Tests in physical culture. Question: What kind of sport ensures the greatest increase in force? C) running over rough terrain

Tests in physical culture. Question: What kind of sport ensures the greatest increase in force? C) running over rough terrain

a) chess;

b) curling;

c) weightlifting;

d) skeleton.

72. Ski stick length:

a) more at the classic course;

b) more at the skating course;

c) the same;

d) Determined by the Rules of Competitions.

73. Total endurance is most needed:

a) in the marathon running;

b) in boxing;

c) when jumping in height;

d) when playing chess.

74. During the game of basketball, the judge rotates hands in front of him. This gesture means:

a) need to play faster;

b) violation of the rules - a jogging of the ball;

c) removal of the player;

d) minute break.

75. During the game in basketball, the judge raises his hand up and shows two fingers: index and medium - this is:

a) stop the game for 2 minutes;

b) dual error;

c) 2 points are counted;

d) Deleted from the player's player at the second number.

76. Distance from floor to the top edge of the mesh when playing volleyball (male):

a) 2.24 meters;

b) 2.43 meters;

c) 2.38 meters;

d) 3 meters.

The volleyball player that provides the feed has the right to touch


d) an unlimited number of times.

What does the Red Card shown in the football mean?

a) deletion;

b) warning;

c) replacement;

d) reverse replacement.

79. One time segment of the game in a football, equal to 45 minutes, is called:

b) the period;

c) party;

80. Sports games include:

a) handball;

c) relay;

d) arm wrestling.

What projectile is applied in gymnastics?

a) Bulava;

b) rope;

c) log;

82. The distance of the marathon runner is equal to:

b) 42 km 192 m;

With what test determines the level of speed development?

a) "Shuttle run 4 x 10 m";

b) jump in length from place;

c) push into the stop lying;

d) the bench rods lying.

What way inhibit when you descend from the mountain skiing?

a) plow;

b) the harrow;

d) jump.

85. The ability to resist fatigue with sufficiently long power loads:

a) speed;

b) flexibility;

c) power stamina;

d) dexterity.

86. The height on which the basketball ring is located:

87. In the basketball when hitting the ball in the rival basket, you can earn:

a) 1-3 points;

d) 2-3 points.

88. Question: If during the game in volleyball player beats the ball with his foot:

a) the game stops;

b) the game continues;

c) the player is removed;

d) by decision of the judge.

89. Question: The account in the initial battles of volleyball lasts:

a) up to 25 points;

b) up to 20 points;

c) up to 15 points;

d) up to 12 points.

What does the yellow card show, shown by the judge's football player?

a) deletion;

b) warning;

c) replacement;

d) reverse replacement.

91. When playing football ball, released outside the field through the side line after touched by his goalkeeper:

a) pounced hands;

b) introduced into the game to the foot;

c) introduced into the game by throwing in the center of the field;

d) introduced a blow from the gate.

92. Applies to mobile games:

a) basketball;

d) arm wrestling.

93. Specify the sport that provides the greatest effect of high-speed development:

a) sprint running;

b) styrene running;

c) weightlifting;

d) chess.

What kind of sport ensures the greatest effect of the development of coordination abilities?

a) basketball;

b) ski racing;

c) rowing;

d) chess.

95. A distinctive feature of the motor skill is ...

a) reducing the action time;

b) the dismemberment of operations and the focus of consciousness on the implementation of the action;

c) the fusion of operations;

d) automatism of action.

96. The speed of the reaction is necessary:

a) when jerking the rod;

b) in the sprint race;

c) in gymnastics;

d) in throwing.

97. The duration of the introductory part of the lesson, as a rule, is:

a) 5-10 minutes;

b) 15-20 minutes;

c) 3-5 minutes;

d) 1-2 minutes.

98. The ability to perform coordination and complex motor actions:

a) dexterity;

b) speed;

c) flexibility;

99. The diameter of the basketball rings is:

A) skiing
2) Figure Skating
3) Hockey
4) Biathlon

2. In the process of occupying what winter sport is involved the greatest number of muscles and load the muscles of legs, hands, back and abdomen?
A) Bobsley
B) jumps from a springboard
C) ski races
D) Skeleton

Help with social studies! (Create examples of professions, activities that are inherent in these factors) 1.

