Law Moonshit. Self-rich law in Russia

Law Moonshit. Self-rich law in Russia

Is it possible to drive a moonshine? Undoubtedly, this question arose from everyone who decided to acquire a moonshine apparatus and cooking homemade alcohol. And recently, this idea is becoming increasingly popular, the economic situation has become an impetus to this. Many people remember the short-term Soviet Cinema Comedy "Moonshoes", from which it becomes clear that in the USSR, home blundering was pursued by law. There was a period when imprisonment was envisaged even because the houses was kept by a moonshine apparatus. However, nothing stopped by the citizens of the country of the Soviets, the moonshine chased by secretly simply did not particularly apply to their hobbies. What is the case in modern Russia?

Legislation and moonshop

Russia has a law on moonshine, which does not forbid to drive a moonshine for personal use, which cannot be said to sell individuals manufactured by individuals. It is impossible to sell a moonshine nor braga for him, because it contains a small amount of ethyl alcohol. In many stores, you can absolutely install a moonshine device, while you will not require any documents. The price of them starts from 5 thousand rubles, which is available to almost everyone.

However, in the event that you are an individual entrepreneur, the legislation provided for liability not only for the sale of alcohol, but also for its production. Activities for the production and sale of alcoholic beverages can be carried out only by legal entities, and their activities are regulated by federal law "On state regulation of production and a turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products". But it is not enough to register a legal entity to freely implement homemade alcohol, for this you will have to issue a lot of documents, to obtain a license and permissions.

Not so long ago, the State Duma of the Russian Federation considered the draft law in which fines for the manufacture of moonshine were provided. It is not known whether it will be accepted that changes and amendments will make when it happens, but it is assumed that only administrative penalties will be assumed. The need for such measures justify the threat of social stability in our country, especially in its separate regions.

Currently, there are no laws prohibiting the production of moonshine for personal purposes, and, according to experts, they are unlikely to appear in the near future.

Responsibility for moonshop at home

As long as the bill is adopted, prohibiting the moonshine and storage of self-made alcohol, the people continue to prepare it. This is due to the economic situation in the country: food prices are growing, while salary remains the same (and often they are cut down), respectively, the standard of living of citizens is reduced. In addition, a lot of fake alcohol appears, which is sometimes impossible to distinguish from the original drink even taste, not to mention that the usual person can do it visually. Cases of mass poisoning by counterfeit products are rapidly. In such a situation, the acquisition of a moonshine apparatus for the preparation of a natural and high-quality drink at home is not prohibited by law. Of course, it is possible to completely abandon the use of alcohol, but not many can imagine a feast, the arrival of guests and covered to the holiday table without a bottle of wine or drink.

So, if you decide to cook homemade alcohol, remember the main rule: to sell the product produced is prohibited by law. Such an occupation remains unfortunately as long as you cut a drink cooked at home in a family circle, treat the moonshine of friends or relatives. But as soon as you get money for the product produced from third parties, the hobby will become a crime.

Russia has always occupied the leading positions in the list of countries that consume a large amount of alcohol, not in vain Russians are called the firing nation itself. That is why the legislation constantly leads to moonshine, trying to solve this problem at the state level and reduce the consumption of alcohol people. At one time, the production of alcohol was monopoly and was in private hands, then she was given to the state. However, there was no sense from this. The people like drinking alcohol, and continued to do it. The production of wine-vodka products changed only the "dislocation": it went underground, it was legalized, that is, also adjusted to legislation.

What threatens the sale of moonshine

Responsibility for the sale of mogon, homemade wine and other alcoholic beverages without registration of a legal entity and obtaining resolving documents is provided for by the Codex of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses (Article 14.1).

The penalty ranges from 500 to 5,000 rubles, while all equipment for production, finished products and raw materials are confiscated.

