How to call in VKontakte service. Technical support VKontakte

How to call in VKontakte service. Technical support VKontakte

Good all the time of day, my dear readers and guests of my blog. Today's article I will have short, but as it turns out very relevant to many users. What if you have any problems with the network, for example, banned a group, did not accrued votes, etc. In this case, of course, it is worth contacting the technical support.

But how to write in technical support VKontakte so that you can ask about your problem? How can you contact, if there is no access to the account at all? How to do it if you are sitting from a missile phone? With the arrival of the new design VK, much has changed, so that while some are still confused. But you do not worry! Today I will turn all these questions.

If there is access to acount

You can do everything very simply, although it is not immediately possible to notice, since the function is not in relevant. Get there in two ways:

In any case, you will fall into the support section. Plus this page is that you don't even have to ask something for yourself, because there is a whole bunch of ready-made answers to popular books, and everything is broken down by sections.

There is a convenient search line in which you can drive your question. And if any question matches approximately yours, then you will pop up a hint and you can read the answer. But if I do not want to look for ready-made answers, but I want to ask something my own, where should I go? I do not see here items that would mean something like "Write", "ask."

Yes, the developers hid the opportunity to ask questions to the deeper, so that they did not write in all kinds of trifles. Therefore, in order to contact them, you will have to drive in any way that you wanted to search string and click ENTER. And if there will be no such question there, then you will be given a message that "nothing found", and among the options you will find a link "Write to us."

You will highlight the plate in which you will warn you that in connection with the workload of agents, you will not give fast answers. This is done in the hope that you do not want to wait long and try to find a solution in the "Help" section.

But if you are ready to wait 20-24 hours, or even more, then click on the "Assign Question" button and already in the new window that opens you will need to describe your problem:

  • In a narrow line, write the name of the problem, or its essence
  • Write in the text field detailed description Problems: What a problem specifically happened when all this happened that I tried to take it, etc.
  • If you want or need, you can invest a photo (screenshot) or any document.

And now click "Send" and wait for your complaint to consider and answer it.

Well, when the support agent respives, you will receive a notice. You can also see what he wrote you. To do this, go to Help. There you will notice that you have a new "My Questions" tab here you can see everything you need.

How to write in technical support if the page is frozen

Of course everything is very simple when your account Castle and unharmed. What to do when the page is blocked or have you hacked her? You will not be able to refer to the specialists in the above way without your account.

In this case, the output is three:

By the way, the same ways are suitable for you if you want to contact them without registering your account (well, in addition to the last, of course). Write a letter by e-mail and all, no problems. And already in appeal to write everything about your problem, as well as a problem account that needs to be restored. And there you will already be challenged and the cause of the lock, and its decision.

How to write from the phone?

Here, in principle, there is also nothing complicated and write there quite real. To do this, go to the site (mobile version) and click on the three-parallel horizontal stripes icon (open the Sidebar menu). And dropping to the bottom of the bottom you will see a familiar word "help." Here on it and click. Or go to this link

And then everything is in tetail, i.e. We write your problem in the search stitch. If this is not found, then the "Assign Question" button will appear at the bottom. Press it and write what you would like to know. Everything is so simple.

Many also ask: "Can I call them to support". I can answer it for this that they have no call centers and there is no telephone support to the VC.

Well, it seems like that. I think that you have no problems with this. By the way, do not forget to subscribe to the updates of my blog, then you will be the first to know the release of new articles. And I, in turn, will wait for you again on the pages of my blog. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

IN last time Began to write articles, focusing on the requests of users of the social network VKontakte, here and once again me asked "How to write in technical support in VKontakte?".And I will write an article to the next time just send a link in response.

If you have a problem with VKontakte, for example, it does not enter the page, you hacked or music is not reproduced, I do not advise you to immediately run into technical support. Why?

  1. Technical Support VKontakte works slowly, usually the problem you will decide quickly.
  2. Normal help is a chance not to get, they will send you to search for information.
  3. Most of the problems associated with VKontakte can be solved without referring to them. I regularly write articles in which I solve user problems, you can find them in the heading. Or use the search for blog.

How to write in technical support vkontakte?