Intense, intense rhythm of work

(give examples of professions, activities that are inherent in these factors)

2. Noise and vibration

3. Long stay at the heat or in the cold, outdoors

5. Need to work at night

6. Increased danger of injury

7. Physical Load Long stay standing on your feet.

Everywhere please, 2-3 examples! THANK YOU!

Physical Education. Fill out where skipping. 1. What rules should be followed during volleyball competitions? 1.1.

The game consists of ______________ parties.

1.2. Each batch continues until one of the commands drop _____________ points.

1.3. The decisive party continues until ___________ points.

1.4. The ball is allowed to beat any part of the body, ______________.

1.5. For each ball won the team gets _______________.

2. What does the posture violation?

2.1. Incorrect posture has adverse effects on ________, thoracic and abdominal cavities.

2.2. Such children are very high, the degree of risk get ____________.

2.4. Additional loads associated with the seat in the lesson are recommended to alternate from ____________________.

2.5. The duration of the exercise of physical attacks should be within ___________ min.

Help, please make dialogs in German. I do not ask them to be in German, at least in Russian. Dialogues are small to 10 replica, not

more. I just don't know what to come up with.

1. Relate with the teacher the following situation. You are with a foreign friend who offers in your city, planning that you will do on weekends. Ask when he / she is free / free, discuss what you do, why this is.

2. Play with the teacher the following situation. You must write an article about environmental protection in a school journal, which is published in a foreign language. Discuss with the editor, what problems should be illuminated, how to call an article to which time it is to pass.

3. Replacing the following situation with the teacher. Your friend returned from a trip to the country under study. Ask him about the trip: where he was, which made it the most impressed and why.

4. Receive the following situation with the teacher. You are visiting your overseas friend. Together with him you want to sign up in the sports section. Discuss what kind of sport to do and why, agree with him, for what days you will be playing sports.

1. From what is the countdown of the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece?

A) 836 BC

B) 776 BC

C) 684 BC

D) 595 BC

2. Why did antique Olympic Games called the World Holidays?

A) Olympic Games had world fame

B) Athletes from around the world took part in the Olympic Games

C) warned war during the game

D) games differed in the peace-loving nature of the competition

3. Name the name of the athlete who won in the run of 1 stages at the first Olympic Greece Games?

A) Milon.

B) Hermogen

C) Pelops.

D) Corobos.

4. What is the length of the running distance of 1 stages, which, according to legend, at the stadium in the Olympia measured the legendary herakl?

A) 164m.31cm.

B) 176m. 43cm.

C) 190m. 40cm.

D) 192m.27cm.

5. What a reward received the winner of the Olympic Games?

A) monetary remuneration

B) medal and cup

C) wreath from branches of olive tree

D) title of aristocrat

6. Which of the famous scientists of ancient Greece won in the competitions of fist soldiers?

A) Archimed-mechanic

B) Plato philosopher

C) Pythagorad mathematician

D) Stubon-geographer

7. In which year and in what city a historical decision was made about the revival of modern Olympic competitions?

A) 1890, London

B) 1892, Rome

C) 1894, Paris

D) 1896, Athens

8. Which of the listed people belonged to the initiative of the revival of the Olympic Games?

A) Dimetris Vikelasu - Greece

B) Alexey Butovsky - Russia

C) Henri de Beielaya - Belgium

D) Pierre de Kuberthu - France

9. Name the leading organization of the World Olympic Movement.

A) World Olympic Council

B) International Olympic Committee

C) International Olympic Academy

D) World Olympic Committee

10. In which year and in what city did I meet the I Olympic Games of our time?

A) 1892, Athens

B) 1896, Athens

C) 1900g. Paris

D) 1904, London

11. Note the type of physical training that ensures the greatest effect aimed at rehabilitation.

A) regular exercises of wellness exercises in the fresh air

B) Aerobics

C) mountaineering

D) cycling

24. Compliance with the regime of the day contributes to health promotion because:

a) ensures the rhythm of the body;

b) allows you to properly plan business during the day;

c) the distribution of basic cases is carried out more or less standard during each day;

d) avoids unjustified physical stresses.

