The largest scientific technical achievements of the 20th century. Technical achievements of the end of the XIX - early XX century

The largest scientific technical achievements of the 20th century. Technical achievements of the end of the XIX - early XX century

War prevents nations from rotting. It said the German philosopher Hegel. Whatever it was, but the real rise of science took place not in the twentieth century, but "a little earlier." Science was engaged in medieval monasteries, and alchemists thought about the use of its results. However, the "villain and the invader" Napoleon expelled from his office inventor of the machine gun. According to a very simple reason - he considered such an effective weapon immoral. A little later, the "kindest" German Kaiser Wilhelm II has already favored people with gas like rats.

Is there a "beautiful new world" without disease and material needs, as well as the promise of virtual immortality to be interpreted as a secularized version of Paradise? We are dealing with genuine theological links or just with pride, which is that a person puts himself in place of God?

Moreover, theology faces the question set by an evolutionary biology, as far as it itself is an outflow of genetically determined plants in human nature. Obviously, practical philosophy takes a prominent place in the planned discourse. On the one hand, he acts as the philosophical anthropology of the "Third Way" between subsequent biological naturalism, on the one hand, and radical spiritualism - on the other. Is the approval of the main characters of the transgumanist prospects for the future, in the spirit of enlightenment, justify technically motivated people?

Cultural Revolution - Scientific and Technical Progress

A little about the nature of progress

The development of mechanics led to creating important machines. First was created primitive steam engine Watt. But very quickly, this car completely changed its appearance and worked already on maritime ships and locomotives. The result was a tremendous order for steel and coal, and since the production mechanization was, to put it mildly, "not very", it caused big discontent from low-paying workers. Trade was the engine of progress, but the merchants had not yet had to work on such scales as whole continents, and therefore the delusted ideas about " classes», « exploiters», « race and blood"And so on. However, this is from another area.

Or is it a technocratically shortened option of rationality, which simply suppressed his dialectic in the sense of overload in Nehuman? And the last but no less important: search for philosophy must be sought to find clear regulatory criteria for evaluating scientific and technical development. Do you need morality and ethics just to legalize the evolution in your artificially controlled version? Or is it a stimulus to support the standards of action based on natural law, which are not exhaustive in justifying the maximization of individual utility?

By the beginning of the 20th century, many books appear full of euphoria about the future. Not only the failure, but also enough educated people are influenced by the "human power over nature." It was penetrated even into the twentieth century himself - Sergey Korolev did not have a joke, which could be flying to the crowds of tourists. About price on a ticket and consequences for ambient Then they thought the least, apparently, lacked practical experience.

But other ambivalence of ethical reflection on the "improvement" of a person is also possible. Could ethics correspond to the role of a conservative conservative of an existing one, whose task is to tame the dynamics of scientific and technical development in the sense of the status quo and make it "socially compatible"? Isn't it necessary to recognize the human potential of new technologies and promote them normatively, even if the recognition of society is still going on?

Is it a development from "humanism to the homunculus" does not require a new morality outside of human dignity? However, the appeal to the literary sciences and linguistics is necessary for the planned forum. It is well known that linguistics was the driving force of postmodern constructivism. When the feeling threatens the vision of technically updated new people today, humanitarian sciences, in particular linguistics, should raise the question of who created not only the intellectual conditions for convergence of transgumanism technologies in the form of their post-constructuralist, social constructivism and the postmodernist master thinker, of course, They are marked up much more ancient background.

It must be said that politicians only use science, like everything else. Science is developing in its internal logic, due to the curiosity of scientists. But sometimes this curiosity leaves everything sideways. Strong Mira This, which everything, always, and everywhere comes with hands, use the released energy for destruction. The motive of them is simple - to swee their vanity, enter the story. The more people kill one or another politician, the more his servant will eat someone else's bread and oil - the honor and more norrigiously his acts. And of course, pocket priests, historians and borzophisians under all will bring the right base, all will find justification.

On the one hand, since the beginning of the century, the main characters of "human improvements" created many visions, reconstruction and interpretation of which implies literary and scientific methods. Of the literature of scientific interest will also indicate possible differences and similarity between these types of text and the utopian genre of one side and science fiction, on the other hand, the corresponding passages from the Bible from the new person were issued. And the last but not least, the inclusion of linguistics in our speech is necessary, as the last studies are also Khomsky, as in the anthropological plan, the structure of the language for the question of the situation of the person and its distinctive profile in nature is decisive.

