Rules for installing fences on guint poles. Installation of a parka with screw posts Installation of a fence with screw posts

Rules for installing fences on guint poles. Installation of a parka with screw posts Installation of a fence with screw posts

In order for the car to serve for a long time, it needs clear supports. For fences made of very light materials, for example, from corrugated sheets, it is better to use vikorist screw poles. They are easy to install, do not require equipment and last a long time. Let's take a look at the instructions for installing the parkana on screw pins.

Preparation of materials

To install parkan on guint pins, a number of materials will be required. The stench remains clear, the fragments from which lay down the durability and reliability of the design. Selecting supports must adhere to a number of low parameters, such as the size and size of corrugated sheets, wind resistance and other actions. You will need:

  • pick-up screws of a combined type with walls of about three and a half millimeters (small size shovels);
  • directly for fastening corrugated sheets;
  • stops for vorit;
  • corrugated sheet metal 0.5mm.

After adding all the materials, prepare for the process. We should know firsthand assistant Because you couldn’t get it back up on your own. One person has to trim the support, and another has to screw it in.

parkan on guint poles - armchair

Installation of parka on guint pins

The everyday life of the parkan begins on guint sticks from the markings of the plot. Once the location for installing the supports has been determined, proceed immediately before installation.

The installation of the pins will be followed by additional help nozzles with two handles. They are used to wrap the pali.

To install the parkan on the guint pins, the distance between them is planned to be two and a half meters. Bury the supports on the second meter. Once installed, follow the instructions for installing the parkana on screw pins.

do-it-yourself parkan on guint sticks - instructions. Photo

After the Vikonanny, we will prepare parkan on guint sticks. It is also necessary to install gates or gates in storage for specific needs. To install a screw from corrugated sheeting, weld the frame first, then attach the corrugated board to it. Mount the resulting structure on a support.

This kind of parkan on guint pins is easy to clean, inexpensive, and even reliable.

Features of installation of screw pins

So that the parkan on the guint sticks is clear and durable, it is very important to pay attention to small details. They sometimes seem unimportant, but they actually play an important role.

First of all, you definitely need a space for placing your fingers consider. The supports are removable on different positions, do not spoil the parkan with mitigation.

In a different way, directly required weld as carefully as possible. Rotate their eels, in the middle and at the bottom. Such placement will give the frame value.

Thirdly, stand between straight lines and be approximately level. The bottom is not to blame, but it should be close to the ground, so that the corrugated sheet does not stick to the ground. With intense contact, the vein will collapse.

Another important detail in the creation of the parkana is the installation Vorit. When installing a fence with corrugated sheets, a manual option can be a gate. For their installation it is necessary to exit such processes. Instruct the short palis to be screwed out of parkan. Two pieces are enough. Weld them before channel and until then, in my own words, rollers. The canvas rolls along the rollers. Then a trapezoid-like structure is installed. The corrugated sheet will be fixed on it and the canvas will emerge.

do-it-yourself parkan on guint pins video

Guintovi pali for parkanu - vidguki

Gvintov fell actively vikorystvoyutsya for the creation of fences, so you can always find people who can date you. It is necessary to say that our thoughts differed. Some people value guints by wasting pennies and promote more traditional and cheaper options for supports. And there are other people who themselves placed parkans on such fields.

Almost all the rulers of the parkans, as the supports of which vikorist the guint fells, are satisfied with the design. The stench is prescribed on durability such a parkan, you can tell that you can guess something, then. It is good to serve without any additional service.

One minus that can be guessed from this fall - price. The option with guint pins is not considered budget friendly. However, durability and reliability come at the same time due to the ease of installation.

External view of the fence

Most of all, the article describes a parkan made of corrugated sheets, for which supports were made that look like screw pins. However, corrugated sheeting is not the only possible option. Let's take a look at the various solutions and reconfigure what the new appearance of the fence could be like.

Parkan iz wooden picket fence, so that it is fastened to the metal straight lines. The fragments of the picket fence have less weight and windage, so there is no need for a central straight line. The design becomes light and simple. The picket fence can be secured into one ball or two: at the end and in the middle.

photo of a parka on guint pins

Screw poles can serve as supports for a fence metal rods. Such a fence of vision does not block the view, but rather obstructs penetration. The reliability of the parkan supports is greatly affected by durability and resistance.

photo of a parka on guint pins

The screws can be attached to metal mesh. Such a parkan will be even lighter. The mesh becomes stiffer on its own, so you can do without direct force. The mesh is secured right up to the joints. This option will significantly simplify the installation process and keep it running smoothly.

photo of a parka on guint pins

As a material for parka, not only wood, but metal picket fence. It is similar to material made from natural wood, but is resistant to adverse factors and highly durable.

