Chinese caterpillar. Charming mushroom yarsagumba

Chinese caterpillar. Charming mushroom yarsagumba

Syn.: Himalayan Viagra, caterpillar mushroom, Tibetan mushroom, worm-grass.

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In medicine

Chinese Cordyceps is not a pharmacopoeial herb and is not listed in the Register of Medicinal Products of the Russian Federation. However, there is no official registration and permission for sale in Russia as a dietary supplement. Although the medicinal power of Cordyceps sinensis was the subject of numerical studies both in animals and in vitro, clinical studies of the therapeutic stagnation of the plant were carried out, the scientific ability to know more of them is methodologically not Correct and respects any statements about the established effectiveness of cordyceps. No less, a number of large, randomized and well-controlled clinical studies still allow us to see Cordyceps sinensis as a potent medicinal product with a wide spectrum of activity. Roslina may act as an immunomodulator, hepatoprotector, adaptogen, is likely to have anticarcinogenic, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory properties, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, is beneficial to the human fertility.

Contraindications and side effects

Although Chinese cordyceps is not contraindicated, it is not possible to say for sure that it is safe for pregnant women, pregnant women, children, and there is no reliable evidence for this. Before drying the plant, consult your doctor. Some of the side effects of taking Chinese cordyceps include dry mouth, nausea and diarrhea.


Botanical description

Like other mushrooms of the genus Ophiocordyceps, Chinese Cordyceps is composed of two parts: sclerotia and stroma. The fungus reproduces by spores, which, like wildflowers, are self-homing and only “shoot” when the blizzard caterpillar calls out in sight of the fine strands of hop plants. Having stuck to the point of coma, the superchids break up the skin and penetrate the body, where they are deprived of the calm dot, until the caterpillars, before winter, no longer burrow into the ground for burrowing.

Infected caterpillars always burrow into the ground like a “soldier,” with their heads on top. After the caterpillar is entrapped in the soil, the super river enters the active phase, sprouting into the flesh and the surface of the “visible” caterpillar, mummifying its body and forming sclerotia. “Stuff” fallen mosquitoes “sprouts” in late spring or at the beginning of summer with stroma.

The stroma of Cordyceps chinensis is dark brown or black, sometimes yellow, and reaches up to 4 - 10 centimeters and approximately 5 mm in girth. On the bare, late-furrowed parts or ribbed stem of the mushroom, a club-like or spindle-like granular head is clearly visible. The aroma of the mushroom is rich and pleasant, and the taste is sweet.


Cordyceps chinensis can only grow in the highlands of Tibet and the Himalayas at altitudes of 3000 to 5000 meters.

Preparing cheese

The preparation of Chinese cordyceps is done entirely by hand. Inflow, after the germination of fungal stromas, the villages with too much strength go out to the “field”. Find fungi to remove from the ground, and carefully dig up the mummified body of a mosquito, stuff it with threads of Cordyceps sinensis mycelium. The most beautiful mushrooms are those with a long body, placed on a “caterpillar”. On the river, villagers collect up to several tons of mushrooms, the price of which is 50 thousand dollars per kilogram.

Cordyceps powder is made from dried mushrooms, which are treated with ultraviolet light or sterilized at high temperatures before processing. It is always important that the active substances in mushrooms are present in such a way that in order to obtain an effective dose, it is necessary to eat capsules that contain such powder. Those who want to avoid purifications, concentrations and biologically active drugs should take the extract of Cordyceps sinensis as quickly as possible. To do this, the mushroom is placed in alcohol for an hour, then the alcohol is evaporated and the powder is extracted from this “rare” Chinese cordyceps.

Due to the high variety of the sylvestris and the difficulties with its species, it has now been possible to identify a Chinese strain from wild cordyceps that can be cultivated commercially. In China, such a culture grows in rare living plants, and in the West they began to grow cordyceps in laboratory brains, vikoryst as a base grain.

Chemical warehouse

All essential amino acids, polyamines, saccharides, as well as all derivatives, fatty and other organic acids, sterols and vitamins, are found in the chemical composition of Cordyceps chinensis. edited vitamins of group B: B 1, B 2, B 12, vitamin E and K, as well as methanol, ethyl acetate, mannitol, ergosterol, adenine, adenosine, uracil, uridine, guanidine, guanosine, hypoxanthine, inosine, thymine, thymidine and deoxyuridine.

Pharmacological authorities

The cunning power of cordyceps sinensis has been the subject of impersonal scientific research, but many of them are considered methodologically dubious, so all assertions about the wide range of activities of the fungus are of great importance to scientific enormity.

