Laying tiles on the working wall of the kitchen. How to put a tile in the kitchen: a detailed description of the process of laying tile

Laying tiles on the working wall of the kitchen. How to put a tile in the kitchen: a detailed description of the process of laying tile

Stacking tiles in apron in the kitchen can be trusted far from all specialists. Much more reliable to do everything with your own hands, even if you do not have experience. The main thing is to know how to lay out the tile correctly. And when your apron is ready, you will be surprised how difficult it was.

Determine the dimensions of the apron and calculate the material

To make an apron in the kitchen with your own hands, you need to determine the consumption of the material. And for this - to clarify the size of the area on which work will be carried out. Here you can focus on the standard parameters:

  • The whole work area takes about 55-75 cm in height from the level of the table top, although it can come up to the floor itself - much depends on the location of the kitchen tumb;
  • Ceramic tile must be found under the tabletop at least 20 mm - so that the dirt and water do not accumulate in the joints;
  • On top of installation apron produced before the exhaust - this technique is mounted at a height of 65 or 75 cm from the electric and gas stove, respectively;
  • The size of the working surface horizontally is the entire length of the corresponding wall, although it is possible to limit ourselves to the "sink-cooker-slab" site.

Be sure to do all the necessary calculations. And for this - to determine how you lay out the apron. There are a lot of masonry methods, but among them you can allocate the most popular:

  • Standard (basic);
  • Diagonal;
  • Imitating brickwork.

The easiest way to implement with your own hands the base method, and the turning of the material in this case will be minimal.

Tip! Do not forget that in the process of work it is possible to damage the material, chips and so on. Therefore, the tile is always purchased with a 10% minimum reserve.

What we need

To lay out a kitchen apron with your own hands, need tools:

  • Perforator for cleaning from the old coating;
  • The screwdriver supplemented with a special adaptation for mixing the adhesive composition is a mixer;
  • Buckets for water and glue with a capacity of at least 10 liters each;
  • Spatula for working with adhesive mixture: narrow for - set of adhesive, gear - for distribution, rubber - to work with seams;
  • Building levels - short - to check the locations of each individual tile and long - to check the entire plane;
  • Tiles and nippers, abrasive bar for cutting tiles, correction of breakaway sections;
  • Rubber cizyanka for checking the density of the apron fit;
  • Cross and pegs that allow you to set the thickness of the seam;
  • Solid pencil, line;
  • Cord (chop).

Preparing the walls

After the entire tool is prepared, you need to proceed to the preparation of the working surface.

  1. The wall is qualitatively cleaned from the previous coating. If a tile was laid on the wall, then a perforator will be required to clean from it and the old solution. In any case, the surface is cleaned to the plastering layer.
  2. The density of the plaster layer should be checked - the peeling elements are completely removed, after which all irregularities are closed.
  3. It is important to make an ideal even angle if the tile will move from the wall on the wall.
  4. It is advisable to make in the wall of the notches so that the adhesive solution is better grabbed with its surface.

Tip! If salts, fungus or mold spots were on the purified surface, it should be treated with high-quality fungicide with anti-corrosion properties.

We start work step by step

Step 1. At the first stage, we make the markup with your own hands. , His upper and lower boundaries you must determine, relying on the dimensions of the headset. As a rule, the distance from the floor to the lower edge of the apron is 70-85 cm. And the height of the apron is 55-65 cm.

Tip! Where to start laying tiles from the center or from the edge, moving towards the corner? This is to decide: if you start mounting from the center, then the tropped tiles will be installed at the edges and in this case they should be the same size on the right and left, otherwise the apron will not look carefully. If you have an angular kitchen and the edges of the apron in sight, then it is better to start laying from the edge to be a whole tile, and trimming was in the corner.

A smooth wooden bar is installed on the horizontal level - it will keep the tile from below, without letting it go. Sometimes there are plasterboard sheets or metal profiles for these purposes. And in order to make a vertical mark, a plumb is installed - the lace with the cargo is attached at the top of the wall and is released. Under the action of gravity, the plumb himself creates the perfect vertical.

Step 2. After applying markup, you need to make a glue solution with your own hands. If the mixture is becoming incorrect, with violations of the manufacturer's recommendations, it will very quickly collapse and the apron will disappear.

During the work, it is also impossible to use the cutting solution and it will not be able to dissolve, it will lose its adhesive properties.

Step 3. Then proceed to laying apron. Newbies are best to make apron using a checker laying method. It matters and the size of the tile - the more it is more, it is easier to work, and it is easier to care, since the junctions are much smaller. Accordingly, the smaller the size of the tile, the greater the seams will be and the more difficult and the time and longer in time will be installed.

