Funny status for Vatsap inscription. Cool statuses for whatsapp

Funny status for Vatsap inscription. Cool statuses for whatsapp

Do you tell you decent or truth?

"From bad habits I only have a job"

What is the smoke talking with a cloud?

"The crisis is not" all bad. " The crisis is "and before, it turns out, it was good."

"People are divided into two types: loyal and temporary"

"A truly smart person can silence when he is right."

"The level of my luck is late in a 24-hour store."

"The more precious character, the more heavier"

...... .. waiting for a date ...... ..

The future is what is approaching at a speed of 60 seconds per minute.

In each chaos - there is your own order!

Here and the holidays end !!! Who did not cut - well done!

All in our hands, never lower them!

Rose on the way true. I stand ... go something where?

Yesterday I was lying about two ... I did not sleep terribly! Tomorrow is about one block ...

The head is disabled for non-payment ...)

Yes, I forgot more than you know!

Things went well, but figs will understand where ...

Case time ... Fun space.

Money gives freedom to choose misconceptions.

Money spoil people ... So, we, mostly, the people are good ...

In order to hear yourself, you need silent days.

If I wanted to sleep in the evening, as I want in the morning ...

If suddenly the earth disappeared from under his feet, it was possible that life took you on the handles.

If you brought joy, come in without a knock;)

If a person has why he will lead anyone as.

Life game, play beautiful.

Life need to live so that you knew google about it

It is necessary to live in Japanese: not a torpedo, not Volnovess and Smiling.

You need to live so that the depression is from others!

Infect me with life ...

Sometimes two headphones replace the whole world ...

I look at the phone screen every minute ... Suddenly came sms from you ... And maybe a whole missed call)

Every Monday I feel like Robinson Crusoe ... I miss Friday very much.

How highly did not take off, do not forget with whom near this crawled.

What a pity you finally leave!

When only chocolates were enough for happiness ...

To whom a lot is given since much and asks.

Who gets up early, he lives far from work.

I bought conscience, and she had a shelf life.

The best decoration of life is a good mood.

My best friend is synonymous)

Love is at a distance - this is when you love salary, but it's not all.

People are so surprised when you lead yourself as they are with you.

I change the bright memories of fresh impressions.

Dreams should come true. They have such a job ...

Everyone is endowed with the brain, but not everyone sorted up with the instructions.

My temperature grows only from the thought of you.

At your mistakes, it is necessary to study, on strangers - to make a career.

Do not be like everyone else, start a new life from Friday.

Do not look for happiness, but be its source.

I can not stand when others work. I'll go fly.

Do not take anything to your score. In addition to money.

Not sugar, I don't touch beautiful words ...

Do not create what you can not destroy.

It is impossible - this is not a fact, but only an opinion ....

The imperturbability of the mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

Trouble-like napkins: pull one, and pull out ten! \u003d (.

No, there is a sad story in the light .. than a story about the missing Internet ..

Higher education, but the consideration is average ...

Pay attention to the plinth. And remember this is your level.

Loneliness is a freedom of freedom.

Paradox: The more difficult the situation, the smaller the phone is charged.

Before you say something, make sure your language is connected to the brain ...

Weather depended - Reboot is required!

Give me someone book: how to tear off the ass from the chair and go to sleep)

Polyethylene with pyroids ... Tell me the depression "PHF".

The latter laughs the one that did not immediately reach.

I came to your girlfriend crying for life ... laughed until morning.

Just type ............

Born crawling, disappear - I take off!

The most pleasant in life is to do what they are forbidden.

The best day is today!

Rent all our former deer for rent Santa Claus. Cheap)

Today you can learn a lot about a person, reviewing his recordings on social pages on the Internet and different messengers. Let your chosen statuses in the "VATSAP" emit irreparable optimism and please others.

How many roads should a person get around before I understand that lost?

I look at the fairy tales about the princes, and I dream at least about the horse!)

Status rests! Tired of changes in the mood of the hostess! ......

Happiness is to find someone who was looking for you.

You go quiet - more travel.

Then in the group are invited, then in the game ... they would take, but they were invited to the kebabs!

Each of us will have the one who will take all of our cockroaches and make friends with their!

Work has three advantages: Friday, salary and vacation.

Code Flashmob - Zowni in the morning at work!

Want to become a portrait - keep yourself as part!

Worst of all - everyone wait, and then catch up ...

