Accurate folk signs to get pregnant. Folk signs helping to get pregnant: what works, and what not? Folk Signals for Eight Pregnancy

Accurate folk signs to get pregnant. Folk signs helping to get pregnant: what works, and what not? Folk Signals for Eight Pregnancy

Have you already benefited a positive result of pregnancy test?! Then the following expert advice will help get pregnant very quickly, if it does not work.

If you have accepted a clear decision to get a family, most likely, you want to do it quickly, isn't it?! If it is about you, then start planning right now. Because it means to quickly become pregnant, it means not only to have sex in the "suitable" time, but also to create such a favorable environment in which a healthy child will grow from a healthy embryo, after the spermatozoid will meet with an egg. So what should be done to get pregnant? Before you have a step-by-step guide on how to get pregnant.

If you are interested in how to increase the chances of getting pregnant, then start taking care of yourself. It is no secret that during pregnancy and childbirth, the woman's body passes through major changes and tests, so be sure to start your journey with important steps towards a healthy lifestyle. Here are some simple tips, concerning a healthy lifestyle, observing which will be pregnant to get pregnant much easier.

Go to the gynecologist and dentist

The gynecologist (midwife) will analyze the general state of health and will advise the necessary changes in the lifestyle so that the pregnancy has come faster. Do not forget to mention the cases of infertility that had a place to be in the family, since some problems with the reproductive system of women may have hereditary character. It is also recommended to refer to the dentist if there are any problems with gums and teeth, which are one of the reasons for prematurity and a bad kid weight set. Before pregnant, it is necessary to put the oral cavity and comply with the necessary hygiene daily.


A variety of exercises should be in a habit, as it is necessary to prepare the body to pregnancy. Even fresh air long-term walks will help stabilize the work of the heart and strengthen health. Be careful and do not overdo it: Studies have shown that excessive loads and training to exhaustion can cause failures in the menstrual cycle and lead to infertility.

Start taking prenatal vitamins

It never late to start taking prenatal vitamins. In addition to various vitamins and minerals, they contain folic acid, which is important for the child at all stages of its development. According to the scientist, the doctor and nutritionist of the Harvard Medical School, Audrey Guskins, folic acid prolongs ovulation, helps fertilization and contributes to the survival of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy. What kind of vitamin complex is better to choose, talk to your gynecologist. Folic acid in large quantities is contained in strawberries, spinach, orange juice and beans.

Do not smoke

Smoking reduces chances to get pregnant quickly. It is associated with the high probability of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. "Smokers have significantly reduced the level of estrogen, which can reduce the likelihood of ovulation in the cycle and potentially affect pregnancy," says Guskins. This habit is to eradicate and the partner, as smoking negatively affects the number of spermatozoa and the quality of sperm.

Follow the consumption of caffeine

Do not give up caffeine at all, simply reduce its consumption up to 1-2 cups (250 ml) per day. Too much caffeine can lead to problems with reproductive function.

Reduce the amount of alcohol consumed

Although a small glass of wine and will not affect the reproductive function as a whole, but it is better not to drink alcoholic beverages at that time when you are trying to conceive a child. There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy, and while you are not pregnant, it is better to abandon it at all.

Do not be fond of fast food and sweets

Fit right, eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and solid grains. Healthy nutrition increases the level of progesterone - key hormone in maintaining pregnancy, maintains the process of ovulation and implantation of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

Step 2: Stop birth control

Probably O. unfortunately, why it is necessary to stop controlling the fertility process and stop using the method that helped you do not be pregnant. It is also worth noting that, depending on the method that you used for these purposes, will depend on how the reproductive function will quickly restore and how it is easy to get pregnant. If you used condoms, then the chance to get pregnant will increase significantly, if this time you forget about them on the bedside table. Also with the IUD: after removing the spiral, the body will be ready for pregnancy immediately. With hormonal contraceptives, the situation is a bit more complicated: after stopping the reception, the body will require some time to return to the norm.

« If a woman accepted oral contraceptives for a long time, then after stopping the reception of medicines, malfunction can be observed in the menstrual cycle. Menstruation may be absent in principle or be scarce, repeated a month several times, etc. - says Eric D. Leuens, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a certified specialist in the field of reproductive endocrinology in the clinic "Shady Grove". As a rule, six to eight weeks the cycle must recover almost completely. If after 8-10 weeks, there are still failures in the cycle, it is reasonable to seek help to the doctor to find out what is happening. "

Step 3: Watch for ovulation

Ovulation is the period of the highest fertility of the woman, so it is extremely important to know when this period occurs is extremely important in order to get pregnant at home. It is sometimes difficult to determine this moment to determine this moment, but there are several proven ways to track ovulation.

