Is there a good Wise 10 for games. What Windows to choose to install on a weak laptop

Is there a good Wise 10 for games. What Windows to choose to install on a weak laptop

The first version of the Windows version was born back in 1985. At that time, she was not a full-fledged OS, but constituted a certain addon for DOS, did not discharge much popularity and remained almost unnoticed. A few years later, Windows 2.0 came out, which he suffered the same fate. However, this did not stop the stubborn from Microsoft, and in the end they still achieved the fact that Windovs became the most popular system in the world.

At this time, most computers are working under various variations of Windows 7, but not so long ago a tenth version of the system was released - according to developers, the best of the current existing ones. But is it really?

Windows 10 VS Windows 7

To this day the topic theme latest version Windovs before the legendary "seven" causes fierce disputes of users. Of course, the choice of system is a personal matterand it is influenced by many factors, starting with an elementary habit and ending with the programs that are supported in Operations.

Folitary favorite Windows 7

Although from the moment the seven Already more than seven years have passed, it still remains the most sought-after system in the world. Most computers work under Windows 7 - both licensed options and a variety of amateur assemblies.

Windows 10 - decent continuation

Windows 10 - Operations, released immediately after the eight, strangely pericing the ninth version. Microsoft Corporation is kindly Provided the owners of licensed seeds and the eight of the opportunity to update the system to dozen for free. But is the new OPERATION really so good, how do the developers assure us, and what distinguishes this system from others?

What is better - windows 7 or 10?

The question of which of these systems is better, remains open to this day. Seed stable, comfortable and safe, her technical support It is carried out at a high level, all deficiencies of XP and Vista were taken into account and eliminated. When comparing the seventh and tenth version Systems can be understood that they practically do not give way to each other:

You can concludethat a dozen is really promising and interesting OS with minimal hardware requirements. Of course, she has its own drawbacks due to the hurry of developers and some "dampness" of the system, but this is not critical. Therefore, the transition to Windows 10 is a matter of taste. But for the sake of fairness it should be noted that most of the users are not in a hurry to part with a loved seven, waiting for the release of more "polished" renewal of dozens.

Dispute disputes about what is better than Windows 10 or Windows 7. This phenomenon is not random. The developers from Microsoft assure that it is better than Windows 10 to find anything, and experienced users say on the contrary, they say the most reliable system than Windows 7 now there is no market. And here new users are facing: Windows 7 with reliability or Windows 10 with innovation. Let's consider in order every system according to some of the most important parameters that eventually prompt the answer to the question.


The shell of the Windows 10 system is sufficient and has a number of advantages over "seven". Take a look at the screenshots.

Before you, the desktop, the Start menu and the Windows 10 taskbar, which came out officially July 29, 2015. Color you can choose which you want, and as for that, then they are also present:

As we can see, the control panel has acquired a new appearance and name. It has become more strict and laconic, has division to the most necessary categories, and each of the categories is divided into its subcategory. For example, the "System" category is divided into many subcategories or parameters:

As for other components, now the calendar, the side menu panel and the Internet settings look different:

The calendar:

Side Menu Panel:

Internet settings:

Starting generally failed a lot of changes and now there are tiles in it that you can do "alive." Create your groups of tiles and work with them:

Now let's return to Windows 7. We see a more "sluggish" start, a simple taskbar and a desktop. Such it is not because the applications are simple, but due to the fact that it does not contain the tiles that first appeared in Windows 8. Although if they did not appear, no one would have thought about how diverse it could be "Start" .

The control panel, in comparison with the "parameters" of Windows 10, has a completely simple interface that can be done by category or simply to menu items.

Simplicity of "calendar" seven, does not compare with new ones from dozens. Still in the top ten it is updated, and in Windows 7 only passioned from Vista.

Well, the network connection settings are very simple and will not be equal to those that are in Windows 10 for aesthetic.

Download speed

It is appropriate to compare how much time needs to fully load the system. Thanks to the time built-in in each OS, we can objectively disassemble this matter. So, the download speed for Windows 7 is as follows:

The error code is 100 - the identifier of what was measured loading time. As you can see, the download speed of Windows 7 \u003d 95.7 seconds, which, accordingly, is 1 minute 36 seconds. For that computer on which Windows 7 is installed such indicators are chic. Here are the actual parameters:

Let's return to Windows 10. Measurement is made by the same utility, so we consider similar screenshots.

