Pattern of cardboard. Horseshoe: how to make a powerful charm yourself

Pattern of cardboard. Horseshoe: how to make a powerful charm yourself

Horseshoe for good luck is an amulet that is used since ancient times. On its basis, not one saying and believing was invented. For example, everyone known "to the one who found the horseshoe after the horses on the path, for that luck will turn face." And about its unique properties and characteristics, it was known for a long time ago, the first mentions in history were found in the burials of emperors in 481 BC.

The subject was put there in order to and in the past world, she brought good luck to her owner, in those days nothing was done just like that. And now in the 21st century, the old charm has not lost its popularity and is used by people who hang him over entrance door. What is the reason for such popularity?

What rules need to stick

Horseshoe on happiness after the horses is the oldest charm of Slavs, who gives a man the opportunity to get rich and doing more successful, one can say that this is a kind of ticket to Klondike. We used how real horseshoes, migrating them into the dwelling, laying under a pillow to good luck, carrying on the neck in the form of a culle, on hand as suspension on the bracelet, and even made a tattoo with this image. There are even some divinations in which the horseshoe be used. However, if you want to create a charm with your own hands, which will work for you, it is worth complying with some rules when creating it.

  • It is forbidden to create a horseshoe for yourself, it is believed that the horseshoe is better to give, it does not concern the original horseshoe after the horse
  • When you start creating an amulete guard, you need to free the thoughts from the negative, think only about good and believe in yourself
  • They are considered the most powerful talismans those who were presented by the most close people, that is, relatives or parents, with also brothers and sisters
  • It is important to think through all the nuances, that is, to carefully choose the material, in accordance with the preferences of a person, his zodiac sign and so on
  • It is important during the creation to think about what you would like to wish the person for whom the horseshoe talisman is meant, nothing else should be in my head.

Is it possible to do horseshoe for yourself

Unfortunately, it happens that the desire to possess undercurrently, but the first to give a charm for you is no one. What to do in this case? How to make a horseshoe with your own hands and then hang over the door? Of course, this version of the development of events can be an exception to the rules, and you will be able to make a horseshoe yourself without any assistance.

In order to start performing a charm in classical execution, you will need:

  • Several options for materials (cardboard, burlap, twine, wood and so on)
  • Mirror (size up to 50 cm in diameter)
  • Church candle

It is necessary on the mirror to draw the contours of the horseshoes using a melted candle wax for this. It is important not to do the horseshoe too big, it should at least approximately correspond to real sizes. Then, in turn, lay out all the materials on the mirror that were prepared in advance. It is important to do it with closed hands so that the sensations were more acute and distinct. Your task is to put hands on the mirror from the materials and carefully listen to your feelings - this material is what you were looking for or not. Do not worry, the choice will be very easy, because with the help of a mirror, the energy is enhanced several times and positively charged materials will be felt. If you clearly felt sympathy, stop on this material and take it as a basis.

After the choice is made, you need to carefully cut the workpiece and, if necessary, fill it with a filler for volume.

You only need to choose natural materials, such as, cereals, hay, and so on.

Such a horseshoe, made on happiness with your own hands, can be worn with you, imperceptibly in the bag, or in the bastard, if we are talking about a man. Good luck will be with you exactly so much until the charm has for you special meaning and is in close proximity to you. Horseshoe is a symbol that will work as long as they believe in it.

Features of manufacturing horseshoe

As mentioned earlier, the previous version of the horseshoe chalk is classic. However, in order to put the horseshoe with additional characteristics, that is, add extra force according to individual needs, it is possible to add it a variety of characters:

  • A bag of happiness is a small pouch on a horseshoe, which usually put a coin, paper money, beans, rose petal or four-lift clover flower (four hundred). These are symbols of monetary well-being, a full life and love, it is their attraction - one of the reasons for the use of horseshoes;
  • Dried pepper - a symbol of a man, his masculinity and courage;
  • Pumpkin crust or her seeds - a female symbol, personifies the feminine and motherhood;
  • Corn seeds or small pillage - a symbol of fertility and the continuation of the kind;
  • Walnut - wisdom and intelligence;
  • Dried herbs (any) - symbolizes health and protection against major diseases;
  • Cork bread - harmony and family agreement, help in creating a new one;
  • Coin (separately, not in the bag) - accompanies success in the work, promotion over the career ladder;
  • Onions, garlic - are a reliable protection against the other world, evil spirits, evil eye and damage;
  • Sunflower seeds - symbolizes wealth and well-being in the house;
  • Any berries - will contribute to the sexual life of everything well;
  • An apple or pear - often coat or glued on the horseshoe those who work on the gardens or fields, as it contributes to the best crop;
  • Wicker shoes (Napti) - we usually rub yourself from the vine or hay, symbolize the house, as such;
  • Broom of straw - will take conflicts and quarrels from your home;
  • Pine bump - will give extra force to work;
  • Poppy seeds - will help your dreams become a yawl;
  • Dill or bay leaf - will reveal in you talents and abilities, with their help it will be easier to succeed.