Find out when ovulation

It is necessary to know the essence of ovulation, understand how it works to continue to track its symptoms and signs. The first misconception about this is that ovulation comes on 14 days from the beginning of critical days, it is partly so, but if the cycle is permanent and lasts 28 days. Each woman has a different cycle. "On average, the cycle can last from 24 to 35 days, and can start 3-4 days later than usual," says Levance. Depending on the duration of the cycle, ovulation may occur after 11-21 days from the first day of the last menstruation (maybe earlier or later, if the cycle is very short or too long). Ovulation time depends on the unique cycle of a woman, and all healthy women have critical days begin 12-14 days after ovulation.

Use ovulation calculator

Just as you record all the important things and plans in your diary or calendar, it is also worth a me with ovulation, because pregnancy is a very important goal. The ovulation or fertility calculator will determine the duration of the cycle and help identify the very days when the probability of becoming becoming very high. Just write down the first day of your cycle (start of menstruation) for several months. Over time, you will begin to notice patterns when your cycle should start and therefore, when ovulation occurs. The highest probability to conceive a child before ovulation and 24 hours after it.

Know the symptoms of ovulation

One of the easiest to get pregnant is to listen to your body and know the symptoms of ovulation. You may have one or two, or even a few of the signs listed below:

  • Small bleeding
  • Colorless, viscous cervical mucus
  • Elevated libido
  • Sensitivity and soreness of the chest
  • Great vision, feeling of taste and smell
  • Owl of belly
  • Changing the position and elasticity of the cervix (it becomes softer, above and more open)
  • Sharp and stable increase in basal body temperature

Increase your chances of "miracle" using an ovulation test

Knowing symptoms ovulation, you can learn more about your cycle. By the time you finally understand all this, most likely you will become pregnant. If there is still no, then the tests for ovulation can help. They are sold without a doctor's prescription in small sets. In one set, there are several test strips, whose task is to track the moment of ovulation, measuring the level of luteinizing hormone (LH). LH is produced by a pituitary gland, and is well monitored in the urine. The body produces this hormone constantly, but for 24-48 hours before ovulation it is produced very much.

To get the most accurate result, follow the instructions on the package. The test should be done at the same time every day for several days, not to drink and not to urinate two hours before him. Next, you need to put a test strip in the collected portion of urine, and then watch the results on a digital monitor or on strips. A specific color or sign will appear, signaling the high level of LH. It means ovulation soon, it's time to do business. Such tests are very convenient, but not accurate by 100 percent, as they check only one indicator of ovulation. Some health problems can affect the test results and show a false positive result (polycystic ovary syndrome or luteinization syndrome of the non-unifying follicle), and some drugs containing estrogens and progesterons (contraceptive pills or hormone-plating therapy) can reduce the level of LG.

Track your basal temperature

Tracking basal body temperature (BTT) is another way to find out the period of ovulation. When there is no ovulation, normalthe temperature ranges from 35.6 to 37.2 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to measure the BTT throughout the entire cycle, and during ovulation it can be above the half of the degree. A special thermometer is used to measure BTT. Measure the temperature is needed every morning without getting out of bed. Draw a schedule, where the Y axis will be BTT, and the X axis is the days of the cycle.Record your BTT on the chart within a few months. When BTT for several days is slightly higher than usual, it should be concluded that ovulation has come.This method takes a lot of time, however helps to get acquainted closerwith your body and create a common picture of your fertility. If you figure it out with your BTT schedule, then you can safely start conceptiona few days before the highest rates of BTT.

Step 4: Do you have sex in moderation and

When you try to get pregnant, most likely, every free minute you spend in bed with a partner. But, remember, everything is good in moderation. Experts believe that the best way to quickly become pregnant is to have sex once a day or every other day, during favorable days before and after ovulation. If you have sex too often, the amount of your partner's sperm can be reduced, and if it is too rare, the sperm is stored, and the spermatozoa is moving not so quickly. If you want to conceive a child quickly, do not make the following things:

Do not use lubricant

With it, of course, more convenient, but some types of lubricant are able to kill spermatozoa to the moment they reach the egg. Therefore, read the labels and choose the best or try canola oil. You can increase the prelude to stimulate the production of natural lubrication.

Do not take a shower after sex

Chances to get pregnant are becoming lower if you take a shower immediately after sex. Moreover, there is a possibility of developing small pelvis infections. It is also necessary to avoid long run, hikes in the sauna, hot tubs or any other activities that raise the body temperature immediately after sex.

Pose during sex does not matter

Researchers they did not find any specific posture in sex, contributing to the rapid conception of the child, which means that you can have sex in an absolutely any pose. "The posture that you prefer in sex will not hurt to become pregnant and will not cause infertility," says Rachel Gurevich, fertility expert and co-author of the book " We are planning pregnancy: guide for teapots". Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and look for the most beloved sex pose that you like and your partner. "When choosing a posture should be remembered only about several things: the posture is comfortable for both of both of them, brings many emotions from the meeting and the most important orgasm," says Robin Eliz Weiss, doctor of philosophy, certified dula. After sex, you can help sperm to keep inside you, just lie on your back, bend your knees and attract them to the chest.

