The exact horoscope for Taurus for January.

The exact horoscope for Taurus for January.

By nature, Taurus is very quick-tempered, they do not know how to control their emotions and strive to throw them out as soon as possible. You need to learn self-control, otherwise at such a pace you will definitely scare away all your friends and good acquaintances. Remember one very important rule: you can and should rely solely on yourself, otherwise you run the risk of sitting like this all month if you wait for the right time or help from others.

January 6 is a new moon and an unfavorable period for the beginning of something new. If you are determined on this very day to go to the bank and take out a loan, it is better to postpone this idea and carefully consider all the pros and cons. Taurus make a strategically important mistake, trust people. You should not reward unfamiliar people with positive characteristics. Finally, take off your rose-colored glasses and see the world with different eyes.

On January 21, on the full moon, it is better to take a day off at work and relax your body and soul, go for a massage, meet with friends and just spend time with the maximum benefit for your mood. The January holidays are desperately shouting to every Taurus that it's time to take up their health. Never visited a gym? It's time to buy a subscription and improve your physical skin.

Auspicious days in January 2019 for Taurus: 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 16, 19, 21, 15, 27, 29, 30.

Horoscope for January 2019 for Taurus women

The fair sex, born under this zodiac sign, are not accustomed to action, it is better to do everything in a measured and calm manner. Try to pull yourself together and focus, it's time to think about what you want to achieve in 2019. January is a great time to plan not only work moments, but also rest and entertainment. It is better to discuss such moments with friends in advance, because everyone has their own plans, and they can change at any time.

January 2019 love horoscope for Taurus women

Are you still actively searching? While you have been looking for the perfect man who will love and carry you for so long, time flies by very quickly. Before you have time to look back, December 2019 will catch you by surprise, so it is worth starting to be active already in January. You should not wait for the weather by the sea, you need to take small but confident steps.

The problem with most women born under this zodiac sign is that they don't know how to behave properly with a man and are afraid to seem intrusive. In the company, they are always silent, they like to listen and observe more than to speak. Men do not often notice such women, and in order to attract the attention of the stronger sex, you need to behave naturally, joke and smile. Show with all your appearance that you are interested in the interlocutor, and he will definitely invite you for a cup of coffee.

Taurus do not like to meet on social networks and various applications, so if you want to meet someone, you should often visit various places with a large crowd of people: a cafe, club, gym, etc. Taurus in love, who are already in a serious relationship, will look a little differently at their soul mate, but do not jump to conclusions.

The Taurus woman is a very jealous, impulsive person who will not find it difficult to arrange a tantrum just like that for no reason. Try not to invent too much for yourself, your imagination can become your worst enemy in love matters. Cupid observes from the sidelines married couples who have been married for many years and wonders how this union still exists? Immediately turn on the romance mode, it's time to revive feelings for each other and arrange a hot and passionate evening for your beloved.

Financial Horoscope January 2019 for Taurus women

The beginning of the year will bring you disappointment at work, you have to clean up the rubble, redo the same project several times, and the documents are in real chaos. You should not react too violently to everything that happens, as if someone was waving a “red rag” in front of you, otherwise the authorities will not appreciate your efforts.

The most important thing is to withstand the stress in the middle of the month, then it will become much easier. A favorable period for concluding contracts with foreign partners, be ready to establish working contacts. One of the few zodiac signs who knows how to save money. This superpower will allow you to attract even more finance, but only on one single condition - if you make every effort to achieve your cherished goal. The performance of a Taurus woman is surprising, but you should not treat work with fanaticism.

Do not forget about your personal life, work will definitely not warm you up and will not love you, so it is worth spending more time with friends and family. Very often they gossip behind the backs of such successful women, but do not dare to say anything in person. Due to temperament, Taurus can sometimes afford to arrange a confrontation and put the ill-wisher in place.

Horoscope for January 2019 for men Taurus

The Taurus man is a strong-willed person who always strives to do everything his own way. Such a person has excellent grip, determination and unshakable confidence. Men born under this sign are unusually stubborn, they are irritable and quick-tempered. If you don’t learn to manage your anger, then someone else can do it for you. If those around you are smart about the choice of communication tactics, they can even manipulate you.

