How to inflate a circle for bathing newborns. Children's circle on the neck for the bathing of newborns: benefit and harm, contraindications

How to inflate a circle for bathing newborns. Children's circle on the neck for the bathing of newborns: benefits and harm, contraindications

Children, even the smallest love to swim. Doctors have long been talking about the benefits of early swimming for health. There are many fixtures for bathing babies. Even a special circle appeared so that the child is more convenient to keep his head over the water. It must be chosen correctly and use to be comfortable child and parents.

Novelty for bathing

The circle on the neck for young children is an inflatable chamber. It consists of two non-communicating circles among themselves, in shape resembling horseshoe. Special clashes - velcro pieces of inflatable horseshoes are connected. Good manufacturers of clashes are reliable, they do not dismantle in water.

For the chin of the child there is a special excavation, it allows you to comfortably arrange the head during bathing. The water accessory itself is usually bright, with drawings, rattles, bells, balls, some models can be musical. You can use from the first days of life up to 2 years. Often parents are afraid, prefer to keep the kid in the bathroom in their hands, and the circle starts to wear in 1 or 1.5 months. Doctors advise to teach babies to constantly swamming after a bunch of a bunch of pillow, it is about aged 3 - 4 weeks.

Such a water device will help parents, they will not need to keep the infant. You can even use if the kid does not hold the head yet. The child will be able to move freely with handles, legs, move in the bath. With such a device, you can not buy small baby baths, in a large bath with a circle of kids will be convenient. Water procedures will be easier, easier, they will give pleasure.

Purchase and fitting

It is desirable to choose such a kind of water collar in a large store where you can return if marriage on the product. Special attention should be paid to the material from which it is manufactured. It is necessary to carefully inspect the purchase, the seams must be soft, but dense. There should be no damage, holes, strong chemical smell.

Before fitting, the collar must be met, but so that it is not too elastic. Often the circle has two or three valves for air supply, all of them are needed before putting on "drown" inside. The baby must be put in front of him face to him, if he is already able to sit. If it does not sit yet, then some of the adults must take it in the hands vertically. The free ends of the circle should be stretched, put on the neck and fasten.

It is important to trace for the children's reaction - it will be visible if the collar is approaching or uncomfortable. To avoid squeezing blood vessels, between the neck and the inner edges of the circle should be left a gap of 2-3 mm. The chin of the child should be in a special excavation. In this position, he will see everything, to move freely, but to press the chin to the chest and can't get a cloth.

Who can not

In some cases, the newborn can not be used circles on the neck. It will be well advised before applying with a pediatrician.

Contraindications serve:

  • high intracranial pressure;
  • recovery period after generic injury;
  • congenital disease Bullous epidermolysis, in which short friction causes an extensive wound;
  • high or low muscle tone;
  • cold and infectious diseases;
  • skin inflammatory diseases on the neck.

After treatment, the doctor may allow the use of a bathing collar. It allows you to spend a lot of time in water, which is very useful for health.

Safety with bathing

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Even with such a reliable breast collar, it is necessary to ensure safe sailing of newborns. The circle is not a rescue means, when used, do not weaken attention.

Swimming rules:

  • Do not leave a child without supervision;
  • Do not use the circle at a depth of more than 1 meter;
  • Puffy legs should not touch the bottom of the bath;
  • Do not pull the circle.

It is necessary to abide care when inflatable. It is better to do this not by the pump, but mouth. It is so easier to check the degree of inflation. Do not inflate too much, the collar should not be too tough.

Dressing and removing the circle is not easy, it is better to resort to the help of the second person. So that the infants do not leave the adults with water accessories, it is necessary to heat the bathroom. You need to wash your baby without a collar, it is only designed for free swimming.

Exercises in water with a circle

For a useful bathing, you need to correctly organize this time. With water devices it is better to organize a bathing of a newborn in a large bath. The space will allow free to move, even perform exercises in water.