Parkan iz planks on supports with screw pins - one of the best and most aesthetic options for a small booth. Never before will you want to wear a succulent parkan. The ribs look richer and are easier to eat from a kneaded bud, a lower metal fabric.

photo of a parka on guint pins

A good option is a parka made from corrugated sheets, which is designed for decoration. under natural wood. Since this is so difficult, it is not easy to accurately name the material. For such a design, screw pins as supports are suitable in the shortest order.

The technology of making fences using guint fingers is gaining great popularity. It allows you to solve the problem of the stability of the fence on floating and sticky soils, and also guarantees the reliability of the structure during seasonal hammering of the soil.


Screw-type pipes are empty pipes with grooves and equipped with a welded end. To create a parka on rocky soils, use a combination of vikoryst models with additional shovels. They will ensure uniform installation on the metal pipe and increase the value of the structure. On peat and soil soils, use a vikorist with a closed tip, and on a sieve with a closed tip. Pipes are produced with different diameters, depending on the type of soil, the height of the obstruction, the material for filling, the visibility of screws and holes, the type of wind pressure and the level of freezing of the ground. .

The widest pipes used are those with a diameter of 76 and 89 mm. They are suitable for installation of corrugated sheet metal, slate, metal picket fences and ready-made welded sections. For a lightweight fence with a chain-link mesh or a wooden picket fence, a finger with a diameter of 57 mm will be sufficient.

The screws are installed in the ground below the level of frozen ground. Installation is carried out with a single structure, so that there are only one section. Stalls are mounted on top of them, and debris is placed between them. In these cases, pipes of smaller diameter are often used, which are inserted into the empty pipe and securely fixed in it.


Popularity and growing interest in the technology of screw pins inspired by the current achievements of these structures:

  • Reliable fixation and high resistance of the joints of the equipment due to the presence of splitting and shovels, which help the pipe to be screwed into the ground without loosening it. A correctly installed fire plate can be used to last for up to 100 tons and last for up to 100 years.
  • Quick and easy installation. Installation of screw pins does not require concrete or earthen work and can be done with your own hands without obtaining special skills and professionals. Robots can operate all day long, including at sub-zero temperatures.

Zavdyaki clumsy dismantling pal_ can but vikoristani again. An hour of twisting one pipe by hand makes 30 pipes. The installation of all structures on the site takes one to two days, depending on the flatness and slope of the terrain.

  • The possibility of installing screw structures on any type of soil, including swampy and heaving areas, as well as permafrost areas and thermokarst. Installation of poles can be done with uneven terrain, including critically accessible areas. The soil balls do not mix or shift, which happens, for example, during the digging of trenches and the installation of driving pins, but instead, they are strengthened and stabilized. In places where there is a high level of groundwater contamination, the removal of metal fingers is possible only after the previous anti-corrosion treatment.

  • Durability. Guinty pins can last from 50 to 100 years. The term of service depends on the stage of development, the level of groundwater and climate change in their operation.
  • The low quality of the material makes it possible to protect up to 50% of the materials, in addition to being used on a string or other foundation.

The only conditions for vicorizing guint fingers are rocky rocks and oversaturated rocks.

Installation features

The first step is to measure the number of fingers. To do this, you need to measure the perimeter of the plot, pick up the width of the roll from the cut-off number, and then divide it into a segmented piece. Make sure that the deposit is 2.5-3 meters long and depends on the size of the filling material, the locality topography and the special characteristics of the rulers. Then you need to make an accurate marking from the designated place of screwing the pins, so as not to lose the crumbs. The depth of the gwents is no less than one and a half meters.

Now you can start screwing in the pipes. It is necessary to use a special valve to open the technological opening, which is located at the upper end of the pipe, by inserting fittings with a diameter of 3 cm. Pipe sections with a square crossbar are placed on both ends. And they will be more important.

The minimum length of the sleeve may be no less than two meters. In addition to self-made devices, you can quickly use professional tools. The presence of a squeegee with a clamp is important to relieve the robot and help control the verticality of the twist.

