Why vicorist a eurocube in a galvanized shirt. eurocubi

Why vicorist a eurocube in a galvanized shirt. eurocubi

The range of stosuvannya of cubic capacities in the industry, the silskogo state that should be done is wide. Plastic cubes with a flooded opening vicorist for the preservation of that accumulated rіdin, the transportation of various speeches, which do not react with the walls of the container, including unsafe speeches of the first and other groups. The agricultural state has an indispensable eurocube for water for 1000 liters: a new one accumulates water for watering the plantings.

5 reasons to choose Eurocube with PEND

The cubic shape guarantees the stability of the container;
Mіtsnіst and lightness of plastics ensures the safety of transportation;
Zavdyaks of geometrical form show serious vanity;
Plastic eurocube, safe for health and ecology, is suitable for the storage of food products;
Є nadіynym shovische for rare and strong speeches.

Variety of Eurocubes on a daily basis

Virobnicha company TOV "Plastform" performs superior and handy in the operation of plastic eurocubes of various capacities and recognition:
Cubic containers on a wooden pallet;
on a metal pallet;
On a plastic pallet.
Polyethylene containers manufactured by TOV "Plastform" are prepared on a daily basis in Germany and undergo a whole series of tests for durability and tightness. The skin is installed on a pallet made of wood, metal or plastic, and it is surrounded by steel grates. As a rule, the volume of such a container is 1000 liters, but you can buy a Eurocube with a capacity of 800 liters.
Would you like to replace the yakіsnu and the original cubic container with plastic? Fakhіvtsі TOV "Plastform" will ask you for new or living European cubes, as they have passed the pre-sale training and testing.

eurocube or IBC container(Intermediate Bulk Container) is being installed on the German installation in the production shop of the DP Soyuz z steel grating and low pressure polyethylene (PEND). A eurocube is established for the transportation and storage of rare and heavy goods (deeds of storage: kharchova, naftov, selskogospodarska, lakofarbov, pharmaceutical, chemical industry).


eurocube folded from a constructive possession in a seemingly hard-to-wear packaging (steel grating, pallet made of wood or metal), a plastic (polyethylene) interior is placed in a yak, it is installed on the service equipment. Eurocubes are prepared in such a way that the choice of internal and external packaging is approved as a single unit, as a single complex unit, as it is filled, taken away, transported or transformed as such. Internal capacity is not recognized for vikonannya function in place of speeches without external packaging.
Eurocube of appointments for transportation and collection of rare speeches, incl. aggressive with a maximum thickness of 1.5 g/cm3 for containers without a UN certificate and 1.9 g/cm3 for containers with a UN certificate.
Eurocube proishov types of testing on the bottom for the lower part, compactness when stacking, tightness of the seams with the insertion of an internal pneumatic vice, compactness of containers with the insertion of an internal hydraulic vice and testing in accordance with GOST 18425-73 The container is transport packed. The method of testing a blow during a free fall. IBC containers are recognized for filling only with natives, in which the pressure of the loaded bet is such that the excess manometric pressure in the container at a temperature of 50 degrees Celsius in the warehouse is less than 4/7 of the sum of the designated vial test vice, so the temperature of the filling becomes 15 degrees Celsius.


The shell of the eurocube of the internal space is made of low-density, high-width polyethylene (PE 100). Thickness of the shell wall - 1.5 - 2.0 mm (deposit according to specifications).
– white (natural color to polyethylene)
- or else be-yakiy іnshiy for special requests.
Mistkіst maє cubic form. On the upper part there is a filler neck with an opening diameter of 150 mm, on which a polyethylene cap is installed, as it can be secured squad with a ventilation valve. At the lower part of the tank, a pouring valve is installed with a plunger or bucket type valve and gum indentations (the type of indentation is indicated in the passport).

The outer packaging is for gratings of empty tubes made of galvanized steel, with a suspended type of fastening of tubes (zvarny plus screw) attached to a wooden or steel pallet for additional screws.
The upper part of the grating is fastened to the main part of the screw locks and can be removed to replace the plastic plate.

The pouring faucet is attached to the lower part of the plate and does not go beyond the dimensions of the cube.

