ERP systems: what is it in simple words, pros and cons of ERP, overview. Current market for ERP systems

ERP systems: what is it in simple words, pros and cons of ERP, overview. Current market for ERP systems

An ERP system is a set of integrated add-ons that form the basis for automating business processes in the area of ​​control, planning and data analysis. The operation of the product is based on the principle of forming a secret place for saving important corporate information from further transmission and processing. Access to such data is available to all types of companies: financial, recruiting, personnel, planning and others.

By centralizing the collection of information at all stages of the operation of an enterprise, it is possible to thoroughly optimize the production resources. The installation of an ERP system is supported by the presence of core functions:

  • the possibility of forming production and sales plans;
  • optimization of the amount of inventory in the warehouse and the distribution of purchasing obligations;
  • the determination of the parameters of the number of silos with the definition of terms necessary for the production plan;
  • Supervision of technological processes of creation of products;
  • distribution of creative efforts for small and large projects;
  • organization of management and financial structures.

The principle of creating ERP systems

The ERP system system is based on a modular principle, which allows you to explore all the important government and management processes for a business. The skin is responsible for collecting data from its galusa and then turns on to the galusa base.

The structure of an ERP system consists of many levels. The first contains basic elements, the other contains additional (or extensions). It is important to understand the principle of operation of the product before this classification.

The basic element includes a module with production control:

  • folding plan vikoristannya pushing;
  • determining the required quantity of raw materials and materials;
  • inventory management in the warehouse and the purchasing process.

Expanded elements - the totality of the following control modules:

  • supplies - forecast of product consumption, warehouse logistics, production processes, management of the list of counterparties;
  • generation cycle – supporting the process from the moment of design to disposal;
  • staff – planning level salary, Formation of the work schedule, assignment to the personnel warehouse and management of the motivation of the volunteers;
  • collaboration with counterparties – marketing, sales management and other CRM functions;
  • sales - division of channels for sales, procurement, prices and transport;
  • finance - forming the ledger, distributing data between accounts with debtors and creditors, maintaining accounting records and compiling information.
The structure, number and naming of modules can be changed depending on the system builder. Depending on the client's needs, the product can be sold out very often.

The ERP system diagram is based on Russian documents and reinsurance modules. Initially, the original documents will be processed for processing as they are sent to the storage database. After the subsequent removal of all the stages of the stench, the stench transforms into the following form:

  • analytical news;
  • graphs and diagrams;
  • accounting and finance;
  • forecasts and plans for the upcoming river.
Positive changes can be achieved and investments can be made for increased profits and automation of all work processes is possible only after clear installation of the system, training of personnel and consistent distribution of the product to the distributor. Yes. These necessary actions will be completed by the ASAP Consulting team.

At the same time, Russia's interest in integrating business process management systems is growing. There are a lot of factors involved in thinking, including active promotion of current technologies The Russian economy is at our side. There is a clear objective need to automate the functioning of an enterprise to optimize management and control processes. Most of these tasks within the enterprise can be taken over by ERP systems.

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning – Enterprise Resource Planning System) – this is an integrated system based on a wide range of disciplines and areas of activity, which is based on the development and processing of data for managing internal and external resources Capacities. To put it simply, ERP is a system for managing enterprise resources. This term was first used by the consulting company Gartner Group in the early 90s. Since then, the ERP concept has gone through many stages of development.

The main tasks that are handled by ERP systems are:

More formal and structured planning of business activities;

Company financial management;

HR management;

The scope of material resources;

The appearance and management of work and affairs;

Operational management of ongoing activities and control of plans;

Documentation of enterprises;

Analysis of the results of government activity.

At the final stage of business development, business is faced with the need to automate processes and functions of the company, especially when it comes to a large corporation or holding company. Therefore, there is a need for specialized software designed to organize the management process as efficiently as possible. ERP systems are based on the principle of creating a single repository of the enterprise information base accumulated in the process of doing business, including financial information, data related to production, personnel, etc.

Current business practice usually requires an individual approach. The whole world is worried about the current form and planning. Therefore, the most effective security program is adapted to the complex requirements of a particular enterprise. The profitability of such development is quite high due to the individual approach and the particularity of implementation, and, as a rule, the economical effect is truly cost effective.

The process of installing an ERP system at an enterprise is a technically complex one that takes a significant amount of time. The importance of installing software security and training personnel to ensure that psychological factors are taken into account new systems corporate culture, as well as the importance of proper functioning of the skin.