Installation of the tracks is carried out in threes, where one person stitches the vertical line, and the other third person twists it. It is very important to turn the gun exactly under the straight edge. The size of the sink should not exceed two centimeters beyond the sink, so that no more than 50 cm of pipe is lost on the surface. Control over the height and horizontality of above-ground plots is achieved through an additional level or hydraulic level.

If necessary, fill the empty pipe with slid and wash it with concrete, thereby preventing water from getting into the middle. The top of the metal should be treated with a two-component primer and anti-corrosion agent. This approach is important to continue the operation of the metal structure and permanently preserve its original appearance.

The upper part has fallen, spread above the surface of the earth, and can play the role of stovpa. Therefore, when choosing a double mount, consider the depth of screwing and the height of the support.

The next step is to compact the space adjacent to the pipe with further cementation or install a plastic plug. This will help prevent the soil from eroding the base of the joint and ensure greater durability of the structure.

First proceed to the selection of pins, depending on the diameter and length of the pipe, which will definitely cover the structure of the structure that carries. To install lightweight fences with wooden or plastic filling, it is enough to add a pipe with a wall thickness of 2 mm and a diameter of 54 mm. When purchasing parka shoes with corrugated sheets, it is better to give preference to models with a diameter of at least 89 mm. And for the functioning of gazebos, terraces and greenhouses, it is necessary to quickly install them with tight fittings with a wall thickness of 8 and a girder of 108 mm. In this type, the fawn foundation is subject to connection with further developments.

If it is not possible to carry out geological investigation of the soils and exclude the presence of a large number of stones and the presence of rocks, then a screw test should be carried out. For this you need to add one stick and turn it into the ground. The price of a pipe in a warehouse is from 800 to 1000 rubles, which is much cheaper for expensive geological research. Self-testing will help to determine the depth of the upper groundwater and the bearing fluidity of the formation at the level of the tight screw. Based on the testing carried out, the required height and design of the future parkana, it is necessary to calculate the required length of pins, the diameter of the pipe and the tightness of the blades.

Some models already have openings for direct fastening, which greatly simplifies installation and speeds up installation times. The stench is due to the presence of dowels or screws.

When filling the spills with a mesh chain-link, the fastening of the canvas can be sealed with soft dart or metal clamps. Avoid sagging mesh by pulling the wires tightly and stretching them in the top row.


Guinta battles for parkan are rapidly gaining popularity and generating a lot of positive influences. Residents view them as a wonderful alternative to parkans with a solid base in the fall, if laying a stitch foundation is impossible. This means maximum preservation of the terrain and the elimination of the need to dig trenches. The process of screwing the pins is rated as the least laborious and flexible compared to other types of construction.

There is a renewed respect for the overall cost savings and the ability to protect on steps that play the role of constructing the above-ground parts of screw fingers. The advantage is the possibility of self-installation without the need for additional materials and costs and without obtaining facs. Dismantling and second hand pins are also indicated in the nuts.

There are not a lot of minuses in guint fingers. People are vocal about the need to carry out geological surveys to determine the structure and strength of the soil. Based on the results of the examination, independent testing of the soils is required by the way of twisting the traces. The difficulty of standing fingers on rocky rocks and plots with a large quantity of large stones is noticeable.

Fence options

The screws fell into wide stagnation when parking and fencing were installed on any type of ground. They are successfully solving the problem of nearby aquifers and permafrost during waking hours. Due to their versatility, easy installation and low wear resistance, screw metal structures are becoming increasingly popular and in demand.

Parkan is an invisible part of the design of a Pribudinka or dacha plot. Just like any structure, a fence has a foundation. In addition, its function is to build steps, the lower part of which is inserted into the ground, and the upper part serves as a support for horizontal beams. When lining a massive parka, a reliable foundation is required, like a reinforced concrete strip like a foundation under a booth, a more budget-friendly, but no less reliable, non-bearing frame can be made from a system of pins.

In some situations, you can choose a foundation under the park

The screw pins for the fence must be completely installed in a row of drops:

  • With heaving and rumbling soils. It's crazy with any type of soils or rocky rocks. Particularly relevant are screwed pipes due to the presence of groundwater and in swampy areas, where the everyday life of a string structure or stops is impossible.
  • When planning the installation of any types of fences: metal fences, metal fences or wooden fences - screw fences, with the correct choice of cut and depth of installation, the building will be of any importance.
  • Installation of the fenders under the parking lot is possible in any season throughout the country. Such everyday life actively competes for the minds of permafrost.

