Women's archetypes. Thai

Women's archetypes. Thai


Abstract on the topic:


Tyukh (Tieta, Tiehe, Tichery Greek. Τύχη , "Accident", what fell on the lot) - in the Greek mythology the goddess of the chance and good luck.

In ancient Roman mythology, it corresponds to Fortune. Olya did not occur in classical mythology, but appeared only in the era of Hellenism as a conscious opposition to the ancient idea of \u200b\u200bconstant fate. It symbolizes the variability of the world, his instability and the accident of any fact of personal and public life.

The name of Tyite, Oceanids and Persephone companions, first meet in Homer's hymn to Demeter, but this character has nothing to do with the goddess of Tyukh.

Archloha in Tyute is near Moyra; Pyndara she is a daughter of Zeus and is also close to Moram. Pausania agrees with the words of Pandara that Tyhe is one of Moire and she is stronger than his sisters. Offikov, Tyite associates with Artemida.

Tyuyu is personified in the drams of Euripid and acts as an important driving force in an Hellenistic drama. The acting face of the comedy Menandra "Shield". Her statue of the work of Prakkitel in Megares. Statue in Corinth. Some consider it the constellation of the Virgin.

Tyukha on the reverse of the coin of Gordian III.

  1. Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1991-92. In 2 tons 2. S.515, Lycker F. Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities. M., 2001. In 3 t. T3. P.446; See Nonn. Acts of Dionysus II 669
  2. Homer Homer V 420
  3. fRG. 8 Diel.
  4. Pind. OL. XII.
  5. Pausania. Description Ellala VII 26, 8
  6. Orphic, FR.204 KERN; Ofic hymns lxxii
  7. Pausania. Description Ellala I 43, 6
  8. Pausania. Description Ellala II 2, 7
  9. Pseudo-Eratosthen. Catterisms 9; Hygin. Astronomy II 25, 2


  • Tahoe-godi A. A., Greek mythology, 132 articles // Myths of the peoples of the world. T. 2. - M.: OV. Encyclopedia, 1982.
  • Tahoe-godi A. A., Nature and case as the stylistic principles of the newatical comedy, in Sat.: Questions of classical philology, 1971, No. 3-4, p. 217-72
  • Sinitsyn A. A. 1998: Fukidide and the concept of fate - TYCHE in the Greeks in V c. BC e. - Elar.uniyar.ac.ru/jspui/handle/123456789/1513: Auth. Diss ... k.I.N. Saratov.
  • Strohm N., Tyche. Zur Schicksalauffassung Bel Pindar Und Den Trühgriechischen Dichtern, Stuttg., 1944.
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization executed 13.07.11 17:51:34
Related Schedules:

) - In ancient Greek mythology, the deity of the case, Goddess of Good luck and fate. In ancient Roman mythology, it corresponds to Fortune. Olya did not occur in classical mythology, but, as A. A. Tahoe-Goodi notes, appeared only in the era of Hellenism as a conscious opposition to the ancient idea of \u200b\u200bthe constant fate. It symbolizes the variability of the world, his instability and chance.

She began to worship in Athens in the V century BC. e. And her cult especially spread to the era of Hellenism. A number of cities, in particular Antioch and Alexandria considered it their own patronage goddess.

Tyuyu is personified in the drams of Euripid and acts as an important driving force in an Hellenistic drama. The acting face of the comedy Menandra "Shield". Her statue of the work of Prakkitel in Megares. Statue in Corinth. Some consider it to the constellation of the Virgin.

In honor of Tyukha, the asteroid (258) Tichea, opened in 1886.