We carry out work with your own hands in such a sequence:

  • A glue composition (narrow spatula) is applied to the wall and is evenly distributed over its surface (with a gear spatula 3 mm). On the wall there should be a smooth layer of glue with grooves.

Tip! The glue can be applied not to the wall, but on the tile itself. The question of which method is more reliable has no definite answer, the opinions of the masters are diverged. You can experiment and try it and the other way. The main thing here is to close and hide the glue under the tile evenly.

  • The tile is mounted on the wall with uniform pressing. Then we take the rubber Cyanka and sit down the tile (or, tapping, appreciate with your own hands) - This will allow you to be placed glue. If you started putting the tile from the edge, then install the corner at the same stage. After that, the short level check the horizontal and the vertical of the laid fragment.

Tip! If the tile is incorrectly, you can remove it, correct the adhesive layer and put it again. Of course, this can be done only until the solution is set.

  • All tiles in the row are glued along the same technology. The smaller the size of the tiles, the more time you have to repeat all these manipulations.
  • The following row begin to mount only after the previous drill. Keep in mind that the first row is the most responsible, and it is better to give it to dry 1 day.

Tip! Do not forget to install cross-tiles between the tiles horizontally and vertically. This allows you to withstand the same surmise size.

Step 4. At the last stage, the tile trimming and laying of the resulting pieces are performed. The cut line is carried out by a ruler on the back side, after which the slab should be used (manual or electric), a grinder or glass cutter.

So you can get any size of the fragment, as well as cut into the tile the necessary excavations for sockets and pipes.

It is just important not to cut the tile on the front part - so the material will not split in right place. The holes in the tile are made by a carbide drill and, too, only with "Inside".

Step 5. After the whole tile laid the tile dried up, it is necessary to catch it with Cyan. The deaf knock testifies the poor root of the tile. Such elements are removed and stacked again.

Step 6. After the doubt to the quality of laying will not remain, you can start the grout of intercutric seams. In addition, before processing seams, the entire tile should be washed from repair dust. The grout rubs into the seams with a rubber spatula and is left at 0.5-1 hours for drying, after which it is leveled and wipes with a wet rag.

Tip! Do not forget that the grout shade must be harmonized with the color of the tile. Ideal if it is 1 tone darker.


We continue to separate the kitchen, and today's article will be about how to lay a tile on the walls. Rather, we will tell you how we did, because each master had their secrets and their ways to lay a tile.

We have already plastered walls. If you do not have - click, it describes in detail how we are placed with cement mortar. I will not make a long joining, and "pull a cat for the tail", in the course of the article I will tell you how we used the tool, and which material used. By the way, if you are interested in laying the tiles in the kitchen go to the site

The first thing is soothed dry plastered walls of deep penetration. Manufacturers are now a great set, but the composition of such primers, in principle, is no different. We used this:

One refinement: Melting from the canister primer is desirable to immediately spend to the end. If it remains, you need to try to use in the coming days and in no case pour back to the canister. The fact is that after a few days of storage, the former innovation begins to publish a very unpleasant smell.

After drying the soil, the grains will stop exhausting from the plaster, the tile glue will be more reliable to adhere to the wall.

Now about the glue. His species are also quite a lot, not mistaken if you take the most affordable adhesive for the inner tile work, which will be in the store. The difference between the notorious Ceresit and, for example, our Artisan in composition and quality, almost no, and at a price - significantly. So why pay extra for the name?

The choice of the tile itself is a matter of taste, here we are not advisers. About varieties, manufacturers and quality of this finishing material, you can write a whole book.

Usually, articles on how to lay a tile begins with the calculation of the amount of tile. You can simply calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls and add about 10% on trimming and possible fight. If the size of the tile itself is known, you can cut a cardboard pattern, and, applying it to the wall, to know exactly how much tiles will be in each row, how many tiles will go on trimming.

It is advisable to place the cutting tiles in places that will be closed with furniture, or where there will be less attention to it (in the shaded corners, behind pipes, curtains). Some of our customers wanted all sockets and holes for the pipes in the center of the tile, or in the middle of the seam, then the tile was purchased with a good stock, and a detailed layout was made.

In our case, the tile of the kitchen tables will not lie down, so I measure the table height from the screed - 80 cm, we still give 3 cm - on the ceiling of the tile edge with the worktop. It turns out the distance from the screed - 77 cm.

Black horizontal line on the wall.

On the line we will attach a metal narrow profile for drywall, to which the tile will be relying. Cut the necessary pieces of profile and secrets a dowel-nail.