January 2019 love horoscope for Taurus men

It's time to arrange your personal life if you are still without a faithful life partner. The Taurus man is very romantic in relations with the opposite sex, so he in every possible way seeks to show himself in all his glory, demonstrating extremely positive qualities while meeting a new passion. Before giving your heart to a woman on a silver platter on a silver platter, get to know her better, because behind her impeccable appearance is often hidden that bitchiness. Such a man does not always have the courage to meet a special of the fair sex in a relaxed atmosphere, all because Taurus is very afraid of being rejected.

Dating and flirting on social networks are not always successful, and all this is because often you do not know how to behave properly with a young lady. January 2019 will give you new acquaintances, try to behave as discreetly and naturally as possible, it is imperative to joke with mutual friends to stand out from the crowd.

Taurus who are already in a relationship are constantly passionate about work, hobbies, friends and meetings. If you continue to behave in the same spirit, one fine day your significant other will simply not stand it, pack up their suitcases and leave you. It is necessary to change tactics, talk more heart to heart and try to spend as much free time as possible together. Usually, Taurus begins to appreciate a person only when they lose him.

Married couples live in harmony and well-being with each other. They have already come to terms with all the shortcomings, respect and value their partner. Do not forget to give your beloved woman not only your smile, but also prices and pleasant surprises. At any age, it will be nice to receive a present that you will present to a sincere person dear to you.

January 2019 Financial Horoscope for Taurus Men

The Taurus man always approaches his responsibilities at work responsibly. Colleagues respect those born under this zodiac sign and consider them to be real professionals. Taurus does not like to sit in one place and the January holidays always seem to him so extended, and he wants to go back to his office and get to work as soon as possible. Taurus cannot rest for a long time, such is the nature of this person and you are unlikely to be able to change him.

The beginning of the year is a great time for new ascents of the career ladder, you know. You can safely take risks, put your finances on the line, and the long-awaited profit will not take long. All that is required of you is just to take your chance in time and grab Luck by the tail. The beginning of the year will be marked by new, interesting projects in which you should definitely take part. Taurus are secretive, and do not like to talk about their plans, but this is for the best.

It is better not to express your opinion about certain working moments in a circle of colleagues, and even more so not to criticize your bosses. The walls have "ears" and as soon as you say something, the manager will ask you to come to his office on the same day. It is better to stick to the tactics of neutrality, just work, not paying attention to any extraneous factors. In January 2019, an accumulative financial mechanism will be launched, and in a few months your income will increase several times. You should not spend money this month on the purchase of furniture and appliances; it is better to postpone the shopping season for an indefinite time.

January 2019 will bring long-awaited new emotions and stability to Taurus on all fronts. It is unlikely that His Majesty will break into the measured and calm life of the representatives of this zodiac sign until you take care of it yourself. Do not forget about entertainment, after work you should definitely rest, relieve stress. You can go out of town with your family, visit a massage parlor, go fishing, go shopping - every Taurus has the right to choose the most suitable type of vacation.

Read the horoscope for January 2019 for other zodiac signs:

Do you want to know what Taurus horoscope has prepared for January 2018? This month you will have a little romantic infatuation, many meetings with friends, a lot of positive emotions and a little weight gain. To make it easier to get in shape after heavy meals, the horoscope for January 2018 advises Taurus to spend more time in motion. With finances, too, complete order!

In January 2018, Taurus will be lucky:

Plant: Willow twigs

Number: 10

Name: Elena, Igor

Animal: Turtle

Mascot: Pyramid

A rock: Sapphire

Color: Orange

Symbol: Flame image

Use the symbols of luck to win over Fortuna - the astrological horoscope advises you to pay special attention to food (cabbage) and the talisman (pyramid).

Love and relationships

The Taurus horoscope for January 2018 will be rich in positive emotions. A festive mood will motivate you to do unusual things - for example, it will make you think about your previous love relationship. You will want to revive them with renewed vigor! You will flirt right and left, and you can even make your other half jealous (which happens quite rarely).

By nature, Taurus is open and friendly. However, if you are not alone, then rushing into love affairs with your head, remember that your partner may be too jealous. In this case, the consequences can be unpredictable. A Taurus must be wise so as not to make unforgivable mistakes.

Relations with children

For the most part, Taurus are caring and tender parents who love their children. According to the horoscope for January 2018, many of them will be greatly upset by their beloved children. And the older the children, the stronger the grief they bring. Patient, condescending and caring Taurus should remember that there are no insoluble problems in life. If children have to be punished, then it must be done wisely. In most cases, personal example and friendly confidential conversation work well. Taurus should have conscientious children who respect their parents and reckon with them.

