Morphological description of plants Table. Abstract: Morphological description of plants

Morphological description of plants Table. Abstract: Morphological description of plants

The genus - Artemisia L. (family of comprehensive (astera) - compositae (asteraceae)) combines over 400 species commonly in the moderate zone of the northern hemisphere, of which 174 species grows in the CIS. Types of worlians are most often found in the steppes, others grow in semi-deserts and deserts, and some are weeds in all zones.

WYDE OTHER OTHER WITH WALL CYUNY - Artemisia Cina Berg EX Poljak, Tauccical wormwood - Artemisia Taurica Willd


RUS.. Tsibernery

Ukr. Paulin Cytivary


Lat.Artemisia CINA BERG EX POLJAK (Berg Ex Poljak) Poljak)

This is a deserted semi-stabbed with a long root (up to 1--2 m) and branched, downstairs a rolling stem (overhead, then naked, smooth, with yellowish bark) 30--40 (up to 70), see a specific camphor smell. The leaves are regular, twice peristraysset; Slings are small, ultrasound, short-core, 2-5 mm long. Bottom Stem Leaves Cherry Dual Dual Systems, 3-6 cm long, pubescent, SIZY; The average stem leaves are gradually simplifying and decreasing in size (up to 1.5 cm long), weakly-minded, green; The upper leaves are simple, linear lanceal, long up to 5 mm. By the time of bloom, most leaves, with the exception of the highest, falls. Flowers are assembled in small baskets, forming thick compound buggy inflorescences.

Unpainted floral baskets are oblonging the egg-shaped shape, seating, 2 - 4 mm long, 1 - 1.5 mm width; During the period of boutonization of 1.5-3 mm and 3-5 mm during flowering, the tops and bases pointed in appearance are similar to small seeds, so they are often incorrectly called the "Cytristian seed". Baskets are sitting on the branches forming long, narrow, pyramid tanks at the top of the generative shoots. Each flower has a 5-corded venik who has grown into the tube, 5 stamens who have grown in anthers, and a pestle with the lower bandy. Yellow or purple whites, anthers and stigmas yellow. The fruit is gray, egg-shaped, furochy seed, long 1.0-1.5 mm, on one side slightly convex. Weight 1000 seed - 0.2-0.3g.

Wormwood blooms late, in August - September, by this time the leaves dry out, fall, and the stems take a red-brown shade; Seeds ripen in October, about a month after flowering. All plant is poisonous, has an unpleasant smell; Taste is bitter, spicy.

At the foot of mogtau, grows mogoltavacytivna Walnut Rosomity - A. Cina var. Mogoltavica Poljak.. Morphologically very little differ from typical A. Cina var. BERG EX POLJAK., But having a special area.

In medicine use cyberous wormwood flowers - Flores Cinae.

In recent times, the main active ingredient (Santonin), contained by the Cyberian wormies was found in some other types of wormies belonging to the territory of the SeriPhidium (BESS) of growing in Ukraine and in Azerbaijan walnings Sovich - A. Szovitziana (BESS.) Grossh. - Plant with a height of 60-100 cm and more, with drooping baskets on strongly rejected twigs. Wormwood Primorsky (Sea, SPNTANINOVA) - Artemisia Maritima L. S. Str. - A perennial grassy plant or a half-wing height of 20-100 cm, white-pubescent, strongly smelling, with a rigid root. The stalks are numerous, ascending, in the top of the branches, forming a small turf. Leaves are regular, peristological, with narrow dollars, longer baskets; Bottom leaves. Floor baskets located risels at the ends of the sprigs of stems; They are very small, elliptically-oval, 1-2 mm long, greenish-gray in the non-color state, contain 3-5 flowers. Color in July - October. Drug raw materials are unacceptable baskets. Beyer-a wormwood. Meyeriana Bess., .c with crumbling leaves almost not exceeding baskets.

Especially promising zealous substitute Cyberna is walinkle Zailovskaya - A.Transiliensis Polijk, obsessing Santonin 3.5%).

Walinkle Taurical

Rus.Tauccical wormwood (Crimean wormwood)

Ukr. Polin Kimmska

Lat. Artemisia Taurica Willd. (Seriphidum Tauricaum (Willd) Poljak., Artemisia Maritima Var. Taurica ledeb.) (Latin)

It is a semi-staple with a pleasant smell that the top of which the upper part die in the fall annually, and in the spring of next year it grows. Vertical root, rustic, fat. The plant develops shortened vegetative shoots, ending with the rosette of leaves, and numerous straight, hard, at the base, often wood gear shoots 15-40 (60), see the thick felt omitting of web hairs, partially speaking by the end of the growing season, gives a stalking of white or grayish color . Stems are branched from the middle or somewhat higher, the sprigs are directed upwards, so the bubble is usually compressed. The leaves of vegetative shoots and the lower stem leaves on the generative shoots of cuffs, 1.5-2.5 cm long, twice or almost three times-peristraysset, in summer we usually die. Their liners are linear-filament, almost hair-shaped, 3-7 mm long.

Flowers in baskets Tubular, Own drops, 6--8 pcs., Numerous small baskets are thickly located on the branches and form a blurred inflorescence, a narrow pool in shape, with space-directed sprigs, long to 3.5 mm and a width of about 2mm. Fruits - yellowish gray seeds, up to 1 mm long.

Blooms in late August - early September, the height of flowering - September-October; Seeds ripen in late October - early November.

The medicine uses the top of the stems with leaves and flower baskets (grass). Tod a typical subspecies of the Taurician wormwood. The plant has a top pan, narrowly slices and almost white input. Wormage smelly - A. Graveolens MINAT.which is more correct to consider the subspecies of the brass pakhuchi - A. Tauricasubsb Graveolens (Minat.) Vlas. with shares of leaves no more than 3 mm and slightly larger baskets (up to 4 mm); foolish wormwood - A.Fragrans Willd. with almost spherical curses; wormwood Primorskaya - A. Maritima L. S. Str.. and close to it walnings Meira - A. Meryeriana Grossh .c with crumbling leaves, almost not exceeding baskets.