Check the correctness of the mount using the level.

To regulate the thickness of the seams and the position of the tiles, we use plastic crosses and wedges. In our case, the seams will be a thickness of 2 mm, respectively, take such crosses.

Tile will be lucked quite large - 230x350 mm, for applying glue, take a toothed spatula with a width and a height of a tooth 10 mm. Smaller tile sizes can be put under a spatula 8 or even 6 mm, a combing of 12 mm is usually used for floors.

Everything, it seems to be completed, the primer dried, you can knead the glue. If you don't imagine how to make the glue consistency - read the instructions on the bag and follow it (not just because it is written). To mix a powerful drill and a screw nozzle.

And we, especially for these purposes, is an electric mixer. What he herself can see.

After kneading, the adhesive is 5-10 minutes, after which it is mixed again. This procedure makes it softer and plastic, you should not neglect it.

Another detail is a toothed spatula of us constantly in water - so it does not accumulate and does not dry out the glue.

Well, and for checking planes is used aluminum rules.

We fold the tile in the stacks so that the shooter look in one direction. Further, the pencil is carried out on the tile knockers, thus tile, thus, its top (or bottom - depends on the drawing). Now, looking at the end you can immediately learn how to lay down the tile, in the sense of which side where.

Finally, we apply to the tile with a conventional flat spatula layer of glue. And remove the surplus with a toothed spatula, leaving even glue grooves. The spatula is trying to keep perpendicularly, without inclination - the thickness of the layer depends on it.

The surplus of glue from the wet spatula is almost independently slid in the bucket - the spatula is clean.

Apply the tile to the wall, pressed evenly. The level is tested by horizontal and vertical, although if the wall is well plastered, and the profile is horizontally attached - the tile itself will become as needed to press it with some big bumping will be problematic.

The glue can be applied to the wall itself, on the large area, but in this case, a certain skill is required and the experience of fast folding of the tile on the surface. We simply do not like this way, put it, as described above.

Next to the first we glue the second tile.

Between them from top and bottom insert crossings.

We pass the whole range.

With the help of the rule, check the plane - no gaps, the tile is joined everywhere.

In the corner you need to glue a piece of tile.

A straight piece cut off with stoveturis.

If it is not - you can make an incision with a conventional glass cutter, and then break the tile on the edge of stools or tables. You need to do it carefully - you can easily cut your hand on a broken ceramic edge.

In places where curled cuts or holes are needed, we use an angular grinding machine (simply - the grinder) with a diamond disk. Dust from her, of course, a lot, and not everyone can fork on a special machine with water supply.

The most primitive tool for such purposes is pliers, pliers or forceps. Round holes are made by nozzles with tungsten spraying or special ballet cutters. Today they were not needed.

To support the edge of the tile in the right place, you can just drive the nail under it.

You can adjust the position of the tiles within 15 minutes after gluing, if the time has passed more - it is better to remove the tile at all and, cleaned, put it again.

So so, slowly, put the tile to the ceiling itself.

On the right wall, the border of the tile serves the window slopes. In order to take it carefully, we use a plastic corner in which the tile end is hide. Corner should take a couple of millimeters of larger than the thickness of the tile. For example, if the thickness of the ceramics is 7 mm, the corner is needed 9 mm, otherwise the edge of the tile is simply not included inward.

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The kitchen is a place in the apartment where residents spend a lot of time. In this room, water vapors often accumulate, fats and other parts of food are settled on the surface. Laying tiles in the kitchen is a common way to protect walls from dirt. It also is often placed on the floor.

Ceramics is considered comfortable cladding for kitchen walls. It shows a greater resistance to moisture and high temperature, is durable and looks beautiful. You can use the color for any interior. But lay out the tile in the kitchen is much more difficult. The cost of this work is equal to the value of the material, since it is necessary to lay it carefully. An inaccurately laid tile will only spoil the appearance of the kitchen.

But you can save money if you try to get the initial skills of working with the tool. High-quality laying of tiles in the kitchen with their own hands - the task is performed.

Size selection and calculation of the number of tiles

Before purchasing a facing ceramic material, it is necessary to make calculation of its quantity. Make it can be done different ways:

  1. Measure the surface area for lining and divide it into an area of \u200b\u200bseparate tiles.
  2. Make a cardboard pattern tile and apply it to the wall.

The resulting amount of material should add 10% in case of damage during cutting. The cutting material will go to the facing of places around the pipes and sockets, for furniture and in the corners of the room.