How much time will you need to conceive a child?

Most healthy couples who have frequent and unprotected sex will get pregnant during the year. In 38 percent steam to conceive a child over a month, 68 percent achieve results after 3 months, in 81 percent this happens for six months and in 92 percent in a year. In some cases, you have to seek help from specialists to get pregnant.

If you are 30 years old or less, you and your partner are both healthy, then you can quickly become pregnant, just actively engaged in sex, and do not resort to the help of a gynecologist and reproduction specialists, without using contraceptives yourself. In the end, it is important to remember that even at the peak of ovulation, the chances of becoming pregnant in any particular month constitute only 1 to 5.

The reproductive function of a woman is reduced with age, so if you are 35, then you need to handle unsuccessful attempts after half a year. The sooner you visit the doctor, the faster you get pregnant. Some reasons for infertility are exacerbated with time. If you sit back, then the chance that treatment against infertility will help, will only decrease over time.

The main thing is not to blame yourself for the fact that you can not get pregnant. Infertility meets recently quite often - 1 pair of 8 faces problems when conceiving or preserving pregnancy, according to research to the Center for Control and Prevention of US Diseases. And do not make hasty conclusions that the source of "problems" is you. Problems with conception can be not only because of a woman, but also because of a man and even because of several factors at the same time. What if it does not work for a long time? If it is difficult for you, contact your close person for support. Join the like-minded group, discuss your problems with them, share your experiences and emotions, ask the advice and do not be afraid to be open. Just just want, you need to act.

Pregnancy is precisely the period that young women are eagerly awaited. The most optimal method becomes pregnant - to correctly calculate those days of the cycle that are most suitable for conception. You can also with other modern methods (for example, use the test for ovulation) to find out the day of ovulation.

But our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were not such knowledgeable, therefore, during the centuries, folk signs of pregnancy were formed. And what is most interesting, they are still popular among modern people, because almost always true.


Many people attach special meanings. Therefore, in almost every house there is a dream book with which you can express a dream. So it turned out that a woman learns about his ambulance or girlfriend in this way.

What dreams hint about an interesting position:

  1. If the girl dreams of a fish, then this is a harbinger of emergency replenishment in the family. It does not matter what actions on fish are performed - it can be caught, cutting, fry or cook. But what will happen if the fish will dream of a man? It has long been known that it is worth expressing such a dream as a speedy reduction of wealth, big profit.
  2. If a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming, it means that it is soon waiting for her replenishment in the family.
  3. Dreams with animals like swans, storks or butterflies can be expanded as a symbol of ambulance.
  4. Vasilki, pearls, lotus flowers, rocker, cabbage - all this also harbing an interesting position.

Sleep under the moon is considered to be favorable for sexual health women and increases her chances of the birth of a healthy child. Also, simple observation of the full moon can help get pregnant.

If you dreamed that you are already in the position, it does not mean at all that the same is actually. Such a dream may indicate trouble in the near future, about women's problems.


One of the most famous will take on an ambulance pregnancy is the presence of a ficus in the house. It is only worth buying it, as a pregnancy does not make himself wait long.

The sign is very old, and they believe in it not only in Russia. For example, in England, the ficus is considered a "family" plant, and in India there is a special holiday in his honor.

The following varieties are considered to be better than the rest help to call pregnancy:

  • Ficus Benjamin.
  • Ficus rubbing.
  • Ficus microcharp.
  • Ficus Ginseng.

It is desirable that Ficus gives a close person (in the perfect case - a husband).

However, the signs also have a negative side: if a woman is in a position, and the ficus will die, it can become a symbol of fast miscarriage. The plant feels an irreversible change in the energy of a woman and dies.

A few more effective ways to get pregnant:

  1. Willow twig - one of the oldest will take. Put next to the headboard or in a vase of the Willow Spray (in the ideal case, it must be brought to Palm Sunday from the Church), and do not throw away before the occurrence of pregnancy, even if she dries.
  2. In the house in the already pregnant woman who herself does not know about it, they can begin to bloom and rip it, seemingly dying plants. It is worth paying attention to it.

A woman should take care of any plant, give him a name and talk like a child. Psychologists claim that such interaction with wildlife helps a woman relax, relieve stress, often interfere with becoming pregnant. And perhaps the placebo effect simply works (however, it is possible to say about all the signs and beliefs).


Methods of treatment with stones have several millennia. People sincerely believed in their healing properties. With the development of medicine, this practice began to be considered doubtful and began to treat unconventional methods of treatment. They should be applied only after the campaign to the doctor, and not before or instead.

