The influence of bad habits on human health. The influence of harmful habits for the cardiovascular and respiratory system Presentation to the biology lesson (grade 8) on the topic of the influence of bad heart habits Presentation

The influence of bad habits on human health. The influence of harmful habits for the cardiovascular and respiratory system Presentation to the biology lesson (grade 8) on the topic of the influence of bad heart habits Presentation

Each of us has some habits that negative affect not only the psyche, but also on human health. Harmful habits include many factors that entered the usual way of life. Some of them are so serious that they can lead to deposits.

The main habits that destroy human health:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol;
  • drugs;
  • smoking mixtures.

Consider how bad habits are applied to human health.

Incorrect meals

The influence of harmful habits on human health is quite significant, those who value their health should get rid of a detrimental habit.

The problem of irregular nutrition is common, because 90% of people on Earth are incorrect. From what products you use, your health and functioning of the body depends. Consider the main reasons that form the habit of incorrect power:

  • Excessive use of sweet. Leads to skin diseases, cardiovascular system. The formation of caries, problems with dental enamel.
  • Excessive salt. Disease of the kidneys, impaired of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Fat, rich in carbohydrate food. Development of chronic gastritis, obesity.
  • Food for the night. Violation of the work of the organs of the digestive system.

At first glance, it seems that there is nothing difficult in abandoning harmful food and solve the problem of the daily diet. But people suffering from this bad habit, it is very difficult to cope.

If you will completely feed on harmful products - you will definitely harm internal organs, if you eat in very small quantities - not to avoid anorexia. This is the whole essence of a detrimental habit.

If you have such a habit, but do not know how to overcome it, follow the simple rules:

  • Before you eat food, drink an empty stomach with a glass of pure water.
  • If you are difficult to completely reconsider your meals one instant, start with breakfast correction. To begin with, replace the fried fried eggs with sandwiches on a bowl of porridge with fruits, nuts or berries. The rest of the time is pitted as you are accustomed. After the power in the morning is established, proceed to the dinner and dinner correction.
  • Try to eat more often, but you should reduce the usual portion of two - three times.
  • The most harmful food is fried. Try to replace it with boiled or stew.
  • If you really want to eat at night, limit yourself to a glass of kefir.


Smoking - a detrimental habit inhaling tobacco smoke, this habit refers to one of the types of toxicizing. As a rule, the smokers themselves do not even suspect how dangerous their habit is. After all, smoking can cause not only many diseases, but also to cause fatal outcome. The man begins to smoke to calm down, relieve stress. Many smokers believe that they can quit smoking in one moment, of course, this is a huge delusion.

How does smoking affect the human health:

  • Increases blood pressure;
  • There are problems with the respiratory authorities;
  • Frequent colds with complications for light and bronchi;
  • Destruction of dental enamel, due to calcium lacks;
  • Impairment of heart and blood circulation;
  • Causes a stomach ulcer.
  • Oncological diseases.

Causes of making habits can have a different character. Most often, a person begins to smoke because of the imitation of someone, then the conditional reflex is produced, after which the habit becomes addiction.

Several tips for those who want to kill in themselves bad health habits:

  • To begin with, stop buying cigarettes by blocks.
  • Smoke half a cigarette.
  • Do not take cigarettes with you when leaving home.
  • Limit communication with smokers.
  • Find a like-minded person who, like you will throw smoking. Sports interest can be excellent motivation.


Alcohol addiction is the most harmful habit, which causes a huge blow to the human body. Many people believe that alcohol is a completely harmless habit, which makes itself felt only in the morning after the next drinking alcohol. In fact, alcohol leaves indelible scars in your body. Consider how alcohol affects health.

Brain. With regular alcohol consumption, ethyl alcohol in its composition is able to damage the brain. Over time, this will affect the following symptoms:

  • clouding consciousness;
  • coordination loss;
  • memory losses.

A heart. Alcohol with excessive use relaxes heart muscles, in connection with what circulatory problems appear. When problems with the cardiovascular system, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Dyspnea, even with the slightest physical activity.
  • Chronic cough.
  • Fast fatigue.

Liver. The most weighty blow falls on the liver. The liver is destroyed at any dose of drinking alcohol, with its systematic use, the following liver diseases are possible:

  • Fat hepatosis.
  • Acute hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.