What do you want? - Cola, chips and your surname ...

To achieve something in life, you need connections ... Good neural connections!

Wonders! Around solid wonders!

The economic crisis makes saving on everything, even on the beech ...

I like a convertible, so cool, but no roofs!

I love the world because I'm nyashka!

I did not want to offend you, just accidentally lucky.

I am humble ... but you will definitely like it ...

I am a builder of your mind.

The selection includes funny and funny statuses for Watspa short with meaning about life for the most popular WhatsApp messenger

The statuses for Vatsapa are a label, short (but not always) statements that are displayed near your behalf in Watsape. Themes that are covered in such a statement may be different: about love, about life, with meaning and without it (just expressing emotions).

Beautiful statuses for WhatsApp are cool phrases and aphorisms, in which you can express your attitude towards different things and describe your experiences. We choose the words, grind the metaphors - and voila, you become a pen shard for surprise friends.

Stats for Vatsap Short with meaning

The past is not important. Find yourself in the present and you will rule in the future.

It is better to be the last among Lviv than the first among Shakalov

We slow speed and lost time, priceless time! It is necessary to miss it - then you will not return!

If every person could live a full life, giving will every feeling and expression of every thought, carrying out every dream, - the world would feel again ... a powerful rush to joy.

Never give up. Except you yourself, no one will make you strong.

Only one road leads to freedom: contempt for what does not depend on us.

If you managed to deceive a person, then this does not mean that he is a fool. This means that you trusted more than you deserve!

The boys do not cry, they go to the staircase to smoke.

Do not catch up on the past, you will not be there anymore.

If at least one blooming branch remains in your soul, a singing bird will always sit on it.

Now people people can not give each other anything other than the body, the souls have long been rotten from lies and alcohol.

Not to be ashamed to be in someone in debt. Ashamed of this debt not to return.

No need to run from a sniper, just die tired.

Fate is not good to those who are too timid.

One day you look at my avatar and understand with horror: closer than on the monitor I will not be.

If you marry, and then run "left", you or a loser, or a jerk.

Never pack up to betrayal. Any treason is a comparison, the search for the best than you have. The one who is looking for the best will never appreciate what has.

When the sea grief and sadness evaporates, Sol cognition remains.

Life is a rigid thing, so it is involuntarily becoming hard. But remember and the fact that there is nothing solid, which cannot be made soft. Water expires any stone, give only time.

The native city is not the one in which you started your life, but the one in which you want to finish it.

Cool statuses for Vatsapa

Wisdom does not always come with age. It happens that age comes one.

Men are obliged to wear their women in their arms, then there will be no problems in relationships.

Every life is death. And most deaths are suicide.

Wife with her husband to judge, except God.

Sometimes we need only a small step in order to make the circumstances work on us.

Look for someone who calls back when you hang up. Call back not because not proud, but due to the fact that it costs.

If you turn the eyes to the danger, it will not disappear from this.

Return confidence is much more complicated than to earn it for the first time.

The flock of the rams, led by Lvom, will always defeat the herd of Lviv, headed by a ram.

How easy it is to live when you can just tell the truth, and it will not kill you or those who are dear to you.

You will never be able to forget what you want to forget the most.

It is better to just drive the dreams as soon as they start taking clear outlines, and live today, and not empty fantasies.

A man will be successful and strong only with the woman who believes in his success and strength.

What a pity that we are starting to understand our parents, only after children themselves appear!

Beautiful statuses on Vatsap

Wealth gave rise to more greedy people than greed - rich.

Do not wait for your handsome, since the deformity is pouring with you. Who are you, then you are waiting.

The ability to endure pain - the real weapon of the warrior. Learn this, and no one will win you.

The sage will find out more from stupid questions than a fool of a wise answer.

What we do is just a drop in the ocean. But thanks to us, this ocean will fall on a drop less.

Make the kindness of the basis of life, justice - measure, wisdom - a barrier, love - Otrada, the truth - light.

Good to be a beautiful woman, but your beloved is better!

Feedness is not even love.

Just lost - we will start to appreciate, only late - we learn to rush, just not loved - you can let go, only seeing death - learn to live.

Truth is born from deeply planted roots, and top covered with mud.

Quarrels and misunderstandings are healthy satellites of any emerging relationship.

Time is the only unit of measure. Only it determines the matter. There are no time without time.