ERP concept.

Historically, the ERP concept has become a development of the simple concepts of MRP (Material Requirement Planning) and MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning). Software tools that are used in ERP systems allow you to carry out detailed planning, model the flow of plans and evaluate the feasibility of their implementation in services and subdivisions of the enterprise, I don't know what I'm doing.

Functions of ERP systems.

ERP systems are based on the principle of creating a single database of data that stores all corporate business information and ensures immediate access to it by any number of business professionals Basic information. Changing data is carried out through the functions (functional capabilities) of the system. The ERP system consists of the following elements:

Information flow (IP) management model for enterprise;

Hardware and technical base and communication facilities;

DBMS, system and application software;

A set of software products to automate IP management;

Regulations for the development of software products;

The IT department will provide services;

Vlasna, developers of software products.

Main functions of ERP systems:

Maintaining design and technological specifications that indicate the storage of viruses, as well as the material resources and operations necessary for their preparation;

Formation of sales and production plans;

Planning of requirements for materials and components, terms and obligations of supplies for the implementation of the product production plan;

Inventory and procurement management: contract management, implementation of centralized purchases, security and optimization of warehouse and workshop inventories;

Planning of intensive efforts from the enlarged planning to the vikoristan of the adjacent verstats and possession;

Operational financial management, including the development of a financial plan and control over its finances, financial and management structure;

Project management, including planning stages and resources

Connectivity between ERP systems and electronic document management systems(SED) for the fact that, as a rule, ERP documents are machine-readable, and they are not “maintained”, but “carried out” - even after they have completed their life cycle, so that there have been creations, discussions, revisions, improvements, confirmed, etc. And the SED supports such a vital cycle of human-reading documents in the enterprise.


The implementation of an ERP system allows you to use one integrated program instead of many separate ones. A single system can be divided into fragments, logistics, distribution, stocks, delivery, display rakhunkiv-facturesі accounting aspect.

The system for separating access to information, which is implemented in ERP systems, is designed (in combination with other information security systems) to counter external threats (for example, commercial spying), as well as internal (for example, stolen). Provadzhuvani in connection with CRM- a system and a quality control system, an ERP system aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of the company's needs in business management.

The underdogs.

The main factors at the stage of implementation of ERP systems arise from the following reasons:

The lack of confidence among government officials in high-tech solutions results in weak support for the project from the side, making this project difficult to implement.

Departmental control of this confidential information changes the effectiveness of the system.

Many of the problems associated with the functioning of ERP stem from insufficient investment in personnel training, as well as from the inadequacy of policies for recording and maintaining the relevance of data in ERP.


Small companies cannot afford to invest enough money in ERP and adequately train all the software.

Vikoristannya є dosit dear.

The system may suffer from the problem of a “weak link” - the effectiveness of the entire system may be destroyed by one department or partner.

The problem of complexity due to excessive systems.

It is clear that ERP is difficult or impossible to adapt to document management companies and specific ones business processes. In fact, when installing an ERP system, it transfers the stage of describing the company’s business processes, most often associated with the next stage business reengineering. Essentially, the ERP system is a virtual projection of the company.


At the beginning of the 60s, in connection with the growing popularity of computing systems, the idea of ​​​​using their capabilities for planning business activities, and also for planning industrial processes, emerged. The need for planning is due to the fact that the majority of delays in the production process are associated with delays in obtaining other components, as a result of which, as a rule, in parallel with changes in the efficiency of production, the warehouse The problem is the excess of materials that were found in the lines or earlier than planned. On the other hand, as a result of the disruption to the balance of supplies of components, additional complications arise from the regulation and enhancement of them in the production process, then. In fact, it was impossible to determine, for example, which batch should supply the warehouse element to an already assembled finished product. To avoid such problems, the methodology for planning consumption in materials MRP (Material Requirements Planning) was developed. The implementation of a system that is based on a methodology and a computer program that allows for optimal regulation of the supply of components in the manufacturing process, control of stocks in the warehouse and the manufacturing technology itself. The main tasks of MRP are a guarantee of the availability of the necessary quantity of necessary materials and components at any time within the framework of the planning period, subject to possible changes in standing reserves, and therefore disbursement yum warehouse.