Rus. Wormwood

Ukr. Pauline Gіrtsky

Na. Bіli Polin, Vіnichya, Vermouth, Bind

Lat.Artemisia Absinthium.



Its generic name, according to some authors, indicates that the plant was dedicated to the ancient Greek goddess of Artemis (the wife of King Malsol), or from Greek. Artes - Healthy, intact, in connection with drug properties, ABSINTHIUM - Latinized Greek name ABSINTHIN, from -a - no and PSenthos - pleasure, pleasure, therefore a plant from which you do not have fun because it has a bitter taste.

Halfweight bitter - a perennial herbaceous plant, often reaching 120cm in height. Stems numerous, reprehension or slightly lifting, weakly ribbed, in the top of the branching. There are several high shoots with infloresions and short shoots with leaves, as well as roasting leaves. Burnt leaves are long-meshy, trugologo rounded, twice or three times peristraysset; Separate slices are their lanceal, all-string, the tops are dull. Stem Leaves Sitting, gradually simplifying, i.e., the lower twice peristrayshedral, the average simply peristological, top three-blade and in inflorescence (at the top) are simple, lancet-shaped. The slices of all the leaves are linear-oblong, stupid, long from 3-5 to 15-20 mm, 1-4 mm width. All plant (stems, leaves) silver-grayish color from the abundance of silky pressed hairs. Leaves differ in color. They have a lower side of silver, thickly covered with hairs, the top - naked dark green, after drying - almost black.

Each branch of the complex swelling of the inflorescence ends with a shallow, almost spherical droopable basket with a diameter of 2.5-4 mm. Basket bakery wrap, blur slightly convex, vials of pestile flowers, narrow-hearted, median - Obroat's funnel-shaped; All flowers are yellow. The fruits are drowned, oblong, pointed seeds, about 1 mm long, without a hokholka.

Flowers in July - August. The fruits ripen in September - October. The smell of the plant is fragrant, with a characteristic "wormwood smell", especially strong in rubbing. Spicy taste, very bitter.

For medical use, top flowering stems and leaves are harvested. Holly Holly Bitter - Herba Artemisiae ABSINTHII. Leaves of wormwood Gorky - Folia Artemisiae Absinthii.

Other types of wormwood fall as impurities, most often chernobyl (Walinkle Ordinary) - Artemisia Vulgaris L. The plant is up to 2 m high, without silver float, flowers in baskets pink, the leaves are black with time, in the beginning they are two-color. Easy to distinguish between leaves (Fig.). Wormwood Siversa - Artemisia Sieversiana Willd.. - a two-year grassy plant with a vertical stem of 30-120 cm height, has strongly silver stems, less pubescent. The leaves in the outlines are wide-injection, serbisto-gray, yamchato-rich, lower and medium stroke - long-cooled, long up to 12 cm, twice and three times peristracted on oblong or linear-oblong segments; With 1-2 pairs of segments at the base of the pet. Floral baskets semi-shaped dilutants, larger than 4-6 mm in diameter, contains up to 100 flowers (not used in medicine), assembled into a wide blurred inflorescence. Flowers in July - May. Wormwood Austrian - Artemisiaaustriaca Jacq. - a perennial grassy rootproof plant with a small height of 30-60 cm. Stems upright, branched, branched, with almost white, small (long 1-3 cm) leaves, twice and three times with separate or dissected leaves, whose segments are not wider than 1 mm. Floral baskets drooping, with a diameter of about 3 mm with yellow or reddish-yellow flowers, assembled in pan. Linear wrappers, hair. All flowers in the basket are tubular. Flowers in July - August.

Wormwood ordinary

Rus. Wormwood ordinary

Ukr. Paulin Zvitchi

Nar.Chernobyl, Chernobyl, Hell, Forzda, Brheniche

Lat. Artemisia vulgaris.

English.Green Ginger, Felon Herb, Motherwort, Wormweed, Mugwort, Sailor-Tabacco

Fr..Armoise, Armoise Citronelle, Artemise (French)

This is a major perennial with a multi-povered, obsess, cylindrical shape rhizome and branched roots of brown color, with extensive stems up to 200 cm high, most ribbed, in the top are pubescent. Cherry leaves with a peristrayshedral plate and differ from many other wormwood in that silver omit has only from the bottom side, and on top dark green, naked. Stems upright, ribbed, usually reddish, in the top of branched. Pressed pubescent. The upper leaves are three-five-seal or with a whole leaf plate, lower - sweet, stroke - seating.

Flowers are small, pink or reddish, in reverse-eyed or eleppical baskets, a diameter of 2-3 mm, which one or several in short sprigs are located in the sinuses of linear lancing leaflets and form their own inflorescences. The edge flowers of women's baskets, with a narrow-cut-edged twin wreath, medium-bubble, with a leacion-tubular five-rigged wreath. Fruit - seed.

Flowers from May to September. Fruits are ripened in September.

Medicinal Vegetable Raw Mature Plate Worders - Harves of Ordinary - Herba Artemisiae Vulgaris.

Along with the above listed types of wormwood, there are other containing a lot of Bav, such as:

Halfweight field

Rus.Halfweight field

Nar.Wormworms (broken)

Ukr. Polin Polovo

Lat.Artemisia Capestis

A perennial grassy plant, in young age published, later - a naked plant. He has a multi-arsening rhizome, from which many processes and shoots are departed. Color-bearing stems ascending or reprehension, 30-60 cm long, brown, near the base are weird. The leaves are naked, only young silky sawmifted, twice-threeperistrastic, linear, pointed, top three-part or whole, lower tubes, others - seating.

Flowers are yellow or reddish, in egg-shaped drooping baskets that form a brush. Edge flowers uterine, nitricid-tubular, double; Middle - Obroat, tubular, five-sufficants. Fruit - seed. Flowers - July-August.