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  • // Myths of the Peoples of the World: Encycle. in 2 tons / ch. ed. S. A. Tokarev. - 2nd ed. - m. : Soviet Encyclopedia, 1988. - T. 2: Kroom. - P. 515.
  • Quiet // Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities \u003d Reallexikon Des Klassischen Altertums: Leipzig: BG Teubner Verlag, 1855: [Per. from it. ]: In 3 tons / Avt.-Cost. F. Lycker. - m. : Olma-Press, 2001. - T. 3. - P. 446. - ISBN 5-224-01511-1.
  • NonN. Acts of Dionysus II 669
  • Sinitsyn A. A. 1998 :: Auth. Diss ... k.I.N. Saratov.
  • Strohm N., Tyche. Zur Schicksalauffassung Bel Pindar Und Den Trühgriechischen Dichtern, Stuttg., 1944.

see also


A month later, a change in the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers) was made to the strength of both troops (spirit and numbers), as a result of which the advantage of the Russian Federation turned out to be a change in the robbery of the Russian troop. Despite the fact that the position of French troops and its number were unknown by the Russians, as soon as the attitude changed, the need for an occurrence immediately expressed in countless signs. The signs of these were: and sending Loriston, and the abundance of the province in Tarutin, and the information came from all the parties about the inaction and unrest of the French, and the recruitment of our regiments with recruits, and good weather, and a long holiday of Russian soldiers, and usually arising in the troops due to recreation Impatience to fulfill the case for which everyone is collected, and curiosity about what was done in the French army, so long ago, and the courage, with which the Russians who stood in Tarutina, and the news of the light victories over the French of the French and partisans and envy excited by this, and the feeling of revenge lying in the soul of every person until the French were in Moscow, and (most importantly) is unclear, but the consciousness of every soldier who arose in the soul of the fact that the relation of the force has changed now and the advantage Located on our side. The substantial attitude of the forces has changed, and the offensive has become necessary. And immediately, as well, how to beat and play in the clock, Kurats, when the arrow made a full circle, in the highest spheres, respectively, a significant change in forces, reinforced movement, hissing and the game of the chimes.

The Russian army was controlled by Kutuzov with his headquarters and a state truck from St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, even before receiving the news of the leave of Moscow, a detailed plan of the entire war was compiled and sent to Kutuzov to leadership. Despite the fact that this plan was drawn up under the assumption that Moscow is still in our hands, this plan was approved by the headquarters and was accepted for execution. Kutuzov wrote only that long-range diversion is always difficult to fulfill. And to resolve the difficulties, new instructions and persons who must follow their actions were sent and convey about them.
In addition, the entire headquarters transformed into the Russian army. The places of killed Bagration and offended, who was borclae, was replaced. Very seriously thought about what would be better: A. Put in place B., and B. in place D., or, on the contrary, D. in place A., etc., as if anything, besides the pleasure of A. and B., could depend on this.
In the headquarters of the army, on the occasion of the hostility of Kutuzov with his headquarters, Benigsen, and the presence of trusted persons of the sovereign and these movements, was more than usually, the complex game of parties: A. Digid under B., D. under S., etc. ., In all possible movements and combinations. With all these dugouts, the subject of intrigue mostly was the military affair who thought to lead all these people; But this military thing went regardless of them, just as it should have to go, that is, never coinciding with the fact that people came up with, and emerging from the essence of the relationship of the masses. All these invented, crossing, confusing, represented in higher spheres only the right reflection of what had had to be accomplished.
"Prince Mikhail Ilarionovich! - wrote the sovereign from October 2 in the letter received after the Tarutin battle. - From September 2, Moscow in the hands of the enemy. The last of your reports from the 20th; And during this time, not just nothing has been done to action against the enemy and liberation of the first-hearth capital, but even, according to your last reports, you still retreated back. Serpukhov is already engaged in a detachment of enemy, and Tula, with the famous and so for the army with the necessary plant, in danger. According to reports from General Wincgerode, I see that the enemy of the 10,000th corps moves through the St. Petersburg road. Another, a few thousand, is also served to Dmitrov. The third moved forward on the Vladimir Road. The fourth, rather significant, stands between Ruzoy and Mozhaisk. Napoleon himself 25 E number was in Moscow. According to all the SIM, when the enemy, the enemy of the strong detachments crushed his strength when Napoleon is still in Moscow himself, with his guard, is it possible that the efforts of the enemy who are in front of you have been significant and did not allow you to act offensively? With probability, on the contrary, it should believe that he pursues you with squadders or at least a corps, much weaker than the army, you are entrusted. It seemed that, using this circumstances, you could with the benefit of attacking the enemy weaker than you and destroy it or, at least, how to retreat it, to preserve the notable part of the province in our hands, now the enemy occupied, and thereby disrupt the danger from Tula and other inland our cities. Your responsibility will remain if the enemy is able to divide the significant building for St. Petersburg for the threatening of this capital, in which there could not be a lot of troops, because with the army, acting with decisive and activity, you have all the means to disapperate this new misfortune. Recall that you are still obliged to answer the offended Fatherland in the loss of Moscow. You have experienced my readiness to reward you. This willingness will not weaken in me, but I and Russia have the right to expect from you to all the zeal, hardness and success that your mind, military talents, and the courage of troops, you are led by, we are foreshadowed. "