Preparing tools and selection of materials

For laying on the wall of the kitchen of facing tiles, you need to purchase the following materials and tools:

  • tile;
  • tile glue;
  • plastic crosses;
  • slab;
  • nozzle mixer to drill;
  • electric drill;
  • drill "Ballerinka";
  • profile for plasterboard;
  • pencil;
  • line;
  • roulette;
  • rubber tip hammer;
  • level;
  • spatulas;
  • strong mass;
  • sponge with water.

The material must have moisture resistance and resistance to chemical impacts. Such properties have the glazed tile. Strength is indicated by the letters of PEI. PEI-1 is suitable for the kitchen. Instead, the designation is permissible: shaded palm. Resistance to chemicals is indicated by letters a or aa. One letter means high chemical resistance, two - simply resistant to chemistry material.

The format of the tile for the kitchen depends on the size of the room. For kitchens with a small area, a mosaic or tile with dimensions up to 20 cm are recommended. Larger sizes are suitable for the premises of a large area. Color should be coordinated with furniture and other kitchen equipment.

Ceramics is fixed on the wall with glue. The glue for the tile is better to choose the Ceresit brands. But you can use and cheaper analogues of domestic production. Plastic crosses serve to adjust the gaps between the elements of the facing. Instead of tile cutter, you can use roller glass cutter. The remaining tools may be needed at different stages of work.

Preparation of the wall of the wall

It is possible to put the tile in the kitchen on the pre-plastered walls. They are smooth, well hold the facing material on themselves. But this condition is not always done. After all, there are walls painted, on which you need to make notches or delete all the old paint.

Previously, the tile before installation was soaked in water. Now there is no need for this operation. Glue fastens the material with any base. It is possible to put it on plasterboard and on other surfaces. Playing and fully protected walls need to be braced well. To do this, it is recommended to use the primer composition of deep penetration. The remaining primer cannot be reversed back to the factory canister, since after a while it will begin to make unpleasant odors.

If the walls used to be lined, you need to dismantle the old finish. The tile is removed using a perforator. A bubble is used as nozzle. After the end of work, you need to free the wall from dust, align it with fresh plastering and dry for 2-3 weeks. If mold or fungus is detected under the old coating, they must be destroyed by anti-grapple fluid. Only after that you can start the installation of the tile.


Work on the laying tile can be held in different versions. Design of kitchen walls can be performed, having a tile:

  1. on the seams;
  2. diagonally;
  3. dressing.

The location of the cladding material on the seam is the simplest method. Diagonally - the most difficult. In this case, the method has to cut a lot and the tile consumption increases. Stick the tile in the kitchen into the dressing is to position the superior row with a displacement of half the product so that the middle of the next row tile is installed directly above the seam of the previous one.

Work begins with the bottom row. First, you need to install a metal profile at the level, strengthening it with a dowel. The first row of tiles is installed on it. Between them insert crossbars to adjust the width of the seam. Putting the tile in the kitchen is taken with a spatula, which is superimposed by the finished glue mixture. The spatula must have a teeth of 6-10 mm. The glue is mixed according to the instructions on the package. After kneading a mixer, he must stand for a few minutes. After re-stirring in 10 minutes it will become more plastic and soft.

The glue is applied to the tile with a straight spatula and remove excess with a toothed tool. Holding spatulas when working is recommended in a bucket with water. Tile with glue pressed against the wall and check its position with the level and rule. Near sockets and switches you need to cut holes. You can do it with a tile cutter or drill the tile with a special drill "Ballerinka". Corners and slopes can be issued using plastic corners in which the ends of the facing parts are inserted. After a day, the glue dries and you can clean the cross and profile.

When locating on the wall, it is recommended to trim parts near adjacent walls. Determine these places will help pre-dry layout. It should be remembered that today you can buy a tile of monochromatic and color, as well as with a photo printing or by individual order. Often selling sets with finishing elements, the color tone of which is somewhat different from the main shade. These elements are installed in the corners and at the top of the working tile. They give special beauty facing.

When finishing kitchen walls, it is possible to use various methods. You can combine ways of laying elements, their colors and shape. Some tenants choose products with a picture folding in the picture. A mosaic tile is successfully used in small kitchens.

In cases where the kitchen has small sizes, and the furniture fills almost all free space, silent the place behind the objects of furniture is expensive. In this case, many apartment owners use a method for creating only a small lined zone between a cutting table and mounted cabinets, as well as on top of the stove. Such an apron looks good in any kitchen.

Putting seams and their sealing

Final operation of finishing works - grout for seams. It requires a special rapid mass. It can be purchased ready or dry. Dry grout is mixed according to the manufacturer's instructions. In its color, it can fully match the tile or differ from it. The finished material with a rubber spatula is applied in the seams along the horizontal line and vertically. Then the surface is wiping with a wet sponge. Finally dries the molding after the day after it is applied.

