Dead souls are the essence of the creation. The main theme of the creation is dead souls

Dead souls are the essence of the creation. The main theme of the creation is dead souls

Sense, name that freedom of the genre poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"



1 Main part

1.1 Call Sense "Dead Souls"

1.2 Viznachennya N.V. Gogol to the genre of "Dead Souls"

1.3 The genre of freedom to eat "Dead souls"

2 Drawings from the genre of "Dead Souls"




"Dead Souls" - the genial tvir of Mikoli Vasilovich Gogol. Himself on the new Gogol laid his head on hope.

"Dead souls" - we eat. History її її ї The first volume was published in 1835 - 1841 and published in 1842. Above another volume, the writer pratsyuvav from 1840 - 1852 rocky. In 1845, he burned the finished text more stubbornly. Before 1851, he finished a new version of the volume - and burned the 11th cruel 1852, not too early to death.

"Dead Souls" were tightly tied to Pushkin’s imes, and they were tied together. Pushkin giving Gogol the plot of "Dead Souls". Gogol told about the story in "Author's Spovid": "Pushkin saw me his own powerful plot, because of what it was that we wanted to play it on the screen, and who, behind the words of Yogo, didn’t tell bi. That is just the story of "Dead Souls".

Unzabarom Gogol, having read Pushkina the first chapters to eat. Vin himself told me about it: “If I read Pushkin's first chapter from“ Dead Souls ”at that viglyadi, like the stench of bully earlier, then Pushkin, who started laughing at my reading (who won’t read the first chapter of“ Dead Souls ”), ... and frowning, and becoming weary, we’ll frown. If the reading was over, he said in a tight voice: "God, how is our Russia sumna." Me tse zdivuvalo. Pushkin, who knew Russia so well, without remembering that it’s a caricature and my own vigad! Here I am bumping, which means on the right, taken from the soul, and the soulful truth, and in what can be squeamish for people, there is a temryava and a lyakє visibility of light. In that hour, I already thought about those who could help those heavy enemies, as they could celebrate "Dead Souls".

Smells: Gogol at "Dead Souls" whispered to him again and again, so that the opening of the picture didn’t bother the people, but gave hope.

Ale de f is light in yogo pictures? To be built, if it’s win and є, then it’s deprived of the lyrical access steps - about the endless road, about the road trip, about Russia, how to rush, like “zhvava is not a triyka”. So it’s like that, alas, it’s been noted for a long time, that it’s not the man who’s on the road, yak Chichikov, and it’s not enough in his head that people are overcome by the lyrical pathos of the world ...

We sing "Dead Souls" - a lot of lights, deeds, landscapes, inter'yri, people of good faith, as fantastic; destroy the image of one pole in your testimony - from the same, you create; sprouts between the poles and turns gogolivske staging until Russia, until the last day, today and maybutny.

Also, who would the senses eat? Why would Gogol call "Dead Souls" I sing? Yak tse rosumiti?

Meta tsiogo doslіdzhennya - z'yasuvati, for whom the sense is called "Dead Souls" that will explain the special features of the genre of the work.

For all, you need to know the following:

1. Creatively vivchiti poem "Dead souls".

2. Smell the thought of M. U. Gogol about the story.

3. Look at critical materials about the poem "Dead souls".

1 Main part

1.1 Call Sense "Dead Souls"

The name "Dead souls" is very meaningful, which gave rise to a temperament of reading health, science superchannels and special doslіdzhen.

The word "dead souls" sounded wonderful in the 1840s, and it was immaculate. F. I. Buslaiv rozpov_v in his spogadah, but if “I’ll first feel the riddles of the name of the book, then a handful of names, like a fantastic novel, or go to the screen“ Via ”. Really, the name of the Bula is unprecedented: the soul of the people entered into the immortal, and the rapt dead souls!