« Cost value"Science never served an obstacle to politicians, if only it was about new guns and fortresses. But if science was done for peaceful purposes, he stood up with a sour expression a penny donation. A good example is the history of atomic physics. There was a time when scientists worked with the most dangerous materials in ordinary basins for washing in the premises of the barn (Curie's spouses) and paid for it. An example of the poverty of financing " pure science" But as soon as the "device from pineapple" smells, a lot of money was allocated. No one embarrassed that there was a huge concrete housing on the way, where all production matters occur without the participation of a person - he will not live and several days, if only looks there. (By the way, this is a very small part of all expenses.) It is not worth explaining what "device" is in question.

Is their syntactic or grammatical structure found in the communication systems of the animal world? Or does this indicate an insurmountable break between people and animals, despite the large general genetic incision? It should also be mentioned that the "universal grammar" of Khomsky caused a field of research, which is in search of a genetic basis of its dissertation.

However, is there currently a reliable correlation between genetics and language competence. Historical science and historical anthropology, as well as ethnologically informed cultural studies are indispensable for our discourse, because they protect us from exiting anthropological invariants and confusing us in the incident unit of a unilateral Eurocentric perspective. The science of history can also give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe changes in how people are engaged in their body, for example, in the ancient Egyptian, Asian and South American high cultures, before the release of European civilization to be able to compare the same process in this film in European conditions, Middle Ages and modernity.

It is also not necessary to think that in, the "most peace-loving state", etc. Science was used only for peaceful purposes. Perhaps, on the contrary, the rumble of the Bolsheviks on the theme of the world revolution was not frightened by the West, and therefore Mr. Hitler was given a card in hand. It is impossible to explain the other rapid career of the corney. The West entered as when steaming steppe fires - set fire to the counter direction. Actually, politicians always did, but the time of Clausevitz is one, and Hiroshima is another.

Should a gradual approach to the application of man improvement methods should be developed, so that the modern improvement option was just another stage in a long series of experimental experiments? Or direct access to neurons and new quality genes? First of all, however, in the discussion itself, the concept of the culture itself should be considered. If the cultural competence of a person he is genetically competent is a sign of its uniqueness, it will be necessary to discuss whether to assume a narrow concept, which is only the so-called high culture.

Key points of science and technology of the 20th century

  • Opening of blood groups 1900
  • First aircraft 1903.
  • Special theory of relativity 1905
  • Invention of the electronic lamp (diode) 1905
  • Improvement diode (triode) 1096
  • Creating a conveyor 1908.
  • Obtaining synthetic rubber 1910
  • SuperGetherodyne radio cane 1917.
  • Opening insulin 1922.
  • Television transmission tube 1923
  • Sound cinema 1927.
  • Opening of Penicillina 1928.
  • Sound recording 1930.
  • Opening Neutron 1932.
  • Opening of Uranus division 1939
  • Ballistic rocket 1942.
  • Creating an atomic bomb 1945
  • Creating computers 1945.
  • Creating a hydrogen bomb 1952
  • Opening DNA structure 1953
  • Integrated circuits 1959.
  • Creating a laser 1960.
  • Space flights 1961
  • Invention Internet 1969.
  • Genetic engineering 1973.
  • Microprocessors 1979.
  • Cloning 1996.
  • Stem cells 1999.

Inventions and their consequences

In a short article, it is impossible to even simply list the most important inventions of the twentieth century, so it is necessary to allocate those that caused major consequences. By the beginning of the century already existed railways, internal combustion engine (including diesel), telegraph, telephone and even radio. Much was done in biology. So the twentieth century began not from scratch. But it was an eyelid invention. IN fundamental science It was done less than in past centuries. (If you do not belong to the fundamental science of the dissertation about the benefits and dangers of kefirs and their connection with alcoholism.) The work of Einstein on the theory of relativity, for example, an unconditional example of fundamental achievements. Work on genetics, biochemistry, can also be considered fundamental - they open a lot of prospects, including quite frightening.