Options for designer laying

Facing walls in the kitchen is not only protection, but also an element of aesthetics. Therefore, the laying of the tile can occur:

The traditional laying of tiles in the kitchen is made in a simple way. All rows are located parallel to the floor. With a diagonal method, the correct marking of the room diagonally has the correct markup. The displacement method is similar to the brick laying. It allows you to hide some surface treatment defects.

In a large kitchen, these techniques can be combined and choose any ways to lay tiles in the kitchen. This is especially important when separating the room into separate zones. Variety will give and selection of the color of the grout. It is mixed with a special nozzle for a drill and applied to the seams with a rubber spatula.

Sometimes tiled stacked and the floor in the kitchen. Before this dismantle the old coating and leveled the screed with cement-sandy solution. For classic kitchens need to do right choice Tiles on the floor. It is useful first to decompose it on the floor without glue. This will give the opportunity to choose the best laying option. Cutting items are made after placing integers. So the floor will look prettier.

The glue has the same composition as for walls, but applied with two layers. One layer is put on the floor, the other is on the tile. The elements from the center of the kitchen are pasted. For this, the room is divided by lines conducted from angle in the angle. For air removal, a rubber tip hammer is useful. Coverage elements are stacked in a circle. After 3-4 days, the coating can be walking. The composition of the rapid mixtures is the same as for walls.

You may also be interested

Laying tiles in the kitchen is a mandatory process accompanying repairs. If there are many alternative coatings for walls and floor, then the apron will not cost it without it. Thanks to its physical and aesthetic properties, it is indispensable for this part of the room. Attracting specialists will cost experts, not to mention the significant value of materials.

You can put a tile with your own hands, if you never even deal with this business before. After attentive familiarization with technology, it will become clear that there is nothing difficult in the work. Maximum, which will be required - this is strictly adhered to the sequence. Much depends on the personal qualities of the artist. If there is no patience and desire for accuracy, it is not necessary for work. Hurry will not lead to anything good.

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    Features of finishing surfaces with ceramic tiles

    The kitchen, lined with a cafeter, is rightfully considered the most functional, hygienic and beautiful. Ceramics is characterized by excellent qualities: durability, wear resistance and moisture resistance. Each master has favorite ways of laying tiles, which affects all stages of work production. Differently prepare the grounds, choose and apply glue. Despite the differences, the technology is general, because the material is one - the tile.

    It is important to choose a ceramic tile correctly. First of all, any hostess draws attention to the design. In this matter, Italian style supporters advise to stop their choice on golden products. Lovers of English primacy prefer saturation. Eastern flavor will give green tile or close to it on shades gray and dark brown.

    Kitchen design Today, not only rectangular forms of tiles are widely used. Round, triangular, square are becoming increasingly popular. As an additional attribute - alternation of shades, colors and textures. Such a variety allows you to show your designer abilities. Combining tiles, create ornaments and patterns that give the room with an arrangement.

    Besides external viewMuch attention is paid when buying you give quality. Inspect the surface from the reverse side. It is allowed only smooth, without scratches and cracks. The drawing should be clear, without failures. The sex tile is chosen embossed or specially polished. In case of water, it will not become slippery, will fight from falling.

    Design of cuisine with tile use has some features:

    1. 1. Color matching with a general room style: monophonic, or contains drawings, decorative inserts. The wall is traditionally white, but this is not a law. Floor - with different intersions, divorces, so that pollution is less noticeable.
    2. 2. Selecting the surface. Glossy - Beautiful, but dropping on it drops and the resulting spots are immediately striking. Matte is harder to report, embossed and rough, especially. For the walls, it is definitely not suitable for the walls, but on the floor is good - not sliding.
    3. 3. The size of the tile is selected by the room: it must match, but not be very small. The wall is pulled by applying rectangular elements. Mosaic looks good on the apron.
    4. 4. The tile is placed mainly by rows, sometimes applying offset. To visually enlarge the kitchen, the tile on the floor is glued diagonally.

    Special part of the kitchen - apron. This is simultaneously decorative coverage and protection of the walls from water, high temperature, contaminants. It constantly has to be brushing, so the glossy is most suitable, resistant to abrasion, not absorbing the moisture tile.

    These challenges can become glazed ceramic cafes. To create a design, choose a rectangular or square form. Beautifully looks like a surface diluted with inserts from the same material, but differing in color, pattern, shape. The main thing is to select so that the waste does not go more than on the finish.