The marriage is similar to the tree, the strength of which will show no sunny days, and nights of storms and hurricanes.

Welcome passions, otherwise passions will master you

When you run away, you can not think about rest.

The best statuses for Vatsapa

This is the best gift of genius. Do not brag your own greatness.

No matter how high the mountain was, any of her slope can become a path.

I am ready to do how much steps towards meeting, but not one after.

I did not know the wisdom, I am sure that love and happiness must be lined up.

The authorities have those who have no power over themselves.

True value is to appreciate what's in you, and not you.

A handsome man is one who comes beautifully with another person.

Do not live sadly, do not regret what happened, do not guess what will be - take care of what is!

In all languages, people most talk about love and about power.

The deceased, which is remembered, more and more powerful.

If the blind was asked what sight, he would answer that it was blindness.

The essence of life is not to raise the greatest gravity, but to raise the largest of the settlers.

Wise learns on other people's mistakes, smart - on his own, and the stupid repeats them.

Live, do not cause anyone evil and do not let anyone make evil to you.

Conviction is locked doors, or keys to open any door

You will never find a better friend than your parents. Only they speak good about you behind you, and in the face - what are you shit.

There is nothing worse than a person without soul. I do not replace the soul with prosthesis.

What you do not have - not to lose what you have - do not save.

There is no such path that leads to happiness, happiness is the path itself.

Live as you want, but do not confuse drama and happiness.

What status can be put in Vatsape

The road on which you go, is laid by other people.

Listen, what your heart says and conscience.

The one who seems awesome at first glance can actually be kind if you share with him with your light.

Everyone must try as power. And the more you are given, the more you have to do.

No wonder: surprise produced gods.

Never think that you better understand what you need other people.

If we are freed from one influence, we are becoming more slaves.

If you are not going to get better tomorrow, then what do you want for tomorrow?

The truth is spoken - greed overshadows mind and pushes into the grave.

Even a very small victory over himself makes a man much stronger!

If we accuse God for each tear, why do we not thank him for every smile?

Everything needs to be solved in advance.

Who is not satisfied with what has, it may lose everything that has.

For those who believe in the resurrection, death does not mean anything. This is not an end, but rather a new undertaking, a second chance, reunification. But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe resurrection itself, the concept is so attractive that it is easy to forget before rising from the dead, you first need to visit hell.

Original status in Vatsape

It makes no sense to remember who once forgot about you.

Everyone finds something in the past, the loss of which is not to regret.

It is known that irresponsible speeches sometimes do not cheaply cost, but few people know how expensive.

From truth you can not hide, whatever bitter is not.

Remember, the main thing - to believe that you are stronger than your opponent. If you believe in it, he will believe in it.

Statuses for "Watsapa" are short, with meaning, the statements that can show how man believes in fate, whether the preference is given by the case or its own forces.

Most status for Vatsap with meaning is published in honor of the events or holidays meaningful for the author. Meanwhile, WhatsApp statuses about life can be placed depending on their mood and attitude to this. Our statuses for Vatsap with meaning about love will suit all users of the messenger, regardless of their gender and social status.

After all, it happens that after reading some phrase where a deep meaning is hidden, a smart thought or simply philosophical wisdom, it penetrates the soul so much and so close to our own views on life that we start using it as our status on the social network, Watsape or as a forum signature, in general, wherever you can.

New cool rice statuses, funny short quotes, beautiful aphorisms, best jokes, phrases, poems and good touching statements with meaning for VC and classmates.

Beautiful statuses for WhatsApp are phrases and aphorisms in which you can express your attitude towards different things and describe your experiences. We choose the words, grind the metaphors - and voila, you become a pen shard for surprise friends.

  • Freedom is not what they give us. This is what can not be taken away.
  • The stronger of all those who can defeat himself.
  • There are two scenarios in life: or you die in illusions, or illusions die in you.
  • A person who does not like to sit at home is simply not able to do it right.
  • Life is similar to ride on the Great: if it's hard to breathe, then you go to the mountain.
  • Sometimes you have to listen to such nonsense, and then it turns out that this is a point of view.
  • If you want to change your life, get rid of everything that prevents: extra things, stupid thoughts, some people ...
  • It's never too late to become whom you have always dreamed of becoming.
  • A person takes all a couple of years to learn to speak, and the rest of the life to keep the tongue behind the teeth.
  • The student learned all the tickets to the exam in philosophy, but did not come - after all, life does not make sense, and we are just the sands in it.