The manufacture of alcoholic beverages for further sales and implementation is considered an administrative impairment, which is classified as "illegal entrepreneurship", "production, storage, transportation, either the sale of goods and products, work or provision of services that do not meet the security requirements." However, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and a number of other executions of criminal and administrative legislation, a penalty of up to 300 thousand rubles may make a penalty for such a crime. In addition, the punishment may be determined in the form of mandatory work for a period of 180-240 hours or administrative arrest for a period of 4-6 months. In the event that the alcohol sold will cause a fatal poisoning, it will be equated to the "causing death by negligence", and the guilty persons will be a sentence in the form of imprisonment from 4 to 10 years.

Thus, to prepare a moonshine at home and drink it yourself, everything else is impossible. Mark holidays in a circle of guests, loved ones and friends behind a glass of your branded drink is also not reborn. Trading with the same alcohol carries a major criminal liability, the law in this case is harsh, do not forget about it. Consider the fact that alcohol, like drugs, causes severe addiction, not in vain the Soviet power so fought with this vice. Now the times of democracy came, the pressure decreased, and people can afford to do what they were afraid and thought. Use this opportunity and freedom for good, and not to harm yourself.

Popularization of the Moonshine in Russia soldered for the period of the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

What liability is planned for the sale of mogon and is it possible to drive it at home

Even on the territory of the Kremlin, the first Kabach was opened, where he poured this drink completely free. But only personal guard of the king could try him.

28-12-2017, 12:24

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Soda in cocktails Contacts

Since the beginning of this year, regulatory acts came into force in Russia, which in the people already dubbed the "law on moonshine". Now the control of lovers to drive a homemade potion will be stricter. However, does this mean that the state decided to impose a full ban on the production of moonshine? Our permanent expert Roman Savichev, General Director of the SRV Legal Agency OJSC, which is recognized as one of the largest in Russia in Russia, according to the rating of the authoritative portal.

- Amendments, tougher responsibility for moonshivers, are made by deputies in Art. 14.17 Administrative Code and Federal Law No. 171 "On State Regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol ...", which was adopted back in 1995, - notes Roman Savichev. - innovations were required due to two acute problems. The first: the illegal turnover of the left alcohol produced by the handicraft method was significantly increased, including the so-called "garage dumbers", which, it is clear, negatively affects the addition of excise taxes. The second problem follows from the first: low-quality potion not only undermines the health of the nation, but also more often leads to a fatal outcome.

Moonshit from the point of view of the law of the Russian Federation

For examples, it is not necessary to go far: everyone else in the memory of the tragedy, which occurred in 2016 in Irkutsk, where 76 people died, having poisoned with alcohol-containing surrogates ...

With moonshine in our country, they always tried to fight, but without much success. In the 50s of the last century, it caught a fine in 100 rubles and public works. Then the punishment tightened, the moonshoes began to plant from 2 to 7 years, and often with confiscation of property.

It came to the point that some collective farms began to experience the lack of workers, so the draconian measures had to be abandoned. The next flourishing of moonshine fell to the Gorbachevsky "Dry Law" (1985), accompanied by cutting down vineyards. Since then, the state has learned a simple lesson: it is useless to fight with housekeerators. Let he be driven. But under one condition: in reasonable volumes and only for yourself. These requirements contain a new law.

So, a citizen is entitled without state registration to buy a moonshine apparatus or even a mini-alcohol with software control (they are in free sale) if the production capacity of the equipment does not exceed 200 decaliters, i.e. 2000 liters of alcohol per year. On average, approximately 5.5 liters of moonshine per day. If the power of the miracle apparatus is greater, it is subject to the mandatory state registration in Rosalkogol Regulation, where it is necessary to provide a solid package of different documents, then obtain a license, pre-creating a legal entity or IP (the physical products of the green squeeze on an industrial scale are prohibited). All these procedures take a lot of time and money. Does it need an ordinary moonshine?! By the way, if he tries to register his device with a capacity of more than 2000 liters, then it is most likely to be simply flawed. So you need to adhere to the allowed plank and in no case sell excess neighbors and even relatives. According to the new law, fines for violations are essential.

If a citizen find unregistered equipment for the production of moonshine (alcohol) with a capacity of more than 2000 liters, then it is fined by 3 - 5 thousand rubles, and the equipment is flawed. The official will pay for this violation from 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, and the legal entity will dinner from 100 thousand to 150 thousand.