Advantages of the fawn base under parkan

  • Easy to install. To implement this process, it is not necessary to use special equipment; screwing can be done manually. This work is handled by a non-professional.
  • Screw stops for parka are inexpensive to construct; due to the availability of a welding machine, they can be prepared independently, using corrugated or original metal pipes.
  • Smoothness of installation is a key advantage. One stop takes 20-30 turns, but for a beginner the process takes a little more than 30-40 turns. After burial, you can immediately begin before the next work, the entire park can be collected in 1-2 days.
  • A long term of service to the foundation depends on the correct preparation of pipes and their installation.

A few guint fingers under the fence

  • If improperly processed, the metal under the ground can rust, which will gradually lead to a decrease in the cob characteristics of the support, which is especially dangerous when cleaning important parks.
  • Pals are absolutely not suitable for hard soils: with heavy twisting, the dry ball of metal is crushed, and corrosion begins to develop in sensitive areas.

In relation to the fence, the fawn base has significantly fewer shortcomings, which means that you can safely choose the right type of foundation and proceed to the installation work.

Select your fingertips

Fire steel pipes with a sharpened tip until the screw blades are welded. Pipes are selected in the range of 54-108 mm in accordance with the pre-drained installation.

The deposit will depend on the method in which the steps will be installed and the depth of the support placed on the ground.

  1. If you need to install screw pins for the fence as the basis of the joint immediately, after selecting the choice, the remainder of which is calculated as follows: depth of insertion + height of the joint. The depth varies depending on the type of soil, with the average being 1.2 or more meters.
  2. The park can be built on a fawn foundation, covered with a grillage. Then take the bottom of the pipe as the depth of insertion at the ground + 20-30 cm for the above-ground part.

Rules for assigning depth and introducing parameters

To independently determine the depth of injection, it is necessary to convey a number of nuances:

  • 1) Palya is responsible for reaching hard rock, as soft clay and dry soil are handled in the field. This is necessary for the removal of soil in place during the period of swelling of the soil after being caught in a water-saturated area and the transfer of pressure to thick layers.
  • 2) It is important to select the bottom of the pipe in such a way that at least 1/3 of the bottom of the pipe or the upper part of the fire is under the ground.
  • 3) It is possible to accept the freezing of the soil beyond the clay. For this purpose, take the values ​​by region and add up to 0.2-0.3 meters. This method of designation is acceptable for light fences. To ensure additional rigidity and durability, the top section of the exit should be concreted on the surface of the soil.

Ideally, to determine the depth, tighten the front screw. The fragments of the soil are unstable due to their thickness, the pipes in various places of the fence rest against the solid soil at various distances from the surface. To avoid the situation, if the pipe is buried and its head is not above the ground, insert the additional module at the top end.

Methods for installing parkans on screw joints

Before the cob, a pattern is created to knock out the crust between the joints (it may exceed 2...2.5 meters). Carefully probe the place of installation of the gate and the bolt. Next, follow the diagram to mark out the layout of the supports. For this purpose, in the required places, drive in the pins and carefully check all the ingredients. The erection of the risers must be carried out carefully, especially when the park will be assembled from ready-made sections, as it is difficult to “adjust” when the support is installed incorrectly.

  1. In places where stops will be installed, dig out small recesses to make installation easier.
  2. It is easier to install the stands with a partner. Open the pipe and insert the installation key (small-diameter pipe or thick piece of fittings).
  3. Take the reinforcement or a piece, place a stick and center it around the reference points.
  4. The wrapping is being started. It is better to work with a partner: one holds the key from one side, the other from the other side. The wrapping is done step by step, carefully. On tough plots, it is important not to destroy the ball that has gone soggy on the metal, and it is important not to crush it; handle it carefully.
  5. Through the skin of 20-30 cm, it is necessary to check the verticality of the rukhu for the help of a level.

It is important not to miss the moment and not to set the stage too low! You can set a reference point in advance - drive in a rod or reinforcement to indicate the height of the head.

When the end of the pipe with shovels rests against a hard ball, you will understand: it is important to stop succumbing to the collapse and the metal will begin to deform under the force of pressure.