Beautiful sayings for status in Watsape

Proverbs and sayings Russian people always loved in a special way. To this day, folk wisdom and wit are expressed, which are gradually moving into the Internet space.

  • If you have no good, then the truth is not enough.
  • Guest is not a bone, you won't throw away the door.
  • It is necessary to live, but I want to live, but how God tells.
  • Who makes good, God will repay.
  • There will be a friend - there is a leisure.
  • The best joke is a joke on myself.
  • If the bonfire of love fuses, it is necessary to light it from the coal.
  • All people are mistaken. Some more, and the other all the time.
  • When you are alone - it is not bad. Bad when you are zero.
  • Believe in itself even when the whole world doubts.

Beautiful photo on status in Vatsape

  • Why do I need a guy if I can solve my problems myself?!
  • In the morning I decided to collect my thoughts. It turned out that no idea of \u200b\u200bthe meeting was appeared.
  • Paradox: Beautiful girls are often obtained in the photo so-so.
  • In kindergarten I had everything - both the husband, and children, and superconduct. Best lifetime!
  • Alas, but most guys now do not achieve the one that they really like. They choose the one that will accurately agree.
  • I have such a place, touched to which you can drive me crazy. This is my soul.
  • You can call me as you like, but the main thing for each word add "mine".
  • I am always 18 years old! And I ask everything else to consider experience.
  • I can make a million steps towards meeting, but not a single step after.
  • If the girl came out somewhere without makeup, then she has a guy who loves her very much in any form.

Beautiful statuses on Vatsap about children

Statuses about boys and girls, about our childhood and about parents, sleepless nights near the children's bed, about love for their family - a very popular topic for reflection and recognition. You can write a lot in different ways, for example:

  • My resort is called "Decree". Thank you, love! This program is saturated, even sleeping once.
  • I ask my son: Show how you love me! And he fits and hugs me tightly, so sincerely. That's happiness.
  • In my opinion, the whole point of existence is to leave after life.
  • Most I want to become a good mother. Like mine.
  • Before breaking around and shouting on a child, remember yourself in the same years, to pursue him and kiss. And go from Valerian.
  • It seems to me that only my husband can sleep under the screaming body and wake up if it is turned off.
  • A man should never complain to his wife or on the car. And that, and then he chose himself!
  • A happy marriage is when the spouse understands everything that spouse said about.
  • Happiness is when there is no time on the Internet, because you spend all your time with my family.
  • Family is not just a seal in the passport. This is a look in one direction.
  • And let my parents sometimes be wrong. Anyway, these are my closest people, and I love them very much.
  • Sometimes we forget that the family and the house is the most important in the world.
  • Learn to trust your children, and not tightly control each step.
  • Family is the only place where everyone finds love and respect. Here will never laugh at your weaknesses.
  • Labor, loyalty and responsiveness is the basis of family happiness.

We wish you a great mood and cheerful communication!

If you want to brightly and unusually declare yourself in your profile in whatsapp, you will come to the rescue short statuses for Vatsapa.

Why do short statuses need for WhatsApp?

  • First, charismatic and memorable statements help us express themselves on the Internet. Many prefer precisely concise and few-seed phrases, because restraint shows only the better in us.
  • Secondly, you can promptly report to friends and colleagues, where you and what you do, who is next to you.
  • Thirdly, your frantist will be pretty well if you offer a joke or a cool anecdote.
  • Fourth, thanks to the status, you are easy and just inviting friends to a party or any other place. It turns out a kind of composure, only the results you will get instantly.
  • Fifth, using the quotes of a favorite writer or some celebrity in the profile, you will pay attention to his fans and, perhaps, organize a discussion.

The shortest and good statuses for Vatsapa can be divided into several categories, they can be on common topics or something personal. In this group, any questions related to the fact that you are particularly worried that you are interested in: here you can talk about the weather, and about studying / work, funny cases and cool sayings - everything will be appropriate:

  • If you do not know which side it is better to approach - go to hell, do not make a mistake!
  • Conscience is a hamster: or constantly nibbles or sleeps.
  • Good luck smiles only the most brave.
  • If you are happy, then why do you write former?
  • The rake is taught to one, and the head also believes in miracles.
  • I spend the survey: and all your teachers are also called "Sorry, please"?
  • How cool to be loved!
  • I wish everyone to find your half and live together until the oldest!
  • Melt the mother's heart will help cleaning and washing dishes.
  • Nervous is not the one who feels his fingers on the table, but one who twitches it.