Download speed is slightly better - 93.6 seconds. If we translate in minutes - 1 minute 34 seconds. Parameters of the test animal:

As an output by boot speed, it can be said that Windows 7 is still loaded faster than Windows 10, although time indicators are completely different. An important criterion are the parameters of the machine. Since the machine with Windows 7 an old assembly, unlike a laptop with Windows 10, then the difference in a few seconds is not an efficiency indicator. In addition, the hard disk is affected by the download speed, but not significantly.

Working with programs

Here, about working with applications in both systems, you can discuss the discussions forever. Some will firm that "virtual desktops" are useless function, and multitasking lovers will tell their affirmative "yes" in favor of this innovation. In general, the focus of work in Windows 7 is raised for performance, and in Windows 10 on multitasking. Accordingly, a lot of seven applications will not fail, it will slow down, and Windows 10 will relate the allocation of resources to each application so that the system operation is without failures. This is facilitated by frequent updates from Microsoft, but sometimes, because of them, some applications are "falling off" for a while.

Plus the "virtual" desktops is that you can distribute your activities into several blocks, each of which will be responsible for a certain sphere. For example, you can create a desktop for study, the other for work, the third for games. As a result, you will receive three identical desktops, but applications will not intersect. While applications run from one desktop, in the second and third they are "frozen" and do not interfere with the already working. In Windows 7, this function is not implemented.

Surfing on the Internet

Travel over the network from each OS in principle is identical, but this is how to consider from the work of third-party browsers, such as Google Chrome or Mozilla. If you look at this from standard browsers, then the championship for Windows 10. There is a new Microsoft EDGE web browser, which is very convenient and easy to manage, and also starts instantly as Safari in MacOS.

This is what the Edge window looks like:

The standard browser in Windows 7 is Explorer and in the additional representation it is unlikely to need. In the Internet surfing point confidently leads exactly a dozen, because thanks to the development of Microsoft, you will change the view of the standard tools of web review.

Support games

It is rumored that on Windows 10 games go differently, not immediately, etc, and there are no problems with Windows 7. In part, they are true, but only in the fact that with a seven, indeed, there are no problems, because most of the games are optimized for it. In the case of Windows 10, there is nothing complicated either, the test showed that the games start quickly and without delay, as it was on Windows 8 | 8.1. For example, it was installed on each OS game under the well-known name GTA 5. and Windows 7, and Windows 10 perfectly "met" the recruit and worked perfectly at runtime. The only thing that was embarrassed is that the laptop is very hot due to the "heavy" game, but since it is non-player, this phenomenon is explained.

Grand total:

We have discussed with you on items, what are the seed and a dozen. Let's look now better than Windows 7 or Windows 10.

Pluses in the table mean that according to this criterion, some of the two systems are better, but in "working with programs" and "support games" is not detected, because each OS is working well in its own way based on its capabilities. If you take into account that one "+" is 1 point, then as a result we get that Windows 7 - 3 BALA out of 5, and Windows 10 - 4. In this review, won with a separation of Windows 10, but underestimate Seven can not, because It still remains the most familiar OS for Windows users throughout the world.

Probably, you very often noticed and continue to notice how you need when installing, deleting, making changes and opening some application, an annoying UAC dialog box opens in Windows 7. How to turn it off so that it is no longer ...

Before moving to the option of the OS for a weak computer or laptop, you need to find out the characteristics of your PC. Relying on these characteristics, we will choose the specific version of the system to install. It is important to approach this task seriously, because it will be from it that will depend on the speed of your device.

Let's figure out which operating system should choose and which Windows is better for weak laptops and PCs.

Difference of 32x and 64x bit systems

An important component when choosing is the processor. First you need to find out what bit to support your processor (32 or 64). So, like 32x bits. The processor works only with 32x bits. Systems, while 64x bits. The processor can be operated with 32x and 64x bit OS. You can learn this to the office of the manufacturer of your CPU.