It is believed that such stones are protected from infertility as:

  • Cornelian. Improves blood circulation and stabilizes the blood cycle. It is better to keep next to the genital organs. Time therapy usually does not exceed 5-10 minutes.
  • Amber. It is believed that he protects the health of a woman and the future kid if she is in position.
  • Diamond. It makes special talismans to protect against infertility.
  • Other semi-precious and precious stones: Amethyst, Malachite, Topaz, Emerald, Agat.

If it does not get pregnant for a long time, you can buy amulets or decorations that contain any of these stones.

Psychological aspect

A much more responsible act that allows us to approach the motherhood time - the adoption of the baby. All the energies of the woman will take care of the receiving child, and thoughts about their own will stop it so much. In this case, the highest strength will be accurate in the readiness of a woman to grow their own child.

However, there is a psychological explanation of this belief: the girl simply ceases to worry about his state, frees his feminine start and updates the hormonal background.

The following sign is built on a similar effect: do not think about pregnancy. Perhaps it sounds paradoxically, but the more the woman eager to become a mother, the less likely to replenish the family.

This effect has a scientific name - psychological infertility. The reasons for this phenomenon can be different:

  • Own not very joyful childhood and related psychological injuries.
  • Panic fear of childbirth or the very state of pregnancy.

Obsessive thoughts o child can also cause psychological infertility. Therefore, you should not think about it, but just enjoy life, work and your favorite hobby, and time to pregnancy seems to come.

To overcome obsessive thoughts about the child, often give advice to buy as many tampons and gaskets as possible: the more you take, the stronger the likelihood that they will not need long.

This problem is even in men. And the fear of the child may affect the activity of the production of spermatozoa.


An important role, oddly sounds, playing the behavior of the girl. And first of all, you should forget about the non-ultimate words, especially if they are matery. Mantic Rugan thickens a bad aura around a woman, interferes with the occurrence of pregnancy.

What else should be experienced:

  • You can buy some kind of children's clothing and try to visualize your baby in it. Such a psychological technique will configure the body for an ambulance pregnancy.
  • To receive a gift to pearl thread - one more sign, in which they believe over the course of many decades. It is advisable to get such a gift from someone very close.
  • Old belief for pregnancy - to tie a red string around the wrist. Before pregnancy, the thread will unleash (only she should do it herself, without any help). The value of the "red" bracelet is much more in-depth - it is believed that he, knotted on the left wrist close man, protects against negative energy.

Quite unusual may seem the desire to take a rest with his beloved husband in the southern countries. Climate change and settings - the best time for the body is rebuilt and updated, closer the motherhood time. In addition, the woman relaxes, stops nervous. So very often the couples wishing to have a child return from vacation already threesome.

For a woman, in principle, it is undesirable - a child can be born sick or with an ugly birthmark spot.

Attitude towards animals

There are many beliefs for emergency pregnancy, in which animals appear. For example, an elephant has long been considered a symbol of family and fertility. In addition, according to the Eastern Philosophy, Feng Shui, it personifies only positive characteristics. So if you buy a statuette of an elephant or rave photos of this animal, higher forces can pay attention to it and start patronizing.

Another effective way is to shelter a cat or a dog. In no case to buy, otherwise the sign will not work. An animal must be homeless or live in a shelter. Ideally, it follows the woman itself on the street. Taking care of a kitten or a puppy, the future mother makes it possible to understand the highest forces, which is ready to grow and raise a child.

If the pet is already there, then the appearance of his offspring. Kittens or puppies who will appear in the house, must be given in good hands.

Animal photography raised throughout the house also contribute to the creation of a positive aura in the house, capable of bringing the time of pregnancy.

Interaction with pregnant women

A lot of different beliefs can be heard about the attitude of the wishing to get pregnant women with other people. For example, interaction with another pregnant woman as if magically can beneficially influence you - cases of the onset of such a long-awaited pregnancy after that very often.

  1. Touch the abdomen of another pregnant woman is the surest way. This is a very old belief that it says that it is worth only to touch the belly of a pregnant girl, as instantly get pregnant itself. However, if there is no such familiar among families, it is unlikely that it will be unlikely to check in practice: passersby pregnant girls will rather not allow their belly to touch their belly.
  2. Sit on a chair after pregnant. To perform this sign, it is not necessary to have pregnant familiar. It is enough just to give time and place (in public transport, on a bench in the park, etc.), and quickly sit on the place occupied by a previously pregnant woman. As grandmothers believed and great-grandmothers believed, so the female organism is configured to the early approximation of the time of pregnancy.
  3. To drink from a cup of pregnant women or to achieve her food - a way, again requiring pregnant familiar. It is necessary either to drink a pregnant water from the cup, or to achieve its dish. Sketches are not for squeamy.
  4. Photo with a pregnant woman is the easiest option. It is enough just to ask any future mom to take pictures with you.
  5. You can ask for a pregnant friend to give you some kind of children's thing or toy. It will be impregnated with female energy and contributes to a speedy pregnancy.