25. What should be done in the absence of breathing from the victim?

A) heart massage

B) give the ammonia alcohol

C) artificial respiration

D) call a doctor

26. "Olympic motto" is:

A) "Sport - Ambassador of the World"

B) "faster, above, stronger"

C) "Olympians - among us"

27. Note the sport that provides the greatest effect when developing endurance.

A) Running on average distances

B) Running on long distances

C) decathlon

D) sports games

12. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of flexibility.

A) acrobatics

B) weightlifting

C) rowes

D) modern pentathlon

13. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of force.

A) Samboy

B) basketball

C) boxing

D) weightlifting

14. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of high-speed abilities.

A) Fight

B) Running short distances

C) Badminton

D) running on average distances

15. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of coordination abilities.

A) swimming

B) gymnastics

C) Shooting

D) skiing

16. Physical culture is:

a) learning subject at school;

b) exercise;

c) the process of improving human capabilities.

17. What do they understand under the term "physical culture?

A) medicines

B) medical examinations

C) health forces of nature

D) exercise

18. What does posture leads to violations most often?

A) high growth

B) an increase in intervertebral disks

C) weak muscles

D) violation of natural spinal bends

19. Name the heart rate range alone in a healthy person

A) 72-78 UD / min

B) 78-82 ud / min

C) 82-86 ud / min

D) 86-90 UD / min

20. What is understood by hardening?

A) swimming in cold water and walking barefoot;

b) the adaptation of the body to the effects of the external environment;

c) a combination of air and sunbathing with gymnastics and rolling games;

d) health promotion.

21. What kind of competitions in modern Olympics is carried out in memory of the heroism of Greek warriors who defeated the Army of Persians at the marathon town in 490 BC?

A) Running at a distance of 42km. 192m

B) sailing for 1500 m.

C) equestrian competitions

D) fighting fighters

22. When and where athletes are pre-revolutionary Russia for the first time participated in the Olympic Games of Modern?

B) 1908, London

C) 1912, Stockholm

23. The term "Olympiad" means:

a) the four-year period between the Olympic Games;

b) the first year of four, whose offensive is celebrated by Olympic Games.

C) Synonym for Olympic Games;

d) Competitions held during the Olympic Games.

28. What events influenced the fact that the Games of VI, XII, XIII Olympiads did not take place?

A) inconsistency of the actions of countries

B) the first and second world wars

C) refusal to participate in the Olympic Games of Most Countries

D) refusal of the country organizing the Olympic Games from their conduct

29. Name the range of maximum permissible heart rate with intensive load at the untranslated person

A) 140-160 ud / min

B) 160-180 UD / min

C) 180-200 Ud / min.

D) 200-220 UD / min

a) population, buttocks, heels;

b) blades, buttocks, heels;

c) population, back, heels;

d) population, blades, buttocks, heels.


Grade 9: 1B, 2B, 3G, 4G, 5B, 6B, 7B, 8G, 9B, 10B, 11A, 12A, 13G, 14B, 15B, 16V, 17G, 18B, 19A, 20B, 21A, 22B, 23A, 24A, 25V, 26B, 27V, 28B, 29V, 30G.

Theoretical Methodical Tasks (School Tour Olympics)

1. From what is the countdown of the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece?

A) 836 BC

B) 776 BC

C) 684 BC

D) 595 BC

2. Why did antique Olympic Games called the World Holidays?

3. What reward received the winner of the Olympic Games?

A) monetary remuneration

B) medal and cup

C) wreath from branches of olive tree

D) title of aristocrat

4. Which of the listed people belonged the initiative of the revival of the Olympic Games?

A) Dimetris Vikelasu - Greece

B) Alexey Butovsky - Russia

C) Henri de Beielaya - Belgium

D) Pierre de Kuberthu - France

5. Name the leading organization of the World Olympic Movement.

A) World Olympic Council

B) International Olympic Committee

C) International Olympic Academy

D) World Olympic Committee

6. In which year and in what city did I meet the I Olympic Games of our time?

A) 1892, Athens

B) 1896, Athens

C) 1900g. Paris

D) 1904, London

7. Mark the type of physical training that ensures the greatest effect aimed at rehabilitation.

A) regular exercises of wellness exercises in the fresh air

B) Aerobics

C) mountaineering

D) cycling

8. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of flexibility.