However, it can be confirmed that the extract of Chinese cordyceps enhances the activity of cytokines and induces the cell cycle and apotosis, reducing the proliferation of plump cells, thereby causing cordial congestion. Ceps chinensis in oncology. Studies on mice have shown that when taking the fungus, survival of animals increases after radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

A long-term clinical investigation was launched, aimed at the treatment of cordyceps in patients with heart diseases. Research on animals confirmed the vascular-relaxant and vascular-reducing effects of the fungus. It reduces the heart rate very quickly and fights arrhythmia. Research on animals confirmed the hepatoprotective effect of cordyceps.

In vitro studies showed increased phagocytic activity of macrophages, increased enzymatic activity of acid phosphatase and altered expression of cyclooxygenase-2. Further studies on mice showed increased proliferation of splenocytes, increased plasma corticosterone, and decreased production of immunoglobulin E.

The bacteriostatic effect of Chinese Cordyceps on pathogenic bacteria, including streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as pneumococcus, has also been confirmed by low in vitro studies.

Zastosuvannya in traditional medicine

Chinese Cordyceps is widely used in traditional medicine. It is difficult to treat malignant neoplasms, complex cancers of the brain, liver, substellar tumor, breast cancer, leukemia. People recommend taking cordyceps as an immunomodulator and hepatoprotector to eliminate toxic substances from the body, including radionuclides and medicinal compounds. Walking with mushroom powder is used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, coughs, asthma, pneumonia and other illnesses of the respiratory system. They are taken for pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, cystitis, nitric illnesses and diseases of the sechostatic system. Cordyceps is considered effective for diseases of the cardiovascular system and is recommended to be taken for angina pectoris, coronary sclerosis, after myocardial infarction, and for ischemic heart disease to prevent thrombosis.

Historical background

Although the medicinal plant of cordyceps chinensis takes the cob from the ground, the first written riddle about the mushroom dates back only to the 15th century. The doctor of Tibet, Zukar Namney Dorje, wrote about him. In traditional Chinese medicine, the first healer who described the infusion of cordyceps was Ben Cao Beo Yao, who included the mushroom in the Materia medica dating back to 1694. We have confirmed that cordyceps vicorista has been used with medicinal methods since the Tang Dynasty, then since the 7th century.

The Chinese respect the power of the Chinese cordyceps, one of the names of which is translated as “the winter of the caterpillar, the flight of the mushroom,” through the peculiarities of its development there is an ideal balance of yin and yang, which can fight against a lot of illnesses. In traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, cordyceps was used in the first place to combat ancient diseases. Summer nobles took it in hopes of longevity, to stimulate human strength, to treat cardiovascular diseases, as an immunomodulator. Cordyceps was used to treat cancer, hypoglycemia, asthenia, illness of the liver and respiratory system.

Chinese Cordyceps is a very expensive mushroom. Its sales are one of the most important sources of income for wealthy villagers in Nepal, Bhutan, and other northern states of India, which border the mountains of Tibet. Sometimes, during the gathering, even crooked conflicts arise between residents of different villages, which sometimes end in killings. Therefore, cultivated mushrooms can benefit not only from the high variety of cordyceps and the purity of the mushroom, but also from the “mushroom wars”.


1. “Collecting dead caterpillars from the Tibetan Mountains”, magazine “Science and Life” No. 6, 2006. – 90 s.

Caterpillar mushrooms Ophiocordyceps sinensis or “bright gunbu” are the essence, a crimson mushroom without a droplet, similar to a brown chickpea, that hangs a few centimeters above the ground. Look out from the ground just three or four centimeters. Living Tibeta, that is not the same, 11 years old for the day of the cups of the traveler in the Kinets worm, get to the steepness of the Girsky Schila, with the uzias of the back of the binding of herbs I gloke at the guts of the tsyogo so immature fungus. At this time, caterpillar fungi literally transformed life throughout Tibet and gave rise to the current fungal fever.

Having identified a mushroom, the “mushroom picker” carefully moves the scoop under the mycelium and pulls it out of the soil. Then the hard soil crumbles away, and the axle on the other side now lies, looking like a red-hot, deformed caterpillar. The caterpillar has been dead for a long time, and from its head, like a unicorn, the body of a thin brown mushroom grows. The mushroom picker takes out a plastic bag from the cauldron and carefully puts his find there: the cream that is already lying there. Caterpillar fungi do not become a significant part of the family income of wealthy Tibetans.