Or continues the concept of culture, which focuses on agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as these roots "literally in experienced practitioners of everyday survival"? And the last but no less important: we must briefly discuss the possible contribution of social sciences to our discussion forum. In addition, they are social interests and state institutions. What motives encourage these social agencies to encourage financial expensive research projects that are not intended for therapy, and to expand human potential?

As for inventions, the twentieth century was a horn of abundance. They sprinkled from the very beginning. Together with the benefits, they carried with them and great disasters. For example, a diesel, which peacefully pulls the whole passenger or cargo composition, almost without alterations was removed from submarines, sobering a lot of ships and with cargo, and with passengers. Injector engines on high-octane gasoline, which the most respectable audience considers the "newest achievements" (with the filing of advertisers), successfully twisted the screws of the aircraft during the Second World War.

As addressees, a large mass of the population, on the one hand, and the elite, on the other, react to the technological proposal of "improved person"? But ideologically critical tasks apply to social sciences. Is it true that the peoples that will resist its dynamism relate to the number of losers of history? Or is it not true that new technologies can only prove their existence as far as they can really solve the current problems of their post-industrial origin?

At first glance, the problem horizons of individual sciences mentioned here seem inhomogeneous. But their uniting attention is a person in his special place in space, which is based on socio-cultural varieties of his animal biological character: all the sciences listed here to look at the core, thus, in combination to clarify the aspects of the inner nature of a person in their cultural, Social and biological context.

A special role is played by a small and boring conveyor. Henry Ford applied it on the assembly of cars, but the principle of the flow production itself, as a model on which products are produced, increased performance in tens, hundreds, and thousands of times. On the one hand, hundreds of thousands of consumers, in a mass order immediately acquired unprecedented goods, which could not be pricked. On the other hand, on the same principles, airplanes and bombs were produced, which very soon turned this joy into plaster and soot, together with the intestines of those who were not lucky.

If the updated philosophical anthropology comes to the conclusion that the ambiguity of human nature, which it establishes today, has grown to the level of biotechnological and sociocultural studies, it would have far-reaching consequences. In this case, the nature of a person is not completely deprived of the historical process and determinedly subordinate to its biological laws, that is, static and unchanged, as accepted in traditional societies. Nevertheless, in the first decades of the decade, it would have been fully formed and had unlimited plasticity, such as Russian biocosmists.

Artificial (butadiene) rubber put on wheels cars, gave the opportunity to raise and plant the heaviest aircraft. The role of automotive tires is quite comparable to the role of the railway. If earlier the centers of civilization were the places where the railway was laid, then with the advent of the tires, it penetrated everywhere, with the exception of swamps and jungle.

Then the question would be the question of how to determine the relationship between the biological and sociocultural nature of a person in the light of this ambivalence. Is the last only to the expansion of aggressive or solidarity impulses arising from the first as a result of the requirements of its evolution? Or attitude directly opposite? Sociocultural feasibility of feasibility greatly solves its biological basis? Is he going to destroy the inner, as well as external nature?

If the task of education continues to be serious and "does not capitulate in the obvious dominance of hereditary factors", it should be clear that both of the above paths lead to a catastrophe. Biologicalization of sociocultural nature - instrumentalization of technology as a means of self-affirmation. Evolution, which is rooted in evolution, which minimizes the ability of a person to respond, then strengthens the power of the power of power to such an extent that people threaten to destroy their own natural bases.

Transport, and communication - three foundations on which states are with ancient times. Without communication, it is impossible to imagine even the Faraonovo kingdom. In the twentieth century, radio was added to wired telecommunications. Its role is difficult to overestimate. But without the invention, the super-neurodine principle of the radio would not be possible to get a good range of communication and "catch" a large number of stations. Radio MiG reported to the listeners an almost complete picture of the world and made the imagination in the most deaf holes on the planet. Social consequences of this turned over all policies in the world. All subsequent: cinema, television, video, internet, no longer playing such a role. The case is done, and now politicians have to lie very carefully.

In the end, the balance of terror during the Cold War period prevented an extreme case, but the problem of using modern technologies for survival remains "harsh" fact, such as a slowed down deforestation of the rainforests and only an insufficient chance of their recovery.

