Department of electronic computing machines. Department of Computer Engineering Major Taught Disciplines

Department of electronic computing machines. Department of Computer Engineering Major Taught Disciplines

Management of the Department

Head of the Department WT, D.T., Professor

Deputy Head of Department of Accounting, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Deputy Head of the Department of Science, Ph.D., Associate Professor

1. The history of creation. Directions and specialty training. Groups.

Since 2011, the Department has been receiving in the direction "Informatics and Computing Technology" (230100), profile "Automated Design Systems", annually gaining one group with the number A-6. Bachelors are prepared by the specified profile, masters are trained in the program with the same name.

In 1951, the MEI creates a specialty "Mathematical and countable decisive devices and devices". In the same year, the first issue of engineers was held, since the relevant training was already under the specialty "Automation of Telemechanics". Then, in 1951, the Department "Accounting Devices and Devices" was created - the ancestor of the department of computing equipment (W). Her head became Grigory Mitrofanovich Zhdanov (1898-1967. It must be said that at that time it was one of the first departments in the USSR, which began training engineers-calculators.

In 1955, the United Department of Automation, Telemechanics and Mathematical Cars was organized, and in 1958, the Department of WW was allocated, which until 1967 hesitantly led its founder - G.M. Zhdanov. He was engaged in the subject of computing machines since 1937, in 1956 the Publishing House Gorthhteorizdat issued his textbook "Mathematical Machines and Continuing Devices".

G.M. Zhdanov understood well that for future specialists in computing equipment requires in-depth preparation for mathematical and software, circuitry and design of computers. Therefore, since the foundation of the TW department and later, leading scientists and specialists were attracted to the teaching: S.A. Lebedev, MA Kartsev, P.I. Whales, N.Ya. Matyuhin, B.I. Rameev, I.M. Tetelbaum and others. Some of them, for example, N.Ya. Matyukhin and MA Kartsev, were graduates of the Radiotechnical Faculty of MEI.

A huge role in the establishment and development of the school of computing equipment MEI is owned by Academician Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev (1902-1974).

In 1945 S.A. Lebedev created the first electronic analog computing machine in the country to solve systems of ordinary differential equations, which are often found in the tasks of energy. Sergey Alekseevich's activities have always been closely connected with MEI. For a fairly long, he worked at the Department of Relay Protection and Automation of Energy Systems, in the 50s he read the lecture course "Computing Machines of Discrete Action".

In the first issue of MEI, the computing engineers in 1951 were V.A. Melnikov and V.S. Burtsev.

Vladimir Andreevich Melnikov (1928-1993) began his work journey, while still a student of the MEI, in ITM and W Academy of Sciences of the USSR under the leadership of Academician S. A. Lebedev. In 1986 V.A. Melnikov was elected a real member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the branch of mathematics.

Big and fruitful work V.A. Melnikova was marked by the high award-winning of Lenin, two orders of the working red banner and medals. V.A. Melnikov - twice winner of state premiums (1969 and 1980), winner of the awards them. S.A. Lebedeva Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Academician RAS Vsevolod Sergeevich Burtsev (1927-2005) was the largest specialist in the field of creating high-performance computing machines and complexes. Vsevolod Sergeevich Burtsev was awarded Lenin and state awards, awarded the orders of Lenin, the October Revolution, a working red banner and medals. For the cycle of works "Theory and practice of creating high-performance multiprocessor computing machines", he was awarded the Ants of the USSR Academy of Sciences. S.A. Lebedev.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Ivanovich Metropolsky is a graduate of the Department of Computational Mai of 1958. Even before the end of the Moscow Energy Institute, Vsevolod Sergeevich began scientific and engineering activities in ITM and W under the leadership of Academician S.A. Lebedeva. The topic of his graduation work was the management system of the BESM of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Already on the graduation design, he became one of the leading developers.

The chronology of computing equipment in MEI is considered to be 1951, when the specialty "Mathematical and counting devices and devices" was opened and the first release of computer engineers was held (VP-1-45 group). At the origins of the creation of the computational direction in MEI stood energetic and talented people.

Working in Kiev at the Institute of Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, S.A. Lebedev came to Moscow weekly and lectured in MEI. Such a regime lasted a year and a half, then the discipline "Discrete Machines" discipline began to lead Anatoly Georgievich Shigin (1922-1997). He did a lot to create a laboratory base, and in 1952 he defended one of the first in the USSR of candidate dissertations on the creation of computer devices.