"Dead souls", - wrote A. І. Herzen, it’s the name to carry around in the crowd of fear. ” The feud, name it as it was, wasn’t a male hangman before Gogol in the literature and didn’t see much of it. Navit the famous Russian, for example, the professor of the Moscow University M.P. Pogodin, did not know him. Vin wrote to Gogol from the drums: “There are no Russian dead souls. "Souls of revizski, attributed, killed, pributkov". Weather, picking up old-time manuscripts, a sign of historical documents and Russian language, writing to Gogol and asking for information about it. It is true that the whole system is not designed either in ordinance acts, or in laws and other official documents, or in science, predictions, memoirs, artistic literature. M. I. Mikhelson at Bagato has evolved into for example XIX the capital of the selected krylate viraziv of the Russian language to induce the words "dead souls" and to rob the deprived of their will on the words of Gogol! Mykhelson did not know any of the other butts from the magnificent literary and vocabulary material that he looked at.

If there would be no turns, the main features of the name can be known only in the food itself; here, in the skin, at home, the word nabuvay, purely Gogolian vidtinku.

Є Direct and obvious name, from the history of the creation itself. The plot of "Dead Souls", like the plot of "Revizor", giving him, for the insights of Gogol, Pushkin: he told the story about those who were cunning and bought up from the witnesses of the dead souls, so that the villagers died. On the right, at the beginning of Petrovsky hour in Russia between 12 and 18 years, revisions (revisions) of the number of peasants-kripaks were carried out; For the pods of the revision, there were revizski kazkas (lists). Even from the period from the revision to the revision, the peasant has died, the lists of wines are all the same, and they pay taxes until the new lists are folded.

The axis of the tsikh is dead, a little bit quiet, it can be counted alive, passing through and planning to buy it cheaply. Yaka is there a Bula vigoda? Vyavlyayetsya, peasants can be slaughtered in Opikunskiy radi, to win for the skin "dead soul" pennies.

The price for the price that Chichikov had to pay for the “dead soul” of Sobakevich was two and a half. And in Opikunskiy radі vіn mіg otrimat for a skin soul 200 rubles, that is 80 times more.

Zatiya Chichikova is extravagant and fantastic at once. It is a matter of fact that the purchase of the villagers was carried out by a widespread right, but fantastic, it was sold and bathed in fragments, who, according to Chichikov's words, “lost one almost imperceptible sound”.

Nichto is not drunk with a good land, the most unsettling is only a trocha of goodness. For the sake of truth, people become a commodity, de papir for people.

Otzhe, the first, the most obvious wickedness, name it: "dead soul" —there is a dead man, aloof to the paperwork, bureaucratic "denunciations" of a peasant, which has become the subject of speculation. Part of the tsikh "soul" we sing our name, characterize, about them razpovidayutsya development history, so the stench, how to see and see, how death was trapped with them, come to life on our eyes and see, mabut, live for those "dyyuchih people".

« Milushkin, tsegla! Mіg put pekti in a booth.

Maksim Telyatnikov, shevets: with an awl kilne, those chobots, those chobots, those dyakuyu, i want bi in the mouth of a hickey ...

Karetnik Mikhiv! Even more recent cases and without shyness, as only resori.

And what about Stopper Stepan, Teslyar? Aje scho for the strength of the bullet! Serve wine with the guards, God bless you, three arshins with a tall height! "

In a different way, Gogol is in love with "dead souls" for help.

kriposnikiv, who drove the villagers and impressed the economic and cultural development of the country.

Ale "dead souls" - not deprived of pomіtі those officials: not the "nezatіlenie dedіvatelі", frightening "unruffled cold of our soul and hopeless empty heart." In Manilov and Sobakevich, it is possible to remake whether it’s a lyudin, as “there is no addiction to anything else,” grows into a new, raucous “forget about great things and holy things, and in none of the saints and greats of the backyard.

It’s not like a portrait of a dermal assistant supervised by a psychological commentary, like opening a zalnulyudskiy zmіst. At the eleventh share, Gogol proponed reading it hard to laugh at Chichikov and the other characters, and “kill in the middle of your souls an important drink:“ Why is it that Chichikov’s part of me is dumb? ” By such a rank, the name poem appears to be even more me and bagatoplanovuyu.

I am a textile artist to create two lights, as it is cleverly possible to designate as light “real” and light “ideal”. The real light the author is showing the creative and satisfying work. For the "ideal" light, the soul is immortal; And in the light of the "real" one may well be "dead soul", because for the inhabitants of the soul, deprive those of whom I live from the deceased.