Taurus children, like their parents, are mostly extroverts. They are open to the whole world around them. This openness is a good quality, but it can also play an evil role. Modern adolescents are developing rapidly. With the advent of the Internet, this development has accelerated even more. There is nothing shameful and ridiculous in the fact that parents will know exactly where, with whom and how their children will celebrate the New Year 2018.

Finance and career

Most Taurus have their own specific plans for January 2018. According to the horoscope, people born under the Taurus zodiac sign love stability, so they are used to planning their lives. I don't want to upset anyone, but not all plans are destined to come true. The beginning of the new year for the career of many Taurus will be a complete surprise. We are not talking about mass layoffs, but nevertheless, certain problems are foreseen.

The time will come when Taurus will have to mobilize and reconsider their plans. Some ideas will require serious adjustments, some will have to be abandoned altogether. But this does not mean that life completely stops. Of course, the sluggish Taurus, as it should be by nature, will tense up in mid-January and ponder over the solution of impending problems. But by the end of the month, he will draw up a new, even more productive, financial plan.

Life is a constant struggle that will increasingly accompany Taurus' careers. Taking advantage of the difficult moment in January 2018, their competitors will launch a massive attack on Taurus businessmen. At the same time, their colleagues will take up arms against hired Taurus workers. Competitors will think that there is not enough space in the sun. Over time, all attacks will be repelled, and the vast majority of Taurus will win this battle. Those who lose this battle will not lose the war itself. Over the next month, Taurus will be able to mobilize, restore their financial situation, and then significantly improve it.

How Taurus feels in January 2018

In January 2018, most seasonal viral diseases will bypass you. But any rule has its exceptions, and some of you will naturally need medical help.

Despite their blooming appearance, every Taurus in January 2018 should remember at least the most common means of preventing seasonal diseases. Avoid hypothermia, eat well, be active, and consume hot drinks, herbal infusions, teas, and fruit juices as often as possible.

January 2018 is impossible without a festive table. Cautious by nature, Taurus should know which of the products are useful for their body, what should be discarded, and what should be eaten separately. Alcohol consumption should also be moderately restrained, and cheap counterfeit products should be abandoned once and for all. It is harmful to eat dry food, especially when high-calorie delights are placed in front of you. The best things for a Taurus stomach are hot liquid meals. In January 2018, try to consume a wide variety of borscht and soups.

This is a promising year, primarily in terms of new acquaintances and building relationships between the sexes, literally for all zodiac signs. In this fertile time, people will be more open and liberated than usual, more willing to get acquainted and make contact, which should be used by those of you who are in search of your soul mate, and there are quite a few of them among Taurus, both men and women of this earth sign.

Of course, lonely Taurus are waiting for this month with special impatience, because in January everything always goes well with them, both in their business, everything is in order, and on the personal, love front. How it will actually be this time we do not know for sure and of course we will only find out at the end of this winter month, but the fact that such predictions exist should reassure these people, instill additional confidence in their heads and souls.

Horoscope for men and women sign Taurus January 2019

The zodiac horoscope for women and men of the sign of Taurus for January 2019 has prepared a number of pleasant news for these people, one of which suggests that those of you who have long "laid eyes" on some individual will finally meet closer, and the relationship will certainly be further developed, perhaps with their official design.

The second good news for these extraordinary personalities is that it is they who will have to choose a couple for themselves in January, and not they will have to "sweat" in search of her, and for the simple reason that special attention will be drawn to you from the opposite sex , especially for the ladies who will shine on the holidays.

In general, this festive month favors acquaintances, and if you believe the love horoscope for January 2019, then men and women of the Taurus sign have very good prospects for a new meeting with a pleasant person for them. What is important to know and what these people need to remember is their undoubted advantage during this period over their competitors, so take full advantage of this opportunity.

Free and accurate horoscope for January 2019 - Taurus business

Not the best month for promoting your business and creative ideas, as well as building a career. Business activity in January is practically at zero, so maybe until its end you shouldn't do something special, strain yourself in vain, because the practical result will surely be low, if you can expect it at all.

For those of the restless representatives of the earth sign who are not ready to come to terms with this state of affairs and are determined, we can wish you good luck and give good advice - achieve your goals in January individually, hardly anyone will be ready to change their idle lifestyle for a stubborn one labor, unless from the third decade and not earlier.

Taurus woman January 2019 female horoscope, love

What to wish lonely young and mature women of the Taurus sign in January 2019, in addition to what a love horoscope promises them, and this is the general attention of men to their rather immodest person, but self-confident and knowing their own worth, is to meet the one in whom you will fall in love and will be ready to connect your life with him.