Studies in the field of computing equipment in MEI from the beginning of the 50s of the last century begin to develop dynamically.

In 1953, the preparation of graduate students on the relevant specialties is organized. In 1957, the MassO "Ural-1" computer produced in the country is purchased. The rapid increase in the amount of applications led to the need to acquire several more machines and to the creation of a new unit in 1958 - the MEI computing center. Since 1965, the TW Department, along with computer engineers, begins the release of specialists in applied mathematics.

From 1967 to 1982, the TW Department was headed by Yuri Matveyevich Shamayev (1922-1998). With his arrival at the department, research begins related to the design of memory devices.

In the 60s - 70s, a scientific group of A.G Shigigin was one of the largest in the department at the TW department.

At the initiative of Yu.M. In 1971, Shamaeva in 1971, the department of the WTO begins to prepare engineers for the design and production of electronic computing equipment. In 1976, the Department of Applied Mathematics (PM) was created on the basis of the mathematical support department. In the early 80s, part of the staff of the TW department was transferred to the reorganized department of system equipment (subsequently called the Department of Computing Machines, Systems and Networks - WMSS).

From 1982 to 1996, the TW department was led by Gram Semenovich Chkhartishvili, and since 1996, the head of the department is Toporkov Viktor Vasilyevich.

The department preparations of bachelors, masters and specialists in the directions of Bachelor, 230100 * Informatics and computers, Master, 230100 * Informatics and computing equipment, specialist, 230104 * Automated design systems. Graduates of the TW Department, thanks to the fundamental training in the field of hardware and software, can:

  • develop, accompany, operate applied and system programs;
  • develop, configure, modify electronic computing equipment, including technical means of modern CAD;
  • use modern large CAD and develop algorithms based on the design methods, accompanying complex high-tech products and products in various fields.

Our students are mastering the real software systems of the automated circuitry, high-level logical, machine-building and joint design of programs and equipment.

The department is equipped with modern computers and workstations. Preparation is carried out on the basis of advanced SAD samples of leading global companies.

The department has 24 teachers, including 5 professors and 16 associate professors.

The department recruits one group annually.

2. Basic lectures, read by the department.

CAD disciplines:

  • Models and methods for analyzing design solutions, Development of CAD;
  • Computer graphics, graphic systems;
  • Graphic programming;
  • Geometric modeling in CAD;
  • Modeling;
  • Imitation modeling of discrete systems, models of discrete processes in CAD;
  • Intelligent subsystems in CAD;
  • Automation of the design of dynamic systems;
  • Optimization methods, theory of decision making;
  • Automation of design and technological design;
  • Industrial logistics.

Technical and software CAD:

  • Design databases, object-oriented technologies, databases;
  • Network computer and telecommunications, network technologies;
  • Automation of the design of digital devices;
  • Linguistic and SAD software;
  • OS;
  • Methods and means of protecting computer security.

Commonwealth disciplines:

  • ECM circuitry;
  • Functional nodes and processors, microprocessor systems;
  • Design processors for SBSS.

3. Communication of the Department and Places of Work of Graduates.

  • the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna)
  • European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN)
  • Intel.
  • Lab Tima, Grenoble, France
  • FSUE "NII" Kvant "
  • Interdepartmental supercomputer center
  • PTC.
  • Enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

4. A brief list of scientific works.

Toporkov V.V. Streaming and greedy algorithms of coordinated allocation of resources in distributed systems // News of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Theory and control systems. 2007. No. 2. P. 109-119.

Rybakov R.A. Specification of distributed real-time control systems within an automatic approach // Information technologies. 2007. No. 6. P. 37-41.

Zhao Junzay, Sharapov A.P. Development and hardware implementation of the void filling algorithm for building a three-dimensional image on irregular sections // Bulletin MEI. 2007. № 5. P. 102-108.

Kurdin V.A., Sharapov A.P. Positioning subscribers in DECT microcer systems. INFORMPORIER-COMMUNICATION, 2007. No. 11. 4 p.

Loginov V.A., Antonov D.Yu., Komlev O.S. Accuracy of image crossing algorithms in remote sensing systems // Information technologies. 2007. No. 7. P. 7-10.

Toporkov V.V. Multi-level strategies for agreed resource allocation in distributed calculations with control periods // Automation and telemechanics. 2007. No. 12. P. 131-146.