Sale of alcohol by a citizen who is not a partner of an organization that has a license threatens him a fine of 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. For this, the violation of the IP will pay even more - from 100 thousand to 200 thousand rubles. If the police caught the moonshine on illegal activities several times, he will already be shining a criminal article (Art. 174 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, no one canceled Art. 171 Ukrf punishing the illegal entrepreneurship, which brought to the state or citizens of damage in large (2.25 million) or especially large (10 million) amounts. For this threatens a fine of 300 to 500 thousand rubles or a colony from six months to five years. And under Art. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Sales of low-quality products is punishable by a fine of 300 thousand or prison for 2 years.

And if people poisoned to the surrogate to death, then the guilty will sit for up to 10 years. In addition, it is impossible not to note the fact that the new law provides for a fine of 3 thousand to 5 thousand rubles simply for moving (even in the trunk of a personal car) of self-made alcohol in the amount of more than 10 liters per person.

We summarize: there is no official ban on dietary domestic needs. But get ready for the fact that once on the pressing of an offended neighbor, the precinct to try to try to prove that you drive alcohol for sale. So be legitimate. And just in case, remember that the policeman can inspect the residential premises, only having an appropriate court sanction.

It is interesting, here is another detail: in Russia, the moonshine for their own needs becomes its-figurative hobby for quite prosperous citizens, which, apparently, dissatisfied with the quality of officially produced alcohol. And this quality sometimes does not guarantee even a high price. And here is curious the experience of European countries, where there is an analogue of our moonshine (Rakia, Schnaps, etc.). In Austria, for example, it is enough to pay for the excise tax for the desired volume, and you will be given a device where the counter of the lithra produced is built. Vanished products are allowed to use and for sale. In Germany, a simplified licensing process - you can go with your Braga to legalized distillations. In general, the state is favorably not prohibited, and it is reasonable to control this process.

Roman Savichev

Andrei Vododchenko

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Law and Law

What is the sentence for the sale of moonshine

The authorities always try to keep a profitable business for the production of alcohol in their hands, arguing this guaranteed product quality and income into the treasury. It is good or bad to judge the reader, however I would like to be able to produce your alcohol, and not only, in small volumes not only for personal use, but also for sale, as kraftogue and exclusive alcohol. To do this, we discovered the laws of Russia and Ukraine and have tried to explore the legal issue on this topic. Result Read below ...

Responsibility for moonshop in Russia

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the moonshine and production of other alcoholic beverages for personal use is not prohibited. And even in 2002, the item "Responsibility for Moonshit" was excluded from the number of administrative offenses.

But the production of mogon and other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of marketing, it is necessary to license according to the law "On the state regulation of production and the turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products".

Violations of this law is regulated by Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. And responsibility is provided: a fine of 500 to 5,000 rubles with confiscation of raw materials, products and tools of production.

If the violation is classified as: "illegal entrepreneurship", "production, storage, transportation, either the sale of goods and products, performance of work or the provision of services that do not meet the requirements of security", then under the Law of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 171 and 238):

  1. The amount of the fine can reach 300,000 rubles.
  2. Correctional work may be prescribed at a time from 180 to 240 hours or arrest for a period of 4 to 6 months.
  3. If illegal activity led to the death of two and more persons, the perpetrators are punished in the form of imprisonment from 4 to 10 years.

Responsibility for moonshine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the production of mogon, even for personal purposes without financial benefits, punishable by law. According to Art. 176 Administrative Offenses Code, a penalty is from 3 to 10 non-taxable minimum income of citizens of Ukraine.

The acquisition of a moonshine and other alcoholic beverages of home generation entails the imposition of a fine of 17 to 85 hryvnia (Art. 177 of the CUAP).

Such a rigor and unwillingness of the authorities legalize homemade production of the moonshine is justified by the fact that due to this every year the state treasury is replenished by 1, and sometimes 2,000,000 dollars.

According to experts, in the coming years, the cancellation of punishment for the production of mogon in Ukraine is not foreseen. And Ukrainians will continue to drive mogon illegally, while in Russia there are enterprises that are engaged in the production and sale of moonshine.

