Lizard tattoo meaning for girls on the leg. Lizard tattoo: meaning, choice of place of application

Lizard tattoo meaning for girls on the leg. Lizard tattoo: meaning, choice of place of application

Lizard tattoos are quite common in the modern art of body modification, but not everyone knows that this particular symbol could be seen on the bodies of the ancient aborigines of New Zealand. What does this sign mean and is it worth using it as a sketch for a body image? In fact, the "Lizard" tattoo is a positive symbol that has many meanings, we will try to make out the most interesting of them and understand who this tattoo suits best.

Lizards in the culture of different countries of the world

It is believed that the first to apply the image of lizards to their skin were the indigenous people of New Zealand - the Maori tribes. The animal's body was curved and resembled the modern letter "S". Such a drawing was considered a magical talisman against evil forces and other entities. The "Lizard" tattoo has a completely different meaning in ancient Greek traditions. According to the inhabitants of Greece, this animal is a symbol of Mercury, the patron saint of eloquence and trade. But the ancient Romans considered lizards to be an image of death and the resurrection following it. According to the views of residents Ancient egypt nimble reptiles symbolize logic and luck. If you asked the people of South and Central America what the Lizard tattoo means, they would not hesitate to answer you that it is a sign of sexual energy and fertility. Africans are convinced that this animal symbolizes compromise and the ability to negotiate, and according to the version of the North American Indians, we are faced with the personification of deceit. And if in Africa it is believed that the wisdom of a lizard can prevent war, the population of North America, on the contrary, believes that it is unclean thoughts, combined with the cunning of a reptile, that lead to conflicts.

The general meaning of a tattoo

The lizard is a sign of agility and resourcefulness. Surely each of you in childhood tried to catch this nimble reptile and was amazed at its ability to throw off its tail, and eventually grow a new one. Making a tattoo depicting this animal will be useful for people seeking to become more resourceful and learn how to solve any problems. Often such a tattoo is done by women who want to become more interesting for the opposite sex or who dream of children. Keep in mind that the lizard is a symbol of sexuality and fertility in many cultures. It is not by chance that this animal is associated with resurrection, because it really hibernates and wakes up after wintering. Accordingly, a lizard tattoo is suitable for those who want renewal, dream of starting a new life and "reborn". If you fill in such a sketch with precisely these thoughts, everything will work out for you, and luck will accompany you in all matters.

What else can the image of a lizard mean?

To many, reptiles seem incredibly wise animals. Let us turn to history: lizards, snakes, turtles and alligators have lived on our planet since time immemorial and at the same time practically do not change. That is why the "Lizard" tattoo, the meaning of which is multifaceted, can be deciphered in the same way as a symbol of wisdom, dexterity and eternity. This sketch can be applied to the skin as a talisman. Very often, businessmen and politicians choose tattoos in the form of lizards - after all, they so need oratorical talent and the ability to quickly solve any problems. Keep in mind that a body image does not have to have deep meaning. If you really like the "Lizard" tattoo, do it for the sake of beauty, without thinking about the deep meaning.

Choosing a place for a tattoo

A sketch of a lizard for a tattoo can be large and realistic or small and stylized, contour. You can place such a tattoo on almost any part of the body. The most common options are the "Lizard" tattoo on the leg, on the arm, on the back, for girls - on the lower back or lower abdomen. Some especially extreme people tattoo this animal on the neck, chest or behind the ear. Remember the main rule: if a new underwear image is a talisman for you, place it where, if necessary, you can always hide it under clothes. But if, on the contrary, for you the "Lizard" tattoo is a decoration, place it where everyone will see it.

The lizard tattoo is a popular way of expressing oneself among people of all ages, nationalities and religious beliefs. However, those who want to express themselves in this way should take a responsible approach to the process and its nuances. Before a beautiful drawing appears on the body, it is necessary to go through the main stages, each of which is important in its own way:

  • selection of a picture;
  • choice of the master;
  • choice of location;
  • tattooing;
  • recovery period.

At the same time, what happens first: whether you choose the master first, and then the drawing and the place where you want to see it, or there will be some other sequence - it does not matter. However, choosing the tattoo artist is considered the most important of the first three steps. After all, an experienced artist will help you, and the place of his placement, and at the same time will do the work beautifully and efficiently.

When going to a meeting with a professional, it is better if you know roughly what exactly you want. In order to make it easier to decide on the theme of the drawing, we have prepared a list of the most popular themes for tattoos:

  • ornaments;
  • insects;
  • animals;
  • reptiles;
  • plot;
  • copyright.