Toporkov V. Multicriteria ScheduTuling Strategies in Scalable Computing Systems // Proc. Of the 9th int. Conf. ON PARALLEL COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES, PACT 2007. LNCS. Vol. 4671. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2007. P. 313-317.

V.V. Toporkov. DataFlow Analysis of Distributed Programs Using Generalized Marked Nets // Proc. Of the int. Conf. ON DEPENDABILITY OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS, DEPCOS-RELCOMEX'07. IEEE CS. 2007. P. 73-80.

Toporkov V.V., Kolischev A.S., Bobchenkov A.V., Rychkova P.V. Draft metaplacker: Generation of distributed processing scenarios // "Scientific service on the Internet: a multi-core computer world. 15 years of the RFFI: Proceedings of the All-Russian Science Conference (September 24-29, 2007 Novorossiysk). - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosova, 2007. P. 27-30.

Fomina M.V. Methods of recognition of objects in the presence of noise in data arrays // Bulletin MEI. 2008. No. 5. P.75-81.

Toporkov v.V., tselishchev a.s. Safety Strategies of ScheduTuling and Resource Co-Allocation in Distributed Computing // Proc. Of the int. Conf. ON DEPENDABILITY OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS, DEPCOS-RELCOMEX'08. IEEE CS. 2008. P. 152-159.

Vagin v.N., Fomina M.V. Kulikov A.V. The Problem of Object Recognition In The Presence of Noise In Original Data // Tenth Scandinavian Conference On Artificial Intelligence Scai 2008, IOS Press. P. 60-67.

Toporkov V.V. Support plans of agreed resource allocation when organizing distributed calculations on scalable systems // Programming. 2008. No. 3. P. 50-64.

Vagin V.N., Golovina E.Yu., Zaganianna A.A., Fomin M.V. Reliable and plausible conclusion in intelligent systems / ed. V.N. Vagina, D.A. Pospelova. - 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Fizmatlit, 2008. - 712 p.

Kulikov A.V., Fomina M.V. The generalization algorithms in the presence of noise in the source data // Eleventh National Conference on Artificial Intelligence with International Participation (KII 2008, September 28 - October 3, 2008, Dubna, Russia): Conference Works. T. 2. M.: Lenand, 2008. P. 148-156.

Kulikov A.V., Fomina M.V. Methods of recognition of objects in the presence of noise in the original data // Proceedings of international scientific and technological conferences "Intellectual systems (AIS'08)" and "Intellectual CAD (CAD-2008)". Scientific publication in 4 volumes. M: Fizmatlit, 2008 Tom 1. P. 361-369.

Toporkov V.V. Strategies for agreed planning and allocating computing resources in distributed media // Works of the fourth international. conf. "Parallel calculations and management tasks" PACO'2008. MOSCOW, October 27-29, 2008 In-t of the problems of management of the Russian Academy of Sciences. M.: IPA RAS, 2008. 11 s.

Toporkov V.V., Toporkova A.S. Hierarchical strategies for allocating distributed resources // Tr. Intern. Scientific and technical conf. "Intellectual Systems (AIS'07)" and "Intellectual CAPR" (CAD-2007). M.: Publishing House "Fizmatlit", 2007, T3. 9 s.

Yermolov A.A., Fomina M.V. Overview and comparison of methods for training Bayes networks to solve the task of classifying objects // Tr. Intern. Scientific and technical conf. "Intellectual Systems (AIS'07)" and "Intellectual CAPR" (CAD-2007). M.: Publishing House "Fizmatlit", 2007, vol. P. 32-41.

Kulikov A.V., Fomina M.V. Algorithm of generalization for data processing with "noise" // Tr. Intern. Scientific and technical conf. "Intellectual Systems (AIS'07)" and "Intellectual CAPR" (CAD-2007). M.: Publishing House "Fizmatlit", 2007, vol. P. 326-334.

5. Tutorials and textbooks.

Toporkov V.V. Models of distributed computing. M.: Fizmatlit. 2004. 320 p.

Toporkov V.V. behavioral analysis of systems. M.: Publishing house MEI. 2001.

Potemkin I.S. Functional nodes of digital automation. M.: Energoatomizdat. 1988.

Ognev I.V., Shamaev Yu.M. Design storage devices. M.: Higher School. 1979.