Cubs filled with polyethylene on this day are being harvested with high drink. This is explained by the reasonable rates of the price of the density of polyethylene vials in porous containers with other materials (for example, the price of cubic containers with polyethylene is lower for similar virobs with stainless steel 2-5 times).

Such varieties are vikoristovuyutsya in different types of activity and government for transporting and saving different types of natives - from food to chemical speeches (among those - yak may have categories of insecurity).
Under the hour of virobnitsva of vats, the method of rotational molding is used. Usі virobnichi protsesi povnіstyu avtomatizirovanі, to that "human clerk" and the risk of pardon zvedeno at times to the minimum.

Rotational molding is one of the simplest methods of plastic processing, and at the same time one of the most effective. The Danish method is the only one, which allows you to viroblyat virib, which is exactly the same for the form with the sketch of the zamovnik.
The method of rotational molding can be mentally divided into three stages: laying syrovina and heating, cooling, curing.

Let's take a closer look at the skin stage.
At the first stage, laying the syrovin and heating it, placing the syrovin in a mold, placed on a rotary molding machine. The kіlkіst syroviny in the front is exactly opened. They gave a form that is constantly wrapped in two planes, adjusted in the air, the temperature of which is constantly controlled. Polyethylene melts and evenly covers the inner surface of the mould.

At another stage, the stage of cooling, the form, which does not apply wrapping, moves to a zone with a low temperature. For the rahunok of the fast wrapping, the richness of the viroba is available. the speed of wrapping, as well as the temperature, are constantly controlled.

At the third stage, the cuboidal capacity rises with the form. And the process is repeated again.
Ready to go through a few years of seeing the test for the mіtsnіst.

On vіdmіnu vіd іnshih vyrobnіtіv svodіv, as a result of rotаіiy molіvіvіnі vіrіb vіdіbіv іbіsh іkіsnim, mіtsnіm і znosоsіyky. Kubova єmnіst come out whole - without seams, the thickness of the walls is the same in any point, and in kutah, de virobu needs the most material, more material.

The method of rotational molding allows the production of cube containers, whether of a geometric shape (square, cubic, kutov, vertical, horizontal thin). Also, wine allows you to prepare containers with a different number of openings, as well as from any number of outpost elements (including metal). In addition, it is possible to prepare a viroba from the hanging walls.

Polyethylene cubes do not crack when stored in the sun, heat and frost (from -40 ° C to +50 ° C), do not swell aggressive environments and corrosion.
At Zakhod, the rotational molding method is a method of plastic processing, which is most often used. Yogo vicorate Greif, Mauzer, Schutz. In Russia, the galuz has only recently started its development, and is presented on the market by the company Greif CIS.

How to smash cubes (Evrokubi) - video:

Ideas for the Business of Distribution:

Eurocube new to buy in Moscow, IBC-containers of import and wine production, all kinds of eurocubes, eurocubes for food products, craft containers, also new colby (dashka for eurocube), great choice of eurocubes in id 640l up to 1000l, wholesale and retail deliveries of eurocubes, delivery in Moscow and Moscow Region, sales of Eurocubes. Schutz, Mauser, Werit, Greif, Maschio Pack, Fustiplast, Sotralentz

Price: from 6800 rub.

Varieties and selection of new Eurocubes

Proposed by us are absolutely new eurocubes, as if they were in stock, so they are promptly delivered to the warehouse, and as of today, the most progressive, highly efficient and environmentally friendly packaging of industrial designation for the drylands, viscous products and effervescent materials.

I. New eurocube imported the varieties are prepared in a variety of ways up to the hardest ones, which hang up to industrial containers for grubs and chemical products, and invigorate their superiority, quality, variety of types of rainwater faucets, components and accessories iv.

Our company offers a wide range of vat capacities of different brands in leading brewers, encouraging brewers to produce trades and merchandise, as well as the right choice of different types of european cubes, with the method back Lenya _individual needs of companies in the transportation and savings of liquid products and effervescent speeches.