A brief excursion in the history of moonshine

The emergence of moonshine in Europe and in Russia began the XVI century. If the Europeans reacted with interest to innovations and began experimenting, the Russian people treated it with caution.

Popularization of the Moonshine in Russia soldered for the period of the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Even on the territory of the Kremlin, the first Kabach was opened, where he poured this drink completely free. But only personal guard of the king could try him.

And already under Godunov began to open offended kabaki, and the spread of the mogon was beneficial, since this was replenished by treasury.

At the XIX century in Russia, there is a flourishing of moonshine in Russia and during this period it was possible to get a drink with a fortress of 96 degrees. But everything has changed after the formation of the Soviet Union. Stalin began the fight against homemade moonshine, and the fierce extermination of this area continued Khrushchev. Thus, for the manufacture of moonshine and moonshine apparatus, criminal liability was introduced - imprisonment from 6 to 7 years with confiscation of property, and for making without a commercial purpose - imprisonment from 1 to 2 years with confiscation of the apparatus and moonshine products.

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28-12-2017, 12:24

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Homemade Moonogon

Sale of alcoholic beverages is a highly profitable business that brings huge profits to everyone who is somehow connected with the sale of alcohol, ranging from manufacturers and ending with retail. Understanding the profitability of this business, many entrepreneurs, wanting to join this golden core, start selling moonshine.

To do this, they organize underground production, put several Moonshine, and finished products are delivered According to its retail points, the so-called "scaves", in which the domestic old women are engaged in the sale of moonshine by all those who suffer. But first things first.

How to sell moonshine

Log in this business now, most likely it will not even work with the owners of the impressive amount of starting capital, since all the roles in this business have long been distributed and the emergence of a new player is possible only as a manufacturer of alcoholic beverages.

  • But for this it will be required at least, to acquire a plant for the production of alcohol content. But even if this will become a reality, that is, you will acquire such a plant to make sales need or own retail network or vodka with excellent taste. But this can be broken.

So, how to get into this profitable niche?

Moonshine manufacture

There is an exit. Do the production of moonshine. Yes, yes, we all since childhood a friend, Mogon. And that's how. It is possible to implement the finished products under the guise of a spraying means, for example, potatoes or places for its landing (wells), selling moonshine in container dignity from 0.5 to 1.5 liters.

Moreover, recipes, that is, a lot of raw materials for the production of moonshine. For example, you can rat moonshine from wheat Or torn fruit, potatoes and ...

  • That is, this is a completely different way to legalize the sale of moonshine.

    The law on moonshine in Russia is driven without fears!

    In this case, it is not necessary to be in constant risk, be caught on the apartment at your retailer.

  • It's simple here, it is necessary to develop a formulation in accordance with the TK and that and to legally engage in moonshine, but only the final product is not called a moonshine, but by any other word or phrase.

For example, a means to prevent potatoes rot. Why not?

And most importantly, you will start legal production to all the right alcohol potions. Moreover, for its implementation, you will not have to pepper the retail merchants on your knees, so that they take your product to implement, and put it in the first row on the shelf (for this, as a rule, takes a separate fee).

  • In your case, retail will be somewhat different. Finished products can be implemented through shops and departments trading by economic goods, as well as goods for gilders. I think that they will be happy to cooperate with you, realizing that this product will never get closer on the shelf.

Of course, you will need to spend an advertising company, among potential consumers, providing them with advertising information in the form of leaflets and a free bottle with a moonshine, and do not forget to specify the place of implementation of this product on the advertising leaflet.

And if you are still still doing good moonshineI mean with various additives in the form of herbs, then such a drink will be in demand and more attractive to alcohol consumers.

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Fine for the sale of moonshine

Fine for the sale of moonshine

So, what kind of moonshine device is better to buy? Firstly, the one that provides maximum cleaning of alcohol and allows you to get drinks of various fortresses (ideally - from tinctures to alcohol-rectified). Only in the second place should be paid attention to various types of useful tools (like a alcoholometer or handles on a distilted Cuba) and a stylish design.