Invite a pregnant woman to the wedding - very ancient sign. According to custom, it should tie a veil veil and first try wedding cake. In this case, the newlyweds will have a strong family and many children.

To those notes that are not sufficient to be attributed to believe in breast milk. It is believed that a woman who has tried breast milk, soon herself can be a mother. However, in modern realities it is very difficult to implement.

Interaction with children

In addition to pregnant women, the interaction with the baby can also help get pregnant. For example, you should hold the baby on your knees on your wedding.

What else can help come true:

  • If a day, favorable for conception, meet the baby, then the chance to get pregnant slightly rises.
  • During the birth of a newborn, the first - the old sign, suitable not to everyone, but except that only midwives. If the woman first takes on the hands of a newborn baby, then she can soon become mom.

There are other signs for the occurrence of pregnancy. One of them, for example, it says that it is enough to ride someone's empty stroller for this - it is thus "rushing" your own child. However, there is a negative effect: a child who owns a stroller, after such a long and hard to hurt.

Other signs

To cleanse the aura and distraction from thoughts o, you can begin to make good disinterested deeds. The main thing is no benefit for yourself. So try, for example, to do charity.

This can be attributed to the Council not to think o bad. Thoughts are often material, and should not be rooted for the fact that such a desired pregnancy does not come for a long time.

Immediately it is worth driving away all sorts of terrible thoughts o our own damage or what the children will never be. This is not true, pregnancy time will definitely come if you do not have pathologies that impede it.

For believers, such signs will be suitable:

  • Visiting holies. It is believed that a woman is cleaned there from all negative emotions and energy, which prevent her to get pregnant.
  • Drinking holy water and prayer before sexual intercourse can increase the chances of pregnancy.
  • Wedding. Lovers will thus prove their readiness to create a family and raising a child.

There is another sign: you need to eat many products containing the embryos of a new life - eggs, seeds, caviar. Most likely, this is an ordinary superstition that has no psychological bottom, but at the same time can also act. It is also recommended to use the cosmetics less cosmetics and wear well-tones.

Paul baby

Science claims that during conception or before it cannot be directly or indirectly affected by the floor of the future child. However, our grandmothers believed that if you wear a male headdress during the conception process, the boy would be born. The "Unisex" type hat is not suitable - it is necessary to wear exactly that the girls who are not worn in ordinary life. Also for the birth of a male child under the head put pants or a husband's hat. But if you tie a female handkerchief on my head, then a girl will be born.

How to find out what you wear a boy:

  1. Unexpectedly increased the amount of horses on his stomach, hands, legs, over the upper lip. It is not so terrible - everything will come back after the delivery. Just at this stage, the amount of testosterone has increased.
  2. The tummy sticks out with a cucumber.
  3. You will have a slower heartbeat.
  4. The kid is more or less calm.
  5. Toxicosis practically does not peremon.
  6. You do not go with the right, but from the left leg.

If you have a girl, then the pregnancy is the opposite. For example, the stomach is wide, and on the face there will be pigmentation, swelling. Girls are often moving a lot.

It should be remembered that the signs for pregnancy will not help with serious health problems from the reproductive system. Therefore, if for a long time it is impossible to become pregnant, first of all, you should consult a doctor and take a course of treatment.

Some women cannot become pregnant, no matter how they wanted it. There are several vintage adoption that help get pregnant if it does not work. These tips are based not only on the wisdom of our ancestors, but also on the laws of attraction of the desired strength of thought.

How to get pregnant. Folk signs

  • Talisman for conception.Buy any children's thing, for example, hat or socks. Keep her as a talisman in your bedroom. The item will help visualize the desired faster.
  • Plants helping the conception of the child.Our ancestors believed that if they put a ficus or a few Willow branches into the married bedroom, it would help get pregnant.
  • Decorations for future mothers. It is believed that presented pearl beads help a woman get pregnant.
  • Charge the energy of a pregnant woman.If you can't get pregnant, folk signs are recommended to shoot a thing of a pregnant woman, drink from a glass of pregnant or stroke her in the stomach.