European Cubes may have such vіdminnі rice and perevagi:

The modular principle encourages, standardized expansion and assembly, interchangeability of components;
Determination design: high stability to vibration, for a new UN test, becoming obov'azkovym s 2011 rock;
Building of stacking: up to 2 tiers per hour of transportation, up to 3-4 - at a static station;

The design of the plate (colby): from a bagato-ball (2-6) low polyethylene vice (high width, HDPE), with an optimal thickness of the wall 1.5-2.0 mm, excellent mechanical strength, safe storage of grub products, temple x mychna stability;

Next pallet design options: wood (with heat treatment), solid plastic (reinforced with steel), combined (steel/plastic), steel. All options are suitable for distillation on automatic bottling lines and when picking up on racks;

Complete set and accessories: a wide selection of inlet faucets, gaskets for sealers, threaded caps, adapters and camlocks;
Viconation options (options): protection against vibration and fire, antistatic outer ball, additional protection against the product against UV-change and light, EVOH barrier against gas penetration.

When choosing European cubes, the following characteristics are covered, such as rozmіri, vaga, design features, main recognition, price, terms of delivery, as well as other important parameters:

Pallet material: wood, plastic, steel or combined;
color of the inner PE plate: white, prozory, black, more – blue, gray, orange;
filler neck diameter: 150, 225 and 400 mm;
pouring faucet size: 2", 3" or 6", which can be both known (replaced) and invisible (integrated);
type of top threaded lid: susilna, or with 1 or 2 valves with an overpressure vice;
volume of bottles: call 1000 l, and also 640, 820, 1250 l;
type of steel galvanized solid-welded grating: round empty tubular, round profiled, square tubular, square with 3 ribs, rolled bar.

For the correct selection of Eurocubes, it is necessary to check specific vimogi that are presented before them, as well as such factors:

The nature of the product that needs to be restored (for example, borrowing, corrosion, confusing nature of the impact on ecology or other power, to become unsafe), ;
transport legislation that mind postachannya;
wash the savings;
method of emptying, place of victoriousness; ways of converting vantazhіv;
European cubes rotation, preparation for re-currying and utilization.

As soon as we have such information, we can recommend you the correct Eurocube model, so that you are satisfied with all the necessary assistance.

Be kind, swear by your eyes, what is the basis of such a variety of Eurocubes:

1. Standard eurocubes, recognized for transportation and storage of non-penetrating raw materials, products and materials, for example, Ecobulk LX or Ecobulk MX, WERIT ECOline.

2. Eurocube, which can be certified (tolerance) by the UN (UN) or DOT (UN31HA1 / Y), recognized for the transport of non-safe materials (for a European cube with 400 mm necks), for example Mauser SM 13 UN, WERIT TOPline;

3. Eurocube, prepared from materials, food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products and allowed to be consumed by European standards EU / 1935/2004 and FDA (Food and Drug Administration), USA help us up to standards ensuring the quality and hygiene of products, for example Ecobulk MX FDA, Ecobulk MX-EV FDA, WERIT NUTRIline, Flubox Food.

The inner ball of bottles of such eurocubes made from polyethylene food category, which confirms: Eurocube Schutz, in addition, a new standard for packaging food products FOODCERT , which does not only ensure the reliability of the material that is in contact with you, but also gives an absolute guarantee of the safety of the manufacturing processes and the power of the food products); 2) a threaded lid of green color on the jellied neck of the plate; 3) a handle and a lid of green color on the pouring faucet of the eurocube. These signs allow you to clearly identify the food of European cuisine and vikoristovuvat їх yx for butovyh needs (watering the beds, the reserve of drinking water and water for the soul), so in the galuzes of the industry, de viroblyayutsya:

Drink concentrates and syrups;
cold drinks;
spicy spices and sauces;
kharchovі varieties olіy and otstіv;
dairy products;
fruit and vegetable concentrates;
enzymes and vitamins;
spices and aromatic speeches.

At the beginning of 2013, the new Mauser FP 15 Aseptic was presented for the capture, transportation, with guaranteed sterility, and the emptying of thermosensitive food products (fruit and vegetable concentrates, juices with meat, pastes, dairy products, egg whites, etc.), including products with high viscosity (honey).
In this model, the polyethylene lining is replaced by a bouffant made of polypropylene fabric, in the middle of which there is an insert made of metalized polyethylene lining.

Greif has launched a similar novelty - Eurocube Flubox Flex, which also has the "bag in box" concept.