The classic Soviet comedian film "Moonshoes" ridiculed unlucky "entrepreneurs" who were engaged in illegal alcohol production. What to say, in the USSR for moonshit, it was possible to get a serious time. Many will be survived, however, in the modern administrative and criminal legislation of our country, the responsibility is also established, but not for production, and for the sale of self-made alcohol. Moonshine is considered an offense or a crime, depending on the scale of illegal activities, only if it is accompanied by the implementation.

Is the criminal punishment for the distillation of moonshine

The law provides for punishment under Article 271, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code for the illegal sale of alcohol. In fact, this is not responsibility for moonshop. For yourself, you can produce any amount of home alcohol of any quality, as well as consume this drink in any quantities. Here you are limited not to the articles of the Criminal Code, but only their own ideas about the norms of Pythia.

Moreover, the moonshine is still a popular hobby, especially among the rural population. Moonshine are purchased via the Internet, made by handicraft. Punishment In this case, only one thing: hangover. Responsibility for moonshop comes:

  • if the moonshine is made for sale. It is absolutely no matter, there is an implementation from under the floors, for example, fellow villagers know that you always have "there" and come to buy a bottle, or through the outlets on a preliminary conspiracy with the owner or seller;
  • if the hot drink is sold in particularly large sizes. The scale of such activities as moonshine is evaluated in national currency: income must be over 1.5 million rubles.

It is the amount of 1.5 million is a section between administrative and criminal liability. Moonshore and illegal sale of alcohol will fall under the harsh punishment of Article 171 after overcoming this threshold. Clause 1 of Article 171 provides for such a punishment for the moonshine (and the sale of homemade or manifold alcohol):

  • fine. The size of the fine for the moonshine can reach 300 thousand rubles or a 2-year average income of an unlucky manufacturer of a strong drink;
  • another punishment, which provides for an article for moonshine - correctional work that can last a considerable amount of time - up to 480 hours;
  • an even more severe punishment is imprisonment for a period of half a year.

Our nationality of the older generation will certainly remember the newspapers of their country, the Soviet Union, regularly acquainted readers with the next victory of the valiant militia over the "terrible evil", undermining from the inside the strong Soviet power, society and family - moonshine. The production and sale of mogon in Soviet Russia caught cruelly. Moonshine confiscated not only in simple collective farmers producing a "self-mounted" from grain, sugar beet, molasses or potato ice cream, but even at academics. Moreover, the ingenuity of the self-equipping intelligentsia was sometimes worthy of the Award of the exhibition VDHH. But no matter how hard the power tried, and the people "challenged", in spite of the penalties or even in prison terms.

Is there any responsibility in the Russian Federation now for moonshop? How serious is it and what are the nuances? We will try to figure out.

The origins of responsibility: why power always in history was against moonshine

The history of the production of vodka in Russia (and vodka in his real embodiment - nothing but the grain purified moonshine) is stretched from 1380. Yes, yes - from the year, in which there was a commemorative Kulikovsky battle on the river metently. But the battle of vodka has nothing to do, just this year the merchants for the first time brought the distillation product to our lands.

The novelty then did not take place, and only during the reign of John III in some monasteries (well, who would have thought) the production of distillates began. With the Son of John III - Vasily, the strength of strong alcohol began to stronger, "drive" learned and some landowners learned, but no one has yet planned to enter the responsibility for the production of moonshine.

And so, the king comes to power, although considered cruel tyrant, but not stupid, and made a lot to the Fatherland - John Vasilyevich IV Grozny. He first ordered to establish a distillery to meet the need for vodka for his faithful Ochrichnina, but very quickly realized that considerable funds occur. And then everything is expected - Grozny issues a decree that all the distillers go under the jurisdiction of the royal court, and punishment for the production of moonshine self-respect. And already the royal anger of Ivan the Terrible ...

So what's the deal? Yes, in the fact that the cost of one bottle of vodka, from those in the store there are 300-400 rubles, according to different estimates not higher than 30-50. It is not surprising that power at all times so jealously treated the monopoly on the production of strong alcohol.