The name given by Gogol to his poem, the bulo "Dead Souls", and the first arch of the manuscript submitted to the censor, censor A.V. Nikitenko attributed: "Come and Chichikov, chi ... Dead souls." That was the name of Gogol's song, which was close to a hundred rock.

This cunning postscript muffled the social meaning of the meal, made the reading out of the thoughts about the terrible name "Dead souls", gave Chichikov's meaning of speculation. A.V. Nikitenko, having lowered the free, I will name the nebuval, given by Gogol, the name of the numerical novels of sentimental, romantic, guards straightforwardly, so they used to read the readers with divine, cunning names. The new priyom of the censor without diminishing the significance of Gogol's genial work. Ninya is singing to Gogol to be friends with the name given by the author - "Dead souls".

Create from Literature: Who Sense to Eat Gogol Dead Souls The song "Dead souls" was written at that hour, if there is a piece of art in Russia. Pomіshchiki disposed of their villagers, as with speeches and thinness, they could buy and sell them. The baggage of the pom_schik began with a number of peasants, who were in possession of them. Approximately 10 years later, the state robbed the census of "souls". For the lists for the census, the pomizchiki rallied tribute for the villagers. As soon as in the interim between two houses, the peasant has died, paying all one for a new one, like for a living, until the next census. Yakos A.

S. Pushkin told Gogol about one shakhrai official who, for lack of price, bought up from people who were dead souls, who were vazhayutsya alive for lists. Pislya tsya official strongly rozbagatіv. The plot is dubbed by Gogol. Win having conceived a picture of big Russia, show the process of spreading the patronage of the state, which is going to be there. His poetry Gogol virishiv write at the three Toms, at the request of the demand it was possible to show all of Russia not "from one side", but all-round. Winning to depict how negative pompouschikov-kryposnikiv, but to know from that number and positive. Ale etc.

before. From Russia there are only positive Pomishchikov, we eat another volume without giving up light. Poems to be called "Dead souls" to the one who is described in them is useful for the official Chichikov, who bought up dead souls, so that the villagers, who have already died. In a different way, the life of the people who represent the "dead souls", who were galvanized by the economical and suspicious development of Russia, are widely disseminated.

Vin can be critically posed to the point of exasperating. Books vіn chitaє rіdko: two rocks in a new vіdkryta book on 14 sides. Gogol to talk about ny, so vin "ni te, ni se." Korobochka - gospodarska lord, ale with a vuzky rozumovy horizon. There is nothing to bother with, surrounded by copies and two-carnivals. Make money for money, money, deceit ... You may want to sell Chichikov to replace the cholovik woman.

Mezheyu moral failure є Plyushkin - "prophecy to people." Youmu Škoda vitrachati do not deprive them of their goodness for others, but for themselves. Win is not offended, dress up in the tears of clothes. Before people, I am not convinced and fortunate, and harsh and unfair to the villagers.

At the new one, there was a bit of a batkiv feeling, speeches for a new path for people. "Before such a thing, there was no difference, a bit of a visibility, the guide could have come from a lyudin," - with a picture of Viguk Gogol about Plyushkin. The "Dead Souls" has a whole gallery of officials at that hour. Shown is the emptying of every sense of the world, the visibility of serious interests, extreme ignorance, in the name of the dumb people, albeit around the world, create love to the new, to the new. The author zmushuє zakoplyuvatisya live that.

We live with a Russian rose, kmіtlivіstu, Vitrivalіstyu, by the strength and acceptance of the Russian peasant. I turn in the heart of the people, Gogol read the happiness of Russia in the distant mayybut, turn Russia into the bird-toy, to rush from the distant, to check the snakes for beauty. Gogol has made great contributions to the history of the Russian suspension! The scribe is dead, that do not waste their meaning in the hour.

People were aware of them to the quiet, as they portrayed Gogol, ale around the figures of the heroes could be created in our hour. Gogol will help us to bachiti negatively meaning qih rice, to hammer in the rosumiti їkhnyu Skoda and fight with them.

