The growth of begonia geranium zorgi. Bigonia room - look and feel

The growth of begonia geranium zorgi. Bigonia room - look and feel

Every room has rooms that not only decorate it, but also soothe its presence. Having chosen the flowers correctly, you can create a flower island on your porch for the whole world. Long-lasting, non-vibrating plants give joy, a warm mood and bring measles, cleansing the spirit.

With the development of quality in household minds, it is extremely I want the supervision of them to be minimal, and the color to last as long as possible. There are a lot of such plants and your choice can be based on the addition of Klivia, Decembrist, Room Gerbery or Saintpaulia, etc.


When selecting a plant, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of the mind, and this is why the color and appearance of the plant are important.

Top 10 flowering indoor plants

Abutilon (Room maple)

Blooms from spring to autumn, and as daylight becomes shorter, the number of flower stalks changes and the growth enters a dormant phase. If you carry out illumination with daylight lamps, you will ensure that the color is nourished and watered. The leaves are similar to maple leaves, with another name. The benefits of abutilone are similar to those of different colors.

The dog is not vibrating, it needs plenty of bright light, regular watering, temperature range 18-25 ºС. Roslina is fast-growing, its height reaches 1.5 m. The spring pasta of abutilon needs to be cut by 1/3 of the length. To stimulate color development, you must include potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Anthurium grows with great glossy leaves and flowers, whose shape represents the heart.

Requires steadily fertilized soil, can grow in the shade, or have a shorter color and develop on fresh and dying windows. For bright colors, the winter temperature must be no lower than +15°C, and the summer temperature +25°C.

Love soaking, but only with standing water for at least two days, and preferably with purified water.

Invigorate the fruits with organic ingredients (Gumat, Ideal, Darina), because The plant is sensitive to excess nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mineral salts.

Balsam color is practically the whole river. Light-loving, if you don’t need to turn off getting caught in any direct sleepy exchanges. In spring and winter, when there is a lack of sunny light, the color will miraculously last with individual lightening. Just as much as you love vologa, like in the soil, you also love the leaves, especially on hot days. Ambient temperature +15÷ +25°C. If you don’t like the darkness, then the neighbors will scurry around in front of the new, or otherwise, leaf.

Vigorously reproduces with upper live bait. In 3-4 rivers, the plant will require transplantation and rejuvenation, older plants will need to be thicker.


- the kvitka is thermophilic, what to love is vologa, but not biting the leaves. To maintain water moisture between the pots of quails, it is necessary to place containers with water. At air temperatures below +16°C, begonia will not bloom. To love in the bright, the sun is bright, in the bright sun the leaves glow, the flowers fade, the begonia loses its decorativeness. To stimulate coloring, it is necessary to give skin begonias 2 of the same emulsifying organomineral substances with mineral additives for butterweeds.

To mold the bush of begonia and create a large number of barrel sections, it is periodically necessary to trim the tops of the sections, vikoryst them for propagation.

There is great diversity in begonias: There are kuschovs, stinks of eternal flowers, bulbs, terry, ampels.

Classics from our grandmother's hour. An imperturbable, light-loving plant, to love the raspberries and water the rare ones. Temperature range +8÷+25°C. I love geraniums a lot, so it’s necessary to place the geranium on balconies and gardens. The pots for growing do not have to be large; to grow a fruitful bush, you need to plant three gardens in one pot.

Pelargonium royal

It is distinguished by geranium with larger flowers and a lesser, perhaps slightly off-color leaf odor. The look is the same as for geraniums.

For clear color and compactness, spring pelargonium needs to be pruned over 3-4 interuniversities.

Hibiscus (Chinese Trojan)

Hibiscus is an evergreen tea leaves. The lifespan of one flower per plant, in hybrid, double forms, is up to 3 days..

Vibrate to dormouse light, watering and cultivating. The sprout needs to be sprinkled daily. If there is insufficient watering, the buds and flowers drop. It is necessary to replant the hibiscus quickly; in mature plants, remove the top ball of soil and add a new one.

Depending on the method of pruning, hibiscus can grow in the shape of a tree or bush. The height of the canopy can reach 1.5-2 m..

Very good hibiscus is cured on a regular basis once every 2-3 days.


The growth is unmoving, which favors light watering and moderate watering. Love the high humidity of the wind, but absolutely cannot tolerate biting the leaves. The potters with Koleriya place the trace on pallets with expanded clay, filled with water.

The temperature at the time of flowering may be +23÷+26°C. Collection on the level +16°C. Once a month it is necessary to apply rare fertilizers for orchids.

Pachistachis is a plant without any special claims. The smut is watered with water, the water level is increased, and pruning is done regularly. Optimum temperature +20÷+26°C. When the temperature rises, it swells and strips the leaves; when the temperature drops, it sheds the leaves.

It is necessary for Russians to love freshly, but not to procrastinate. I really love biting the leaves.