Astrey century

Blind happiness

Hand Nemesis

Nemesis (νέμεσις) Greeks called the goddess of revenge and harsh justice. They portrayed it in the form of a winged woman with a scribe and a sword in their hands, like a deity of the omnipresent, punishable violation of social and moral norms.

Currently, the word "Nemesis" is applied with the value of "fair retribution"; And under the "Nemesis" means the strength and power of the state court.

There is such a winged expression as "four" k ". There are four German words beginning with one letter: Kinder, Kuche, Kirhe, Kleider (children, kitchen, church, outfits).

So, once the German emperor Wilhelm II responded about the feminist movement and in general about the idea of \u200b\u200bfemale equality, saying that a German woman is obliged to know only "children, a kitchen, church and outfits."

However, the German emperor probably ordered that the ancient tied the golden age of humanity with a woman. In addition, in antiquity, again, in women's hands was happiness and retribution.

Astrey century

The expression of the "Astrey Century" today can be found only in old-old books, and it is quite rare. In today's daily speech, the "golden age" says much more often.

So, who was Astrey, and why do we use the phrase "Golden Age"?

In the myths of antiquity, Astreya was the goddess of justice, the daughter of Almighty Zeus, the Father of Gods and People, and the Goddess of the Justice of Femids.

The goddess Astreya was sent to the parents to live on earth in order to help people live honestly and fairly. However, without making their crimes, she ascended to heaven. It was then that the "Astrey Century", the "Golden Age", that is, the golden time of fabulous happiness. Later, this expression began to characterize a happy life strip or a joy of joy.

As for the goddess of Astrey, it has been shining in the sky in the constellation of the zodiac under the name of the Virgin.

Blind happiness

Very often in the museums of sculptures and painting, you can see the image of a young woman riding somewhere on the winged wheel, symbolizing the instability and changes in the world. This is an ancient Greek Goddess of Tyukha (quiet) - the goddess of the case and good luck, abundance and happiness, with which the Romans identified their goddess Fortune. In her hands, she has a horn of abundance, and his eyes closes the bandage: that is why happiness is considered blind.

Ancient believed that the success of a person does not depend on any other reasons except from the chance. In addition, any happiness is short. It is not by chance that the goddess flies around the world with his eyes closed, a rape sampling of his gifts: you look, they got on you ... However, the "Fortune Wheel" turned, and the goddess is already far ...

Of course, today we understand that our happiness is in our hands, thanks to the positive attitude and thoughts (not to the detriment of the other), who unfold the wheel of fortunes in your direction ...

Taja (Olya, Fortune) - Archetype, which combines contradictory desires of limitless control over their own and other people's lives, and absolute fearlessness before the consequences.

Taife is a woman who has many ideas and related emotions that are constantly changing, and ideas can be radically opposite. This is an archetype light and cheerful, but at the same time very powerful and emotionally excited woman.