Wormwood Medical

Rus.Wormwood Medical

Nar. Wormwoods of God tree

Lat. Artemisia abrotanum

An annual or a two-year-old plant with a vertical root and direct, highly branched, woody stalks up to 60 cm high, with a pleasant smell. The leaves are regular, bluish-green, depressed, covered with gray fluff; Bottom - cuff, twice or three piecesperistores soldier on linearly lanceal sharp shares, medium stems - seats, top - three-part or solid. Small yellow tubular flowers in small, drooped baskets are assembled on the top of the stem and its branches, forming an empty-colored bulky inflorescence. Exterior leaflets of wrapper extended lancing, sharp; Internal - inversely-shaped, stupid. Flowers from late July to late autumn.

Medicinal floral raw materials are an overhead part, assembled during flowering.

Wormwood one-year

Rus.Wormwood one-year

Ukr. Polin ONNOL)

Lat.Artemisiaaustriaca Annua L.

Annestly herbaceous plant height up to 1 m. Stem naked, reprehensive, furred. The leaves are oblong, bickeristoreside, have an unpleasant smell. Flowers yellow. Floral baskets on flowers, pouring, spherical, small. Flowers in August - October.

Medicinal floral raw materials are grass during flowering.

Wormwood Austrian

Rus.Wormwood Austrian

Ukr. Polin Austria


Perennial herbaceous plant. Stems upright, often vіgnutіye, 15-70- cm long, the base of the slope is weeds, with the middle are widely entered, with stubby needles under the inflorescence. The sheets are short-flower (lower) or sediment, from 2-3 separates to dualistorestore, ovoid or oval, pointed. Upper sheets with baskets linear, stupid.

Flowers are small, egg-shaped form, form a droop basket. The edge flowers are female (5-7), medium - rigging (7-8), wreaths are yellowish, on the top of the mahnato-hair. Fruit seedside.

Flowers - July-August.

Wormwood hair-shaped

Rus. Wormwood hair-shaped

Ukr. Paulin VolosovoDna

Lat.Artemisiaaustriaca Capillaries.

Perennial herbaceous plant with a height of up to 1 m. Flowers in September. Plant poisonous !!!

Strawl Stone (Longhead, Hare, Cold) - A perennial plant with wood root and numerous herbaceous stems of 8-40 cm high. All plant is grayish-white from silky hairs. Leaves from below gray-gray, top - dim green, on fruitless shoots in thick sockets, wedges; Stem - troposphere, upper - oblong-lanceal. Flower baskets are large (up to 8 mm in diameter), spherical, diluting, are collected in a cysterious inflorescence. It looks like a worm of ordinary. Flowers in the second half of July - August.

Spicy view of wormwood: Halfweight ethagonic.

The first information about the culture of Estradon was found in the Transcaucasus in Georgian written sources, where he is called Tarkun.

There are few varieties: Russian (or Siberian), tall with light green color, weak spicy aroma, often formed by seeds, Transcaucasian with darker and fragrant leaves and mushroom 31 with gentle leaves and high aromaticity.

The Latin name of the genus "Artemisia" is formed from the Greek word "artemis" - health.

This is a perennial rhiza plant with one-year stem 20-150 cm height. Rhizome with rare urine, deepening up to 40 cm, and denselyablic stems. Linear and linear leaves, green. Flowers are small in spherical baskets, at the ends of the branches collected in the brush. Flowers in July - August. The fruit is a small, dry seed, rarely formed.

Plan Morphological Description of the Flower Plant

1. Plant name

2. Plant class: monocycle, dicatular

3. Life expectancy: an annual, biennial, perennial.

4. Life form: Wood, shrub, half-ward, shrubs, grassy plant.

5. The presence of organs in this plant.

6. Underground organs: root system type: urine, rod. Features of the external structure of the roots. The presence of modified roots: rootproof, root tubers.

7. Overhead shoots: the features of the structure: shortened, elongated. Separation of escape: bulb, rhizome, tuber.

The location of the kidneys and leaves: the opposite, the next, mutual one.

Features of the stems: color, availability and features of lenger, traffic jams, sheet scars. Stem type: reprehensive, creeping, curly, clinging, lying, linked.

Shave modifications: spines, leaf-shaped, stocking.

The structure of the kidneys: color, scales, size.

Leaves are simple or complex. The presence of sheet modifications.

Features of the structure of the leaves: dimensions, shape, thickness, color. The form of the base, the tops, the edge of the sheet.

Residential: Mesh (Curly), parallel, arc. The presence of hairs, wax cover.

8. The presence of flowers: dimensions, color, double or simple pericher. Number of stamens, pestles, petals, cups. Free they are or fraught. Ovary top or bottom.

Chernetskaya Olga Nikolaevna,
Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, biology teacher
"University Lomonosov Gymnasium"

Morphology of sheet

Sheet - Side
(lateral) organ with
limited growth.
The main functions of the sheet:
1. Photosynthesis;
2. gas exchange;
3. Transpiration.
Additional functions:
4. Flashing (juicy
scales of bulbs);
5. Vegetative
reproduction (SENPOLIA);
6. Protective (spines

Morphology of sheet

Morphology of sheet
Leaves can be cuffs,
Sitting and vaginal.
The main parts of the sheet:
The sheet of most plants consists of
Plates, Cherry, Hilts and
Sheet plate -
Expanded, usually flat
photosynthesis, transpiration and
Gas exchange.

Morphology of sheet

Morphology of sheet
Puffs - narrowed part
plate with base and
Regulatory position
Sheet in relation to light.
Leaves with cutters called
Cherry, without cuffs
- Sitting.
List base - Lower
part of the sheet adjacent to
Storm. One of the shapes
is a leaf vagina
- Extended base
leaf in the form of a tube
Embicing part of the stem

Morphology of sheet
Highlights - sheet formations at the base of the sheet,
which serve to protect the young sheet and stubborn kidney.
Sometimes hopes achieve significant development, their
Dimensions exceed the dimensions of sheet plates (peas). IN
this case of horses perform the role of photosynthesis

Morphology of sheet
Form sheet plastics are:
1 - Needle, 2 - linear, 3 - oblong, 4 -
Lancing, 5 - oval, 6 - Rounded, 7 - ovate, 8 -
Overseas-shaped, 9 - rhombic, 10 - sweatshops, 11 -

Morphology of sheet


Morphology of sheet
Leaf Plate Edge Shape
1 - all-ray; 2 - pilocked; 3 - toothed; four -
clay; 5 - gorgeous; 6 - wavy; 7 - leaked.