In the world of growing crops, it is necessary to trim and pinch the tops of pachistachis so that it bushes and does not wilt.

Evergreen turpentine of the whole river. The thrill of living for a day is one day.

It gives preference to bright, rosy light, which should be taken in the face of direct sleepy changes. Winter temperature +20 °C, summer + 24°C. Watering the grass in the world improves the soil. It will require a raised moisture layer, so place the pots with a pot on a tray with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss.

Ruelia is very sensitive to traction and wind dryness, which can cause leaf drop.

The tree can be molded using a tabernacle or a liana.

Choosing flowering plants for landscaping a booth or office, you need to understand that they are small, otherwise they will have a break between flowers. During this period, the kitten gains strength. Give the invisible colors a little respect And they will give you delicious and tantalizing flowers.

The most beautiful and popular plant is the inflexible plant - the indoor begonia. Few people can be deprived of this ticket with a bayduja.

How to properly grow and look for indoor begonia, which are the most popular types of indoor begonia, how to prepare the soil and correctly replant begonia, you can learn by reading this text.

The Begonia family includes over 800 species of plants, including Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia, Brazil, Africa and the island of Madagascar. In nature, the size of begonia plants varies from 5 cm to 3 meters.

The lack of shapes and varieties of this flower reflects its diversity. Flower makers know that this flower depends not only on the diversity of varieties and species, but also on the growth of minds. Begonia grows both on the street and in the home. In closed spaces, as a rule, a hybrid type of begonia grows.

There are types of indoor begonias:

    decorative flowers that attract the eye with the enchanting beauty of flowers; decorative leaves that can be shaped in different ways and covered with leaves.

Popular types of indoor flowers and decorative flower begonias

Bushy begonias:

Bigonia coral - a large growth with decorative leaves 10-15 cm long, with white flowers and bright rye flowers; The flowers of the succulent red flowers form the shape of the volum. Begonia room flower is a low growth with round light green leaves, 5-6 cm long. Kvituchi is practically a whole river of kviti in white, red and rye colors.

Bulb's begonias:

Begonia Elatior is a tall plant that takes the form of a bush up to 35 cm high, with decorative teeth of green leaves and flowers of various seedlings that reach 4-5 cm in diameter. Very colorful and long lasting color. Begonia Lorrain - the height of the plant reaches 50 cm. Exotic rounded, dark green leaves, up to 8 cm long. Flowers of horn, red and white color.

Popular types of indoor decorative leafy begonias

Royal begonia - has extremely decorative leaves that smoothly turn from red to dark brown. The leaf length reaches 30 cm. One of the most popular decorative leafy begonias; tiger begonia - up to 25 cm high, bush-shaped. The leaves are grainy, dark green, with light-colored leaves.

How to spot indoor begonia?

Watching the indoor begonia does not seem to be difficult. This growth is not so prim, but it will still require a singing turbo.

Begonia should be brought up to the light-loving growths, but rather than directly destroying the dormouse, it is contraindicated for it, so bring the fragments until the leaves become soft.

The begonia needs to be spread out near the window, and since there is no such possibility, then provide shade for it.

The most comfortable temperature for begonia in summer should not exceed 22-25o C, and in winter - 15-18o C.

Watering is of great importance for indoor begonias. This growth is not suitable for dry soil, but must be watery. For example, when springing and growing, homemade begonia needs to be watered as often as possible, but not over-watered, to prevent water stagnation. It’s not difficult to water for a significant amount of time. It comes when the soil is dry to a depth of 1-2 cm. Before that, water the soil with water that has been standing.

The most important factor for home begonia is the moisture content of the wind. The fragments of Fatherland’s region are tropics and subtropics, so you will love the advanced volost. While other plants can be provided with such a climate by sprinkling, this is not recommended for begonias.

As soon as you spray a begonia, its leaves become covered in flames. Ale exit from the situation. It is enough to place a pot of water on moss, loose peat, or place it in a shallow container with water.

There is no need to forget about the growth of the plants. Begonia will require treatment 1-2 times per month. Dobryva, to remove nitrogen, stagnate only until decorative leaf species, the nitrogen absorbs the fragments of the growing leaves, and thereby enhances the color. And the axis for decorative flowers is suitable instead of phosphorus.

It is necessary to add that indoor begonia benefits from fresh air, so the area in which it grows is periodically ventilated. It should not be forgotten that begonia is afraid of stretching, which can lead to its death.

The flowering begonia is a sight to behold. How much does it cost for turbo talk about her. Bloom indoor begonia for a long time, but never again. An hour passes, the flowers wilt and dry out, the leaves fade and dry out. The time has come for peace and sleep. Now water the begonia less often, and keep the temperature cooler - up to 14-16o C. We prune all the plants that have dried out and prepare them before replanting.

How to properly replant indoor begonia?

