Passage of test IQ. The shortest test for intelligence, in it only three questions

Passage of test IQ. The shortest test for intelligence, in it only three questions

Each person, sooner or later, thought about how smart he was. No matter how strangely sounded, but the assessments put in school and the university may not always be an exact intellect indicator. Find out how smartly you are and are smart, you can use a special test for intelligence. One of the popular questionnaires at the moment is the IQ test.

How and when the test appeared

The test is equal to IQ is a technique developed in 1936. John is equal in conjunction with Roger Penrose, also known as the scale of progressive matrices to assess the intelligence coefficient and the level of mental abilities, as well as the logical of thinking. This technique can evaluate the mental development of anyone aged 14 to 65 years.

The questionnaire was created in accordance with the traditions of the English school study of intelligence, according to which the most effective way to measure the mind was tasks to compare abstract figures.

In total psychologists, several test options were created:

  • "Standard progressive matrices" (1938);
  • "Colored progressive matrices" (1947);
  • "Advanced progressive matrices" (1941).

It is noteworthy that the first option was designed for all ages: from the youngest children to the people of old age.

John is - the creator of the test

John was born in 1902 in the UK. He met psychology in the London Royal College in 1928, then began to work as a Penrose Assistant, who conducted research in the field of mental defects. He was carried away by this direction, it was equal to testing children and adults in different places: at home, in schools, at work, using the scale of mental development of Stanford-Bine for this. And, after all, it considered this test not very successful and the questionnaire of progressive matrices appeared as a result, which he created together with Penrose.

Equal was an outstanding teacher, his theory had a significant impact on the formation of the scientific worldview of many students.

How to pass test

The final version of the test is equal to IQ, widely known now, is suitable for determining the level of intelligence of people of various professions and social status from 14 to 65 years and regardless of gender.

The questionnaire consists of 60 tasks, each of which lies in the fact that you must choose the missing fragment to the drawing. The drawing, as a rule, contains various characters or geometric shapes.

Tasks in the methods are arranged in the order of increasing their complexity. Figures or drawings stand in a certain pattern that you must define. Having determined it, you can find the missing fragment of the picture.

Please note that each of the tasks has only one correct solution. You have 20 minutes to pass the test.

In the process of passing, be extremely attentive and not rushing before giving the answer. Allow yourself to think. Go in sequentially from job task, follow the order of tasks and do not miss them, otherwise it will be considered as an incorrect answer. If you still failed to logically understand the sequence and find the right item, you can try to guess which of the images could come to an empty place.

Test results

As a result of the passage of the test, you can find out the level of its intellectual development in points and get acquainted with the recommendations for improving your abilities.

Pass the test right now

You can easily and conveniently on our website. You will also have the opportunity not only to identify your mental development, but also to keep the result in order to pass the test again.

Since the questionnaire is equal to pass from 14 years, for children on our site there is a separate one. It is perfect for children and teenagers from 7 to 16 years.

Updated (01 March 2020)

Intelligence coefficient:

An online test on IQ Aizenka in Russian allows you to evaluate the mental abilities of the future employee for free.

Are you interested to find out the level of your IQ (intelligence coefficient)? To do this, you just need to answer the questions online IQ test in Russian. This test is an optimal option from specially selected tasks that allow you to determine your IQ level with high accuracy.

The results of the passage of free online test on IQ may come in handy in the future. For example, in the West, applicants often indicate a summary of their IQ level, and employers belong to this very seriously.

The test makes it clear what the weakness of you today is to find the point of reference to compare the result in the future. To take a test on Ikey and determine its level of thoughtfulness of thinking is capable of a bold man striving for the internal development and constant evolution in consciousness.

Online IQ IQ (intelligence coefficient):

** online test on IQ Aizenka - allows you to determine with high accuracy to determine your level of the IQ intellectivity coefficient. Give yourself a unique opportunity to test your intellectual potential for free without SMS and registration.

Last updated: 06/03/2017

Now a lot is said about IQ tests, but many people do not know that they actually mean these points. What exactly is the high level of IQ? And medium? How many points need to dial to count the genius?

IQ, or the intelligence coefficient is an estimate obtained in a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. It is formally considered that in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Bina-Simon test, but later he was revised, and the universality has already acquired the test of the stewford-beine.
IQ tests were very popular not only among psychologists, but also among other specialists, but there are still a lot of disputes about what IQ tests are measured and how accurate they are.
In order to adequately evaluate and interpret test results, psychometricists use standardization. This process includes testing tests with a representative sample among the population. Each participant passes the test in the same conditions as all other participants in the group under study. This process allows psychometry professionals to establish rules or standards for which you can compare individual results.
When determining the results of the test to determine the level of development of intelligence, as a rule, the function of the normal distribution is used - the bell-shaped curve on which most of the results are located near or around the middle score. For example, most results (about 68%) of the WAIS III test lies, as a rule, between 85 and 115 points (with an average value of 100). The remaining results are less common, therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bthe curve on which they are located is directed down. Very few people (approximately 0.2%) during the passage of the test receive more than 145 points (which indicates a very high level of development of intelligence) or less than 55 (which means a very low intelligence coefficient).
Since the average score is 100, specialists can quickly estimate individual results by comparing with an average value and determining where these indicators are on the scale of normal distribution.