To increase the efficiency of planning, for example, in the 70s, Oliver White and George Plosl introduced the idea of ​​​​creating a closed loop in MRP systems. The idea was for the proposal to introduce a wider range of officials at the time of planning, to carry out additional functions. In addition to the basic functions of planning labor production and planning demand for materials, a number of additional ones were added, such as monitoring the type of produced products and the number of waste products in the process of collecting components, I receive regular updates about contracting procedures, about obligations and the dynamics of product sales, about postal employees, etc. bud. The term “closed loop” reflects the main feature of the modified system, which lies in the fact that the work created in the process is analyzed and monitored at subsequent stages of planning, changing, as necessary, the production plan, and therefore the plan. In other words, additional functions provide a gateway to the system, which ensures the flexibility of planning up to external factors, So, as soon as I drink rhubarb, the camp is right with the post-office officials.

Further improvement of the system led to the transformation of the MRP system from a closed loop with an expanded modification, which was later called MRPII (Manufactory Resource Planning), through the identity of abbreviations. This system was created for the effective planning of all resources of a manufacturing enterprise, including financial and human resources. In addition, the MRRPII class system is designed to adapt to changes in the current situation and respond to the “What’s up” diet. MRPII integrates a large number of related modules, such as business process planning, materials planning, labor planning, financial planning, investment management, etc. The results of the work of the skin module are analyzed by the entire system as a whole, which is better and ensures its consistency in relation to external factors. This power itself is the outer stone of modern planning systems, fragments great quantity growers produce their products from a very short life cycle, which will require regular updates. In this case, there is a need for an automated system that allows optimizing the performance and characteristics of products, analyzing the flow and entry into the market as a whole.

ZThe MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning) standard is developed in the USA and is supported by the American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS). APICS regularly publishes the document "MRP II Standard System", which describes the main capabilities of information technology systems. The remaining current system of industrial standards was published in 1989.

MRP II is a collection of practice-tested sound principles, models and management and control procedures that serve to improve the economic performance of businesses. The idea of ​​MRP II comes together simple principles, for example, put the drink on the fallow one and the not fallow one. MRP II Standard System includes a description of 16 groups of system functions:

    Sales and Operation Planning.

    Demand Management (Keruvannya popitom).

    Master Production Scheduling.

    Material Requirement Planning.

    Bill of Materials.

    Inventory Transaction Subsystem (Keruvannya warehouse).

    Scheduled Receipts Subsystem.

    Shop Flow Control

    Capacity Requirement Planning.

    Input/output control.

    Purchasing (Material and technical supply).

    Distribution Resource Planning.

    Tooling Planning and Control (Planning and control of production operations).

    Financial Planning.


    Performance Measurement.

Based on the accumulated data on the modeling of viral and non-viral operations, the concepts are gradually being refined, gradually increasing the number of functions.

The MRP II standard has developed through several development stages:

    60-70 days - planning of requirements for materials, on the basis of data on stocks in the warehouse and warehouse of goods, (Material Requierment Planning)

    70-80 years - planning of material requirements from a closed cycle (Closed Loop Material Requirment Planning), which includes a comprehensive production program and control on the shop floor,

    the end of the 80-90s - based on data obtained from post-consumers and residents, forecasting, planning and control of viral growth,

    90s - planning of needs for a wide range of resources and resources at the level of enterprise - Enterprise Resource Planning and Distributed Requirements Planning.

U the rest of the rocks planning systems of the MRPII class in integration with the financial planning module FRP (Finance Requirements Planning) were called business planning systems ERP (Enterprise Requirements Planning), which allow the most efficient planning of all commercial activities private enterprises, including financial expenditures on equipment renovation projects investments in the production of a new line of viruses. In Russian practice, the importance of installing systems of this class is determined, in addition, by the need to manage business processes in the context of inflation, as well as heavy tax pressure, which is why ERP systems are needed These days are not only for large enterprises, but also for small firms that conduct active business. ( For article materials G. Vernikova)

Since 1999, the development of ERP systems was marked by a new trend. Retailers began to develop new functional capabilities of the system that went beyond the traditional framework of automation and optimization of business processes within the framework of the ERP methodology. Traditionally, the ERP concept has given us the ability to work with the internal resources of a business: resource planning, proactive inventory management and ensuring the visibility of production processes. Now the functionality of the system has been supplemented with such modules as SCM (supply chain management) and CRM (customer relationship management), which are responsible for the optimization of external connections . With this distinction, it was necessary to understand: the traditional control loop for ERP is called back-office, and the external programs that appeared in the system are called front-office. These changes allowed the American analytical company Gartner Group to claim 2000 rubles. about the end of the ERP era and the emergence of a new standard - ERP II (Enterprise Resource and Relationship Processing), which can be translated as “Management of internal resources and external relationships.”