The brightly colored mushroom is known to the local population for hundreds of years. It was believed by the healers that the bright gunbu was of miraculous power. Legends say that if you eat this mushroom, your strength increases tenfold. And the earliest description of the fungus garnet gongbu was preserved in the text to Tibet of the 15th century “The Ocean of Aphrodisiac Plants.” On its pages they praise this “unknown treasure”, which “bestows incredible advantages” on those who live with it. The author insists that it is enough to cultivate just a handful of fungi: add something to tea, or make soup from them, or smear them at the same time as pumping, so that all your ailments will be healed - take it, so it is said in the treatise. “Worms”, as they are called among the people, are prescribed by doctors to relieve back pain, such as impotence, abdominal pain and chronic pain. And also for lowering cholesterol, increasing vital energy, brightening eyesight. Such as tuberculosis, asthma, bronchitis, hepatitis and anemia. It is also stated that mushrooms have anti-tumor, antiviral and antioxidant effects, treat SNID, and can cause inflammation.

At this time, China is rapidly developing, traditional medicine is becoming more and more popular, and this is a big deal. Now it has become a status favorite at parties and wider gifts to paid officials. And just as in the 70s of the last century, only one or two US dollars were given for just a few “worms”, then by the beginning of the 90s – already close to hundreds, and at the same time the various trades have the versatility of the same amount. The brightness can reach 50 thousand dollars. ! This incredible pop up raises concerns: the harvest from the river, which currently totals 400 million, may decrease as the fields in Tibet are depleted. Like ecologist Daniel Winkler, in order to ensure the development of these mushrooms, they must keep everything from the ground, so that the mushrooms can ripen and infect the larvae of the coming season. Instead, the villagers collect the skins that they can find, and then move on to new, more high-altitude plots.

The market for Ophiocordyceps (=Cordyceps) sinensis is also a part of the market, which accounts for 8% of Tibet's GDP, which many times exceeds the cooking of the province. Such an influx of pennies became a great blessing for the people of Tibet. According to the LA Times story about mushrooms, successful mushroom pickers earn more than a few pennies, even from their own households, they can afford light for their children, as well as material benefits for their families of foreign production. Thousands of Tibetan cattle have now become owners of motorcycles, iPhones and plasma TVs. The struggle for riches in mushrooms has led to baked goods and led to mass killings in Nepal. Chinese police have set up securityless roadside checkpoints to prevent poachers from entering villages where local residents may not have the right to harvest.

Chinese Cordyceps (Cordyceps chinensis), or as it is often called a caterpillar mushroom, is a single plant - a mushroom that grows only in one place on our land - near Tibet, at an altitude of over 4000 meters above the level of the sea during a storm and vologs, to the discharged wind, in the middle of stones and grass. It is because of such blaming peculiarities that arouses its own blaming authorities.

The great marriage is sour and low temperature to kill this mushroom with energy. The rich forest does not bear such kissing authorities, which is why they cannot prevail against such climatic minds.

A mushroom grows like a shrub. This fruiting body's supercaps are ripening. The stench does not bring the stench of water, but as soon as the caterpillar approaches the fruit, the body is close to the shoot of spores, which are glued to the skin of the caterpillar with special suction cups. Then the superchids begin to penetrate into the caterpillar and invade the living tissue. Until winter, the caterpillar lives absolutely calmly and does not sense daily changes or a sign of infection. In the winter, superchids begin to ripen in her body when she is preparing to become a doll. Spores germinate in the caterpillar and extract all living words from its body. The body of the new snowstorm will be filled with cordyceps mycelium. From the openings on the caterpillar's head, a single fruiting body grows, which takes root in the hedgehog. The base of the mushroom is lost under the ground simultaneously with the body of the caterpillar, and then the life cycle is repeated.

The Chinese have been using Cordyceps for over 5 thousand years. Since a long time ago, we have been stagnant for celebratory purposes. In China, it is called a “divine gift” or a “charming talisman” for healing powers. This is how the belief goes: the one who knows this mushroom will experience great changes in life. In the past, only the imperial family could have victorious in this region. This is due to its uniqueness and warehouse. This growth made it possible to restore the functionality of organs and the ligament system of the body.

Cordyceps chinensis is widely used in medicine. During the course of the study, it was discovered that Yarsagumba is 35% composed of essential amino acids. In addition, the mushroom contains numerous polysaccharides, sterols and substances that are important for the body such as adenosine and mannitol. The mushroom improves nerve activity, stimulates memory and mental efficiency, renews the functioning of the lower back, leg, cardiovascular system, liver, spleen, saves vitality, improves health, tones it rejuvenates our body. Behind its structure, the fungus has the power of an antibiotic, which allows the caterpillar to save its body from microbes.

