tea", Completely wonderful collection of herbs. It cleans very effectively and tones the body, and also restores the optimal internal balance, neutralizing excess Yin. It includes:

  • chamomile,
  • sage I.

Pharmacy herbs are better not to use! Herbs are going to take into account the large number of nuances, but one of the main rules should be their full moon collection, plus-minus one week.

In order to prepare the most "hard" option of the option of this collection, you must take on the tablespoon of each of the herbs and pour a liter of boiling water.

It is imperative about 40 minutes, while the grass does not fall almost completely. From this time you can drink it.

Used 150-200 ml. 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals. However, this option will be acceptable not for all.

For women, it is often appropriate instead of a spoonful of wormwood put another spoon of chamomile, for men - Cabinet.

You can drink tea for 4 days with a break for 4 days, or a week a week for 1 - 2 months. After the same break, you can repeat the course.

Fathering in this mode, you can gradually create the optimal state of the inner environment of the body, restore and make the optimal mode of operation of the internal organs and perception.

Macrobiotics: Menu

George Ozawa in his book "Macrobiotic Zen" leads a consolidated table of possible diets, which since ancient times was used in Japanese Buddhist traditions.

Diet number 7.- The most radical and rigid - contains 100% croup. From drinks - only green tea. This is the maximum and cleanest Yang, the maximum cleansing effects for the body and perception.

Diet number 6.- It contains already 5% of vegetables.

Maybe you should not copy this approach completely, but take note worth exactly. In any life crisis health situations or then, when we fall into the lane of unmanaged events, it will definitely be very useful in all available ways to clean up their body and mind. And the proper nutrition has a key value here.

However, if there are health problems and, moreover, soased, one correct nutrition can be enough. To speed up this process, the correct are needed.

About how to do it, we will talk yet.

Two higher education in the industry of medicine: Vinnitsa State Medical University. Pirogov and Kiev Military Medical Academy at the Defense Academy of Ukraine.

Professionally owns acupuncture techniques and other reflexotherapeutic methods.

The secret of good well-being and active longevity consists of a variety of components, including balanced nutrition. However, this is not only about what you need to calculate the number of kilokalories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates needed to maintain a good form, but also about the selection of products belonging to two different forms of energy Qi - Yin (Women's Energy) and Yang ( Male energy). A diet, based on the products with male and female energy, helps strengthen health and extend the youth.

Energy Yin and Yang: Kitchen Yin-Yan

Energy, like everything in our world, has a dual aspect: it develops from the harmony of two began - male and female. If a eNERGY Yin and Yan Are in equilibrium, then the vital energy of qi is produced in sufficient quantities and a person feels good. If the body takes place in the body and the yin balance between Yan is broken, then pathological processes arise at the physical level and the person feels malaise, falls, loses vitality.

To restore harmony, there are many practices, including an equilibrium state, you can achieve the use of a balanced - saturated male or female energy - nutrition.

In Eastern Medicine, products are classified into two types - eNERGY Yin and Yan. But how to distinguish these two energies hidden in products that we buy every day in stores and in markets and use for cooking?

Chinese doctors argue that Yan-Food stimulates all types of activity: mental, physical, spiritual. But the Inin food acts on the body in the opposite way - its excess makes the body sluggish, the mood is depressed or drowned, and those who want to lose weight are stubbornly gaining it.

The imbalance of two energies in nutrition can be expressed by addiction to any kind of food. Someone cannot deny themselves in chocolate, the other cannot live without baking, the third touches to bold products. To get rid of such a dependence, it is enough just to harmonize food and bring the products of Yin and Yang in compliance.

Yan and Yin Products

What products are characterized by a predominance of one of the two interpenetrating energies?

To "Yansky", or "hot" from the point of view of energy, products can be attributed rice, wheat, pumpkin, carrots, buckwheat, millet, turnip, onions, radister; Soma meat, herring and shrimp; caviar, duck meat pigeon, pheasant and partridges; Apples, strawberries, parsley, horseradish, chicory, cinnamon, dill.

Drinks with Yan-Energy are coffee from the roots of the ruin and dandelion, Banchana tea, chamomile decrain and white wormwood.

Products with Yin characteristics include: Tomatoes, beans, beans, eggplants, mushrooms, oats, rye, peas, potatoes, sorrel, celery, garlic, sandy, kefir, milk, butter, flush, trout, pike perch, beef, pork, lamb, pineapple, lemon, pear, peach, watermelon, melon, nuts, honey, carnation, cumin, bay leaf, mustard, nutmeg, coffee, fruit juices, beer, wine, decoction of lime and mint, cocoa.

In the East, all products are customary to:

  • carrying a lot of energy Yan - "hot";
  • possessing an average number of Yanesk energy - "warm";
  • neutral;
  • the average energy of Yin - refreshing;
  • possessing a large number of yin - "cold".

Knowing, in which product, how much and what energy is contained, you can make a balanced ration for ourselves, including in the daily rate of food that can strengthen the desired quality. Food with the properties of Energy Yan Bodriti, tones, gives mental and physical activity, and, on the contrary, food from the category Yin helps to relax and calm down, relieve tension and stress.