Let's imagine that there was a problem that only technical support in contact can solve, for example, you have stolen the page! First of all, you need to find the website of technical support by VKontakte, they have changed the address a couple of times. Relevant reference is this\u003dnew..

You will see this page, in the Specked Arrow field, you can ask any question that interests you. Also below there is a solution to the most popular questions, such as,?

Contacts and numbers of technical support VKontakte

You can also contact technical support by e-mail, lower and lay out the e-mail support and the people who are engaged. Unfortunately, the technical support of VKontakte does not have a phone, call and solve your problems will not work.

Email: - Contact technical support
Email: - Gayane Manukyan
Email: - Maxim Babichev

I wish you good luck in the fight against those support, there will be problems, write in the comments.

If you helped or like this article, do not forget put your likeThis will help other users find it faster. And I can find out what interests you most to prepare and write more interesting and useful articles! Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

Problems with this or that site are found everywhere. However, most often they arise on the resources where a large cluster of the people is observed. In addition, problems may have different nature of the occurrence, starting with the fact that the site hangs and finishing, say, insults from another user. Take for example a social network of VKontakte: it is popular, and millions of people come here every day. Consequently, there is nothing surprising that each second or the third happens some trouble, to cope with which he cannot.

In this case, you should contact the site administration, which will tell you how to understand this or that situation. Actually, about how to write administrations VKontakte, I want to write in this material.

How to write administrations VK

To write the administrations of this social network, in general, it is quite simple, but I would not advise you to do this if you have a trifle question. It is likely that he is solved quickly, you can just look for a solution on the Internet. The fact is that the answer you will not immediately get, usually it takes no less than a day.

However, if you still firmly intend to contact admins, simply follow these steps:

other methods

I want to dispel the myth that in addition to the letter to the administration, there are other ways to communicate. In fact, this option is the only possible. Do not trust advertising or users who claim that technical support can be called or associated with the press service of VC. Remember that there is only one way of communication, which I wrote about.

The VKontakte administration always wants you to help you develop your public. The higher the popularity of publics as a whole, the higher the popularity of the social network itself. Therefore, there is a feedback of VC, and you can always ask her specific questions and get balanced answers. VKontakte Administration is responsible for day. Questions must be as accurate as possible and detailed. To seek help is very simple. On how to communicate with Adminines VK and build communication with them, read in this article.

To be heard by the VKontakte administration, you need to be as polite as possible. The letter in technical support is important to write without errors, to approach communication seriously to show your level and attitude.

Even if you allowed some errors when conducting a community, most likely you will be forgiven. To be heard, it is important to understand the principle of work of the VK administration. There are few of them - you are a lot.

Administration VKontakte - how to interact with them?

If you write competently and in the case, then you will definitely answer.

Surely, many of you have at least once a question arose that I wanted to ask the website of the VK website. But not every user tried to do it. Questions arise different: regarding the work of the site, technical moments, advertising, complaints and more. All this can be done in just a couple of minutes. And most importantly, contact the administration is quite simple.

If you want to achieve the result, always communicate in the case. Form a question competently. Think about the situation. If the administration of VK sees what adult and competent person writes, they will understand the issue faster.

For example, you have stopped working the music on the site. The reason naturally you do not know. Thanks to the possibility of contacting the site, you will receive an answer from the administration during the day. If the problem is on the site, then they will tell you about it if you have a problem, then they will definitely help you decide whether to decide it, step by step explaining each action.

Waiting for a day - this is quite a long time. Sometimes we want to get an answer immediately, but, unfortunately, while this is the only option. To get the answer, you have to wait.

Any interaction with the administration is carried out through written appeal. There are three types of appeals:

  1. Support (Site Help). This section of the site, here you can find ready-made answers to frequently asked questions or ask your own. Claims, complaints, suggestions (except advertising), questions - all this can be left here.
  2. Advertising. Any question regarding advertising on the site can be set by writing to
  3. Press. If you are a press representative, then you need to write to mail

Regardless of the type of circulation, the answer you will receive during the day.

How to write / ask a question of administration?

If with advertising and press everything is extremely clear, then some difficulties may arise with the usual appeal, especially with unreigned users. After all, now there is no button on the site, which would directly opened the form for the appeal.

First, we need to open the section "Help" site. You can do this in two ways:

You will fall on the support page. There will be two tabs "Help" and "Question List". And there, and there you can find answers to some questions. There are really many of them here, so you can start typing your question directly in the search string.