Soil for begonia can be prepared independently. This plant gives preference to a light substrate. Wine is prepared from a mixture of leafy and turfy soil, which has been mixed with humus, sand and peat. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the leafy soil contains a little more than half the entire volume of the pot.

Indoor begonia does not require frequent replanting, but if the root is already cramped, then replanting is necessary. Order begonia transplantation to begin in the spring month.

Carefully remove the flower from the pot, clean the roots from the old soil and place them for an hour near the potassium permanganate. Potassium permanganate protects the roots from fungal diseases, which indoor begonia is susceptible to. Next, cut off all the damaged roots and place them in a new container of soil.

Before the hour of transplanting the plants, the potter will burn out. The soil is added later, the root grows in the world. After transplantation, indoor begonia will require increased care and attention. In the first month it is necessary to water frequently and carefully protect from direct rainfall.

Illnesses and sicknesses of the indoor begonia

Roslina begonia is not resistant to fungal diseases. Having noticed that the plant is starting to get sick, then remove the damage from the plot. Begonias can also be affected by pests. These enemies are the pope and the spider mite. At the early stage of illness, it is recommended to rinse the rosemary thoroughly. And for serious treatment, it will be enough to treat it with a fungicidal preparation in such a way as indicated in the instructions from stagnation.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Pelargonium and geranium - variety of plants

Many knitnikars respect that geranium and pelargonium are the names of the same plants. Is it really true?

Luxurious geranium bushes have been gaining popularity among flower lovers for a long time. However, botanists note that the names of the plants that grow at the ends are pelargonium, and it grows strongly like geranium. Who's causing the stink of the radio? Let's find out.

Plutanin's stars?

Reading began in the middle of the 18th century. Compiling a classification of plants in 1738, the Dutch botanist Johannes Boorman discovered geraniums and pelargonium in the canopy. In contrast to his thoughts was the Swedish natural scientist Carl Linnaeus, who compiled his classification by uniting them into one secret group. At this very hour, pelargonium was at the peak of its popularity and was actively sought after in landscaped Victorian gardens. Knitniks recognized it as “geranium”, and this name stuck with it.

Zagalnye rices, geraniums and pelargoniums

The similarity between these two plants is that the stench can be traced to the Geranium family. This family has 5 canopies and 800 species. The largest variety is geranium, the most popular is pelargonium. They were brought to one homeland through an original fruit pod. After sawing, the uterus stretches unevenly and takes on a special shape: it looks like a head and a crane like shape. Nevypadkovo translated from Greek “Pelargos” means nursery, and “Geranium” means crane. Similar to geranium and pelargonium, they also grow in erect stems, the leaves of which are spread alternately or oppositely and covered with friable, slimy hairs. Most often, Geraniums have a powerful, special smell. These plants are inflexible, tenacious, easy to reproduce and love the sun.

The benefits of geranium and pelargonium

Geranium and pelargonium are a variety of plants. They can’t be combined one with the other, because they won’t give off a stink today: this is due to different genetic characteristics. Geranium is a spring-weed plant, pelargonium comes from wetland lands: the Cape Province, Australia, Syria, tropical Africa. Geranium is a frost-resistant plant and can bloom at 12 ° C, and fresh pelargonium overwinters in greenhouses.

You can grow geraniums and pelargoniums using the same signs.

Flowers in geranium are made up of 5 or 8 petals, singly or in combination. In pelargonium, the crown has an irregular shape: the upper two petals are larger, the lower three are smaller. Characteristics of the great light of the parasol.

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Geraniums come in different shades of kvitka, except red. Pelargonium does not have blue gamma.

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Geranium is a garden plant. She spends the winter without shelter. With the remaining fates, gardeners are trying to get to the geraniums themselves. Such effective varieties are good, such as geranium miracle, geranium oxford, Georgian geranium. Pelargonium in home gardens can bloom the whole river. In the summer, they can be dried in dry soil, or easily transferred to a cold room. Roslina cannot tolerate winter temperatures.

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The lack of vibrancy, the travail of color, the great brightness of the world make pelargonium a favorite among indoor plants. And the modest geranium can grow in summer meadows, knots, and, most of the time, in gardens.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> See pelargonium - how to choose

Olga Orlovska

It is not so easy to choose pelargonium. The diversity of hybrid varieties bred by breeders is surprising to every plant breeder.

Most of them are pelargoniums, and there are over 250 species of them originating from the African continent. Stinks behind decorative signs are grouped into five main groups: large-flowered, arable, ivy-leaved, succulent and zonal. When choosing, it depends on where you want to grow pelargonium: on the window, balcony, in the greenhouse or on the street.

Zonal pelargoniums

This group took its name through the cutting, which is to pass on the surface at the edge and divide the sheet plate into sections of different threads. Zonal pelargonium has clear and vibrant colors, and also has a varied variety of pellets: white, horny, lilac, red. The standard forms can reach a height of 1.5 m, and the dwarf varieties do not exceed 20 cm.