Useful tips for those who wish to get rid of the habit of having a human health:

  • Everything must be obtained, provided that the person who suffers from a detrimental habit, he wants to get rid of it.
  • Try every morning to start with small exercise, it will relax the body and relieve possible stress.
  • Find for yourself a sober company or partner who will constantly motivate you. If there are no people in your community circle, you can find like-minded people on the Internet: on the relevant forums or communities.
  • Try as possible to remain alone with you, spend more time with family and loved ones.
  • If something went wrong, in no case do not blame yourself. Do not lower your arms, put goals and achieve them at any cost.
  • Imagine yourself in the future successful implemented person, which does not depend on the bottle with alcohol. Think only about the positive moments of life and your dreams are necessarily materialized.


What habits are harmful to health more than drug use? Drugs are a poison that gradually kills a person. Consider how they affect health.

At the beginning of drug reception, there are minor symptoms:

  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Dull hair.
  • Brush nails.

After prolonged drug intake, symptoms become more serious:

  • Frequent colds;
  • Vegetation on the body gradually falls out;
  • Even a small leaf and a wound on the body does not heal, perhaps begins to rot.

In addition to physiological symptoms, psyche suffers irreversibly:

  • Man closes himself in himself, does not want to discuss his problems with anyone;
  • Ceases to notice what happens around;
  • People dependent drugs are constantly lying. Able to deceive even the closest person;
  • Drug addicts cease to rejoice and receive positive emotions without drug use;
  • Fully changes the perception of the outside world;
  • People accepting drugs for a very long time.

To make sure of a drug addiction forever, it is necessary to contact the rehabilitation center, since it is almost impossible to finish yourself with a bad habit.

Smoking mixtures.

To date, almost everyone knows what spice is a synthetic drug, consisting of plants - enteogen. The habit of using smoking mixtures is generated several times faster than the usual smoking of tobacco products. Even one-time consumption will be able to affect human health.

Addictive occurs in the standard scheme:

  • After the first use there is a habit. Since the body gets used to new influence, the smoker is forced to increase the dose every time.
  • Soon, a person ceases to experience a feeling of relaxation, and becomes unreasonable irritability, after which there are many problems in the family or at work.
  • Because of the resulting stress, a person goes again to smoke a harmful mixture. This is a vicious circle that does not end if it does not take action on time.

The harmful habit has a negative impact on psychological and physical health.

Nervous system. A person becomes not able to control its own actions, becomes emotional, hallucinations appear.

Brain. Toxic substances in the composition of smoking mixtures, reduce attention, cause memory problems, the smoker is gradually degrading.

Also, with regular use of smoking mixtures, such symptoms such as nausea may appear, constant increased pressure, fainting, coma and even death, due to severe intoxication of the body in more serious cases.

Psychological habits.

This type can be attributed to the habit of Internet dependence or gymnia. At first, the situation does not foreshadow the troubles: a person plays computer games in his free time to relax after a difficult day. After several months, this dependence begins, the player holds almost all the time at the computer.

This habit may result in the following health issues:

  • Worsening vision.
  • Rachiocampsis.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Now you know how bad habits affect human health. If you want to devote my life of the head, bad habits should leave you once and forever.

If you have a few of the above-mentioned habits - you will not succeed. Since this is a big load on the psyche. But it is necessary to do this, systematically exterminating the detriment of your life. Elephant eat in pieces. Successes to you, happy and long life.

Slide 2.

Influence of smoking on the heart. Smoking is a frequent cause of all cardiovascular heart diseases, which include atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, various types of arrhythmia, peripheral vascular diseases, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and aortic aneurysms.

Slide 3.

We all know that the heart is the main body for the supply of blood and oxygen to the entire body. Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen to unite with hemoglobin and absorbed in the blood much faster than the last; Oxygen deficiency makes the heart work more intense.

Slide 4.

So, the heart is forced to work in reinforced mode, for a better distribution of blood depleted oxygen over the tissues of the body. Smoking is responsible for the increased levels of fibrinogen, the protein of the resulting blood, as well as an increased amount of platelets, which causes blood to be stated in one place in the blood vessels.

Slide 5.

The effect of alcohol on the heart. Chronic alcohol abuse is the cause of cardiomyopathy. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is more common in men. Symptoms of the disease are usually manifested in alcohol abuse for more than 10 years. A common primary clinical sign is shortness of breath, often coinciding with symptoms of heart failure.

Slide 6.

Drinking can also complain about coughing, especially at night, and describe the beginning of a unpretentious "respiratory" disease as "influenza" - without any respiratory infection. As the disease progresses, patients quickly arise fatigue and complaints about pain in the chest in physical tension appear .. Heart failure leads to stagnation of blood in light, cardiac arrhythmia, systemic edema, anorexia and a sense of discomfort in the stomach.