The independence of the sociocultural measurement of human nature from its biological roots leads to the same catastrophe: biology is increasingly replaced by the cultural product of the machine. A person threatens to become the design of himself, the more his biological substance deviates from the interaction of a man-machine. This process is based on the fact that on the basis of our sociocultural self-identification, we must first know how a special historical situation in which a person is located, characterizes it before we learn the direction in which we want.

A special role in the history of the twentieth century is played by the 1939th year. The German physicist Otto Gan calculated how much energy will be allocated when dividing the uranium nucleus. Since he was just a scientist, he published these results, in simplicity of spiritual. But very soon he came to the horror, realizing the consequences. His colleagues pointed him the opportunity technical application This discovery. Yes, he himself began to understand it. It was consumed only that if not he, so someone else would have done this discovery in the near future. Very soon after the publication of the results (February 11, 1939) the second began world War (September 1, 1939). It is impossible to exclude that it was pushed by the possibility of creating a "device". In this case, the state who has achieved this, begins to dictate to other conditions - becomes a superpower. And someone did not stand the nerves.

Thus, the "improvement" of interference in the human genome itself is a sociocultural act, while the convergence technological instruments are just a means to achieve its preliminary goals. In this case, a person "would gradually slipped out of evolution through a powerful self-esteem act," as a result of which the destruction of the natural basis of human life is continuously developing.

In his partial instinctive commitment, he is constantly forced to redo himself in specific historical situations, the horizon, in front of which it determines itself, is open to humans. Here we are talking about a generalized consensus in the sociocultural world that a person may and cannot expect that a person will take on technological re-equipment if he wants to adhere to the fact that he once called Helmut Plesner with the condition of humanization.

After World War II

The arms race continued. Georgy Zhukov, visiting as an expert Totsky Polygon during exercises with nuclear weapons, very small power, said: "It is impossible to fight this weapon." However, it came to politicians soon. The idea of \u200b\u200b"containment" was invented, until, finally, the growth of quality and the number of arms themselves did not scare the politicians themselves.

Conclusions for cells. The opening of nucleic acid in chromosomes was replaced by the knowledge that the information contained in the kernel is responsible for hereditary symbols. Then the development of genetic services was launched in different countries between the 1950s and 1960s with the main purpose of the opening of the foundations of genetic diseases.

Polymerase chain reaction. Use of genetic tools. In the 90s of the last century, the project "The human genome" begins, the sequence of which was completed during the year. There is no link genome, but each person has our unique genome, and we must take into account structural variations and changes in the sequence that gives us individuality, in addition to changes that cause us a disease.

But the story with the race ended safely. Thanks to her today, computers, laptops, cell phones, Internet, certain successes in medicine, incredible saucepans, many new economic materials, the coming full transition to digital television, access is almost to any information - only choose, and a lot more.

It is impossible to exclude that the biological nestings of the last century will lead to solving the problems of incurable diseases and unlimited extension of human life. Popular information in this area is too little, although scientists come close to many things. But what will be the reverse side of the coin? No one knows. Understanding biological processes can give the key to the conscious creation of unprecedented infections, plants or organisms, and in the hands of the maniacs to destroy all the population on Earth. At the same time, the most frightening is that for biotechnology, it seems, it is not so many complex and expensive equipment, as for nuclear affairs. The main thing is to understand what is happening in the cells. Then knowing man Ideally, it can do a set of bubbles and an homely refrigerator ...

Another interesting side of progress is the Hubble telescope. It is located in airless space, and despite the meteorite dust, which "abrasive" its mirror allows you to see heaps large stoneswho fly with a mad speed over sunny orbit. One such stone, the size of a few hundred meters (on Earth, it will seem to the insignificant rock or a hormster), it is enough to stop not only civilized life on Earth, but in general, life as such. Astronomers know enough to experience anxiety. The fact is that not all the stones representing the danger are visible immediately. Will mankind destroy such a stone with the help of a spacecraft with thermonuclear bomb? Somehow change his orbit? Or at least reduce the consequences of fragments falling on Earth?

Here is such a thing progress

You do not know where you will find where you lose. So it is unlikely to have to sit all the time, and gradually engage in the merchant. Not at all, not all the consequences of technical progress from the twentieth century showed themselves to the full. For example, it is not known which Internet will cause. Today, politicians are highly spitting on it, announcing performances and communication in the network activities of a bunch of abnormal, and what will happen tomorrow, no one is unknown.