To screw in the pins, you can hire a special installation that will simultaneously bury the pipe and support the vertical.

Once the metal pipe is installed, it is necessary to install a head on it for further installation of the fence or a plug, which serves the function of the connection to the foundation.

For important fences or concrete purposes, pipes reinforce concrete baths. This installation option is suitable for foundation pipes that protrude more than 20-30 cm above the ground.

  • Vibrate the installation with a screwed-in algorithm;
  • Pour a concrete hole in the middle of the pipe, reinforce it with a vibrator to create a short section and prevent it from catching;
  • The place where it comes out of the ground is additionally concreted to a depth of 25-30 cm. This way, the surface acquires the durability necessary to support the important parkan.

Concrete construction will significantly strengthen the pipe in the middle, which is intended to absorb a great deal of vantage.

Porada: for the uninformed forgetters, it will be easier to install a parkan on screw pins, which do not exceed 2-2.5 meters, then. Stands - stands are installed side by side. It is easier to twist such a pipe, at least 3 meters long, and the stands are inserted into the pallet like an olive in a bottle - simply and understandably.

Fence installed

After installing the support poles, you can proceed to the construction of the fence itself. Moreover, when installing without concrete, work can begin immediately.

It’s not easy to make a parkan on guint sticks with your own hands:

  1. Horizontal slats are immediately attached to the toe posts for additional welding. You can choose to plant on bolts, if the fence will be light, for example, from a mesh.
  2. As soon as the role of the foundation has been abandoned, you can sing in two directions:
    • insert the stands into the finger pipes,
    • Place a head on the upper end, and place a fence or grillage on top of it.
  3. Now it is necessary to organize the upper and lower rows of beams on which the corrugated sheet or picket fence is attached. The best method of fastening is welding; for light canopies, you can get by with bolts.
  4. The remaining structure is the fastening of the picket fence and corrugated sheets, the installation of forged sections.

The construction of a fence on the fences requires only the completion of the basic principles of installing vertical elements; for everything else, improvisation is permissible: installation of the fence in stages or a lower beam-grillage, welding or re-tying with reinforcement, with twisting the parts with bolts - a brand, so that the structure of the fence is perfect.

Kozhen Vlasnik wants to protect his home and dacha from the penetration of outsiders and stray creatures, and by this very method, he creates fences. Of course, to achieve its direct function, the parkan is not only due to its attractive appearance, although this aspect is extremely important for wealthy householders, but also to be truly reliable and valuable. The main point is that these berries are combined with one more thing - the economics of the fence that is being built. The best solution to satisfy all your needs is to choose a parka on guint fingers. The history of this vicor is already over 200 years old. The article will look at the main advantages of guint fingers and the rules for their establishment.

Gwent fells for gardens

Screw parks, as the name suggests, are installed behind screw pins, either as the foundation for the intake pipes or to fulfill their function.

The stench is from metal hollow pipes, one end of such fires and may be disintegration. To protect against corrosion, a special anti-corrosion coating is applied to them.

They are usually divided according to a number of parameters.

First of all, the stench is similar to the appearance of carnage:

  • They are made in a standard way (Fig. 1);
  • with shovels;
  • with combined sections (Fig. 2).

Pali from various divisions is divided not only by calls, but also because of the importance of the stench of the uninsurable vitrimuvat. The most respected are the ones who are on the shovel, but also the most expensive. The stench, as a rule, is carried out by two shovels, which increases the reliability of the support, since the other is intended to distribute the pressure that is applied to the stick. The shells of which are painted are of great importance, and there is also the possibility of them stagnating on any type of ground.

In another way, the palli are separated by their diameter.

The most popular cuts for installing parking brakes:

  • diameter 57 mm;
  • diameter 76 mm;
  • diameter 89 mm.

However, the widest pipes in the everyday fence are made from pipes, the diameter of which is still 76 mm.

Thirdly, they are divided according to the method of preparation:

  • zvarni;
  • combined;
  • liti.

The most popular for everyday life are boiled fires. Lithium, the building displays great vantage, optimal for everyday life.

When it comes to combining fingers, the first two species are sacrificed for their stench, and they are much more likely to be vicorized.

Brewed fire

A welded pole is a metal pipe, one end of which looks like a cone with previously welded shovels. It is equipped with a special anti-corrosion warehouse. The blades, as well as the cone, are formed by plasma cutting, which ensures the accuracy of the machine. The stinks are suitable for installing a parkan, so that in which case there will be no serious attention to them, but for the wake-up call, the stink is inappropriate due to its low importance.