  • Shelit a kitten.The right thing for a quick conception is considered to choose the homeless kitten on the street. At the same time, the animal must "be born" itself, do not specifically search for street cats.
  • Food. There is a lot to accept, according to which, in order to get pregnant, you need to eat special food. These are products containing the embryos of a new life - eggs, nuts, caviar, seeds.
  • Kumys.In women of Kazakhstan, there are signs - if every morning drinking a glass of Kumsa, then you can get rid of infertility and conceive a child.
  • Appearance. It is believed that women who want to get pregnant can not be bright and wear causing clothes. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the bright appearance includes the program "Search of a partner", and not the program "Maternity".
  • Drink bad thoughts. Negative thinking will slow down the reproductive function. It is also important to believe that even despite the worst circumstances of the situation, you will get pregnant.
  • Leave the thoughts about pregnancy. If pregnancy becomes your intrusive idea, then you risks so and stay with your thoughts. Release your desire to the universe. It often happens that the child is born only when a man and a woman have already lowered their hands and stopped fighting for the implementation of their idea.
  • All these signs and superstitions have a common value - they set up a woman for positive thinking and give confidence in the possibility of conception. And where confidence, there is a result! We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

    20.01.2015 09:25

    Waiting for the child is always touching and exciting moment. To date, doctors can call the gender in the ...

    About the moon in deep antiquity has developed a large number. Our ancestors endowed the satellite of the Earth Magic ...

Make a stock of pads or tampons - to pregnancy. Buy more tampon pads - and they will not suit at least 9 months.

Helps get pregnant photo, capturing you with a pregnant friend, as well as photos with fruitful animals.

To drink water from a pregnant cup.

Before each conception, drink holy water, and also read the prayer before intimate proximity.

To get pregnant to buy a nipple and put under a pillow

To get pregnant, you can also sit on the chair, where the pregnant woman was sitting.

Those girls who will try breast milk will soon become mom. Many, of course, score, but what you will not go for the sake of a cherished dream.

If you raised a gift in the form of a pearl thread - this is a folk sign, according to which you will soon become mom!

Put the willow in the house - this sign went back from our grandmothers. Those families who were very waiting for replenishment in the family necessarily put a few twigs of the Willow in a vase.

If you stroke the tummy already a pregnant girl - will soon become mom!

She will shelter a homeless puppy or a kitten from the street, it is believed that the animal must follow you on the street. Thus, you demonstrate the highest forces willingness to take responsibility and for the child, to take care of him.

Photo with pregnant woman. As soon as you are in the company with a pregnant girl, take pictures for memory. Soon you will show the photo to your baby.

Watch out for your speech: a woman who dreams of a child cannot be used by faded and rude words.

If a man and a woman simultaneously pour tea or each other, they will soon become their parents.

Color the photos with prolific animals (cats, dogs, etc.) Pregnancy will not wait a long time.

Create with your husband the "card of desires" and let everything says that you are ready and very much waiting for the appearance of a child in the house.

Eat products containing germs of a new life - eggs, caviar, crude cereals, nuts, seeds (all of which new life appears).

If you want to get pregnant to get aquarium in the house. Buy fish that are most often divert and take care of them.

Strictly speaking, this sign signals the already coming pregnancy, which the woman herself does not yet guess. In the house in the pregnant woman begins the extremely intensive growth of all home plants.

To get pregnant to stroke the belly of a pregnant woman.

Agat, pearls and other amulets will bring an ambulance pregnancy.

Figurines of "elephants" for pregnancy. Elephant is a symbol of family and fertility. Those who have the statues of elephants or elephants in the house foreshadows an ambulance pregnancy

Start doing good deeds, help people free. Thus, your aura will be cleared and becomes favorable to conceive a child.

That woman who acquires the agate stone, will soon become a mother.

Those who want to get pregnant girl must wait until a pregnant woman gets out of a chair or sofa, and immediately sit down in her place.

In ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception, first took on the hands of a newborn baby and soon herself became her mother.

A woman who will spend the night under the right rays of the lunar light, will soon give birth to a healthy child. Try!

To get pregnant, it is necessary to make this desire, standing under the bridge, by which the train goes at this moment.

Baby things lying in your home in a prominent place will help the girl to get pregnant.

The rapid growth and the color of your home plants signals the moment of conception.

That woman who will receive a beautiful pearl thread as a gift, will soon become a mom.

If the calas the belt will conjoin the belt, then a woman in the village will give birth to

When planning pregnancy, buy some kind of children's thing and put on the most prominent place.

Willow twigs are considered to be pregnant. At Verq's Palm Sunday from the Church of the Verq and put it at the head of the bed. Do not throw away until you get pregnant, even if she has time to dry.

Draw two beautiful fish on a sheet of paper and put under the mattress. Pregnancy will not wait long.

If you really want to have a child, buy two flower - "Male Happiness" and "Women's Happiness". These flowers not only "will attract" pregnancy to the house, but also retain the warm relationship between spouses. The only condition is for flowers to be careful with love.

Red thread. Another very beloved in women who want to get pregnant the sign is a red thread. Red string must be tied on the wrist - on the right or left - the values \u200b\u200bdo not play. It is believed that when the thread will unleash, a woman and get pregnant. But remember - the thread should unlease itself, without whose help.