Morphology of sheet
Dissection of leaf plate:
paddle leaves (peristo- or palchat) - notes not
reach half of the semisplastic;
Separate leaves (peristo- or palcity) - Revements
Come deeper half of the semisplastic;
dissected leaves (peristo- or palcity) - recesses
Reach the main veil sheet.


Morphology of sheet
Types of base plate plate.
1 - narrow-wedge-shaped,
2 - wedge-shaped,
3 - widescreen,
4 - low-speed,
5 - truncated,
6 - round,
7 - Loved,
8 - heart-shaped;


Morphology of sheet
Types of the top plate.
1 - acute, 2 - drawn, 3 - stupid, 4 - rounded, 5 laid, 6 - with pointed; 8 - heart-shaped);
7 - Lovechant


Morphology of sheet
Leaves of a special form
A- core, branchidamoid, thyroid, lubricultural, d-, e-fetoid, housing, zdopatochny, and triangular, which is no longer
L-needle, m- peristyle, n-comb shaped, island, pivide-shaped


Morphology of sheet
Classification of leaves:
Leaves having one plate (solid or labeled),
Called simple. Simple leaves with leaves
Feed out entirely.
Complex leaves - leaves consisting of several clearly
separate sheet plates (leaves), each of
which is attached to a shaft with their cushion
(Rakhisu). Often a complex sheet falls in parts: first
Leaf, and then petiole.


Morphology of sheet
Jobbing is the system of arrangement of conductive beams
in leaf plates. Distinguish:
1. Parallel dwelling - leaf plate
permeates a few identical veins located
parallel. Characteristic for monocycle plants.
2. Arc jilking - the leaf plate permeates
Several identical veins are arcuated.
Characteristic for monocycle plants.


Morphology of sheet
3. Mesh housing - usually from a paint to leaf
The plate includes one veil, which then gives branches
- lateral veins forming a thick network. Mesh
The dwelling can be a peristry and palpal. Characteristic
For bipartal plants.
4. Dichotomous dwelling - leaf plate
Willcho branched residents (Ginkgo) permeate.


Morphology of sheet
Housing Types: 1 - peristo-regaell, 2 - peristopetal, 3 - peristo-mesh, 4 - palpherto-keepery, 5 -
Palchat-loop-shaped, 6 palchatic-mesh, 7 parallel, 8 deck.


Morphology of sheet
associated with
Leaf on escape
and unequal
The conditions of them
Blindovnik pierced


Morphology of sheet


Morphology of sheet


Morphology of sheet
Anisophilia - the dispersion of the middle leaves within 12 nodes - manifests itself on plagiotropic fears of woody
plants - horse chestnut, planeband maple


1. Position of the sheet on the stem (tuber, seats, etc.)
2. Availability of welders (with horses,
Complex leaves
without hopes)
1. Number
Simple leaves
3. Number of shares
2. Characteristic
Peristo- (Parno, Nepare-)
4. Degree of dismemberment
propeller, separate,
5. Top rounded, sharp, laid
6. Located edge, gear, pil
7. The foundation is wedge-shaped, truncated, unequal, etc.
8. Shape shovel, needle, linear, etc.
9. Housing arc, parallel, mesh, etc.


Algorithm of morphological description of leaves
1. leaves are the next,
2. With Hilts
3. Leaves do not parcel
4. Each leaflet
complex sheet whole
5. Top drawn
6. The edge of the sheet pil
7. The base is drawn
8. Sheet oval
9. Curly hills.
Rosehip is cinnamon


Algorithm of morphological description of leaves
1. Leaves are regular, in
roast rosette
Cherry, on
Tempegesty flowers
2. With Hilts
3. Leaves are simple
4. Palp pad sheet
5. The tops of the blades
6. The edge of the sheet pil
7. Ground-shaped base
8. Rounded
9. Curly hills.
Ordinary cuff


Metamorphosis of leaves


Metamorphosis of leaves


Metamorphosis of leaves

Sparazhevoid Asparagus


Metamorphosis of leaves
Spines of sheets of origin
Acacia Cornigera


Metamorphosis of leaves
Spines of sheets of origin


Metamorphosis of leaves
Spines of sheets of origin
Barbaris Tunberg
Barbaris ordinary


Metamorphosis of leaves
Spiny- Hightails
Robinity Lhaakation
(White Acacia)
Yellow acacia


Leaves, shoots, stristers


Anatomy sheet


Anatomy sheet
The internal structure of the sheet:
1 - Cuticula; 2 - epiderma; 3 - xylem; 4 - Floem; five -
fibers; 6 - collegum; 7 - Ustian; 8 - Stroll
Chlorenchima; 9 - spongy chlorine; 10 - Irony
hair; 11 - Current hairs; 12 - Interchanger.


Anatomy sheet
C-4 plants near the conductive beam are located
Clip cells, mesophyll cells (cranesanomy) are adjacent.
Fig. Isolateral sheet millet
1- Upper epidermum, 2-axes, 3-xylem,
4- Floem, 5-lower epidermum, 6- sclerenhim, 7-stut,
8- conductive bundle, 9-pairs of parenchyma,
10- Motor cells


Anatomy sheet
Fig. Oleander section cut.
1- Upper epidermis, 2-palisade parenchyma, 3-pounded
Parenchima, 4- lower epidermis, 5-stretz, 6- Hair


Anatomy of plants in tasks
What is indicated in the picture?


Leaf Functions: Transpiration
Transpiration is the upper end motor water
current provides thermoregulation and movement of water and salts to
Plant organs.
Distinguish two types of transpiration - cuticular and
Ustovic. Cuticular (10-20%)




Leaf Functions: Transpiration
Stitz movements are associated with the redistribution of potassium ions
between closing and accompanying cells and synthesis
On the light glucose.
Potassium ions (pumped into closure cells) and
formed on the light glucose increases osmotic
pressure. Excess CO2, apparently, causes acidification
cytoplasm. This leads to a change in pH, which leads to
closure of stomps.