Each of these options is popular in its own way and has its own characteristics and meanings of individual drawings. Reptile tattoos are a highly demanded topic for drawings on the body, which has remained in fashion for several decades and is not going to give up its place to others.

The meaning of a lizard tattoo for the owner

Reptile-style body art is a broad topic that has many options for images for people with different temperaments and interests. The most popular representatives of tattoos in this topic:

  • lizard;
  • snake;
  • the Dragon;
  • crocodile.

The option that is especially popular is a lizard tattoo. This reptile is diverse in shape and color, in addition, many different variations have already been invented for its image. Thanks to its smooth shapes, a lizard tattoo will look harmonious on both a man's and a woman's body.

Of course, before you run to the master, headlong with a request to fill a lizard in any convenient place, you need to study in detail the meaning of a lizard tattoo. After all, a tattoo is forever, so it is better if you are sure that it is the lizard that reflects your interests, character and aspirations.

The drawing on the body in the form of a lizard contains the following semantic loads:

  • adaptability;
  • flexibility;
  • insidiousness;
  • speed and resourcefulness;
  • abundance;
  • death and rebirth;
  • development;
  • logics;
  • perception.

Based on the list, the lizard is not such a primitive reptile, which has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, if you take tattoos seriously and philosophically, then decide whether you are ready to take over the energy of this animal.

Lizard tattoos have been popular since antiquity. This is how the Maori tribe believed this animal the embodiment of dark forces... However, at the same time, the Indians believed that the drawing on the body of this particular reptile scares away evil and otherworldly energy. The Greeks endowed the lizard special connection with the god of trade Mercury, she was also an allegorical embodiment of logic.

Australians and some peoples in Africa considered this reptile ancestor of a kind, which explains its presence in folklore works.

What does a lizard tattoo mean in the countries of South and North America, as well as among our ancestors

  • in South American Indians she was a symbol of fertility and sexuality;
  • peoples of North America she was considered the patroness of the water element, symbolized development and growth;
  • slavs they endowed this reptile with the ability to protect humans from dangers and troubles.

Each nation has chosen for itself special meaning this animal, which he carried through time and preserved to this day.

The lizard tattoo, the meaning of which is different for each country and its inhabitants, nevertheless carries the energy of the ancestors. Therefore, having decided to make a drawing on the body in the form of this reptile, choose the meaning that is closest to you. After all, the main thing is what exactly you put into a tattoo and with what mood you do it.

Lizard tattoo: meaning on different parts of the body

Having decided on what a lizard tattoo means for you personally, you need to choose a suitable place on the body. If you have not yet decided where exactly you want to fill the drawing, then you should consult with a professional. The wizard will tell you the most suitable area for a particular image, and also show examples of work in the style that interests you. In addition, if you are not sure about the drawing itself, then the tattoo artist make a sketch of a lizard on the bodyso that you can appreciate the picture itself and the location of the future tattoo.

On the foot

A lizard tattoo on the leg looks pretty impressive. At the same time, miniature tattoos and volumetric drawings look equally good on the calf, thigh or foot. This placement of the picture is the best possible will reflect the meaning of the lizard tattoo on the leg in the image of flexibility and speed, which is embedded in the image of a lizard.

On the hand

A popular option is also lizard tattoo on hand... The versatility of this drawing lies in the fact that by varying the size of the picture, you can find the most suitable location for the final image.

Tattoo is one of the modern ways to show other people your essence and nature. It is also a great way to express yourself. Today, many girls and guys get tattoos for themselves. But, before you decide on this step, you need to think it over well. First of all, you need to find out the meaning of the tattoo. This is a symbol that will be with you all your life, so you do not need to paint anything on your body..

The lizard is one of the most popular tattoo designs. It suits both girls and guys. You can even say that this is a universal drawing. What does it mean?

Meaning guys

Since ancient times, the lizard has been considered a symbol of the moon and water. To this day, it symbolizes cunning, agility and speed. This drawing will look perfect on a guy's body. Men who are accustomed to solving problems quickly and efficiently prefer this particular tattoo.

In order to interpret the meaning of a lizard on the body, it is necessary to look at the character of a representative of the strong half of humanity.

Most often, this pattern is found in men who are not afraid of difficulties in life, as well as those who are used to taking risks.

The lizard protects from problems and gives confidence in their abilities. She also emphasizes a sharp mind and ingenuity.