Slide 7.

Knowledge about the effect of alcohol on the coronary arteries of the heart deepen. The probability of developing myocardial infarction in alcoholics is higher, despite normal or minimally narrowed coronary arteries. The influence of the heart of the heart often causes a violation of the heart rhythm, and then the death of a person or his disability, such a person is not able to operate in the future and carry out the physical burden, which does not quietly perform a person.

Slide 8.

Slide 9.

Influence of drugs on a cardiovascular system. The value of the heart and vessels everything is well known. These organs provide delivery in the tissue of all substances they need and remove from the "waste". Drugs contribute to the oppression of the vessels center, and as a result of this, a decrease in blood pressure and slowing the pulse.

Slide 10.

For this reason, in the body of the drug addict, there is always a decrease in the functions of the cardiovascular system, the supply of cells with the substances necessary to them, as well as the "purification" of cells and tissues, is reduced. The functions of all cells weaken, they and the whole organism drag, as in deep old age. A drug addict can no longer develop enough effort, to cope with the usual work. Elder changes at a young age are not adding joys in life.

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Everyone wants to have a healthy heart. Nevertheless, one of three adults suffers from cardiovascular diseases. There are, however, and good news - there are simple daily habits, helping to take care of heart health. In addition, if you avoid some actions - it will also help you stay healthy.
Here is a list of 17 habits for the heart.

1. Do not watch TV. If you spend a lot of hours in front of the screen, it increases the risk of getting a cardiovascular disease, even if you charge. "No charging will make the damage caused to Noscheniam," Doctor Harmoni R. Reynolds, Director of the Cardiovascular Research Center at the Langon Medical Center in New York. Why? Because the lack of motion affects the blood sugar level, as well as at cholesterol level. Because Dr. Reynolds advises periodically to get out of the place, even if you are at work, at least to talk on the phone.

2. Do not disregard depression and gloomy. Do you feel gloomy, depression, depression? This may pose a threat to your heart. If you are often susceptible to gloomy mood, it will definitely affect your health. Dr. Reynolds believes that people who are independently trying to fight stress or work in spite of him, expose their heart danger. It is impossible to keep problems in yourself, they need to share at least someone.

3. Do not ignore the snoring. Snoring can be a symptom of obstructive sleep apnea. This disease causing temporary breathing interruptions may cause increased blood pressure. More than 18 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea. In the risk group there are people with overweight, but also thin people are also subject to this disease. If you snore and sleep badly, contact your doctor. Sleep apnea is easily diagnosed, Dr. Robert Ostfeld, a professor of clinical medicine from Monteflor's medical center in New York.

4. Use dental thread. The reasons for this are still unknown, but there is a clear relationship between problems with gums and heart problems, tells Dr. Ostfeld. If you do not use dental thread, bacteria cause gum diseases, which, in turn, can cause focal inflammation in the body. And any inflammation is a step towards atherosclerosis. Therefore, take care of the gum health.

5. Do not stay alone. It is no secret that there are days when all people around seem to us annoying and want to send them away and stay alone. However, reasonable is to support constant relationship with those who are dear to you. People who have families and friends usually live longer and their health is better. From time to time everyone needs loneliness, but to remain one for a long time harmful to health.

6. All or nothing - the so-called "warrior syndrome". "I see a huge number of people for 40 and for 50, which are starting hard to engage in gymnastics and sports and eventually harm themselves," says Dr. Judith S. Werman, Director of the Research Center for the Study of Cardiovascular Diseases at the Langon Medical Center in New -Yorka. Skiving sports, do not try to load yourself as much as much as possible. Better do regularly, advises Dr. Reynolds.

7. Do not get drunk alcohol. Of course, research has proven that alcohol in reasonable quantities is even useful for health. But there are many nuances. Excessive use of alcohol is fraught with an increase in blood pressure, cholesterol level, which can lead to a heart attack. In addition, additional calories are guaranteed to lead to overweight problems, which, again, can cause a heart attack. If you are still drinking, then try to limit yourself to two alcohol glasses per day for men and one glass for women. (Norma at the same time - 12 oz beer (0.34 liters) or 4 ounces of wine (0.11 liters)

8. Do not overeat. Overweight is the main cause of heart disease. 72 percent of men and 64 percent of US women have problems with weight. Try less there, avoid huge portions, instead of sweet drinks, try to drink simple water. Dr. Reynolds and Dr. Werman also offer you to try to reduce the level of carbohydrates in the food consumed (limit, for example, the amount of white bread) and try to eat products with low calorie products.