Schutz has launched the new Ecobulk MX-FC and Ecobulk MX-FC-EV, which are the new standard in food safety and guarantee compliance with all the latest food standards for materials, processes and products.
And also the upcoming novelties Ecobulk MX-CC and Ecobulk MX-CC-EV have appeared for zasosuvannya in areas where it is necessary to ensure the new standards of safety and technical cleanliness of packaging for materials, products and manufacturing processes.

WERIT presented STERIline (Eurocube with antimicrobial polyethylene), a flask with a tap and a plastic lid in such a way as to protect any microbial contamination of products, which saves more algae, bacteria, fungi, viruses or flush and accept automatic self-cleaning. Tse guards the growth and expansion of pathogenic microorganism, which calls for confusion.

4. Eurocube, with balls made of bagato-balloon polyethylene, specially sized for distillation in vibration-resistant zones 1 and 2 (visibility of a yellow label), for products with low occupancy points, for example Mauser SM 13 EX, Ecobulk MX-EX, new rіz with flange and cable , as a result of which steel plates and a self-tapping screw are not needed for the grounding of the crane when vikoristanny єvrokubіv in vibration-prone areas, WERIT POLYex.

The inner ball of such eurocubes is made of safe polyethylene, and the outer ball is made of an antistatic compound, which protects the effect of accumulating on the electrostatic charge of the eurocube.

Eurocube, recognized for vikoristannya in vibro-insecure zones 1 and 2, Crimea, can be electrically conductive or antistatic.

5. Eurocube electrical conductors (certified by Cenelec) for transporting light-duty (with a borrowing point less than 60°C) or non-vibrational products, as well as for carrying out work with them in applications with vibuhon-non-safe medium (conductive air th ball of black polyethylene balls protects the euro charge, and (Mauser SM 13 EX), otherwise stench can be associated with Ecobulk MX-EX conductive carbon-carbon nanotubes.

6. Antistatic eurocubes, which can wash a white ball of a ball (Ecobulk MX-EX antistatic, WERIT POLYex, Flubox Elektron), optimally protect products from an unsafe electrostatic discharge.

To turn off the potential risk of the electric charge of the products that are being stored, the Eurocube is equipped with an uninterrupted grounding through a pouring tap, screening and pallet.

7. Eurocube made of light-sensitive products with UV-vibration and visible light, which can be bottled, made of black polymer (Ecobulk MX-EX-EV conductive), two bottles (Mauser SM 13 LP (Light Protect), white (TiO2) or black (black graphite, option) (WERIT PROTECline), with which special white pigment breaks the sleepy area, and in this way the temperature rises in the middle of the European cube on the black spots;

A special light-impervious coating is prepared from the material, which sums up the polyethylene and additives, as it protects the products from UV-viation and visible light from such inaccessible, from the point of view of the geometry, objects, like, for example, close to id pouring tap or upper filler neck. Paired with eurocubes and with a sucilnometal frame and eurocubes, it is possible to win the victory.

On the vіdmіnu vіd svіchnyh єvrokubіv, yakі zakhist vіd svіtla fоr аn addition dab of black color, sulіya bіlіy kolіor vіdobrazhaє drowsy kolіr i, otzhe, intermezhuє r_vіvі vіd іdіnіє іdі dіka, tоdіyak yak іnіk kolіor they heat up much more. Therefore, it is especially important, shards of richly light-sensitive products can also be carried out chemical reactions at such elevated temperatures.

8. Eurocube, with an EVOH barnball (a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl alcohol), which for a long time effectively protects oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen from access microbes), protect toluene, xylene, gasoline, alcohol, as well as oils and oil, in the form of moisture loss, protecting the high-yielding products and aseptic roots in the round of aromas and smells and in the transport and storage (Ecobulk MX -EV);

9. Eurocubes for transporting products with high viscosity (farby, varnishes, adhesives, resins, food products like honey), as well as tapered front edges (Ecobulk MX-HV), filler neck 400 mm and pouring tap DN 150 (Ecobulk MX ) Nyiblsh of an ethnic vegetable Polishkiv product, and such a novelty (ecobulk hx tu ecobulk hx-sex), with virtue characteristics of a sparrow of the Mayzhe product, 100% of the capture of the sides of the sides of the interrahnio bouth to an evil crane;

10. Eurocube vibration protection (Ecobulk SX-EX), recognized for vibration when working with vibration-resistant applications (Class 1 and 2), can be used for sucilnometal sheathing (casing) from galvanized steel sheet, and, also, electrical well, at what surface opir to become less than 104 Ohm, and on the old case there cannot be an electrostatic charge, and, moreover, the product is protected from mechanical stress and high temperature.