Cell walls of vessels and tracheid vascular plants
contain a phenolic polymer lignin, which together with
Cellulose provides mechanical resistance of these
Water tissues. If in vessels / tracheids
Lignin's deficiency will be observed, they:
A. Will burst with very active transpiration.
B. Will burst with very weak transpiration.
C. Will stick together with very active transpiration.
D. Will stick together at very weak transpiration.
Answer S.


Plant morphology in tasks
Strawberry leaves: (one answer)
a) unpaired;
b) troy-grained;
c) three-gratened, single-grade;
d) complex one-grade.
For flowering plants growing in water, it is characteristic:
a) bad development or lack of mechanical tissue;
b) good development of mechanical tissue;
c) good wood development providing
Movement of water on the plant;
d) the presence of large interclausers in the tissues of roots, leaves and
stem; e) predominance in the beams of xylems and poor development


Anatomy of plants in tasks
As part of the vein sheet, you can detect:
a) Synotoid tubes with cells by satellites; b) vessels; in)
sclerenhim; d) corner collegum; e) parenchyma.
The vagina of the grace sheet is:
a) modified petiole;
b) the modified part of the sheet plate;
c) collapsed hopes;
d) the resulting base of the sheet.
Non-parpty-sophisticated leaves have: a) rowan, b)
Karagan, c) Platan, d) Lipa, e) Oak red.


Anatomy of plants in tasks
Figure shows
Cross-section conductive
Potato beam (Solanum
tuberosum). Relatives
Basic structures
conductive beam (AA) with their
Designations in the figure. BUT -
main parenchyma; B -
Outdoor Floem; In - Cambier; G.
- Xylem; D - internal


Anatomy of plants in tasks
For a pine common inherent: a) sympodial
increasing, b) monopodial increase, c) education
dry fruits, d) formation of juicy fruits, e) availability
Haploid endosperma
Which of these ions affect the movements of the Ust
most: a) a) na +, b) k +, c) fe 2+, d) mg 2+, e)
Cu 2 +.
Marginal meristema provides education a)
root case, b) glands of internal secretion, c) sheet
Plates, d) trichom, d) axial cylinder.


Anatomy of plants in tasks
The following drawings correspond to transverse sections.
Leaves. What sheet or which of these leaves
applies / relate to hydrophite habitat?
A) I, II, III.
B) II.
C) I, III, IV, V.
D) I, II, V.
E) I, II, IV.

Plan Morphological Description of the Flower Plant (the description algorithm is attached)

The name of the family, genus and species (Russian and Latin).

General Plant Characteristics:
1.1. Life form of plants (tree, shrub, shrub, herbaceous plant) 1.2. The duration of the life of the plant (perennial, annually)
1.3. Plant height (in cm)
1.4. The nature of the omission (the plant is published or naked)
2. Root system (rod, urine); Root modifications (root tubers, etc.)
3. Stem: 3.1.Form escape - growth direction (reprehensive, raising, lying, creeping, clinging, curly)

3.2. Cross shape of the stem (Rounded, hollow, quadruple, flattened, triangular)
3.3. Late position (next, opposite, mutual)
4. Seagility modifications: rhizomes, tubers, bulbs (specify dimensions) (if any) 5. Sheet:

5.1. Type of sheet :
a) simple or complicated, if complicated, then specify: triple-grained, palfate, peristoid, twiceperistant, etc.)
b) seating or cuff
c) with or without hilifers (specify the form of an adjustment)
availability of leafy vagina, raster, musty, barns 5.2. View of sheet : degree of dissection (solid, vane, separate, dissected)

a) shape of a sheet plate (rounded, oval, ovoid, reversible, etc.),

b) the edge of the sheet (solid, pil, gentle, gorgeous, leaked, etc.)

b) sheet base form (wedge-shaped, rounded, heart-shaped, etc.)

c) Leaf Top (stupid, acute, pointed, laid, etc.)

5.3. Leaf housing (arc, parallel, palparticle, perist seater,wilchant )

5.4.Conentials (thin, leather, fleshy)
6. Flower and inflorescence:
6.1. Flowers are single or collected in inflorescences;

a) type of inflorescence (simple or complex: brush, spike, head, etc.

b) a covering sheet of inflorescence (or not)

in)symmetry (Sigomorphic, actinorphic, asymmetrical) - Sigomorphic flower (with one axis of symmetry) * - actinorphic flower (with several axes of symmetry))
for a simple perianth The number of leaves, painting, are located in one or two circles

e)for double perianth (Split avenue (specify how much petals on it), agriculture, funnelical, tubular, bell, moth); specify if the crown is absent

e)cup (double, single with separate couples, solid, number of cups, is missing)

g)stychkin (quantity, either absent,how many circles they are located, are they growing together, -The number of the stamens is vaguely great)

h)pestle (how much fishing, zerovy bottom or top or absent)

6.2. Formula flower

7. Fruits and seeds (if there):
7.1. Type of fruit

1. Plant.

1.1. Wood: trees - have a perennial weighing escape - trunk;

shrub - plants with several weathered trunks, called trunks; shrub - low shrubs with a height of 5 to 60 cm with a duration of the life of the Sverheads 5-10 years.

1.2. Halfood plant: polukstarniki - plants that have shoots up to 80 cm high, the upper part of them die annually, the lower part of the shoots up to 20 cm from the soil surface - long-term; polukstarty - plants that have shoots up to 15-20 cm high, the upper part of them will die every year, the lower part of the shoots up to 5 cm from the soil surface - long-term;

1.3. Grassy - grass - Perennial above-ground shoots do not have: perennial herbs - perennial are underground or ground, hidden in the litter or tightly pressed to the ground, parts of the resumption kidney shoots; two-room herbs - the life cycle passes in two years and completely die off; annual herbs - Do not have perennial organs, after fruiting completely die away.