9. Do not think that you are outside the risk zone. Cardiovascular diseases - stroke, heart failure and heart attack - more often cause death than cancer diseases. "Do not consider that you are out of the risk zone," warns Dr. Ostfeld. High blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, weighing, problems with thyroid gland, smoking - all this factors that need to be considered.

10. Do not eat red meat. "Red meat" should be delicacy, not the basis of the diet. It contains too large fat. In addition, scientists have evidence that bacon and hot dogs, for example, can provoke heart disease and oncological diseases of the intestine. Ideally, only 10% of the food you consume should make meat, causing Dr. Ostfeld. Can't part with beef? Choose, in this case, not fat parts. "Steak several times a month is normal," says Dr. Werman. But three times a day - it is already too much. Watch the diet to be balanced.

11. Watch out for your health. Consult a doctor and watch your level of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. If all three indicators have increased, you risk getting a heart disease or stroke. The risk of getting hypertension or overwork for adults after 50 years is approximately 90%, even if there were no health problems with health. "If you were absolutely healthy in 24 years, it does not mean that you will also be healthy in 54," says Dr. Ostfeld.

12. Do not smoke and do not be a passive smokers. Yes, you have already heard this one hundred million times. But do not smoke anyway. "Smoking is a real catastrophe for a heart," says Dr. Ostfeld. Smoking provokes the thrombus, which I can interfere with blood to pass on the veins, which can cause them blockage. In addition, all people are near smoking man suffer. About 46,000 non-smoking people who are constantly near smoking, die from heart disease annually only because they are passive smokers.

13. Do not throw medicines and do not skip their reception. Let's be honest. Take pills - that more froker. There may be side effects. And if you feel good, then take the medicine, it seems like, no longer no sense. "High pressure is called a quiet killer, because you do not feel it," says Dr. Ostfeld. When you say that you feel good - this is not a reason to throw tall tablets. There are about 30 types of pressure pills, so there is from what to choose if some are not suitable for you. You can always try any other pills, says Dr. Haman.

14. Eat fruits and vegetables. Dr. Ostfeld believes that the most healthy diet is a diet of fruits and vegetables. In addition, food should be nuts, whole grain bread, low fatty dairy products and proteins. Unhealthy food is better to minimize. Doctors recommend that half of your daily diet consist of fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown that people who eat more than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day by 20 percent less often suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

15. Do not ignore the symptoms of the disease. If you pass three staircases without problems, but one day you will feel the breath, call the doctor. Do not consider that you are simply not in shape. Doctors believe that timely appeal to consultation will help to recover faster. "It is better to be too vigilant than calling a doctor 6 hours after a heart attack," says Dr. Ostfeld.

16. Eat less salt. The more salt you eat, the higher your pressure. One of the three adult Americans suffers from hypertension, which can cause a heart attack, stroke or kidney disease. "Do not eat semi-finished products, read the labels, and in the supermarket buy fruits, vegetables and unsalted nuts," advises Dr. Ostfeld. Most of us should use less than 2.3 milligrams of cook salt per day. If you have high pressure or you more than 50 years old, then you must use 1.5 milligrams of the cook salt.

17. Do not eat "empty" calories. Food rich in sugar and fats, high-calorie, but does not contain nutrients. Such food is "empty" calories, which increase the risk of diabetes. Eat vegetables, fruits, wholegrain bread, seafood, eggs, legumes and unsalted nuts. Also useful to lean meat and bird and skimmed milk.

Presentation on the topic "The influence of bad habits for the cardiovascular system" on biology in PowerPoint format. The presentation for schoolchildren is told about what consequences for the health of the human cardiovascular system are smoking, alcohol and drugs. Presentation by Konovalova Olga.

Fragments from the presentation

Influence of smoking on the heart

  • Smoking is a frequent cause of all cardiovascular heart diseases, which include atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, various types of arrhythmia, peripheral vascular diseases, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and aortic aneurysms.
  • We all know that the heart is the main body for the supply of blood and oxygen to the entire body. Carbon monoxide competes with oxygen to unite with hemoglobin and absorbed in the blood much faster than the last; Oxygen deficiency makes the heart work more intense.
  • So, the heart is forced to work in reinforced mode, for a better distribution of blood depleted oxygen over the tissues of the body. Smoking is responsible for the increased levels of fibrinogen, the protein of the resulting blood, as well as an increased amount of platelets, which causes blood to be stated in one place in the blood vessels.