Such women love to watch the lives of friends and acquaintances, advise them to act. Often Tich forms and sends the life of his family members. This woman always knows how to act correctly at the moment, but can not plan the future, since much in her life depends on the momentum impulse.

Taife is a bit paradoxically building relations with people, she chooses a circle of communication in the type "Like - I don't like" without having quite good reason for this. Bustling emotionality in such cases is expressed or in full acceptance despite the shortcomings or in constant struggle against imaginary enemies, despite their advantages. Just like in myths - if someone at the top of the Fortune Wheels, then someone must be at the bottom.

Thiet women are perceived as an emotional, kind and sympathetic girlfriend. Taja loves to listen to the frank women's conversations in which her thought is valued and taken into account. Her friends are often guided by Tich's advice, thereby removing themselves some of the responsibility for their actions, she also likes to manage, and the associated feeling of power and control. It rarely feels sincere pity for the suffering of others.

Quiet is a pretty good manipulator, can bring someone to your circle of communication, but if for some reason the person becomes unpleasant to her, she makes the workshop so that the circumstances and attitude of others do not allow him to stay in the same place and in the same position . All these logical actions are usually provoked by a powerful emotional pulse - through one wrong step of the girlfriend, a negligent word or action. But emotionality also plays a role when, after a relatively short period of time, friendship is also restored as suddenly, as stopped.

In a relationship with men, she reminds of Athena with his coldness in achieving the goal, but quiet can quite often, brightly and sensually falling in love with various men and the appearance of men with whom she should be interested. If a quiet falls in love, she tries to help the object of sympathy, but cannot but show its essence, and over time, it starts to manipulate them, taking part in all his endeavors, directing it in the work or simply working nearby, giving advice. Such a woman will surely want to know everything about her man, which happens to him and what he feels.

Who is the God of wealth from the Greeks? He is not alone. Ancient Greek mythology amazes with its versatility. It combines morality, ethical principles and culture of many European peoples. Mythology is distinguished by special thinking, the study of peace and man's place in it. For help in all endeavors, the ancient Greeks turned to the powerful deities, sending them to the right path and giving them good luck in everything. Who are the gods of wealth from the Greeks? It is about them that will be discussed in the article.

Attitude to wealth in ancient Greece

IN Ancient Greece Skeptically believed to wealth: it was believed that earning money is much easier than to earn a good name and glory. IN ancient Greek mythology Often there are cases when the poor man from the people took the top over the rich aristocracy, which did not have authoritative and respect among the Greeks. Before Greece became an economically developed state, priority was given to intangible spheres: medicine, philosophy, science and sport.

Later, agriculture, craft and trade are actively developing. It was then that the ancient Greek gods of wealth, fertility and commerce: Demeter, Mercury, Hermes and Plutos came to the foreman's foreman.

At first, the ancient Greeks were grown by grain crops, but with the development of trade, it became an uncomplicated occupation, and the enterprising people began to trade cultures with which Greece is rich in olive oil and grapes. Together with the development of trade, money began to appear.

In parallel, the slave-owned construction was developed: slaves were the subject of trade, their work was applied in the craft.

God of wealth at the Greeks - Plutos. With his appearance, such a concept is becoming popular as "money." These were respectful and tried to keep each coin. Each policy pulled out its own money, and trade stretched far beyond Greece. Mobile intermediaries were the wandering colonies, the traces of which were found in the Black Sea, not far from the current Sevastopol, Kerch and Feodosia.

With the development of the economy, the dealers who change money among policies appeared. They made interest rates, gave loan and accepted contributions. Bankers gathered huge amounts, and they had the opportunity to earn in power.

As mentioned earlier, the first goddess relating to enrichment was demeter.


Demetra is one of the most influential and respected goddesses of Greece. This is the goddess of wealth and fertility. In her honor, the celebrations and honors were held everywhere in Greece, especially in months of crops and harvest. It is believed that without assistance and will demeters will not be harvest: the farmers turned to her for help and blessings on crops, and women asked fertility and the ability to endure a child. An interesting feature is that Homer paid very little attention to this goddess: she almost always remained in the shadow of even less powerful gods. Based on this, we can conclude that in the early years, other methods of enrichment prevailed in Greece, and the farming passed to the fore, it is much later, to give way for cattle breeding. The location of the goddess has thrown the agriculture. Related weather conditions and a rich harvest.