2. Root. The combination of all the roots of one plant is called the root system.

2.1. Root systems by origin: the main root system - develops from the germinal roaster and is represented by the main root (first order) with the lateral roots of the second and subsequent orders; pressure roots system -develops on stems, leaves; mixed root system - The plant grown out of the seed first develops the main root system, its growth continues for a long time, by the autumn of the first year of the vegetation develops the system of pressing roots on hypocotylene, epicotyl and other parts of the escape (Fig. 9).

Figure 9. Root systems by origin: A - System of the main root, b - system of pressing roots, in - mixed root system.

2.2. The main forms of root systems: sodle - the main root noticeably exceeds the length and thickness of the side, urine - The main root is not expressed (Fig. 10).

Figure 10. Forms of root systems: rod (1-4), urine (5).

2.3. Channel modifications.

Flashing roots: Kornemplod (A, B, B) - axial orthhotropic organ formed by the basal part of the main root (actually root), thickened hypocotyl (neck) and epicotyl (head) represented by the roar rosette; Root tubers (g) - metamorphized side or apparent roots (Fig. 11).

Figure 11. Root modifications and their structure: 1 - the structure of the seedlings (E - Epicotil, GP - hypocotyl, GK - main root); 2 - the structure of the root (r - head, W - neck, SC - actually root), radiation modifications: root (2,3,4,5), root tubers (6).

Contractible or retractor roots- the renewal organs are drawn into the soil at a certain depth due to the fastener of the root of the root in the soil and reducing its basal part, which is externally expressed in the appearance of transverse wrinkles and folds (Fig. 12).

Figure 12. Contractive roots.

Mikoriza (fungocorn) - root endings of plants are powered by gifs of mushrooms (Fig. 13).

Figure 13. Mikoriza: 1 - ENTO endotrofny, 2 - endotrofny, gifs of the fungus fill the entire cell, 3 - digestion of the hyphae cell.

Naval - Grows on the roots (a), where nitrogen-fixing bacteria live from the genus Rhizobium (b) (Fig. 14).


Figure 14. Nuberki on the roots of Lupine: A - general view of the root system, b - cross-section of the root with a tongue.

3. Escape. This is a unbranched stem with leaves and kidneys. The stem is an axial body connecting the above-ground green assimilating organs (air diet) and underground organs (soil power).

3.1. In relation to the substrate: Overhead - are located in an air or water medium, underground - are in the soil.

Figure 15. The method of increasing shoots: 1 - the top, 2 - intercalaries.

3.2. The increase in the rise: the top - increases due to the top kidney, insert or intercalaries - the rise is carried out at the expense of the meristem located at the base of the node (Fig. 15).

3.3. The shape on the cross section: rounded (a), triangular (b), tetrahedral (B), multifaceted (g), ribbed (d), furilla (E), fighter (g), winged (s) (Fig. 16).

Figure 16. The shape of the cross section of the stem.

3.4. In the direction of growth or location of escape relative to the surface of the soil: orthotropic - upright shoots, plagiotropic - grow in parallel or obliquely.

3.5. Position in space: a) reprehension - stem stands straight (a); clinging - cling to support with the help of mustaches, spikes, babes-trailers (b); curly - wrapped around the support (B); sharpening - those growing on the surface of the soil, but not rooted in nodes (g); Clevish - are represented by weapons, rooting in nodes (e); Ascending or lifting - in young age, a reprehension, then under the severity of the stem bend and pressed to the ground, and the top is lifted, goes back (E); Mustache-collus - ends with a roasting outlet, on the stem of which the apparent roots are developing (g) (Fig. 17).

Figure 17. Position of stems in space.

3.6. Type of branching: Monopodial - the main stem formed from the rigging of the embryo, retains the increasing cone all life, one kidney works; Simpodial - the cone of the rise of the axis of the first order early ceases growth, increasing is due to the work of the side kidney; Dichotomous (Wilic) - split the increasing cone; False is a variety of sympodial, the increasing cone of the first order axis early ceases growth, increases at the expense of the work of oppositely located side kidneys (Fig. 18).

Figure 18. Types of stem branching: 1 - monopodial, 2 - sympodial, 3 - dichotomous, 4 - falsely acid.

The branching of the stems of cereal plants occurs only at the surface of the soil in the bunnie zone. Depending on the form of the node of the body and the length of the horizontally located part of the escape distinguish: the density nature of the future formation - the side shoots grow parallel to each other, forming a dense bush; Rychlocked nature of the future formation - side shoots depart

under an acute angle in relation to the central and each other, forming a loose bush; The rhizable nature of the future formation - from the node of the body, overhead or underground horizontal shoots are deployed (Fig. 19).

Figure 19. The nature of the fiction of cereals: a - rhizable, b - roicker,

b - tensioner.

Figure 20. Length of escales escape: 1 - shortened, 2 - extended.

3.7. Length of intersals: elongated - auxiblast (mustache, screens, collishes, rhizomes), shortened - brachyblast (spines, tableware, "flutshing", sockets, tubers, bulbs, clubnelaukovitsy) (Fig. 20).

3.8. Petsiness: Soldered - the stem is covered with extensions - hairs, naked - stem smooth without increased (Fig. 21).

Figure 21. Stem input: 1 - naked, 2 - sown.

3.9. Oliveness: Olive - Stem carrying leaves, a leafless - stem does not carry the leaves - arrow (Fig. 22).

Figure 22. Oliveness of the stem: 1 - arrow, 2 - Oral stem.

4. Leaves.

4.1. List position: the next - the leaves are located one in the node, the opposite - the leaves are located in two in the node opposite each other; Mutovachable - three or more leaves are departed from the node (Fig. 23).

Figure 23. Lategorization: Spiral or next (a), opposite (b),

mutual (c).

4.2. Classification of leaves: Simple - have one sheet plate, they are or not falling, or have one joint with an extinguisure between the camp and stem; Complicated - there are several leafy plates, each of which has its own sweets sitting on a common axis - Rakhis (Fig. 24).

Figure 24. Classification of leaves and their structure: A - simple, b - complex.