Winter V. V., Nefedov S. A.

History of science and technology. Yekaterinburg

At the end of the XIX century, an "electricity era" came. If the first machines were created by self-taught masters, now science has mastered the life of people - the introduction of electric motors was a consequence of the achievements of science. The Epoch of Electricity began with the invention of the dynamomosha; The DC generator, it was created by the Belgian engineer Zinovy \u200b\u200bGram in 1870. Due to the principle of reversibility, the gram machine could work both as a generator and as an engine; It could be easily converted to an alternator. In the 1880s, Yugoslav Nikola Tesla worked in America in America, Yugoslav Nikola Tesla created a two-phase AC electric motor. At the same time, Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, who worked in Germany at AEG in Germany, created an effective three-phase electric motor. Now the task of using electricity rested in the current transmission problem for distance. In 1891, the opening of the World Exhibition in Frankfurt took place. At the request of the organizers of this exhibition, Rolling Dobrovolsky created the first high voltage LPP and the transformer to it; The order provided for such a squeezed duration that no tests were carried out; The system was turned on - and immediately earned. After this exhibition, Valivo-Dobrovolsky became the leading electrical engineering of the time, and the AUG firm became the largest manufacturer of electrical engineering. From this time, plants and factories began to move from steam machines to electric motors, large power plants and power lines appeared.

A large achievement of electrical engineering was the creation of electric lamps. For the solution of this task in 1879, the American inventor Thomas Edison took; His staff had more than 6 thousand experiments, testing various materials for the filament threads, best Material Bamboo fiber turned out, and the first Edison lights were "bamboo". Only twenty years later, at the suggestion of the Russian engineer of Lodygin, the incandescent thread began to manufacture from tungsten.

Power plants required very high power engines; This problem was solved by creating steam turbines. In 1889, the Swede Gustav Laval received a turbine patent, in which the speed of expiring the pair reached 770 m / s. At the same time, the Englishman Charles Parsons created a multistage turbine; Parsons Turbine began to be used not only on power plants, but also as an engine of high-speed ships, cruisers and ocean liners. Hydroelectric power plants appeared, on which hydroturbines were used, created in the 1930s by the French engineer Benoit Fourneron. An American Pelton in 1884 patented a jet turbine worked under great pressure. The hydroturbines had a very high kp.d., about 80%, and the energy received on hydrostats was very cheap.

Simultaneously with the work on the creation of heavy-duty engines, work was covered over small mobile engines. At first, these were gas engines operating on a light gas; They were intended for small businesses and craft workshops. The gas engine was an internal combustion engine, that is, the combustion of fuel was carried out directly in the cylinder and the combustion products pushed the piston. Work at high temperatures in the cylinder required the cooling and lubrication system; These problems were resolved by the Belgian engineer of Etienne Lenoar, who created the first gas engine in 1860.

However, the lighting gas obtained from wood sawdust was expensive fuel, more promising were working on the engine operating on gasoline. The gasoline engine required the creation of a carburetor, a device for spraying fuel in the cylinder. The first efficient gasoline engine was created in 1883 by the German engineer Julius Daimler. This engine opened the era of cars; Already in 1886, Daimler put his engine to a four-wheeled crew. This machine was demonstrated at the exhibition in Paris, where the French manufacturers Rene Panar and Etienne Levassor bought a license for its production. Panar and Levassor used only the diver engine; They created their car, equipping its clutch, gearbox and rubber tires. It was the first real car; In 1894, he won the first car race Paris-Rouen. Next year, Levassor won the Paris-Bordeaux race. "It was madness! Said the winner. - I rushed at a speed of 30 kilometers per hour! " However, Daimler himself decided to engage in the production of cars; In 1890, he created the company "Daimler Motor", and ten years later, this company released the first car Mercedes brand. "Mercedes" became a classic car of the early XX century; It had a four-cylinder engine with a capacity of 35 liters. from. And developed the speed of 70 km / h. This beautiful and reliable car had an incredible success, she laid the beginning of a mass production of cars.