(Option 1)

The name of Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is meaningful. Permanently infused into the poem of Dante's Divine Comedy. The name "Dead Souls" is an idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bweighed over the name of the first part of the song, sing Dante - "Inferno".

With the “dead souls” of dressing, the plot itself is created: Chichikov is stingy, the peasants died, as in the Reviz kazkas they mean “souls”, after having issued the deed of sale, the purchase of the purchased villagers is already as if they were alive to the opykuns for the sake of rimming a sum for them.

The "dead soul" is tied to the understandings of the social straightening of the creation. Zatiya Chichikova is extravagant and fantastic at once. It is due to the fact that the villagers are bought by the full right, but fantastic, the splinters are sold and bathed, because of whom, behind Chichikov's words, "there is one sound that is not perceived by the senses." Nichto is not drunk with a good land, the most unsettling is only a trocha of goodness. “Nicholas didn’t swallow to sell…. I donated the living bi, from the third rock to the protopope two divchat, one hundred karbovants_v skin ", - like Korobochka. For the sake of truth, people become a commodity, de papir for people.

Proceedingly zmіnyutsya zmіst understand "dead soul." Abakum Firov, Stepan Probka, coachman Mikhei and those who died of the villagers, bought by the Chichikovs, do not sleep like "dead souls": the stench is shown as people who are yaskravі, self-defeating, talanovitі. It is not possible to zarahuvati until these gentlemen, who appear as "dead souls" in the right meaning of the word.

Ale "dead souls" are not just priests and officials: not just "dead souls", terrible "unruffled coldness of my soul and heartless empty heart." In Manilov and Sobakevich, it is possible to remake whether it’s a lyudin, as “there is no addiction to anything else,” grows into a new, raucous “forget about great things and holy things, and in none of the saints and greats of the backyard. “It’s almost impossible to see the light of day. As soon as we go, you can only go to our captain. " It’s not like a portrait of a skin caretaker who is supervised by a psychological commentary, who’s opening up a zalnulyudskiy zmist. At the eleventh share, Gogol did not readily laugh at Chichikov and the other characters, and “loot in the middle of your souls with an important energy:“ What’s dumb in my part of Chichikov? ”. By such a rank, the name poem appears to be even more me and bagatoplanovuyu.

For the "ideal" light, the soul is immortal; And in the light of the "real" one may well be "dead soul", because for the inhabitants of the soul, deprive those of whom I live from the deceased. At the time of the death of the prosecutor, they wondered if they were "like a soul", if they became "alone, they were soulless."

Tsey light of mischief - vin having forgotten about the soul, vin is spiritless. Tilki from the mindset of the cause can be revived by the revival of Russia, turning into the lost ideals, spirituality, soul. A whole host of people cannot have Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdryov, Korobochka. In new souls - immortal human souls. In addition, it is impossible to create a simple light. Dukhovny svit viznachaє іnshy rіd literary - lyrica. For this Gogol is the origin of the genre of his creation as lyro-epichny, calling it "Dead souls" I sing.

(Option 2)

We sing the name of M.U. Gogol "Dead Souls" as the head idea of ​​creating. I’ll name it literally, you can beat it up, but the essence of Chichikov’s scam can be revenged in them: Chichikov kupuvav the villagers died (“souls”).

I think that Gogol conceived to create "Dead Souls" for the analogue of "Divine Comedy" by Dante, which is composed of three parts: "Hell", "Purgatory", "Paradise". Um mali vidpovidati conceived by M.U. Gogol three volumes. In the first volume, N. V. Gogol wanted to show the terrible Russian action, to create the "scorching heat" of the bitter life, in the other and the third volumes - the spiritual life of Russia.

M.U. Gogol himself has a writer-prophet, like, a tiny picture of the revival of Russia, to see it from a crisis. On seeing "Dead Souls" by M.V.

Gogol himself painted the title arc. Win namaluvav vizok, which symbolizes the movement of Russia forward, and dovkola - skulls, which symbolize the dead souls of living people. For Gogol, the bulo was even more important, and the book appeared as the title page itself.