There are several subgroups of zonal pelargoniums: flowerbed, greenhouse, decorative foliage. The first subgroup grows rapidly both in the room and in the open air. Behind the shape, the flowers are terry, semi-double, simple, star-shaped and cactus-like. Representatives of the other subgroup do not grow in the fresh air. A subgroup of decorative pelargoniums have unusually browned leaves: a blackish-brown edge on green (or just like that). Very decorative hybrids with white-green and golden-peach leaves.

Pelargonium ivy leaves

Representatives of this group will remain untilhanging roslin. The leaves of ivy-leaved pelargonium are thicker, dark green, and glossy. The flowers are terry, semi-terry and forgiving. The color is collected in the brush, the pellets are mixed in different colors. The most decorative varieties are those with leaves decorated with light edging.

Reserve pelargoniums

The main criterion for choosing herbal pelargonium is the smell of the leaves. Varieties have been developed with the aromas of Trojan, mint, lemon, orange, apple, nutmeg, ginger, apricot, cinnamon, verbena. The bush reaches a height of 90 cm and even more. The leaves are not only more arable, but also more decorative: some are deeply cut, others have a thick frill along the edge. It looks like a parasol. Varnished pellets: white, red, pink and violet.

Large-flowered pelargoniums

This luxurious group of pelargoniums is truly decorative. It’s not for nothing that they still call her the queen. Compared to other species, this pelargonium is even more pleasing to the eye. The bush grows up to 60 cm. The leaves are small with a toothed edge. The pellets are large, corrugated, up to 5 cm. The barred pellets can be white, salmon, lilac, burgundy, or red. Even more effective varieties, selected by the way of crossing large-flowered and curly aroma pelargoniums, −bloom. The stench is about to bloom, and the leaves have a pleasant aroma.

Succulent pelargoniums

Succulent pelargoniums

This group of plants is due to the popularity of the plant among those plant enthusiasts who are not concerned with the problems of agricultural technology. There are more than a few species of succulent pelargoniums: hunchback, cortusolist, m'yasista, Chergova, fuzzy-leaved, thick-stemmed, ungrabable. You see the thorns. Through the length of the stem, succulent varieties emerge for growing bonsai.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Pelargonium: secrets to healthy growth

One of the most popular plants that can be grown both at home and in the garden is pelargonium. What are the main points for observing different types of flowers?

Zonal pelargoniums. This group is most loved and expanded. Zonal pelargoniums even differ from each other. Simple zonal and mirror parts have 5 pellets. Terry flowers have more than 5, they really want to bloom and their petals don’t fall off.

Rosebuds are very terry, similar to Trojans.

Tulip-shaped - the cards predict an unopened tulip.

Zirparts – with leaves and flowers of a mirror shape.

Ryabolisti - different leaves.

Pelargonium ivy leaves. They have leaves, like ivy with a long stem. Viral in hanging boxes, balcony boxes. The knits are in a different color, terry, full-terry and simple.

Royal pelargoniums (royal and domestic) are bushy plants with very large flowers, terry and simple.

Pelargoniums with fragrant leaves can smell like lemon, tryanja, apple, pineapple, spices and cologne.

Pelargoniums unique - relatives of the royal ones, with a spicy smell and decorative caps, bloom without fear.

“Angels”, or flowering pelargoniums with flowers similar to bratkas, bloom all summer long, creating luxurious “caps”.

Preparation before winter

The best and most important moment is to save the growing trees. We present a number of options for this winter morning. If the temperature in the room does not fall below 20°C, place the pelargonium in a bright place and water it lightly. Finally, cut the dead plants from the plants that are blooming, root them and place them in the most comfortable rooms, on the windows or on the shelves with additional lighting. In which case the mother plants can be discarded.

If the flower grew in open ground, dig it up in the spring, cut it halfway, plant it in a pot and place it in a house, place it on a windowsill or on shelves with additional lighting. Head - do not place it close to burning equipment or batteries.

You can dig up the weeds, drain the soil from the roots and hang it in the basement. However, it’s best to keep it in the sinks with high humidity (85-90%) and at temperatures no higher than 10-12°C.


Without it, the plants become wilted and dull, the flowers fade and droop. In spring, before the cob grows, with a sharp knife, cut the stems 1/3 of the way, remove all weak stems. At the pruning place, sprinkle the cooked vugillas and sprinkle with greenery. The pruned tree produces new shoots of young leaves.

How to properly root live pelargoniums

  • Do not water the queen bushes for 3-4 days, then grow live bait from them and dry until evening.
  • Provide water with a growth stimulant.
  • When the root appears, plant it in the soil under the jar.


Varieties with white sections on the leaf blade require very good lighting. The stinks grow much more powerfully, below their counterparts from the green leaves. In direct sunlight, the edges of the leaves may dry out.