Cordyceps is also used in cooking. The land from this may cost a few thousand dollars. This product is very rare on the menu, because... He will never justify his spending. The average price is around $50,000 per pound. This mushroom is the most expensive in the world.

A Tibetan charges twenty dollars for a piece of dried corincin.

Collect fungus on the mountain.

The fungus Cordyceps chinensis is alive at altitudes of 3000 meters and higher, on the caterpillars of the snowflake species. Having infected a caterpillar that winters near the ground, the fungus gradually occupies with its mycelium all the insides of its skin. In the spring, a stalk sprouts from a dead caterpillar, at the end of which supercaps ripen, which are carried by the wind and infect new caterpillars. The stem is immediately removed from the corpse of the caterpillar before the emergence of entomopathogenic fungi in these regions by ingesting the root of some weed. It’s true with the local legend that a thousand or two thousand years ago the shepherds began to gain respect. They noticed that people and animals who eat this “root” become more vibrant and active.

China has a large collection of cordyceps from the mountains, reaching the imperial court. Let the whole civilized world start talking about cordyceps since 1993, when at the National Games in Beijing two previously unknown Chinese women literally broke world records for women in the race by 15 00, 3000 and 10,000 meters. According to journalists, the trainer of runners, whose records have not been broken, believes that the success is explained by the whole effect of the fungus.

From that moment on, when drinking cordyceps, the whole world’s eyes grow. How the ecological skoda grows, how the Tibetan nagira leads. A new impetus was given to the fungus in Tibet after the end of SARS in Powder Asia (2003), and prices for dried stalks reached 7,000 dollars per kilogram - only twice less than the price of gold. It is estimated that in 2002, two tons of dead caterpillars with fungus were collected in Tibet, and in 2003, six tons were collected. The English ecologist Paul Cannon, who studied the situation in the Jigme Dorji National Park in Bhutan, notes that Cordyceps chooses to put a massive pressure on the landscape, fauna and flora, trampling valuable plants, including medicinal plants. At a minimum, Cannon needs to develop a licensing system for collection, and even better would be to improve the individual breeding of caterpillars and fungi. This could be occupied by local villagers, for the richness of cordyceps, which are collected on the river for two or three months, and are the main source of income for the entire river (obviously, buyers pay them much less for the residual price).

As far as scientific medicine is concerned, there is no clear evidence about the value of the fungus. The research is numerous, and some of them confirm that Cordyceps extract accelerates the death of ailments and old cells in the body, while others, however, prolong the term of our life. For these reasons, speeches that are located in the fungus, neutralize the ruinous action of strong sour radicals (div. “Science and Life” No.). According to a group of English researchers, a drug based on cordyceps activates aerobic metabolism of speech, but there is no confirmation of other functions yet, and, as they suspected, it was paid for by an American company This is how this drug is released.

It is dug up from the surface, the above-ground part is a small sprout, and the underground part is the mycelium with excess coma at the end. Perhaps the local residents believe that the mushroom was a caterpillar from the beginning. (Before the speech, he was awarded another name - the ghost of Tibet, perhaps for those who have become so important to recognize him).

The hour is approaching, the entire population of the city is gathering mushrooms. Crazy chases of mushrooms with the heads of dead larvae at the ends, which reached several millimeters above the surface of the earth, are worth more than gold. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) claims that mushrooms, when boiled and added to tea or soup, can act as an aphrodisiac, cure cancer and tuberculosis, leprosy and sciatica, fight cancer, and increase potency. Yes, and so on.

Although Yarsagumba has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a long time, we will drink on it for the rest of the time. The unexpected miraculous power of the mushroom became known after 1993, when three Chinese runners broke the world record, and information was leaked to ZMI that athletes were born from these mushrooms, giving yogo in turtle blood soup. The greatest power of these mushrooms is due to the fact that they do not show up when donating the blood of athletes for doping and do not cause any side effects.

Yarsagumba is popular with Nepalese villagers who sell it for less than $25 per gram (with local prices going up to $150 per gram or more). But, unfortunately, at such astronomical prices, it will be impossible to satisfy anyone through a sharp decline in natural reserves, climate change, and so on. The whole world is now searching for other ways to obtain this valuable product. For local residents, for whom the collection of yarsagumbi is the main source of income, it has become even more important since they collected 150 to 200 pieces of mushrooms per season, but now in a short period they can find as many as 10, 20 maximum 30 pieces. The main reason for such a sharp decline in the miracle mushroom in nature is called climate change. In regions where the fungus was developing normally, the amount of rainfall has changed in recent years, and the average temperature has increased, which has had a detrimental effect on its development, and hence its reproduction.