Before bathing a newborn, you need to show him a collar for swimming, let it touch, play balls, rattles on it. The child should get used to the device not to be afraid when equipped.

With a baby during swimming you have to play, talk. If he is completely small, then you can go to his back and call him to turn. Then go back to the back, call. So the baby will learn to turn faster. Next, you can stretch into a small toy in the water so that he to touch them with his fingers or took in hand. Then move away so that the infants should be reached to the toys, the blank legs and handles.

When the baby becomes older, you can complicate the game.


Pour floating toys into the water. Ask a child to gather them into a small bucket, to start show how to do it.

"Cheerful Ball"

Put into the water before the baby ball, show how it will swing on the waves. Helping the child to poke the legs, handles, creating waves.


Tighten the baby to the side, put the baby legs on it, show the child how to push off. Such a swim should be carried out along the length of the bath.


Use a circle in the bathroom for infants is convenient for adults, fun for children. Swimming with such an adaptation develops coordination, contributes to the physical development, the normalization of the mental state. You need to choose a water accessory in size and weight, it is necessary to use it correctly, then everyone will be pleasure from water procedures.

The circle for swimming a newborn turns a daily procedure into a fascinating occupation. Parents can play with a child in water, move it around the perimeter of the bath. To like the procedure, I liked the kid, the circle must match the size of the infant. To choose and buying an accessory you need to come seriously. Practical to acquire products designed for greater weight.

Experts are also beneficial to the benefits and harm for children's development. An analysis of the effect of the circle for swimming on the development of the child in the first years of life was carried out. The device earned positive reviews of specialists.

Benefit for kid

During the studies, all positive moments were taken into account that receive a newborn from using the circle:

  • lightweight work more active;
  • fewer problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, colic);
  • calm, long sleep (day, night);
  • coordination improves;
  • normalize metabolic processes, muscle tone;
  • the child earlier the skills of self-seating, walking.

Parents also feel the positive effect from the device. The back and hands do not get tired of static, uncomfortable pos. Bathing kid can one parent, his hands are free, so he can take a child toys, water exercises.

Under what diseases use is contraindicated

The circle for bathing is not shown to all newborns, it has contraindications. Before the first application is worth gaining a pediatric consultation. Existing restrictions:

  • birth injury;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • bullese epidermolysis;
  • muscle tone (low, high);
  • heart pathology;
  • cold;
  • ORVI;
  • skin rashes, inflammation in the neck area.

You can use the circle after the health condition is normalized, and the doctor will remove the ban.

From what age is allowed to use

The first water procedures begin immediately after discharge. About when you can use a circle, children's doctors have a single opinion - in 1-2 months. It doesn't matter how many months the newborn will begin to keep the head independently. The head in the device is fixed reliably. There is no excessive burden on the cervical muscles. Bathing baby with a circle is possible up to 2 years.

What you need to pay attention to when buying

Reliable products for infants get in large stores. It is easier to choose a suitable model and return (replace) if she suddenly did not fit the baby. Before making a purchase, the product must be inspected. Inspection sequence:

  • sews are durable, soft, not injured gentle skin;
  • fabric without damage, it should not be scratches, punctures;
  • you need to smell the material, there should be no sharp smell.

When buying, you need to know that on products, completely safe for the baby, it is worth a mark "eco-friendly".

How to choose the appropriate size

Firms produce collar for swimming two types: from 0 to 6 months, from 7 to 12 months. There are manufacturers producing bathing devices designed for kids from 0 to 2-3 years. Before buying a newborn circle you need to weigh, measure the diameter of its neck. In the instructions for the product indicate the maximum weight of the child and the maximum (minimum) diameter of the inner ring in the fastened state. For these parameters, a suitable circle is selected.

Evaluate reliability indicators, to fit for swimming this is:

  • the presence of 2 cameras;
  • durable and eco-friendly material (such include PVC);
  • valves are well bleed;
  • all seams are internal.

The product fabric should wash well, be smooth and pleasant to the touch. The color range of devices should not cause negative emotions. Neither in the baby or in adults.