Where to find the feedback form in the VKontakte network

But what if there is no answer to the question of interest to us in this list? Then it is necessary to open the feedback form. How to do it:

Ready. Your appeal was sent, now you need to wait for a response.

Easy way to call feedback VK

You can not only ask anything, but also leave complaints or your wishes for the site.

How to contact the VK administration by phone?

A rather popular question that often appears on various forums, sites, in search queries, etc.

The thing is that the VKontakte administration has no telephone number to communicate with users. Any appeal can be carried out only in writing.

Therefore, if you are looking for how to contact VC management by phone, do not waste your time in vain.

How to confirm your page?

Verification on the VK website is to check the pages on the authenticity and compliance of the person or the organization facing it.

A distinctive sign of the page that was verified - a tick next to the name / name of the community.

For profiles, the requirements are as follows:

  1. Personality should be known (recognizable). As criteria for fame, a noticeable presence on other sites can be used, the citement in the media, the article in Wikipedia.
  2. The page must be clean. Do not contain spam and insults. Comments should be moderated.
  3. The name must be real (those who are more famous under any pseudonym can indicate it).
  4. Double authentication must be enabled.
  5. Content must be unique and constantly updated.
  6. There must be a minimum of references to third-party resources, other social services, repost from other social. Networks.
  7. Malicious references, mass mention or distribution of invitations and messages, artificial increase in activity indicators (subscription, like, etc.) is not allowed.
  8. The page itself must be filled, there must be photos, and the number of friends should not exceed the number of subscribers.

Compliance with all of the above requirements does not mean that your page will definitely confirm. VKontakte reserves the right without explaining the reasons to refuse verification.

Have you ever had a situation when you needed to contact the VKontakte administration? Very often, we do not know the answer to the question of how to properly use the specific function of this social network.

It is worth remembering that if you still unable to solve your problem or you have questions, you can always write administrations VK. However, how to do it?

It should be borne in mind that the wait for the answer can take more than 24 hours, so you immediately need to be prepared for waiting or still try to solve the problem yourself, for example, using the Internet. If you do not find your question on the expanses of the world cobweb, then it is better to ask for workers directly to this social network.

So, let's consider in more detail the topic of how to write the administrations of VKontakte yourself.

We start writing appeal

The first thing to be done to contact technical support is to click on the "Help" section, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen near the "exit". Thus, you can contact the administration in contact or as they are called on the site of the support agents. After you have pressed the "help" in short in the top field about your problem. Perhaps your question is quite frequently asked, and at this stage you can get a response on it, choosing from the list of questions and answers below. If nevertheless, none of the options fit, then you need to choose the corresponding function, which is called "none of these options is suitable."

After that, you will be reported, how much time you need to wait for an answer. On average, it ranges from 24 to 48 hours.

If you agree to wait a certain time, then you need to fill in a special form. Initially write the topic. This is a concise offer that briefly tells about your problem. Below, in the corresponding field, you can say about this problem in more detail so that the support agent most clearly understood your question. It is possible, for example, thus.

You can also attach files in the lower right corner, that is, it can be screenshots or photos to reveal the essence of your question in more detail. After you have entered the topic, the problem descriptions in more detail and on need attached additional materials, you need to click on the "Send" button. Your question will queue for consideration.

And what then?

As soon as the time passes, and the support agent will answer your question, you will be notified about it on the left side of the screen with the note "plus one". Pressing there, you can see your question as well as the response Agent's response.

It is worth noting that the support agents are responsible for any question, and most importantly politely, that is, it is possible not to be afraid to ask even the most at first glance with ridiculous questions, they will always answer clearly and politely. Therefore, I would like to recommend to users of the social network VKontakte also politely communicate with support agents, because it is always worth remembering that on the other side of the screen, too, live people who are always ready to come to the rescue and answer any of your question.

As they say, "all professions are needed, all professions are important" and such a profession as a support agent in contact is also an integral part of our life, since we can not always know everything 100% of this social network. They will help in solving our problems and issues.

If the answer was given not enough exhaustive, you can write this employee again in the same form, and in the form of a dialogue to communicate with him further, asking clarifying questions.


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