A little positive self-criticism, wit, and your image in the eyes of friends becomes brighter and more attractive. You can surprise them slightly or arrange a provocation - the main thing, keep in the framework and not lose face.

  • How unfair! The salary is given once a month, and I work every day!
  • Professional success is when in the office you are sitting back to the wall, and not some premiums there.
  • My cat knows more cool key combinations than me.
  • When they are sent to three letters, I'm glad to fly to Goa.
  • I love sometimes silent. It was then that someone will hear me.
  • I hear the word "impossible" only when I ask.
  • I am hard and serene. As an overdue gingerbread.
  • I have a siny already from the hands lying!
  • For me, there is nothing more dramatic to parting with a blanket.
  • I'm lucky in life - I have a socket right next to the bed.
  • I'm not looking for happiness. I am happiness myself!
  • I am responsible for my words, yes. But only not for how you understood them.
  • I hate bugs: it seemed to have slept, but still did not sleep.
  • Do not shave the beard. What if she grows magic?
  • Get ready. Talking quietly. Nothing hurts. There is a fur coat.

Short statuses for whatsapp with photo

Such an option is mainly chosen by those who care not only about the meaning of their statement, but also on its external design. You can install a romantic-dreamest picture with beautiful words, or a funny cat with the text of a joke, a sad black and white photo with wise aphorism - and so on, what is enough fantasy.

Short statuses in a wagon for a girl

As you know, the representatives of the beautiful gender occupy most of the Internet audience, including among the users of the Whatsapp messenger. It is they "produce" the overwhelming majority of statuses, and how many mold and unpredictable the female mind and their phrases reflect the most distinct areas of life and manifestation of feelings.

  • I will write you better than call. The heart goes into the heels while I listen to these endless beeps.
  • I am increasingly convinced that some guys live a little evil hysteric.
  • I woke up, smiled, snapped and went to conquer the world.
  • If I fall - make a desire! After all, the star fell!
  • My plans for the next three years - do not give birth and die. And the rest is somehow applied.
  • You can be a million times right, but what's the point of this. If your favorite cries?!
  • When I was small, I didn't want to travel anyway and dreamed of living in a hole from the duvette.

Short statuses on whatsapp for women

Here, life experience and amazing female wisdom comes to the first position.

  • I am still not married, because I wear the ring "Save and Save."
  • I already have 30, and I have never thrown a man's things from the window!
  • Infuriates when you pick up a few kilograms for a role, and then you remember that you actually do not actress.
  • A good husband, finding the wife of his wife, must add there even money.
  • You eat, I cook. You are dirty - I am erased. You are a litter - I clean. Lord, so what would I do without you at all?
  • They say that the princes do not happen. I generally without a difference, because I am with the king!

Short statuses for Vatsapa about family

Homemade focus and love for its inhabitants inspire us to many cases, including writing the grateful and complete gratitude words to the family. But sometimes I want to turn a little and complain. Everything is fine - who, like natively, will treat such criticism with understanding.

  • It seems not to be small, but still running my mother from work - suddenly she brought something delicious.
  • My husband came from work yesterday very tired, so the married duty decided to give money.
  • The mother-in-law should take their daughter-in-law. Perhaps the next will be even worse.
  • The husband is a man who throws garbage, and then a month remembers this, as if made a general cleaning.
  • It's a shame: you get a wonderful spouse, and in addition to him all of his strange relatives.
  • If a man is ready to minimize the mountains for the sake of a woman, it means that he loves her. If she is ready for the sake of a man, then, most likely, this is his mother.
  • I work my mother. This is the highest paid job! After all, I am paying love!
  • My granny always feeds me as the last time.
  • If the mother says "no", then try to ask your grandmother.
  • The only thing I worry about is my family. The rest is complete nonsense!
  • Happiness is when my husband who does not hear a single alarm clock, wakes up if I stop hugging it.
  • Family happiness folds from kindness, patience and responsiveness.
  • My family is the most comfortable and warm place on Earth.
  • I love my mom. This is the most hopeless optimist in the world, because in spite of everything she considers me the most best.
  • Dad sat with a child one day and tired. And the mother on the decole is doing nothing three years old.