The screws that swing the crafted tip are divided into a number of types:

  • for rocky soil - heavy-duty shovels, which create reliable adhesions from the soil. Relying on them for building fences is irrational, due to the lack of serious pressure on them;
  • with an open-type tip - suitable for any kind of soil;

  • with a closed type tip - also suitable for any type of soil.

Lithium guints fell

The cast iron has a guint cone-shaped side. They are prepared with the help of perfectly accurate models that look like perfect shapes. With their help, a monolithic tip is created from shovels. Its main advantage is the high cost of heavy use, due to the fact that the smell is like steel on the surface.

Lithuanian screws are cut apart for this, for some types of soils the stench is recognized. The stench roars:

  • standard. For basic soils with large shovels;
  • for plots with high groundwater. With medium shovels, this guarantees that the soil will not become fluffy during the hour of compaction;
  • for permafrost soils. With small-sized shovels, which will lighten the work of the installed pallet and eliminate the risk of distortion.

Advantages of building a fence on guint poles

The tightening of the screw fingers when the suction stops are closed is popular for the sake of their benefits, as they cause stinks.

  • High importance. First of all, let us recognize the special nature of fences on the fences, as their value - 1 fence can equal the value of 4 tons.
  • Versatility. Parking can be installed on pallets on loose soils, including soils - peat, clay, soup, loam, with a high level of groundwater, etc. However, it is not recommended to install parks here - in areas with rocky rocks, the fragments here can be removed at any time, which will underpin the nutritional reliability and durability of all structures, what's going on?
  • Don't force preparatory work. The smells are suitable for use in any territory – both at home and in the countryside. In addition, their installation will not require any preparation of the territory. Stinks will definitely come as the park grows between the trees and near the stumps.

  • Easy installation. Another significant advantage of screw posts for fences is ease of installation. The process does not require professional knowledge and can be carried out in a very short period of time without the need for special equipment - the entire operation can be completed manually.
  • Possibility of repeated vikoristannya. Gwent's fells can be vikorized again, which is even easier, if it is necessary to establish time-sensitive fences.
  • Environmental friendliness. Installation of screw pins does not seal the structure of the soil, and the fragments will not be added to any loose speech.
  • Reliability. Parking units installed using this technology have enviable durability and can last for more than a century, which is confirmed by a wealth of facts.
  • Price available. Good price – brightness.
  • Easy to repair. Screw pins, used for the safety of parkers, are distinguished by the fact that they are easy to repair.
  • Easy to dismantle.
  • It is possible to wake up during the winter hour.

Rules for installing parkans on guint pins

Like any installation robot, installing a fence on screws has its own nuances.

  • Firstly, proceed before installation; you will need to test the screws. This is necessary in order to determine the possible amount of buried fingers that may lie in the soil.
  • The pins can be screwed manually, as indicated above, or mechanically, using special equipment. It allows you to screw them in without any additional openings in the housing.

  • Regardless of the installation method, it is necessary to chew the screws until the smell reaches the solid ground. Be sure to use the correct couplings and even after the main part is secured.

  • Once the beam is installed, it is cut to the required level and filled with concrete grade no lower than M-150. This is to promote the structural strength of the structure and prevent the penetration of moisture into it.
  • Also, to protect the upper part, it is necessary to prime it with a special two-component compound and coat it with anti-corrosion, wear-resistant mastic.
  • If at a site where the installation of a fence, folding soil is being carried out, then it is enough to lay the stake at a depth of 1.5 m, especially since it would be practically impossible to screw deeper for such minds.

Do-it-yourself installation of parkana on guint sticks

In the report we will look at one way to install the parkana with your own hands. The following materials can be used for the production of canvas:

  • corrugated sheeting;
  • tree;
  • mesh;
  • concrete;
  • tsegla;
  • forged segments.

Most often, wood and corrugated sheets are used for mounting parkans on guint sticks. In this case, the frameworks, as a rule, are built into one scheme, which serves as the basis for further descriptions of the work of this article.

Preparatory stage

The first thing that needs to be done is to mark the perimeter. It is important to note here that there are no common underground communications built nearby.

Porada: the distance between the supporting pillars should be 2 to 3 meters (depending on the characteristics of the soil), but the optimal length is no more than 2.5 m.