How fought with a moonshine of the Bolsheviks

One of the amazing creations of the Soviet cinema, the film "Green van", in a somewhat ironic form, tells among other things about the fight against the moonshine in the post-revolutionary country of the Soviets. The Bolsheviks, having come to power in 1917, did not change the dry law introduced by the previous government, on the contrary, drunkenness, as the relic of the royal regime, was declared terrible evil. For the moonshop, the responsibility in the Russian Federation was at that time no worse, and even more frequently than with "Grozny" Ivan. For a detected moonshine apparatus, which translated extremely scarce products in the sidelines, the red brigadiers could easily be placed on the wall of anyone.

And what happened? And there was exactly the same thing that later in the States, during the action there is dry law: the flourishing of the moonshine mafia is unprecedented color, saturation of lightly with alcoholic matches.

And so, I had to go to the Bolsheviks. With the beginning of the NEP in 1923, the dry law was canceled, but the production of alcohol was taken under a rigid state monopoly. The article for the moonshop of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation envisaged to five years of the camps plus the confiscation of the entire property.

In the period of developed socialism

Society, building communism, and alcohol - conceptifications are definitely not compatible. But, despite all the consumers of state propaganda, the heroes of the epic picture of the "Moonshits" Russian people hardly perceived as negative. Rather, the opposite.

The country has flourished in the country of developed socialism and the production of mogon. Legislation Meanwhile, in relation to the manufacturers of "Pervcha" did not become loyal. Moonshoes could threaten up to 10 years of zone, naturally with confiscation.

And, nevertheless, at a certain period, the moonshine in the country of the Council managed if not to win, it is greatly loosen. How? Tightening measures? Not. Mass production of cheap alcoholic beverages. Better than any examples about the situation in the 80s will say the words of the songs that are drunk by the builders of communism.

"Jump I on the hook

Ruble twenty eight

How I want to catch

"Golden Autumn". "

(There was such a drink - a mixture of alcohol and a rearrangement apple juice, cost 1 r. 28 cop.).

But the situation with total drunkenness, in spite of the Dragon measures, or to saturate the market, cheap surrogates has already come out from under control. Alcohol consumption in recalculation of pure alcohol collapsed and exceeded the medium-stage 3-4 times.

Under what laws "go" the moonshine in the Russian Federation

Currently, the moonshine of the Russian Federation is experiencing if it can be expressed, another revival. The moonshine apparatus today can be purchased at least in the market, even in the store, at least using the services of Internet commerce.

Here is a list of legislative acts that coward, balbes and experienced, could encounter today:

  • Federal Law of 11/22/1995 No. 171-FZ (ed. From 06.29.2015) "On state regulation of production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcohol and alcohol-containing products and the restriction of consumption (drinking) of alcoholic beverages";
  • "Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" of December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ (ed. From 04/03/2017);
  • "Criminal Code of the Russian Federation" of 06/13/1996 No. 63-FZ (ed. From 04/03/2017).

For yourself loved

Without exaggeration, it can be said that now in terms of legislation, golden time has come for the Russian dizard. For the production of strong alcohol at home in the kitchen or in the country, no one will punish, it does not confiscate and will not "put to the wall".

However, it is necessary to make a reservation at once that the responsibility of the responsibility in the Russian Federation directly depends on the purpose of manufacturing homemade alcohol. None of the above documents forbids driving a moonshine for himself.

It can be safely calmly cooking, stored, to use in unlimited quantities, not forgetting the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, naturally, treat friends, put it on the table during family celebrations and holidays. And it is absolutely calm to do all this, the punishment for the moonshop for home consumption in our country is not provided by today's legislation.

Is it possible to earn

The answer is unequivocal: you can. But only theoretically. In order to legally produce a moonshine, sell it and make profits, you need to get a state license just. And the legislation of our no difference between the alcohol and small production does not. Not to mention that the cost of such a license will cost at least half a million rubles, a number of requirements, many of which simply be put on a dead end, will have to be performed. So, alas, it will not work out to legalize your wonderful apparatus and establish the legitimate production of moonshine. Responsibility in the Russian Federation for moonshine for the purpose of selling has been preserved.