  1. It’s not a good idea to cover live bait with a bag: the stench can rot in the supernatural moisture.
  2. Once the plantings have been planted, you can place them in water until the leaf turgor is restored, then plant them in the ground again. “Strokatki” are better off rooting in early spring on a well-lit windowsill (and not under direct changes of sun!).
  3. Pelargoniums should not be treated with organic fertilizers. Do not vikorist, but nitrogen is also good. There are plenty of drugs to replace microelements. And the phosphorus-potassium axis for color is just needed.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Special attention to pelargonium

It was not for nothing that the royal pelargonium received such a name. You can compete with azalea for its beauty. For the growth to be healthy and bloom lushly, it is necessary to follow the following rules.

The redberry is native to Western Africa and is adapted to the climate due to the extreme frequency of rainfall: dry summers and wet winters. And our minds will require a period of calm lasting 2.5-3 months.

Temperature and watering

During the winter, it is important to lower the temperature and reduce watering quickly. When wintering in a warm place, in a place of weak light, the branches become wilted, the leaves become yellow and dry, and the growth becomes weaker. Then it will gain strength for a long time and will not color. My pelargoniums overwinter at temperatures of 3-10°C. A decrease to 0 ° C (or more) will lead to deterioration of the growth and death. The optimal temperature is 8-12°C.

There is no need to obtain an adult specimen - the duration of the short day. I don’t let the soil dry out completely; I periodically wet the top ball. And the reinstatement axis is absolutely unacceptable.

In the early days of spring, water more. In this case, the intensity of lightening increases. A sparkless dormouse light cannot be bloomed on a flower belt (if there is a shortage of light, it may burn out). However, high sleep activity (in the direct sun at noon) can cause yellowing of leaves and drying up of their edges. There is no need for overheating of the root system.

For pelargonium, the following rule is relevant: under-water, under-water. The potter's soil needs to dry out a little before watering. Extremely dry conditions may appear on the color.

Excessive watering causes fungal disease in the plants. For example, it is attacked by black stem (the root neck of a young black plant) or gray rottenness (the sides of the legs turn brown, and after a dozen hours they are covered with a gray coating). In these cases, feeding of healthy lambs can help. I didn’t try to treat the sprouts with fungicides.

Wash for Corinthians

The soil is prepared from turf, leaf soil, well mixed with humus and coarse sand (preferably vicorized perlite or vermiculite) at a ratio of 1:2:0.5:2. If anyone has a fall, it’s not their fault, but it’s a living thing. For a clear color, you can add a few drops of brushwood to the soil. At the bottom of the potter there is drainage.

I take a medium-sized potter (12x12 cm), so that it is easy for a small one to maintain the optimal moisture content of the substrate. The size of the potter needs to be increased in the world of growing trees. Transplantation (transshipment) is carried out every 2-3 days.

I nourish the plants with complex nutrients and microelements. In short, the good ones will have a reduced amount of nitrogen and increased content of potassium and phosphorus (good for flowering plants). Organic matter is not good enough. I think the sickle has a good life, because over-yeared specimens survive the winter harder.

Lively and circumcised

My heights practically do not grow on their own. And if you don’t trim it, high branches will grow that will require tying. To bob pelargoniums at the ends of the stems - there are few of them, there are few and they exist. I cut after coloring. In the case of roslins, cherry blossoms are laid during the winter, but in the case of birch and pelargonium, they are not pruned.

I propagate live plants near the village. I cut the top stalks 10-12 cm long, remove the lower leaves and buds. I cut it along the woody part, leave it for 2-3 years and plant it in a light, low-living substrate (the petioles of domestic pelargonium practically do not root in water). I water it lightly and don’t cover it.

Roslins take root more quickly if there is enough air in the soil. So I use a stick along the edge of the glass to open the deep opening. The Russians need light. The duration of a daylight period is not less than 12 years (if necessary, add daylight lamps). The optimal temperature is 18–20°C. Live bait takes root in about 3-4 years. When the leaves are yellowed and dry, I carefully trim them with scissors, removing part of the petiole.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Tsar's Pelargonium

This plant adds to the fact that it bears the most beautiful flowers from all representatives of the Geranium family. Although the color of pelargonium is less durable, it is still quite effective.

Domestic pelargonium (Pelargonium domesticum), or Velikovitkova, Korolevska, Tsarska, Vistavkova, English - the reigning queen among pelargoniums. The flowers are distinguished by their great size, fineness of embellishment and shape. There are simple stench, like terry and terry. The pellets are rich and velvety. Leaves are pubescent with jagged edges. A series of Rosebud hybrids have flowers that look like small triplets, and in others they resemble orchids. The royal pelargonium of the Angels series is especially beautiful, with flowers similar to bratka.

The flowers of pelargonium velikovitkova are not absorbed by the skin. Look to love the sun and warmth, which are necessary for the uninterrupted beauty of color. To put up with a light shade, but with less color.