For example, on the Intel website, it is indicated as follows:

If you need an OS for a weak netbook, it does not matter, it will be 32x or 64x bit. The only difference between them is that the first does not see RAM with a volume of more than 3GB. That is, if your PC is equipped with 6GB RAM, but you have 32 discharge system, then the device will use only 3GB of memory, while the rest will be simply simply not working.

Therefore, if your PC is equipped with no more than 3GB of RAM, then the answer to the question is whether it is worth putting the 64x-discharge version of Windows, is obvious. If you do not suddenly know what at the moment Windows is standing on your laptop, you need:

Windows XP.

On Roven with Vista, XP is one of the most versatile.

As for minimal technical requirements, we have the following indicators:

  • Pentium 300 MHz.
  • 1.5 GB of free space on Winchester.
  • 64 MB of RAM.
  • Integrated video card and monitor with minimal resolution of 800 × 600 points.

XP can be installed both from the disk and from the flash drive - it does not matter.

Before the release of Windows 7, XP for a long time was the best system. However, in 2014, Microsoft decided to stop supporting this version and supply updates, which means to date, it ceased to be relevant and sets only for two reasons:

  1. For old computers and laptops with weak characteristics.
  2. In the absence of drivers for specific equipment, programs or applications.

The second option is more refer to a working PC than to the home.

That is, Windows XP is an easy operating system that is perfect for simple devices. However, it is safe to say that it is obsolete (the last update was in the distant 2014) and does not stand out for speed.

Windows 7.

This version is also suitable for weak laptops.

And now you will understand this when we consider the minimum technical requirements:

  • 1GHz processor.
  • 1GB RAM.
  • 16GB Hard disk space.
  • Video card with DirectX9.

Nowadays, Windows 7 is considered one of the most famous and popular, despite its age, and it came out in 2009. Seven combines the best qualities of all other versions:

  • Low system requirements.
  • Stable work without errors and failures.
  • High performance quite high.
  • Support large number Programs, applications and equipment.
  • Optimized work on the laptops.

That is, it is safe to say that the seven is superior to XP in many respects, and at the same time is not much more demanding and is perfect for the old laptop.

Windows 8 and 8.1

Minimum technical requirements:

  • 1GHz processor with NX, SSE2 and PAE support.
  • 16GB of free space on HDD.
  • 1GB RAM.
  • Video card with DirectX9.

Windows 8 does not exceed, but also absolutely nothing is inferior to Windows 7, and in principle suitable for weak computers, but it is unlikely to fully function on obsolete models.

The only difference is the default in this version there is no useful "Start" button for users, a tile screen appears instead. I would also like to say that it works a little faster than its predecessor, which is particularly noticeable when the PC is loaded after switching on. That is, there is no special difference between them: applications and equipment work equally, and they themselves have a huge similarity.

Windows 10.

Before talking, whether Windows 10 is suitable for an old computer, let's see its technical requirements:

  • The processor is at least 1GHz.
  • 1GB RAM for 32x bit systems and 2GB for 64x.
  • 16GB of free space for 32x bits. and 20GB for 64x, respectively.
  • Video card with DirectX9.

Since the release of dozens, almost 5 years have passed (release date on June 1, 2015). During this time, the OS updated hundreds of times, and if earlier among users, the top ten was famous for a large number of flaws, today it is quite possible to name a fairly stable OS.

Therefore, if your PC is suitable for the declared requirements for the gland, you can safely install Windows 10. But before that I want to draw your attention to one important momentEspecially it concerns users of weak computers:

In addition, Windows 10 and 8 differ only to a few modified graphic appearance, browser and the presence of some new features. Choosing any version since the 7rker and above, you need to be prepared for what your will consume 2-3 times more RAM (512B-2GB) than on XP. How many RAM is it will spend, you can read in every antivirus. Therefore, be sure to take into account this factor.

So what kind of OS put on a weak PC?

Carefully examined the most popular OS to date, we can conclude that the best operating system for a weak PC is Windows 7. It significantly exceeds Windows XP and is practically no different from Windows 8, with the exception of less demanding. That is, it can be said that Windows 7 is a lightweight version of Windows 8 and 10, which is almost no means inferior to them.