    Many questions cause a wooden floor, which in many apartments leaves much to be desired. The traditional linoleum coating is short-lived. There are many other materials, but not all of them are able to withstand extreme conditions of the kitchen. Used with overhaul not every means. It used to be believed that laying the tile on the wooden floor could not. Modern technologies allow it to do.

    Preparatory Stage - Tools, Calculations, Foundation Finishing

    Before you begin laying a tile, you get everything you need and provide the front of work. You will need tools, some of them commonly used, others - highly specialized:

    • the perforator with which the old coating is removed;
    • drill or screwdriver with a nozzle mixer for the preparation of an adhesive solution;
    • narrow, comb and rubber spatulas;
    • short and long levels;
    • platecores or Bulgarian with a diamond disk;
    • rubber Kiyanka, which check the density of the tile fit;
    • crossings to maintain the constant width of the seams.

    Everything else, such as buckets, ruler, pencil and cord in the farm always find.

    The tile is glued by a special composition. You should ask what exactly the manufacturer recommends. Depending on the surface in the surface, which is to be finished, acquire a mixture. The masters often use a solution of 1 part of cement and 4 very fine sands. First, there are dry components, then water is gradually poured. If the mixture turned out to be homogeneous and viscous - it is suitable for work.

    How much will need a tile?

    The material is not cheap, so everyone is well counted so that there is no too much extra, but it must be enough. Because to buy - too bad. It is sometimes difficult to find exactly such, and from different parties may differ with shades. Measure the floor area and walls and buy 10% more: for possible fighting and trims. And for the furniture and equipment to glue the tile optionally - quite good shuttering and painting.

    With apron a little more difficult. In order not to be mistaken, draw a drawing with an indication of the size and location of all items. It is for these indicators orient. For standard kitchen, they are as follows:

    1. 1. The wall above the countertops is laying out with a tile by 50-75 cm. Typically, only the working part is separated, but sometimes go beyond the limits, laying the tile on free from furniture to the floor.
    2. 2. Below the table level, the tile is lowered by about 20 cm so that dirt and water do not get on the plaster. This size increases the overall height of the apron.
    3. 3. Horizontally finish the entire wall or only near the shell and stove. It will take less material, but the look will suffer.

    Next, the calculation of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apron is required. And the scheme that I still had to do was very useful: I can't hold each size in my head. The result is the source for determining the number of tiles. How much will you need - depends on their size and method of laying.

    Work is easier and faster if the tile parameters are 20 × 20 or 27 × 40, but it is from expensive. Models with width and 15 cm high are the most practical. The larger the material, the easier it is to manage a newcomer with him.

    Most of all will save the standard laying method - in a row. In addition, he is the easiest, for people without experience. Brick and especially diagonal laying leads to overruns, to withstand the correct gluing a non-professional is difficult.

    How to prepare the surface?

    Start with removal of old coating. If there was a tile before there, it was dismantled, attracting a perforator to the aid. Everything is cleaned to the layer of plaster. With wallpaper lighter, even if they are glued to conscience. When it is impossible to cut off, wet them with water and wait until they are impregnated, then removed with a spatula. The paint is removed in two ways: they apply a special solvent or heated with a hairdryer.

    Specialists to this usually do not resort. They prefer to apply notches. The reception is tested by time, eliminates excess work. But this is possible at two important conditions: the paint should be tightly lying on the surface and not to worry, and the plaster is nowhere to be peeling.

    If traces of mold and fungus are detected, these places are carefully deleted. Then they apply fungicides so that the infection does not crawl on.

    The plaster layer is checked for quality. It should fit tightly to the ground, the place where it is peeled, cleaned. Then close in putty. A perfectly smooth surface is not required - enough so that it looks like it. Sometimes you have to do a new plaster. It is not necessary to withdraw it for lighthouses - enough that the differences are not more than 5 mm.

    Special attention requires the corners where the tile from two adjacent walls is allowed. They must be perfectly smooth. After aligning surfaces and drying, the putty is applied notches. This will provide better tile gluing.

    Do not neglect the use of deep penetrating primer. In addition, it is provided with a strong compound, they contain antibacterial substances that prevent growing mold and fungi. The composition is applied twice, the next layer after drying the previous one.

    Those who face the preparation of the surface to stick the tile, it is useful to familiarize themselves with the video.

    How to install a tile on the walls - step-by-step technology

    Applying the level or plumb, repel the vertical line, and for apron - horizontal slightly lower than the table top. On it, a metal profile is fixed on the dowels. On the tile with a pencil on the reverse side, tip and stack in one direction. According to the instructions on the package prepare glue. It is applied to the entire surface of the tile, the surplus is cleaned with a toothed spatula. The tool is kept in water so that the solution does not fall on it.