It’s a good idea to love living soil, but it’s not easy. It can be grown from the smooth parts of leaf or turf humus, peat and mulled soil (from the banks of a river). In soil mixes, you can add a little clay soil. Such soil does not sour, and the vologger settles in new goodness. Worming soil can be replaced with compost.

Pelargonium suffers from drying out and cannot tolerate over-fertilization. However, it’s better to underfill, or overfill. No need to spritz.

Propagate pelargonium of the royal livestock, call for the end of summer and the winter of the fierce.

In winter, it's cold, but the temperature is not lower than 12ºС.

/" target="_blank">; background- repeat: repeat-x;"> Collection pelargoniums: features of the view

If you wanted to start not just a specific pelargonium (popularly known as geranium), but a variety or a collection, remember that the smell will require particularly careful attention.

My collection of pelargoniums includes zonal, ivy, and royal pelargoniums. I respect zonal pelargonium with the lightest glance. This tree is very light-loving, in the rooms there is a beautiful display for it, and in the front garden there are unshaded plots. The soil for this is prepared from leaf soil, humus and sand (2:2:1). I water the sprout well, and the sprout lightly. I reproduce with live bait and in livestock.

The ivy-leaved pelargonium has lofty stems, the leaves are thicker, smoother and similar to ivy leaves, the flowers on long flower stalks are simple, terry and double-double. Bloom from dawn to dusk. I propagate pelargonium ivy leaves using live bait and livestock. Let the cut live bait dry for 5-6 years, then plant it in the ground with added sand in a small pot. I don’t water the plants for two days after planting.

Pelargoniums love cold winters, and they preserve the bright color.

I give special honor to the royal pelargoniums. The smells are more attractive, and the flowers are even more beautiful and large, up to 8 cm in diameter, plain or double, plain or with rings, with a thin or wide edging, sometimes with corrugated edges.

Live bait is cut in the spring and dried for 10-15 years and planted in a mixture of turf soil and sand (1:1), first spilled with dark potassium permanganate. I don’t cover the live bait and don’t water it for 2-4 days, just spray it occasionally. After 3-4 years the stench will take root.

I don’t blame the royal pelargoniums, I don’t like the stench for long periods of time.

From dawn until winter, pelargonium is washed in the morning in a cold (7 to 12°C) or light environment. I replant the cob with fresh soil and place it in a warm, bright place.

I keep pelargoniums alive with fertilizers for flowering plants during the flowering period.

Have you ever wondered how the trees on your tree delight you with beautiful flowers - geranium and pelargonium? What is the difference between these lines and what is the difference? Surely, many flower lovers are surprised that the garden flower on their windowsill is not a geranium.

The history of Roslin

In the mid-17th century, botanist Johannes Burman (Holland) confirmed that pelargonium and geranium, the difference between them is obvious, are not disputable plants. You want to see them in different canopies. Prote Karl Linnaeus - the descendant of nature, known throughout the world - at that time, having consolidated the classification into one group. Then the bright bushes of flowering pelargonium were actively planted in the landscaped gardens. Kvitniki immediately assigned the name to it - geranium.

What is similar to pelargonium and geranium?

The plant species are included in the stock of one family - geraniums. This fact is taken into account due to its basic similarity. The family grows 5 canopies and 800 species of plants. The largest number is geranium, the most familiar and most popular is pelargonium.

Pelargonium and geranium are actually quite similar in appearance. At first glance, the difference is obvious even more than it looks. In one family, K. Linney shares them through the similarity of the fruit capsule. After the congestion, the uterus begins to stretch and begins to pretend to be a crane. In Greek translation, pelargos means “cherish”, and geranium means “crane”. Pelargonium and geranium are very similar in terms of erect stems and leaves, different in growth. The stench in both trees is covered with loose hairs. Most geraniums have a special aroma. This is to grow tenacious plants that are invisible to the eye, love the sun and reproduce easily. As you see, there are really a lot of similarities between these garish bushes. Then the food comes to blame: “What is the difference between geranium and pelargonium?” Please click here to confirm the registration requirements.

Pelargonium and geranium: difference

It’s impossible to cross these trees one by one - the stench simply won’t give in today. Serious genetic characteristics. Pelargonium is a native of the wetlands, and geranium comes from the wetlands. Moreover, geranium blooms at temperatures of +12 degrees, and fresh red pelargonium for winter requires either a greenhouse or room wash.

Pelargonium most often grows near apartments, it decorates summer verandas and flower beds, it feels very comfortable on balconies, and can be collected from the warmth of the room. Geranium grows wonderfully and develops in gardens, so it does not require shelter for the winter.

In our region, meadow and forest geraniums grow everywhere, except in remote and low-lying regions, where they have even harsh climatic conditions.

How to grow geranium from pelargonium?