Some refinements:

  • Under the old computer is meant the machine released until 2009-2010. With about the following hardware (1-2GB DDR 1, Intel Pentium 4 / Celeron and integrated graphics or video card with 128-256 MB memory). If you are the owner of such a PC, then the Windows 7 operating system (optimized) will be the ideal option.

In all other cases, you can give preference to the new dozen.

But if you chase for maximum performance, then the seven is not worth looking.

Windows 8 has become so much a sharp transition from "seven", with such a large number of radical changes and innovative solutions that many users could not accept it and remained on the more familiar interface of Windows 7. However, Windows 10 significantly improved this system, which made it, Perhaps the most better OS in its market segment. Therefore, this article will provide information on why you need to go through this operating system.

Windows 8 had radical differences compared to Windows 7, including in terms of design. In Windows 10 Microsoft, the old appearance of Windows 7 returned, however, the performance has improved and added new features. Here is our comparison of Windows 7 and Windows 10, based on which you can solve yourself - whether you need to be updated.

For many Windows Seven users, launched in 2009, has become a benchmark for evaluating all other versions. Considering how complicated and poorly thought out was the Windows 8 interface, it is not surprising that many are skeptical about the upgrade to Windows 10 - the impressions of the "eight" were too bright.

It is noted that the share of the world market of Windows 7 (in computers operating on the Windows system) is now below 42%, while Windows 10 is constantly gaining momentum: now it is used by more than 40% worldwide, and this indicator is constantly growing.

Menu "Start"

Search on the Internet from your desktop

The most obvious changes between operating systems, of course, relate to the panel. In Windows 10, the search bar is not only looking for folders you need, applications and files on your PC, but also binds to Windows storage and with your browser so that it can view web pages directly from your desktop. It is not necessary to switch to a particular tab if you need to check something, simply press the Windows key, start typing, and your search results will be displayed in the browser window.


Windows 10 is favorably distinguished by the presence of such an aspect of modern life, as a personal voice assistant. To date, computer voice helpers are an integral part of all modern operating systems: both their mobile versions and desktop. Clicking on the search menu on the taskbar opens the Cortana interface and makes it possible to ask her for some other questions:

  • like search queries;
  • questions about the upcoming meetings;
  • requests for weather;
  • routes to the nearest cafe, as well as a lot of other.

It can also schedule meetings, record dictated notes, save tasks and reminders, and of course reproduce music on your PC.

The note! After updating Anniversary Update, Windows 10 Cortan has developed even more and pays to the operating system even more attention. Now you can use voice activation to set reminders directly from the lock screen.

Virtual desktops

Although in Windows 7, it is technically possible to create virtual desktops - this requires a special software Desktops v2.0 available on the Windows SysiNternals website.

Windows 10 also has a function integrated directly into the operating system itself.

Universal applications

When Windows 7 first appeared on the market in the market in 2009, the phenomenon of smartphones was still unwound, and the iPad was still only hearing who was among the gickers, and competition with Windows was only a transparent myth. The very idea that the same software can work on different operating systems at that time did not matter any sense.

Nowadays, in our smartphonecentric world, it has become a much more serious problem. In Windows 10 Microsoft announced universal applications (or Windows Apps, as they are truly called), the essence of which is that they are freely adapted for mobile devices and under other operating systems.

Windows Store.

Thus, buying applications for Windows 10 in Windows Store, you can be sure that it will automatically be ported for other your devices - for your Android device, for iOS smartphone, and of course, if you use Windows Phone, then here Already God himself ordered. This system is also a good advertising online store of Windows Store Apps, which was created as a store that supports all devices capable of working on Windows 10.


The infamous Internet Explorer browser was the main and live classic Windows product for many years. In Windows 7, it was the default browser for the Internet, and it was the IE that was provided with the installed OS. Of course, there is nothing that could stop you from downloading an alternative browser - say, Firefox, Chrome or Opera - but statistics show that many users do not bother with it and remain with a standard built-in browser, as it is a stable and easy to use the application. However, Internet Explorer browser, despite large-scale updates from the time of XP, when it was literally impossible to work on it, even on Windows 7 remained rather slow, not very functional and often departed. Therefore, Windows 10 developers went to an unprecedented step.