We organize baby swimming in the bathroom

Bathing kid recommended in the evening in front of the night bed. After the water procedures, the muscles relax, the nervous system calms down, the night's night's sleep is calm and strong. You can buy a circle after the child is 1 month. Three weeks after discharge from the maternity hospital, the baby will get used to the daily evening mione.

A new fixture for swimming will not cause negative emotions.

We prepare a child to swim with a circle

The child first introduce the new acquisition. Inflated and washed with soap circle give a child to play. During swimming, the accessory is put in the water next to the baby, move it around the perimeter of the bath. The first bathing in the circle should be short, enough 10 minutes. At the following days, time is increased.

Technology proper putting on the neck

Dressing a circle on the baby alone is difficult, but perhaps you know how to wear it right. First check whether all the valves are recessed, only after that begin fitting:

  • the newborn is put on the belly on the horizontal surface (changing table, knees);
  • the circle is put on the neck when the baby raises his head;
  • before fastening the velcro and carabiner, check, as the chin is lying, it must be in a special recess;
  • look, is there a small gap between the wall of the device and the neck of the baby;
  • after all checks fasten the velcro and carbine.

Bathing a newborn at water temperature not higher than 37 ° C. The duration of the first procedures with a dressed range is 5-10 minutes. Parents should not leave the newborn during swimming. In the bathroom throughout the procedure there should be an adult man.

You can use the circle for swimming only after consulting with your doctor. A bathing device has contraindications. Store the product away from the heating devices, the water is not dialing into it. Do not allow contact with stitching and cutting items to eliminate punctures.

Exercises for babies with a circle

The baby will love water procedures if swimming will be accompanied by games, conversations. In the first months, mom or dad must change its location, leaving the field of view of the child, bark it, calling by name, initiate turns.

The bathroom should have a set of bathing toys. Attracting attention to them, parents motivate the child to move forward, capture them with handles. Male older offer more complex games.


Run into the bath several multicolored toys of small size. Teach a child to collect them, show how to fold in a bright bucket. At first, the exercise must perform one of the parents. On a visual example, the baby quickly assimilates the rules of the game. All movements adult must vote.


The child is tightened behind the legs to the narrow edge of the bath. The legs be rest in the wall, show how they are repelled from it. The kid pushes, spring, floats in the opposite direction. Exercise repeat several times.

Cheerful ball

The bright ball of a small size is put on the water in front of the child, he must see it well. Hands an adult carches the water surface, creates waves, toy swings. The same movements by the hands of Mom (Dad) teaches to make a baby. Literally through several classes, the child learns to play with the ball independently.

Safety with baby bathing

The presence of a circle does not exclude dangerous situations. The list of rules that must be observed during water procedures:

  • while a child in the water, someone from adults should be near;
  • the circle for newborns can be used at a depth of no more than 1 m;
  • the height of water should be such that the kid to the legs did not touch the bottom;
  • during swimming, you can't tighten the baby for the circle.

Popular children's models

The list of verified manufacturers will help not be mistaken with the choice. The quality of products of these firms is tested by parents around the world.

Baby Swimmer

The inflatable circle is designed for kids from 0 months to 2 years. The maximum load that he withstands is 12 kg. Product dimensions:

  • inner diameter - 8 cm;
  • the diameter is external - from 36 to 37 cm.

It is better to keep the child to allow reliable locks, the air is not descended due to the durable valves. The fabric of the circle is soft, high-quality, represented by different colors.


Goods for Russian-made children. The circle is withstanding the weight of 18 kg. Recommended for children from 0 to 2 years. A swimming device is equipped with special chambers with rattles and comfortable handles for moving. On the neck, the circle is firmly held, on it 2 reliable clasp.


In the Circle Baby-krug you can bathe newborn from birth, the maximum age of the child is 2 years old. It is equipped with 2 types of fasteners: velcro, lock. Swim in the inflatable circle are fun - it has rattles.