The light of "Dead Souls" is divided into two parts: the light is real, the devil is the person who is Chichikov, the ideal light of the lyrical head hero- N. V. Gogol himself.

Manilov, Sobakevich, Nozdryov, the prosecutor - an axis of types, representatives of the real world. With a stretch of effort, eat the character of you, do not waver: for example, "Congratulations at thirty five rockies, this is the same, as at eightteen and twenty." The author is constantly addicted to the callousness and soullessness of his heroes. Sobakevich “didn’t have a soul, it’s not in a new bullet, but it’s not there, if it’s, but, like in the immortal Koschia, here, beyond the mountains, it was conceived with such a scramble, that everything that didn’t spin at the bottom didn’t chill some shake on the surface. " All officials in the country also caught souls without the least development. N.V. Gogol describes the officials from the evil irony.

With a handful of bacimo, life in the world of the virus, or, for the most part, just a lack of glamor. We eat a dead soul - a very special phenomenon. For cikh people, the soul is all the same, because I live from the dead. After the death of the prosecutor, everyone wondered about those who “had a soul at home”, if only one had lost “soullessness alone”.

We call it a symbol of the life of the povite place N., and the whole place, its own chergoyu, symbolizes the whole of Russia. N.V. Gogol would like to show that Russia was going through a crisis, that the souls of people scammed died.

In the ideal light, the soul is alive with a message, and for that very N. V. Gogol can remember all the poverty of the life of the world, which has descended. In one of the lyrical steps, the souls of the villagers come to life, if Chichikov, reading the list, died, resurrected from his own mind.

And the souls of the rich villagers live in the ideal world N. V. Gogol protests real villagers, absolutely stupid and weak, like, for example, uncle Mityay and uncle Miniai.

The real light of "Dead Souls" has only two heroes, those souls have not yet died enough, the whole - Chichikov and Plyushkin. Only two characters are in the biography, mi bachimo їkh at the development, so that before us are not just people from overtaken souls, but mi bachimo, as the stench went to this.

The ideal light of "Dead Souls", which is a post before the readers at the lyrical openings, in general opposition to the real light. In the ideal world there are no dead souls, for that there are no manilovs, sobakovichs, prosecutors. The soul is immortal for the light of lyrical steps;

Otzhe, at the first volume of "Dead Souls" by M.U. Gogol depicts all the negative side of Russian reality. The scribe is open to people, how their souls became dead, and influencing the vices of people, by themselves turning to the life of their souls.

(Option 3)

N.V. Gogol's head was aware of the problems of spirituality - і suspension і zagalom, і і і і і і іspecialistі. In his creations, the writer was forced to show the suspension to the whole depth of his reference guide. Ironizuyuchi, merging with the human vads, Gogol pragnuv to eliminate the deadness of the soul.

Sense, name it "Dead souls", in a way, for the one who is the head hero, Chichikov, buy dead souls from the companions, then put the skin in two karbovantsy on the opikunska rain and such a rank of the capital; in a different way, Gogol was showing people, whose hearts became hardened, but their souls ceased to be seen. How can we ruin cich officials and assistants? On the thought of Gogol, "podbannya is the fault of everything," the very theme of the copy appears in the mind of the creature, it’s about the dead souls.

Father instructed Chichikov: "... take care of the best and copy a copy ..." Years later, as a result of the joy, Chichikov, from the wicked boy, was transformed into a dilemma and a spritter, who did not overflow the might of any saint in his soul. Mabut, to that D. S. Merezhkovsky calling Chichikov "the mandarin face of a penny."

Similarly, the schoolboy Pavlusha, having sewn five karbovants at the little boy, Korobochka was gaining "giblets from rowan trees, spread across the drawers of the chest of drawers." Gogol, with Chichikov's voice, calls the Box "dubbed-headed", who may be on uvaz, mabut, not only those who are not far off the woman, but those who are callous in their souls. Korobochka, like Chichikov's, lost his addiction to the pile. A lot of rice, only in a hypertrophied viglyad, є y at Plyushkin. Winn today walking in his own village, picking up his mustache, trampling the yoma on the way, and folding it into the kutka of the room near the compartment. Itself about the hero Gogol wrote: "Before such a thing, a guy could have come!" As soon as you take Plyushkin’s buy and take Chichikov’s screen, then you can go to the window, you can go to the window, but the analogue speeches, but Chichikov can’t make all the items: mills, razors, food, chornyns , paperwork, pennies - good luck with the plan. There is no moral life in whom those officials are in support, the smell is spiritually dead.