Go to holy places. Visit the church where the relics of Blessed Matrona, the power of the Swirky, the power of Ksenia St. Petersburg and pray. Your prayers will be heard and in your house will soon wonder the children's laughter.

If you got rid of a kitten or a puppy, you should be sure to take it home. This universe sends you signs of future pregnancy. Even appeared signs: shelter the kitten - soon get pregnant. The main thing is not to look for a kitten purposefully. He must find you himself.

If you see in a dream fish, then to the ambulance.

Sit on a chair after a pregnant woman - one of the most faithful will accept. So, as you see that a pregnant girl, somewhere sat down, try to immediately take a "warm" place.

Invite your pregnant girl to your wedding. This sign is also very old. In order for the bride to faced the problem of infertility, you need to invite a pregnant woman to the wedding, who should help a pregnant woman to wear a veil.

A red thread helps to get pregnant if a favorite or close person (Mom, etc.), who you trust, tied it on your hand. It is impossible to shoot it - after the thread breaks, you can get pregnant.

Sew on the place of pregnant.

It is said that the icon "Increasing joy" helps become pregnant. Be sure to buy it and pray it from time to time.

If in your home all plants began to grow sharply and bloom - wait for replenishment in the family!

Ficus from ancient times is considered a family flower, and his appearance in the house promises the appearance of replenishment.

You can get pregnant when the ficus donated to you will let down new sprouts.

To get pregnant faster, a woman should wear dresses and skirts as often as possible.

In advance before pregnancy, buy one subject from children's clothing and imagine your baby in it - in this case, a well-known practice should be done on the visualization of desires.

"Release" thoughts about the desired pregnancy and take themselves a lot of affairs. Based on accepting, the more affairs and interesting sessions you plan, the sooner the conception will enter.

Many women became moms after drank from the glasses of which a pregnant woman had already drank or retreated some kind of dish. It is said that almost 100% acts signs, if you feed the woman with a spoon.

If you do not plan the child in the near future, it will be easy to get pregnant. Schedule a lot of interesting and important affairs, where there is no place of pregnancy - will be pregnant.

Another very old sign is a cat in the house. There are two of its variations - shelter a small homeless kitten, or a homeless pregnant cat. Pay attention - the animal must be homeless - buying a kitten will not give an even account no effect.

To get pregnant need to stop swearing. All mothers and swiss words should be excluded from their lexicon.

Schedule your holidays with your loved one in warm edges. Here and the climate change, with * COP without taking into account the days of the cycle, and the abstractness and the relaxation of a woman will make their job. Very often, two weeks of rest lead to the long-awaited result and replace the years of unsuccessful treatment.

Get a home plant in your bedroom a ficus and take care of him, as if behind the living being. It is desirable that the ficus in the house appear as a gift.

Our grandmothers believed that the ficus flower helps the onset of pregnancy. A woman planning to become a mother must buy a ficus and care for it - water, talk, like a living being.

Dreamed fish - wait for adding in the family.

Food you treat a pregnant woman (she must give you food with your own hands) will help get pregnant.

Empty stroller. The folk sign says that if the woman rolling an empty stroller, she very much "risks" to roll his son or daughter. However, there is another one, absolutely contradictory, a sign associated with a blank carriage - if you roll it, then the child whose stroller will be hurting all the time.

So that God gives young spouses of children, and more, so that in the family there was wealth, in the peasant families in the first marriage night, it was customary to build a bed of heno.

Ask a pregnant woman with her cup and drink ordinary water from it. It is believed that after that a pregnancy will not make himself wait long.

Many women say that after the appearance of Benjamin ficus, a long-awaited pregnancy has come in the house. The fact is that the ficus is a plant that absorbs the negative energy in the residential premises and contributes to the addition in the family. Cooking the pot with a flower, put it in the bedroom. Let your desire fulfill your desire!

Eat products with buds of a new life. Folk Medicine advises a woman who is planning the conception of a child, there are foods such as caviar, eggs, cereal, legumes, nuts - that is, all those that are germs and from which a new life appears.

Suspension "Boy on Karp" - babies bait. Those couples who acquire this magic suspension will soon become parents.

Attract good and grateful words from people. To achieve this, make sincere, good deeds to the attitude of people around you. According to accept, there is a prosperous formed around you for conception.

There are tested folk signs to conceive a child. They will help become pregnant, and when all attempts to conceive the baby do not give results. Also, tell me who will be a girl or boy.

In the article:

Folk beliefs to conceive a child with a pregnant girlfriend

When it does not get pregnant, try folk signs to conceive a child. Some of them require a pregnant girlfriend. It doesn't matter what kind of pregnancy. Ask for help and follow easy signs to get pregnant.