Read more about IQ points

In most modern IQ tests, the average result is set at 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 points - so that the points correspond to the normal distribution curve. This means that 68% of the results fall into one standard deviation from the average value (that is, between 85 and 115 points), and 95% in two standard deviations (between 70 and 130 points).
The result equal to 70 points or below is considered low. In the past, this mark was considered an indicator of mental retardation and intellectual disability, characterized by significant cognitive disorders. Today, however, for the diagnosis of intellectual disability, only the results of the IQ test are not used. The result below 70 points is obtained by approximately 2.2% of people.
The result exceeding 140 points is considered high IQ. Many believe that the result of more than 160 points can talk about human genius.
The high coefficient of intelligence is definitely closely related to performance, but is it connected with success in life at all? Are people really more successful than their colleagues with a lower IQ coefficient? Many experts believe that other factors can also have a great influence, including.
That is, points are interpreted as follows.

It is statistically proven that with age IQ changes. He reaches his peak by 25 years. In the world it is believed that the intelligence coefficient equal to 100 points is average. IQ five-year-old reaches 50-75 points, at 10 years he ranges from 70 to 80 points, in 15-20 years it can achieve the average value for an adult in 100 points. In many countries of the world (for example, the United States and Japan), the tests of IQ tests are given gifted, and then they are trained on the enhanced and accelerated system. This is due to the fact that children with an increased IQ with elevated for their years, as a rule, learn much better and faster than their peers.


Whatever enough, but IQ ranges from race to race. For example, the average IQ for African Americans is 86 points, for white European, it is 103 points, and for Jews - 113 points. All this speaks in favor of supporters of scientific racism. However, from year to year this gap is reduced.


Women and men do not have differences from each other in intelligence, but, according to statistics, IQ between them differs depending on age. The boys under the age of 5 are somewhat smarter than the peers, but since the age of 10-12 years old girls are ahead of the boys in development. This gap is nailed to 18-20 years.

Normal IQ.

The intelligence coefficient of an adult depends on the set of factors - genetics, education, environment, race, etc. Although the average IQ is about 100 points, it changes from 80 points to 180. Such limit level IQ is laid in the classic test on IQ, developed by the English psychologist Gansa Aizenk in 1994. In order to get adequate data on this test, it must be passed 1 time in life in adulthood. Repeated passing distorts and overstars the results.

If the intelligence coefficient is below 80 points, then this indicates the physical and mental deviations of man. If IQ exceeds 180 points, this indicates the genius of the owner of such points. But these dependencies are very conditional. For example, the Great Physicist Albert Einstein was the most lagging in class at the progress, which did not prevent him in the future to develop the theory of relativity. And on the other hand, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest IQ in 228 points was recorded in 1989 in a ten-year-old American Marilyn in Savan. On this, personal achievements are completed.

When taking a job, the employer first of all draws attention to your professional skills. However, in parallel with this, it can offer you a test on IQ, to pass which you will need for a clearly defined time. Thus, employees of the personnel department of the enterprise make a conclusion about your attentiveness, speed and quality of thinking, a common horizon and many other things.

How to find out your IQ for free?

If you feel that you are well developed logic, you are fine with difficult mental work, you probably would be interested to learn the level of your intelligence. IQ tests are perhaps the only option to measure the quality of the work of your brain.

Such tests are often used by employers when receiving work to determine the level of thinking of the candidate or when testing for professionality.

It should be noted that such tasks are not based on a common horizon. The tasks in them are drawn up in such a way as to find out the logic of your thinking, the rate of decision making, the brain ability to quickly read the anagram, to determine the compliance of the objects of their signs and much more.

If you want to go through the test yourself, then you can do it on numerous services on the Internet. At the same time, note that many sites require payment for defining the level of IQ, and some do it at all hidden by offering you to send an SMS or enter the phone number.

If you want to find out the level of intelligence for free, do not go on such services. Take advantage of those who do not require registration and provides a service free and without fraudulent schemes.

In this video, the psychologist Peter Novoselov will hold an interesting test for the logic and the level of mental development:


The site offers 15 questions without time limit restriction. They contain assignments to the selection of the necessary figures, numeric and letter rows, as well as words - the names of the brands of cars, capitals, composers in the form of anagrams.

Some tasks are completely simple, and some require sufficient effort.

The result is issued immediately after completion of the test with dry formulation of the level of intelligence. There is no more detailed decoding. Immediately, the result is the button go to the daily training. When switching through it, registration is offered on the site.

Registration on the site is not needed to pass the tasks. Selection is offered several different tests, while the difference between them is not indicated.

It is indicated by the standard time for replies and is counting, however, there is no time limit restrictions.

Only 40 questions, after the answer to which you receive the final points and to choose from, desire to fit into general statistics. It has the opportunity to look at the statistics of the level of intelligence by country, names, age and so on.