Making a horseshoe charm for an apartment

If we are talking about horseshoe, as a faith in the 21st century, it is worth saying that it should correspond not only to the canons of the fulfillment of the talisman, but also approach the interior of a separate apartment or at home. We will tell step by step, how to make a horseshoe from the subwoofers, without applying any special material costs for this.

  1. The basis of the guard will be a piece of plywood or a dense cardboard, if the first found could not be found. On the Internet you can find a lot of templates and patterns for which you can cut the workpiece of the talisman. If you draw well and have excellent fantasy, of course, you can draw everything yourself;
  2. After the workpiece is ready, you need to cover it with a cloth. Usually used burlap, twine or flax, as both fabrics are natural, and they are both well stained with dyes, if you want to change the windows of the horseshoes. For edging to hide the tissue seams, you can use your own woven thin braid, for example, from a twine that can be weave yourself independently or to purchase it ready.
  3. Now we learn what should be located on the horseshoe. At the top you need to arrange the flower, preferably a chamomile. The fact is that this flower for a long time is a symbol of good and trust.
  4. Below, as it should be, the lapties are fixed, because our overag should have legs. However, in order not to be naked and bare, you need to put a small coin in one of the lapels. On the left or on the right, you can install a wicker lack of eggs, roosters or other birds, as a symbol of unity with God, the bags that were told earlier and so on;
  5. To secure parts and components, you can use nails or hot glue. The latter refuel into the nozzle - the gun, which greatly facilitates its use;
  6. It is recommended to use in the decoration of the horseshoes, as much green as possible (you can decorate with leaves, grass, make green base color and so on). This shade symbolizes the nature and unity of a person with it;
  7. It is worth saying that on the Internet you can find a lot of photos from the master classes with examples of the work of professionals with undercalax. The color is distinguished by the color, size and number of details, each of them means. You can choose to follow the one that will not only like externally, but it will not be too complicated performed. This is especially important for those who are not particularly fond of crafts, that is, for the first time, they will do anything with their own hands for the house.

Decor manufacturing material

All decorations that were written earlier can be purchased ready, or do it yourself, if you have a desire and opportunities. For example, in order to make berries of strawberries or sea buckthorn, you can use the usual dough with a large addition of salt. In the people, such a type of test is called salted. How to cook such dough? It is necessary to take in the same quantity of the salt and flour of the first class. Then we gradually add to the mixture with warm water, mixing thoroughly. As a result, you must have a sufficiently elastic material that resembles a dough for dumplings or dumplings.

Crave the necessary parts from the test, then dry them. To do this, use the oven preheated to 50 degrees or simply hang the dough into the street, of course, if the weather is without rain. After the material is completely drying and has become solid, you can start paint the dough. To do this, you can apply ordinary paints, for example, borrowed from your child. It is important after applying the color, consolidate the result using a conventional nail polish. It will protect the color, and also add glitter.

If we are talking about how professionals work with horseshoes on master classes, of course, the salt dough does not go through. They work with more durable materials, such as:

  • porcelain
  • polymer clay
  • plastic

Is it possible to perform a horseshoe from salt dough

Earlier, a method for manufacturing parts for horseshoe from salt dough was described, but nothing can prevent you from making a horseshoe frame from this, the same material, especially since it is quite simple and understandable. On the Internet you can find a lot of master classes on this topic, here we will give the most simple and understandable, while playing every step of making horseshoes from salt dough with your own hands as much as possible. It is worth saying that even children can participate in this process, as it is 100% safe, and also takes children of any age.

  1. The first thing to do is to replace the dough. As this is done, it was told earlier;
  2. Next, with the help of a rolling or bottle, we carefully roll up a layer with a thickness of no more than 2 cm;
  3. With the help of a knife and set to cut the horseshoe, that is, the workpiece for it;
  4. After that, put the basis of the dough on a baking sheet, covered with parchment paper, and put into the oven, warmed up to 100 degrees. You do not need to completely dry the horseshoe, but only prepare for the next stage. Therefore, in the oven it will spend only 5 minutes;
  5. Place all the decorations that you have planned to do and prepare in advance small holes on the edges for decorative tapes;
  6. After that, place the future horseshoe in the oven again, but now for 15 minutes, that is, until complete drying;
  7. After the charm became dry, be sure to cool it out, then start painting by any paints. However, preference is still worth paying acrylic paints, as they are applied more evenly and do not need an additional fixing layer of varnish;
  8. The final stage of the manufacture of horseshoes from a puff pastry will be the foundation of the base with decorative ribbons, which symbolize the completeness of the overag, and will also connect all parts with each other.

It is worth saying that Horseshoe from salt dough is satisfied with the fragile, so you need to use it carefully.