Geranium produces flowers that consist of 5 or 8 petals. The stench begins to sound alone, and rarely gathers from the world. It is cut with the crown of a flower. It has an irregular shape - the two upper ones are slightly larger, the three lower ones are smaller. Pelargonium flowers create great flowers. Geranium can be prepared in a different color (red cream). Pelargonium does not produce blue shades at all.

Geranium is a garden plant. Summer residents love him so much. Particularly popular varieties are “Chudova”, “Georgian”, “Oxford”. Pelargonium blooms in the household minds for a long time. The sprout can be taken to the balcony or garden, or when it gets cold, you can bring the sprout into the booth.

Pelargonium and geranium: difference, insight

All plants from the geranium family do not require special agricultural techniques. Most species excel in rich, fluffy soils; pelargonium can grow on acidic or neutral soil. And in which case pelargonium and geranium are similar. The difference lies in the fact that rural species develop well on light, fertilized soil, and meadows grow comfortably on clayey, important soil.

Most plants from the geranium family love the garnet of lightening, but are contraindicated for direct use. Pelargonium and geranium are much more noticeable in peutina. The difference between them (however, the difference between them) is not very great, not to mention the fact that one of them is from the garden, and the other is from home. This explains the peculiarity of the look of these two beauties.

Geranium reproduces in plants and vegetatively. After purchasing dry or live coriander in a garden supermarket, ferment it and leave it for several days at a temperature of +2 degrees before planting it in dry soil. With the arrival of warm spring days, if the soil warms up, the sprout can be planted.

If you want to divide a bush that has already taken root in the garden, then do it in the spring, when the pot is emptying after winter sleep. There is no need to cover geraniums for the winter; for most varieties there is no need to cut off the leaves.

Pelargonium: peculiarities of view

to smell pelargonium in your home’s minds? This is the food for the kvetnikars-cobs. Kvitka is famous for its delicate pleasant aroma. This is the essential oil found in the leaves and stems of the plant. If you wanted to grow pelargonium, then you need to know that for its growth and development the following minds are necessary:

  • proper regular watering;
  • garnet lightening;
  • the air temperature is not lower than +12 degrees;
  • circumcised

Pelargonium already loves the warmth and light of the windows. It is completely comfortable for her, but the winter jacket can better withstand the cold (permissible temperature +8...+10°C). If there is insufficient lightening, pelargonium stops blooming or produces smaller, sometimes less bright, buds.

In home washings, the pot should be protected from direct sleepy washing. Pelargoniums need space, so be sure that other greenery plants do not respect them.

Water the flowerpot with just enough water until the top ball of soil dries out. Excessive vlogs lead to rotting of the roots, which is why the plant will tell you about it, demonstrating weakened leaves. Watering will be quick. Pelargonium can be easily tolerated by stress.

The soil is responsible for living things that take away garden soil, sand and peat. Place a large drainage ball at the bottom of the pot, and then fluff up the soil to ensure access to the root of the plant. It is important to choose the correct size of the miner. This is stored in the root system. Small containers are more suitable for geraniums.

We hope that after reading our article, you will figure out whether the flower growing on your windowsill is pelargonium or homemade geranium. It is difficult to look at these valleys, as it is a great advantage to know that the deeds are more than the rogues among the kvitnikars.

We are pleased with the richness of God's gifts because they are easy to feel, and despite their miraculous color. The popularity of home-grown geranium has led to the fact that there are few apartments without this plant growing.

The only problem with this plant is the fact that it is not a geranium at all. It has a completely different name, but a completely different look. And those who really love geraniums grow on the street, in the wild, and decorate their gardens and front gardens.

Over the past few years, botanists have argued a lot about the differences between plants. Pelargonium is not very popular among gardeners, but it was also called geranium. The clarity of this food was due to the famous scientist Carl Linnaeus, the creator of the first classification of the world of plants. Vin merging all these rooms into one group I'm on the move. These two plants are classified under one group and by modern science – the geranium family.

In this way, small blue flowers that grow on their own and that can be picked on the summer meadow, and red flowers in the pots, as the home-givers carefully observe, appear to be relatives. And the wild twin gave its name to the luxurious pelargonium. Although it is wrong in a scientific sense, the beauty of facts does not dim. And faulty geraniums will rise in price under the windows of small apartments and private cabins, delighting their rulers with beautiful colors and unobtrusiveness to the eye.

Zagalnye rices with geranium and pelargonium

Geranium family includes 5 canopies and 800 views. Geranium is the largest genus that grows in different climates - in the peaceful zone, the tropics, and on the Girsky skhila. There are up to four hundred species of this plant. Their possible spoilage:

  1. Buzkova,
  2. Chervoniy;
  3. Blakitna;
  4. Rozhev;
  5. Blida;
  6. Borax.

Breeders created low hybrids, which successfully grows in gardens and parks.