You can see three main directions that indicate the development of ERP II class systems:

    Improvement of ERP functionality.

    Technologies have appeared that make it possible to simplify the process of creating specialized Galuzev solutions.

    Creation of new and improved modules for managing intercorporate business processes.

The shift in emphasis to the inter-corporate sector in new systems is explained by the accelerated development of electronic commerce and the establishment of interactive interaction between companies and their partners, customers and clients via the Internet. These systems of the ERP II class have a Web-oriented architecture, which becomes a subordinate element of ERP systems. The data that is installed in systems of the ERP II class is allocated for use in a geographically distributed Web site. In addition, ERP II systems can be directly uploaded to the Internet, can process data stored in a non-authorized repository, can encourage publication or subscription initiated by the client , can interact with other add-ons, such as EAI adapters (EAI - Enterprise Application Integration ) that language XML.(

Four times lower than in the USA. The task of modernizing the economy is set to the sovereign level, and enterprises, especially those that develop science and science technologies, need to search for internal reserves of optimization.

ERP solutions are systems for managing key business processes of an enterprise. The ERP system includes modules: company activity planning, budgeting, logistics, accounting, personnel management, production management, customer management. Corporate, managerial, and accounting information allows a high level of management to obtain a comprehensive picture of business activities in order to make the ERP system an indispensable tool for automating operational activities and Aspirations for praising precise and strategic management decisions. In essence, an ERP system is a complex system of variable information, the ability to separate data from the direct activities of an organization within the framework of work in one system.

A project involving the implementation of an ERP system can be divided into the following stages: project planning, goal setting; diagnostics and analysis are possible; selection and lining of the platform, ready-made solution; information system design; documentation and usgodzhenya design decisions; dissatisfaction software security; information system testing; laryngeal system; knowledge of koristuvachs; operation and support, as well as evaluation of results. Project management is based on best practices and methodologies. It is important to note that the requirements for the scale of the project of a vice-correspondent ERP system can be extended either from three months or up to 24 months.

The project's ability to implement ERP systems includes the ability to purchase licenses (also includes the ability to rent licenses) and the ability to provide services for the setup and implementation of the system or hardware solution. The value of the project, of course, lies in the methodology of promotion, in the obligation of consulting services, in the needs and needs of the deputy. It is also necessary to invest in IT infrastructure, team motivation and system operation.

Implementation of an ERP system allows companies to increase their income by retaining the loyalty of old clients and gaining new ones; reduce management and operational costs by an average of 15%; reduce commercial expenses by 35%; protect on werewolf costs; change the implementation cycle; reduce the insurance level of warehouse stocks; change accounts receivables; increase the turnover rate of kosts in rozrakhunkas; increase the turnover of material reserves; improve the recycling of fixed assets.

It is necessary to implement an ERP system in these situations, if the problem is clearly identified, the main focus of the top management is the clarity and automation of business processes in the organization, the company has resources for the problem Zhenya and motivation, the deputy was assigned to the platform and the team of specialists.

ERP concept

Historically, the ERP concept has become a development of the simple concepts of MRP (Material Requirement Planning) and MRP II (Manufacturing Resource Planning). Software tools that are used in ERP systems allow you to carry out detailed planning, model the flow of plans and evaluate the feasibility of their implementation in services and subdivisions of the enterprise, I don't know what I'm doing.

One of the important things is a system up to the ERP class, or a cloud one. To put this in perspective, do not forget that the ERP system (as the name suggests) is, first and foremost, a resource planning system. Vaughn describes the situation as “as it was” and “as it is”, and “as it will be”, “as it may be”. ERP systems not only store data about those involved in business, but also have in their warehouse modules planning and optimizing all types of resources (financial, material, human, time, etc.), and most of the functions implemented by the system are directed to support for these modules.

To implement the planning and optimization function, the system requires visibility the call of the bell. Tobto. On the basis of management goals, a plan is formed, then, as the work progresses, real indicators are recorded, analyzed, and a corrective influx is generated on the basis of the alignment of goals and achieved results. The cloud system allows you to easily record the results. However, the ERP system does not include functions for automating planning and balancing “plan - fact”. Otherwise, with the help of cloud systems it is possible to create only the analytical part of the control, rather than the synthetic one. What is the principle of the ERP system being different from the cloud system?