Russian goods made from PVC, material does not cause allergies. Fixture for bathing is convenient in operation, its advantages:

  • adjustable clasp;
  • convenient deepening for chin;
  • smooth fabric, lack of rough seams.

Happy Baby.

Can be used from 3 months. The permissible maximum weight of the kid is 15 kg. Baby device has pens, recess for chin, rattles, 2 clasp.

Circles for swimming babies are gaining increasing popularity and recognition from loving parents. Affordable price, convenience to use, safety - the main characteristics of this device. And yet the moms still remain, doubting the need to buy a circle for swimming, convinced that safer and safer their hands can not be. But is it really?

The circle design for swimming is an inflatable chamber consisting of two, non-communicating, circles in the shape of horseshoe. Before use, you need to inflate both chambers. On the one hand, there are two reliable velcro from below and on top, unchecking them in water is excluded. In the circle there is a special notch under the chin, so that the baby felt comfortably during swimming.

The upper part of the circle is usually transparent with many different drawings, and the bottom is painted in a bright color. Many models have balls and rattles designed to attract the attention of the child. And some manufacturers make circles with musical, when activating a special device, the melody starts playing.

What is the benefit of the circle?

Circle classes contribute to:

  • strengthening the muscles of the back, which positively affects the general physical development of the child;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in the body contributing to the adaptation to the environment;
  • alignment inside the breast pressure and "inclusion" of all lung departments;
  • development of the immune system, her hardening and strengthening;
  • prevention of constipation and colic;
  • normalization of intracranial pressure;
  • baby relaxation.

Water treatments in general and with a circle in particular, it is better to carry out before bedtime. Hydrotherapy relaxes muscles, and this is the key to calm night sleep.

Children regularly conducted in the bathroom 15 - 30 minutes are developing faster: they begin to sit, stand, walk. And since it is difficult to keep the baby on your hands long, a circle is an excellent assistant.

Circle classes are relevant for children with impaired muscle tone. Swimming in a circle is developing motility and coordination of the movements of a child.

Is bathing with a circle safe and how to choose it?

Before using a circle, you need to inflate, check if it does not descend. After that it is recommended to wash it with warm water with soap and dry.

The circle is tightly fitting the neck, not allowing the popping of the child's head out of it, which allows him to stay afloat. At the same time, on the neck of the child and the spine there is absolutely no load, but on the contrary, only the benefits. Many circles are equipped with special handles for which parents can direct the kid. In such a circle, the child can freeze with the back on the stomach and back.

The first immersion of the child in a bath with a circle should occur at home in compliance with all security measures. You need to wear a circle slowly, so as not to scare the baby, omit in the water neatly. Water should be the usual temperature. It is better if someone will help during this procedure, borrow and distract the child. If the child begins to be capricious, immediately you should pull it out of the water and remove the circle from the neck.

The purchase of this device must be carried out in large stores from proven manufacturers. Only so you can be sure that the material from which the circles are made for swimming are completely safe and not toxic.

High-quality circles have durable walls and reliable clasps that protect the baby from diving into the water. Correctly made with a seabling, makes swimming comfortable.

However, there are no conscious manufacturers who want to save in production. In order to avoid acquiring a poor-quality accessory, when buying should be carefully inspecting the goods for damage, check its integrity. If the rattles get stuck, there are seams inside a small circle, the fastener is not strong and there is a strong chemical smell - this is a reason to refuse to buy this instance. The quality product must be packed in the box, have a smooth coating and a weak smell.

Video instructions on a circle on the neck for bathing babies

From what age can you use a circle for swimming?

Manufacturers suggest that the use of a circle is allowed from birth. In practice it is impossible, because after birth, the baby has not yet healed navel, and therefore it is not recommended to bathe it. If you decide to start using a circle for swimming as soon as possible, it should be waited when the navel will heal and only after that start classes.

The optimal age to start swimming the baby with a circle is 1-1.5 months. The baby at that time will become accustomed to the new environment, daily water procedures and will take swimming with such an accessory as a game. You can use the circle until the child is achieved by the two-year-old age.