A) acrobatics

B) weightlifting

C) rowes

D) modern pentathlon

9. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of force.

A) Samboy

B) basketball

C) boxing

D) weightlifting

10. Name the sport that ensures the greatest effect in the development of high-speed abilities.

A) Fight

B) Running short distances

C) Badminton

D) running on average distances

11. Mark the sport that provides the greatest effect when developing endurance.

A) Running on average distances

B) Running on long distances

C) decathlon

D) sports games

12. What most often leads to the disorders of the posture?

A) high growth

B) an increase in intervertebral disks

C) weak muscles

D) violation of natural spinal bends

13. What is understood by hardening?

A) swimming in cold water and walking barefoot;

B. ) The adaptation of the body to the effects of the external environment;

C) a combination of air and sunbathing with gymnastics and rolling games;

D) health promotion.

14. Compliance with the regime of the day contributes to health promotion because:

A) ensures the rhythm of the body;

B) allows you to properly plan business during the day;

C) the distribution of basic cases is carried out more or less standard during each day;

15. "Olympic motto" is:

A) "Sport - Ambassador of the World"

B) "faster, above, stronger"

C) "Olympians - among us"

16. Mark the sport that provides the greatest effect when developing endurance.

A) Running on average distances

B) Running on long distances

C) decathlon

D) sports games

17. What events influenced the fact that the games of VI, XII, XIII Olympiads did not take place?

A) inconsistency of the actions of countries

B) the first and second world wars

C) refusal to participate in the Olympic Games of Most Countries

D) refusal of the country organizing the Olympic Games from their conduct

A) population, buttocks, heels;

B) blades, buttocks, heels;

C) population, back, heels;

D) population, blades, buttocks, heels.

19. For which part of the body, the length of the jump is measured?

A) by hand and leg;

B) on part of the body, closest to the repulsion zone;

C) by part of the body most distant from the repulsion zone;

D) for any part of the body.

20. How many winter olympic sports?

A) 7. ; B) 14; AT 5; D) 11.

21. What symbolize the Olympic rings?

A) the main colors included in the flags of all countries participating in the Olympic Games;

B) the unity of athletes of the five continents of the globe;

c) harmony of education of basic physical qualities: endurance, flexibility, strength, speed, dexterity;

d) basic motor skills.

22. What game from each team on the site at the same time there are five players?

a) basketball;

b) volleyball;

c) hockey;

d) water polo.

23. What number of players in volleyball is on the site?

a) 8 people;

b. ) 6 people;

c) 4 people;

d) 5 people.

a) flexibility;

b) speed;

c) coordination;

d) dexterity.

24.Trong sources of energy for the body are ...

a). Cams and vitamins.

b).. Vegetables and fats.

in ) Carbohydrates and mineral elements.

D) proteins and fats.

District tour

10-11 class

1. What is not included in the definition of physical development?

and weight;

b) growth;

c) Shuttle run 3x10.

2. What is the name of the arch of the Olympic laws?

a) constitution;

b) Charter;

c) Charter.

3. What exercises are ineffective in the formation of the physique:

a) exercises contributing to the increase in muscle mass;

b) exercises contributing to the reduction of body weight;

in ) Exercises contributing to the speed of movements.

4. What is the countdown of the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece?

A) 836 BC

B) 776 BC

C) 684 BC

D) 595 BC

5. Why did antique Olympic Games called the World Holidays?

A) Olympic Games had world fame

B) Athletes from around the world took part in the Olympic Games

C) warned war during the game

D) games differed in the peace-loving nature of the competition

6. Signs of narcotic poisoning:

a) an increase in muscle tone, narrowing of pupils, weakening their reaction to light, redness of the skin;

b) nausea and vomiting, dizziness, bleeding from the nose, cough, runny nose;

c) bitterness in the mouth, unfortunate laughter, the yellowing of the skin.

7. The main components of the body's training are:

a) cardiac and respiratory stamina, muscle endurance, high-speed qualities and flexibility;

b) force, dexterity, the ability to withstand various loads, high performance;

c) endurance of the musculoskeletal system, timely reaction, the central nervous system to change physical exertion, flexibility and dexterity.