30 Not very difficult questions, time is limited to half-hour. Touching at random you can dial a decent number of points. The result is immediately below the decoding. By the way, a random scored score 70 is a medium low. In a broader decoding is displayed as a level in which people with difficulty end the universities and can work, maximum, middle managers in small companies.


Easy test. Thirty questions and a time counter that indicates how much time you spent from the beginning of testing. Almost all tasks with a proposal to choose the desired figure. At the end, the number of points scored without deciphering, as well as an impressive article that it is not worth paying attention to the result, since many scientists consider it an imperfect indicator.


A complimentary service that offers you 30 questions of a different nature and does not limit you in time.

Press the "Result" button before providing all the answers. In this case, somehow the level of intelligence is still calculated and issued on the screen.

There is a viewing function of the correct answers to tasks, however, in order for it to take advantage of the need to remember how you personally responded to this or that question.

From the advantages - the ability to remember the number and code of your test to return to his discern after a while.


Questions in the test fully duplicate the service, but in a more convenient version. Manually you need to enter only words that are simultaneously the end of one and the beginning of another word. All other options can be chosen.

Tasks are not very complex and varied. At the end of the result and the compliance scale of the professional functions performed by the number of points for the test.

The footnote at the bottom of the compliance scale states that the site moderators are not treated for the fact that it is actually true.


Questions Standard on the definition of the necessary figure in a series and numerical sequence. There are no anagrams or tasks with iconic rows.

Total 20 questions without taking into account the answer. At the end, a presentable picture appears with a certificate that indicates the points for the test. However, there is no rescript result.

Reds are highlighted the tasks numbers in which errors are made. At the same time, when switching to them, you can change your version of the answer and thus bring your percentage to ideal.

In this video, 6 tasks will be presented, the solution of which will help you find out how much your brain is developed:


Good service, nice interface. Selects several tests. Before starting the passage of anyone, there is an instruction on the implementation and warning to refuse to use the calculator and helping friends.

Miscellaneous questions are on logic, there is an erudition. The task is given an hour. It is possible after the answer to the last question return to the missed.

The result is issued only if there are answers to each item. Start the test is again possible only after the expiration of the hour.

The result is derived in the ratio to the highest point, the percentage of the correct answers, the execution time and brief decryption on the number of scored points are also given. It is indicated that for reliability you need to go at least three such tests.Since the result of one may be random.


Tasks of various character with fully automated responses. 40 questions without taking into account time. At the end, before you give you the result, the site asks to introduce a name, last name, city of residence, age and mail. If you refuse to enter any data, the final percentage will not be provided to you.

After you fill in the necessary fields, the conclusion about your intelligence is given in one word, that is - tall, middle or low. The numbers are also listed in the stylized certificate for the seal of the service.


The test is positioned as short. Time is not limited. Contains 20 a variety of questions. There are anagramms, defining suitable figures, numeric and letter rows.

At the end, the answer is represented as the number of points. What does this result mean and what kind of people to attract yourself is not entirely clear.


On the page, in except for questions and options, there is nothing more. Nothing distracts. 40 different interesting questions. Reverse time counter that starts with 60 minutes.

After passing the test, the site asks you to enter only the country of residence and age. After that, issues the result in points and comment on the level of your intelligence regarding your age.


Unlike other questionnaire. Contains 20 questions from the category of children's tasks, such as a palm rhinoceros really is insect or "in seven brothers on one sister, how many children in the family." There are no tasks for logic or tracking interconnection.

After the end of the questionnaire, the amount of points for the passed test and praise for the result achieved is set. And also the told that you are an erudite person.


Not a very convenient interface and not modern design. Answers must be inspired manually using words or a numeric keypad. Only 40 questions, no time limitations. At the same time, after an answer to each of them, the page is updated first with the numbers of questions, advertising and itself, already new, task.

As a result, you press the "result" button and get a digital result and a dry conclusion. The number in the table burns the numbers incorrectly made tasks, however, when switching to active erroneous links, there is no correct answer.

That is, if you did everything consciously, you are unlikely to understand what your mistake is.

How to get a test on IQ correctly?

The level of brain activity and the possibility of its increase is studied over the centuries. However, still promotion of science is minimal. It has been proven that the direct impact on the development of the brain has infant age. But the relationship with genetics remains doubtful.

However, it is absolutely exactly what the brain can be trained. And in this way, to develop it and achieve a good result in passing tests for measuring IQ.

The fact is that tasks in the tests necessarily contain logic. Look carefully on the task, calculate the logical elements laid down in the task and now you will know from what to repel in the tasks of the same kind.

Purchase the test is better in the morning, after pre-wanted, by all means after breakfast.

Thus, the only opportunity to measure the level of its innate or acquired intelligence is the IQ test, which can be used in open sources on the Internet or when taking work from a responsible employer. The results of such a test do not make you worse or better than others. They indicate how your brain works and what tasks should it die.

Video: How to find out your IQ with pictures

In this video, the psychologist Andrei Likhachev will show 10 interesting photos, with the help of the perception of which you can understand the level of your intelligence:


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