According to legends, Demeter was the first one who plowed the earth and sowed grains in it. The Greeks, who witnessed this, were confident that the grains would ruin in the ground, but after some time the harvest climbed. Demetra taught people to care for sowing and cultivate grain, and later presented them with other cultures.

Demeter - Daughter of Kronos and Rei, the only girl in the family. Her brothers are powerful asid, Poseidon and Zeus. We had strange relations with the demeters brothers: she disliked Poseidon, and Aida hated Aida. With Zeus, Demeters had a marriage, presented the daughter of Persephone.

Demeter and Persephone - the ancient Greek gods of wealth and fertility

Persephone adopted the relay of his mother and became the goddess of fertility and agriculture. Demeter loved her only chiller's daughter very much and passed her wisdom. She answered his mother reciprocity.

Once an incredible grief happened, having sinking Demeter: her daughter was kidnapped. Made this God of the Underground Kingdom of Aid, Brother Demeters. The permission for this gave Zeus himself, who promised his brother his daughter as a spouse.

Nothing suspected Persephone walked with her girlfriends on green meadows, and then the future spouse kidnapped her. He stunned a girl deep underground, and his mother killed by grief wandered over the lands, looking for her. Demeter did not eat and did not drink a few months, the crop pastures were dried, and his daughter did not appear. Zeus spoke about the contract demeter, but she refused to share his beloved daughter with his brother, who hated since childhood.

Zeus appealed to Aida with a request to return the mother's daughter, but he agreed with one condition: two thirds of the percept will hold fertility with his mother, and for one third of the year she will go down to the underground kingdom, swallowing the grenade grains before this. Thus, the ancient Greeks explained the change of seasons and sowing.

Demeter and Triptole

Triptole is also the God of wealth in the ancient Greeks. Once the goddess of fertility decided to give the gift to the son of King Elevsina - tryptole. She taught him to plow his land, handle her and gave branches for sowing. Tripltole plowed the fertile paradise lands three times and threw wheat branches in them.

After some time, the Earth brought a rich harvest, who blessed Demeter herself. She gave the triptole to a handful of grain and a magic chariot, which could move across the sky. She asked her mentor to step around the world, teaching people to agriculture and distributing fertile grains. He fulfilled the instructions of the goddess and moved down.

Everywhere, where the God of wealth visited (this is described in this) on his chariot, the fields with a rich harvest stretched. As long as he arrived in Scythia, to the tsar of Lynch. The king decided to pick up all the grains and the fame of the triptolem for himself, killing him in a dream. Demetra could not allow the death of his assistant and arrived to help him turning the line in Lynx. He ran into the forest, and soon he left Scythia at all, and the god of money and wealth at the Greeks - Triptole - continued his way, teaching people to agriculture and agriculture.


The ancient Greek God of wealth of Plutos is the son of Demetra and Titan Jasion. According to the myths, Demmera and Iiastani in love with the temptation on the island of Crete and conceived Plutos on three times a plowed field. Seeing a couple in love, Zeus came to rabies and incited the father of Plutos zipper. The boys of the boy were engaged in the goddesses of the world and the case - Aireren and Taikh.

It is believed that Plutos, God of wealth, was blind and gave people arbitrarily, not paying attention to their external data or status in society. Gifted by plutos received unprecedented material benefits. Dazzled God Jupiter, who was afraid that Plutos would be unfair and is biased in the distribution of wealth. Therefore, good luck in the material plan can be overtaken as bad and good people.

In the art of God the wealth is depicted in the form of a baby with in hand. Most often, the baby holds either the goddess of Fortune, or the goddess of the world.