By the way, yes, the federal law on the turnover of alcohol does not prohibit the chant of the moonshine for personal consumption, but the self-interest officer can be theoretically in theoretical and law enforcement agencies. Therefore, producing alcohol, it is necessary to be potentially ready for a conversation with government representatives.

So what threatens for trade and moonshine responsibility in the Russian Federation? 2016 has made some adjustments to the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses, and this document begins to work as soon as there is at least one proven episode of alcohol sale. So, for the very fact of production without a patent (and this patent, as written above, get in our country is simply unrealistic) the violator will pay from 500 to 2,000 rubles. The following will have to pay for trade without a license from two to eight thousand.

And if such a business decides any legal entity, the amount of the fine will grow to 200 thousand. It is necessary to say that in addition to the fine, the moonshrick will have to part with the apparatus, a braga and a finished product, it is natural, it is confiscated.

Can I plan

During some circumstances, the moonshine for the purpose of selling can be lost not only a fair amount of money, but also of their own freedom for a certain time. And although the special article for the moonshop of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is not envisaged, the other articles will help get to the lattice.

Article 171 of the Criminal Code. Firstly, the investigator may try to prove that as a result of the actions of the moonshifts harm to the state or specific persons (for example, the moonshine was sold under the guise of the Scottish Whiskey for the N-number). Material damage exceeding 2,250 thousand rubles is considered large, and more than 10 million are particularly large. Punishment can follow, both in the form of a fine from 0.3 to half a million rubles, and in the form of a criminal term from six months to 5 years.

And if the consequences are more serious

The most terrible for the seller of the self-made preparation from what can happen - buyers poisoning. The article for the moonshop of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation of 2016 is already engaging, and more precisely the article for the implementation of poor-quality products.

Pay a state in the form of a fine will have 300,000 rubles. In addition, the claim for repayment of possible damage has the right to present the victim (victims), and its size will depend only on the skill of lawyers. In addition to the material costs of the violator, a real prison period of 2 years can expect, although, if lucky, it will be possible to get rid of 360 hours of public works.

And finally, the most terrible - death as a result of alcohol consumption. Up to 10 years in prison, compensation to relatives, 60 months of work.

Hence the conclusion, you can drive a moonshine, but only for yourself, for the organization of friendly gatherings, it is for God's sake. But "indulging" with the sale, try to earn it - herself is more expensive. After all, if the fact of the purchase of a moonshine is proved by his subsequent use, who will be able to understand, from which a person specifically died, from the quality of the drink or from a drinking quantity.

Yes, the sale of Moonogon did not leave anywhere, and, I must say, a good malt or grain moonshine, prepared for all the rules, on a good apparatus, made for two sublims and purified will give a hundred points of the shape of shopping vodka of the average price segment. But they sell a moonshine more often by their proven to customers and very carefully.

Our neighbors

This is the responsibility of the responsibility in the Russian Federation. And how are the Slavs' Mother skins in the countries nearest to us come from the former USSR?

Ukrainian moonshine or "gorilka", according to statistics, consume as much as 50-60% of Ukrainians. Especially developed moonshine, oddly enough, not in the villages, but in small towns, where the population is more dense, but with the work of tight. In general, the legislation refers to the manufacturers of the Ukrainian gorilla, as well as to the Russian Moonshinger. But there is a small feature. The fact is that the manufacturing for sale, storage, transportation and, actually, sale of excisable goods is punishable. But the operations for the production of moonshine are not excisable.

Maximen as possible, law enforcement officers can "scare" - this is a fine of 50 to 150 hryvnia. It is clear that the manufacturers of the Pervcha to such a punishment are with an ironic smile.

The most disturbing life of the moonshine under the wing of the Belarusian president. Even the production of moonshine in the Republic of Belarus illegally. The manufacture of alcoholic beverages will cost Belarusus, if "granted", for the first time in 105 Belarusian rubles (this is about 3,500 Russian). And I will not understand the first time, it will come again during the year, lay out already will have to 630 rubles. In national currency (21 thousand Russian). The same responsibility will incur a moonshinger and for the first time if it will be detected by more than 5 liters of the finished drink.