Pospelov D.A. Introduction to the theory of computing systems. M.: OV. radio. 1972.

Reliable and plausible conclusion in intellectual systems (in collaboration with the staff of the department of WT and PM MEI (TU)). M.: Fizmatlit. 2004.

To the term project

At the rate: "Computing systems of the system and network".

On the topic: "Block of reception and processing packets of the LAN adapter".

Performed: Checked:

art. c. 350505 Lamovsky D.V.

Socialist Republic V.V.

Minsk 2007.

Task project

Develop a block of receiving and processing the packets of the adapter (controller) LAN (local computing network).

Initial data:

Introduction five

    Development of a structural scheme. eight

    Development of a functional scheme. 12

    Selection, justification and description of the element base. fourteen

    Development of a schematic diagram. 23.

Conclusion. 24.

Literature. 25.


Local networks of personal computers appeared in our country relatively recently and quickly won popularity. It turned out that combining computers into a single network gives great opportunities incomparable with simple transmission of files from one computer to another.

In addition to transferring files, local networks allow you to organize the sharing of expensive equipment, as well as distributed data processing on multiple computers. This gives considerable cash savings.

Another expensive resource of computing systems is disk memory. On the local network you can organize collective access to disks of one or more computers. On the disk of almost each computer installed the MS-DOS utility or the Windows operating system, some text processor, Norton utilities, reference databases, etc. You have no need to store all these programs on all disks of all computers connected to the network. Instead, you can organize a joint use of one copy of these software, located only on one computer. Discs of other computers can be released to solve problems specific to users of these computers.

It may turn out that some computers may not have discs at all, nor tough, nor flexible! The operating system can be loaded from the network from another computer, data for processing can be entered from the keyboard or disks of another computer and after processing this data will be recorded again to the disk of another computer!

Another example of collective use of the device in the network is a joint work of several users with one modem. A good modem is a big money, so in our case it is hardly worth buying ten modems when you can use one.

You can organize distributed data processing. For example, if there is a large database, it can be located on one powerful computer. You can organize access to this database from other computers connected to the network. In this case, the sample and pre-processing of data will be performed by a powerful machine, and the final processing and presentation of data is less powerful and less expensive personal computers.

Centralized database storage has also the advantage that the maintenance process is facilitated, ensuring the database integrity and the organization of archiving and backing up information. Combining centralized storage and distributed information processing can significantly increase the efficiency of the system as a whole and reduce its value.

For the organization of LAN, appropriate structure-forming equipment and software is required.

Structuring equipment can be divided into two groups:

the first group includes funds by which workstations and other means are connected to the data transmission channel. These funds are network adapters, modems.

the second group includes means carrying out the connection of network segments among themselves, subnets between themselves, etc. This includes repeaters, switches, hubs, bridges, routers, gateways.

The network adapter is designed to pair workstations with data transmission channel. It makes frame formation, monocanal access control, physical pairing of the output of the workstation with the physical data transmission medium.

Research Institute in the field of information technology, computing equipment and microelectronics.

The Department of Electronic Computing Machines FRTK was created in MIPT founder of domestic computing equipment - Academician Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev in 1952.

The head of the department in different years were academicians S.A. Lebedev, V.S.burssev, corresponding member. G.G. Labov, Ph.D. S.V. Kalin. Currently, the Department is headed by DF-m.n., Prof.A.V. Knyazev.

In different years, the teachers of the department were:

  • academicians V.S.Bes., V.A. Melnikov,
  • correspondent member RAS B.A. Babayan, L.N. Korolev, G.G. Labov,
  • doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.A. Abramov, D. Bodshivalov,
  • doctors Technical Sciences V.V. Bardyzh, A.A. Novikov, A.L.Plotkin, Yu.S. Ryabtsev, V.F. Tyurin, V.M. Pentkovsky, V.I. Perekatov and other leading specialists ITM and W

The first release of the EMM departments took place in 1957. From 1957 The department conducted 55 issues of students. Over 400 people have been released. Among them were outstanding scientists and designers - academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences by V.S.Bes., V.P. Revannikov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences B.A. Babayan; Doctors Technical Sciences A.A. Novikov, V.M. Pentkovsky, Yu.Kh.Sakhin, Yu.S. Maibtsev.