To look for their soul mate and the guy of their dreams, young representatives of the sign can and should in different places of this festive month, they should attend parties as much as possible, go to visit their friends where the guys will be, try to attract attention to themselves in a variety of ways and methods ...

Do not forget that this applies to the ladies of the sign of Taurus of all ages and "weight categories", that this is one of the most favorable months of the year for dating and building relationships with a man, which means that you need to prepare for it accordingly, that is, worry about your outfits, revise your wardrobe and, if there is such a need, then update it, buy more stylish clothes, shoes and accessories.

Also, a fashionable haircut, a new perm and possibly a dyed hair color in more modern tones and shades will definitely not hurt. All of the above and together will give the necessary and such an important effect with which you will be in the center of attention of this New Year's month. It is also important to remember that you cannot abuse your attractiveness and go over the suitors, you can be left with nothing.

Taurus man January 2019 male horoscope, love

For the still lonely but stubborn, equally persistent men of the sign of Taurus, in the festive January 2019, and judging by the predictions of the horoscope, a crucial moment comes, if not in their whole life, then in the entire near future. Right now, you will have a wonderful and more than one chance to meet a pleasant lady who will meet your high demands as a life partner.

Young representatives of the sign should be more active and proactive, your false modesty is unlikely to help with a new acquaintance, "straighten your shoulders" and go ahead in search of your destiny, that beautiful girl who has been looking for you for a long time, and she, strangely enough, is somewhere nearby , it remains only to find it, look for it and you will definitely find it.

We wish all men and women of the Taurus sign who are single and looking for their soul mate to meet her in January 2019, and this month's love horoscope guarantees that such meetings will be organized and even provided with accompaniment, but with your proper activity, initiative and perseverance in searching for their destiny.

Taurus health and wellness in January 2019

This is not to say that Taurus shines with their health, but the same can be said about the fact that it especially fails them, rarely causes trouble. Often everything depends on them, how they monitor him and their well-being, what they do so that their health does not let them down at the wrong or any other moment.

January is a rather dangerous month for health, as you know, for many very good reasons and they are well known, they are long holidays and everything associated with them. Therefore, try not to overload yourself with fatty and unhealthy foods, take into account the fact that your body is already weakened enough due to lack of sun and vitamins, also control the use of spirits.

The horoscope for January 2018 for Taurus is based on the astrological forecasts of famous astrologers - Vasilisa Volodina, Pavel and Tamara Globa. All "star" experts more or less agree that in January Taurus' life will flow closer to work, although the location of the planets this month is more conducive to building relationships in the family, with loved ones, close and distant relatives. Many Taurus will have to balance between these two important areas of life, and this will not be very easy given that there are good career prospects at work. Fortunately, there will be no special problems with health and finances, which means that you can focus on painlessly combining work tasks with family affairs.

Astro forecast from Vasilisa Volodina

Luck, as Vasilisa Volodina sees in the starry sky, entered the Taurus house last year, and will not leave it in January if three main conditions are met:

  • attention to family and older relatives;
  • competent financial management;
  • organization.

Career: Full of holidays, January should not interfere with work plans, especially since the stars are advised to solve the most important issues in the first half of the month. They will not resist and climbing the career ladder. However, this should not become an end in itself. This is not the main mission of Taurus.

Finance: Taurus can't afford to waste now. Perhaps they will not have to count every penny, but they will not be able to go to the full extent. Money will wish to remain with the owner, anticipating more important expenses in the near future.

Love: Work and love will compete in January, knocking Taurus out of balance. The work now has a lot of chances to prevail, but the astrologer advises to devote more time to your family or loved one. If you neglect this advice, at the end of January, serious disagreements in the relationship are possible.

Health: By giving preference to a healthy lifestyle, sparing diet and daily routine, Taurus will not have health problems. However, the body's reserves are now not the most enviable, and if you do not give it a break and reinforcement with vitamins, sleep, rest, joys, strength and health will be enough for another couple of months. Further failures will begin.

Astro forecast from Pavel Globa

In January, Pavel Globa advises Taurus to focus on their close environment, family and personal life. This is a good time to establish harmony in a relationship.

Career: Work should not become a key topic in January, but you should not be irresponsible in your job duties either. This can undermine credibility among colleagues, but most importantly, in the eyes of management or partners. You should not share your career ambitions with colleagues in the first half of January. And in the middle of the month - to conduct responsible negotiations and sign important documents. The situation stabilizes towards the end of the month.