The inability of the baby independently hold the head is not the reason for refusing to use the circle. When bathing in it, there is no load on the neck of the child, which means it cannot harm the vertebra.

No matter how many months did not have your child, it is not allowed to leave it alone in the bathroom, even in a circle for swimming. It can be dangerous for the baby. In the first time, the child is recommended to keep up with hand.

How to prepare a child for swimming with a circle?

Before putting the circle, create a child with a new toy. A few days before the first classes, the baby should show it. If this is a very small child - keep the circle in front of him, shook the rattles to be closed, let's touch. If the child is older, let him in the hands, let him swell, takes, will study an unfamiliar device.

When the baby began to recognize the toy, you can start swimming with it. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to wear it in the water. In the room or bath, you first need to wear a baby, and then omitted into the water.

If the child opposes, capricious or completely rolled in hysterics do not insist on bathing. Quickly and carefully remove the accessory and calm the crumb. Swimming is better transferring the next day.

The reason for such a reaction may be a sudden pain in the tummy (soda), and not the relation to a circle, the proof of this will be a calm reaction to the lap of the circle the next day. Otherwise, it is better to postpone the adaptation for a while, while the baby does not forget about him, and two weeks later try to introduce him to him.

How to bathe baby?

Swimming with a range is a very useful and exciting lesson for the child. It is important to correctly organize the procedures that the baby does not refuse, but on the contrary I enjoyed the pastime in the bathroom with a circle.

    1. Clicking the circle is needed outside the water. To do this, we glue the velcro and divor the ends in different directions (up and down). We put on the neck and we reduce the ends, then plug the velcro, they must be located smoothly at each other. We check that the chin is in a selection specifically designed for it.

    1. As soon as the baby is accustomed to be in the bath with a circle, it's time to show him all the charms of this device.
    1. Holding a child for a handle, you should neatly pull it into the other end of the bath, after deploying and pulling into the other side.
    1. Now slowly begin to turn a circle, showing the child that you can spin around yourself.

    1. As soon as you see that the child begins to get tired, it is necessary to stop the occupation. Out the crumb, rinse with water and pull out the bath.
  1. Having pulled it out of the water, remove the circular circle and start woven with a towel.

For the first time, it is not necessary to get involved in a lot - ten minutes will be enough. It is necessary to give the child to get used to a circle for swimming, because when bathing in it, he spends much more forces than in his mother's hands.

Swimming of a child is a mandatory daily procedure that becomes exciting and safe only if you carefully approach its organization, and in this difficult to do parents come to the aid children's inflatable circles.

Circles for bathing newborns: Features

This convenient device will become a real salvation for Mom. She will no longer have to stand above the bathroom in an uncomfortable posture, watching the crumb to dive into the water. According to the design of the model for infants differ significantly from adults. The device is two independent chambers with internal seams. Another difference is that the children's circle for swimming is not fixed on the waist, but on the neck of the child with the help of resistant to the exposure to the moisture of lipochki. On the top of the floating ring there is a special selection of chin - for additional safety and comfort while staying in water.

This situation in space is the most profitable from the point of view of physiology. The croche not constant in the movements can move with handles and legs, developing muscles and training the skills of the future swimmer.

A standard infant swimming agent usually has an internal diameter of 8, and external - 40 centimeters and suitable for children aged from birth to two years.

It should also be noted that the presence of a circle allows parents to not buy a separate bath. The baby will greatly swim in an adult bath under the supervision of the mother or dad.

The section presents high-quality products of a variety of colors, among which you can easily find both boyish and girls options, from Mamboby, Roxy manufacturers, Babyswimmer, Lubby, HappyBaby, etc.

It is no secret that manufacturers of various goods actively use the desire of parents to give their baby everything that will help him be healthy, beautiful and smart. Designer clothing, made using space technology shoes, educational games. And now a fashionable novelty: newborn welcome floats with the help of a special inflatable circle, to him on the neck. Is there any benefits from such a bathing and how to properly organize swimming in the bathroom for children?