Horseshoe - Magnit

If you do not want to make a large product, you can give preference to small horseshoe magnets. They can also be made with their own hands at home from girlfriend.

For the foundation it is recommended to choose a small cut of cardboard or plywood. In any case, it should not be too heavy so that the magnet can hold it, for example, on the refrigerator. Then you need to cover the base with the cloth, the principles of its choice remain the same. Decor and decorations are selected, based on their preferences of each individual person. Here we will look at one of the options for manufacturing a magnet "Horseshoe magnet of coffee grains".

We make horseshoe from coffee grains

In order to make a charm of coffee beans for a refrigerator, you need to get such components:

  • Coffee grains that were roasted on big fire
  • Cardboard is dense - this is the basis for the chamorax horseshoe from coffee beans
  • Adhesive Pistol
  • Fabric for winding and scissors
  • Something for decorating

It is necessary to cut two half of the horseshoes, each length should not exceed 15 centimeters. Then, with the help of a glue gun, makes them together. After that, you need to pull on the billet of the Capron, it is on it that grains will be glued. It is necessary to fill all the free space by grains. After that you need to attach a magnet on the opposite side

We make horseshoe from candy

How to make a horseshoe with your own hands from candy? This charm is often used for a gift, especially it is suitable for newlyweds. Or it can become an excellent gift on New Year's Eve. The advantage is that such a souvenir horseshoe can not only hang over the entrance door, but also partially eat. We find out that it will take for this:

  • Chocolate candies in foil packaging
  • Packing cardboard
  • Gold leaf
  • Tape for decoration
  • Pistol with glue
  • Double sided tape
  • Knife or scissors

Standard start, it is necessary to cut the workpiece. Then plane it with foil with hot glue. Uneven edges can be decorated with ribbons, also glued with a gun. Now the workpiece is ready and the case remains only for candy. Moreover, the edible part of the horseshoe can be both with external and from the inside. You can choose any type of candy, both chocolate and any other. There is no special ritual on the horseshoe, although the charm can be staging with the help of correctly selected special prayers. It is believed that giving such an overlap with a young married couple, you make their lives of sweet.

How to hang horseshoe correctly

There is a tradition to hang horseshoes up endings, that is, on the contrary, only this location can give you confidence that the charm will work. Let's figure out in the main features:

  • Traditional accommodation - in the form of a full bowl, inverted horseshoe, that is, hanging horseshoe down horns above the entrance
  • If the horseshoe is placed correctly, that is, the semicircle is up, it will protect it from the effects of otherworldly, but it will not work for good luck
  • Horseshoe in any case should be strictly over the entrance door, it will only bring good luck
  • Horseshoe is also often used in the design of the dwelling on a hairdryer, in this teaching she plays the role of overall for health
  • Hang horseshoe in the house you only need one nail
  • Often to protect against accidents, horseshoe horn in the car over the driver.

Now you know how to make your own horseshoe for happiness. In conclusion, it is worth saying that Horseshoe is a powerful wubble, which serves to protect against the evil eye, damage and other energy attacks. Also used to attract good luck to their side.

How to hang horseshoe for happiness!

Souvenir. Horseshoe for good luck. Health of happiness and good

Horseshoe for happiness.

How to hang horseshoe for happiness

Whether you can buy or make an independently, so the overpowering power is only intensifying. Handicraft made with their own hands - this is the most powerful talisman. Which brings only positive changes.

Many centuries ago, the horseshoe was considered an amulet who was able to bring good luck, success and wealth. If you plunge into the ancient beliefs, legends, then you can find out that in the tomb of Nero - Emperor was found Horseshoe. And this discovery was carried out at 482 BC. Already in those days, people believed in this talisman, bringing good luck.

If earlier this talisman could be found in almost every home, then at present it is almost unrealistic to see the horseshoe. Are modern people no longer believe in a miracle? May be, this is connected somehow withthat cars have replaced cars, and the horse in the city is rare? Perhaps it is for this reason that such amulets became irrelevant.

At present, you can simply just make such a talisman yourself. And how to make a horseshoe for happiness with your own hands - it tells below.

Features of the guard "Horseshoe"

The meaning of this talisman, as mentioned earlier, is good and success. But if such a talisman do it yourself, then it is necessary to follow some ruleswhich are as follows:

When creating the overag, it is also necessary to think about who exactly you will be presenting it. During creation, it is necessary to clearly represent character of this person, feel his energy.

Modern assortment

Currently these are Made from a variety of materials, such as copper, iron, as well as silver and gold. However, the Most Horseshoe black, which is also called Nosheny, is most revered. It is she who is a symbol of abundance and prosperity, luck and happiness. The correct horseshoe must be made from iron, without any drawings and inscriptions.