    Installing a tile on the wall begins below. It is applied to the surface and pressing with an effort, hesitated by the image. Control the correctness of the situation - the quality of the whole range depends on this. Continue to go horizontally, inserting crossbars that will ensure the uniform thickness of the seams. Periodically long levels check the correct installation. You can correct the tile for 15 minutes, after that it is incorrectly laid.

    When the first row is laid with their own hands, after careful checking the correctness of the location, it is recommended to leave it for a day to dry. He is the most responsible, and all further quality is largely depends on it. The next day continues on the same technology. When the surface is fully covered, after 24 hours they take in the hands of the Cyanka and clutch. If the deaf sound is heard, the tile lay delicately. It should be cut off and put in a new way.

    An important question is: Where to start styling apron - from the middle or from the edge? It depends on its location: it is located in the middle of the kitchen or occupies part of the wall adjacent to the corner. In the first case, from the center, but the rows ends with a clipped tile. Their size should be kept the same on both sides, otherwise the view will turn out to be inaccurate. If the apron is angular, start from the edge of the whole tile.

    If you want to cut off the tile, it is very convenient to use the stovetur, but you can do and the grinder with a special circle. With certain skills, glass cutter is used, which are applied to the line from the reverse side, and then bleed, putting on the edge of the table. There are sharp jar remaining, which are removed by Nazia or Bru, a file. If you need to make a round hole, use a diamond nozzle on the grinder.

    To properly arrange the corners, hide the tile ends, apply plastic corners. The thickness is selected by 2 mm more than the tile, so that the edges are freely entered. There is a version of dosilets without the use of corners. It is much more complicated and consists in the spilling of adjacent ends to 45 °. If the walls are "roasted", it will be beautifully done only after aligning with plaster or plasterboard.

    After a day, glue freezes. From the apron remove the support metal, remove the cross between the tiles. Getting started to design seams. Apply a dry grout, which is bred to the desired state, are applied to the rubber spatula and pressed. It must be harmonized with the color of the tile, better a little darker. Surplus in half an hour are removed with a damp cloth.

    Details about laying tiles on the wall in the video material.

    Features of laying sexual tile

    The technology is not fundamentally different from gluing on the wall. Prerequisitively requires careful surface treatment and performance of features. The coating is experiencing a greater load. The cuisine tenants are visited over the day repeatedly, because it serves as a dining room at the same time. On Paul Davit appliances and massive furniture with dishes and products.

    Applying various layout schemes, visually expand or reduce the room. First try dry, to evaluate and choose the most acceptable option.

    1. 1. The surface is treated with antiseptic and ground. If necessary, set a vaporizolation substrate.
    2. 2. The first tile is laid in the far corner, retreating 1 cm from the wall. This space will close the plinth.
    3. 3. The glue is applied to the base, and with large irregularities additionally on the tile. In parallel, 2 rows are placed, moving towards the door.
    4. 4. Cold with rubber inquiry for tight fit. Constantly check the plane level. Do not forget about cross.

You decided to put a new tile on the kitchen, but do not even imagine this process to start and how to do it? Below you get all the necessary information that will help you with your own hands to put tiles in the kitchen, observing all the technologies.

Today, the tiles on the construction market is represented in a huge variety of styles:

  • classic;
  • country;
  • minimalism and many others.

It is important to choose not only aesthetic material, but also to choose such that would have excellent specifications.

The tile is characterized in that it has a porous structure. Its top is covered with icing. For the floor, it will not work, but you can stick on the walls.

Ceramic tile is also covered with icing. The main minus is low resistance to mechanical damage.

The most durable is a tile of porcelain stoneware. Porcelain stoneware on the kitchen floor will suit the most, since this material has high wear resistance. The main minus - the color shades are very small.

Preparation of the surface to laying, tools and materials

In order to put a tile with your own hands on the kitchen for all the rules, you will need:

  • tile;
  • plaster;
  • nails;
  • rubber spatula;
  • construction level;
  • metal spatulas;
  • primer with deep filling;
  • crosses and plastic corners;
  • powder for a tile;
  • special machine for cutting the tile;
  • roulette;
  • aluminum rules;
  • bulgarian;
  • profile from plasterboard;
  • metal ruler;
  • special glue.

We will proceed to choose a variety of materials. There are many types of primer, but each of them is practically no different from each other. It is necessary to remember that it is impossible to dump the primer back to the canister if you were cast from there. In addition to its unsuitability, it will have a disgusting smell.