11. Unique Eurocube fire protection (Ecobulk SX-EX-UL), which is designed to make a succulent metal shirt (casing) from a galvanized steel sheet and designed in such a way that at least 20 fibers are visible at the fire, before that it is European kill more often (with robotic systems fire extinguishing).

12. Eurocubi Mauser Repaltainer is often made from recycled polyethylene (pallet and top cover) and can stand in extreme climatic conditions and show high mechanical strengths.

II. New European Cubes of Vitchiznian Winery It is a good alternative to second-hand imported Eurocubes, which can be optimally matched to the highest market prices.

In a different way, which allows you to save on the front of the new Eurocubes, you can replace the b / in the dances with the new sullia, complete with a crane and an upper lid (new, for a zamovlennya), with which the battens with a pallet are redundant huddle old.

III. Cube corrugated containers, Svoєridnі analogues of European cubes, also in reality. For more vipadkіv zastosuvannya є bagatorazovymi, but sometimes it’s especially possible to vikoristovuvaty when vdmanirovannі vantazhіv, for example, on a remote object, or for a one-time otrimanny vantage from a faraway place, if dotsіlno vikoristovuvat and disposable containers.

All new yakіsnі єvrokubi can be proponated at even competitive prices.

Provided service to clients forever - to your services and help you to be sure about the food that you have.

For its vikonannym, the eurocube represents a certainty based on polymers, like a vikonan in the form of a cube. It’s not unusual for those who need to harvest often vikoristovuyutsya on various objects, including car wash, budmaydanchiki and objects of naphtha and chemical industry. The reason for this is due to the high characteristics of the material, which are the characteristics of the material for the design of the material. At the same time, the bulk of the people often go to the next building.

Eurocube - see

Today on the market there are impersonal models of Eurocubes, which may vary in size, material and material. Ale, no matter how special, you can still see hot characteristics of these units:

Fallow in the form of recognition of Eurocube can be classified as such:

  • grub. Їх vicorist with a method of saving products, moreover, ethyl alcohol, ocet, oil and tin sound like the rest;
  • technical. The stench is to serve as a container for the protection and transportation of such speeches, like meadows, acidity, burningly thin.

In our country, a large number of firms are engaged in the preparation of similar varieties, but to create such a small assortment will ensure its great popularity among the spozhivachiv. The reason for this lies in the transparency of the core of that great functionality.

Scope and method of stosuvanya eurocube

Eurocube - tsia name is more sensible for crossbreeders. Officially yoga call IBC container. This is why, that a bunch of wines were created for the transportation of natives, nasampered, savage and aggressive.

Podіbnі plastikovі єmnostі є іnіkalnym іrobami є іnіkalіnіmi virobami і versuyut іn such parameters, yak zruchnіst tranportovannya effervescent speeches and rіdin usі іnshі аnshі analogіchnі commodities.

Dosit universal є єuroku єmnіstyu 1000 liters, yakim can know zastosuvannia and great companies, і zvichaynі hromada.

In the middle of the battle, yakі mаut tі єmnostі, sіd іdlіt razyuchu mіtsnіst. In case of similar constructions, they are not strong enough to have a negative influx of any aggressive chemicals and vіdmіnno. carry atmospheric fumes. Demonstrating similar qualities allows the method of blowing, which is victorious during preparation, which is called rotational molding in the middle of technology.

In some cases, this container can be re-stoked, however, it is necessary to take it to the evacuation, which is the first time that the function of the container has been removed for the transport of heavy chemicals, then in the case of an advancing stagnation, it is not necessary to stomp it. to water the city. In the world known in Europe, shkidlivih speeches, stench step by step penetrate plastic, through which water, which is transported in a new one, can negatively spill onto healthy people.