K. p. D. The engine of the daimler was about 20%, to. P. Steam cars did not exceed 13%. Meanwhile, according to the theory of thermal engines, developed by the French physicist of Karno, to. P. D. The ideal engine could reach 80%. The idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal engine was worried about the minds of many inventors, in the early 1990s she tried to realize the young German engineer Rudolph Diesel. The idea of \u200b\u200ba diesel engine consisted in compression of air in a cylinder to a pressure of about 90 atmospheres, while the temperature reached 900 degrees; Then the fuel was injected into the cylinder; In this case, the cycle of the engine was obtained close to the ideal "carno cycle". Diesel failed to fully realize his idea, due to technical difficulties, it was forced to lower the pressure in the cylinder to 35 atmospheres. However, the first diesel engine, which appeared in 1895, made a sensation - its to. P. D. Was 36%, twice as much as gasoline engines. Many firms sought to buy a license for the production of engines, and already in 1898, diesel became a millionaire. However, the production of engines required a high technological culture, and diesel for many years had to ride in different countries, by selling the production of their engines.

The internal combustion engine was used not only in cars. In 1901, American engineers Hart and Parre created the first tractor, in 1912 the company "HOLT" mastered the release of caterpillar tractors, and by 1920, 200 thousand tractors worked on American farms. The tractor assumed not only field work, its engine was used to actuate threshing, mowers, mills and other agricultural machines. The creation of a tractor began a massive mechanization of agriculture.

The appearance of an internal combustion engine has played a big role in the emergence of aviation. At first, I thought that it was enough to put the engine on the winged apparatus - and it would rise into the air. In 1894, Maxim Maxim's famous inventor built a huge aircraft with a wings of 32 meters and weighing 3, 5 tons - this car crashed at the first attempt to climb into the air. It turned out that the main problem of aeronautics is flight stability. This task was solved by long experiments with models and gliders. Back in the 1870s, the French foam created several small models operated by a rubber motor; The result of its experiments was the conclusion about the important role of the tail of the tail. In 1890, the German Otto Liliental made about 2 thousand flights on the glider constructed. He ruled the glider by balancing his body, and could be in the air to 30 seconds, flying 100 meters during this time. The experiments of Lilienteer ended tragically, he could not cope with the bust of the wind and crashed, falling from a height of 15 meters. The work on the creation of gliders continued the Americans Brothers Wright, the owners of the cycling workshop in the city of Dayton. Brothers Wright introduced the vertical steering wheel, transverse electrons and measured the lifting force of the wings by blowing in an aerodynamic pipe invented by them. The Planer built by Rait brothers was well managed and could stay in the air about a minute. In 1903, Rait brothers put a small gasoline engine on the glider, which they produced themselves in their workshop. December 14, 1903 Wilbar Wright made the first engine flight flying 32 meters; On December 17, the flight range reached 260 meters. These were the first flights in the world, before the Rait brothers, not one airplane could not climb the air. Gradually increasing the power of the motor, the Rait brothers learned to fly at their airplane; In October 1905, the plane lasted in the air of 38 minutes, flying in a circle of 39 kilometers. However, the achievements of Wright brothers remained unnoticed, and their requests to the government assistance remained unanswered. In the same 1905, Rait brothers were forced due to lack of funds to stop their flights. In 1907, Wrights visited France, where the public with great interest treated the flights of the first aviators - however, the range of flights of French aviators was measured only by hundreds of meters, and their airplanes did not have aleons. The stories and photos of the Rait brothers produced such a sensation in France that her echo suled to America and the government immediately provided an order for 100 thousand dollars. In 1908, the new airplane of Wrights made a flight duration of 2, 5 hours. Airplane orders fell from all sides, in New York was founded by the aircraft industry "Wright" with capital 1 million dollars. However, in 1909 several disasters occurred on "Wrights", and disappointment came. The fact is that the planes of the Rait brothers did not have tail plumage, and therefore often "roared the nose." French aviators knew about the need for tailing plumage from foam experiments; Soon they borrowed from the Rait Aironov brothers and surpassed their American fellow. In 1909, Louis Blerio made a flight through La Mans. In the same year, Henri Farman created the first mass model of the Airplane, the famous "Farman-3". This aircraft became the main training machine of that time and the first aroplast, which began to produce serially.