As a rule, horses wear horseshoe no more than a month, after which it should be removed, clean, wash and process. After polishing and grinding, a decorative coating of precious metals is applied with a galvanic method. Most often for this use silver or gold. After that, the talisman is covered with varnish. Next, the horseshoe is beautifully packed, and as a result it turns out a rather unusual gift absolutely to any celebration.

The range of such talismans is pretty large, but they all carry a positive energy charge. For example, you can make a white amulet with red hearts, cove your platinum from above, having received an unusual gift for the wedding celebration. You can add to such a SWAROVSKI rhinestone gift to get original gift Beloved girl.

Horseshoes are also the perfect gift for housewarming.. They can be given to drivers who need to keep the talisman in the glove compartment, away from foreign eyes.

Talisman do it yourself

Now it is worth understanding more how to make horseshoe do it yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to stock up with a large number of diverse materials. But the process of creation implies compliance with some rituals. They are as follows:

For the manufacture of Oberega You can pick up a wide variety of materials. And each material has its own designation, for example:

Decorative Talisman Threads

For the manufacture of such a horseshoe, you can use Paneur or corrugated cardboard. Cut amulet on the template. The basis of the talisman can be covered with twine of flax or simple burlap. On the contour you can glue a pigtail braided from a small rope.

To disguise a lined nail, a chamomile can be glued to the top of the talisman, which it is considered a symbol of loyalty. You can also disguise the nail or coins.

Next, you need to make three small bags, glue with eyes on them. The bags are stuffed with grains, beans, seeds or nuts. In Decor, try more to use greens, such as grass, leaves, fruits and berries.

Details Easily fasten with the thermopystole.

Show fantasy: Make your nose from beans, eyes from buttons, beard from threads.

At the end of the talisman, it is necessary to cover with a colorless varnish to protect such beauty from insects. All empties on the talisman must be filled with flowers or greens.

The charm and decoration for the interior is ready!

From salt dough

It will be quite interesting to look amulet made from salt dough. This talisman is made according to the following instructions:

Such a horseshoe will not only be a faith for the house, but also an unusual decoration for the interior.

Refrigerator magnets

The fridge magnets in the form of a horseshoe will become a pretty and practical gift of the faith. For the manufacture of such a gift you can use any fabrics, as well as natural materials, such as coffee beans, wood and much more.

The magnet is decorated to your taste and in accordance with the symbolism, which was described above.

To make the amulet not slipped over the refrigerator, it is recommended to attach several small magnets than one large.

Consider in more detail the master class on the manufacture of magnet of coffee beans.

First of all, it is necessary to prepare large smooth roasted coffee grains. A packing cardboard, thermopystole or universal glue, scissors and cloth will be required. The material for the decor can be the most diverse, for example, rhinestones, beads, ribbons, bells and much more.

If the magnets are reliable, then the bells can be glued on the horseshoe.

Souvenir from candy

Horseshoe can act not only as a champ or souvenir, but can become original delicacy. To do this, you need to make a talisman made of sweets, the master class of which is presented below.

First of all it is necessary to prepare materials. This will require:

  1. It is necessary to cut on a 12 × 22 cm in size pattern.
  2. Next, the cardboard is applied to corrugated paper and cut two equal parts.
  3. Put golden paper for the basis.
  4. With the help of the thermopystole, the edge from the end is to cover with a decorative cord.
  5. So that the horseshoe was edible, it should be placed by chocolate coins on both sides. You can use candy of any shape and type.

It remains only to tower with a ribbon to look like a gift. You can also build a podium in the form of a basket, which will be covered with the same candy, as well as other decorations. Such an overlap can be easily presented as a gift, for example, newlyweds.

How to hang

Answering the question of how to properly hang at home, every people have their own opinion on this matter. But all opinions converge in one - this charm can simultaneously absorb negative energy and create a positive effect on the environment.

People living in the East, in European countries, as well as on the territory of Latin America, believe that this charm should be switched to the branches down, so that happiness flows directly to the owner of the house. But in Ireland, England horseshoes, on the contrary, suspend the branches up so that happiness out of it flowed. We need to hang the mascot in such a way that it was possible to get a hand to him, raging or taking accumulated wealth.

Residents of Mexico nail the mascot as high as possible so that it was impossible to touch it. They decorate at the same time they are saints and different satin ribbons. The inhabitants of Italy, on the contrary, hang horseshoes in such a way that guests can hurt it at the entrance to the house.

In ancient Russia, the charm was suspended on the ceiling above the entrance door to the house. If the talisman hung the branches down, then the evil cost the house side, and if the horseshoe hung the branches up, it symbolized the house - "full bowl".

Residents of Ukraine hang over the branches down. Supporters of Fen-Shuya believe that this mascot should hang branches up.

The original horseshoe from the threads and cardboard, made with their own hands can become an excellent souvenir or a small gift on the occasion ... Step by step photos Master class on the manufacture of horseshoe-talisman "For good luck!" will tell and clearly demonstrate to you how to make a cardboard horseshoe from threads or in this case the twine.