Most often, the name of the plutos is associated with Demetra and Persephone. It accompanies and helps everyone who is a favorabled goddess of fertility.

The Greek God of Wealth Plutos introduced such a thing as the "good". People began to carefully treat material benefits: to postpone the money and multiply them. Previously, the Greeks did not give of particular Material values, they were not disturbed by the improvement and standard of living.

Comedy "Plutos"

The comedy was written and set an ancient Greek comedized Aristophane. In it, the Greek God of wealth Plutos is depicted as a blind old man who is not able to properly distribute wealth. He gifts dishonest and vigilant people, because of what he loses all his wealth.

On the path of Plutosu, a resident of Athens is coming, which returns his eyesight. God of wealth sees again, and it helps him rightly reward people to their merit. Plutos becomes rich again and returns respect for the people.

Plutos in the "Divine Comedy"

Plutos, God of wealth in Greek mythology, was depicted in the "Divine Comedy" poem, which was written in 1321 Dante Aligiery. He was a gatekeeper at the fourth circle of hell and had a kind of a beastly demon. He guarded the circle of hell, on which there were miser, waste workers and greedy souls.


In honor of the god of wealth was called one of the political regimes - plutocracy. The term was introduced at the end of the 19th century and characterizes the form of government, in which state decisions are made not by the will of the majority (people), but a small group of oligarchic clans that are in the shade. Such a state rule the money primarily, and the legitimately chosen government is completely subordinate to the wealthy clan.

Plutos and Pluto: Ancient Greek gods of money, wealth and abundance

In a period of ancient Greek mythology, two deities were recented - Pluto (God of the Underground Kingdom) and Plutos (God of wealth and abundance). This is explained by the fact that AID has countless wealth, stored deep underground. There are also many myths that unite these gods.

According to more ancient myths, Aid - the mother of Mother of Plutos, Demeters, so the uncle has to him. But in later myths, it was argued that this is one deity. This confirms the consistency of their names: Plutos and Pluto.


This is a symbol of endless riches that occurred from the myths of ancient Greece. The horn belongs to Goat Amalfoe, who focused his little Zeus with his milk, hiding from his father of Kronos on the island of Crete.

There is another legend about its origin. Hercules turned a river river to God during the battle. He showed mercy and returned his owner's horn. He did not remain in debt and presented the world of a horn of abundance, filled with wealth.

In art, this symbol is depicted inverted riding down, through a hole in which a variety of fruits are eructed: fruits and vegetables, sometimes coins. Most often, the horn of abundance keeps the God of wealth in the Greeks - Plutos. On some sculptures with this symbol, the goddess of justice is a femis.

In ancient Greece, coins were minted with the image of a horn of abundance from the reverse side. It should have attracted new money and help to keep their property.

In the Middle Ages, the horn of the abundance was transformed into the Holy Grail, which is a source of eternal life and wealth.

Mercury (Hermes)

Mercury is the God of wealth, trade and patron of thieves. It is depicted in a helmet and sandals with wings, a conciliatory rod and a bag filled with gold coins.

The God of wealth in the Greeks Mercury was borrowed by the Romans from the Greeks after their conquest. In ancient Greece, Mercury was called Hermes. Initially, it was the god of livestock and cattle breeding. In the time of Homer, he became an intermediary between the gods. It was then that he received wings on his sandals and helmet to quickly move, performing various tasks. He also had a conciliatory stick from gold, with her help he allowed conflicts and disputes.

With development agriculture He became a patron saint of bread and grain, later, when market relations were actively developed, the god of trading and the patron of merchants. It was treated for help in pupils, trade transactions and in the exchange of goods.

It is believed that it was Hermes, the Greek God of wealth, presented the figures to the Greeks and taught them to count them. Prior to that, people paid for the eye, without giving a special amount of money.

Even later, Hermes became a patron saint of thieves: he was depicted with a wallet in her hands or with knitted hands next to Apollo - a hint of theft.

When the Romans won Greece, they borrowed Hermes God, renaming it to Mercury. They had a god of prosperity, enrichment, trade and arrived.