At the end of the XIX century, work continued on the creation of new means of communication, telephone and radio communications came to replace the telegraph. The first experiments on the transmission of speech at the distance were carried out by the English inventor by flight in the 60s. In the 70s, Alexander Bell became interested in these experiments, Scot, emigrated to America and taught first at school for deaf-and-dumb children, and then at the University of Boston. One familiar doctor suggested Bella to take advantage of the experiments with the human ear and brought him an ear from the corpse. Bell copied the eardrum, and, by placing a metal membrane next to the electromagnet, achieved a satisfactory transmission of speech for short distances. In 1876, Bell took a patent for the phone and in the same year sold more than 800 copies. Next year, Daviz Uz invented the microphone, and Edison applied a transformer to transmit sound over long distances. In 1877, the first telephone exchange was built, Bell created a company for the production of phones, and in 10 years in the USA there were already 100 thousand telephone sets.

When working on the telephone, Edison had the idea to record oscillations of the microphone membrane. He supplied the membrane with a needle that recorded oscillations on a cylinder covered with foil. So the phonograph appeared. In 1887, American Emil Berliner replaced the cylinder with a circular plate and created a gramophone. Gramophone discs could be easily copied, and soon there were many firms engaged in recording.

The new connection step in the development was made with the invention of the radio telegraph. The scientific basis of radio communications was created by Maxwell theory of electorogenic waves. In 1886, Heinrich Hertz experimentally confirmed the existence of these waves using the device called the vibrator. In 1891, the French physicist Branly found that metal sawdust placed in a glass tube change resistance under the action of electromagnetic waves. This device received the name of the coherer. In 1894, the English physicist Lodge used a coherer to register the passage of the waves, and next year, Russian engineer Alexander Popov attracted the antenna to Cogerroura and adapted it to the adoption of signals emitted by the hertz vibrator. In March 1896, Popov demonstrated its apparatus at a meeting of the Russian physicochemical society and made the transmission of signals for a distance of 250 meters. Simultaneously with Popov, a young Italian Gulielmo Marconi created its radio telegraphed installation; He first managed to patent this invention; And next year, organized a joint stock company for its use. In 1898, Marconi included jigger in his receiver - a device for enhancing antenna currents, it allowed to increase the range of up to 85 miles and transmitted through La Mans. In 1900, Marconi replaced the coherer with a magnetic detector and carried out radio communication through the Atlantic Ocean: President Roosevelt and King Edward VIII exchanged on the radio welcoming telegrams. In October 1907, Marconi opened the first broadcast station for the general public.

One of the wonderful achievements of this time was the creation of cinema. The appearance of the movie was directly related to the improvement of photography invented by Dager. The British Maddox in 1871 developed a rowomomelatelin process, which made it possible to reduce the excerpt to 1/200 second. In 1877, Pole Lion Varnah invented a roller camera with bromis chosen paper tape. In 1888, the German photographer Anseli created an instant shutter. After that, there was an opportunity to make snapshots, and the whole problem was reduced to creating a jumping mechanism to produce pictures through intervals in a fraction of a second. This mechanism and first film preparation were created by the lumen brothers in 1895. In December of this year, the first cinema was opened on Kapuchin Boulevard in Paris. In 1896, Lumiera traveled all European capitals, demonstrating their first movie; These tour had tremendous success.

At the end of the XIX century. For the first time, substances are now being created by plastics. In 1873, J. Hayette (USA) was patented celluloid - the first of these substances included in a wide use. Bakelites and other plastics, wearing the common name of the phenoplasts, were invented before the First World War. The production of artificial fiber began after in 1884 the French engineer G. Shardono developed a method for producing a nitrocel; Subsequently learned to produce artificial silk from viscose. In 1899, the Russian scientist I. L. Kondakov marked the beginning of the production of synthetic rubber.

The last decades of the XIX century. There were times of technical shifts in construction business. The construction of high-rise buildings, or, as they began to be called, "skyscrapers", began in Chicago in the 80s. XIX century. The first building of the new type is the 10-storey house of the Chicago Insurance Company, built in 1883 by the architect of W. Jenny, who applied steel overlaps. Strengthening walls with steel framework, on which the beams began to be laid through the beams, allowed to increase the height of the buildings in half. The highest building of those times was the New York 58-storey skyscraper height in 228 meters, built in 1913. But the highest building was the Eiffel Tower, a kind of monument of the "century of steel". Easmed by the French engineer Gustave Eiffel on a Marsfield in Paris in connection with the World Exhibition of 1889, this openwork tower had 300 meters of height.