Options can actually be a huge amount, they will differ in meaning, reflect the different characters of their authors and their preferences. And for the decoration of the profile you can always put short statuses for Vatsapa with pictures. We wish productive communication!

Statuses for Vatsapa more often look like cool phrases and aphorisms that are remembered as a breathtaking joke. You can show yourself to the soul of the company, skillfully using sharp words and turnover, raise your comrades and colleagues mood in a dressed working day. Even if you yourself got up not from that foot or something right in the morning did not seek, it's not trouble. You do not need to immediately fall into despair - try to look at the situation on the other side and just smile yourself and your interlocutors in Watsay.

It is better, of course, when the statuses for Vatsap are not only cool, but also short, because to read a sparkling bike for ten minutes, it is unlikely that anyone wants, but everyone loves to laugh.

Here is some of them:

  • Of course, I am an independent personality, but I like it when someone rubs my back with a washcloth.
  • - Hello, I Valera! - Very nice! - Oh, it's not for long.
  • We are born to make money dust!
  • Everyone is mistaken: someone else, and someone all the time.
  • "Wait" - my second name.
  • With clean socks in the closet quality of life improves. Appears, so to speak, confidence in tomorrow.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? - Yeah, only if it is shoes.
  • Optimism arises from the lack of information.
  • It turned out that I am not one of the abnormal. I also have the same girlfriend!)
  • The longest stories usually begin with a cunning word "shorter."

Cool statuses on whatsapp

Cool statuses on WhatsApp in Russian write everything, so the theme of these aphorisms is so diverse. Here you will meet the student humor, and folk wisdom, with the descriptions of the everyday situations faced by each of us, and even school jokes can also deliver a lot of pleasure. And the topic of love and relations of floors is the most grateful.

For example, you can take:

  • Everything is bought by a circle: who is an apartment who car, who is a yacht. I'll go and I go for bread!
  • I meet the depressed with a smile. He thinks I'm an idiot, and immediately runs away.
  • In order to build something, you need to stock up with good materials.
  • Astrologers are judged by people as products from the store, - by date of manufacture.
  • A person is considered young until the child gives him his outdated telephone.
  • I even have blood negative, but about the character I will say better.
  • Everything went just perfect until I decided to make sure.
  • Of course, I'm not marshmallow, but it is not even against chocolate.
  • Neither shame or conscience. That is, nothing superfluous.
  • Such a persistent feeling that I am eighteen. I can not prove!

Funny statuses in Watsape

Funny statuses in Watsape - general pets. To be able to laugh at themselves, even in a difficult moment, this is the art and an indicator of a wise and bold man, with whom also more mischievously. Feel free to post in my profile some joke, a joke or a small joke! You will see - the positive reaction of the entire Fritther is guaranteed!

We offer such options:

  • Who covers your mistakes? Architect - ivy, cook - mayonnaise, and the doctor is a sheet.
  • Natural stupidity is stronger than artificial intelligence.
  • They say if you want to live, you need to be able to spin. I seem to leave soon.
  • T9 is a bad assistant at dictation.
  • I am looking for a man without problems to create them them.
  • The man said, man's dishes beat, a man's thing from the window catches.
  • The only white band in my life is toilet paper.
  • Thursday is almost Friday. I think about it every Wednesday.
  • It is much more interesting to eat much more interesting than sitting on a diet.
  • It is a pity that you are finally leaving ...

One of the most popular options is to put pictures and funny photos with funny signatures on the status of WATSAP. It is unlikely that someone will be able to pass by and not comment on your message, especially if it is said, "made" some day and caused a wave of positive.

Rye statuses for Vatsapa

Rye statuses for Vatsapa are a bomb for your profile. If I am confident in your sense of humor and you know that friends will be able to appreciate it - dare and explode!

  • Thank you, the Internet. Thanks to you, I felt very early. Early in the morning.
  • I don't even want to send you anywhere - I look, you are already from there.
  • The arrow of the weights wounds a hundred times more randor than the Arrow of Amur.
  • Some lawyers are very expensive! Sometimes it is cheaper to buy a judge.
  • Why do I need fitness? I smear the feet of Vaseline and running on the spot.
  • Depression is when after viewing the film for adults, you think about the fate of the main characters.
  • Nobody congratulated me happy birthday. It is not surprising, because he is not today.
  • In order to raise the mood to friends and colleagues, - do not need to look for a reason! Cheered them right now!


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