Then I go to test the screwing, which will help determine the depth of the pins. Keep in mind that according to the rules, the minimum depth of twist is 1.5 m. This is determined in order to avoid the distortion that results from the influx of frost heaving into the soil. If you don’t follow this rule, you can eliminate serious problems with an already installed fence.

Finger installation

It is important to prepare for small depressions near the ground (15-20 div) before marking. She puts a pin on it and spins it.

To do this manually, you need to remove the important parts from the pipe. On the skin side of your skin, at least two meters are responsible (anything larger makes it easier to bury the stick in the ground).

Porada: since the soil is too fluffy, and we can’t get a grip on it, we need to work on it for additional attention.

When the screw is screwed, you need to immediately follow its vertical alignment with an additional stitch or alignment, otherwise it will no longer be corrected (a deviation of no more than 2 degrees is allowed). If the nahil did not manage to quilt immediately, the fire would have to be completely removed from the ground and start everything. You will have to work in this situation if the fire cannot sink to the minimum permissible depth of 1.5 meters.

This means that the fire reached the hard ball of the ground very simply - at the place of contact, it was important that the metal began to deform when reported.


Then the walls are cut to the required height and concreted. If necessary, small burrs should be made around them to be filled with cement mortar to secure the support in the required position. However, they come in unnecessarily, and are more likely to be victorious during weekdays. To install the parkan, it is entirely enough to simply screw the pin onto the required depth.

At this stage, the upper edge of the pallet can be covered with dry deposits.

The further sequence of work will remain due to the fact that the height is lost on the surface:

  • If it is 1.5-2 m, then installation of straight joists begins before them;
  • If 30-60 cm, it is necessary to install intake stops.

Direct installation

After this, proceed until the directives are established. For fences with sheets of corrugated sheets, they require at least 2 - top and bottom. You can attach them in two ways:

  • weld across the middle to the supports;
  • Screw it to the stops using additional bolts. At this point, in places where there is direct passage, metal pieces are welded, on which there are holes for fastening.

Installation of corrugated sheets

The method of fastening the corrugated sheet depends on the chosen style of the fence. Most often the panels are installed parallel to the supporting beams. When attaching the first sheet, it is very important to make the alignment precisely, otherwise, as the work progresses, a problem such as distortion will appear.

When installing the first panel, it is important to quilt it so that it is at a height of no less than 5 cm above the ground. If the leaf covers the ground, it will quickly waste its operational resources under the influx of water.

Work on installing panels must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • The height from the ground to the bottom of the corrugated sheets is indicated;
  • a sewing thread is stretched between the joints of the parkana exactly according to the specified height;
  • the first panel is applied, oriented with threads for proper installation;
  • it is necessary to check that the height and temple are set correctly, and only after checking, fix the sheet;
  • The front sheet is aligned behind the front one, pressing it to the horizontal joists, after which it is also fixed;
  • repeating the forward stages for all advancing arches.

Parkan on guint poles with canvases made of ready-made corrugated sheets.

Speaking of which, we can say that screw supports for the fence allow you to install residential and permanent fences, and their installation does not lead to any unevenness in the field, nor is it difficult to do so. The installation can be done manually, without the need for special equipment, and the result, despite its numerous benefits, is pleasing to many people.

When a wide fence was built, screw poles were removed for the fence. This is due to their reliability and low priority.

In order to install screws under the park, you will need a lot of knowledge, as well as the necessary tools. This article will examine in detail the reasons for the installation of such fences, their advantages and the robotic technology itself.

Design and types of parkans

Fencing can improve the landscape by crossing erosion of the soil

Fences on fences are installed for a number of reasons, but also:

  1. To demarcate the territory.
  2. To protect against penetration into the privacy of third parties and wild creatures, as well as sounds, wind, noise, etc.
  3. For the interior and decoration of the territory.
  4. In some cases, the fence will help with significant strengths and the combined number of beads in a single complex.

The design of the screw gun is simple. It consists of 2 key parts: a drill bit and a tip. At first glance, this design looks like a large flower with a gimlet that screws into place at the end, which ensures the shortest entrance to the ground and reliable support for fastening. The design diagram can be made lower.

The fencing on the fences is placed faster, lower with the use of other materials. This way the vibration is more reliable and stable.