8. Under the physical quality of flexibility is understood:

a) the complex of properties of the musculoskeletal system determining the depth of the inclination;

b) the ability to make movements with a large amplitude;

c) elasticity of muscles and ligaments.

9. Motor activity is:

a) daily physical training of the body;

b) mandatory periodic physical exertion on the muscles and skeleton of man;

c) the sum of movements performed in the process of its livelihoods.

10. One of the signs of concussion of the brain:

a) fuzzy vision and unequal pupils;

b) an increase in lymph nodes;

c) the appearance of rashes on hand and legs;

d) redness of the skin in the joints of the joints.

11. Physical culture is:

a) learning subject at school;

b) exercise;

c) the process of improving human capabilities.

12. What do you understand under the term "physical culture?

A) medicines

B) medical examinations

C) health forces of nature

D) exercise

13. In which year, and in what city was the beginning of the winter of the Olympic Games?

a) 1916 - Oslo;

b) 1920g. - Lake - Pleisid;

in) 1924 - Chamonix;

14. Vladimir Salnikov, Galina Proshementshchikova, Andrey Krylov,

Alexander Popov- Champions of the Olympic Games in .......

a) biathlon;

b) swimming;

c) speed skating;

d) Athletics.

15. Which discipline was included in the XVIII winter program

Olympic Games in Nagano (Japan)?

a) freestyle;

b) snowboarding;

c) curling;

d) skeleton.

16. Which continent symbolizes the red ring in the Olympic emblem?

a) Asia;

b) Australia;

c) Africa;

d) europe;

d.) America.

17. Ability to choose a place and keep a player with a ball and without a ball in basketball is formed when teaching tactical actions in ......

a) attack;

b) Protection ;

c) counteraction;

d) interaction.

18. The main means of development of force abilities are:

a) special exercises on simulators;

b) exercises with external resistance, exercises with overcoming the weight of their own body and isometric exercises;

c) exercises with overcoming their own body weight and exercise with burdens;

d) isometric exercises and exercises with external resistance.

19. What teams are submitted by the judge at the start of the run of 3000 meters?

a) "To start! Attention! March!"

b) "On the start! March!"

c) "Attention! March!"

d) "Get ready! March!"

20. In a healthy way of life it is understood:

a) the absence of bad habits, a regular visit to the doctor, a civilized attitude towards nature;

b) regular sports, hardening, propaganda healthy lifestyle;

c) a certain style of human vital activity aimed at preserving and promoting health;

d) maintaining a high performance over the years.

21. Under the physical quality "Dexterity" understand:

a) the ability to accurately dose the magnitude of the muscular effort;

b) the ability to quickly rebuild motion activities in a changing environment with mastering new movements;

d) the ability to technically correctly repeat the specified exercise.

22. Choose the correct sequence of actions to render preferences for the injuries of soft tissues:

a) the cold in the place of the bruise, peace of the bruised part of the body, the imposition of the transport tire, abundant warm drinking;

b) the cold in the place of the injury, the gulling bandage on the hemorrhage area, peace of the bruised part of the body, the injured limbs attach the sublime position;

c) heat to the place of the injury, the gulling bandage on the region of hemorrhage, peace of the bruised part of the body;

d) Heat into place of the injury, harness above the region of hemorrhage, peace of the bruised body.

23. Hydodina - it is ..

a) violation of the musculoskeletal system;

b) insufficient physical activity;

c) disorder of the vestibular apparatus;

d) disorder of motion function.

24. Name the homeland of Chess

a / england;

B / india;

in Russia;

g / France

25. Soviet Two Olympic Champion in Sprinter Run.

A / V. Borez;

b / V. Brumel;

in / I. Lyuis;

g / A. Perlov

Performing the following tasks Complete the approval by scoring the corresponding word in the answer form.

27. Preservation of body equilibrium by changing the position of its individual links is called ... balancing………………..

28. The output of the ball outside the site or fields in sports games is calledout……….

30. The form of individual and regulatory activities aimed at ensuring optimal conditions for physical development is called self-control ...………………

31. The condition of the body arising from long-term execution of any work and leading to a temporary decrease in performance is called ... fatigue…………..

32. Mountaineering, parachute, freestyle, snowboarding,

refer to. extreme. ………. sports.


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