Microsoft announced that Windows 10 will be supplied to the user with a completely new browser - Windows EDGE, which is much better than responsible to modern market conditions. And after years, it can be said that it turned out to be not empty words: the browser turned out to be a fast, well-designed and possessing many additional features, including the ability to comment on web pages, and then send images to other users, there is an opportunity to integrate with cortan, new, Simplified read mode and another number of functional additions, a radically distinguishing new browser from Internet Explorer.

The note! Windows 10 Anniversary Update Microsoft update has added extensions, web notifications and the ability to clear the history of views at the exit, making it the most real modern and competitive web browser, which is not inferior to such giants like Mozilla or Chrome.


Of course, then the Windows architecture is really famous, and one of its most popular applications is a video game.

In this plan, between two systems, there is a large gap associated, mainly with a break in the technical progress, which took place over the years between the output of these two versions of OC.

  • Windows 7, no matter how to look - this is a proven and reliable gaming platform, which perfectly coped with its tasks, providing excellent performance, stability and compatibility;
  • Windows 10 is based on this solid base, however, with several additional serious improvements that can make you seriously think about moving to a new version. The most obvious is the inclusion of DirectX12, providing a completely new stage in the development of the video game industry. The owners of AMD video card holders should pay attention to this in particular, since many reports and test results show that DirectX 12 makes colossal successes in improving the game performance of video cards from AMD.

This video contains information about the inclusion of the game mode in Windows 10.

Video - How does the game mode work in windows 10

What will be better on the old device: Windows 7 or Windows 10?

It should be noted that the confrontation of Windows 7 and Windows 10 concerns only relatively new computers. Windows 10 seriously eats resources, so if you are the owner of older systems, it is recommended to stay on the "seven". In the case of Windows 10, even if you put a quick SSD disk, nothing will change.

Sometimes the "dozen" is played faster than streaming video, films, music. But at the same time, the more you load the computer by heavy programs that operate autonomously, like antivirus programs, browsers, etc. - The worse and the system becomes brake. Therefore, the older devices are recommended to install Windows 7, and depending on hardware facilities - and even older versions, because there are very old computers.

In this video, the minimum recommended system requirements are demonstrated to use the Windows 10 system, carefully read them before installing it on your device.

Video - Windows 10 system requirements

Where better work apps for working tasks?

The hardware power of the device is very important characteristics in case of choice. operating system. In this case, when the question pops up, on which versions, certain applications will work, the situation can be compared with video games. For example, when some heavy programs are launched, like Word, Sony Vegas Pro, Skype, Avast and another number of other major programs - no matter what equipment you have, there will always be one and the same screensaver for a few seconds that It is impossible to skip or speed up.

However, the speed of the programs themselves can significantly change - for example, Adobe Photoshop, even without the initial screensaver, simplifies a huge number of plug-ins, modules, templates and other additional files, do not give this program to simply "fly". Therefore, in the case of Windows 7, the speed of this program has been very sad.

Read a detailed comparison of operating systems in the article -

What has changed in Windows 10? Frankly, nothing special has changed:

On a note! It should be noted that if you use the system not as a toy, but as a work tool, then all the above characteristics for you must be key when choosing an operating system - after all, even a small time loss during browser loading, or office program, It can cost you cash or reputational losses.

System Requirements for the computer from Windows 7 and from Windows 10

Computer specificationsWindows 7 and Windows 10 x32Windows 7 and Windows 10 x64
Minimum RAM (RAM)1 gigabyte2 gigabytes.
Graphic "engine"DirectX 9.1 and newer versions
Minimum monitor resolution800x600.800x600.
Minimum amount of free disk space C16 gigabytes20 gigabytes.
Minimum processor clock frequency1 GHz2 GHz

The material set forth in this publication will help to respond to computer users with Windows operating system to the question: "What kind of PC OS is better to use Windows 7 or Windows 10?". Despite the simplicity of the wording, the question is quite complicated and requires comprehensive consideration.