Children of the ages vvazhayut, but that last time, since Chichikov spent the last time with him, is suitable for up to nine stakes Dante baked, the gravity of the grasses of the first stake until the ninth or ninth It is not possible for three firm people to wait a bit, they can let it go, but the skin caretaker is of his own kind, the Lord can judge the hardness of which.

Zagalom "Dead souls" - a tvir about the contrast, the lack of transmission of Russian action (the very name of the poem is an oxymoron). The creatures є yak zakid to people, and the drowning of Russia. I wrote about Gogol in Chapter XI of Dead Souls. The scribe was stverdzhuvav, with "dead people" in Russia є for the rich, for the skin, for the skin, for the skin of the wealth. For what? That one, the stench, the mischief, wasted by the habers and the bureaucrats. The Russian people, "a great soul, how to create," is a rich message. However, the misconception, on the thought of Gogol, is practically unprecedented in the part described in the poem, there is little opportunity to show wealth є, but for the sake of the overwhelming and disrespectful moral admonitions, the Russian people should not bash the Russian people. About the plot insert sing about Kif Mokiyevich and Mokiya Kifovich. However, Gogol thinks of those who want to flatten the eyes of the people for their neglect, for the dead souls, then Russia viconay nareshti its rich mission.

We eat є live spiritually, we have tribute to the development of characters. Tse died, ale for the life of the villagers, as they were not spiritually life: Fedotov, Petro Savelyev Neuvazhay-Korito, Stepan Probka - “that rich man who would fit into the guard”, Maxim Telyatnikov, Grigoriy Doezhay-not-doydesh, Kuremei Andriy Volokita, Popov, Abakum Firov and іnshі. And the smut - the soul of the message is alive, and to that very N.V. Gogol can wipe out all the misery of the life of the place, which has descended.

"Dead souls" vvazatimutsya spovidalnyh cheese, Oskil M.U. The scribe talking about those who eat the heroes are naughty, “I’ll give a fuck about my fucking giddy trash”. Gogol vіriv, wіth thіr tvіr tmusit the readers, think about your soul: who is alive?

Mabut, let's eat the smut, as inevitably put sob reader: who is Gogol mav on uvaz, nazyayuchi tvir already on stage? They suggested and at once suggested the price of food in a reasonable way, in advance of the problem of food. Naybіlsh traditional and broadening glance runtutsya on the conflict of the system of fundamental law, which has lived for itself, from one side, and the vital force of the peasantry, the soul of the Russian nation - from the other. Zvidsy viplivay, shho dead souls Gogol dear to the living of the villagers. However, if you have to build a sense, you will eat it to the full, do not give the correct judgment, say goodbye to the real pathos and eat it. In the first place, apart from the peasants and the villagers, the creatures are shown the different people of the population, social types, individual characteristics. What kind of "soul" is it to respect the coachman Selifan chi, for example, the prosecutor? Yaksho start for social acquaintance, before any distribution of characters, then the main criteria will be the appearance of people and status; well for moral habits, then good people we will be called "living" souls, the abominable ones - "dead".

Guess Gogol's viguk in the sheets to Zhukovsky about the idea of ​​the creation: "All Russia will appear in the new!" Wono means that the problematic will eat the skin people. It is also important that I will name the tvir, taking it out as a cob: Gogol mav is not about specific people, but a manifestation, a camp of deadness, "deadness" of the soul of a people, close to the spiritual death of specialness. The very existence of “dead souls” is paradoxically the same insane day: death and the life of the soul is not an ordinary literary oxymoron, but a moral and philosophical idea, the distressing of people does not entangle their immortality. It’s unbelievably that we’re talking about that character who calls him “living” or “dead” soul. We take on the ideal of a spiritualized, comprehended, creative life - the first step in respecting the environment, giving rise to ideas for the heroes.