Nowadays, the image of Mercury can be found on the emblems of banks, major trading firms and auction exchanges.

King Midas and Gold

In ancient Greek mythology, Midas was the king of Frigia. Since childhood, he knew that he would be a rich and influential person: he pointed out all the signs of fate. Even small ants brought the grains and folded them in his mouth.

One day, Silen was hit by Midasa - Teacher Dionysus. He got lost in the forest when Dionysis led his army through Frigia. King Midas saw it and poured wines in the streams, passing through the forest. Silen got drunk water mixed with wine, and immediately inxicane. Unable to get out of the forest, he wandered for a long time until Midas met him and did not take him to Dionysus.

Happy Dionysis offered Midas to guess any desire. He wished the "Golden Touch": so that everything that his hand would touch, became gold.

Dionysis conquered the desire of the king, and he made a magnificent celebration, covering the table with various drinks and dishes. But at the table, he understood that he would die of thirst and hunger, because food and drinks in his hands became gold.

The king rushed to Dionysus with a request to deprive him, and he ordered him to redeem in the Paktol River. Midas lost the ability to turn everything into gold, and the river after that became golden.

Nowadays, the expression "Touch of Midasa" means the ability to quickly earn money from the air and be successful in all endeavors.


Cairos is a revered deity in the ancient Greeks. He was a patron of a chance - a happy Mig, who can give good luck and prosperity, if you grab it in time. He is always somewhere near the chronos - the patron saint of the sequence of time. But in contrast to the chronos of a brief, it is very difficult to meet and catch: it appears only for a second and instantly disappears.

The Greeks believed that Kairos could point them to a happy moment, in which they smile at which they would smile, and the gods would be favorable in all endeavors.

God silently and quickly moves among ordinary mortals, to face him face to face - a rarity and good luck. At this point, the main thing is not to be confused, grab Cairos for a long chub and ask the fate of all that you wish. We lose a chance - great sin, as it is given only once in life.

Cairos is depicting young boys with wings behind her back and in sandals. He's on his head - a long golden curl for which he can try to grasp. In the hands of Cairos - scales, which indicates that he is fair and sends good luck to those who worry hard and wishes success.


In ancient Greek mythology, this goddess of good luck, happy fate and patroness of the case. Tyukh - daughter of the ocean and thesis (mothers of gods and patroness of all rivers).

Tyute became a cult deity when ordinary people were shaken in the gods and in their ability. The ancient Greeks believed that Oit accompanies people from birth and throughout their lives. Many cities considered their patrons with their patrons, her image was minted on coins, and her statues were decorated at home.

Pictured the goddess in the crown and with the main attributes: the wheel (symbolizing the variability of good luck, hence the expression "Fortune Wheel") and an abundance horn. Often Tyute holds on the hands of a little plutos - the god of the wealth, which she brought up on the island of Crete secretly from his


When the Romans won Greece, they adopted the goddess of Tyukha, calling her fortune. This is a goddess of good luck, happiness, prosperity and success.

According to the mythology, Fortuna dropped the wings, arriving in Rome, and promised to stay there forever. Over time, the cult of fortunes developed rapidly, eclipsed by the rest of the gods. She was thanked for the sent luck and even for failures and grief. She also called firstborn, happy, good and merciful. All babies and newborns were dedicated to her, her touch determined the fate of man.

Later, when the moral and ethical foundations began to gradually collapse, the goddess of Fortuna became a patronage of homemade hearth, love and family happiness, both in women and men.

Fortuna decorated and in art was depicted in the form of a woman with a horn of abundance on the shoulder, from which wealth is erupted - fruits, vegetables and gold. Sometimes she kept the chariot in their hands or standing on the nose of the ship. It symbolized the changeability of fate.

Many Greek gods of wealth and good luck to this day live in mythology. Is there a proportion of truth or myth always remains myth? Everyone has their own opinion on this. In any case, it is interesting and informative.


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