1 - List base, 2 - Puffs, 3 - Sheet Plate, 4 - Highlights,

5 - RAHIS, 6 - Simple leaves

4.3. Types of leaves: Cherry - consist of a base, a stiff and a sheet plate; Sitting - there is no stuff; Locking - a leaf plate of a sedentary leaf will grow to a stalk at a certain extent; Vaginal - the base of the petiole is expanding into the vagina, covering the stem (Fig. 25).

Figure 25. Types of leaves and their structure: A - cherry, b - sedentary, in - vaginal,

G - notaging; 1 - Sheet plate, 2 - Puffs, 3 - List base,

4 - Highlights, 5 - Vagina

The vagina can be open, closed. The vaginal leaves in the place of the compound of the sheet plate and the vagina can be grown - ears, tongues. Leaves can be with horses - paired lateral growths of the base of the sheet, without coating, with a fool - hitting hopes (Fig. 26).

Figure 26. List parts: 1 - Open vagina in this. Celerye, 2 - closed vagina and 3 - open vagina in this. Mattle, 4 - ears, 5 - tongue, 6 - Flavor.

4.4. Shape plate shape of a simple solid sheet: needle (1), linear (2), oblong (3), lancing (4), oval (5), rounded (6), ovoid (7), reversible (8), rhombic (9 ), bladder (10), heart-shaped-ovoid (11), honesty (12), sweat-shaped (13), spear (14), thyroid (15) (Fig. 27).


Figure 27. Simple leaves with a solid plate.

4.5. Simple leaves with a dismembered plate (Fig. 28):

Figure 28. Simple leaves with a dismembered plate.

4.6. The complex leaves are classified in the form - three-grained (a), palphatine (b), steam-sized (B), unpaired (g), twice-off-separated (D) (Fig. 29);

Figure 29. Types of complex leaves.

In complex leaves, the form of sheets of complex sheet (see the form of simple leaves) are noted; Number of leaves.

4.7. The edge shape of the leaf plate (leaflets): Open-Running, Pilly, Fed, Fresh, Protector, Golden, Lovel (Fig. 30).

Figure 30. The shape of the edge of the sheet plate (leaflets): 1 - sawn, 2 - gear, 3 - laid, 4 - double, 5 - Golden, 6 - all-across.

4.8. Top plate shape: acute (1), drawn (2), stupid (3), rounded (4), truncated (5), laid (6), with omnipotion (7) (Fig. 31).

Figure 31. Shape of the top plate.

4.9. The base form of the leaf plate: narrow alike (1), wedge-shaped (2), wide-grained (3), unconventional (4), truncated (5), rounded (6), lavetled (7), heart-shaped (8) (Fig. 32).

Figure 32. Form of the base plate.

4.10. Residential leaves. The term "veil" is used to a conductive beam or group of closely pinned beams. Simple dwelling - one challenged vein passes through the leaf plate; Dichotomous dwelling - the main vein branching Wilchato, there are no anastomoses; Parallel dwelling - from the base of the sheet in the plate includes a number of veins relatively identical size, which permeate the plate parallel to each other are connected by anastomoses; Considered dwelling - from the base of the sheet in the plate includes a number of residents relatively identical size, which permeate the plate arcuately, are connected by anastomoses; Current housing - Only one veil is in the leaf in the sheet, strongly branched in the record; Palp dwelling - several equal veins come out of the cut and each of them branches (Fig. 33).

Figure 33. Residential leaf: A - simple, b - dichotomous, in - parallel,

G is an arc, d - palpal, E - Cherish.

4.11. Leaf modifications: spines - sharp needles serving to protect

Figure 34. Leaf modifications: spines (1), mustaches (2,3), philodia (4).

(barbaris, thistle), mustache - metamorphosis of the top of the sheet (peas, vica) or the entire sheet (rank, saturated peas); Filodia - leafide extended pets (some types of acacia) (Fig. 34).

5. Flowers.

Single flowers or in inflorescences.

5.1. Single flowers. A typical flower of coated plants finishes the main or side shoot. There are also stubborn solitary flowers. It is a complex reproductive organ of coated plants. The flower is a modified, shortened, limited in growth, the unbranched sporing escape, designed to educate the dispute, hamet and the sexual process, completing the formation of seeds and the fetus. The flower consists of sterile (punched) and fertile (flushing) parts. The stalking part of the flower is represented by a flowerball and a bowl. The flower axis is called a bowl, it is a shortened part of the flower (Fig. 35, 36).

A colorful form has a diverse form: concave, flat, convex (Fig. 37).

Figure 37. Forms of a color: A - concave, b - flat, in - convex.

Parts of the flower are divided into reproductive (stamens, pestle or pestles), and sterile (cup, whisk, perianth).

Depending on the presence of the reproductive flower organs, they are divided into: Obroat - the flower contains stamens and pestle; same-sex - flowers containing or only stamens, or only pestles (pestle) (Fig. 38).

Figure 38. Classification of flowers according to reproductive parts: 1 - Obroat, 2 - Stomaching, 3 - Pestish, (A - Stitch, B - Pestik).

5.1.1. Types of flowers depending on their symmetry (Fig. 39):

1. The correct or actinorphic flower can be separated by a vertical plane passing through the axis of symmetry, into two equal halves of at least two directions.

2. Incorrect or zygomorphic, if one plane of symmetry (bean) can be carried out through the flower.

3. Asymmetric or asymmetric, if it is impossible to carry out a single plane of symmetry (Valerian dosage) through the flower.

Figure 39. Classification of the veins in symmetry: Sigomorphic (1), actinorphic (2),

asymmetric (3).

The perianth is the sterile part of the flower, which is its cover, protecting more gentle stamens and pestles and consists of a cup and a bunny. Select double and simple pericher. Double - differentiated on a cup and a whisk of different sizes and coloring. A cupcake consists of a combination of cupid, forms an outdoor circle of the perianth. Usually, sewers have small sizes and green color. They protect the inner parts

Chashelistic are free (cup free-oscillateor separately)or more or less contrived (cup fragrantor sPAINOLIST). Depending on the degree of incomprehension of sewers

Corolla (Corolla), consisting of a set of painted (sometimes green) lepalsy(Petal) forms the inner circle of the double perianth. The petals form most often the second (sometimes third) circle of the flower .. The whisk is characterized by larger sizes, a variety of coloring and shapes.