How to make a horseshoe from threads do it yourself

To make such a horseshoe, you need the following:

  • adhesive gun or superchalter
  • spade or thread for knitting (6 meters)
  • scissors
  • cardboard
  • decor elements (rhinestones, fats, etc.)

We make a blank, horseshoe from cardboard. You can draw it yourself, or download and print the horseshoe pattern.

That is, the hinge is thrown on the horseshoe and in it, as if from under Niza, the end of the double rope is like.

Thus, continue the horseshoe winding before it is completed.

Now proceed to the decor of the hilt.

In general, it is possible to decorate the crawl in your taste and desire, you can use cereals by making interesting floral ornaments either inventing your abstract pattern. But in this MK, the master decided to continue the theme of the twine and make elements of the decor of the horseshoe by winding the thread.

Thus, make a butterfly. We take 4 stationery clips and form a butterfly from them.

Then you need to take the twine and dissolve it into several threads. It must be done so that our butterfly is not so rude.

Now we take 2 top blanks of the butterfly and take them with threads.

Next, we take 2 lower wings and glue them (or primarily) thread.

And continue to wrap our butterfly to the end.

Also from the thread collect 3 flower of different sizes, fastening the middle of each glue.

Now we glue rhinestones and in random order put the blanks on the horseshoe.

The ends of the threads fasten and hang the flower on them.

As a result, it turned out such an interesting handicraft from threads and cardboard.

Elena Dyachenko

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention master Class« Horseshoe for happiness» .

This year horseshoe It becomes especially fashionable and relevant gift, because 2014 is a horse. Horseshoe How wagon is suspended in the house above the doors so that we always reign wealth, well-being and harmony. Hoody should hang"Horns" up, thereby forming the bowl. Wanting: "Let your house be full bowl and happiness will be full of your!"

Each element of the overawe has its own symbolic value:

Bag - Wealth Symbol - Coins - Success in Affairs

Coins - Success in Affairs

Peas, beans - wealth and abundance in the house

Apple - a symbol of love and joy

Sunflower seeds - the health of the children and the energy of the Sun;

Groats - World, Lad in the house

Buckwheat and wealth;

Millet-out of the evil eye;

The beans - the birth of a new life;

Red Pepper - Hot Love, Male Start Symbol

Walnut - a symbol of mental strength and health

Garlic, onions - from unclean power

Macrigance of desires;

Bump-hardworking and achieving success;

Weave - acquaintance and friendship;

Pumpkin, pumpkin seeds - fertility symbol, female start

Burlap - abundance

So, proceed to the manufacture of the overag. First cut out of the cardboard the basis horseshoes. Then wept it shpagat:

1. Cut off the twine fearful and fold doubly. The ends do in the resulting looting and tighten in the middle of the focus.

2. Take the left side horseshoes. For the first time, we spend the thread from above and do the end in the formed loop.

3. The second time spend the thread from below and do the end of the loop. Further alternate: from above-bottom, laid to the end of the product.

4. I turn over the work and in the same way as we flourish the other side horseshoes. Round ends fix glue. The foundation horseshoes are ready.

Now proceed with the decoration of various small objects. In the process of creating an overlook, it is necessary to constantly think about the person for whom you do it, to keep his image before a mental look, feel its energy, a mood, character, the need to make the charm really managed to protect against the many troubles and misfortunes. You can not make charging for yourself. The strongest charms are those that are made for you by your blood relatives: Father, Mother, Brother, Children. Mutually created by spouses' wubbles also have a greater force.

The incredible popularity of the horseshoe as a guard is not weakening. Modern people are still believe in the magical strength of this amulet. Many acquire a cherished horseshoe in souvenir shops. But if you like creative and do a needlework, you can make a talisman with your own hands. The main thing is in the process of investing in the wagon positive energy and good thoughts.

History of the horseshoe

The horseshoe is counted to the strongest overama.They believe in a wonderful talisman not only Slavs. Buddhists and Muslims are also convinced that this subject brings happiness. Even skeptics somewhere in the depths of the soul consider such a product with a symbol of good luck. Even the inventor Edison said: "Horseshoe brings good luck to those who do not believe in the signs."

The roots of this belief stretch into the depths of the centuries. Or rather, in Ancient Egypt. As you know, the ancient Egyptian religious holidays were carried out with great pomp. Pharaoh and his retinue moved on rich chariots. Horses harvested in them were honeyed with golden horseshoes, which sometimes flew from horsepie hoofs. Naturally, who found in road dust such a treasure became a rich, and his house is a complete bowl. The centuries passed, the horseshoes were not made of gold, but from iron, and the sign worked. True, the poor on this score was their philosophy. Not in vain the people's saying says: "To help your homes, you need to go like a horse."