  • Graduates of the Department: V.S. Babayan, Yu.S. Maibtsev became laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.
  • Laureates of the Lenin Prize of the USSR - A.A. Novikov, Yu.Kh. Sakhin.
  • Laureates of the USSR State Prize - V.P.Ivannikov, V.M. Pentkovsky, G.Grishakov, I.K. Khailov, V.S.Chekhlov, V.Y. Gorstenstein.

Outstanding achievements of past years are the development of domestic high-performance computers (BESM, Elbrus), specialized management machines (quite in detail this is written on), as well as modern developments of the Institute specialists, such as:

  • digital automatic control system of modern power plants;
  • specialized modular system for processing high-speed information flows;
  • special exchanger radar processor for navigation seaside systems;
  • special development in the field of information security, etc.

They represent a significant contribution to the development of domestic digital computing technology.

It offers the following specialty: 230101 "Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks"

(This information is relevant for 2007)

The specialty provides for obtaining the required volume of knowledge on the operation of equipment on semiconductor elements. These knowledge is replenished with the study of the work of microcircuits, microprocessors in subsequent courses of circuitry, microprocessors and microprocessor systems.

In combination with courses associated with the construction of automata, the EUM organization, students at the necessary professional level are mastering the hardware ("iron") of the construction of computer, computing complexes and networks.

Along with e-courses, students in this specialty are held a full cycle of deep study of programming in high-level languages \u200b\u200band in the assembler language, which requires knowledge of both software and hardware. Modern interpretation of operating systems also requires students to prepare both in the field of electronics and programming. Operating systems, databases, programming technology, network software, etc. ensure the fundamental training of students on program disciplines. Such preparation allows students to master such special disciplines as the design of digital technical means on microcontrollers, programmable logical integrated circuits (PLITS), microevm components of modern technology.

Therefore, students in this specialty are indispensable in the areas where the combination of knowledge of electronics and programming - telecommunication systems, information protection, telecommunications, designers of application technical devices, such as security alarms, information and measuring systems.

Fundamental training on technologies for the construction of computer and telecommunication networks, optimization of structures, decision-making, artificial intelligence allow graduates of this specialty to work successfully in the organization for the design of intellectual systems.

Extensive demand for graduates of the specialty is observed by numerous firms and organizations equipped with computing centers, local networks, PC PARK, because Knowledge of software and hardware construction of WP allows graduates of the specialty to configure not only the PC software, but also to repair their repair, modification, establish local networks in enterprises, match them with urban and regional communication networks and telecommunications.

Educational disciplines:

  • Algorithmic languages \u200b\u200band programming
  • Computer science
  • Database
  • Machine-oriented languages
  • Basics of management theory
  • Electronics
  • OS
  • Optimization methods
  • Basics of broadcast
  • Automatic theory
  • Theory and decision-making methods
  • Reliability of computer and systems
  • System modeling
  • Schemery EUM.
  • Elements and nodes of telecommunication devices
  • Organization of ECM and Systems
  • System software
  • Protection of information in computer networks
  • Network computer and telecommunications
  • Microprocessor systems
  • Computer Systems and Network Software
  • Design and technological support of computer production
  • Operation of computer
  • Peripherals
  • Programming technology
  • Methods and means of information protection
  • Telecoma's theory
  • Technique microprocessor systems in switching
  • Specproughstrators
  • Modern methods of designing information technology
  • Failure tolerance of information systems
  • History and methodology of research research

I would like to note that the phrase "ONM one iron" is a myth. Here are engaged not only by iron, but also networks, protection of information and, which is also very promising, parallel computing.

History of the Department:

The Department of "EUM and Systems" was formed in 1989. The first head of the department is a doctor of technical sciences, Professor Evgeny Ivanovich Dukhnich. Since 1999, the Department has been headed by Dr. Technical Sciences Viktor Sergeevich Lukyanov.

The subject of professional activities of graduates are: development, operation of computing equipment, local and corporate computer networks, maintenance and administration of information systems and networks.

Scientific developments of the department are associated with two directions. One of them is devoted to the creation of high-performance specialized processors, and the second - synthesis of communication networks for information transmission. The first leaders the doctor of Science E. I. Dukhnich, the second - Dr. Science V. S. Lukyanov. As part of these areas, graduate students of the Department are preparing. For the period from 1989, 17 candidate dissertations were defended.

Scientific areas:

  • Creating high-performance computers, complexes, networks.
  • Development of means of protection in networks with certifying centers.

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