Chinese philosophy Yin and Yan in the kitchen

You have not wondered why sometimes it happens that people suffering from overweight in their desire to lose weight go only on low-fat dairy products, fruits, greens and raw vegetables, and the weight as it was, and remains snapping big? Yes, all because these are products belonging to the category of Yinsky - which slow down in the body of metabolic processes. It means to effectively lose weight, you just need to balance your diet, including the "right" number of neutral, "hot", refreshing or "cold" products.

The main meal of a person who wants to support the perfect weight should be products with neutral qualities. This includes boiled cereals (about 70%), boiled vegetables (15%), raw vegetable food (5%), fish or meat (5%) and dairy products (5%).

Special rules should be followed, and within one meal can not use more than two cold (from the point of view of energy) of the product. To increase the energy of food, it should be prepared on an open fire, grill or bake the components of its ingredients. To give the energy of Energy Yan, use spices: dill, chicory, horseradish, curry mix, chili pepper.

Breakfast the products of Yan: they charge energy for the whole day, but the yin food is better suitable for dinner.

It is believed that the products that have undergone heat treatment should be up to 80% of the daily diet. The Chinese believe that even fruits and vegetables should be baked or at least blanch so that they are better absorbed. An ideal example of a balanced food is a portion of hot porridge with a burning raw fruit or berries.

Next: It is very important to take into account the season. On your desk during the cold season, the "warm" (Yanskaya) food should be used, but in the summer heat you can pamper yourself with refreshing yarn. However, it should be remembered that an excessive tropical fruit passion can also cause Yin and Yang Energies in the body!

Scientists believe that by 2020, over 40% of the world's population will have overweight, from them no less than half, will obesity. Obesity is not just a few extra kilograms, but threatening health state. You can quickly assess your weight using the body weight index. If it is more than 30 kg / m2, then you have obesity, and you need to urgently fight!

Given such serious prospects, it is worth taking care of your nutrition today. The most common scheme of the correct diet is based on the calculation of calories and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. However, not only the European approach is considered effective. Traditional Chinese medicine assumes that all products carry a definite energy: cold yin and warm yang. It is believed that the competent combination of these two types of products will not only get rid of excess weight, but also restore both physical and mental health.

Food for harmony

The Chinese are convinced that any product is not only a source of energy and substances to maintain the life and synthesis of new cells in the body, but also is able to heal. In traditional Chinese medicine Chi is the main life force that manages all processes in nature. Harmony of body, spirit and chi each person can be achieved with the help of yin-yang of balanced nutrition. Yin and Yang are energy qualities that form everything in the universe, including our health.

Features Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang products prevent certain states in the body and can even heal. The Chinese Yin Symbol is represented by the shaded part of the hill, reflects femininity, coolness, humidity and darkness. And Yang is the illuminated side of the hill, which means masculinity, warmth, dryness and light. Yin food cools and moisturizes the body, and Ian warms and dries. And although Yin and Yang are complete opposites, they cannot do without each other.

Yin or Yang product characteristics actually has much more common with energy and its effect on the body than with the actual temperature or humidity of the dish. So, cold, or yin product, usually contains little calories and a lot of potassium. It is believed that yin food should be in hot weather. Hot, or Yang products, contain many calories, give a large amount of energy and have a high sodium content. Best of all Yang food is in the cold season.

If there is too much yin or yang products, then the thin energy balance can be disturbed, which will lead to health problems. The Chinese are confident that some diseases are caused by an excess of Yin or Yan food.

Yin and Jan-Products

In traditional Chinese medicine, food is a way to control Yin and Yang, affecting the health of health. If you clearly know the characteristics of the product and its influence on the body, you can competently choose dishes under the current needs of the latter, which will contribute to the restoration of the energy balance in the body. The tradition of Yin and Yang food helps to return the balance of strength and health and allows you to live a long and happy life.

Products with very strong Yang:

  • table salt;
  • medicines, such as barbiturates, steroids, sedatives;
  • pork;
  • beef;
  • eggs;
  • syllane varieties of cheese.

Products with a strong Yang:

  • bird;
  • oysters, mussels;
  • red, for example, tuna, salmon, fish-sword, trout.

Products with moderate Yang:

  • white fish, for example, Kambala, Sybas;
  • bread and other whole grain flour products;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • meat;
  • soy sauce;
  • algae Vakame.

Products with a weak Yang:

  • cereals from solid grain, for example, rice, barley, millet, wheat, rye, buckwheat, movies, amaranth;
  • vegetables, such as carrots, Daikon, Brubva, turnip.

Products with weak yin:

  • onion, red radishes, lotus root, pores;
  • cauliflower, Broccoli, Brussels Cabbage, Kochan Cabbage, Side;
  • zucchini.

Products with moderate yin:

  • beans, for example, black beans, peas, lentils;
  • cucumbers, celery, parsley, beet;

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