Functions of ERP systems

ERP systems are based on the principle of creating a single database of data that stores all corporate business information and ensures immediate access to it by any number of business professionals Basic information. Changing data is carried out through the functions (functional capabilities) of the system. Main functions of ERP systems:

  • maintaining design and technological specifications, which means the storage of viruses, as well as the material resources and operations necessary for their preparation;
  • formulation of plans for sales and production;
  • planning of requirements for materials and components, terms and obligations of supplies for the implementation of the product production plan;
  • management of inventories and purchases: conducting contracts, implementing centralized purchases, ensuring the availability and optimization of warehouse and workshop inventories;
  • planning of intensive efforts from large-scale planning to vikoristanya of nearby verstats and possession;
  • operational financial management, including the development of a financial plan and control over its finances, financial and management structure;
  • project management, including planning stages and resources.

Features of stastosuvannya

Classic ERP systems, considered to be the so-called “out of the box” software, fall into the category of “important” software products that require a lot of fine-tuning in order to start using them. Vibir KІS, installation and implementation, as a rule, require careful planning within the framework of the overall project with the participation of a partner company - a contractor or a consultant. CIS fragments will be based on a modular principle; the manager often (acquired at the early stages of such projects) does not supply the entire range of modules, but the set that surrounds them. During the course of a project, the project team typically spends several months fine-tuning the modules to be delivered.

Whatever the ERP system is, it will be covered for the entire segment of the market. So, SAP often victorizes the great industrial enterprises, Microsoft Dynamics - for medium-sized companies and varied profiles, 1C - for small companies, as well as those with a limited budget.

The cost of implementing ERP, depending on the size of the company, the complexity and complexity of the resulting system, can reach 20 thousand. USD up to many millions of USD. This amount includes licenses for the security program, as well as support services, initiation and support at the stage of putting the system into operation.

At the age of 60, a vikoristan began computing technology for automation of various industrial processes. A class of material requirements planning systems (MRP – Material Requirements Planning) has also appeared. The functioning of such systems was based on the concept of virus specifications. The specification showed the ready-made virus in the range of components that should be included before. The virus program provided information about the time interval, such as the number of finished viruses planned before release by the enterprise. Following the additional BOM and MPS, there was a procedure for dismantling the specification, on the basis of which the enterprise collected information about the requirements for materials for the production of the required number of finished products, depending on MPS. Then, information about consumption was transformed into a series of purchase orders and production. Also in this process, information about excess quantities of raw materials and raw materials in warehouses was obtained.

Regardless of the high efficiency of MRP systems, they have one cost shortcoming, and they themselves did not insure their robots with the intense labor of doing business. This was due to the expansion of the functionality of MRP systems with the Capacity Requirements Planning module (CRP). Thus, MRPII systems have become available for planning all enterprise resources (including financial and personnel resources). As a result of the advanced development of MRPII systems and their further functional expansion, the class of ERP systems has emerged.

The main features of ERP systems and MRPII systems can be considered:

  • a large number of types of production and types of activities of enterprises and organizations;
  • resource planning from various areas of activity;
  • the possibility of carving out a group of autonomously operating enterprises and corporate structures;
  • greater respect for financial planning and management subsystems;
  • the presence of management functions for transnational corporations, including support for multiple time zones, languages, currencies, and accounting systems;
  • greater respect for the business information infrastructure, flexibility, reliability, and complexity of different software platforms;
  • integration with add-ons and other systems used by the enterprise, such as computer-aided design systems, process control automation, electronic document management, electronic commerce;
  • the presence of the system and integration with software features to support decision making;
  • detection of faulty features, adjustment and configuration of hardware and software features.

Whose history of the ERP system will not end because... The result of the combination of a traditional ERP business system with the Internet solutions for electronic business was the concept new generation systems – ERP II – Enterprise Resource and Relationship Processing. This system allows you to manage resources and external inputs of the enterprise There are two control circuits: the traditional internal one, which involves the internal business processes of the enterprise, and the external one, which involves interactions with counterparties and purchasers of products. ERP II system is the methodology of an ERP system with the possibility of close interaction with clients and counterparties using additional information channels provided by Internet technologies.