Meaning in girls

The lizard on the girl's body has a slightly different meaning and interpretation. A tattoo with such a pattern makes the image of a lady mysterious. Not every girl dares to draw this reptile on her body, and if she has already decided, what prompted her to do this remains a mystery.

She also perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the female body and makes it more attractive and sexy. Men love girls who are capable of taking risks and rash actions, and therefore girls with a lizard tattoo attract more attention. Such a drawing also means that the lady wants to protect herself from non-envious glances.

Value on the "zone"

Tattooing is also one of the favorite ways to entertain people who are in places with limited freedom. Simply put - on the "zone". That is why most people, before making a tattoo for themselves, find out its meaning in the zone. Fortunately, there is no interpretation of a lizard in the "thieves" world. That is, the prisoners do not seek to fill themselves with such a picture.

Many people mistakenly confuse it with a snake, which means "creeping reptile." This is interpreted as a not very respected person. The lizard tattoo has nothing to do with this interpretation, and therefore it can be safely placed on your body.

Before going to a tattoo parlor, you need to think carefully about everything. First of all, you need to select good specialists with a positive reputation. Tattooing is not fun, but really serious business. Non-professionals in their field can infect you with not very pleasant diseases, some of which are fatal. Therefore, if you have already decided to get a tattoo, then approach this issue with all responsibility.... Life is always more precious.

The lizard tattoo is well known and often used since antiquity. A lizard in a tattoo is most often depicted in the form of the Latin letter "S", but a wide variety of species and colors of lizards also causes some differences in the meanings of a lizard tattoo.

In ancient times, the lizard was attributed to the elements of water and the moon, she symbolized agility and speed, elusiveness and cunning... In the Maori tribes, green lizards were considered the personification of dark, demonic forces, and at the same time they believed that the image of a lizard could scare away evil, therefore, in the tattoos of indigenous New Zealanders, Maori is perceived as powerful amulet and was called a patron demon.

IN greek mythology the lizard was associated with the god of trade and rhetoric - Mercury. She associated with an allegorical depiction of logic. In the folklore of Australian aborigines and some peoples of Africa, the lizard is called the ancestor, its image is inherent in their folk tales and legends.

In general, in the ancient world, the lizard was revered as a symbol of wisdom and good luck of dexterity and logic... South American Indian tribes considered her a symbol of fertility and sexuality. And in North America, lizards were called patrons of rain - the heavenly element of water, they were also considered a symbol of growth and development. In the beliefs of our ancestors - the Slavs, the lizard was also a positive symbol, it was considered a fence from danger. In some peoples, it was believed that lizards could interpret dreams. In Russian fairy tales, lizards acted as brave faithful helpers of people, they warned about bad things and helped people. In the Ural Mountains, the lizard was considered the spirit of the copper mountain. For the ancient Romans, this reptile meant death and resurrection.

In Christianity, lizards, along with snakes, have become associated with evil and the devil. In Australia, ona has become a symbol of adultery or family misfortune.

The meaning of a lizard tattoo is often expressed as a symbol of agility and rebirth.... This is due to the lizards' ability to regenerate. This property is expressed by the unique ability of lizards to leave or discard their tail and other body parts, which then grow back. Lizards do this in cases of danger or simply over time, when the tail wears out.

The chameleon, as you know, has become a generally recognized symbol of adaptation, originality and diversity, originality and willfulness. The meaning of a chameleon tattoo is expressed by its creativity and extravagance, flexibility and fluidity.... In ancient times, the chameleon was associated with the element of air and believed that it feeds on the wind. Among the people, this animal has become a symbol of an unprincipled person who is easy to manipulate, who changes quickly under the influence.

The monitor lizard differs from all other lizards in its particularly large size, it is often called the "Komodo dragon". In ancient times, among the Thais, he was considered a harbinger of misfortune and misfortune, was a symbol of security . The meaning of a dragon tattoo is expressed by patience and observation, composure and inner isolation, calmness and strength.

Lizard Tattoo On Shoulder

The lizard is considered a guide to the world of subtle matters. Esoteric interpretations of tattoos are associated with it. The second side of the sign is addressed to the properties of scaly to regeneration and vitality.

Reptiles have a developed intellect, a lively mind. These properties make it attractive for those who wish to highlight their intellectual merits.

Lizard tattoo general meaning

Lizard tattoo for smart and savvy people. The owners of the mark are most often witty, with a good sense of humor. The advantage of the drawing can be considered versatility. The flexible body of the reptile can be bent into the letter "S", creating a beautiful composition.