Heart Alcohol Effect

  • Chronic alcohol abuse is the cause of cardiomyopathy. Alcoholic cardiomyopathy is more common in men. Symptoms of the disease are usually manifested in alcohol abuse for more than 10 years. A common primary clinical sign is shortness of breath, often coinciding with symptoms of heart failure.
  • Drinking can also complain about coughing, especially at night, and describe the beginning of a unpretentious "respiratory" disease as "influenza" - without any respiratory infection. As the disease progresses, patients quickly arise fatigue and complaints about pain in the chest in physical tension appear .. Heart failure leads to stagnation of blood in light, cardiac arrhythmia, systemic edema, anorexia and a sense of discomfort in the stomach.
  • Knowledge about the effect of alcohol on the coronary arteries of the heart deepen. The probability of developing myocardial infarction in alcoholics is higher, despite normal or minimally narrowed coronary arteries.
  • The influence of the heart of the heart often causes a violation of the heart rhythm, and then the death of a person or his disability, such a person is not able to operate in the future and carry out the physical burden, which does not quietly perform a person.

The influence of drugs on the cardiovascular system

  • The value of the heart and vessels everything is well known. These organs provide delivery in the tissue of all substances they need and remove from the "waste". Drugs contribute to the oppression of the vessels center, and as a result of this, a decrease in blood pressure and slowing the pulse.
  • For this reason, in the body of the drug addict, there is always a decrease in the functions of the cardiovascular system, the supply of cells with the substances necessary to them, as well as the "purification" of cells and tissues, is reduced. The functions of all cells weaken, they and the whole organism drag, as in deep old age. A drug addict can no longer develop enough effort, to cope with the usual work. Elder changes at a young age are not adding joys in life.

People experiencing addiction to strong alcoholic beverages rarely use them in moderation: if it's cognac - then much more "therapeutic" 50 grams per day, and they do not take beer at all to this "dangerous" category, often replacing them with clean water. Abuse of alcoholic beverages has a negative action on the cardiovascular system, undermining human health in general.

Negative impact on the cardiovascular system of alcohol

The adoption of alcohol is not only poorly reflected on the general health of a person - it has a destructive action on the cardiovascular system,mixing to work normally.

Alcohol, getting into the stomach, is almost instantly absorbed into the blood and is distributed throughout the body. The feeling of light ohmel, violation of the coordination of movements, the uncontrollability of speech occurs when the blood with alcohol reached the brain and other organs. At the same time, the effect of alcohol affects the cardiovascular system:

  • blood pressure increases (which is especially dangerous for the suffering hypertension);
  • the frequency of heart abbreviations increases;
  • normal blood circulation is disturbed;
  • the pulse frequency is increased along with a decrease in the rate of myocardial cut.

Under the action of this, the vascular walls lose their elasticity and gradually destroy. Worsening occur in the blood - the amount of red blood cells decreases; The remaining irregular shape (their edges are not rounded, but with jar). The surchased lump of red blood cells is a thrombus harhead.

Refinerality with alcohol provokes various diseases, such as:

  • coronary artery disease;
  • arrhythmia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • strokes;
  • premature lethal outcome.

Nicotine and its action on the cardiovascular system

Human cardiovascular system can be compared With a motor motor. But the "fuel" serves for it not gasoline and non-oil, but nutrients (together with vitamins and microelements) and oxygen obtained by a person from the environment.

Many believe that the nicotine itself does not cause harm at smoking, and the heavy resins allocated from cigarettes along with the smoke. In fact, the resin negatively act on the respiratory organs, and Nicotine is on the cardiovascular system and health in general.

The negative effect of nicotine is manifested as:

  • the fragility of vascular walls and myocardium increases, reduces their tone (the vessels become brittle, unable to withstand blood pressure);
  • spasms of various muscle groups appear, including cardiac;
  • there is a thrombocyte sticking, resulting in thrombosis;
  • adrenaline emission to blood increases - therefore the heart needs large volumes of oxygen than before;
  • the frequency of heart abbreviations increases (1 cigarette is + 8 ... 10 shocks to the usual pulse at rest, it leads to accelerated wear of the heart).

On the way to a healthy lifestyle and to preserve the cardiovascular system it is extremely important to find the strength and abandon the bad habits.


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