It is better to put a container more quickly, which is vikoristovuvavsya for the transport of non-aggressive countryside. Washing allows you to do a good job of removing the excess of the front together, as a result of which the container can serve with the method of transporting water appointments for post-butovih needs. If you have a need for a similar container, then there is no need to buy a new eurocube. You can always know quietly who is ready to sell virib. Tse allow you to spare, moreover, the effectiveness of the vikoristannya of such a container is not marked by price. If you want to get a new virib, then remember that the quality of the eurocube at the harvester will be high.

Winner of b / in eurocubes from the state

The great popularity of tsі virobi nabula zruchnostі, rich functionality and supra-great term of service. If you are the head of the dacha or the deputy house, then you will not get your mother's dodatkovu єmnist. volume 1000 liters. Let’s draw a similar container for a summer resident, shards in this season, you can indulge yourself in an important practice with water from a well, which is used for watering. Most often, the eurocube is won by the state for the accomplishment of the upcoming tasks:

Watering the city

If you are planning to use a eurocube for watering, you need to bring a pump to a container. Tsyu plastic єmnіst happen to be placed on the deakіy height, moreover, folding with її pіdёm you do not win, shards of material that victorious for її preparation, vіdrіznyаіє small vaga, you can easily understand її twice. To fill the barrel with water, you can use a pump.

In that case, if you can have a sufficient supply of time, then you can refill the capacity with water, vicorist like a dzherelo water faucet, To which it is necessary to connect the hose, after which the willful throw in the opening to the beast. If you can’t check, if the barrel is filled with water, you need to connect the pump to the tap, as a result, you will soon supply water to those places, de vie plan to vicorate it for you.

Summer shower

Similar capacity also allows you to safely heat the water. The reason for this is in the special material, for which the container is prepared. If you want to bring heat to the streets, you need more than a couple of years for the water to warm up to a temperature that will be good for bathing.

In this way, the eurocube can serve you like a summer shower without a shower. For whom, it is sufficient to place the capacity on a deaky height, fastening it on a metal metal structure. For water supply, a hose and a pump can be twisted. Transferring the faucet to the construction, you ask your own procedure for wading that blocking the flow of water. The place from the heated water can be stagnant by you not only for the soul, but also for the mitt of different speeches, including utensils.

Life of a septic tank

Eurocube can successfully complete the role of that septic tank, for which you won’t have a window of strength and strength.

Water for everyday needs

If you are lucky enough to own a car, then you will often sing a car, paying for the same pennies. The presence of a dacha or a zamіsky booth allows you to save on this procedure. At one time, rich people from us blame others for their needs from water. Let's say that the eurocube can repair the task of filling the pool, for which the pump is sufficient. If you often have to water your plot, vicorist water from a well or Sverdlovin, then the Eurocube miraculously fits into the roll of storage capacity for water.

Types of expansion of Eurocube

The eurocube is little affected by the large number of other containers, which is worthy of international expansion, as it conforms to the same standards. If you think that you should come close, before accepting the residual decision, we recommend that you pay attention to the upper and lower parts of this vein: there you can improve the dimensions, focusing on this and easily understand what you see tsey container to your helpers chi ni. For the popular medium large spozhivachіv єvrokubu volume of 1000 lіtrіv characteristic so іrіzіri.

Dimensions of capacity 1000 liters:

  • Dovzhina - 1200 +/- 10 mm.
  • Width - 1000+/-10 mm.
  • Height - 1160+/-10 mm.
  • Volume - 1000 liters (possibly more by 50 liters, the whole is acceptable).
  • Masa - 53 +/- 10 kg.

The majority of firms are more important, as they are engaged in the preparation of Eurocubes, attaching great respect dotrimannya rozmiriv tsikh containers. To that be-yak spozhivachevi, which zatsіkavivsya podіbnymi єmnosti, bude just to count, as іlkіst containerіv yoma need, schob virіshit those chi іnshe zavdannya.


In the rest of the world, more and more wide-ranging middlemen of ordinary people, as well as rich companies, have grown into eurocubes. Qi vyrobi revitalize their versatility, which explains their demand. However, no leather goods can be purchased by buyers to satisfy their needs. It is necessary for us to secure the material, from which of the preparations, as well as to reconcile. All the same, in the final result, we will stick to those, how much effectively the whole container will fit into the new tasks.