Since ancient times, the horseshoe was considered the most powerful guard for the house

What is needed in the form of a horseshoe

It is believed that Horseshoe is capable of:

  • bring good luck, happiness and prosperity of its owner;
  • increase financial well-being;
  • fulfill a cherished dream;
  • clean the dwelling from negative impact and increase its energy field;
  • attract the blessing of the highest strength;
  • bring good luck in gambling;
  • shield from diseases;
  • help find love;
  • give a strong and healthy sleep.

Until now, Horseshoe remains one of the most sought-after faiths for the house

How to make it yourself

In a modern megalopolis, find the horseshoe - the task is simply unreal. Therefore, in souvenir shops, the gift version of this product is a chassis. But the strongest is considered the charm, manufactured personally.

Of course, there are a lot of mascot manufacturing options. Some require special training and equipment, for example, you need to be able to work with a tree. But there is a very simple technique for performing horseshoe-artistic techniques that can be made of girlfriend.

Horseshoe from Cardon

Cardboard can be found in any house. It often serves as the basis for which a diverse decor is applied in the future. It is easier to manufacture from this material in the form of a horseshoe simple. In this exciting process, even small children can help you. For them, it will be not only an element of learning, but also by the manifestation of creativity, the development of the ability to use a healthy material.

First, prepare all the necessary materials and tools:

  • cardboard (preferably thickening, but it will fit thin, it is easier to cut);
  • scissors or knife for paper (necessarily sharp, otherwise the edges of the workpiece may be uneven);
  • pencil;
  • pVA glue or adhesive gun (you can do without it);
  • twine, knitting threads or jew rings for tight;
  • various decor elements.

Cut the horseshoe can also be burlap, corrugated paper and even skin.

Photo Gallery: How can you cover the workpiece for the overall horseshoe

A good basis for applying the further decor is corrugated paper burlap on the workpiece of the horseshoe can be fastened with horseshoe glue, covered with genuine leather, looks very sophisticated

Manufacturing process:

  1. Apply an image of the horseshoe on a pencil cardboard. It is very easy to do, having a template at hand, you can download it from the Internet and print.
  2. With the help of scissors or a paper knife carefully cut out the workpiece.
  3. To create the foundation for the future decor, the resulting workpiece can be wrapped with knitted threads, jute rope, twine or tight burlap. Choose the thickness and color of the base to your taste.
  4. Fold the rope in half. In the resulting air loop, the sale of both end of the rope and tighten the loop. It turns out a neat nodule. You can start not from the middle of the horseshoes, but from one of the ends.
  5. Then, then process the entire workpiece. So that the threads keep tightly and did not go cloud, it is better to fix them with the help of glue or adhesive gun. Threads should fit tight towards each other during weaving.

Photo Gallery: Making horseshoes from cardboard and rope

Apply an image of the horseshoe on the cardboard and carefully cut the workpiece by folding in half the rope, the sale in the resulting loop both of its end at the end of the work you will get this billet

Design of workpiece

There is time for fantasy flight. The resulting base can not only be revived using various decor elements, but also to bring a semantic load, to make the work of the charm in one direction or another. Consider the most popular ways to design horseshoes.


This is a wonderful gift to the lover of sweet life. Create such an overag - solid pleasure.

  1. Make a blank from cardboard, wrap it with any material. You can wrap over threads, take the body of the corrugation or burlap. Golden foil looks very nice.
  2. The end of the product is re-adjusting the cord, the color of which coincides with the color of the base.
  3. With the help of a glue pistol or double-sided scotch, you attach round rapid candies with a flat base, wrapped in individual packaging. Wonderful look at the horseshoe and chocolate coins.
  4. In order for the charm to be stable, it can be fixed on a small pedestal decorated with candy or small chocolate tiles.
  5. Small flowers, beads or sisal balls can be used as an additional decor.

Candy Horseshoe - Wish Sweet Life

Coffee grains

Coffee is an excellent material for decorating horseshoe. It's easy to work with them. They do not spoil, have an interesting texture. Different degree of roasting gives the mills unique shades, and a pleasant aroma will allow wubble to carry out the function of the flavor.

  1. Billet for the coffee charm, cover with a trap or thin cloth. This material will be easy to glue the grain.
  2. If the workpiece is made of thick cardboard, it is necessary to start gluing coffee grain from the face. Then proceed to the design of the main part.
  3. The resulting charger can be decorating various elements of the decor at its discretion:
    • dried orange slices, cinnamine stick;
    • bows of fabric, twine or multi-colored threads;
    • dryweights;
    • beads.

Horseshot from coffee beats can be performed in the form of topiary, suspension or magnet.

Video: Horseshoe from coffee do it yourself


It is believed that crafts from coins symbolize wealth. And one of the functions of the horseshoe is to increase financial well-being, that is, attracting money. To double the ability of the overawege to work in this direction, you can arrange with coins or bills.