Gogol bachiv about his eaten by the awakened conscience of the people, the skinny is guilty of marveling at himself with addiction: important power supply: “And why is it that in my part Chichikov’s part?” The role is the factor of prominence of the people for their life and the recognition of their connection, madly, the satirical pathos of eating the recourses to assistants and officials.

About yaku gigantic that human vidpovidality there can be a mova, bachachi baiduzh to everything, distrustful and surrounded by Box, unreasonable and reckless Nozdryov, cynical and greedy, universal breakthrough, unpretentious? Gogol is overwhelmed by such harsh characteristics of bureaucracy, but all the same, I respect the bureaucrats. report description character in mind, in the way of life, a masterpiece and a dignity. "Pomitschitsky" were taken out on the backwoods and eat the incomprehensible ravages of artistic variety, and five of them can be called five acts of human comedy.

About the image of the villagers, it is judged positively, it is more familiar: from the good fortune to lay down the life of the assistant, the official, the entire population of the country. Dzherelo physical knowledge and spiritual life of the nation originate from the peasantry, expanding later on the version of the suspension. We’re not bachelor’s creative pratsi of the villagers, not a fanciful folklore song, the creative enchantment of the Russian common people manifests itself sporadically, for example, in a lyrical introduction about the Russian word, or the mastery of the coachman Mikhiv. Gogol bach his zeal in order to show how to drive creative will and life activity of people in the minds of cruel slavery. The axle to the forefront is the share of the villagers-krіpakіv. Gogol doesn’t think about weaknesses, shortcomings, rottenness, so that it’s not ideal for the villagers, and he don’t put himself before them, as before the victims of the critical regime. The pathos of the Gogolivsky wikritt is visceral and folding: describing the village valleys, the artist of the history of the bend of people, a collection of amortized rights on vilna and gidne life. The sum of the share of Teslya Stepan Corks, the life of what scammed, is a beauty: I didn’t think I’d be addicted to making pennies, trying to be a robot and as a result zaginit. Gogol speaks here about those who can earn a penny and win their own will, or who cannot buy a feeling of freedom, being a nation of captivity.

With such a rank, the call of being "not dead, but living souls" of Gogol's atrocities is not deprived of the peasant's hero - the hero of the creation, but before the skin of us. Gogol did not condemn the people, did not repeat his satire. Gogol's smile has a lot of sorrow, ale є hope. At the lyrical step on the cob of this distribution, the writer speaks about his meaning and share: “It is still my wondrous possession to go hand in hand with my wondrous heroes, to look at all the glorious life, to look at all the glorious invisible invisible smiles! "

Name the creation "Dead souls" є meaningful. Yak vіdomo, having conceived a tripartite tvir for an analogy with Dante's "Divine Comedy". The first volume is Hell, tobto the abode of dead souls.

In a different way, from the tsim the plot is tied to the creation. In the 19th century, peasants were called “dead souls”. We eat Chichikov buy documents on the dead villagers, and then sell them for the sake of opikunskoy. The dead souls in the documents bully were alive, and Chichikov otrimuvav for the tse chimalu bag.

By-tertє, There is a social problem in the name of the State Social Security Agency. On the right, in that hour, at that hour the sellers and buyers of dead souls were bewildered, not controlled and not punished by the possession. The treasury was empty, and the fraudulent swindlers made their own fortunes. The censors strongly advised Gogol to change the name and name it on "Fit Chichikov, whose souls are dead," shifting the emphasis on Chichikov's specialness, and not on a state-of-the-art suspicious problem.

It is possible, Chichikov's idea, to become a wondrous deyakoy, but everything is brought up to the point where there are no dead and living figures. For sale і ті, і ті. The villagers died, and the priests, who were late to sell the documents for the singing wine town. Lyudin will take on people's habits and become a commodity, and the whole day is built up to the papyrtsy, as it is said, who is alive and well. To walk, how the soul appears to be mortal, how to contradict the head postulate of Christianity. The light will become spiritless, we will add to the relevance of any moral and ethical situations. This light is described epichno. The lyrical component of the field in the description of the nature of the spiritual light.


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