Along with metal structures, the construction from reinforced concrete was widely used at this time. A man who discovered reinforced concrete is considered the French gardener Joseph Monie. Back in 1849, he made heels for fruit trees with a frame of iron wire. Continuing his experiments, in the 60s he patented several ways to manufacture pipes, tanks and plates made of concrete with iron reinforcement. The most important was his patent for reinforced concrete vaulted overlap (1877).

The end of the XIX century was the time of the turbulent growth of the global railway network. From 1875 to 1917, the length of the railways rose 4 times and reached 1, 2 million kilometers. The famous construction sites of that time were highway Berlin Baghdad and the Great Siberian Way; The length of the Siberian journey by 1916 was 7, 4 thousand kilometers. On new railways They laid steel rails, they crossed the greatest rivers of the world, and giant steel bridges were erected on these rivers. The beginning of the "era of steel bridges", as contemporaries were expressed, put the arched bridge of the J. IDCA across the Mississippi River (1874) and the suspension of the Brooklyn Bridge of the Robling architect in New York (1883). The central span of the Brooklyn bridge had a length of about half a kilometer. The new roads have worked powerful locomotives of the compound system with multiple expansion and high steam overheating. In the 90s, first electric locomotives and electrified railways appeared in the United States and Germany.

The construction of railways demanded a multiple increase in steel production. In 1870-1900, the smelting has increased 17 times. In 1878, the English engineer S. J. Thomas was introduced by the Tomasovsky method of crushed iron on steel; This method allowed the use of phosphorous iron ores of Lorrading and provided the ore metallurgical industry in Germany. In 1892, the French chemist A. Moissan created an arc electric oven. In 1888, the American engineer of Ch. M. Hall developed an electrolytic method for the production of aluminum, opening the road wide use Aluminum in industry.

New technical capabilities led to improving military equipment. In 1887, American High Maxim created the first machine gun. The famous Maxim Machine gun produced 400 shots per minute and a company of soldiers was equivalent to the firepower. There were rapid three-dimensional guns and heavy 12-inch guns with cutters weighing 200-300 kg.

Especially impressive were change in military shipbuilding. In the Crimean War (1853-1856), wooden sailing giants with hundreds of guns on three batteries, the weight of the most severe shells was 30 kg at a time. In 1860, the first iron armadiole "Warrior" was launched in England, and soon all the wooden ships went on the layer. The marine arms race began, England and France competed in creating all the more powerful armadents, Germany and the United States also joined this race. In 1881, the English armadiole "Inflexibl" was built with 12 thousand tons with displacement; He had only 4 instruments of the main caliber, but it was a colossal gun of a 16-inch caliber, located in rotating towers, the length of the barrel was 8 meters, and the weight of the projectile was 700 kg. After some time, all the leading marine powers began to build armor-axis of this type (though, mainly with 12-inch guns). The new stage of the arms race was caused by the appearance in 1906 by the English armadapole "Dreadnow"; "Dreadnought" had a displacement of 18 thousand tons and ten 12-inch guns. Thanks to the steam turbine, he developed the speed of 21 nodes. Before the power of the "Dreadnuty", all the former armormen turned out to be unable, and sea powers began to build ships like "dreadnought". In 1913, armadasses of the type "Queen Elizabeth" with displacement of 27 thousand tons with ten 15-inch guns appeared. This arms race naturally led to World War.

The cause of World War was the inconsistency of the real power of European powers and the size of their possessions. England, taking advantage of the role of the industrial revolution leader, created a huge colonial empire and seized most of the resources necessary to other countries. However, by the end of the XIX century, Germany became the leader of technical and industrial development; Naturally, Germany sought to use their military and technical superiority for the new redistribution of peace. In 1914, the First World War began. The German command was hoping to defeat his opponents in a couple of months, but in these calculations was not taken into account the role of the new weapon appeared - the machine gun. The machine gun gave a decisive advantage of the defendant party; The German offensive was stopped and began the long "Equal War". Meanwhile, the English fleet blocked German ports and interrupted food supplies. In 1916, hunger began in Germany and, which ultimately led to the decomposition of the rear, to the revolution and to the defeat of Germany.


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