Gwents are used for the latest types of parka:

  • “chain-link” is a popular parkan. This is the simplest and cheapest type of fence, but the dryness of power is extremely small, so that you can simply step over it or crawl under it. It is often used to protect against the penetration of great creatures into the same territory;
  • parkans made from welded mesh. The stench is more significant and massive, but not considered earlier, but is not considered to be of high importance;
  • corrugated parking lots. A popular look that is widely used. Vine has the best price and quality.

Advantages of the Vikoristan of Gwent Fingers

The parkana on the palis can be installed on any ground

This material is available in a wide range depending on the following parameters:

  1. The main feature is the ability to install parka on screw pins on any ground. It is determined by the structure of the virobu. The screws, screwed into the ground, are firmly fixed, which ensures reliability and durability.
  2. The possibility of installing a parka on guint sticks with your own hands. Installation of such a base is carried out quickly and easily, without the need for special equipment and a large number of workers.
  3. There is no need to dig a trench under the base. For installation it is only necessary to drill a hole under the fire.
  4. The procedure for replanning, renovating or dismantling the fence is simple. It will be enough to just twist the material out of the ground. As a result, the soil becomes unusable and suitable for planting.
  5. It is possible to quickly repair this fastening or replace it. In this case, breakdowns occur very rarely. The term for the service of guint fingers of insurance for 100 rocks.
  6. Installation work can be done for all weather reasons, so that no traces of stench will be added to the foundation of the fence.
  7. Its quality is significantly less than that of other components for the life of the parkan. Also, the services of robot workers are much cheaper.

Select installation tools

Where the soil is soft, the shovels are to blame

The most important thing when building a hut or fence is to choose the right fastening structure. Even these elements are divided according to diameter, depending on the type on which the gwenty is located.

If you are making a parkan from screw pins, you must choose carefully so that the structure lasts a long time and you do not have to overpay.

When installed on fluffy soil, it is necessary to choose fastenings with a large diameter; on rocky and uneven soils - long vibrations, allowing the surface to be frequently damaged.

For a fence from corrugated sheets, the diameter of the pallet must be 76 mm or larger. If the fence is made from a mesh, the diameter of the screen should be between 57 mm. Also, when selecting foundation elements, add soil in order to select the required amount for the future basis of the fence.

They are screwed into the drilled opening

To create a parkana with your own hands, you need to create a basis on which the fence stands. For installation you need the following:

  1. Determine the location where the fence will be located, and plan for the installation of the foundation. Next, set the points where the installation of fasteners for the fence will be carried out.
  2. Apply the drilled soil at the back of the designated points to a depth of 0.5 m. The interval between the points is 2.5 m.
  3. When drilling, the openings are inserted and screwed to the required depth. In this case, the depth is due to the type of structure and is not responsible for freezing the soil.
  4. For better value, the fence can be filled with concrete to strengthen the structure, but in this case it will be impossible to re-visor this component when re-planning the fence. For more details about curling fingers, see this video:

Installation of parkana with corrugated sheets

Directly welded in 2 - 3 rows

Once the reference points are set and the screw pins are installed, proceed to the installation of the fence. The widest type that can be installed is corrugated. To maintain a parka with corrugated sheets, you need:

  1. The fastenings screwed into the ground are installed perpendicular to the ground on one level and metal plugs are placed on them. The height from the ground is determined independently according to design standards.
  2. Direct installation for future parka. Stinks in 2-3 rows are welded to the placement of the supports.
  3. Corrugated sheeting must be attached directly to additional special fittings.
  4. Processing of metal particles using dry methods takes place. With this help, the fence will last longer, and corrosion will not be a problem. Watch this video for more details:

When a fence made of welded mesh is installed, the folding technology is used. Order of attack:

  1. In this type, the screwed-on structural elements are reinforced with ductile concrete for superior durability.
  2. A drain pipe is welded to the tops of the pali, which will serve as the upper cordon and the cob of the future welded mesh.
  3. This involves fastening other components of the fence with a welding machine. The stinks are installed up to the joints of the welded pipes on the tops.
  4. At the end of its life, the parkan is prepared for decoration and greater resistance to corrosion. For more details about the installation of the structure, see this video:

Pali guints for parkans have recently become widely available. From now on, the stench was vikorized by the military for the smooth development of the garden. They will also be helped by small single-surface booths on uneven ground. This material is due to its popularity due to its low quality and great variety.