Microsoft employees argue that there are no "dozens" OS today, but many qualified specialists in the field of IT technologies will only laugh in response, and experienced PC owners are still chosen to work reliable Windows 7 instead of an innovative operating system with an index 10. So What actually can oppose the new "tenth axis" against the proven years of operation "seven"?

External differences

Comparison of the external differences between the interface and comfort during the operation of Windows Event is purely individual. A significant number of Windows owners accustomed to the simplicity and conciseness of Windows 7 will be quite difficult to rebuild to the flat interface with squares, which is present in the 10th version.

In Windows 7, a win-win version of an intuitive classic style of the go-out of its roots in the 90s, when even people are very far from computer equipment were able to quickly and practically without any help to master the work with PCs. So successful and understandable to everyone was the developed shell to control the functions of computers, the first versions with the 95 and NT index.

What can not be said about a square-flat version in the "eight", which switched to the "top ten". Even experienced users, working for PCs, faced the difficulties of the interface, while their significant number was forced to return to a reliable "seven". The same 1st update for Windows 10 immediately touched on to a large degree of refinement and adjustment of the interface.

It should be noted that none of the earliest versions of the OS had to "finish" in an emergency order, which is already clearly indicative of the dampness of the new shell.

A positive one can say about the new OS that it is unlike the "eight" more adapted to work in desktop computers using the keyboard and mouse, as well as the "Start" in the "dozen" despite the tiled menu yet more functional borrowed from the seventh ( according to the reviews of a significant number of users - this is the main advantage of Windows 10). It remains a mystery why the developers decided to sort the programs in alphabetical order, since it was implemented much better and more convenient for users for users and the list of applications was sorted by category.

Another 10-ka is good by the presence of "Cortana". Now thanks to this assistant, you can, for example, quickly search for the user-needed files saved in the computer's memory or information on the Internet. Only discouraging the fact of lack of opportunity to work a voice assistant with Russian. But people who speak foreign languages \u200b\u200bhave the opportunity to use this new user-friendly feature in Windows 10.

In general, the type of Windows 10 interface for people tired of business practicality windows 7 has become better. On the screen new system It looks much more colorful, and she has acquired a brighter view. Although all people have different tastes and such a riot of paints may not like.

Running system speed

By default, in compared systems, it is possible to record the duration of the OS load. All other things being equal, the timing of the Windows 7 start speed indicators is significantly better and superior to Windows 10. Therefore, the unambiguous conclusion is that if the user owns an old PC, it is better to stay on a faster "seven".

Operating applications

It is impossible to argue about the functioning of programs in the WINDOVS under consideration. The main difference between systems is the presence of "virtual desktops" in the new OS. The advantage of innovation is the convenience of distributing the interests of the user, for example, you can take one desktop specifically for training purposes, and the second is only for entertainment, and create another designed to work documents and programs.

Although some experts say that this is absolutely useless development and may be right, since the main priority in the work of Windows 7 has always been the stake developers made on multitasking. What priority is better to choose the user can only solve himself.

Work in the global network

Work on the Internet is good with every windows, but only subject to use in the "seven" browsers from third-party developers (Opera, Chrome, Firefox, etc.). After all, everyone known for its slowness and instability, the standard Microsoft "Internet Explorer" is unambiguously compared with the best for all EDGE indicators. And this is another.

From the point of view of a computer "gameman"

At the moment there is an opinion that in the "dozen" games are not always launched and there are frequent failures, and in the "seven" there will never arise problems. Partially this is a truthful statement, but only in part of Windows 7, just the overwhelming majority of applications are designed for the seven and obviously, they work better in it.

And in the 10th version, basically problems arise when installing new games after the update is installed, due to the rigid screening of all unlicensed applications, the defender Windows 10, and sometimes it enters into its "black list" and officially acquired games.

From the point of view of the security of the system, there can be a "zeal" by a firewall, dozens of some users can enjoy (by the way, turn off the firewall in Windows 10 is very difficult and the ordinary user can be done almost impossible). Therefore, lovers of "pirate" versions of the games are better to stay on the "seven".


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