Finance: In money, Taurus will feel good about the measure. It will not work to uncover them for unreasonable spending, but no one can accuse them of being tight-fisted. Large cash receipts are not expected in January, although the stars are not categorical.

Love: The astrologer recommends using January to improve the family microclimate, forgive all insults, if this has not been done before the New Year, ask for forgiveness ourselves. Now the planets responsible for the personal life of Taurus are located in the sign so that any misunderstanding can be easily resolved and bring the relationship to a new level.

Health: Prolonged holidays are a threat to the stomachs, but you shouldn't rush to extremes and switch from festive overeating to strict diets. In the horoscope of Taurus health, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are visible, as well as problems with blood vessels. The second half of January can be devoted to the fight against bad habits - a favorable time.

Astro forecast from Tamara Globa

2018, according to Tamara Globa, will be the year of the family for Taurus, and its first month will lay in the next twelve success in any family events - from rallying feasts to replenishment in the family.

Career: Good luck will extend a hand to Taurus from the top rungs of the career ladder, dragging them along. However, this chance must still be earned by proving both to oneself and to those on whom a career depends that it is a true, meaningful desire, and not a tribute to corporate fashion, empty ambitions or unhealthy competition.

Finance: The issue of money in January will be resolved easily if Taurus were grateful to the people who always lent a hand of financial assistance at the first request. Even now, the material well-being of Taurus can largely depend on them.

Love: The love horoscope portends events in January that will force you to reconsider your attitude to the opposite sex, to marriage, to family values \u200b\u200band traditions. Some Taurus will have a romantic relationship this month with wedding repercussions. And someone will be lucky enough to play a wedding.

Health: Health will not give Taurus any trouble in January, if you care about it in advance. Prevention is the best cure for all diseases. At the beginning of the year, you should pay special attention to quality rest, sleep, mobility.

In early 2018, your sign is focusing on love and relationships. Mars and Jupiter in the Taurus house of partnership are pushing you to take drastic action. You feel like a dominant partner and want to be in control. Martian energy makes you militant, so there is a tendency to conflict. To balance the fiery nature of Mars, try to be more diplomatic and do not refuse to compromise, then harmony will reign in a couple or family.

Nevertheless, the month can be successful for love, because you are supported by the beneficial influence of Jupiter. If you are single, there is a good chance of meeting a very interesting person to whom you will feel an irresistible attraction.

The planet of love Venus is located in the ninth house of Taurus until January 18, hinting at the connection between personal life and study, travel and distance. After the 18th, when Venus moves into the career house, the focus of attention shifts somewhat. In a relationship, you are serious and value your partner's maturity and reliability the most. You are attracted to people of high status or well-known in wide circles.

The lunar eclipse on January 31, 2018 occurs in the fourth house of Taurus, associated with family and relatives. Family concerns will require more attention. Maybe your parents will need help. The effect of the eclipse evokes memories of the past. Something about your personal history may be painful, but working with memories will be a step towards healing.

Taurus' career and finance horoscope for January 2018

January's priority is individual activity that does not affect the work of others. You are not inclined to sacrifice your own interests, and the ability to defend your own values \u200b\u200bwill benefit you. By focusing on independent projects, you will achieve high results and be able to make good money.

Travel, research and international cooperation are successful in the first and second decades of the month. Achievements await those Taurus, whose activities are related to higher education, science and culture. Money-related initiatives will be more successful starting in the second decade.

The third decade of January 2018 promises to be the most productive time for career development. The Sun and Venus in the Taurus career house will help you succeed at work and earn the favor of management. Also, the time is good for finding new business partners.

If we talk about finances, then the period is not bad. Perhaps, cash income will come from sources not related to the main job. However, there is a tendency to waste, so all expenses should be planned in advance. In the last days of the month, Mercury, the ruler of the Taurus house of money, forms a tense aspect with Uranus, which can result in unforeseen difficulties in the financial sphere. It is recommended to exclude gambles and risky transactions with money at this time.


In January 2018, health depends on how much you take care of yourself. Avoid overexertion and excess, especially during the holidays. Be more careful in the middle of the month, when the negative aspect of Uranus and Venus, the ruler of your sign, is taking shape. If you feel any symptoms of any medical condition, see a doctor immediately.

Don't overdo it when it comes to expenses and loans!


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