  1. Pick up coins. They need to clearly clean the soda to impart brilliance. Coins can be any dignity.
  2. If your décor is provided for a bill, you can use both real banknotes, and printed on a color printer. They can be collapsed with a tube, folded in the form of a veser, flower, etc.
  3. Make a blank of the horseshoe.
  4. With the help of adhesive gun, glue coins and bills to the base. Such a decor itself looks richly, but if you don't have enough of something, you can put in the case of beads, colored ribbons, small flowers. The main thing is not to overload the basic idea of \u200b\u200badditional elements.

Cash horseshoes can also be made in the form of topiary, magnet, on a stand or as suspension.

Horseshoe horns up attracts financial well-being in the house

What other decor elements are used and what they symbolize

Horseshoe as a chap can carry many functions. Everything will depend on the elements that you decorate it. Often use different colors, berries, flowers. Each of these elements carries its symbolic meaning:

  • a mixture of cereals - peace and paw in the house;
  • buckwheat - wealth and fertility;
  • beans and peas - abundance;
  • sunflower seeds - hospitality, family happiness, children's health;
  • corn - continuation of the kind, mutual understanding and cohesion;
  • cereal - symbol of satiety, wealth and physical strength;
  • mac - fulfillment of desires;
  • millet - protection against the evil eye;
  • pumpkin seeds - fertility;
  • sunflower flower - warm, sun;
  • chamomile - youth and love;
  • rosehip and Rowan - youth and female beauty;
  • bag - wealth;
  • nest - continuation of the kind;
  • jug or a cup - wealth;
  • garlic and onions - protection against unclean power.

Each element of the decor on the horseshoe carries its semantic load

How to make a charm in the form of a magnet

Make your own hands the horseshoe in the form of a magnet is very easy. The main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • the product must be small;
  • as a basis, it is best to take a lightweight material, for example, cardboard;
  • as a base for the decor, choose a thin fabric, corrugated paper or boron;
  • decorative elements should not be hard;
  • on the back side of the guard, glue pieces of thin magnetic sheet.

Magnets in the form of horseshoe should be small and light

Charming Horseshoe Saltic Test

The uniqueness of the salt dough is that from this militant and plastic material can be made both the horseshoe itself and the decor for it.

Classic dough recipe:

  • 1 cup of shallow salt;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 0.5 cup of cold water.

Mix flour and salt in a bowl and salt, add water gradually. The dough should be elastic. If it came out too soft, you can add more flour.

Video: how to make salted dough for modeling

Step-by-step execution Oberega

Create a horseshoe from the salt dough is easy, you only need a little skill:

  1. Prepare a lot of flour and salt, roll the rolling pin to the desired thickness (approximately 1 cm, can not be thicker, and it is not worth it).
  2. Put on the dough pattern and carefully cut out the shape of the horseshoe.
  3. From the same mass form decor. It can be flowers, leaves, berries, bags, jugs, fruits.
  4. To attach parts you just need to lubricate the surface with water with a brush.
  5. The resulting horseshoe dry in the oven at minimal temperature. The door of the oven slightly open. If you have central heating devices, the product can dry and on the battery.

Horseshoes from salt dough are obtained bright and attractive

Small tips when working with salty test

Nuances when working with salty test:

  • to give the surface a specific structure, you can use literally any item in your hand: toothpick, handle or pencil, ottoman, piece of guipure fabric;
  • coloring salted dough can be painted watercolor, gouache, acrylic;
  • the colored horseshoe must be covered with varnish, so you protect the product from moisture ingress and save the brightness of the paints;
  • it is possible to re-establish the surface of the guard, not only the elements of the test, it can be coins, beads, dried berries.

Video: how to make a horseshoe from salty dough

Horseshoe from wood

Wooden horseshoes in the form of suspension were often used to protect. But to make such an overag will not succeed. You must have a tree skill, a special tool and workpiece.

First prepare the following materials and tools:

  • wooden blank;
  • template;
  • pencil;
  • tools for wood thread;
  • lobzik for drinking.

Manufacture of the Oberega:

  1. On a wooden blank using a template or hand apply an image of the horseshoe.
  2. Working a jigsaw, carefully drink products along the contour.
  3. Thread tools Perform an ornament if necessary.
  4. Small skurt pick up the horseshoe.
  5. Apply the final decor.

Video: Horseshoe from the tree do it yourself

A coat of horseshoe from the tree can be made small, in the form of suspension on the neck, and it is possible and large in size - as an interior decoration. Decorate waging with metal elements, paints or burning paints.

Wooden horseshoes, hand-written, look very smart

Embroidered horseshoe

The horseshoe can not only be made from any material, but also to embroider. Embroideredchables are very popular, as they are easy to carry. Clothing with such a symbol will save from an evil eye, and the rushnik will have the same functions as the auramies described above.

To work you need to cook:

  • needle;
  • colored threads;
  • the material on which embroidery will be applied.