Pediatrician doctors have been promoted early learning to swimming babies. It is difficult to find a more suitable way for kids to tempering, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, the development of the vestibular apparatus and the ability to own your body. The circle of inflatable for swimming babies will help to normalize muscle tone, especially if the muscular dystonia in the child is not organic, but a functional character. It often occurs when using a sleeping pillow, at the first time attempts to sit down or get up, especially if his parents are "hurry" prematurely.

Hypertonus in newborns may be a consequence of the immaturity of the nervous system, excessive excitability. Regular swimming is not only in the pool, but also at home in the bathroom, it will help even remove the tension without drugs and improve sleep.

What is the difference between the circle inflatable for swimming babies from the familiar "rescue"?

First, he is put on the baby on the neck. Due to this, with any position of the body, his head is always over the water.

Secondly, on the inner circle of the circle there is a special wide platform for the chin, which does not allow the baby to press it to the chest, risking to choke. This is very important, since children at least up to three months of life there is a bending hypertonus. That is, the baby is constantly trying to take a pose in which he was in the womb at Mom: bent the legs, arms and head and bringing them to the tummy. Practical advice: constantly ensure that water falling with splashes do not accumulate on the chin site.

Thirdly, behind the circle of inflatable for swimming kids is securely attached fasteners from sticky tape.Also with their help, you can adjust the coverage density. But it is important to remember that the free ends of the circle should be pressed to each other, as otherwise there is a risk that the child will choose when swimming in the back position.

How to wear a circle inflatable for swimming

1. To pump the circle as described in the instructions for its use. It should not be overly elastic. As a rule, in safe products there are several valves for air supply, which you need to "drown" inside.

2. The child should sit or stand face to an adult who puts him a circle inflatable for swimming. So you can easily control so that the special recess is exactly under the chin of the baby. In addition, it is important to monitor the reaction of the baby when the lipochkock is fastened, so as not to squeeze the neck too much.

3. Stretch the free ends of the circle so that the neck of the child can pass between them, and wear it.The younger child, the more difficult it is to make an adult to one, especially if the baby still can not sit asleep independently. Moreover, it is often necessary not only to simultaneously stretch the circle and hold the toddler of the baby, but also raise his head for his chin to slam the open mouth in time. After all, it's so you want to try on a teeth.

4. Continuing to keep the baby's head in a slightly raised position behind the chin, fasten the velcro. At the same time, it remains a very small gap between the internal edges of the circle and the neck (about 3 mm). In this position, during swimming and water, it will not be leaving, and the trachea with blood vessels will not be siled.

How to organize baby swimming in the bathroom

There are no fundamental differences between the basic principles of the organization of swimming for children. It is only necessary to wash it all thoroughly and rinse from the cleaning agent of the wall of the bathroom and trace so that there are no drafts in the room. If the baby likes to frolic in the water for a long time, it must be 1-2 degrees cooler, so as not to cause overheating.

If the child sleeps badly or has difficulty falling asleep, it is recommended to plan a bathing of a child in the bathroom with a circle for the evening. Water will give the necessary emotional discharge, delivers pleasure and bring a feeling of fatigue. Sleep after swimming will be stronger and calmer.

Who among children's circle on the neck for swimming is contraindicated?

Despite the indisputable benefit of water procedures, use the circle inflatable for swimming is not recommended:

  • with elevated intracranial pressure: with hypertensional hydrocephallated syndrome, with viral infections;
  • in the restorative period after the generic injury: the fracture of the clavicle, damage to the shoulder plexus with the development of plexitis;
  • with congenital bullous epidermolysis, at which even light friction about the skin of an inflatable circle can cause the formation of extensive wounds;
  • if on the neck there are even single povetry elements - contraindication temporary, before recovery.

In these cases, it is better to apply an old proven way to support children on water - the hands of parents.


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