The glue on the market is also presented in huge varieties. Some recommend using only foreign compositions, others - domestic. Experts adhere to most of the opinion that domestic is not worse than foreign. The main advantage is the lower price, as it does not arise overwhelming money for the brand.

Preparation of materials and laying Tiles (video)

Leveling kitchen walls do it yourself

This work is made in several stages. In addition, there are several options for it:

  • if the walls of the kitchen in cracks or irregularities, then they are covered with plasterboard and are facing with ceramic tiles;
  • when the walls are covered with paint, it will be necessary to remove it and twist the walls;
  • if the walls are smooth, then it is originally with your own hands you need to twist a little.

Work begins with the fact that all irregularities and cracks are filled with splitule. All protruding parts are also removed. Deep cracks and potholes need to be melted with cement mortar. After that, apply plaster and wait for it completely dry.

Now you need to put primer with deep penetration. It will also be necessary to wait for its complete drying. After that, you can start laying tiles.

How to put tiles: secrets

Each wizard boasts his own way, as best to lay out tiles. For example, if the wall is covered with paint, then you can finally and not count it, but only make notches on it.

Secrets of laying tiles (video)

Basic work on laying tiles

Initially, a ceramic tile is bought in the construction market. What to find out how much it will take it, you need to measure the area of \u200b\u200bwalls of the kitchen and add about 20%, which will go on trimming ceramics. Behind the cabinets you can put these remnants of the materials, there they will be simply invisible.

There are three ways how do it yourself lay the tile correctly:

  1. put the tile diagonally. Cut the tile will have a lot, therefore it will be necessary for the material as much.
  2. Install tiles on the seam. This method is the most common and simple.
  3. Delivery. The upper rows are shifted relative to the lower on half the tile size.

After the method is found, you can start laying the tile. Along the walls of the kitchen, one row of tiles will be best put in order not to make a mistake with sizes. Previously need to put ceramics next to the windows and doors.

  1. At the height of the kitchen table, the horizontal line draws;
  2. Metal milling from drywall is fixed with nails on the wall at the level on which the line was drawn. About 4 centimeters will need to leave about 4 centimeters and check the level that laying is done correctly.
  3. Similarly, the vertical line is also carried out. The tile must be attached to the top edge of the wall, put a plumb to it and mark the places where full-fledged material plates will be installed. Also measure, in what places the tile will have to trim.
  4. With the help of such a tool as the tile tiles are cut much easier. If it is not available, you can use the glass cutter. After that, you can break the ceramics on the corner of the stool or table. Since about sharp corners there is a chance to cut down, it is necessary to do it extremely gently.
  5. It is important to choose the spatula correctly. Its width directly depends on what is the dimensions of the tiles. So that the glue does not remain on the soldier, this tool is required to constantly ignore in a bucket with water.
  6. On one of the corners of the tile, you can find an image of a special arrow. Therefore, the tile must be postponed so that this arrow is located on one side for each tile. After that, a mark is made from the end pencil. This method marks the top and bottom of the tile.
  7. Now it will be necessary to knead the adhesive mass. This can be done by following instructions on the package. The mixture should be plastic and soft. To carry out this operation, you may need an electric mixer or drill with a screw nozzle. After that, the glue can be applied with your own hands on the wall with a spatula. You can use aluminum rules to make sure the layer evenness.
  8. Now we take a flat spatula and apply glue on the reverse side of the tile. The spatula in his hands holds only perpendicularly.
  9. The tile is applied to the wall and pressed uniformly. With the help of the construction level, it will be necessary to check if everything is done.
  10. Next to the first ceramic tiles fit the second. Aluminum rule is checked by the laying plane. In the same way, the remaining tiles can be put in the same way.
  11. The glue is seized for 10 minutes. This time should be enough to ensure that the tile is adjusted in the case.
  12. With the help of plastic coolers, slopes and angles of walls are drawn up.
  13. After the entire tile is posted, the glue must completely dry.

Detailed process of laying tiles (video)

Ceramic tile is, first of all, aesthetic design of the kitchen. It must be chosen in such a way that it organically complemented the kitchen.

The monophonic tile will be more suitable if an exquisite kitchen set is supplied in the room. With ordinary furniture, it is best to do on the contrary, that is, lay out tiles in a variety of colors.

Kitchen apron finishing options (video)


The tile gives the kitchen brightness, harmony and organically complements its interior. From what kind of kitchen sizes and types of furniture depend on the ways of laying tiles. It is necessary to think over all the little things in order to subsequently enjoy the coolest in this room. And how to put a tile with your own hands, you have already learned from this article.

Examples of the design of apron in the kitchen (photo)


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