Pelargonium can also boast of its plantings:

  1. Chervoniy;
  2. Bili;
  3. Rozhevi;
  4. Two-colored;
  5. Buzkovi.

Karl Linnaeus immediately expressed his respect for the similarity of the queens of these queens after impregnation. The stench lingers and melts similar to cranes or beads. The common name for geranium is craneweed, and translated from Greek “pelargos” means nursery.

The leaves and stems of these plants are also very similar. Make the stems grow straighter. The leaves emerge from the petiole along the i, as a rule; cover with small hairs. This also means a pleasant aroma that comes out of geranium and pelargonium. The resentments of the grown-ups love the sleepy places and are kindly parted by the gentle gardeners.

However, the difference between species is also significant.

What stinks are different from each other

The first kind of humility that falls upon any inhabitant is this luxurious royal look of pelargonium poured and wrote kvituchi into the pot. Since geranium is more receptive to field flowers and can easily grow on a puddle, then pelargonium clearly deserves more respect.

The main species of pelargonium and geranium instability to cold weather. The growth of New America is impossible for the open soil in the cold climes to survive. Sometimes the sprout should be planted in an outdoor flower bed until the sprouts have overwintered and need to be moved to a warm place. Geranium is not as vibrant.

The cells of these two species also diversify. Geranium is wonderful because its flower is perfectly symmetrical in shape, containing 5 or 8 petals. Pelargonium has symmetrical flowers along one axis. The two upper ones are large, and the three lower ones are small. When replacing geranium, there are no blue flowers. Flowers from pelargonium are collected from fruit trees. The geranium stench begins to grow on its own.

In this manner, you can overreact The main features of these plants:

  1. Resistance to cold weather;
  2. Shape of colors;
  3. Rizne zastosuvannya at the gardener;
  4. A careful look;
  5. Beautiful look.

Nature, even if it is a booster of this kind, has made it impossible to preserve geraniums and pelargoniums.

Speaking about pelargonium and geraniums, about their beauty, it must be said that they have found their niche in the world of beautifying people’s lives. It first grows in dachas, near gardens and parks, in the lap of wild nature. The other one proudly flaunts in the potters, landscaping and robaling the interior of a simple apartment.

How to spot pelargonium

Regardless of the fact that pelargonium is a heat-loving plant, it is difficult to notice. Bagatory evidence showing that Follow the simple rules so that the whole river in the house grows and blossoms:

  1. We are very important - regular watering;
  2. Roslina needs light;
  3. It is necessary to prune the bush;
  4. The temperature in the room must not fall below 12 degrees Celsius.

Pelargonium will be even quieter on the windowsill not only because of the availability of dormouse, but because it still feels the need for a little cold.

Lack of lightening leads to the point that pelargonium stops blooming or Quotes vary greatly depending on size. However, there is no trace of the loss of direct dormouse exchanges on the plants. Water the soil until the top layer of soil is dry, so that the roots do not begin to rot. Those who at the roots seem to be wrong can be seen behind the leaf, as if they have become mottled and lifeless.

If a small miner comes, the soil will remain alive. Sometimes the soil will need to be fluffed up so that the growth will remove the necessary sourness. At the bottom, the wide ball is responsible for drainage. There is no need to water the trees in the winter; it is obvious that it is not good to endure the lack of water.

For pelargonium to grow manually, it needs plenty of space. Potters of dried green flowers are not to blame for the plant's flowers.

Geranium is very invisible, for what gardeners value them, they don’t need to survive, the justice of the Buryans can’t be fooled. Watering is required, only because the summer turned out to be extremely dry.

If you still want to decorate your front garden with this flower, then it would be better to say that the soil should be cleansed from unnecessary liquids, and a little maintenance, drainage and a minimum of respect will lead to the fact that the geranium will please the bag thank you for the garniy flowers.

There are many varieties of geranium that can be successfully used in gardening. Є storm vidas, poplar geraniums, chervoni. All stinks reproduce well in a vegetative way, both in plants and in plants. However, there are a lot of varieties that are better than the ones you can see in the garden. Self-collection is not so easy these days. The plant itself is best replanted periodically.

If you see flowers all the time, the plants will bloom longer. The parts of the geranium were as bright as you could see.

If you love the sun, geraniums need to be planted there, where the sun's paths will be accessible to them. It is growing well because the spring has been warm, but the summer has been dry. With this there is no need to close the zipper The fragments will endure the winter well.

Beauty is important for the name

The history of assigning a foreign name to pelargonium will be fruitful and will become acceptable to rich kvetnikars. However, it is unlikely that everyone will stop calling the bright red flower in the pot on the windowsill geranium. And this doesn’t really stand out.

Geranium and pelargonium have found their place in various spheres of industry. One hangs around on the galleys of some of the cabins, the other is near the boy’s apartment. Enhanced beauty and invisibility have always become popular among flower lovers.