Photo Gallery: Cake Embroidery Schemes

Horseshoe, decorated with flowers, looks very smart Simple and cute embroidery for a handkerchief such an embroidery can be decorated with a towel embroidered horseshoe in the frame - a wonderful gift

Horseshoe from newspaper tubes

Newspapers, magazines, packaging paper - such materials will be found in any house. Of these, you can weave wonderful horseshoechain. It looks like such a handicraft. This option is attractive by the fact that the consumable material is always at hand, special skills (except perfection) do not have to have. Yes, and time for the manufacture of a pretty horseshoe need a little.

Prepare for work:

  • newspaper tubes;
  • a piece of wire;
  • pVA glue;
  • veil;
  • elements for decorating the product.

Video: Learning to twist the tube from paper

The process of creating horseshoe from newspaper tubes

Materials are ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of horseshoes:

  1. We make the framework of the future product. To do this, we insert the wire into the newspaper tube and form a horseshoe.
  2. In the free tip of one tube, we glue the other to start weaving.
  3. We begin to swell the frame, selling the tip of the tube inside the shape. We derive on the other hand, turn around the frame and again we are writing inside.
  4. When the frame is braided completely, cutting the remaining tail and fix it with glue.
  5. The finished product is coated first by PVA glue, half a diluted water, and after drying, we open the veneer into one or 2 layers.
  6. The final stage of the work will be gluing the decor.

Photo Gallery: Step-by-step manufacturers from newspaper tubes

With the help of a wire, which has been to the newspaper tube, form the horseshoe frame to sell the tip of the tube inside the shape, begin to catch the horseshoe prepared horseshoe from the newspaper tubes coating the plow glue from the newspaper tubes is very easy, but it looks just wonderful

Horseshoe pillow

Handicraft in the form of a pillow - an excellent gift to lovers of long-distance trips or people working at a computer. It is very useful to such a product and those who have small kids. Needlewoman make this useful thing will be easy.

Horseshoe pillow will be useful to young parents

To start work, prepare:

  • fabric (preferably soft and natural);
  • traction for pattern;
  • pencil;
  • centimeter tape;
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • pins for sewing;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • filler.

Making a pillow in the form of a horseshoe

  1. Apply an image in the form of a horseshoe. Pattern Build, taking into account the filmed measurements.
  2. A piece of fabric fold in front of the face.
  3. Pattern secure on the fabric using a sewing pin.
  4. Using chalk or pencil, circle pillow contours.
  5. Scissors cut the details of the pattern. Do not forget to leave the allowances on the seams.
  6. Pull the product along the edge, leaving the filler with one end.
  7. Remove the product on the front side.
  8. Tightly type the pillow through the left hole. Hollofiber, bamboo fiber, silicone can be used as a filler. You can add dried herbs: chamomile, lavender flowers, peppermint.
  9. Locking the open edge to fit into and squeeze manually.

The pillow can be sewed from bright elegant fabric and decorate the application, and you can make a pattern in the form of a funny little animal.

Photo Gallery: Step-by-Step Horseshoe Pillow Production

Having removed the measure, build the pattern with a pin. Fasten the pattern on the tissue sewing machine. Connect the pattern parts. Hole for filler.
Cushion in the form of a horseshoe can be given a fun

How to activate charm

In the old days of the coat, the horseshoe, which was randomly found on the road or in the field. But modern realities change everything. Even souvenir horseshoe purchased in the store can be considered a guard. But buy only the one that most liked.

Before hanging the wagon on the wall of the house or above the door, spend the rite that was performed for a long time. It is very simple. Each family member must hold the horseshoe in the hands, so that good luck gets every living in the house.

Even the horseshoe purchased in the souvenir shop has magical forces

There are some more ways to activate the overall horseshoe for good luck:

  • get 5 fine church candles, put them so that a circle formed, inside which hodorated should be lying, clockwise lit candles and spend a conspiracy three times: "Horseshoe for happiness, give me (name) happiness"; Turn the conspiracy charm only after the candles -
  • in full moon, with clear weather, put the horseshoe on the windowsill so that the horns watched in the side of the street, the moonlight should fall on the charm; In the morning, the charged amulet is ready to occupy his place.

Full moon can be charged with horseshoe, so that she brings happiness

Using a horseshoe

Nuances of using horseshoe as a guard:

  • the product fastened up the product will bring prosperity and well-being to the house, and if you kill it with horns down, you will get the powerful protection of the house from any angry;
  • a drop of wax from the church candle, applied to the charm, will strengthen its protective effect;
  • the keys to the house, suspended on the horseshoe, increase its magical forces;
  • if you jump out the product on the northwestern plot near the house, you can count on the prosperous outcome of all your cases and undertakings;
  • the magnet on the refrigerator will prevent quarrels and scandals in the family.

The charm can save and multiply your well-being. Apply the image of the horseshoe on the casket with money or put the small steel copy inside.


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