It is believed that any pregnant girlfriend is able to assist. Try to "learn" the corresponding energy to become a mother. Make it is easy, but get the consent of the girlfriend. Relative is also suitable, it is important that you have a good relationship.

Try to squat from the cup from which the pregnant friend drank. Sit on the couch, chair or chair, where she sat. Another effective and easy way is to ask for clothes. Any thing - dress, pants or shirt. Have a sweet or fruit for her. These signs act perfectly in the period of ovulation.

Ask a pregnant girlfriend to give toy pups. When she fits or sneezes you, it's likely to get pregnant. This is done any number of times. Ironing a waiting baby woman in the stomach is to lure a pregnancy.

Ride empty stroller. It is believed that after that pregnancy comes quickly.

There are special beliefs, which are still followed by the bride. In order not to be problems with the birth of children, be sure to invite a pregnant woman to the celebration. A favorable sign is to hold on the knees of someone else's child during his own wedding.

How to use folk signs to get pregnant - plants and animals

What contributes to the addition of the family. To conceive, put a flower, take care and communicate with him, like a child. Put it in the kitchens, but for this purpose, keep the ficus in the married bedroom. It is important that the plant does not bind, but presented. Separate signs of pregnancy recommend stealing the branch of the ficus and put at home.

There is in this acceptance and negative point - when Ficus will die, you will have a miscarriage. But the plant is not guilty about it, it feels your condition and warns about the coming misfortune.

It is believed that this sign is triggered because the highest forces are observed for people and evaluate whether they can take care of com. When it is so, they help to conceive, no - it can not care for loved ones, may remain childless. Therefore, make any other plant to get pregnant, folk signs allow such.

Another plant that, as grandmothers believed, contributes to pregnancy - willow. Impress her signs recommend to place in the house sprigs in vases or suspend. Verbal bark tea also helps in conception.

When a kitten or a puppy comes up to the door of a childless pair - to the family replenishment. It is believed that the animal acquired home brings positive energy into it, which will affect the events in the life of newly minted owners. And it is important that the appearance of an animal in the house turned out to be not planned, spontaneously pick up on the street, in the stairwell or near the cat's own door or a dog and take care of the pet.

It is impossible to buy an animal. Admit or dogs when selling due to needs. This belief acts as the ficus associated, but is considered more reliable. So the highest forces check how much you are merciful and deserve to have your own child.

There is a pet - good sign when she will appear puppies or kittens. It is believed that the appearance of the offspring in animals attracts the energy of motherhood and helps become pregnant to women.

Signals for pregnancy and sex of the child: boy or girl

It is impossible during planning. No one knows how the gender will be a baby. But many would not give up from a boy or a girl. And therefore asked if there are folk signs how to conceive a girl or boy. Yes, there are such, and more often they work.

When a woman, during a married proximity, caught up on the head of any male headdress, gets pregnant with a boy.

To give birth to a boy, in ancient with a female sex, a woman was put on her head or a husband's head. When a man will take a female handkerchief on his head, the child will be female. The husband took the left side of the bed, a girl will be born.

Other signs that foreshadow pregnancy

It is believed that before planning a child is useful to embroider. Promotes the conception of the embroidery of three angels. It also helps embroidery on schemes where children, toys, as well as icons are depicted.

In the Philippines, those women who cannot become pregnant, give pearls. This sign works with us. Ask a husband about the gift of jewelry with pearls, and the baby will appear in the family. It is impossible to buy pearls for this purpose.

There is such a sign - when the desire for pregnancy is made under the bridge, according to which the train goes, it will come true. In almost every city there are sculptures, whisper one in the ear of this desire, and it will come true. Another case to make a desire - New Year. Dress the Christmas tree with the image of children, it works.

Enjoy popular and modern, which is based on the "law of meanness." Try not to think about what you want to become my mother, let go of this thought. Plan the case ,. The reserve of gaskets and tampons acts. Buy a bunch, and they will not use you.

When you decide that it is time to start a child and are going to work on it, buy any children's thing - a hat, a rattle or small socks. The thing is needed to concentrate the desire to give birth to a child.

During this period, it is useful for accelerating conception that contains the beginning of life, embryos - eggs, seeds, nuts, caviar, cereals. Give such property and koumiss.

Pretty so that the day when sexual intercourse will take place, see a small child, and you get pregnant. This applies to the tests: to meet the child when you go to the hospital, - a blatant sign for those who want to acquire offspring.

In antiquity, the girl feared to be seen in order not to get pregnant early. Use this belief for yourself. Contemplate it more often, and the result is not far off.

After the wedding, in the first wedding night, the bed is put on a child or a children's toy. The ancestors believed that it contributes to the rapid appearance of offspring. Planned the child did not use cosmetics and did not wear bright clothes.

Knowledge of this will accept the long-awaited moment and will help prepare for the emergence of a new family member.

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