Each owner decides for himself what a lizard tattoo means in his case. However, in the tradition of tattooing, a number of generally accepted interpretations are attributed to the image.

In a broad sense, a lizard symbolizes:

  • wisdom;
  • logics;
  • luck;
  • agility;
  • protection from negative energy;
  • family happiness;
  • rebirth, etc.

If a lizard is laid out in a sign like the "S" character it is from evil. The resting lizard symbolizes wealth, attracting money.

Lizard tattoo meaning for girls and guys

For women and men, the meaning of a lizard tattoo is radically different. In lizard tattoo parlors, the meaning for girls is presented as an image of a guide through the world of spirits. The meaning of the tattoo may relate to the personal qualities of the owner.

A set of female interpretations:

  • cunning;
  • grace;
  • selfishness;
  • sharp mind;
  • the power of creativity;
  • Mistress of Copper Mountain.

You can understand what a tattoo means by the manner of execution and style. For the symbolism, the lizard refers to volitional qualities.

This reptile has a well-developed intuition and strategic thinking. In the hunt, she relies not only on her instincts, but also on experience.

A tattoo stuffed on the forearm or wrist suggests that the lizard is a reflection of determination. She is the embodiment of the desire to go to the end. Moreover, its essence:

  • good breeding,
  • leadership
  • desire to achieve maximum results.

Green reptile personification of the ability to laugh at yourself. A raised head and an expectant posture are a symbol of reliability and constancy. Lined with a lizard in the letter "S" on the forearm, it personifies the desire for development.

Places of application

The choice of the place of application is purely individual. The future owner must listen to himself and understand where he sees the symbol on himself.

For men, the typical place of choice is the area on the leg. The tattoo looks good in the lower leg area. An elongated flexible body can be extended along the bone line.

It can wrap around the back of the calf. Thanks to the curving elastic tail, the figure can be pulled around the bone of the foot.

The second most popular place is the wide part on the neck. Even in untrained guys, the neck is wide and strong with prominent muscles.

A green wiggling silhouette will create an artistic effect. Emphasize the peculiarities of the owner's style. Lizards, laid out on the temple along the line around the ear, look original and original.

  • photo from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

  • photo from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

  • photo from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

  • Lizard shoulder tattoo
  • Lizard tattoo on hand, blackwork
  • Lizard Tattoo On Shoulder
  • Lizard tattoo, geometry

  • Lizard Tattoo On Foot

  • Lizard Tattoo On Leg
  • 3D lizard tattoo

  • Forearm tattoo, photo from:\u003dig_web_copy_link

Among women, a place on the arm in the bicep area is popular. The drawing takes up most of the space.

Small silhouettes are laid out in the bikini area, on the instep or on the wrist. Lizards, laid out on the temple along the line around the ear, look original and original.

To emphasize the beauty and sexuality of the body will allow applying the composition to the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder blade, between the shoulders, under the collarbone. Drawing on the thigh is considered a primordially feminine area.

Styles, how to complement the tattoo

The lizard is one of the totem animals. Her image was considered a privilege, a symbol of high status. In modern tattoo art, the image of a reptile is interpreted through tribal, dotwork.

The following directions are considered popular:

  • polynesia;
  • blackwork;
  • maori;
  • haida.

One of the deities of the Aztecs incarnated into a lizard. Therefore, a realistic totem creature has become part of the tattoo tradition of the same name.

With the growing popularity of 3D drawing, realism and hyper realism began to prevail in works. The image of a flexible creature took pride of place in the galleries of works of the following directions:

  • watercolor,
  • graphic arts,
  • black and white.

Images in sketch style, geometry and linework look attractive. The green lizard fits perfectly into the atmosphere of old school and new school.

Lizard is a universal symbol. Not surprisingly, it is easy to get confused when choosing a style and manner of performance. If making a choice is very difficult, rely on your favorite style. Sketches are easily adaptable to any direction, which simplifies the work of the master.

For lovers of realistic directions, it is recommended to look for a photograph. Her images are popular with professional photographers. Rely on how much you like the overall composition. The master will adjust the palette to match your skin color.

Compositions in style look interesting. Thanks to the point technique, the pattern will appear on the skin with depth and volume. For ethnic trends, you can choose a drawing from a number of real totemic images of the peoples of Oceania.

Your master will help solve all doubts and help with the sketch. His advice will be based on how the drawing will be applied to your personality. A preliminary discussion will allow you to find the best option for your tattoo collection.

Video - lizard tattoo, photo gallery


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