It is necessary to say that the Moonshine is in Belarus, however, they drive. Every year, in the islands in the middle of the heads of the Polessian swamps, the police finds and destroys to a dozen mini moonshine bodies. Partizing - our neighbors in the blood.

As far as we are unique in love for moonshine

Moonshine is boiled in America. But there the attitude towards this drink is somewhat different. The authorities of most developed countries have long ceased to consider revenues from the sale and production of alcohol as a source of budget replenishment. Register, prove that you are not poisoning and that America is the most important and sacred, - pay taxes. Thousands of tiny mini-bodies for the production of moonshine are located across the country. Drink is bottled and perfectly implemented perfectly.

In different countries of the European Union and the attitude towards moonshine are different. In Poland, like U \\ can not even for yourself, but in a neighbor - Lithuania, buy a license, drive, sell, not forgetting to pay taxes.

And there is in the world and extremes, especially in countries where official religion is Islam. There for production, and even for the use of alcohol, no matter what fortress, you can also pay life.

Manufacturing or storage without the purpose of selling strong alcoholic beverages of home generation, production or storage without the purpose of the sale of devices for their production was punished with a fine of 100 to 300 rubles. These actions performed were repeatedly punished with imprisonment for a period of three to five years with confiscation of property. (The Criminal Code of the RSFSR of October 27, 1960, has lost its strength from January 1, 1997)

Legal reasons for the production and sale of moonshine

But everything changes. From July 1, 2015 in Russia, it is possible to legally produce and sell moonshine, whiskey and other grain distillates.

The popularity of mogon in Russia can be judged by the name of the 1985 anti-alcohol campaign

"On measures to overcome drunkenness and alcoholism, the eradication of moonshine"
Before the appearance of a new GOST in Russia, only rectifieds and distillates based on grapes were produced.

How legitimate is such actions, let's try to figure it out. Remember the famous movie "Moonshoes"?

Visual agitation, claiming that the moonshine for himself, friends-comrades, and even more so for sale, it is bad and criminally punishable. Waking up a moonshine seriously, risk getting a fine or a real time. The current Federal Law of the Russian Federation FZ No. 171 of 11/22/1995 is considered the main regulatory document governing the production and turnover of alcohol-containing and alcoholic beverages, does not contain a direct ban on a private home-rope of the house.

Cook moonshine in Russia is legally!

For the sale of Mogon, it was possible to get a period of 3 years in prison with confiscation of property.

In the 1980s, officials began to understand that it is almost impossible to eradicate moonshine, because it is one of the folk traditions. Criminal liability was replaced by significant administrative fines. After the collapse of the USSR, the state monopoly on the production and sale of alcoholic beverages disappeared, therefore, the need for fines for the production of moonshine was not necessary.

Cancellation of fines contributed to the development of moonshine.

In Russia, for the implementation of Moonogon to private owners faces a fine

Moreover, the fines for the last offense (500-2000 rubles) are "too low and are not a deterrent", notes the publication of the Russian newspaper. To date, the country has recorded the growth of illegal turnover of alcohol. The moonshine drink is traded in garages, entrances and even from the windows of apartments on the first floor.

Sell \u200b\u200bmoonshine, as a rule, at night.

"This bill is aimed at protecting the rights and health of citizens, ensuring the safety of alcohol products.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law, in accordance with which two new articles are added to the Criminal Code, which establish punishments for illegal production and the turnover of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages, as well as the illegal retail sale of alcoholic beverages.

The document, in particular, provides for an introduction to the Criminal Code of the article, in accordance with which the illegal retail sale of alcoholic beverages will be informed or a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles. Or correctional work for up to one year.

Another newly entered in the Criminal Code (Art.

171.3) allocates in a separate type of crime illegal production (storage, transportation, etc.

d.) Ethyl alcohol and alcoholic beverages in large scale. Until now, those responsible in such crimes were condemned under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code, however, when attracting the new article, the amount of fines will increase several times.

Luxury alcohol

Luxury alcohol



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