Variety of whiskers is very large. They are distinguished both in the color and intensity of color, and in terms of the number of petals, their shape, the value, interjection, etc. It is also important to establish whether they are afraid of each other, at least partially, or remain free.

Types of whites:

1. Separate - consists of free unreasonable petals.

In this regard, there are two types of whites: free-heebeal (separatolete)and surrounding (spinolesale).

In the study of the free-pools, the wreath you need to carefully consider the structure of individual petals. It should be determined whether there is a marigold and

Figure 42. Forms of petals. A - sedentary, b - nogot 1 - marigold, 2 - bend, 3 - scales, covering a nectar pamper. Whole or branched petal. If the petal to the base is clearly narrowed as a sheet in the petiole, then the petal - nogotkaya(cloves, cabbage, etc.). If the basis is wide, rounded, petal is called sitage(ilok, rosal, etc.) (Fig. 42). Often there are intermediate forms of petals. The branching of petals is two types: in the direction of the longitudinal axis - then they talk about the form gearnessor clipnesspetals (two-chopped, partitioned); in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the petal - such a branch

nope often leads to formation on the border of the noggle and plates of the petal of various growing, which, in the aggregate, digested education, called podepie Venchikor golub Chikik. In some plants (Narcissus, Passiflorian), the gifted crinus is expressed well, in the other (culinage purpur) it consists of a ring of hairs, immersed in the vintage tube, and externally impaired (Fig. 43).

Figure 43. Flowers with a brisk.

1 - Kuenchik


morphousand sigomorphic. Actinorphic free-pools whiskers are classified according to the number of petals, their relative position, as well as the presence or absence of a nogot.

There are several forms of spinolesale actinorphic veins, which are established depending on the ratio of the length of the tube, forms and the value of the filling (Fig. 45):

rotate- When the tube is small or almost completely absent, and the bend will be deployed in almost one plane (forget-me-not, velbeyn);

pryonchenoid- Tube is a large crystal, the bend is relatively small (tobacco, dura);

bellol- spherical tube, cup-shaped, gradually turning into a small bend (lily of the valley, bell);

pipe-shaped -cylindrical tube with a reprehensive, more or less short bend (sunflower and other astrova);

cap -petals are growing up tops (grapes).

Figure 45. Forms of stroke-bottle actinorphic whites: A - wheel-shaped,

B - Voronkovid, in - bell, g - pipe-shaped, d - cap.

Sigomorphic whiskers often take a special form, which is a good morphological sign of a group of plants (species,

2. A simple perianther is not differentiated for a cup and a whisk, consists of a set of homogeneous leaflets of the perianth (Fig. 47).

Types of ordinary perisheries:

1. The pericolate picker consists of green leaves.

2.The uniform perianth consists of otherwise painted sheets.

Figure 47. Simple perianth. A - Voltenovo, b - cupid.

Depending on the shape, a simple perianther can be: separately - all petals are free (goose onions), spinoliste - petals have grown (lily of the valley).

3. Cameral can be reduced. Flowers that do not have perianth are called naked (Fig. 48).

Figure 48. Flowers without a perianth (naked).

1 - White, 2 - ash.

Androecium(AndroeCeum) is a set of stamens (microsurophilles) of a single flower. They are located on a spiral or 1-2 circles. The number of stamens is constantly for the species. The stitch consists of a stitching thread, anther and a connector (Fig. 49).

Figure 49. Study of the stamens: Stomaching thread (1), anthers (2), a shower (3).
The stomaching thread in the structure may be cylindrical (rosehip), narrowly (onions); In length: thin long, thick short, sedentacious (violet) - a tight thread is almost absent. Stomaching threads can be: simple (non-branching), have appendages - lateral grows; Complex - branching, each of the branches is crowned with a boot. They can be bare or in varying degrees sowed (korovyan, many cloves). A connector, or spiker, is called a portion of the tagging thread between both halves of the anther. It can be flattened, thickened, short (in cereals), long (violet, worsion eyes). Bellow has two halves (tequis) connected

a connector. According to the method of attaching the anther to the stitching threads are divided into: still, attached to the base of the base; Swing, attach to the threads in the middle (cereals). Sterile stamens, that is, not bearing anther, called stamody(linen). The number of stamens in the flower is different: one (canned, orchid), two (fragrant spikes), three (cereal, iris), five (grated, astrova), six (lily), ten (legumes), many (butter).

Stamens can be free and contrived. According to the number of groups of intersecting stamens distinguish different types of Androceia (Fig. 50):

1. Bromptial when the stamens remain unreasonable.

2. Single-handic, when all stamens in the flower grow together in one group (Lupine, Camellia).

3. Two-minded, when the stamens are growing into two groups (many legumes are growing nine stamps, and one remains free).

4.Mnodographic, when numerous stamens grow together in several groups (St. John's wort, magnolia).

Figure 50. Types of Androcea. A - free: 1 - tulip, 2 - 2 - two-cellular cabbage; B - Increasing: 4 - Single-sized Verbaine, 5 - Single Astrov, 6 - Two-minded legumes, 7 - Multiple Zverkoy.

The length of the stamens relative to each other is distinguished:

1. Equal (tulip), if all of them are equal in length;

2. unequal (Olympic catchment), if the stamens of different lengths;

3. Two-length two long, and two short (clear) from four stamens.

4. Three, if the six stamens are three longer (Narcissus hybrid).

5. Four, if from six stamens four longer (cabbage).

Ginetsay is a combination of fruitlessness in a flower forming one or more pestles.

Pestik is the main part of the flower that is necessarily involved in the formation of the fetus. It arises from restlessness or fertility due to closure and capture of their edges.

Fruentics are megalophylls, carrying the nurses.

Types of pestles:

1. Simple formed by one fruitful.

2. Complicated formed by two or large number of controversial structures.

The pestle usually consists of three parts: ovary, column and stilts. Zaurus - closed lower extended, hollow, the most important part of the pestle, carrying the nursing.


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